Page 6, Sec 2, Capital Journal, Tues., May 14, 1957 HIGH TARIFFS BLASTED Trade Will Spell EndofAid-HST By FINIS MOTHERSHEAD DALLAS lav-Foreign aid by the Dillion in time will be made un necessary by mushrooming for eign trade, former President Har ry 5. Truman predicted lasi nigni. Truman chided oil and cotton Interests which he cited as exam Dies ol those who he said demand high tariffs in order io hold their own with foreign competitors. SICK INDUSTRIES "The industries which clamor for protection of high tariff har riers are usually sick and stag nant industries to begin with maybe like your down-trodden oil boys' here in Texas," he said in Buses Viewed As Salvation Of Downtowns PORTLAND m Only mass transportation can save downtown business districts, Paul 0. Ditt man, president of the American Transit Assn.; said here Monday. Dittman, here for a three-day regional conference, said, "The automobile is strangling down town." "Many of the automobiles that enter downtown stay there, occu pying street space while no one is traveling. Each person who transfers from transit to automo bile requires 20 times more street space than formerly," he said. He recommended that one lane on each side of downtown streets In Portland be set aside for ex clusive use of busses to speed travel and attract customers.. He also recommended that curb parking be banned In the down town business district, construc tion of off-street parking facilities away from the . downtown area, and co-ordination of traffic sig nals to facilitate bus movement. a nonpolitical appearance spon sored by the John E. Ownes Me morial Foundation. Truman de livered the Owens Memorial Lec ture on the role presidents take in lowering tariffs. The jaunty former president, 73 last week, managed to poke a lit tle impish fun at Republicans. He traced the Democratic par ty"s historic stand for lower tar iffs, and said it has been opposed "by an unnamed party organized out of Whigs and Know-Nothings mostly Know-Nothings." 8,700 IN AUDIENCE An audience nearly filling the 2,700-seat McFarlin Auditorium at Southern" Methodist University chuckled at this and other sallies. "One of the industries calling loudest for protection today," said Truman, "is the cotton textile in dustrybut the difficulties that industry faces can be traced more directly to the competition of do mestic synthetic fabrics than to the importation of Japanese cloth. . . ." Truman credited reciprocal trade agreements initiated by for mer Secretary of State Cordell Hull with reviving international free trade from what he called state of collapse. A growing foreign ' trade will, in time, make foreign aid unnec essary," he said. Wcbfoot Club Meets WEBFOOT (Special) The Web foot Cabbage Heads, 4-11 Garden club, met recently at the Ray Mc Manimic home. Mrs. Clayton Rich ards, leader, conducted a game. The next meeting will be at the Odon Morgareidgc home. The Webfool Shuttcr-Bugs, 4-H Camera Club met immediately fol lowing, with Mrs, Steve Benedict as leader. Members will meet after school Tuesday Evening at the school, when the principal, Robert Hedd, will speak. HENRY By Carl Anderson fll II I 1 1 WISH THEBE v-GV JfZ , WERE A PARACBjt7y s -T.