I ' ' Page 6, Sec. 3, Capital Journal, Mon., May 13, 1957 J'i ' ; i i mi ily ml CO a pil r- the fla the ea! 1.0 1 Mu vill 42: abt betl t i fi. mo; ere 1 ard Loc par visi bee In Hla BV 0 wai Pa. ma: S1.0 abli lion T moi by rigl A Ihf Pitl sha! pita II II 0 Wt from tndn of E the and Th wife 1 f floor pantl Th. up. t , Bl reasc to IT Thi poller 3: a quest Pol "knot police in Nt marh. a h a ot ai I DENNIS THE MENACE By Ketcham 'I HAVE SOME FOLKS WHO WOULD UKB TO LOOK AT VOUR HOtrSfi MRS MADE IS THAT LITTLE TOW- HEADED NEIGHBOR eOVAkoUNO? BUSINESS MIRROR New Planes Put Air Haulers in Profits By SAM DAWSON ' NEW YORK Wl-Ncw planes to day are lifting the profits tonnage for the fledgling air freight in dustry. Most major carriers report in creased cargo ton mileage this year over last. Most expect addi tional speedier and bigger craft to carry their sales volume to new heights this year and next. For some tho new equipment is particularly handy. The end of the profitable air lift to Korea hurt some of the all-cargo carriers greatly. A few dipped into red ink before the new planes were delivered. Their arrival, Industry spokes men say, should Kernld the day when the air cargo industry as a whole can step into tho ranks of recognized American Industrial money makers. Tho new planes mean lower costs per to nmile as well as greater capacity. Officials think the great potential now lies in air freights ability to am manuiac. turers cut distribution costs. This month Flying Tiger began transcontinental operation with its new Meet of 12 Super H uonsici lallons. It says Its scheduled air cargo service now can ho carried on at 331 miles per hour, lifting 43,000 pounds of freight 2,300 mucs nonstop. The new planes arc more than ono third larger than the line's old ones as well as foster. For example, one flight from Los Angeles to new iom wan a stop at Chicago has an elapsed time of nine hours, 20 minutes. In the first thrco months of 1957 cargo ton miles increased by 7 Children Die in Fire STRATFORD, Conn., Ifl Seven children perished Saturday in a fire that destroyed a three-family dwelling. The children were members of two families. Two other children, one ot them two weeks old, and three women wero injured. They were taken to a hospital in the neighboring city of Bridgeport. The children, none believed to be more than 12 years old, were members of the families of Mrs. Martha Davis and of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Martin. Five children from the Davis family and two from the Martin fnmily died. The injured Included Mrs. Mar tin and her mother-in-law. Police said the firo occurred in a three-story dwelling, the first story ot which was unoccupied. 22 SENTENCED HAVANA, Cuba Ifl-A Santiago court has sentenced 22 persons to six years in prison on charges of plotting against the government or President r tilgoncio Ilalistn The court said -the 22 landed in eastern Cuba aboard a yacht with rebel leader Fidel Castro lost December. LEGALS ADMINISTRATRIX NnTIrR NOTICE IS HEREBY G1VKN thlt IRIS G. ARNOLD tins, by order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon County, orru annnln'.cri a: administratrix of the pstalr ,if K'mrr K. Tanner, Deceased, Clerk's Hrjtistry No. 17247. All persons having rlnlmi against said estate are required to D-.;ent ncm. amy vended, witn nir-rer nicliers, to said adniliUs!r.iii l at 200 Masonic Building. Salem, Orreeit. within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 20th day of April, 1937. IRIS C ARNOLD Administratrix of the Estate of Elmer E. Tanner, deceased. JONES and ALLEN 200 Masonic Building Salem. Oregon Attorney! for Administratrix April 29, May 8. 1, 20, 27 1,177,949 over the first quarter of I'.l'ifi. (a ton mile Is one ton of freight carried one mile.) Slick Airways, a southwestern cargo totcr with a transcontinen tal route, is also adding larger equipment. Riddle Airlines, which flics freight between Puerto Rico, Florida, New York and midwest- cm cities, is modifying its 32 C4fis to obtain more capacity and speed. Seabord & Western Airlines ti- day starts its lllh year of trans atlantic air freight service. New equipment has brought its fleet to, 10 Super Constellations and three DC4s. In the first three months of 1957 cargo ton miles totalled 2,958,077, an increase of 78.4 per cent over the 1,657,809 carried in the first quarter of 1056. In the profitable South Ameri can field, Panagrn reports its air cargo volume rose 51 per cent during 1950 and is still gaining. It now curries, on average, four Ions of cargo a day on its routes in seven Latin American coun tries. It has added two special C54 cargo planes to expand service. Classified Advertising Statesman-Jonnisi m Newspapers tf 280 N. Church St. PHONE EM 4-6oil LOCAL RATES WEEKDAYS Davi 1 2 3 4 - a 8 Lines .40 .40 .35 .32'i, .30 25 TOTAL CHARGES (Mln. 2 Unci) Weekdays Sm, per line J time .40 ,30 per line 3 times 11.05 .85 utr line fi times SI. 50 SI .40 per line 1 mo. $5.50 (Inc.. Sun.) Classified aos will be run In both papers to five advertisers me advantages or ine iremen dous combined circulations. When an ad Is ordered three or six times and a Sunday Issue is inciuaea nor example rnaay, Saturday, Sunday) the lower Sunday rates apply because only j nc outeifiifla puDiisnea .un days. Classified ads will start In the morning Oregon Statesman, con clude in the evening Capital journal oui aas will oe ac cented for Sunday Statesman only. The deadline for classified ads Is 1:00 p.m. the day before pub lico II on except for Sunday when deadline Is 5:30 p.m. Friday. Emergency ads and small line ads received fter 1:00 pjn. weekdays and until 12 noon Saturday for Sunday may be placed in the "Too