oefi. 4. i .anital .Journal. Mnn, Mv 1Q -1QP7 Page-8, Sec. 2, Capital Journal, Tues., May 14, - LEGALS NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IM- PROVE LOCUST STREET. FIFTH STREET TO MAPLE AVENUE NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that the Common Council of the City of baiem, urceon. deems it nccesary ana expedient and hereby declares its purpose ana intention 10 improve LOCUST STRET. from the west Une of Fifth Street to the east line of Maple Avenue, City of Salem, Marl nn Hnnnlv flrpenn. by bringing said portion of of said street to the established grade, pro viding drainage, constructing cement concrete curbs and sidewalks, and paving said portion of said street with a 2K inch asphaltic concrete pavoment 30 feet wide, at the expense or tne abutting ana rajaceni prop erty, exec o I the street and alley in tersections, which expense will be assumed by the City of Salem, and except the sidewalks which will be constructed at the expense of the aoumng property oniy, an m ac cordanjc with the nlahs and sneeifl cations therefor which were adopted by th Common Council April 22, lfl;7, which arc now on file in the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. These plans and speci fications may be examined hy any jnieresiea party. Any interested prop erly owner may ascertain their ap proximate share nf the cost of mak ing the improvement at the office of the city engineer. The Common Council hereby declares its purpose and intention to make the above dc-f-ribed improvement by and tin nigh the street improvement denar'emnt. Owners of property Ifnble for the cost of ' making such imnrovcm.-nt may file written remonstrance avainst the same with the city recorder at any time within ten i-tys after the final nubiicatlon of tnis notice. By Order of the Common Council Aprl 22, 1057. ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder Date of first publication: May 7, l!i57 Date of last publication: May 21, 1B57 way i,iH,i NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IM PROVE NORTH CHURCH STREET. JOHNSON TO LOCUST, and JOHN- CON STREET, PRKSNALL St SMITH ADDITION to CHURCH STREET NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that the Common Council of the City of haicm, urcgon, aecms it necessary And expedient and hereby declares its purpose and intention to improve NORTH CHURCH STREET, from the south line of Johnson Street to the north line of Locust Street, and JOHNSON STREET from the west line of Prcsnall and Smith Addition to the cast line of Church Street, by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, providing drainage, constructing cement con crete curbs and paving said portion of said street with a 2','a inch asphaltic concrete pavement 24 and 30 feet in width, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, except the street and alley Intersections, which expense will be assumed by the City of Salem, all in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which wore adopted by the Common Council April 22, 1957, which arc now on file in the office of the city re corder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. These plans and specifications may be ex amined by any interested party. Any interested property owner may as certain their approximate share of the cost of making the improvement at the office of the city engineer. The Common Counmll hereby de clares Its purpose and Intention to make the above described Improve ment hy and through the str?e.t. Im provement department. Owners of property liable for the cost of making such improvement may file written remonstrance against the same with the city recorder at any time within ten days after the final nuhlicalon of this notice. By Order of the Common Council Am-II 22. 1H57. ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder Date of first nubiicatlon: Mav 7. 1057 Date of final publication: May 21, 1057 jway J.ii.ai NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has fitcd her Final Account as Executrix of the estate of JAMES M. GLASS. Sr.. deceased, in cause 16,01)2 In the Probate Department of xne circuit ouri ior Marion county, Oregon, and said Court has set Mon day, the 27th day of May, 1097, at xne nour or u:io a.m. or em a any, in -the Circuit Court Room in the County oiin nouse ai saicm, in Marion County, Orcffon, as the time and place for the hearing of said final ac count ana an oojecuons increto. Dated and first published this 23rd ' day of April, 1037. ANNA B. GLASS, Executrix. Estate of James M. Glass, Sr., Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney, 205 Oregon Building, Salem, Oregon. April 23,30, May 7,14,21 Some Australian aborigines can live without clothes despite n temperature that drops from 90 degrees in daytime to 10 dcgi'ces above freezing at night. Classified Index "For Vour Convenience" S10 Meeting Notices 312 Lost and Found 314 Transportation 318 Personal 218 Stamps and Coins 400 AGRICULTURE 402 Livestock For Sale 403 Livestock Wanted 405 Pels 410 Fruit St Farm Produce 412 Market Basket 414 Poultry At Rabbits 418 Sea Foods 418 Lnwn St Garden 4l!0 Seeds St Plants 22 Fertilizer 421 Farm Equipment 425 Auction Sales 4 Mi MERCHANDISE 451 Household Goods 452 Appliances 454 Sewing Machines 456 T. V. St Radio 458 Musical Instruments 482 Wanted Household Goods 464 Sports Equipment 468 Bicycles 470 Rufidlng Materials 472 Plumbing Heating 474 Floor Covering 478 Do It Yourself 4 B0 For Sale Miscellaneous 461 For Rent Miscellaneous 4(12 Trnde Miscellaneous 483 Wanted Mlscclaneous 481 Miscellaneous 4"fl Machinery A.- Tools 4m Wanted Machinery & Tools 4!