&s toqavi r LcEr'-. AwomCnw DONALD DUCX By Walt Disney v r?V' WISHING WELL 2341TSJT1 g PYTVTWBEOOQA T 3 5 5 5 I i 3 7 5 5 7 RUrAROPDRGCUY I 5 i 5 7 i I 7 S 5 ! 5 5" DWPOIERSB.ERTE i ' I i 7 5 I I I 5 7 ? 5 I IIOAWAEEPKA IMS i 5 I S i 7 5 5 j 7 J I MgTTK8BAHWTOrt 1 5 5 5 i 5" I 7 i! J I S ESDI g I P . A E P S N E "s j i g j i rT i i i s i I I O ETRNDIBIST HERE ft i pleasant little game that will live you a mu tvery day, It Is a numerics! punlt designed to spelt out your fortune. Count the letters In your first name. K the number of letters ii or more, subtract 4. If the number is lets than , add J. Tht result Is your key number. Start at the upper left-hand corner of the rec. tanglt and theek tvery one of your key numbers, left te right. Thin read the message the letters under tht checktd figures live you. IMC to Wlllua J. KUM VUitMrt to KJai Tnltm tnUMit S'l V $500,000 Suit Filed by Earl Against Union PORTLAND Portland City j Commissioner Stanley W. Earl, j Monday filed a (500.000 libel suit 1 against members of the Oregon Joint Council of Teamsters, and : the union's newspaper, the Oregon) Teamster. j Earl, a former executie of thej CIO in Oregon, asks ttjO.000 gen- era! damases and CV).ono punitive damages in the suit filed in circuit ' court. Basis of the suit is. reproduction j in the newspaper of two articles! by 3 syndicated columnist tDrewj Pearson t and a picture of Earif with an overtine that said he was, "linked" to an underworld fijure., The articles were ' false, defama-, tory and libelous," Earl said in. his suit. The suit also states that after j Earl, ' as commissioner. vo.ed" against licensing pinball machines! in Portland, members of the; Teamsters Joint Council "repeat-: edly attempted to coerce and f intimidate the plaintiff into chang-j ing his stand as to said machines. both by threats and by attempts to defeat the plaintiff as a candi date for public Popular Trio! Small dollies to use as dresser and bullet sets. nretly "refreshers" for tables! Graceful medallions form the cen ters joined together in 3 popu-1 lar shapes! Pattern 7131: Crochet directions for square 10'A inches, round 81 inches, oval 9 X 18 in No, SO cot ton. Send THIRTY-FIVE CENTS In coins for this pattern add t cents for each pattern inr Ist-class mail ing. Serd to Capital Journal. Household Arts Dept., P 0. Box 168. O'.d Chelsea Station, New York II. f Y. Print 'nly NAME. ADDRESS. ZONE. AND PATTERN NUMBER. , Two FREE patterns printed in our ALICE BROOKS Needle craft book stunning designs for you, our rcadcrsl Dozens of other designs to order all easy. lascinating handwork! Send 25 cents lor your copy of this won derful book right away I Printed Pattern io-j yuiy ttcrk's Sewing Buy. SNAPPY WRAP! Sew It 1-2-3 quick with our Printed Pattern no waist seams' Slip it on 1-2-3 quick just wrap around, tie with n bow! So versatile pop it on in the morn- ins, wear it all day long! Printed Pattern 9019: Misses Sires 12. 