Late to Class ify," column. Ads for Mondnv Doners muni be in by 0 p.m. Saturday. The Statesman -Journal News papers reserve the right to re ject questionable advertising; It further reserves the right to place all advertising under" the proper classification. The Statesman-Journal News- naners assume no financial re. sponslbllity for errors which may appear In advertisements published In Us columns and In cases where this paper is, at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement in which the typographical mistake occurs. A "Blind" Ad an ad contain ing a Statesman-Journal News papers box number for an ad dress is for the protection of the advertisers and must there fore be answered bv letter. The Statesman - Journal Newspapers are not at liberty to divulge In formation as to the Identity of an adevrtlser using a "Blind" ad. THIS NEWSPAPER STRIVES 10 protect its readers agnlnst frnud, deception, or Injuries. Renders arc cftutloned to make NO PAYMENTS to get a po sition advertised In the help wanted columns. All help wanted ads MUST SPECIFY THE NATURE OF THE WORK. Sales help wanted ads must state If the pay is In the form of salary commissions, gunranlce, or include firm nnine. Bona fide offers ot em- f Joy men t with pay belong to hu "Help Wanted" columns. Ads In other columns which re quire investment in stocks, samples, equipment or cash bond should be thoroughly in vestigated before paying out nnv monev. Advertisers re quiring a cash Investment for samples or merchandise, sales aids, etc., must so specify In their nds. this rule to the classified ad vert Isine munaier Kindly report any exception to ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. B60 morion. tLsa -uoia. 400 Agriculture 403 Livestock Wanted CATTLE, horses, at your farm. E. j. Mcuandiisn. cm j-bibm. FREE pasture for good gentle sauaic norses. cm j-ojoj. CATTLE, 4397 State. K. 1. St H. snethen, em z-1345, em 2-bu. 400 Agriculture CATTLE buyer. A. F. Sommcr. lawi narmony ur, t-wt. TOP cash prices at your place. nay wuzci. &m i-oiuo tuuci... LEGALS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF ORECiON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION Department of Domestic Relations Nn. 4.1561 JOHN C. LAWTER, ) Plaintiff, ) vs. i ROSA MARGARET LAWTER, 1 Defendant. ) S IF M MONK TO THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFEND ANT: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORECJON you arc hereby summoned and required to appear and answer the complaint herein nn or before the date nf the lust publication hereof, and for want thereof the plntintiff will apply to the court for a decree dissolving selling aside and for ever holding for naught the bonds of matrimony heretofore existing be tween the plaintiff and the defend ant and awarding to plaintiff an absolute divorce, and awarding to ptainmr mien oincr, runner and dif ferent relief an to this court ninv seem- just and equitable. This summons Is being published hy order of the Honorable Louis E. Starr, one of the judges of the above- entitled court, once a week for five consecutive wcpks in me capttnl Journal, a newspaper of grncral cir culation, printed and published in Marion County, Oregon, and that the date of the first publication hereof is April zj. ni:w, aim ine dale ri the last publication hereof is May 20, It. W. PlcKell Attorney for Plaintiff 207 McCillchrlst lilcig., Salem, Oregon April May b.i.UO EXECUTRIX' NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Jane Harvey has. hy order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon County, been appointed executrix of the estate of Ellen A. Fihrr, Deceased, Clerk s Registry No. 17.240, All persons having elaims agafnit mid estate are required to present them, dulv verified, wflh proper vouchers tn said executrix at ;110 Pioneer Trust Building. Salem. Ore gon, within six months irom me date of this notice. Dated end first published April u, ivy. J A VIC HARVTEY Executrix of the estate of Ellen A. Ftoher- Deceiseq, a Wofcfrr Trait Building fteJem. Oregon ' .Auorano;Pjf,m,.r...- NOTICE OF ELECTION Notice Is hereby stven that nn "lec tion will be held in School District No. 24CJ. Marlon Countv. State of Oregon, on Friday, May 24th, 10VI. irom z p.m. io o p.m., i'si, ai the following nolline nlai-c-i: School Voting Precinct No. t: Hlgh- niiui acnooi, norm am at lUKllianu Avenue; School Voting Precinct No. 2: Wash ington School. 316!) l.nmitiB Avcmin- School Voting Precinct No. 3; f.raut M-nooi, worm cottage v Market Streets: School Voting Precinct No. 4: Engle- wihhi jx-nuoi. isorin nun and .Ne braska Streets: i School Voting Precinct No. 5; Public School Administration Building, i;W Kerry: School Voting Precinct No. fi: Rich mond tu-hool, ttlclimond A: Mill Streets: School Voting Precinct No. 7: Leslie Junior HtKh School, S. Cottage it Howard Sin.; School Voting Precinct No. (I: Morn- Ingsfrte School, 3113 South nth Street: School Voting Precinct No. TV Four Comers School, South Eima A: Beck Avenues; School Voting Precinct Nn. 10: West Salem School. U17 Third Street: School Voting Precinct No. 11: Keizer School. 5005 North River Road: Srhftnl Votlrn Pre-tnct No. 12: Haves Mile School. 47MS Portland Roari: School Voting Precinct No. U: Norlh Silrtn Mifih School. H th & D Streets: School Voting Precinct No. 14' Car field School, N. Co nape A: Marlon Streets; School Vollng Precinct No. 15- Rob erts School. Route 3. Box tXU-R' School Voting Precinct No. 16: Lib erty School. 