Image provided by: The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs; Warm Springs, OR
About Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1986)
E . Warm tT O T1 err ra 25 Sjpnflyaiy TFynnQarxiD a - A, C cat 4 VOL. 11 NO. 1 I 1 . Miss Warm Springs 1986 Lana Shike Review of 1985 shows change, progress, controversy For many, the beginning of a new year is a time to reflect upon the past year's events. It is a time to remember what occur rences created the most changes and what events, however im portant, went with little notice. The beginning of 1985 saw a new Miss Warm Springs, Elfreda Mitchell. The average tempera ture for the first two weeks of January, 1985, was approximately 27 degrees. In January, the 509 J school district board of direc tors adopted eight goals to "im prove the quality of education" throughout Jefferson County. Also, in January, the Natural Resources department began tagging elk so as to gain knowl edge about reservation herds. Early in 1985, Tribal Council adopted the Range and Agri culture Management plan. Young girls between the ages of three and 17 vied for various "Li'I Miss Warm Springs"titles. The winners were Christina John- WEATHER DEC. HI LOW 18 25 12 19 19 11 20 19 15 21 24 II 22 18 13 23 20 15 24 17 14 25 18 15 26 17 14 27 17 14 28 18 14 29 24 15 30 18 3 31 JAN. 1 45 19 2 32 16 Springs News son, Vanessa Walker, Saigigi Hisatake, Starla Green, Angela Polk, Arlissa Rhoan, Josephine Johnson, Betty Spino, Chrystal Scott and Marcy Moody. As of February 4, 1985, IIM (Indi vidual Indian Monies) was com puterized. All checks were writ ten elsewhere and mailed to local recipients. Fourteen Warm Springs youth attending Madras Jr. High School received perfect attendance a wards for the second quarter of the school year. Also recognized by the Jr. High were 10 Warm Springs students making the honor roll. In mid-February it was announced that all sixth grade classes would converge at Buff Elementary in Madras be ginning with the new school year. This change came about when it was recommended that the move would ease Jr. High transition, provide more space at Warm Springs Elementary and provide greater ease ol intervention from Jr. High stafl in dealing with preventative coun seling andcoordination ot upper elementaryjunior high cirricu lum. In February, Judge Richard Frederick began presiding over tribal court as chief judge. At about the same time, the tribal bail posting policy was changed. It was announced in early March that the Confederated Tribes was the recipient of a S3.4 mil lion grant from HUD to con struct at least 53 new homes in already established housing developments. Also, in early March, Tribal Council approp riated nearly $600,000 for the renovation of the Simnasho Longhouse. The money was ap propriated in the same manner as the annual tribal operating WARM SPRINGS, OREGON 97761 Shike selected as 1986 Miss Warm Springs by Pat Leno-Baker The atmosphere was intense but calm during the Miss Warm Springs 1986 pageant. But, among the three vying for the title, 18 year-old Lana Shike came out victorious. The com petition was close and intense among Shike and the other two candidates, Becky Danzuka, 19 and Sheila Wahnetah,21. As in years past, the pageant was held at the Agencv Longhouse, ber 30. The three young women com peted throughout the evening in eight predetermined catego riesbeauty, poise, personality, appearance, speakingability, know ledge of tradition and tribal his tory and talent. Each young lady was asked questions about themselves, tribal history and traditional knowledge and they were given a short period for an impromptu speech. During the talent competition Shike did the Lord's Prayer in Indian sign language, showed some of her beadwork and re cited a poem. Danzuka told the legend of Mt. Hood and Mt. Jefferson and sang a song. A presentation of her knowledge of Warm Springs tradition was the topic for Wahnetah. The three were judged on their danc ing ability in the round-dance and graceful war-dance. The judges for the pageant were Margaret Boise, Dennis Starr, Ellen Thompson and Geraldine Jim. The evening's agenda set aside a time to honor the Miss Warm Springs XII, 1985, that honor was shared by Elfreda Mitchell and Lenora Starr, both had budget. Because tribal credit funds were "running short," a refer endum was set for March 20. Tribal voters approved the $3 million referendum. It was an nounced in March that funds were available to tribal members for alcohol and drug treatment. Those funds were to be used by members