0010?' Orfjcn Collection E ?5 ,568 no. Warm Springs News 25r SIPHLYAY WM w 1 VOL.11 NO. 2 ; t Hepatitis With the news that Oregon is in the midst of a hepatitis epi demic, hundreds of Oregonians, especially those in the metro politan area, have gone to health clinics to receive gamma glo bulin shots. Central Oregon has not been immune to the virus, say local health officials. According to Linda Allen, Jefferson County Health direc tor, the Madras office saw 40 cases of hepatitis A in 1985, most of which were seen from late August through December. "That's 20 times over our five year average." Prior to 1985, the state average for reported hepatitis A cases was 655. In 1985, 1,848 cases of hepatitis A were reported, or three times the average. Indian Health Service sanitar ian Wayne Potter said that 46 cases of hepatitis A were seen at the clinic in 1985, 40 of which were seen from August through December. This far exceeds the seven cases seen in 1 984, the ten cases seen in 1983 and the eight cases seen in 1982. , There are three types of hepa- WEATHER -ft m JAN. HI LOW 3 44 24 4 26 20 5 36 19 6 45 28 7 41 22 8 49 22 9 34 31 10 36 27 11 40 22 12 32 24 13 31 27 14 29 26 ttEswuasw JAN 4 r v.. . I - M . . ' 1 . s rz. 1 ' 'V , .. J cases increase in '85 titis. A, B and non-A, non-B. Type A, or infectious hepatitis, is the most common and is primarily transmitted through oral fecal contact. Washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water after using the bathroom and before preparing foods is the best way to prevent spread ing the virus. Hepatitis B is less common and is transmitted through body fluids, the blood and by using needles used by someone else. Non-A, non-B hepatitas is rare and serious. It is neither type A or B but a virus all of its own. Symptoms of hepatitis include, but are not limited to, nausea, vomiting, vague abdominal dis comfort, dark urine, clay-colored stools, loss of appetite and fati gue. Jaundice sets in toward the end of the infection. Children can sometimes have no symp toms and adults are usually hit harder by the virus. Gamma globulin shots are administered to people who have been in contact with a known hepatitis case. But, just because you are around someone with hepatitis, it doesn't necessarily mean that you'll get hepatitis. Spread of the disease is most common among household mem bers and food-sharers. Gamma globulin shots must be given within two weeks after expo sure to the virus. According to Allen, a person is infectious two weeks before symptoms set in and one week after the onset of jaundice. As for diet, it is recommended that the patient eat well-balanced meals. It is also helpful to eat smaller meals more often than three meals a day as large meals may cause nausea. If the patient cant tollerate food, it is recom mended they drink Instant Break fast or milkshakes. 4 i:joo WARM SPRINGS, OREGON 97761 Y 1 6.. As a precaution, the Jeffer son County Health department has required that the schools not allow home-baked foods in the classrooms until the epidemic is under control. "Baked goods are a real good way to transmit hepatitis," said Allen. It's not so much the preparation, but the handling of the food after it's baked that spreads the virus. Food-sharing at lunch is also Offices to be closed Monday The Bureau offices and the IHS Clinic in Warm Springs will be closed Monday, January 20 in honor of Martin Luther King's birthday Business will resume Tuesday, January 21. Buckle up the kids or face fines "Ignorance of the law" is not a good defense in court. The Oregon Legislature in its 1985 session passed Senate Bill 340, which makes it mandatory that all children under the age of 16 must wear seat belts when tra veling in a vehicle that weighs less then four tons. The law became effective January!. It requires all children to be "buckled up" in vehicles supp Play to be A.C.T., w hich stands for Asso ciated Christian Thespians, will be bringing an original come dydrama to the Warm Springs Baptist Church on Sunday night, January I9th. 1986. The play entitled, "Rebel Rouser" deals with inner conflict and is pres ented in a style that will be appealing to most everyone. "Rebel Rouser" was written bv Rita Betti, a talented, writer w ho r p ! I CrCT'"".'V U 1 F LIBRARY rfSrv, oc 97403 1 a ' '4 .4 being discouraged. If you are eligible for PHS services and you are unsure if whether you've come into con tact with a hepatitis case, it's best to contat the IHS clinic in Warm Springs at 553-1 196. You can also call the Jefferson County Health department at 475-2266. The health department charges $3 for gamma globulin shots. lied with manufacturer-equipped seat belts. This applies to pas sengers in both the front and back seats. Failure to obey the law is a class D infraction, punishable by a maximum fine of $50. The 1 985 Legislature failed to pass Senate Law 355 which would require all occupants of a vehi cle to wear seat belts. Suppor ters of that bil plan to continue working on this bill. presented