4810 Liberty Hoari: School Voting Precinct No. 17: Brush College School. Brush College Road; In said school district, for the pur pose of submitting to the legal voters of said district the question of In creasing the tax lew for the year 1M7-M over the amount limited by Article XI, Section 11 of the Con stitution of the State of Orrgon. The reasons for Increasing such lew re- To provide additional revenue to meet liicrroscri ot resultant from Pp reiSu -ed iMirrli.isiiir nowc ot the dn'.ar: to nrovtde mlititliuKi) tc.1-tiers, mipphei and em'i'unrnt t";ulr nve? viry hy the Incre 'M'd numbers of children atterding s hotil; to pro vide funds for the operation of new classrooms; and to provide for the necessary equipping and improve ment of school build in ri snd ground!. The amount of tax In excess of the V limitation proposed tn be levied for said year It i,eM,MM 83. 1 Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 90th rfa5 bt Apr, 1057. i rfTAxrrn vmmiii rh.iM& May t, II Classified Index "For Your Convenience" 300 PERSONAL (110 Meeting Notices 312 Lost and Found 314 Transportation 3IR Persun.il 318 Stamps and Coins 400 AGRICULTURE 4(2 Livestock For Sale 403 Livestock Wanted 405 Pets 410 Fruits & Farm Produce 412 Market Basket 414 Poullrv & Rabbits 418 Sea Foods , 4 IB Lawn, A Harden 41'0 Seeds & Plants 422 Fertilizer 424 Farm Equipment 423 Auction Sales 450 MERCHANDISE 451 Household Goods 452 Appliances 454 Sewing Machines 45G T. V. St Radio 458 Musical Instrument 4(12 Wanted Household Goods 464 Sports Equipment 4M Bicycles 470 Building Materials 472 Plumbing, Heating 474 Floor Covering 470 Do It Yourself 4 HO For Sale Miscellaneous 481 For Bent Miscellaneous 4R2 Trade Miscellaneous 4fl;t Wanted Miscellaneous 404 Miscellaneous 4ftfi Machinery ft Tools 4118 Wanted Machinery & Toot 4H0 Fuel S00 RUSINESS AND FINANCE B10 Money to Loan 512 Loans Wanted 515 Investments 800 EMPLOYMENT 602 Help Wanted fiOt Help Wanted, Man tiOtl Help Wanted. Lady 608 Pickers 'Vanted fllO S.Tlcs Help 612 Work Wanted, Man 614 Work Wanted, Lady filb Child Care 615-A Babysitting (Your Home) 617 Job Information (118 Education 620 Day or Contract REN1 ALS Sleeping Rooms. Board W .in led Rooms, Board Apirtmenls For Rent Duplexes Bouses For Rent A Furnished Farms For Rent Wanted to Rent Wanted lo Rent Houses Wanted to Rent Apts. Buslncis Rentals Resort Rentals Convalescent Home Moving and Storage REAL ESTATE Business Opportunities Business Property Suburban Houses For Sale Apts.. Courts For Bale Lots For Sale F.rms For Sale Exchange Real Estate Const Properly Resort Property Wanted Real Estsls Insurance 802 B0;i 806 817 808 H10 "12 8.5 B l r 818 825 850 AUTOMOTIVE 85 1 New Cars 852 Used Cars for Sale CM Auto Parts and Repair 854 Trucks. Trailers for Sale 858 Motorcycles 858 Wanted Cars. Trucks N60 Auto Miscellaneous -f M2 House Trailers Wt 8B4 Heavy Equipment 880 Aircraft 300 Personal o o ii nnrrm OTnin Man a ai n iKtrw o ft r DIRECTORY "Clip & Save for This Week's Best Buys" CAMERAS PAINTS & WAI.LPAPM Coburn Cameraa Hutcheon'a 174 N. Commercial lfl2 N. Commercial ' Phone EM 2-1841 - Phone EM 3-6687 RADIO ' DRUGS ,. . Mitchell', Radio 4 TV Capital Drop Store 18mj s,sle st. Pn EM 3-7577 State It Liberty Inatalllng. Salea le Service PhoneMllB SERVICE STATIONS ... SJlJV'"!' nri Batdorfl Texaco Station 140 Candfilaria Blyd -Ml 4-68,3 2095 Fairgrounda-Ph. EM 3-7453 Tree Delivery 14th It Slate-Ph. EM 3-0582 Mootry'l Pharmacy Webb It Andewon (Richfield) Hollywood duslness Dlst. 12th St Mission Xeizer Business Dlst. Complete Auto Repairing FUEL , TELEVISION OreKon Fuel Co. , Mitchell's Radio .St T.W Sawdust and Wood 1HHU Mate St. Ph: EM 3-7577 Installing, Sales St Service 300 Personal 312 Lost end Found FOUND: Female boxer do. EM z-uz4a or slni z-nin. LOST: Green Female parakeet, .M 4 -turn. ?5 REWARD tor information icaaing 10 return 01 ooy s black and white Schwinn bi cycle. Large handle bars. Tak en fiom Englcwood district. tan tUNl 3-7U00. LOST Assorted keys on ring auacnea 10 icy uacit" cnain devise. Reward for return, EM 2-8444 after 5:30. 316 Personal I, Wallace Hoffman will not be responsioie lor any acuts oiner man my own. CHARIS foundations for the graduate & bride. EM 3-3536, ALCOHOLICS Anonymous, 881 a. uom I. ism z2ioa, cm z-zsau. PALMIST, Mary read your com plete lire reaaing. fast, pres ent, future. SI. 3745 Portland Rd. ' 402 Livestock For Sale Scientific Horse Shoeing Tex" EM 3-4605 7-9 am & f pm LORENTZ GREENHOUSE Large selection, fuchsias, gerani ums, negonias, cons, suiiana, etc, JU. 4, Box 41 Salem. 1 mi. So. & 1 mi East of Pringle school. FUCHSIA hanging baskets. mane oi ceaar, toe. io i. .m 4-DE1D5. TUBEROUS Begonia Plants 3 lor i, in nanas. ah colors. 2013 Highway. . FUCHSIAS, geraniums, and pe tunias. S!t55 center M. up me lane. EM 4-1584. 403 Livestock Wanted BUYER Claud Edwards. Rt 3, Box BOflE. EM 4-1113. 405 Pets GERMAN short-haired pups. $30 females, S40 male, ijenc mis sell. Box 41 Sublimity, Stayton T714. KEITH'S PUPPY FARM 540U Center EM 2-711(10 Puppies nil kinds. Buy St sell. Afl'noou 8c eves. No Sun Calls. STUD Service. D'ors little Show-off. AKC rcg. 3,i lb. Pomreanian EM 3-7731. GERANIUMS, Inch fancy leaf. ivy & I'ciargoniums. t uensia. Begonia's it Bedding Plants, Baskets of Fuchsia, Begonia It Ivy Geraniums. Compare our E rices before you buyl Kil er's. 715 Salem Heights Ave. MUMS, Dahlias, Pansies, Fuch sias & u omniums. LiDeriy G a rden, 5250 Seegar Lane. DAHLIA bulbs $2 dz. Everbear ing strawberry plants .05c ea. Red Azaleas, lupins, colum bine, mum plants 5S1.00. Ger aniums, fuchsias, tub. begon ias, Merrill's Greenhouse, Brooks. FUSCHIAS, ivy, Geranium. Pan sies, unnnas, meaning i-imus. Ward's Gardens, 43H0 Cherry. BEACH'S babies for Mothers ii.-iv AKC! Kee. Ch hua hu, puppies, 3 only. Pick yours today. 