(1 Furl 5iui BUSINESS AND FINANCE 5!0 Mtmt v to Loan b;2 l.o;ms W.mtrd Bl" Investment WW EMPLOYMENT 802 Help Wanted ' 804 Help Wanted. Man COfl Help Wanted. Lady 8(18 Pickers Wanted 810 Sales Ilrip t 12 Work Wanted, Man i 814 Work Wanted, Lady 815 Child Care 813-A Babysitting 617 Job Information 818 Education 8?0 Day nr Contract 7IH1 RENTALS 702 Sleemnt Booms. Bnant 71.1 Wnnted Rooms. Boird 7'S Amrtment for Rent 7nt riunlpves 7 i He use for Rent 707-A Furnished 7flR Farms far Rent ; 709 Wanted to Rent 710 Wanted lo Rent Houses 712 Wanted lo Rent Apt. 714 Business Rentals ( 718 Resort Rentals 718 Convaleicent Homn 780 Moving and fltorag ' 800 REAL ESTATE . 001 Business Opportunities 803 Business Property 803 Suburban 806 Houses for Sale . 807 Apts.. Courts for Sl 808 Lots for Sale 810 Fa-ns for Sale M 12 FxrMance Real Kstat fllfl Resnr' Property 88 Wan'rt Rra! EMatt H.1? Incuranre Hu AI'KlMOTIVE HM New Carl 8. 2 L'sed Carl lor Sale 83.1 Auto Parts and Rpslr 154 Trucks, Trailer for Salt 858 Motorcycles 56 Wanted Car. Truck BAO Auto Miscellaneous 082 Houi Trailer M Heavy EquipmwU I Aircraft Advertising Statesman-Journal Newspaper! 280 N. Church St. PHONE EM 4-6811 LOCAL RATES WEEKDAYS Days 1 Lines .40 ,35 ,32', .30 S TOTAL CHARGES (Min. Z Une i) Weekday sum. per line i time .40 . .30 per line 3 times $1.05 -. J5 per line 6 times 11.50 $1,40 per Jine 1-mo, $5.50 (incl: Sun.) Classified ads will be run in both papers to give advettisen me advantages or tne tremen dous comhtned circulations When an ad is oraered three or six times and a Sunday Issue is inciuaea I ror example Friday Saturday Sunday) the lower sunaay rates apply Decause only The Statesman publishes fun days Classified ads will itart m th morning Oregon Statesman, con clude In the evening Capital Journal - but ads will be ac cented for Sunday Statesman only. The deadline ror classified adl la 1:00 p.m. the day before pub lication exceDt for Sundav when deadline is' 5:30 p.m. Friday. Ememencv ads and imnll tin ads received -fi.er 1:00 p.m. weekdays and until 12 noon Saturday for Sunday may be nacea in ine loo -aieto.lass fy" column. Ads for Mondiiv o;,nii-m mint be in by t p.m. Saturday. The Statesman-Journal Nwa japers reserve the right to re ect Questionable riverttntn.; It further reserves the rlghf to place all advertising under the proper classification. The Statesman-Journal News papers assume no financial re sponsibility for errors which may appear tn advertisements puonsnca in us columns ana in. cases where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement in which the typographical mistake occurs. A "Blind" A a an ad contain ing a Statesman-Journal News papers box number for an ad dress is for the protection of the advertisers and must there fore be answered bv letter The Statesman - Journal Newspapers are nni ai iiDcny to oivuigc in formation as to the identitv nf an adevrfiser using a "Blind" ad. THIS NEWSPAPER STRIVES to protect its readers against fraud, deception, or Injuries. Readers are cautioned to make NO PAYMENTS to get a po sition advertised In thi help wanted columns. All help wanted ads MUST SPECIFY THE NATURE OF THE WORK Sales help wanted ads must state If the pay is In the form of salary commissions, guarantee, or Include firm name. Bona fide offers oi em- floyment with pay belong to ho "Help Wanted" columns, Ads in other columns which re quire investment in stocks, samples, equipment or cash bond should be thoroughly in vestigated before paying out any money. Advertisers re quiring a cash Investment fer samples or merchandise, sales aids, etc., must so specify In tneir aus. this rule to the classified ad vertising manager. Kindly report any exception to 300 Personal 310 Meeting Notice FOR RENT: To Parties Clubs Business Meetings, KM 4-4430. Hollywood Lions Den. 312 Lost and Found FOUND: Female boxer dog. EM z-uz-iii or m z-rro. LOST: 8 mo. old gold colored pari come mme aog. norm Vic. EM S'07.16, FOUND: Man's Gold Watch, G.I. Surplus, 1983 N. Capitol. 314 Transportation WORKING girl needs ride from iay ton to bn i em daily, a to o. Stayton 6424. 316 Personal TOO MANY BILLS? Don't let your bills get you In trouble. If you're behind In Rnyments, w can help you. o security or co-signers needed. One place to pay all bills. Pay only A'hat you can afford! Bonded and licensed for your protection I) CREDIT CONSULTANTS Dial Salem EM 2-8S44 for Infor mation. I, Wallace Hoffman will not be rcKptiusioie mr any actus other than my own, CHARIS foundations for the graduate bride. EM 3-3338. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. 98 S .Co m'l. EM 2-21 0B. KM 1-2850 ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. 880 Marion. EM 4 0545. 400 Agriculture 403 Livestock Wanted CATTLE, horaatv at your farm, K. C. McCandllsh. EM 3-81RD. FREE pasture for good gentle nume norscs. jmvi -o;i(i.i. C ATT L eT 4 r"l " St a teE" 1 7 &H, SnethenM 2-1345 r.M 2-43IW. POP cash prices at your place Ray Corel EM 4-31iiHrollect. BUYER --Claud Edwards. 'nt""3, HX8TOE EM 4-1113 CATTLE huvri F Summer. 12W Harmony Or. EM 4-fcMT. 405 Pett STUD Service. D'ors lltlte snow-otr. akc rei. 3'i lb, Pomreantan EM 3-711. IRISH SETTER Reg. T mo. 337Vllltams Av. "birds, fish, hamsters" 31W1 Livingston EM 2-1 B42 DOGf RAINING Retriever A.- Gun Dog. Obedience 8t dogs hoatried. EM :M)!hjr drover Franklin FOR SALE: Siamese kittens, 110. EM 2-7566. BOSTON Ve Vr i'e r s. NorTElk hound. EM 2-1248. 100 Display Closiified EXCELLENT TO BE AVAILABLE SOON MOODY BUILDING 655 N. HIGH STREET Spar to suit Tenant New, modern, all irvl Included; plus off-street parking. CONTACT GREBENHORST BROS. 180 S. LIBERTY ST. PH. KM 2-2471 1957 400 Agriculture 405 Pets ONE ten wk. old kitten, EM 2-51-7 mornings. free. THOROUGHBRED Cocker Span- iel (malej good bird dog, pa mpers available. EM 3-8547. Boxer puppies, (Mamma is blood line champion) $20 ea. 4 females left, EM. 4-044 BEAUTIFUL Seal point Siamese kittens, also rcg. stud service. EM 4-5885. FREE: 2 calico St 1 blk. kitten. EM 4-4658 after 6 p.m. ORANGE and pink apricot ca naries. 1340 Chemeketa EM 3-4385. GERMAN short-haired pups. $30 females, $40 male. Gene Rus sell, Box 41 Sublimity, Stayton 7714. KEITH'S PUPPY FARM 5460 Center EM 2-7889 Puppies all kinds. Buy St sell. Aft'noon It eves. No Sun Calls. 