Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, January 17, 1986, Page Page 4, Image 4

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age 1
January 17, 1986
(The way it is)
Letters to the Editor-
Thank you for help, support
January 15, marks the birth
day of Civil Rights leader Mar
tin Luther King who was shot
during the month of April in
1968, in Memphis, Tennessee.
Despite an act by Congress in
1984 designating the third
Monday in January as a federal
holiday to honor King's birth
day there will be many at work
here in the northwest on that
day. Most governmental offices
will be open because of labor
contracts that require them to
be at work and there are some
who feel that there are already
too many paid holidays during
this time of the year.
I saw an article in the Orego
nian where the city of Sandy,
Oregon, pretty well wrapped up the whole ball of wax by ordering
a city holiday for "Great American Day," on February 17th to
honor George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Susan B. Anthony,
and Martin Luther King. This allows that town to avoid the
expense of another paid holiday by honoring all great leaders.
There is no law requiring non-federal workers to take the day
off. A state law here in Oregon requires public schools to observe
King's birthday in some fashion on January 1 5, the actual birthday
for Martin Luther King. Martin Luther King III was in Portland
recently as part of a tour to help commerate his father's birthday
which has been declared a national holiday. King III said he fully
supported marches, speeches and public gatherings to help cele
brate his father's birthday. . ; .,, ,: .....
No matter how well the occasion wil be accepted-as a national
holiday this could bring about an increase to the tax payers to pay
state and federal employees to take the day off. But there are some
people who could care less who or what Martin Luther King stood
for just as long as they got that easy buck handed to them for
another paid holiday. It should be apparent that some considera
tion should be given to for the cost because of all the budget cutbacks
across the nation today. Why add another cost when the tax payers
can hardly approve an school operate budget within their own
school districts let alone cover the cost of another paid holiday.
But like I say there are those who will do anything to find some
thing to celebrate or have a powwow. Celebrations are costly, it
even costs jobs in some respects, but some people would rather go
to a powwow rather than to work. . .
Assistance appreciated
To the People,
Thank you relatives, friends
and all who helped with the bur
ial of our sister, mother and
dear friend. It has taken this
long to be able to respond to the
lovely cards and flowers from
everyone. It is hard because it
still seems so fresh in our minds
but we want you all to know
that you were not forgotten or
we were ungrateful.
A loving thanks to Geraldine
Jim, Auntie Dorothy, Caroline
Tohet, Delia Crume, the drum
mers, the cooks and their helpers,
the grave diggers, the pall bearers
and those that gave for the give-a-way
and the hunters. If we
missed anybody it isn't inten
tional. Without everyones
prayers we wouldn't have been
able to make it through the sor
rowful time. Those that traveled
from afar, a special thank you
for caring. God bless everyone.
Perry Kalama, Jr.
Leander Squally and Squally
Bobby Jo Stuntz
Gus & Birney Tufti and family
Lawrence & Allegra Tufti
The Aguilar family
The Lawrence family
Louie Aripa
Russell, Ann, Reynelda Tufti
Care of elderly gratifying
for family members-
Help appreciated-
To the Editor,
We would like to thank all
the people who donated clothes,
toys and food for the needy
families. From the donations
we were able to prepare 20
boxes for local Indian families
who requested help. Families
who received a ham or turkey
should thank the following tri
bal employees, Doug McClel
land, Bob Jackson, Versa Smith,
Ron Suppah, Ed Manion, Mike
Clements and Anita Jackson.
We were sorry we were not
able to deliver to all the people
who were in need. This year we
want to start requesting dona
tions earlier to include more
Again, thank you for your
thoughtfulness and have a pros
perous 1986 year. '
Volunteers for the project were
Ivan and Mayann Gabriel, Ante
and Darl Pampereien,' Made
line Queahpama and children
Shauna and Joel Craig, Mar
garet and Dan Buckland and
Antoinette Pamperien
' Mayann Gabriel
Madeline Queahpama
Dear People of Warm Springs,
We would like to express our
deepest appreciation for your
love and concern in the loss of
our"Grandpa Sims"in this past
week. Since he had been living
with us, we had grown to care
and love him, and wanted to
give our best, as an elder, should
Young people we'd like to let
you know that taking care of an
elder is the most gratifying re
ward you can ever have out of
life. You learn many things from
them especially what life has to
offer. We inherited a reward
that is far beyond any person's
understanding. God placed Grand
pa with us for a year, for a rea
son, and that is for each of our
learning, he was a gift for a
time. He did his work and has
now gone home.