1850 Hoffman Rd. BOSTON Terriers. Nor. Elk hound, em z-iiMfl. wanted; Good homes for very cute part Cocker puppies also K" (nunc iur ineir jiiuui or, EM 4-;iti0H. JHISII SI2TTKR Reg. 7 mo. 3307 Williams Ave, BIRDS. FISH, HAMSTERS 3180 Livingston EM 2-1842 DOG TRAINING Retriever & Gun Dog. Obedience tic dogs boarded. EM 2-Olloa Grover Franklin ORANGE and pink apricot ca naries, uiw ciicmcKcia. 3-13115. . 410 Fruit & Farm Produce ASPARAGUS for canning or ireczlng. ucorge Asner on Grand Island. GREEN APPLE MARKET Asparagus. Rhubarb for canning & freezing, wvi roruana na. 412 Market Basket 11 BASKETf BUV WHOLESALE HALF or whole beel. Welfht ft price taken nircciiy irom packera Invoice. Only charge lor culling at wrapping. Dutch Maid Oleo.. 8 for 95c llhubarb 3 lbs. for loc :om Mar.tet EM 2 I40 EM J-414S I'ASTKl'niZK.n whole m'lk. He cnl HoinuKcnlrcd, BRr, li Kal. 44c. Clrary Dairy EV. 2-30.15. EAT LIKK A KINO BUY i. OF BEEF 100 lbs. U.St.A. graded A in- .. tit HTl Vn ln nvml o a.c. Satisfaction guaranteed. MAC S MKATS &. LOCKF.RS RIO N. Liberty EM 4-7744 400 Agriculture 414 Poultry & Rabbits STARTED WHITE Leghorn Euuets. wiisons tiaicnery. yons. Ore.. Ph. Ulrlck 9-2533. BABV chicks hatched vr. round New Hamp. St White Rock pullets 17c. straight run chicks iec. valley t arm, store. LANG'S Poultry-Custom killing. iaio uircnwooa ur. jsm z-uvu. 418 Lawn & Garden REKL type lawn mower. A-i. u.ud. usea mase. man. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-6371. CHOICE top soils St sands, all Kinos. tome ana see u. ne deliver or vou haul. Pick-uns loaded SI. 00. Open Sats, EM Z-174U. Aeizer sana v uravci, repossessed 21" Rotary mower. n.r. new guaran tee. E-Z terms. "Your1 Down Town" Firestone Store. 305 N. Liberty. EM 2-2491. USED Reel cower mower. You naui i& you ux. .vxour Down Town" -Firestone Store. 305 N. Liberty. EM 2-2491. , 420 Seeds & Plants GUARANTEED Reconditioned automatic wash ers, dryers, ranges St refrigi. S31.S0 4k up. YtfATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa St. ELECTROLUX cleaner J10.50. 1321 N. CapltOl, UJr. USED washers, $10 and up. Mod ern Appliance uenier, im o. Com'l. EM 4-0353. USED ranges. . refrig., washers et aryers ail in gooa wonting cond. S St H Green stamps, terms. Master Service Stations 365 N. Com'l. SEE US ON FACTORY DIRECT livered to your door. SAVE $150. Only $10 down. Model sizes. 16 - IOV2 22. "Your Down Town" Firestone Store. 305 N. Liberty. EM 2-2491. 454 Sewing Machines AZALEA SPECIAL PURPLE SPLENDOR double St Ruffled. 3 yrs. old. ti ea. This week only. Drive So. on 12th St. mi. past Mornlngside sen, iurn rigm at uaxniii Ave, 422 Fertilizer CHICKEN Fertilizer. $3.50 yd S10 truck Id. fi for Drice ot 5. 6 sacks $2.50. Also cow. EM 4-20BH or .IU MULCH SAWDUST $t Per Yd. EM 2-4031 ROTTED sawdust. 15 yr. old, fine. No finer cover for your bed. Phillips Bros. Rt. 5 Box am. KM 4-3UiU. FERTILIZER MULCH Mushroom manure, no weeds. For new lawns. EM 2-0331. HOTTED or fresh Manure, by sack or cubic yd. oei. rnu llps Bros. Rt. 5, Box 860. EM 4-3081. Closed Sun. 424 Farm Equipment MODEL-MT John Deere tractor $750. EM 3-7751 or 4HU5 Aiaie St. 1053 FARMALL Super A, with front St rear 4-row cultiva tors, St 16" plow. Excellent cond. $1,100. Practically new 0' Towner Oft-set disc with tivrirfciiltn rvlinder. S375. Can be seen 3 miles North of West Salem on Wallace Kd. fcM 4-7656. No Saturday cans. 425 Auction Sales SALE EVERY SUNDAY 1 P. M. SHARP Buy or sell on consignment. Household goods. Appliances, used cars, misc. Items. Open 7 days A week. EOLA AUCTION, EM 4-4522 ; ml. W. of saiem-uana wy. 450 Merchandise 451 Household Goods 8 YR. crib St matt, like new, also davenport. r.n -oio SELL: equity in Ironrlte ironer, Call Sat. sun, or oner o p.m. wk. days. EM 4-0662. NEW 3pc Curved Foam Rubber sectionals :hj uicn .vuiKiiy 1605 N. Sumn.cr. LOW prices easy parking Glen Woodry, iw5 N. Munmei SAVE $100. to $500. on com plete household at tne siore with the easy terms Glen W oodry 1605 N. Su mnier. Ki'iiriv vacuum cleaner. $19.95. 1321 N. Capitol. EM 3-7067, dir. 414 Poultry & Rabbits ItREn does ft burks. EM 4 756. 5035 Auburn ltd. Custom dressing of Poultry. We biiv Rabbtts ft skins. Wings, lnW5 St.ite.EM 4-3'JlB. BAPY Chleksfor meat or eggs. Send for tree toiaer vriuons Hatcnery, Lyons, Ore. PB. ULrlck 9-13U. To Place Classified Ads CaU CM. 4-6811 100 Pitploy Cloiiificd 310 Meeting Notice fOH lll.NT- Tn Parties -Cluh -ItiiMiit's Meet men, KM 4-4:36. lblywoHi Lions Den. r now'open'1 450. Merchandise 1450 Merchandise 451 Household Goods FURNITURE & gifts at lowest prices. Milk glass bud vase 69c. Assorted 6" milk glass vases $1.39. 6" lace edge bowl $1.50. Spoon holder for 18 ' spoons $1.98. Black 8t motto trivets 70c. Decorated trivets $1.30; Ermels Col. Furn. 1782 Fairgrounds Rd. EM JM742. ROOM sfzE COTTON RUGS WASHED AND DRIEDI We also tint rugs either restor ing their -original color or cnanging ineir snaue. Fast Economical Service LAUNDERETTE 1255 Ferry St. EM 2-4555 (', Block East of Willamette U.) REPOSSESSED Beautyrest Mat tress (full) and Simmons Box Spring" 75.00; also twin set 75.00 Terms Glen Woodry 1605 14. bummer UNFINISHED furnitu.e. H. L Stiff Furniture, m N High IF 'you have one Item or a house of furniture to sell call the used Mercnantnse man, 270 S. Liberty, EM 4-6371. NEW desk lamps. $0.95. Used Mase. Man. iv a. i-ioeny. EM 4-8371. NEW 3pc Sofa Sectionals, (jjoveiy moocrn) jua.ou; uiu well Daveno Set 139.50: TV Sofas 72.50 Terms Glen Wod ry 1605 ti. Summer. 452 Appliances 12 FT, Harder freezer. EM 4-3031. 1957 25 cu. ft. Amana freezer, repossessed, lor only tsw.m. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Lib erty. EM 4-6371. 30 GAL. GAS water heater heat er exc. cond. $30 EM Z-3UB5. 