410 Fruit & Farm Produce ASPARAGUS for canning or freezing. George Afiher on Grand Island. GREEN APPLE MARKET Asparagus, Rhubarb for canning it freezing. 5005 Portland Rd, ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED ... Too Late to Classify BARGAIN Completely furnished house, two large bedrooms, utility room, breakfast nook, dining room, fireplace, attached garage, on large lot and in a very good district, must sell immediately, will trnde equity for trailer house, car, or what have you, see at 2270 Englewood Ave. Ph. days EM 2-6808, Evea. KM 2-6086. CLOSE IN, nice modern furn. Sc un f urn, 3 rm. apts. EM 3-8400 except Saturday. 1 FURNITURE. 2B42 S. High be tween 1 and 6 p.m. BABYSITTING, large fenced yard. EM 4-7459. Mod. shady trailer space 1730 N. WATER GOOD 2-whceled trailer, with 015 S. 22nd sideboards, $25. after 4 p.m. 1D56 FORD '3-T pickup, 10,000 ml., $1,21)5. EM 2-4728. '47 HUDSON, 6 club coupe, $95. '50 Bulck Super sedan, all extras, new paint, $450. EM 2 2055. HOUSEKEEPER, days, 4 chil dren, iters, requ. em 4-mu, 8:30-4:30, eves. EM 2-0671. WANTED NIGHT SODA MAN- ALikH, better than minimum wage, uniforms, meals, com pany paid health insurance, store discount. Apply in person between 1 St 4 p.m. at OWL DRUG In the Capitol Shopping Center. SMALL 1 bdrm. home, close to LOST: 8 mo. male Beagle, collar, rewd. EM 3-8357. GERMAN sheptiard, male, 10 mutt., mane oner, m z-z,o. 54 CHEVi 4 riTTstaTWag., over" hauled, good cond., Mazachck Texaco Service, 3500 S. Liherty Rd. EM 4-0041, EM 4-4057. FOR SALE OR TRADE: 6 hp outboard. Will take power lawn mower in iraae. m 4-uui, Ned fenced pasture for horse vicinity Sunnyview and Fisher no. tuivi a-uzaa aner 4 p.m, FOR SALE: Large Residential Bldg. Lot N,E. corner of Churchdnle and Wolf Sts, (Kclzer Dlst.) W. G. KRUKGER 147 N. Comrcl " Ph. EM 3-4728 NEW' LAWNS Have Roto" Hoe Lg. Trae, Free Est. EM 2 BDRM. furn. h'se. Water 8c garbage furn, SIO mo. EM 4' 4518. ' . NICE mod. - 2 bdrm. house. iiuwa. noors, gar., gar. spot, Close In. E M 3-0585. '51 FORD, esc. cond. 1st 435 takes. EM 2-37D0. GERMAN Short Hair, reg. pup. in ii i n iiHi. rnrm, suois, sa, Call EM 2-4513. WILL tnke good car for equity new a itciiroum nmise ot iia rafie, 4 Acres Close In. KM 3-3734, Payments $35 per mo. PALMIST, rend your complete liic reading. Past, present, future, $1. 3715 Portland ltd. 53""P0NT, Catalina. Heater, ra dio, snooper light, leather seats. Very good cond. A real beauty for $5)1)5. EM 2-7258. DEEP Freeze Ice Cream sale si.4U gal. cieary Dairy EM 2 7473. FOR, SALE: Modern well built 2 bdrm. house, near sen '1 & bus, Irp. fenced yd. $8,600, EM 4 8710. LOST: In South Salem, small black Be brown female dog, wearing red collar. Please call EM 2-4273. DRY Cleaning wool pressor. Capital City Laundry, 1280 urn an way. CHILD care In your home 5 da. wk. Alter a p.m. fn. km 2 3707. NICE 1st fir. 3 rm. furn. apt. 35fl WILL trade (2) 2 bdrm. Salem cottages tor a nnuse in Brem erton. Wash. EM 4-5718. WOMEN OVER 17 Full or part time, telephone work. Experience not nec. i.ooa nouny pay. suite 133, 51H State St. 1058 PLYMOUTH Plaza 2 dr. se dan, like new, $1,245. EM 1-11I3U, ;wa uoone na. '52 OLDSr9B4d'r7"fdio," heat er. auto, dimmer, power steer tug. $750. EM 4-DB37. 4il MKRCURY 4 dr.. good condi tion. $225. F.M 4-9837. 100 Pisploy Classified Triangle Barber Shop (next to Triangle Cafe) Men A Ladies Halrcutting HllEE PARKING !jj Gall Brawson-Erwln Falk 100 Display Clossified OFFICE SPACE "mm I 400 Agriculture 412 Market Basket BUY WIOLESALE HALF or whole beef. Weight price ianen a i r.e c i i y irom fiackers invoice Only charge or cutting it wrapping. Outcn Maid Oleo 5 for 05c Rhubarb 3 lbs. for 10c 2G0O Market EM 2-4140 EM 2-4140 PASTEURIZED whole milk. 82c gal. Homogenized, B6c, 'i gal. 44c. Cleary Dairy. EM 2-3035. EAT LIKE A KING BUY io OF BEEF 100 lbs. U.STb.A. graded in Bpecico sin. du. no an. pymi. o.a.c. Satisfaction guaranteed. MAC'S MEATS St LOCKERS 810 N. Liberty . EM 4-7744 ft or WHOLE BEEF U.S.D.A. goon, Jic. id., pius cnarge ior cutting Sc wrapping. SMALL OVEN READY TURKEYS ........ ..39c lb. C.S. ORWIG 3375 Silverton Rd. EM 4-5742 414 Poultry & Rabbits BRED docs & bucks. EM 4-8756, 5035 Auburn Rd. Custom dressing of Poultry, We buv Rabbits skins. Wings, 3085 State. EM 43018. BABY Chicks for meat or eggs. Send for free folder. Wilsons Hatcnery, Lyons, Ore. PH. ULrick 9-2533 STARTED WHITE Leghorn pullets. Wilson's Hatchery, Lyons. Ore., Ph. Ulrlck 9-2533. BABY chicks hatched yr. round. new namp. a wnue kock fullets 17c. straight run chicks 6c. Vallsy Farm Store. LANG'S Poultry-Custom killing. iimu iiircnwooa ur, m x-uaii. 418 Lawn & Garden LAWN mowers I Power reel type - ALL ON SALE. $3).!)5 & up. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-6371. CHOICE top soils St sands, all Kinas, uome ana see it. we deliver or you haul. Pick-ups loaded $1.00. Open Sats. EM 2-1740. Keizcr Sand Sc Gravel. REPOSSESSED 21" Rotary mower. 2 H.P. New guaran tee, E-Z terms. "Your Down Town" Firestone Store. 395 N. Liberty. EM 2-2491. USED Reel power mower. You naui at you iix. ji.hu. xour Down Town" Firestone Store. 395 N. Liberty. EM 2-2401. 420 Seeds & Plants LORENTZ GREENHOUSE Large selection, fuchsias, gerani ums, Dcgonias, cons, suitana, etc. Rt. 4. Box 41 Salem. 1 ml, So. & 1 ml' East of Pringle school. AZALEA SPECIAL HEXE RED, double ruffled, 2 yrs. old 60c. ea. Drive So. on 12th St. mi. past Morning side sen. Turn right at Oakhill Ave, , EGAN GARDENS GERANIUMS 8c annual flower Ing plants. Large choice of Kinds & colors. 6 Mi. So. of KeizerSchool on St. Paul Rd. TOMATOE S &Ca bb a ge pi an tsT Wholesale & retail. Arthur Robcrg. EM 2-4264. DAHLIA bulbs $1.50 dz. Ever bearing strawberry plants .05 - each. Red Azaleas, lupins, co lumbine, mum plants 5-$1.00. Geraniums, fuchsias, tub, be gonias, Lge. Geraniums 49c. Merrill's Greenhouses, Brooks. FUCHSIA hanging baskets. made of cedar. 