14, t, 1. 20; JO, .12, .14 3fi. .u, 40. 42. hue 16 requires 4'i yards 3.Vinch (ahric. Printed directions on each pat tern part. Easier, faster, accurate. Send 35 cents in coin inn stamps, please i lor Pattern with Name. Address, Style Number and me Address PATTERN BUREAU, Capital Journal. Rm 4, Old Chel sea Station. New Yre It. N Y. For first rlaia mall Inelndt an eilra cents per pattern. K glt7SC'Wl tSAllIEP CgLVl KwUEM ONE Ukf HOHt C Tl tWM VCT OONT W POTEST CMVCnTVSE LOSINS a TVAT I M HO AlbLETE THE STMIMO A44ET4.WS A IB KIM I r KnMS 4TEAOV W1W tTH 5T.c ' P3TEET. PE"e -I A wr U4.V5SOW6 AWiT EirJcZ PAV foi TMSii SOKE TWS hi.'E BV TnE TOAT 5R50CV M TMi TUi I'AA A AHES-V -ASON3TAdOC3 Ui YHSK. CS"SIvE A S8P TEAT TO SLACtViAIL OP A1AV3E SttAAWj I'P 5ES TliAN , .. I UP K:0 KCkUii I (" SturexT, io I UAO 10 WSAPOM WITH KJOt TO l"N V k COL. CANTON ! tTFlL ? RFw!L?KYC" C 4UZrf J ,i ecu r conFoeM... I tss on.Es mean to t-i iNSTiujNo peas ) i''e"Ms",J i TTiml&J TFT IT" Trl i -mm u ii , -, Atr- . i i j am pt i rm w t.i.i . i it. . xr r Hamwi. ! tmn uaiid I ' .." . 1 1 . . j , . . t . 1 i . I I I ufinj .-'( -? JUST THINK, 518. Af MONTH AGO , ( NOW LOOK I .'?W-THI . V f Y I CU( COMPANY AkEA WAS NOTHINe J V. AT IT.' J 1 teSISL ) I 5N.e, ) k W wstanp gravel JZZS I KKBft i?itS?a5:.. WO HE SAY WW ' All h V KKH POEStfT g"gfflf JEEPE8S ITS HIM-ITS Jr, J yK'ivtKMjpV' STEVE.' WtJRPAL,N0MAHAM6 SLUG6ED SAID WAS, 1 ANSWER THE BIG ITSS"1" fB0M TOP T0 T0E TTTXn L&AZimfflfAim & -.jjJ.tW' --rX 4f5 Igfck tfSv OTIAS:.S 7131 MiU ?32 TV HOLg f Ill's ulf ?S(fi WHAT? JoVieGZ--MPGH.H iy,?;Wl U njtnrw.... Ii IwS eT OUT .1 I I aVValiUle -Wr'p "J AY WAV 3eew,el e- .Jk V I I J""' - f 1 I I KL -( I If 0H,SANDy-7HATMUST hsSSSH I I TSTTautuar.MTT.ZII iaW I - SftMrA-f WHO'a I in BE VOUR DOG-H6 S6EMS 5NSS,5J J '-t sV M I kVm. Wip a AtSssssssSs' V B I f Bstssh. .11 w hj1 j i . ,,.ir i Z I f1f''l - aS CANFNOOUT IF SHE'S A A V I A K 5V- V 3 I WE TBUTHABCXJT J PROFESSIONAL TSHE'STHE "-sJ THArg-soOoER-ir, I U I 7 J I rj THIS INCRECHEM-E MODEL, THAT'LL, M POLICE CHIEF'S ALL R-RIGHTf' rf J Q M l? jfv) 7i INTtRVIEW rfliTSABSKE.? SHE TEACHES T-TERRIBW (aXAt.v") j MADE MADETHE FIRST WHAT IS -"v-iY ABOUT 1 AK IMPRWEMEMT vi3LI Y P0R 3(SS Lrs -r-SZSLT well, rr pkeentsI V that auy fe "rtf, iVe coaie tdanI K bex, r appreciate what . ' AN INTERESTINli , f TRUE - BUT XX'VE OTIWCN, KEITH.' XXI'ltE TEVIN& TO PO--- v come On Apurr rr.' diffecential r1 made the oiaonosi, I howeve?, I would ut powt waste vouR V XXp'VE WCSkEO HP THAT 1 PIAC-NOSIS - ) HAVEN'T YOU J y LIKE YOURS ! I 7 TIME ON ME ) IE AWD6 l a CASE AND Vli PONT i r COULD 8E WSON6.' I UP AW MIND.' I M iJETTlNO jVlj 5 HgEP WTAEDICAL j"'"! - VJPUT OMETWNE SO I '' '1 i!tTfTir??P! I OUR AV3NEY AND SAME DONT MEAN T I BWT 1 - pAiLAUriUvJ 1 THAT TOMIHOMEDAV MINE WILL BOTH rTllYif TA W VtV YOU TALK STRl,5UT,rf THANW (OR 3 6EXP1T A4 PREMv!,F vflu KlIEVE I Jl, C S- .tTH- , , WDOtWNtll.SOtlOl'.a Pffl TK.T,WECAN60CN...BUTIFNCJJU5T j g 'I f Trw Cil I t Z httl i U rtA!lt MLV IKHPI (1 I k AUTF II- liKl I . -., . ., - -T-- I l V . . & a I 41 I t- Uli YOU AT TIMtSl... UT-! 