So people respect one another,
greet each other with love, that
is a gift that we learned from
Grandpa. Each one of us is a
gift to each other. Kindness and
love is what we all lack today.
We must remember the simple
short scripture of what grandpa
stood for God is love. In each
of us is a precious memory of
Grandpa, well all miss him.
Thank you to Nettie, Matilda,
Sylvia and ciders of Simnasho,
your friendship and love has
helped us deeply. Thank you
Shaker families for support and
prayers and the many, many
other relatives and friends. We
express our paryers to the fam
ily left, Ron, Tillman and
Willie, Nancy and Sunshine
Youbeta and Chris Holliday
Bi b I e should be f ol I owed in da i I y path
To the People, , . ;r :
To the People,
We would like to take this
time to thank the many people
for their help and support they
gave our family. When our boys
Steven Jr. and Nikiya had their
A special thanks to Mary
Brunoe and family and all the
other people who sent their
prayers. They really helped. Both
Steven and Nikiya are on the
road to recovery. Thanks to
both the Warm Springs and
Madras Churches who prayed
for our boys. CHR worker Arlene
David for coming down to Port
land to bring our boy home for
us. Thanks to Bob Jackson and
Gayle Rogers.
A very special thanks goes to
my mom Margaret and sister
Carta who stood by us. Once
again thank all of you for your
prayer's and support.
God Bless you all
Steve and Cheryl Courtney and
Toe Ness
There were these two guys who found a bag of money, one started
to stuff his pockets with bills when the other said, "Didn't you say
that money was the root to all evil, what are you doing putting all
that money in your pockets?""I could be wrong, you know! " YIKES
There was this beginner golfer who went out on the course for the
first time. The Golf Pro tell's him, "You tee off here, see that flag
over there, that marks where the hole is you are to put the ball.
The stage was set for spiritual
warfare for the possession of
mankind as recorded in the Bible.
This conflict originated during
the sacrifices of Cain (grain,
fruit and man) and Abel (blood
sacrifices). Genesis 4:4; From
the geanology of Cain, came
Jubal Genesis 4:21. Jubal was
the originator of the handline
the harp and organ, which were
musical instruments. Jubal was
inspired by the anointed Cherub
(an angel) who played pipes and
tabrets (musical instruments)
prior to the creation of man
kind. This angel's name is
Lucifer, who was one of the
most beautiful angels ever
created, "was full of wisdom,
and perfect in beauty" Ezk. 28:12.
This angel no longer resides
in heaven. When Lucifer and
one third of the other angels
rebelled against God they were
cast down to earth Revelations
4:3-9. This angelic being then
became and the adversary to
man and god. Satan (adversary)
and the fallen angels are now
referred to as demons or other
gods. God is a spirit (John 4:24)
angels are spirited, demons are
spirited, Satan is a spirit, all
spirits are disembodied. Natu
ral eyes cannot sec them, only
the spirit filled people of God
can perceive them.
Spirits are manifested through
humans, animals and other me
diums such as radio, t.v., movies
and literature. Satan and his
spiritual army (demons) have
been manifested through a spe
cial armed vehicle called music!
Heavy metal, punk rock, coun
Th.(,.l.;nrTic.m aimeonHuharV he crpt a hnle-in-one. The try music, and even some con-
TeV un nnce temporary Christian music have
in aav a- i iikiw i j Tvrwi uv v . v wjk v -www r w -
again, hits the ball it rolls and just made it into the hole, he tell's the
Pro, "Whew, I thought I was not going to make that one." YIKES
There was this lady who told Spilyay, "If you were my husband, I'd
put poison in your coffee!" Spilyay said, "If you were my wife, I'd
be sure to drink it." YIKES
"My wife says if I don't give up golf shell leave me." His friend
said, "Gee, thats terrible.""Yeah, I'm really gonna miss her." YIKES
borrowed the satanic beat! This
diabolical (evil) force has been
very effective in that it capti
vates and influences our people
both old and young into the
destruction of the mind, body,
and soul. The dangerous mes
sages it projects are death, drugs, I M AMP
works of the flesh. Murder, and
even stresses are all of the blood
less covenant religious (Cains
sacrifice). The messages come
In' the form" of lyrics, tompli
cated rhythms, suggestive appa
rel, punk hairstyles, etc. Although
innocent as it may look, or
sound, music of this nature is
inspired by demonic forces.