who had no resources with which to pay for treatment. In early April, Olympic runner Billy Mills made a visit to Warm Springs to promote youth dur ing National Youth Week. Also, in April, Warm Springs resi dents, like other Oregonians, began trying their luck at the first-ever Oregon lottery. The Confederated Tribes signed an agreement with the 509-J School District and the Bureau of Indian Affairs April 19. The agreement was "to define and establish a system of policies and proce dures to ensure effective inter governmental consultation, planning and delivery of educa tional services for tribal stu dents." Resolution 6801, approved by Tribal Council in early 1 985, called for an increase in coun cilmen compensation from the present $5.00 per hour to an amount not to exceed $26,250 per year. The 500 percent increase could only come through a secretarial election amending the Constitution and By-Laws. Voters, on May 8, defeated the proposed increase by a 150 to 109 margin. In May. fire management stated that the fire season was already in force due to an unusually dry winter and spring. Fire condi tions were rated as being-high." Tribal employees with three or more years service were honored L' C F LlHRfly V I served as Miss Warm Springs iyo3. During the summer, Mit chell resigned from the position , and Starr was asked by the committee to finish the 1985 reign. The two young women and their families held give aways to thank the people and the community for all the sup New Oregon laws to affect drivers and passengers alike Zooming in with the new year are several motor vehicles laws which went into effect January I, 1986. Drivers will also find ; themselves paying increased I license fees. Anyone tampering with odo meters or providing false odo- ; meter information will be fac ing new criminal offenses. As the result of the odometer tam pering and reporting law, car owners must now report odo meter readings when motor vehi cles registrations are renewed or when a title is transferred to a new owner. All-terrain vehicle owners will be required to obtain title and registration papers whether or not the vehicle will be used on private or public properties. A . safety education program for young ATV operators will also be introduced into 1986. Procrastinators who wait more than 30 days to transfer titles will be paying $25-$50 penalty. Traffic violaters who were issued tickets can find them selves being denied license renewals, or getting their licenses suspended or cancelled by Motor at a banquet at the Agency Longhouse May 9. Two em ployees, Eugene Greene and Rudy Clements, both received 20-year awards. One-hundred-twenty employees, over half of whom were tribal members, re ceived awards. Also in May, KWSI KWSO began advertis ing for applicants to work at the stations located at Kah-Nee-Ta. An early June truck accident caused the closure of Highway 26. Traffic was delayed for seven hours while Warm Springs Fire and Safety crews and the Hazardous Materials team from Redmond cleaned up the 9,550 gallon gas spill. There was a threat of pollution to the Deschutes River. During the closure, some traffic was diverted over the Pelton Hydroelectric Dam. Over 270 firefighters from the BIA, Tribe, U.S. Forest Service, BLM and Yakima bat tled a 2,600 acre grass fire near Dry Creek. The fire originated at the dump and traveled toward the Deschutes River. In mid 1985, Rudy Clements encour aged Tribal Council to give con sideration to reapportionment. Clements sited a violation of the "one man, one vote"clause men tioned in the American Civil Rights Act of 1968. Two men died from injuries sustained in the 960 acre Kah-Nee-Ta fire. The June 23 blaze, fanned by high winds, injured a total of six people, mostly resort employees. A Life Flight helic opter and three 304th Air Rescue and Recovery Squadron helic opters were brought in to trans port the injured to Portland and local hospitals. It was reported in early Julv that work on KSWI and KWSO was "progressing on schedule." 