75c. to $1. EM 4-mi95. TUBEROUS Begonia Plants 3 inr si, in nnuas. Alt colors. 2015 Highway. FUCHSIAS, geraniums, and pe tunias, nuoo l. enter i, up me lane. EM 4-1584. GERANIUMS, incl. fancy leaf, ivy at I'ciargoniums. Fuchsia, Begonia's 8c Bedding Plnnts, Baskets of Fuchsia, Begonia & Ivy Geraniums. Compare our prices before you buv I Kll ber's. 715 Salem Heights Ave. MUMS, Dahlias. Pansies, Fuch sias Qe iicrnniums. LiiDerty Garden, 8250 Seegar Lane. FUSCHIAS, Ivy, Gernnlum. Pan sies, uanuas, neon in g zinnia. Ward's Gardens, 4380 Cherry, 422 Fertilizer CHICKEN Fertilizer. $3.50 yd. iu irucK in. o lor price or a. 6 sacks $2.50. Also cow, EM 4-2089 or EM 4-8592. MULCH SAWDUST $1 Per Yd. EM 2-4031 fine. No finer cover for your bed. Phillips Bros. Rt. 5 Box 860. EM 4-3081. FERTILIZER MULCH Mushroom manure, no weeds. tor new lawns. EM 2-0331. ROTTED or fresh Manure, b lips Rros. Rt. 9. Box 660. EM 4 3061, Closed Sun. 424 Farm Equipment m.Vl-F-AnM.M.I, Super A, with Irnnl rr.ir 4-row culltvn lors. A- lfi" plow. Excellent eond. $1,100. I'r;K'tlc;il!y new !' Towner Off-set dlse with hydrhnllc cylinder. $37.1, Con be seen 3 miles North of West Salem on Wallace Rd. EM 4-7036. No Saturday calls. FOR SALE o'cuVrnTtraxtor". plow & Cultivator $50. 3968 Wallace Rd. EM 4 9303. RIDING garden tractor for sale. KM 3 6310. UNIVERSAL tiller, Kood as new $60 3069 Wallace Rd. EM 4-9303 425 Auction Sales AUCTION OF FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S T0N1TE 4840 CENTER SALEM SALE EVERY SUNDAY 1 P. M. SHARP Buy or tell on consignment. Household (foods. Appliances, used car, misc. Items. ODen 7 days a wek. EOLA AUCTION. EM 4-4522 mi W. of Salem-Dallis Hwy, 430 Merchandise 4S1 Household Goods m BASKET BF.n divan & chair. Good cond. IM Call after S p.m. 1419 Park Ave. TO PLACE AD PHONE EM 4-6811 450 Merchandise 451 Household Goods SIMMONS Hide-a bed (full-size) Beige Mohair frieze cover. Bought new for $299.50 (less than 1 yr. old) Top quality. perfect condition. 2160' Fisher NEW 0 x 12 Hut; Pads $8.88. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer ALMOST new Hide Tbed. $14bTo5 Used Mdse. Mart, 270 S. Lib- erty. EM 4-6371. $15 PER MONTH buys com plete household of furnisture and appliances at Salem's Low Overhead Store. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. KIRBY vacuum cleaner, $19.95. 1321 N. Capitol. EM 3-7067. dir. NEW Modern Desks $32.50 charcoal Blond - walnut) Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer USED 6 year crib & mattress, $27,115. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-6371. NEW 7 pe. Virtue Wr. Iron Din ettca large 60" table with free Btep itool or console table $00.50. Glen WOOdry, 1605 N. Summer. SWING rocker, Mali, book case, Sc end tables. 585 S. Elma. NEW Biltwcll Roto-Rockers $44.50. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer, NEW child's wardrobe. $29.95. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Lib- jjrtyEM 4-6371. NEW Blltwil Daveno Sets $130.50; 3 ,pc. Sectional Sofas $169.50; Modern Sofa's $72.50. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. IF you have one item or a house of furniture to sell call the Used Merchandise Mart, 270 S. Liberty, EM 4-6371. USED dining setB large selection prices from $39.40 (8 pc. set) to $125. (modern 8 pc. set). Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. BEDROOM set, din. rm. set, Jiv. rm. set. EM 2-6924. NEW Box Springs and inner. spring mattress (both) $39.50, Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. 2 MAH. end tables, 2 Man. step laoies, wainui conee iaDie. single laundry tub, push lawn mower. M z-bva, 3 ROOMS of new furniture (Liv ing room kitchen bedroom) J 299.50 Terms Free De Ivery, Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. FURNITURE & gifts at lowest prices, mint glass bua vase 6flc. Assorted 6" milk class vases $1.39. 6" iace edge bowl $1 .59. Spoon holder for 18 spoons $1.98. Black & motto trivets 79c Decorated trivets $1.39; Ermels Col. Furn. 1782 Fairgrounds Rd. EM 3-4742. FREE MAPLE DESK With new solid maple bunk beds inc. mattresses, guarn ran, ladder, $89.50. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. CHEST of drawers, coffee table, cna tames, aavenpori ac en air, bdrm. set, table & chairs, very reas, EM 2-6086. , WINE coir davano 3c chair $50. coiree corner & end tames $iu. each. 4845 Hazel Green call after 5:30. ROOM SIZE COTTON RUGS WASHED AND DRIED I We also tint rugs either restor ing their original coior or changing their shade. Fast Economical Service LAUNDERETTE 1255 Ferry St. EM 2-4555 f,b Block East of Willamette U.) x F INISHED lurnitu.'e. Stiff Furniture. 175 N H. L High. 452 Appliances WF.STINGHOUSE Bl-64 Com mander Range Deep-well rnokrr. clock automatic oven timer. Good cond. $75 After 5 p.m. 1705 Claxter Rd. EM 2-1377. ELEC. ranee, $65. Frigldalre re frig. $65. 21 cu. ft. deep freeze, $250. EM 2-608 EASY splndryer washer, good cond. $25. EM 4-7336 Eve. COLDSPOT refrlg. $50: Westing house refrig. $95. EM 4-3341 between 8 u.m. and 4 p.m. OIL circulators, wood heaters, ' electric heaters, used rugs, davenports, ranges, refrigera tors your best buys are at Glen Woodry's, 1605 N. Sum mer. 30 GAL. GAS water heater heat er exc. cond. $30 EM 2-3085. 2 YR. old 30 In. Westinghouse range, also wringer type washer 3398 S. 12". EM 2-459Z. LOVELY late model Phllco re frigerotor frozen rood chest colored shelves door stor age, crisper, $160.50. Others from $39.50. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. MAYTAG gas range, 2 yrs. old, Sacrifice, Drews, EM 4-0977. COMB FREEZER & RH'RIG. A real buy. EM 4-7744. FREEZERS, repossessed. Up rights, 10 & 21 cu. It., new guar. EM 4-9482. GOOD used Norge dryer. 90 day guarantee. Only $5U.a. A real steal. Terms. "Your Down Town" Firestone Store. 