2 YR. old 30 in. Westfnghouse range, also wringer type wasner sjhv s. . ELEC. water heater, 42 gal. used 3 mo. a Yr. guar, em 3-0703. WRINGER type washer, good condition, $qa. em jj-nuiz. MAYTAG gas range, 2 yrs, old, aacmice, urews, jvm fvuii. COMB FREEZER St REFRIG. A real buy. EM 4-7744. FREEZERS, repossessed. Up- rignts, lit et zi cu. n., new guar. EM 4-9482. GOOD used Norge dryer. 90 aay guarantee, umy sau-nn. a real steal. Terms. "Your Down Town' Firestone Store. 305 N. Liberty. EM 2-2491. FOR Sale. Featherweight Port able binge r be wing macmne. Perfect cond. $80. EM 3-4842. 455 Clothing WEDDING gown, 3 formals, 1 SUit, Size 12 14. EM 3-4777. 456 T.V. & Radio GUARANTEED Re-Conditioned TVS 64.aj & up. HUYETT TV 1003 Fairgrounds Rd. EM 3-7681 17" Westlnghouse T.V. You hnii Xr fix. sin.aa. Terms. "Your Down Town" Firestone Store. 395 N. Liberty. EM 2-2491. REPOSSESSED T. V. Sets from $35. Heidcrs. 363 N. M- 21" ADMIRAL T.V. set with antenna. 5150.95. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-6371. 458 Musical Instruments OPENINGS for summer or fall piano students. Nancy Hunt, 3865 Liberty Rd. EM 3-9020. KNABE SPINET. Slight case damage, mg discount, i ail man Piano Warehouse, 395 S. 12th near S.P. Depot. "A Mile From High Prices." , HAMMOND organ 1-3 off, 2 years oia, tun pcaai Doara, Leon S. Drews EM 4-0977. SPINET PIAUO. Sacrifice for quick sale in this locality. Cash or terms. Write Mr. Martin. 7235 S E Milwaukle Ave.. Portland. Ore. CLEARANCE USED Organs & pianos. Morrell organ uo., .km n. ttign. PIANO MINDED? Save $. Buy direct irom aisirioiuor. we guarantee we can save you monev. All makes, all styles, EZ terms. Investigate today Tallman Paino Warehouse, 395 s. 12th, near b.f. uepoi. 462 Wanted Hshld Goods WE pav cash for good clean used furniture and appliances. Used Merchandise Mart, xiv s. uperty, em 4-ojyi. HONEST, fair, casn Diice naid xor gooa, ciean uaca lurnuiuB ana appuinces. am o-oiiu. Clen Woodry, 1B05 N. Summer MISC. furniture wanted. Cour teous service, rn. km a-Btraa, 464 Sports Equipment '56 model. 30 hp. JOHNSON $305 ea. " SALEM BOAT HOUSE 100 Chemeketa EM 3-9303 FOlTsAl.E: 4fl lb. Grizlcy bow, $27. EM 3-7218. 470 Building Materials Jl Eif "WOT HOPPENED?" IT'S RAINING! Yep - and we've Sot everything lor mat kiv 10DELING 4V)b - Terms too :G mos. No down Davment. Fine list of 'Builders if you aesire quote complete. PRE.HUNG-DOOR UNITS . At tractively priced! ALUMINUM Windows less expensive than wood. OS White paint $2.50 al. a; x 10 Tite-knot Cedar iding $135.00, 1 X 12 Cedar boards $104.00 & $120.00-NAILS y.ya Keg. SEE the tremendous selection. of $125.00 up. Knotty Cedar.. 4 Clear, PLYWOOD PANELINGS. Pre finished If desired! Plywood et Plywood, fir and hardwood! OAK 4x8 $15.68, BIRCH I ju.iii et sa.H, GOSH ya ought a Just browse nere as specials too numerous to mention OPEN ALL DAY aATUKUAl TUOl Your Building Supply Friends' PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER YARD 3545 Portland Road EM 4-4433 ROOF TRUSSES FOR 25 FT. BUILDING (2x6, 2x4 Const. Bolted) $7.50 EACH No. 2 & Btr. used lumber Flooring Siding Sheathing, 2X4, ZXO, ZX1V, afXlaC, JX1....J)10- $60 per M E. S. RfTTER & CO. 4S740 ortland Rd. 'i ml. North of Totem Pole Open all day Saturday Salem EM 4-8311 Building-Remodeling? Lawn fence with posts 27c. ft New 4" soil pipe 77c. ft. Septic tanks $30.50, $55 50. 4" black sewer pipe 2Uc & 36c. Galv. pipe 'a 13c, 3 17c, 31c, l',j 30c, 2'' 49c. Plastic pipe QVjC, 1" 132C. Toilets $21.50, with seat $25.50 Washbasins complete $17.50 Steel bath tubs complete $59.95 52 gal. water heaters $50.50 Steel, cast, stainless sinks Shower cabinet best quality $39.95 New laundry trays $13.75. 122 wire roll price 4c. ft. Elec. range cable 30c, ft. 200 amp. meter bases $19.75 nange panels u.du to soy.nu. a eiec. ceiling tans u.i-o Reject insulated panel shake sid ing only $4.50 sa. Painted shakes wu.c. $10.25. permanent Asnestos sining su.sa Galv. iron roofing $10.70 sq. No. 2 cedar shingles $5.75 sq. No. 1 cedar shingles $11.00 sq. 3 tab 215 lb. comp. roof $7.85 6, 9. 10, 12. & 16 ft. garage drs., witn naraware $.ni.na up. Birch, mahog. 8t glass doors Screen doors $6.50 No. 2 oak flooring $100 M. Galv. wide bottom gutter 13c. nans, per Keg, Fiberglass roll insulation 4'ic. Plasterboard SI. 30. 1.60. 1.85. Joint cement, tape, texture paint 16 x 32 ceiling tue iuic. sq. it. Floor tile, 10 colors, 9c tile Dra inboard covering 30c sq. ft. Fencing, cedar & steel posts 15 lb. felt Bldg. paper $2.45 Larere comDlete stock sashes. crystal & dble wind. CHEAP Choice shake mold 10c. It. Garage dr. hdware $16.50 C. G. Long & Sons l Ml. N. ot Keizer EM 4-5051 GOOD CLEAN TOPSOIL no weeds, roots or rocks, THE PRICE 6 vd. load 9 yd. load $8.00 , $12.00 Ph. EM 4-4747, fi a.m. to 10 p.m. Limited time.. 481 For Rent Miscellaneous RENT cr lease Jge. warehouse space cement noor, dhck oiag., downtown. Inq. H. I. Stiff Furn. EM 3-9185. LUMBER Unit loads Old growth shlplap et 2X4 aei. zo m. iowesi price on 8 to 24 ft. Spec, length No. 3. Call EM 4-0523 Ted & Leo Muuer. DICK MEYER RENEWABLE INSTALLMENT CREDIT PLAN 8 Mos. To Pay (On Approved Credit) REMODEL IMPROVE Use This Plan For Lawn Fences Repairs Re- Datntine He-Hoofing Etc. Visit our office For DETAILS. DICK MEYER LBR. CO, 1775 Lana Avenue Phone EMplre 3-939 New nn nrlnff with tnnter- soring mniiress uiw Woodry 1605 N. Summer. NEW 5nc Wr. Iron Dinettes. As inw Aft 39.50 laree. 7nc Vln- lure with free console table !fl 00 Terms Trades Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. fAnr.K !titfction of used furnl lure davenos. stoves. retriRer- ators, rinieties. ainmg sns, wash, machines. TVs, etc Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer 3" ROOMS of new furniture. ( Bedroom Living room Kitchen. 