001025 JANUARY 3, 1986 port they had received during the year. At the chosen moment Lenora Starr presented the crown to Shike for her 1986 reign. Wah netah was selected as second runner-up and Danzuka was chosen as first runner-up. They both received gifts from the Vehicles Division if they fail to respond to or appear on traffic tickets. Traffic violators from out of state who try and obtain a license in Oregon in order to drive in their home state will be surprised to find that they may be denied or have their license cancelled and suspended. Drivers 50 years of age and Station to Barring any "catastrophes," KWSI FM 96.5 will be on the air Monday, January 6 at 5 a.m. Inclement weather and other unforeseen obstacles have caused air dates to be delayed for the past two months. According to station manager Nat Shaw, ship ment of necessary equipment has been slow. And, due to fog, ice and cold weather, the instal lation of antennae on the tower atop Eagle Butte has been put off several times. Now, with most of the details taken care of, KWSI will bring to its listeners all the latest news, sports and weather as well as adult contemporary music Station manager Nat Shaw also stated that response from tribal members for training was "very good." Former Miss Warm Springs, Lenora Starr, once again assumed the responsibili ties of the title with the resigna tion of Elfreda Mitchell. Starr crowned Lana Shke at the De cember 30th Miss Warm Springs pageant. In August, Service Unit Director Lee Loomis reported that the IHS clinic in Warm Springs had received "uncondi tional accreditation" from the Joint Commission on Hospital Accreditation. The accreditation is recognized by the health care industry as the highest possible level of approval. Also, in August, Frank and Russell Charley began work on "Charleys Market" in Simna sho. The pair can be seen driv ing their van which is embla zoned with store advertising. Long-time Kah-Nee-Ta emplo yee Chuck Schmidt was named Lodge manager following the resignation of Jerry Schaeffer. Following a year of construc tion and renovation, the Justice Service Administration building was completed and inmates were returned to the facility Septem ber 27. Office space was not fin ished and occupied until about a month later. The $2.3 million construction was funded through the Department of the Interior and administered by the BIA. Total square footage of the structure is 1 6,500, w hich allows for separate confinement cells for 18 adult males, six juvenile mates, six juvenile females and ten adult females. The tribal operating budget was approved and posted by Tribal council at the end of Sep- U.S. Postage Bulk Rate Permit No. 2 Warm Springs, OR 97761 committee for their participa tion in the pageant. The 1986 Miss Warm Springs is the daughter of Ray, Sr. and Charlotte Shike. She is the youngest of two brothers, Ray, Jr. and Lawrence Shike and three sisters, Helena Jones, Mina Continued on page 4 older will be given a vision screening. Before their licenses can be renewed, they must have 20-40 vision. If they fail to pass the vision screening, DM V can refer them to a vision specialist. Drivers and passengers 16 years of age and under will be required to wear a safety belt. air Monday 24 hours a day. Tune in to Warm Springs' newest enterprise and hear for yourself. , KWSI FM seeks new ideas Short historical events per taining to the Warm Springs reservation would be accepted for the radio station, KS WI KWSO for broadcasting on the air. People's names, pla ces, and time of events can be sent to: KWSI, PO Box C, Warm Springs, Oregon, 97761 . tember. The budget estimated a 32 percent increase in revenue and a 15 percent increase in expenses over the 1985 budget. Tribal Council directed that the budget be held to 1985 levels, but a larger population, new programs that were delayed in previous years, electricity costs, building maintenance and insu rance made this goal difficult to achieve. Twenty-two positions, some already vacant, were de leted from the 1986 budget. However, 57 full and part time positions were added. A three percent cost of living increase for all employees was proposed. October also saw an increase in the number of hepatitis cases at the clinic. Fishing regulations were also put into effect at Sherars Bridge. The Tribes pur chased the Sherars Bridge pro perty in 1979 so that they could manage and preserve the prop erty for future generations. Due to the failure of the 509-J school district levy, the Board of Directors approved budget cuts totaling $83,416. The $2.8 mil lion levy was presented to voters November 5. Due to unforeseen delays, KWSI KWSO was put on hold. The stations were due for FCC testing in mid-September and due to be on the air by mid-October. Because of the delays, an additional six-month extension was requested and granted by the FCC. District meetings were held in mid-October to discuss the proposed 1986 budget. Of par ticular concern at the Agency district meeting was Kah-Nee-Ta, the cost-of-living increases, the tribal activity bus, the new Continued on pace 2