305 N. Liberty. EM 2-2491. GUARANTEED R.eondlHoned automatlo wiah rs, dryers, rangH & retries. JJ1.KI J up. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. m Chemekets 81. EI,ECThbt,UX cleaner $19.50. 1321 N. Capitol. Dir. EM 3-7067. USED washers. $10 and up. Mod ern Appliance Center, 1H1 S. Com'l. E M 4-0353. USED ranges. rcfriR., washers c dryers all in good working cond. S it H Green stamps, terms. Master Service Stations 365 N. Com'l. SnE US ON FACTORY DIRECT PHRF7.F.R SHIPMENTS. De livered to your door. SAVE $150. Only $10 down. Model sires. 16 I9t 22. "Your Down Town" Firestone Store. 3fl5 N. Liberty. EM 2-2491. WFST1NGHOUSE autom it IP washer, a-i. H!..y.t. usen Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-8371. APT. ELECTRIC Ranges $29.30- j.w tiien woooxy, iouo rn, Summer. 454 Sewing Machine BEST BUYS ON USED MACHINES 3 ONLY - PORTABLES 3 ONLY CONSOLES SEWING CENTER 4S5 Clothing PROM FORMALS 4 FORMALS. some wllh match ing shoes ISUC 1)10, EM 3-55IS alter 6. WEDDING gown! 3 formats." 1 suit, sue 12 14. EM J-477T. 456 T.V. & Radio GUARANTEED Re-Condltloned TV 'a K4.55 & up. mrYETT TV Ittt Fairgrounds Rd. EM J.TSt 19.50 V CON $39.50 SINGER Want Ad Secures Aid for Convict Doomed to Chair An appeal (or aid placed in - tlie Classified weeion of ihcLoi Angeles News by Alton C Porct, California Negro await ing electrocution at the Louis iana state prison in New Orleans, brought an offer of financial and legal help from Nelson N. Soil, Los Angeles wholesale meat dealer. Ai RJttta KwnW, 1)51 rMn4n; -f liwpl, llaoart firnli MkiH. F. . n I1C X. W. Sr. Hani II, F, 5-12 450 MerchanilLse 456 T V. & Radio 17" Westinghouse T.V. You haul fix. $10.88. Terms. "Your Down Town" Firestone Store. 395 N. Liberty. EM 2-2401. REPOSSESSED T. V. Sets from $35. Helders, 363 N. High St. 458 Musical Instruments OPENINGS for summer or fall piano students, nancy Hunt, 3865 Liberty Rd. EM 3-9020. KNABE SpirJET. Slight case damage. Big discount. Tall man Piano Warehouse, 395 S. 12th near S.P. Depot. "A Mile From High Prices." HAMMOND organ 1-3 off, 2 years old, tun peaai noard, Leon S. Drews EM 4-0977. SPINET PIANO. Sacrifice for quick sale in this locality. Cash or terms. Write Mr. Martin, 7235 S E MUwaukie Ave., Portland, Ore PIANO MINDED? Save $. Buy direct irom distributor, we guarantee we can save you money. All makes, all styles, EZ terms, Investigate today. Tallman Palno Warehouse, 395 S, 12th, near S.P. Depot. 462 Wanted Hshld Goods WE pay cash for good clean used furniture and appliances. Used Merchandise Mart, 270 S. Liberty, EM 4-6371. HOmEST, fair, cash price paid for good, clean, used furniture and appliances. EM 3-5110. Glen Woodry. 1605 N Summar MISC. furniture wanted. Cour teous service. Ph. EM 3-609B. 464 Sports Equipment 15 FT. BEE LINER Boat, NEW. A real Buy $425. SALEM BOAT HOUSE 100 Chemeketa EM 3-0303 TRADE I will take cabin boat in trade for my new 3 bdrm. home. EM 2-5005. FOR SALE: 48 lb. Grlzley bow, $27. EM 3-7218. 16' BOAT, motor 8c controls 8c trailer. Best offer. EM 2-3817 after 4:30. FOLDING Camp Trailer, sleeps i, must see io apprec. iuuz Electric Ave. EM 4-9467. 18 FT. Cabin cruiser 25 HP mo tor with controls & trailer, 7B1 N. Winter. 3 HP Johnson, 10 HP Evinrude motors, uau .m ..tow. 465 Photography SACRIFICE new 35mm Braun Camera with guarantee, tele photo, wide angle lens. & par-allax-llnder. EM 2-7141. 466 Bicycles BICYCLE, gooa condition. 4-5263, 2010 Lansing. BOY'S 24" bicycle with 2 speed gear shirt. 365 cedar St. stay ton Ph. 7204. 470 Building Material! Lru "WOT HOPPENED?" IT'S RAINING I Yep . and we've got everything for that RE MODELING Job Terms too 36 mos, No down payment. Fino list of. Builders if you desire quota complete! PRE-HUNG-DOOR UNITS . At tractively priced I ALUMINUM Windows less expensive than wood. OS White paint $2.50 gal. V. X 10 Tite-knot Cedar Siding $1.15.00, 1 x 12 Cedar hoards 10-1. 00 & $120.00-NAILS fu.ua Keg. SEE the tremendous selection of PANELINGS. Knotty pine St23.00 up. Knotty Cedar & Clear. PLYWOOD PANELINGS. Pre- finished If desired I Plywood & Plywood, fir and hardwood I OAK 4x3 (15.68, BIRCH (13.12 & (S.64. GOSH ya oughta Just browse nere as specials too numerous to mention . OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY TOOI Your Building Supply Friends" PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER YARD 3545 Portland Road EM 4.44.13 ROOF TRUSSES FOR 25 FT. BUILDING (2x6, 2x4 Const. Bolted) $7.50 E No. 1 4 Btr. used lumber Flooring Siding Sheathing, 2x4. 2x6, 2x10, 2x11, 3x14 (45- (60 per M S. UTTER & CO 6740 ortland Rd. i mi. North o( Totem Pole Open all day Saturday Salem KM 4-831L PLUMBING Installations at lower prices. Guaranteed work. Call Hudson's EM 3-4141 (or estimate. R. L. Ilfltrom Co. 260 S. Liberty, its s u noor sua. luo Men.. ELEC. rteaters-waU-oase board portable. Reduced oris 52 C.i i. eiec, wir. nn., sasso, iz-2 wired c 11 In rl, . 3 pc. b,ith set. eomp. 1120 Built-in oven plus 4 bur, unit $193. Outlet novo ?5 cents. 14 2 wire. U ft. tn dls 4" n!v etitter 13c ft , i" vent fan. $U 50 Jl x 33 kitchen sink, romp $-43 95. ApX Electric St Plumbtnf. 1410 Broadway, EM 1-1IM. Open Frt. eve. INLAID linoleum tl.Tf pr aq. d. R. U Elftrora Co. M0 S. PAINT OU Base SI M C1 GIcq Woodry, N. Summer El u i si THANKS, RG.H0M0t.y 450 Merchandise 470 Bunding Materials Interior 3c exterior plywood, 4x8 sheets NO BLOWS Pick your choice at lowest prices. 170 grade A fir flush doors at $3.00 each. C. G. LONG & SONS l mi. N. of Keizcr EM. 4-5051 LUMBER Unit loads Old growth shfplap & 2x4 del. $25 M. Lowest price on 8 to 24 ft. Spec, length No. 3. Call EM 4-0523 Ted Leo Mulier. 