Although the Bible does not
elaborate much on historical
events prior to the flood, there's
an indication that Tubal Cain,
half brother of Jubal, "who was
an instructor of every artificer
in brass and iron"(Genesis4:22).
The definition for artificer is
Skilled workman," craftsman,
inventor and technician. It's very
possible that this could have
been an advanced technological
civilization. Biblical scho
lars place the Adam generation
lasting 1 652 years to 2242 years.
This entire civilization, which,
became ungodly, was destroyed,;
because of Jubal's inspired music,
and other ungodly acts that;
were created by Cain's sacrifice.
As a result of these evil activi-'
ties, Satanic understanding be
came increased.
The destruction of all flesh by
God had now come in Noah's
time. Christ Jesus said of his
coming, "But as days of Noah
were, so shall also the coming of
the son of man be" (Matthew
All that had taken place in
Noah's time is taking place now!
History is repeating itself. If
your religion d oesn't deliver you
from the spiritual destructive
forces mentioned above, then it
is not the gospel of Jesus Christ.
If you are oppressed and want
to be free of these evil forces
seek God's word. A spiritual,
born again experience is brought
about by the "water (God's Word)
and of the Spirit"(see John 3:3
7). An individual cannot get by
with' their own good works or
simply giving up any type of evil
like music, drugs, alcohol, etc.
Complete deliverance from oppres
sion can be obtained only by the
shed blood of Jesus, as likened
onto Abel's blood sacrifices,,
which pleased God.
Our primary , concern is to
have you: as one of God's very
special creations. Come into the
knowledge of Christ Jesus. A
countdown by God the Father
has been set in motion, another
destruction of all flesh is on the
horizon. Not by" a flood, but
fire. We now print you to the
way of spiritual security which
is the blood stained cross of the
Savior. The door (Christ Jesus)
of the ark of safety is coming to
the time of closing. Seek eye the
Lord while he yet may be found!
We pray that this message
may open up the spiritual ear to
your heart. To my people with
the Godly sincerity and Love of
our Lord Jesus Christ. '
George Aguilar
Thank you, Mr. Jim
Letter to the People,
Thanks to the participants of
the Blue Boar mini-powwow.
A statement I heard made by
Nathan "8-Ball" Jim which woke
me and could awaken many
other people was, "Many other
people, many non-drinking
people will scoff and laugh at us
drunks but we are raising funds
for the Simnasho Lincoln's Day
powwow. How many of these
sober non-drinking other peo
ple who scoff at us are doing the
same by raising funds?"
I would like to thank Mr. Jim
for this statement.
Pierson Mitchell
Tribal Council Agenda
Monday January 20 Tribal Council Meeting
1. 9:00 a.m. Business
2. 9:30 a.m. Pension Plan
3. 1:30 p.m. Minors Trust Fund
Tuesday January 21 Tribal Council Meeting
1. 9:00 a.m. Business
2. 9:30 a.m. Realty
Deschutes Crossing Lease
3. 1:30 p.m. Land Use Assignment Policy
Wednesday January 22 Tribal Council Meeting
1.1. 9:00 a.m. Business
2. 9:30 a.m. Enrollments
3. 1:30 p.m. Attorney's Contract
Monday January 27 Tribal Council Meeting
1. 9:00 a.m. Business
2. 10:00 a.m. Executive Session
cniiuav Tvmoo welcomes articles and letters to be published from Its
'reaHon All letters, oreferablv 300 words or less, must Include the writer's
signature and address. Thank you letters and poetry will be published at the
editor's discretion.
All letters are the opinion of the writer and do not reflect In any way the
opinion of Spilyay Tymoo. Spilyay Tymoo reserves the right to edit all copy
. . . . . . m ... . a M t III I - f I. f
OR refuse pupiicaiion or any leuer rnar contains uoeious material.
All Warm Springs tribal members will receive the Spilyay Tymoo at no
cost. Spilyay Tymoo is published bi-weekly by the Confederated Tribes
of Warm Springs.