5 TAN! N0Wi t",'V VO,.SV 1 RADIO PROGRAMS TUESDAY P.M. 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 Tulton Lewis NlIU F News Art Kirkham ,u.mmfluav Here s Answer aam nn n'hv Fifty IN'l'.v F"V fGAJ "ew" Jacobson Jacobson (Jacobson Eddie Fhr 'Newspaper Newspaper ?a7''VR,y"n. S'Sntlh-a SST Rb,tl.nlrh.. Bytnm. - - lr . r;,. 0:.u..iv.,f. Ronnrl Hand Concert (Vanderhnof Mel Hn iPrn.RAsoall IPro-Baseball "N"iwi rrmcast Sam Haves INmy IW INi'ty 50 I Bible Treas. A ex Dreler Morgan Bealty U Man Family Lowell TnomaiiAinus n' Ana Ainu, , n rtiiay McCall Mystery Time Mystery rime ,rrrt.Rat(iball pro-BaseDaii iriu-atni A, it inu. News-Vandr Pro-Ba5eball News Reel Niltv 50 News-Sports Carpenter Ed P Morgan Pro-Baseball . k-r.AV ,vtu.' liohnston News Frank Goss O Vider.-un i Pro-Baseball Gabe Heater News-Gildy Melody News-Music Pro-Baseball Eddie Fisher IGilderJleeve Melrd I Music IPro-Baseball Music Band Concert IXightllne Nnhtline Robt Lewis Robt Q. Lewil Music Music (Nightline hMghlline Show Tunes iShow Tunes mx-om uope vu;e N.uhtine Niehtline Nigntline (Nigntline Rbt S QlgLcwf. i Q Lewis iWorid Tonight World lonlght Wnrlrt lu-wi Music Music .MUS.T.. Miohiiine INichlline INightline iMgninne IBaEChall Baseball Rj- WiHes Middle Show News-Music Gildersleeve Richfield Rptr IRay Wllle News Profile Dance fimt News Flashes Music Riv wines Middle Show MUf!C IGildersleeve laasehall IBnseball IRay Willes - Hay Willes iDo You Know Do You Know Danre rime Dance Time IWorld News . 1 JlaiVsFamlly "(News IMsualc Ray Willes (Ray Willes iuooa evening Dance Time (Music lU'nshl rlfflim Dance Time Music "Bie Citv Big City Midnite MeL IMidnite MeL Ray Willes IRay Willes IRay Willes Ray Willes Mus to Midnite Mus to MidniU Music MidnKt Mu- Danre Time Dance Time Dance Time Dance Time Mostly Music Mostly Music IMostly Music Mostly Music WEDNESDAY 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 . KSLM Vail Farmcast Vail, farmcast Vail Farmcast iNews ' KG AY Farm News ;Rollie Smith iKollie smiw iUAr ivewi fcKH.V News-Bauer !AJ Bauer 1AI Bauer ai uauer I KOIN World News KOl mock kui.x iviock irvuir newi (GW News-vander. ivanaernooi vanaernooi vanaernooi KGU.V Rise & Shine 'World News IHise & Shine IHise & Shin iBrkfst Cans (News " 'Lawrence WelklKGAY Newa IRcinhart Harry Babbitt Vanderboof Morning Rept. Bible Inst. IKGAV Newa Steve Brody KSLM Hemingway Brenkf Gang iKfiAV Ijiral News Rollie Smith F KU.Y INcws-Rcinhart Reinhart Reinhart KOIN KOIN Klock .Headline News .rrann uoss KGW News Vanderhl Vanderhoof iVanderhoor KGON News -Rise IRise & Shine iRise & Shine KSLM Cliff Engle Family Altar I KG AY Bob Morse Bob Morse fKBZY News-Brody Steve Brody Jkoin ensumer tNewi ivane news KGW Cecil