resides in Redmond. A.C.T. has been performing plays for almost three years now and has toured the "Rebel Rouser" play in Central Oregon and in the Willamette Valley including the Portland area. The program begins at seven p.m. on the 1 9th at the Warm Springs Baptist Church, and will include some singing before the play and a short message Hunters asked to return ceded tags The Natural Resources De partment is asking all the hun ters who have picked up State Ceded Deer Elk tags and reser vation Deer Elk tags Please sign and drop your tags off at the office. We are trying to do a survey on how well the hunting seasons were, but, we cannot do that unless you turn those tags in. We are now doing a random Budgets posted through resolution, proposal It's not a new budget, but merely a restatement of the 1986' . operating budget that was posted in September, 1985, that has been broken into two seperate parts. The newly posted budget reflect no major reduction in appro- " priations exeeptfor the deletion of the proposed three-percent cost-of-living increases for emplo- yees. The three-month budget, which appropriates just over $3 mil lion for the first three months of 1986, was ad opted through resolu tion 7067 December 12, 1985. Included in the resolution were estimated revenues totalling $21,154,506. Not included were outside revenues such as con tracts, grants and fees. Prior to 1986, outside funding was inte grated into the budget showing an offset in expenses for indi vidual tribal departments. How ever, in iyo, tne budgeting format was changed to show total costs and outside funding was shown as revenue. It was stressed in resolution Valentines encouraged We at Spilyay Tymoo are true romantics at heart. We think a true show of affection, like doing the dishes when your true love is sick in bed with a temperature of 105, is really touching. And, if your loved one scrimps and saves every last dime to buv vou a gift certificate at "Oil Can Harry's," terrific! Whatever keeps the two ot you happy, we're all for it! But, if you have a flair and a hankering for sweet words of love and adoration, please con sider our "Page for the Pas sionate." Our February 14 edi tion will carry all those notes to the lovelorn and the passionate, the loveable and the question able. Special, and even not so spe cial, valentines will be accepted by our office through February 7. There will be no charge, we at church after the performance by Pastor Neal Mason who is in the cast. Please come to the performance and bring a friend. If you miss the performance on the 1 9th, the play will be presented again on the 26th but this time in Bend at the Nazerene Church. As a note of interest, the cast includes two local radio per sonalities. Joe Boyer from KRCO and Ron(Michaels) Furby from the new KWSI. U.S. Poatage Bu!k Rate Permit No. 2 Warm Springs, OR 9775 1 phone survey, but there are alot of people without a telephone, so we do need those tags back. Also, there are alot of Colum bia River Hunting and Fishing Licenses to be picked up if you sent for one. Our 'new' office is now located in the old white Commisary building behind the old Administration Center, and next to the Police Department. 7067 that the "failure to main tain tribal government opera tions and services would result in irreparable harm to the Con federated Tribes and its enrolled members which could include, but not be limited to: I) the -r-deterioration of tribal assets and resources; 2) the erosion of tri bal governmental authority and sovereignty; 3) loss of employ ment; 4) reduced or eliminated services; and 5) loss of confi dence and credibility of the Confederated Tribes as a stable institution." The separate nine-month budget, is an $ 1 1 .6 million pro posal. Tribal Council did not adopt the proposed appropria tions through a resolution. Pub lic meetings are planned for February to gather tribal mem ber input. Tribal Council will take action to appropriate tri bal funds for expenditure in accordance to this posted budget. Tribal Council may amend or reduce the appropriations, but they may not exceed the $1 1.6 million. only ask that the valentines be reasonable in length and state ment (Nothing obscene, please.) We encourage you all to put pen to paper and create a truly unique and touching message for the one(s) you love. Some thing like roses are red, voilets are black, why don't you get the heck off my back, would be considered cute, if not bizaare. Remember, valentines will not be accepted after February 7. Alcohol Program set Following is a list of what will be presented and who will present it: Week I January 29 1986 Social Aspect Driving and drink ing by: Evelyn Nequatewa and Anita Davis. Week II-February 5, 1986 Medical Aspects and Disease concept by: Willy Fuentes and Charlotte Herkshan. Week III February 12, 1986 Drug Awareness by: Caroline Cruz and Tedi Tanewasha. Week IV-February 19. 1986 Psychology of Substance Abuse bv: Jim Quaid. 'Week V-Fcbruary 26, 1986 Step I of AA Film by: Urbana Manion.