480 For Sale Miscellaneous LAWN sweeper $19.50; English racer Dicycie $y.au; m-cnairs $2. playpen w-pad $10; baby jumpers, car seats, chests, and many other great bar- fains at Glen Woodry, 1605 N. ummer. OIL furnace, wall type with fan, controls, tnermostat, copper tubing, connections, 240 gallon tank with filter, for $125. '49 OLDS 88 motor & trans com plete, also other body parts, PHILCO 17" TV set, console model, $75.; any size tires, white walls & black, 1105 So. 12th, EM 4-6231. ASH wood, decaded sawdust, and top soli. EM 2-0549. DELUXE bathlnette, Play pen, teeter babe, car seat. EM 2-0801. USED wash bowls $5. EM 3-6805. KRESKY wall furnace 57,000 BTU. EM 2-5490. BABY bed, training chair, oil circ. heater, lawn mower. Ken more dryer, EM 4-9786 after 4 p.m. NEW Play Gym Sets $22.75. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer OFFICE chairs, A. B. D i c k mimeograph, Royal typewrit er, shopsmith, safe, misc. items. 1155 N. Summer, EM 3-5160. FOR SALE: 38 in. cycle power moer. wi z-djiu. BEST IN TOP SOIL Kcizer Sand & Gravel Co. Eve., Sat. & Sun. EM 2-1749 PAINT reg. (5.95 gal. outside wnue ;z. gal. a gal. aia. UJ N. Lancaster, Salem. PIT RUN GRAVEL Top soil. EM 4-4747 BLACK TOP Soil Pit run grnel. -oi eves. Virgin Top Soil EM 2-1575 SCOTT Spreader, S6.50; laundry iray at laucei, a, tri - nod Bumper Jack, $4. Em 2-643B. USED Tires bought & sold. iy tie's u.K. Hubbcr welders, 2305 N. Commercial. TYPEWRITER'S, adding ma- cnines, casn registers, dupli cators, desks, chairs, files, sup plies. Roen's, 45G Court. UKLMK tence oost good quality jrenien nr urureaieu. rnies Ph. EM 4-3081 CROSLEY gas range, good cond. River Bottom Top Soil Oregon Gravel Co. EM 4-6707. RECAPS - 070x15 $7.95 exert. Nationwide Road Hazard Guar. Lytlc's O.K. Rubber Welderg. 2.105 N. Commercial. GOOD CLEAN T0PS0IL no weeds, roots or rocks. THE PRICE 6 vd. load 8 yd. load i8.no 112.00 Ph. EM 4-4747, am. to 10 p.m. Limited time. 481 For Rent Miscellaneous HosDltnl Bed with Mattress. United Rent All's, 2565 State St RENT rr lease lge warenouse soace cement floor, nrlck bldg.. downtown Inq R. L Stiff Furn. EM 3-9115. 482 Trade Miscellaneous TRADE I will take lots or acre for mv new 3 bdrm. home. EM 2-5095. NEARLY new 8 ft. dbl. Brlllion Roller for livestock. JM4-i3iB 483 Wanted Miscellaneous LATE modet Smith-Corona port- anie ivpewrner, uan eve. cxi 2-2389, Day EM 4-2171 ext. 1178 Old Cars Bought for Junk Also Scrap Iron Vaus AutoWrks. 4845 SILVERTON RD. 1U East of Lancaster PH. EM 4-0008 WANTED: Hemlock, white fir, cottonwood pulp wood stump age of same species ine'l. red fir. EM 3-7721 davs, EM 4-5633 or EM 2-1648 eve. CASH tor Used Guns, and old coins, all types. Cascade Merc, 1230 Broadway. 484 Miscellaneous DKNTAL PLATE RPPAIH 1 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMI ER, Dentist Adoloh Bide. State St Com' Sta. SALEM PH EM 3-J311 486 Machinery & Tools SEVERAL used welders for salt, 698 Illinois. EM 3-8568. SXVBRAL used welders. Sc at 790 Stewart SL PH. CM -7M4. 490 Fuel SPRING SPECIAL SAWDUST FOR MULCHING Choice Block & Slabwood SASH DOOR PLANER ENDS VVKST SALEM Fl'KL CO. ISM Edgcwatcr EM 2-4031 CAPITOL FUEtTcO SAWDUST TOR MULCHINO urv oak. alt) maple wooo Choir. aUb A block wood mixed, dry or freeo. Dry mill wood. 1430 Broadway Ph. EM 1-1711 ANDERSON'S ilib wod 1 cord. 930, EM 1T7U. 450 Merchandise 490 Fuel OREGON FUEL CO. DRY AND GREEN WOOD MULCHING SAWDUST S t H GREEN STAMPS EM 3-5533 FERN FUEL 203 E. Salem Rd. Dallas 2 unit load slabwood $16. Fine cut mulch sawdust $9. MA 3-2253 or MA 3 2415 .Collect. HIGHWAY FUEL CO. SAWIil SI & WOOD M 3S444 WANTED. Several thousand cords ol oark.free world, fir or hemluck, Ph EM S-7121: nleh's EM 4-5633 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loan PLANNING TO BUILD Construction financing available, also loans to buy, build, re finance, remodel, 20 year term. Limited funds available at 5 'a pet. in preferred areas. C. V. KENT CO. 673 N, Cottage Ph. EM 4-6739 UP TO $2,500 Pick Your Payments 18 mo. Amt of 24 mo. Amt. of Paymt's Cash Paymt's. Cash $ 9 $142.50 $ 9 $160.32 $17 $150.92 $17 $314.16 $33 ..$487.08 $33 $609.84 f47 ....... $ti3. 72 $41 57tiU.7tj PAC1TIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS 118 S. Liberty EM 4-2203 PRIVATE money to loan, interest Ph EM 2-0794. 6 COLONIAL Investment Co Real Property Loans, Contracts Pur chased 6B7 Court EM 4-2283. RAWLINS Real Estate Co. . Mortgage Loans 5V2 pet. interest 605 Chemeketa Ph EM 4-6875 LOANS $50.00 to $1,500.00 Buy What Vou Need Consolidate your bills. Finance through WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY 183 S Church St CM I-24IT PRIVATE money to loan. Cash ior real estate nugs. ana con tract, . M. Mason or W. B, Minier, Rltrs., 341 Chemeketa. 512 Loans Wanted $4,500 NEEDED. Will pay 8 pet. interest and give 1st mortgage on older home with 2 lots. EM 4-4053. INVESTORS Private money needed for first mortgage loans. Credit invest igation., written appraisal of each property. C. V. KENT CO. 673 N. Cottage Ph. EM 4-6739 HAVE client needs $10,000 loan, higher than normal rate of interest, 5 yr. pay off. Call ' either Dan or AI Isaak. AI Isaak Realtors, EM 4-3311, 322 N. Church. S15 Investments YOUR money can earn 6 per cent. Contact State Finance Co., 167 S. High Street. Ph. EM 3-3151, Salem. 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted PAGENSTECHER'S COMMERCIAL Placement Agency Since 1948 Specialists tn Office Placements 494 State St. (411 Ore. Bldg.) Phone EM 4-3351 APPLICATIONS are now being . taken for Statesman Dicycie routes. Several routes will be open. Applicants must be ac companied by their parents or nave meir written permis sion. Apply at the Circulation Department of the Statesman Journal. CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Specialists in office personnel. 354 N. Winter EM 2-0636 HANDY man for part time work in exchange for rept, pilfer pensioner. Star Buck Motel, 3265 Portland Rd. WANTED : Waitresses 3c Bell hops. Bellhops must be 21 or over. Apply in person, Senator Hotel. 604 Help Wonted, Men GOOD Carpenter for part time worki Apply to hang screen doors. Clyde Moore 1180 Leslie PART time work., 35 week. EM 4-6101. 