Brown Vanderhoof KGON Rise &Shfne Rise & Shine KSLM iNews INews IBfble Inst. AKGAT Bob Morse Bob Morse !Bob Morse WKnv iKtw.Rmriv ISteve Brodv ISteve Brodv AkoIN Cnsumer News tValle News (Shelley Srnadt iShelley Srnada KGw Cecil Brown vanaernooi ivanaernooi vanaernooi (News-Rise St S.tRise 6t Shine Pastor's Call Matinee IA KGAY Rollie Smith Jlollie Smith IRolhe Smith IKGAY News ' U KHY News-Brodv (Steve Brody Steve Brody ISteve Brody KOIN "Wendv Warren Howard Miller Hp)en Trent Mid Morn New m KGW Truth or ConsqITruth or CnnsqiNBC Bandslnd INBC Bandstnd KGON News-Records ISpotlite RcdsiNews-Records iSpotllte Beds. News fieno lesi t wings oi bong .wings or &ong KGAY Rolhe Smith IClary Dyer JRolhe Smith KGAY News KH7V IVxi.Crnrlu ICt.lrM Rritrfir IQtsl'B Rpnrlv IC(,. OmAv 1 KOIN Happiness iMrs Burton Strike It Rich :Pat But tram nun inei umo (Anaerson ijiri carries i wnisper'ng ata. KGON NBC Bandsfnd 'NBC Bandst'nd INBC Bandsfnd 'NBC Bandst'nd kSLM News I Queen a Day Queen a Day Queen a Day KGAY Dinner Winner iDinner Winner ILarry Ross ILarr.v Ross KBZY News-Brodv Steve Brody Steve Brody Steve Brody KOIN Norah Drake Ma Perkins Dr. Malone Road ol Life KGW True Story True Story jKonnie Worth 'Konnie Worth KGON Top Tunes Top Tunes (Top Tunes TopTunes KSLM News :NW Newi iTop Trades .Vail. Farmcast" KGAY Larry Ross 12:15 News ILarrv Ross ITown Crier KBZY News Wheel (Johntton News R F.D.-Bauer steve Brody I KOIN News-Weather Come Get It House Party House Party Kr.W Mitchell Rots Paul Harvey Bob McAnulty 'Bob McAnulty KGON (News-Tunes Top Tunes iNews-Top TneslTop Tunes KSLM RTwhall " Baseball Baseball Baseball KGAY Larrv Ross ILarrv Ross ILarrv Rosi IKGAY Newa KB.Y (News IJacobson Jacobson Jacobson ! KOIN Godfrey time Godfrey Time (Godfrev rime lOndfrey Timt 1 KGW News-M'An ltv 'Bob McAnulty 'Bob McAnultv !Bob McAnulty KGON True ConfessnsTrue ConfesssWoman in Hse.jDr. Gentry KSLM Baseball Baseball Baseball Baseball KGAY Buzz Florin IBu77. FloriD IBuzz FloriD IKGAY Newa f KBZY News Jacobson Jacobson 1 Jacobson kim.-n Lioairev lime looairpy lime mum Asnion new.t-wefltner KGW News-M'An'Ky IBob McAnulty IBob McAnulty Bob McAnulty KGON 5 StarMatinee5 Star MatineeHilltop House Pepper Young KSLM (News .Music News Here's Answer"- I KGAY Niftv FiftV INiftV Flftv (Niftv Fiftv KHAV Nw f KBZY News IJacobfon Jacobson Jacobson koin luacKstage wire lour Gal S'ndaylTake Thirty (Take Thirtr 'KGW Ncws-M'An'lty IBob McAnulty IBob McAnulty IBob McAnulty KGON Bass Harris Bass Harris Bass Harris Bass Harris KSLM Matinee iHeminnway ,Tello Test Sam Havet I KGAY Niftv Fiftv Niftv Fifiv - Niftv s7,t 'vnw t - IKBZY News IJacobson (Jacobson iJaoobson KOIN Art Kfrkham (The AlexanderslNewspaper INewspaper KGW News-Vander (Vanderhoof Vanderhoof Vanderhoof KGON News-Fashions Faah. Rhythms IFash. Rhythms IFash. Rhythma .KSLM 5:00 Frolics 5:00 Frolics News ReDort LeeisHilitM KGAY Niftv Flftv INiftv Fiftv INiftv Fifiv ivr.nv w.,.