299.50 easy terms Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer HI-CHAIRS 150; sm crib and mattress 10.00; 8 yr DeLuxe Crib St Matt 25 00 play pen w-pad 10.00; daveno 19.50; wood heater 6 95; oil circu lators from 10.00; bunk beds w-mattresses 44.50: used rugs clean. Clen Woodry 1605 N. Summer. 16' BOAT, motor St controls St trailer. Best oiler, em after 4:30. FOLDING Camp Trailer, sleeps 4, must see to appree. iikw Electric Ave. EM 4-9467. 16 FT. Cabin cruiser 25 HP mo tor with controls et trailer, si N. Winter. 3 HP Johnson. 10 HP Evlnrude motors. Call EM 4-7544. 314 Transportation WORKING girl needs ride from Stsvton to Salem daily. to A. Stayton 0434. PHONE EM 4-6811 Triangle .Barber Shop (next to Triangle Cafe) Men Ladlst Haircut ting FREE PARKING GsU Srawson-Krwtn Talk NEW divan set club chair, rocker & ottoman. $109. i5. Ucd Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Lib erty. KM 4-M71. SWING rocker, Man book case. & end tables. .V5 S. Klma. UK THRIFTY Ruv GOOD uwl furniture. A smclr ttrm or a complete household Buy now on our easy terms Woodry's Thrifty USKD rURNm'BE 115 8. Comm.rclal EM JJU 1 Block South Ot Pap.r MtU DFDROOM set, rtln. rm. aeC Ur. rm. Ml. XM J4. SEE THE 1957 16 FT. CRUISETTE Blakecraft. fibemlass actual length 16 Beam" 79". Only $;i32 Pel. In Salem. SHROCK'S CYCLE St MARINE 1375 Highland EM 2-1423 465 Photography SACRIFICE new 35mm Braun Camera with guarantee, tele' photo, wide Angle lens. At par- auax-iuiaer. .cai 466 Bicycles DOY'S 24" bicycle with 2 speed gear shift. 385 Cedar St. Stay ton Ph. 7264. 470 Puilding Material Fl.EL heaters nun ojsrrward g.il elee. wtr hrt.. $59 50. w"-i. ic H i" ri iv n.Tth set. comp $120 Built-in oven plus 4 bur. unit. fl95. Outlet boxes. ?5 cents. 14 2 wire, ,1c ft, in dls. 4" galv. gutter. 13c ft.. S" vent fan, 113 50. 31 x 32 kitchen link, comp, $43.95. Apex Electric St Plumbing. 1410 Broadway, EM 21166. Open Frt. eve. Keith Brown Specials Now open Saturday, all day Weekend Soeclals 10 only 3-0x6-9x1 14 1 Pan 1 L.ite screen uoors to.ou eacn. We have a full line of screen doors with gaiv. or aium wire alum screen and storm Honrs. Rvlock window screens. all types of screen door, hard ware, ninges ana gnus. Fpneinff Redwood j X o-io Basnet weave ,uaa iin 2 X 4-R.L. 2 & Btr. S4S .10 Ltn 4 x 4-R.L. 2 & Btr. S4S .22 Lin Fnel-isT CpHar jXb& 'ixs jsasKei weave .vs L.ni 2 x 4-R.L, 2 St Btr. S4S .075 Lin 4 x 4-R.L. 3 Com S4S .10 Un 4 X 4-R.L. 2 Com & Btr. S4S 15 Lin 1 x 10 R.L. 3 Com St Btr, Inverted Cedar Panel 75. M 21 sq 2 Natural Shakes with. unaercourse sq. O S. White Paint 2 50 gal 10 pc. 4x8xs reject hardboard $1.50 ea 4xflx hardboard . 2.25 ea 4x8xsi hardboard underlayment . ... w.tn ea NOW Finest sliding alum windows on marxci lonay as low as $10.95 complete. Also matching Alum Glass frames and Alum Door frames. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD 235 North Front EM 3-9111 We give S St H Green Stamps PL"lf M B I NG Installations at lower prices Guaranteed work Call Judson's EM 3-4141 for estimate. 450 Merchandise 480 For Sale MUcelUneom OFFICE chairs. A. B. Dick mimeograph, Royal typewrit er, shopsmith, safe. misc. items. 1155 N. Summer, EM 3-5169. SPRAY machine with 150 it. hose. EM 4.5180. FOR SALE: 38 in. cycle power moer. EM 2-tHlu. PAINT OIL BASE 1.89 gal. Clen Woodry 1605 W. Summer. RRST IN TOP SOIL Keizer Sand & Gravel Co. Eve., Sat. & Sun. EM 2-1749 PAINT reg. 55.95 gal. outside white 52. gal. 8 gal. 15. 193 N. Lancaster. Salem. . PIT RUN GRAVEL Top toll. EM 4-4747 BLACK TOP Soil Pit run gravel. . EM 4-2463 eves. JJEW PLAY gym sets 22.75 Clen w ooa ry, xoua n. auminer. Virgin Top Soil EM 2-1575 SCOTT Spreader, $6.50; laundry tray & faucet, ?5, trl - pod Bumper Jack, $4. Em 2-6436. USED Tires bought St sold. Lvtle's O.K. Rubber Welders, 2305 N. Commercial. NEW Garbage Cans Lg. 4.41 Glen woodry. iwa n. aummer 500 Bub. & Finance 510 Money to Loon PRIVATE money to loan. Cash lor real esiaie mig. a,i,.r o tract. . M. Mason or W. B. Minier. Kltrs., 341 Chemeketa. 512 Loans Wanted Private money needed for first mortgage loans. Credit invest igation, written appraisal ox each property. C. V. KENT CO. 673 N. CoJagePJi:EJ4J7aa II AVC Hnt tiPdrfc S10 000 loan. hieher than normal rate of Intor-oct f. vr. nav off. Call either Dan or AJ Isaak. AI Jsaak Realtors, EM 4-3311, "322 N. Church. 515 Investments YOUR money can earn 8 per cent, contact stale finance Co., 167 S.Hfgh Street. Ph. EM 3-3151, Salem. 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted TYPEWRITERS, adding ma chines, casn registers, dupli cators, desks, chairs, files, sup- plles. Hoen's. 456 uoun. USED toilets St fixtures $10. Used wasn nowis J5 EM 3-6805. CEDaH lence post good qualttj ireaiea or unirciu. tu Ph. EM 4-3081. 2 MAH. end tables, 2 Mali, step tables, wainui conee wwc, single laundry tub. push lawn mower. EM 2-2675. DELUXE bassinet. Play pen. teeter babe, car seat. x.m 2-0801. ' NEW BRASS Firescreens 14.95 Glen Woodry, 1605 n. aummer CROSLEY gas range, good cond. 525. EM 4-J.U4, River Bottom Top Soil Oregon Gravel Co. EM 4-6707. RECAPS - .670x15 $7.95 exch. Nationwide Road Hazard uuar. Lytle's O.K. Rubber Welders, 2305 N. Commercial. MARBLE Fireplace 75.00: Piano ms.uu; Antique, mnrme iujj, black walnut sideboard 150.00 stop by and browse. Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer. PLATOON leader for close-fn 20 acre sirawoerry iieia i-iease Phone EM 4-6268. COMMERCIAL Placement Agency Since 1948 Specialists In office Placements F-Gen. Ofce. Good Typist 18-4544 hr. wk $230 F-Steno Good typist 5 day wk Open F-Payroll Clerk-Temp. 1.50 hr. F-Secry. Typist, posting, short nan no smau cnuaren pan time - 100 F-BIlling. File Clerk IBM Elec, Typewriter $217 F-Part-Tlme Bkpr. 5 da. 1.50 hr. F-Secry. Excellent future $300 F-Gen. Ofce. Part-Time, Shorthand $85.00 F-Legal Scry, Temp Open M-Salesman Appliance Comm. St Draw M-Clerical. Type, 2 yrs. College or Equivalent in acci. zu m- Married $300 Best Wav to the Best Jobs 404 State St. 411 Oregon Building WANTED man & wife to work. Home iry-cooKing cc mainten ance. Board & room. Good Salary. Silver Falls State Park. Inquire at lodge. APPLICATIONS are now being taken for statesman nicycie routes. Several routes will be open. Applicants must be ac companied by their parents or have their written permis sion. Apply at the Circulation Department of the Statesman-Journal. Hosnit.il Bed with Mnt tress. United Rent All's. 2565 State St. CAPITAL: EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Specialists In office personnel. 351 N. Winter BM 2-0638 604 Help Wonted, Men 482 Trade Miscellaneous NEAHLY new 8 ft. dbl. Brllllon Roller for livestock. EM 4-1318 PAINTER: Experienced man for jarge larm. aieaay employ ment references required Please Phone EM 4-2268. PART time work.. $33 week. EM 4.6101. 9 to 11. 483 Wanted Miscellaneous LATE model Smith-Corona port- ame typewriter, i-au eve. cm 2-2389. Day EM 4-2171 ext. 1178 RETAIL BAKERY ROUTE, $77.50 per wk, to start, uiue Cross Family plan furn. Good steady work. Must'be able to obtain good Vx T. panel after training. EM 3-5850. Old Cars Bought for Junk Also Scrap Iron Vaus Auto. Wrks. 4845 SILVERTON RD. VA East of Lancaster PH. EM 4-0008 6UO Help Wanted, Lady WANTED housekeeper & baby sitter, itoom at ooara. au. tum 4-68D1 Miss Kirk. Family needs housekeeper. jive in, no smutting. rm "toio. WANT to contact someone who has a Keiax-A-uizor. write Statesman-Journal Box 737. WANTED platoon leader for strawberry Held, em 4-Z750. WANTED: Hemlock, white fir. cottonwooa puip wooa ammp ege of same species ine'l. red fir. EM 3-7721 days, EM 4-5633 or EM 2-1648 eve. CASH for Used Guns, and old coins, nil types. Cascade Merc. 1230 Broadway. 484 Miscellaneous DENTAL PLATE REP A IK 2-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES nn r. nn. o.ui rn r. . Adoioh Bids!. State At Comi Sta. SALEM PH. EM 3-3311 486 Machinery & Tooli SHOP Smith & attach. Used HtUe. Independence 86-J1. SEVERAL used welders for sale. 698 Illinois, JM 3.H36D. SEVERAL used welders. See at 790 Stewart su ra. jum -vm 490 Fuel WANTED: Several thousand cords of bark.free wood, fir or hemlock Ph EM 3-7721; nights EM 1-5633 HIGHWAY FUEL CO. SAWUt'Sl a. WOOD EM 3-444 OREGON FUEL CO. DRY AND GREEN WOOD MULCHING SAWDUST S & 11 GREEN STAMPS E.M 3-5533 FERN FUEL 203 E. Salem Hd. Dallas 2 unit load slabwood $16. Fine cut mulcn sawdust sit. ma 3-2253 or MA 3-2445 Collect. SPRING SPECIAL SAWDUST FOR MULCHING Choice Block & Slabwood SASH & DOOR PLANER ENDS WEST SALEM FUEL CO. 1525 Edgewater EM 2-4031 ANDERSON'S slab wood 2 cords $20. EM 2-7751. CAPITOL FUEL CO SAWDUST FOR MULCHING Drv oak. ash St maple wooa. Choice alab At block wood mixed, dry or creen. Dry mill wood. 1430 Broadway Ph. EM 3-7721 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Leon PLANNING TO BUILD Construction financing available, also loans to buy, hulld. re finance, remodel. 20 year term. Limited funds available at y'j pet. in preferred areas. C. V. KENT CO. 673 N. CottaRe Ph. EM 4-6739 480 For Sale Miscellaneous INLAID linoleum ll.Tf per N. y1. R. U EilaUsm CO, 200 S JiUrtr. - OIL furnace, wall type with fan. controls, thermostat, copper tubinjt. connections. 24ft gallon tank with filter, for S135. OLDS M motor Ac trans com plete, also other body parts. PHILCO 17" TV set. console model. $75., any size tires, white walls & black. 1105 So. 12lh. EM 4-6231. ASH wood, decsded sawdust, aud top SOU, U a-tti9. UP TO $2,500 Pick Your Payments 18 mo. Paymt' $9 S17 $33 Hi Amt of 34 mo. Amt of Cash Paymt s. Cain 5142.50 $ 9 $166.32 $17 $314.16 .$487.08 $33SW9.84 $693.7Z $l 3 PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS s. Ltneriv . cm -zzuj C(H ONIAL Investment Co Rea Pruwrtv l oins Contracts I rn.vm M7 Court F.M 4-22M RAWLINS Real Estate Co Morlraire Loans 5 pet. interest 6P5 Chemeketa Ph EM 4-6875 CUSTOM Rolovating- gardens and lawns. Also equipped to do row crops. $6.50 per hr. Call EM 4-1086. CUSTOM ROTO-TILLJNG EM 4-3234 ROTOVATING Fordson Trac tor wltn 52 Hotovator. Lawni St gardens. ZM 20082 days. Eve. 4-4280. IMMEDIATE SERVICE Plowing Sc Discing. EM 3-8300 HOWARD Rotovatlng EM 4-2825 or tLN. z-jdjo. no cans Jai. please. CARPENTER repairing, re model or New. tM z-zsss, Fred Mulllns. BUILDING remodel. Sm. jobs. Wont guar, reas. JEM 4-7782. LIGHT crawler dozer, leveling. trading, km 3-7041. L. nnrtn. Painting, Interior, exterior. ustrom. Jai 4-3ibu. CARPENTER Work, New or Re model. Free Est. EM 4-4712. FREE estimates on floor cover ings or arainooaras. K. u. cji strom Co. 260 S. Liberty. BRUSH & SPRAY PAINTING Paper hanging, free estimate. Terms, rti, iNeison, tM ROTOVATING 24 inch min. Gar den & lawn worn; Lawn mow Ing. EM 2-0769 EM 4-3854. HOUSEKEEPER wanted, 2 chll dren. EM 4-8756 evenings. ACTIVE older woman to care ;or elderly man jn country, livi: in. Rt. 1 Box 96, Brooks. TRlnny 3-4892, Silverton. WANTED Rirl for night shift work in pr.oto iinisning piant. Artz Photography. 325 Court. BEAUTY operator wanted for Salem s newesi most moaern salon. Call Vivian jsnyean, EM 4-7262 or EM 2-2598. WANTED, beautician at Love- all Miners, jvyl j-iBiu. 608 Pickers Wanted RTHAWRKBRV nfekers to reels' tnr. uus iransooriaiion irom north & East Salem. EM 4-4079 eve.. Pierre (Pete) Savey REGISTER now. 60 acres NW horrlps. Bus rte. inrouiin Town & 4 Corners. Mrs. Shoemake's platoon. EM 4-7087. pickers. 