9 to 11 a.m. PAINTER: Experienced man for large farm. Steady employ ment references required Please Phone EM RETAIL BAKERY ROUTE. $77.50 per wk. to start. Blue Cross Family plan furn. Good steady work. Must be able to obtain good Va T. panel after training. iM 3-aso. OUo rieiD Woiifed. Ladv RECEPTIONIST STENO Steady position for neat young iaay, pieasani wornmg conai- 110ns. uooa starling salary, medical St hospital benefits. See Mr. St, light. LOCAL LOAN CO. 342 N. Capitol EM 4-8491 BABYSITTER, light hse. wk.. 50 mo., board & room. LM 3-4081 before 10 a.m. or after 6 p.m. WOMAN for relief Cook, after noon shift. Hreier one whe lives in S. Salem. Must be non smoker. Auoly in person, nc ph. calls. Boyee Sanitarium, isia aunnysiae ku. WANTED : Sales girl for gift department, write to box Statesman-Journal. WANTED housekeeDer St babv sitter, noom x Doara. ou. 4-6891 MISS KITK. Family needs housekeeper. live in. no smoiting. .m -io. HOUSEKEEPER wanted. 2 chiL i rcn- EM 4-8756 evenings. ACTIVE older woman to care for elderlv man in country, live in. Rt. 1 Box 96. Brooks TRinily 3-48H2. Silverton. BEAUTY operator wanted for Salem's newest most modern salon. Call Vivian F.nyeart. EM 4--.162 or EM 2-2598. WANTED, beautician at Love all Miller's. EM 3-7870. 608 Pickers Wanted STRAWBERRY pickers: Regis ter now with Havexson k Schurter. Starting approx. May 25. Clean fields, EM 2-6241 or KM 4-1305. REGISTER now for Berry pla toon, bus trans., exc. new field N. Wests at Brooks. EM 4-4791 - Mrs. Kremer. STRAWBERRY pickers register row for 12 Acre N. Wests. L. A. TunntMl, EM 4-2629 EVE. Farm. t ml. No. Fruitiand out Center St. Truck will take this route- Sunnwiew at Brown Rd. at 6 A.M. Swegle Sch. Krueger store. Auburn Station. Pen 4 Cor., Macleay Rd. to Elma Av. to State St. SIGN with Mr. Cotco'i platoon for Alan WtMsner's clean berry field. EM 4-4133 p-m. 600 Employment 608 Picken Wonted REGISTER NOW Ariolts & child, over 12 for ASwberriehs ft bean picking Bus trans, furn. KM 2-8125 or EM 2-6208 eves, REGISTER for Strawberry ft bean picking near St. Paul, n.,- ti-finc nrrnnced con veniently from Dicksons Mkt - on 89E. Call in person at 1185 Albert Dr. EM 4-3584, for age limit & detail STRAWBERRY pickers to regis ter. Bus trans, from north & East Salem. EM 4-4079 eve, Pierre (Pete) Saucy. REGISTER now. 60 acres NW berries. Bus rte. through town & 4 Corners. Mrs. Shoemake s platoon. KM 4-7UH7. PICKERS. 14 ft older, before you register elsewhere drive In Windsor Island ft SDong Rds., 2 mi. west ft north of Keizcr schl. to see 8 A. of beautiful high yielding new Si letz strawberries, also 20 A, of NW. EM 2-7895, after 5:30. BEN GOLDSMITH BERRY FARM. Ren. for Die cine now. Bus trans. Clean fields. Call Mrs. Jill Gooding at EM 3-301)2 ORGANIZING Strawberry Pla toon, picking at Alan Wcis- ner s. Children 12 yrs. and Adults preferred. Call EM 4-6502. DRIVE outs to pick berries & beans, also rides furnished, excel, clean picking. d & Aian nasieDacner. i-'n. mrs. Brooks. EM 4-9700 eve. 609 Commission Work ' WILL PLACE 2 MEN n business for themselves. investment on their part. Must nave a car ac iurn. reierence, Comm. See Dan Rohb 325 E, Bush Wednesday ft Thurs. 9:30 snarp. 610 boles Keip Wanted $80 WEEKLY guarantee to start Fuller Brush Co. EM 3-8357 612 Work Wanted, Men SMALL carpenter jobs, work, reas. EM 4-1424. good PLOWING & discing, E. Salem EM 2-2775 or EM 2-7092. BUILDING, re-model, roofing, cabinets, siding. EM 4-6340. Spraying, tree topping, removal, pruning. L. Caudle, EM.4-14B1. WANTED cherry orchard, spray Sc pick, shares. EM 4-1461. HEAVY equipment operator Exp. with rcf. Statesman-Journal Box 747. TRACTOR-ROTOVATING Gardens, lawns, orchards. Fritz Kiss. EM 2-6876, EM 4-9013 NEW Lawns complete. Free Est. Phone EM 3-8445 Eve. EM 4-2941. i EXPERIENCED home builder would like to build for private party. Reliable references. EM 3-8226. ROTO-TILLING EM 4-5084. PAINTING. Shop, and Screen work. Chas. McLean, EM 3-3935. LAWNMOWING. spading, den work. EM 3-6568. CUSTOM ROTO-TILLING EM 4-0558 CUSTOM ROTO-TILLING EM 3-6026 EXP, carpenter. Remodel, model, repair, no job small. EM 2-1378. NEW lawns prepared & seeded with 24" Howard Rotovator. EM 2-5662. CARPENTER work. Any kind. Reas. 4240 Macleay Rd. EM 4-5961. CUSTOM ROTO-TILLING EM 4-3234 ROTOVATING Fordson Trac tor wltn 52 Hotovator. Lawns & gardens. EM 2-D082 days, Eve. 4-4280. WANTED TRACTOR WORK EM 4-1607 IMMEDIATE SERVICE Plowing & Discing. EM 3-3300 HOWARD Rotovating EM 4-2823 or C.IY1 a-joo, no cans aai, please. Custom rotovating-plowing. D. MARSHALL EM 2-1343. CARPENTER reDairinC. model or New. jsm. z-zuae, Fred Mumns. BUILDING remodel. Sm. Jobs Work guar. reas. EM 4-7782. LOU'S tree service, topoing. prune, cabling EM 4-8501 LIGHT crawler dozer leveling, grading. EM 3-704J L. Kurth. Painting, interior, exterior. Joe ustrom, ii.ni i-.ubu. CARPENTER Work. New or Re model. Free Est. EM 4-4712. FREE estimates on floor cover tngs or drainboards. R. L. Elf strom Co. 260 S. Liberty. PLOWING & DISCING PH. EM 4-6372 BRUSH & SPRAY PAINTING Paper hanging, free estimate. Terms. Ph. Nelson, EM 3-8493, ROTOVATING 24 inch min. Gar den & lawn work; Lawn mow ing. EM 2-0760 EM 4-3854. FORD Tractor and Eauipment, U-drlve or Custom work. Kei rer dist. only. EM 2-0143. CUSTOM ROTO-TILLING C. L. Cales - EM 2-3783 EXP. Lawn yard work. Odd jobs. D. Farmer EM 3-5032, CUSTOM Dlowinir. discine. ear- dens, sm. acreages. EM 3-3219 614 Work Wanted, Lady HUSBAND St wife, orderly Sc Nurse, will give private care to amDuiaiory or Dea patient, our home. EM 2-7386 any time. WILL do washing or Ironing. 