Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, January 31, 1986, Image 1

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    Oregon Collection
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VOL. 11 NO. 3
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TheKWSIKWSO studios are located at the edge oftheKah-Nee-
a view oj the village and golf course.
Sadler turns attention to Oregon's future
The Oregon chapter of the
American Fisheries Society
meeting at Kah-Nee-Ta January
22-24 opened its conference with
its guest speaker, syndicated
Oregon columnist Russell Sadler.
"We have wandered off into a
waterless drift," Sadler began.
Oregon isn't the Oregon of ten
years ago. Fundamental changes
have occurred over the years.
The question now is "What must
we do to gain control over our
Sadler pointed out that fewer
Americans own their own homes
now than in the 1930s. The
deregulation of interest rates
affected the timber industry along
with individuals.
Although lumber production
is nearly what it was in 1979 it
takes only 3.4 workers to do the.
same job that 4.79 workers did
then. Big mills closed and these
private mill owners took their
money and went south.
Independent lumber compa- "
nies, feeling loyalty to their com
munities, remained and moder
nized their mills to meet smaller
timber size requirements. The
16 41 32
17 43 28
18 60 31
19 39 36
20 45 26
21 43 25
22 40 34
23 52 34
24 48 25
25 46 26
26 42 30
27 46 30
28 42 36
'arm Springs News
major problems now is not supply
but marketing. Timber is avail
able in places other than Oregon.
Oregon no longer dominates
the market.
The state must find other
industries to supply employment
for its residents. Agriculture is
not the industry for that as
machines have greatly replaced
High-tech industry helps but
it is not the total answer. "It is
not a cure-all," Sadler pointed
Tourism has its disadvantages
but it could be the base of
Oregon's economy. Oregon's
"economic future lies in peddling
its assets." A wild river system
and national parks could be
managed for habitat protection
and yet provide an attraction to
tourists and an economic base
for Oregon's future.
Concluding his speech and
speaking on a subject familiar
to participants of the AFS confe
Steps taken to contain health care costs
I J I A ..
Health care costs have risen
dramatically in recent years and
in order for the Confederated
Tribes of Warm Springs insu
rance department to better serve
insured employees, steps have
been taken to contain costs to
the Tribe. The changes were all
effective January I.
The physicians of each insured
Revenue Sharing Report
available for inspection
All interested persons are here
by notified that the General
Revenue Sharing Actual Use
Report for the Calendar Year
1984, of the Warm Springs
Reservation of Oregon is avail
Ta Hamlet in the former recreation building. Announcers have
rence Sadler emphasized several
points for Oregon's future that
must be carefully treated and
studied. Private fish hatcheries
are "doomed and are no longer
a threat. . .The public is relucant
to make public policy to protect
private interests."
The federal government, how
ever, will be looking for ways to
get out from hatchery funding.
Sadler adds, "a solution will be
required. . ."It could cost us the
resource if we don't plan for it."
The Forest Products Act "will
not protect forests and resources,"
Sadler explained. Important
forest management decisions for
Oregon must be made in Oregon.
Indian treaties must be
accepted, insisted Sadler. "A
succession of supreme courts
and changes of idealogical
balance have supported the inter
pretation of those treaties."The
Indian people need to be brought
in more closely to the planning
employee or dependent must
obtain pre-certification from
Evergreen Medical Systems lo
cated in Vancouver, Washington
prior to hospitalization or surgery
which are non life-threatening
in order to receive full health
care benefits. If pre-certification
is not obtained, benefits will be
reduced by half.
The maximum paid by the
able lor public inspection. The
report and the supporting docu
mentation for which the report
was prepared are on file at the
Administration Building from
8.00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday
through Friday.
e News
Winter fishing season set
The Washington Oregon state
Columbia River Fish Compact
today set the following fishing
seasons for the Zone 6 winter
season and sturgeon setline
Winter Season: Open noon
February 1 to noon March 21.
No mesh restrictions.
Sturgeon Setline Season: Open
ten (10) months. Closed from
noon April 30 to noon July 1.
Fishing area: Same as 1985,
except all river mouth closure
areas will be open (new), and
Changes seen at Resort
When the phones rings at
Kah-Nee-Ta nowadays, the switch
board operator doesn't answer
with just "Kah-Nee-Ta Resort,"
it's "Kah-Nee-Ta Resort and
Spa." The subtitle, but far
reaching change has some people
confused. Others hope the change
will present to potential cus
tomers a cleaner picture of exact
ly what facilities Kah-Nee-Ta
offers to its guests. The Lodge is
Tribe for alcohol and drug abuse
treatment is $5,000 in a 24 month
period. The insured will be respon
sible for repaying the Tribe 10
percent of the cost, not to exceed
$500. Repayment can be handled
one of three ways. The cost can
be deducted from a payroll
deduction. The insured can also
perform community service work
or contract work. The first night
room and board nor the deducti-
ble will apply to treatment.