-. KBZY News IJacobson IJacobson Unhnstnn Nwa lu w. murrnw irws-WMin r Kiiw News-vanier. Vanrtrr.oof KGON !Pro Baseball iTom Harmon Mel Allen IPro Baseball Frank Goss Anderson Pro Baseball Pro Baseball News Farmcast iSam Haves NlftV FiftV Niftv FiftV IRihl Troac Alex Dreier Morgan Beatty 1 Man's Family Lowell rhomis'Amos o' Annv.Amm n Ann IFights Fights Biii posedell Pro Baseball IPro Baseball' Pro Baseball KSLM News Reel KGAY Niftv Fiftv 'KBZY Sports-News mii.n carpenter KGW Fight KGON IPro Baseball KSLM, Gabriel Heater '-Silver Seren'de IH1 Forum 'Band Concert KBZY Linkletter Linkletter Niehtline INichtline KOIN .Melody Melody IRob. Q. Lewla Rob Q. Lewla KGW Ed. P. Morjran Tom McCalt IMusic Music KGON Pro Baseball IPro Baseball INightline Nightline KSLM Show Tune IShow Tune mutr-nut nor. iRacahalt IKBZY News-N'ihtl'ne INichtline INiehtline INichtline KOIN Robt. O. Lewis IRobt. Q. Lewis IWorld Tonight World Tonight KGW News-Music "Music Music Music KGON Nightline INightline fNifihtline Nightline KSLM 'Baseball KBZY Rav Willes KOIN Middle Show ROW News-Music IBasehall IRay Willes Middle Show M' ncws-music iMusip iDance Time IDance Time KfiONPeople Funny People Funny IWorld News 11 Man's Family IBasehall IBaseball IRay Willes Ray Willei IUd Date Un Date Dance Time (Dance Time KSLM Baseball IBaseball KBZY iRichfield Rptr. IRay Willes KOIN 5 Star Final Sporta Desk KGW News Dance Time KGON News Flashes Mostly Muate 1KSLM Gangbusteri .Gangbusten KBZY IRay Willes IRav Willes KOIN Music ToniBht Music Tonight Mi Dance iime (uance lime News IMustc Ray Willes Ray Willes (Jaycee Repts. Jaycee Repti. Dance Time iDance Time lostly Music iMostly Musie Musir IMusic IRay Willes Ray Willes Music Tonight Mus Tonight luance i ime manee Time KGON Mostly Music Mostly Music Mostly Music Mostly Music 1 eUtihn TIHIEDE SIPIO ACROSS ). Flower container 5. Turkic tribesmen 11. Law. 12. Tending ta a sharp point 1.1. Clean 15. Algerian seaport 16. Regrets 17. Free 13. Meshed fabric 19. Transmit 20. Warble 21. Summer drink 22. Make lace 23. Carry: Dial Eng. 24. Headpiect 25. Period of light J6. Deck out 28. Knowledf 30. Bird's crop 33. Reward 34. Raise 35. Jap. sash 3D. Enzyme 'ST. Speechless 38. Snare 39. Distinguish 42. Conceive a notion 4,1. Meaning 44. Marsh grasses 45. Consumes SIL IE ElPisHMIOlL eB PIA H I plaTlp WEL NOPUEMnNllpE-fR U a rieHsieTv EpHpl i In SIL EJC fjHR ftp E L C3( QMadBlJen ape SI H1P i IBA T T A R a 1 3 tx 2 IEiIII T A p a lUb o c kIsUr e s Solution of Ytltarday'a Punle DOWN 1. Leave empty 2. Presently J.Male child 4. Beseech i i 3 Is la i Is i I io 73 is i TTt . . Z 1 H Z " St IS n 2 V. i 30 311 32 iii h " 4 J .i 3$ L S: 56 .rt n m ii ,i 3? tO 41 zizzz?fczzzzk SI4 5. Domesti cated 6. Bee genus 7. Metal 8. Mite 9. Classifica tion 10. Heavy hammer 11. Waxed 13. Sp. title 14. Uncle's wire 19. Remain 20. Utter 23. Tip to one side 24. Possessed 25. Protection 28. Boy's nam 27. Dwell 21. Took in sail 29. Elanet 30. Swamp 31. Diminish 32. Dry 34. Enticei 37. Measure .18. Light color 40. Exhaust 41. Afternooa