1890 N. Winter. EM 4-4509. SLIP covers made In my home. Bertha Handley, EM4-6492. CAN'T keep up with ironing? ru iron si nr. km 4-7934. EM 4-4694 Ironing tn my homt. 615 Child Care CHILD care my home Kayetvllle oisi. i worm j r,M z-oizo. 6 1 5-A Babysitting BABY care In Christian home 1770 Fairgrounds Rd.. EM 3-47:12. WILL care for 2 or 3 children, 3 yrs. or older. Mv home. West Salem. EM 2-8544. WANTED babv sitting, in your home, Englewood Dist. EM 4-3594. CHILD CARE MY HOME Four Corners.EM 3-5244. RELIABLE Babysitter, nr., day or nlte, my home. EM 3-8856. LOVING, supervised child care, my home. South. EM 2-0952. 618 Education WANTED: Teacher with train ing in pre-school education in Nursery School, 8:30 A.M. to 12 session for term starting 9-23-57. Box 712 Statesman. Journal. ENROLLMENT Itmit Reg now Salem Christian. Kindergarten St Grades 1-8. EM 2-9596. HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME rtnish your High School to your spare time. Text books furn. Low tuition. Free Booklet AMERICAN SCHOOL 854S N. Interstate. Portland 17. 600 Employment 620 Dov ond Controct ii r, 's yd. shovel, crane, no dre. line. 25-ton mobile cranes. D-4. D-7 cats, carry all clear ing blade. Rental contract or unit orices. SALEM SAND & GRAVEL 1405 N front . '" M'UIRFF BROTHERS installation Repair Sewera, Septic Tanks. Drain Power D I t c h t n f -EM 1-J561. Fields. Backfill. 7U0 Rentals 702 Sleep. Rooms, Board ROOMS for rent in Capitol shop ping center. Men preferred. Rcasonahle. EM 4-31143 or EM 2-3102. 3bU . Lapiiui. CLOSE 2 nice clean sleeping rms., J22.50, 30. 638 Center. CLEAN, warm rms T.V. close In 215 S Winter. EM 2-1722. 1 RM. basm't. Apt. Men only. 539 N. Winter. SLEEPING rms. A: apt. 790 N, ChurchEM 3-4333. CLEAN, quiet, nr. state bldgs.. kitchen privil. EM 2-1449. 705 Apartments Fot Rent 3 Iftl. APT., $38. 710 S. 13th St. 2 NICELY furn. apts., prlv. baths, auto, laundry, accept children. $33 & $35. Ph. EM, 4-4020 or EM 3-8841. , , COLON IALMANORattractively priced, close in, 1 & 2 bdnns., 1225 Chemeketa. EM 3-7954. NEW FURNITURE 1 OR 2 bdrms., extra large, also unfurn., TV ant., garage, 1055 E d ge w atcr. 2 RM. furn.. util. pd.. newly dec. J35. North. EM 42 CLEAN 3 r & ent., gar, 1. furn., priv. bath 059 S. 12th. UNFURN."l bdrm. Court Apt Close ill, $60. EM 4-6G9U. ATTRACT. 2 rin. furn. apt. Clnsa Priv. ent. $25. EM 4-7887. PAVAT.TF.R Ants. 1177 Court. .1 rms., ,m i-vjiu, Em wuua. LOOK I Corner 2 rms. St bath, turn., 13th Sc state, t ine ior lone lady. To see EM 3-4370. DOWNSTAIRS 3 rm. furn. apt., priv. bath, lights, water, mil. rm. furn., (40. EM 2-3101 or EM 3-9532. FURN. Courts, knotty pine In terior, small St cozy, 145, plui util. 2455 Trade, EM 4-7472. 2 BDRM. court apt unfurn. SSI iv, i4in. Spacious Acacia Apartments FURNISHED 1140 South 13th St. EM 3-7009 WEST - SALEM furn. 1 bdrm. court rental, new furniture, tile bath, $58 a month. Low utilities. Rawlins Realty, EM 4-6875. Eves. EM 2-8743. RM. furn. apt. Newly decor, 705 N. Liberty EM 2-6947. RIVIERA Apts. Lovely spacioui 1 oearm, apt. $eu, mrcn Kttcn en, tile bath. EM 3-7632 or EM 2-0866. THE Century, EM 2-7909, Sa jem s iinest z uarm. Apts. NEWLY dec. furn. 3 rms. St bath. Court apt. T.V., laundry, parking. Inq. after 5 p.m. or weekends 1348 S. 12th. NEAT, clean 3 rm. furn, Apt. 1853 Court. EM 3-8290. FURN. St unfurn. 3 rm. court apt. Laundry fac. 3rd St. W, Saiem. EM 4-8514. LOVELY furn. apt., close in. reas. rate. Rcf. 310 Bellevue, EM 4-3732 eves. 3 RM. furn. upstairs apt. with bath. $30. 1135 IN. 13th. EM 3-1505. RM. furn. apt., pvl bath. 1277 S. Com'l. MADISON COURT APTS Newly decorated 2 rm. furn. EM 4-4754 1065 Madison. VERY attractive 1 bdrm. furn, CapU Apt. T.V. Ant. 3 blks. E. tol bldgs. EM 2-7830. 3 RMS. in 4 pley, SE, range. retng., $45. EM 2-7520. BEDRM., stove, refrig., TV ant. Nice Yard. 1435 Trade. NEWLY furn. Sc decorated I bdrm. apt., Hollywood dist Mgr. 2044 N. Capitol. MODERN COURTS 2 BDRM, range, refrig furn, washer, drycr-redec EM 2-3841 1 & 2 rm. furn. Apts. util. 597 N. Liberty EM 3-761 paid. UNFURN. 4 rm. apt., garage, all util pd. ?45. Part rent, pari work. EM 2-4439 or EM 2-7619. DEVEREAUX Apts. Nice 1 bdrm., furn. or unfurn., new dec. 1488 Sta te. EM 2-2534. 3 ROOM mod. apt. Nicely furn. EM 3-7146 or EM 3-6444. ATTRACTIVE close in clean iurn., priv. entrance, private bant, also trailer for 1 person. 245 Union. EM 4-I4C8. JANSSEN COURT Furn. apt. Shop. ctr. & bus, S. 13th at E Rural. HOMELIKE, close in, attract, 2 bdrm. unfurn. apt. with view. Heat furn. Adults onlv, EM 3-8066 early a.m. or eves. 4 RMS., furn., grnd. fir., TV ant., nr. State bldgs. 940 Mill. 4 RM. Rcfs. 3-7541 flat, furn., gar., adults. Call after 12 p.m. EM FURNISHED apt. for rent: two bed rooms, bath, garage, $45. mo. Water and garbage serv ice furnished. Phone EM 3-8477 or EM 4-4401 for appointment, Mr. Young. FURN. - Apt. for Adults. 3 blks No. of M Sc F. 1065 N. CLOSE in, 1. 2, 3 rm. furn, apts., util. pd,, 125. $30, $35, EM 2-9378 mgr. 760 N. Church. CLEAN quiet 1 rm. Apt. close in, lady. 645 Ferry, EM 3-4527. CLEAN 3 rm. furn. apt. UtlL pd. Priv. bath. 419 S. 19th. 3 RM. furn. flat priv. bath St ent. 835. EM 3-5833 FURN apt., util. pd.. on bus. W0. S45 125 Gerth. EM 4-5072. CLEAN furn. Douglas Apt. 355 S 1 Uh. EM 3-f!648 or 4-0483. 3 RM. mod. rcdec. apt., gar stovcj-efrig. $50 EM 3-5954. CLOSE furn7ants. litil. pdH S28. $35, $40. 765 Marion. 3 RMS. hath furn. util7d7blk, to Capitol bldgs. Adults, $55, EM 3-6254 eve. BSM'T. furn. blk. to Capitol Bldgs. uttl. pd. Adults $28 EM 3-6254 eve. 2 RM. furn. apt. util. pd. $30 close in 432 Marlon. CLOSE in 2 bdrm.. unfurn. court cottage 685 N. Church. CLEAN 3 rm. St bath. Wth. EM 2-1070. CLEAN 3 r n. ant., util. 365 S. 16th. Pd., reasonable. FURN. or unfurn. 2 bdrm. apts? EM 4-904. AMBASSADOR Nicely Furn. Apts. 550 N. Summer EM 2-92M MODERN furn! ApT for 1 Adults. ft5A Mill FURN. 1 bdrm.. pvt. bath, gar 771 S. 21st. EM 3.MU " Vary nice. furn. or unturn. Can MOD. Iurn. apt., radiant heat, f "i-if y door' 504 s' 19th 706 DuDlexei 4i RM. unfurn. dunler. ear.. bsm't., jp. EM 3-8432. CLEAN furn. 2 bdrtfTVuibTrt water pd. EM 2-7579. ' ' BEAUTIFUL 1 bdrm. duple To Place Classified Adi Can EM. M8U