Prescription costs, which will
not apply to an insured's deducti
ble, will be handled differently.
An insured will pay $3.00 per
prescription at PSG pharmacies.
The Tribe will pay the balance
of the costs upon receipt of an
invoice from the pharmacy. PSG
is a state-wide pharmacy organi-
JANUARY 31, 1986
Lincoln's Birthday powwow
scheduled for Feb. 14-16
The Tenth Annual Lincoln's
Birthday powwow will be held
in the new Simnasho Longhouse
February 14, 15 and 16. There
will be over $10,000 in prize
money for the various contests.
The powwow is sponsored by
the Simnasho Longhouse Elders
and committee.
The contest divisions for the
powwow are as follows: traditio
nal and fancy for 7-12 years
boys and girls; traditional and
fancy for 13-17 boys and girls;
traditional and fancy for 18-49
years for men and women; tradi
tional for 50 and over for men
and women; open team with
three to a team for men and
women of all ages; and the
drummers contest. Three dancers
will be selected from each session
for the finals contests. For the
Light bills cause shock
Opening their December light
bill, many people experienced a
momentary trip into the "twilight
zone." It was a horrifying experi
ence for many, in some cases
bills were in the $300 neighbor
hood. But in reality the bills
showed the actual useage for
the cold spell during December
and November.
There were several reasons
the sanctuary area above the
Dalles Dam is now one mile
above the fish ladder exits (was
previously the southeast corner
of Horsethief Lake). Gear: Same
as 1985.
The maximum length of a
gillnet is 400 feet (same as
adopted by the Tribes in the
1985 fall season).
Fishermen should check with
their tribal fish and wildlife com
mittees for tribal regulations
which may differ from the above
state regulations.
now called the Hotel and Village
is now referred to as the Vacation
The change came through a
suggestion made by the resort's
public relations representative
Al Gould. Instead of offering
the public "another culture,"
which was difficult to deliver,
Gould proposed to Kah-Nee-Ta
management and the board
of directors that the weather,
Participating PSG pharmacies
are Roger's in Madras, Payless,
Cent-Wise Drug and Economy
Drug in Redmond; Patrick's
Pharmacy, Bend Rexall, Long's
Drug, Rose Pharmacy, Payless,
Bend Pill Box and Newport
Pharmacy which are all located
in Bend.
If an insured has a prescription
filled by a non-participating PSG
pharmacy, the insured must as
for a universal claim form, pay
for the prescription and then
submit the universal claim form
to the insurance department.
The insurance department will
reimburse the insured for the
cost of the prescription less the
$3.00. Reimbursements will be
made at the end of each month.
U.S. Pottage
Bulk Rate Permit No. 2
arm Spring, OR 97761
fi. w
drummers there will be day
money each session in addition
to the contest.
Ceremonies will be held for
first joiners, a memorial dinner
will take place and a name
giving ceremony for Lana Shike,
Miss Warm Springs 1986 will
occur in conjunction with the
This year the committee has
added special contests for toddlers
and babies crawling contests
and other footraces for toddlers.
The committee ask that any
people who would like to make
a donation or contribution to
the various events should contact
committee members. Suggestions
for donations are items for the
raffle, mini raffle, food f to help
Continued on page 2
for the extremely high bills,
according to Pacific Power and
Light Madras manager, Richard
Laudahl. In November the person
who regularly reads the meters
was ill. His replacement was
plagued with route unfamiliarity
and inclement weather which
slowed him down. Useage for
those meters not read by the
billing date was estimated by
the computer. The estimates by
the computer were conservative
and lower than the actual useage
for November. The December
bills when added to the November
bills than divided by two will
reflect a truer picture of the
amount for each month.
Customers of P.P. and L.
who have received an extremely
high bill which would create a
hardship should go to the Madras
P.P. and L. office to talk to the
credit manager Tammy.
By setting up a payment sche
dule, customers will pay the
current month's bill in addition
to the pro-rated amount set for
December and November useage.
mineral water and other aspects
indicative of Kah-Nee-Ta should
be emphasized. Kah-Nee-Ta is
now being presented as a "total
complex" offering a spa, swim
ming, hotel and other ameni
ties. The board of directors tied
into this change the Modified
American Plan. Under the Plan,
room rates are no longer referred
to as that, but as tariffs. Effective
March I, hotel summer rates
will be $69 per person double
occupancy. The tariff includes
breakfast and dinner and the
choice of two recreations during
the week and one recreation on
the weekends. Additional person
charges are $22 for those 13
years of age or older and for
children under 13, the charge is
$9 plus their age. Vacation Village
rates, which range from $49 to
$89 per night, do not include
meals. For more complete tariffs
on Kah-Nee-Ta facilities, rate
cards can be obtained at the
As with any change, Kah-Nee-Ta
's newest way of business
will take time to accept and
adjust to. However, the change
is just one of the many ways in
which management hopes to
increase business at the resort
and turn the resort into a profit
making enterprise.