14 Ac older, before you register eisewnere arive to Windsor Island St Spong Rds., 2 mi. west St north of Keizer schl. to see 8 A. of beautiful high yielding new Si- lctz strawberries, also 2u a. of NW. EM 2-7695, after 5:30, BEN GOLDSMITH BERRY r a km. nee. ior DiCKine now. Bus trans. Clean field.1;. Call Mrs. Jill Gooding at EM 3-3092 P.M. nnr.ANI7.ING Strawberry Pla toon, picKing at Ajan weis ner's. Children 11 yrs. and Adults preferred. CaU EM 4-6502. SIGN with Mr. CoscO'a platoon for Alan weisner s ciean perry Held, em p.m. STRAWBERRY Dickers: Reels- ter now wim naverson Sehurter. Starting aporox. May 25. Clean fields, EM 2-6241 or EM 4-1305. REGISTER now for Berry pla toon, Jaus trans., exc. new field N. Wests at Brooks. EM 4-4791 Mrs. Kremer. STRAWBERRY pickers register now ior vz Acre w. wests, L. A. Tunnell. EM 4-2629 EVE. Farm, '3 ml. No. Frultland out Center St. Truck will take this route Sunnyview at Brown Hd. at 6 A.M. bwegie cn. Krueger store. Auburn Station. fen 4 uor., wacieay no. Elm a Ave. to State St. DRIVE outs to pick berries St Deans also riaes jumisnea, excel, clean picking. Ed At Alan Haslebacher. Ph. Mrs. Brooks. EM 4-9700 eve. 609 Commission Work MEN DELIVERY St collection. Must have car. Full or narl time Commission pd. daily. Suite 133, 518 State. 600 Employment 612 Work Wonted, Mc WANTED cherry orchard, spray St pick, snarca. j.w i-.. HEAVY equipment operator Exp. witn rei. nal Box 747. TRACTOR ROTOVATING r.flpHnnv tmvns. orchards. Fritz Kiss, EM 2-6876, EM 4-9011 NEW Lawns complete. Free Est. pnone o-o-i 4-2941. HOTO-TILLINO EM 4-5084. PAINTING. Shop, and Screen work. Unas. Aicuean, 3-3935. MAN with 7 yrs. service station 1 i:- ...i.t. C) C r.nnil. rich in tires, desires position, age 27, 3 children. EM 3-4981. LAWNM OWING, spading. den work, a-uaoa. Gar- EXP. Service Station attendant. family man, preier nours oe tween 10 A.M. to 8 P.M. Statesman-Journal Box 738. CUSTOM ROTO-TILLING EM 4-0558 CUSTOM ROTO-TILLING EM 3-6026 EXP. carpenter. Remodel, model, repair, no job small. EM 2-1378. NEW lawns prepared St seeded with 24 ' Howara itoiovaior. EM 2-5662. CARPENTER work. Any kind. Keas. 4Z4U Macieay a. 4-5961. WANTED TRACTOR WORK . EM 4-1607 Custom rotovating-plowlng, D. MARSHALL EM 2-1343. LOU'S tree service, topping, prune, cabling, em 4-8501. PLOWING & DISCING PH. EM 4-6372 FORD Tractor and Equipment, U-drlve or custom worn. Kei zer dlst. only. EM 2-0143. CARPENTER'S Helper, or small carpenter jods, .m q-aunu eves CUSTOM ROTO-TILLING C. L. Cales EM 2-3783 EXP. Lawn yard work. Odd jobs. D. Farmer em 3-5032. CUSTOM plowing, discing, gar- aens, sm. acreages, cm j-.y 614 Work Wonted, tody WANT part lime R. N. or L. P. HUSBAND St wife, orderly St Nurse, win give private care to ambulatory or bed patient, our home. EM 2-7386 anytime. WILL do washing or ironing. law rt. winter, j-,iu i-toua, SLIP covers made in my home. Bertha Hanaiey, em CAN'T keep up with ironing? 111 iron si nr. MIMEOGRAPHING, typing Mrs. Poe. 665 N. 16tn. EM DRESSMAKING & alterations. belts St buttons md. EM 4-7150 EM 4-4694 Ironing in my home. 615 Child Care CHILD care my home HayesvUui dist. liNortn) M z-avztf. 615-A Babysitting BABY care jn Christian home. 1770 Fairgrounds Rd., EM 3-4732. WILL care for 2 or 3 children. 3 yrs. or older, Mv home. West Salem. EM 2-8544. WANTED baby sitting, in your nome. .ngtewooa uisi. tM 4-3594. CHILD care. 3 yrs. St under, my nome. .ai z-duoj. CHILD CARE MY HOME Four Corners.EM 3-5244. RELIABLE Babysitter, hr., dar or nite, my home. EM 3-8856. LOVING, supervised child care, my home. South. EM 2-0952. 618 Education WANTED: Teacher with train lng In pre-school education la Nursery School. 8:30 A.M. to 12 session for term starting 9-23-57. Box 742 Statesman Journal. ENROLLMENT limit. Reg. now. isaiem unnstian. Kindergarten & Grades 1-6. EM 2-9596. HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME Finish your High School in your spare time. Text books urn. Low tuition. Free Booklet. AMERICAN SCHOOL 6543 N. Interstate. Portland IT. 620 Doy ond Controct ,4, '.i. ' yd. shovel, crane, hoc drg. line. 25-ton mobile cranes. D-4, D-7 cats, carry all clear ing blade. Rental contract or unit prices, SALEM SAND & GRAVEL 1405 N. From M. KM I-S441 SCHARFF BROTHERS Instillation Repair Sewere. Septic Tanks. Drain Fields, Power Ditching. Backfill, EM 2-5ML 700 Rentals 610 bales Kelp Wanted TOP earnings for aggressive . Salesman, experienced in ma jor appliances, sewing mach., vacuum cleaners, it TV's. Must be neat, honest St willing to work, guaranteed salary & commission. Apply In person only at Montgomery Ward Co. 155 N. Liberty. Salem. Ore. ROOMS for rent In Capitol shop ping center, aien preicrrea. Reasonable. EM 4-3643 or EM 2-3102. $80 WEEKLY guarantee to start Fuller Brush Co. EM 3-8357. I NEED another full or part time salesperson for Watkins Quality Products established route. We train in the field. Please contact Distributor. 1135 So. Com'l. St. EM 3-5395 fore noons only. LOANS 150 00 to II. 500.00 Buy What You Need Consolidate your bills. finance through WTLLAMKTTI CREDIT COMPANY Xtt y Cfcurch St, KM 612 Work Wonted, Men SMALL carpenter Jobs, uork. real. EM 41424. WANT part tlm( accounting or PLOWING It dlscinu, E. Salem EM 2-3773 or Ul 2-7092. BUILDING, re-model, roofini, cabinets, tldlnj. EM 4-4U40. Spraying, tree topping, rcanorai. pruning, u. lluoit. ijl 702 Sleep. Rooms, Board CLOSE 2 nice clean sleeping rail., S22.S0. 30. 658 Center. CLEAN, warm rma, T.V cloa. In 219 S. Winter. EM 3-1722. 1 RM. basm't. Apt. JIen only. 705 Aportmenti For Rent MOD. turn. apt. radiant heat. bus by door. 504 S. 10th M 4-3714 after 5 p.m. CLOSE in. 1 rm. apt., prlv. bath, kitnett., prlv. ent. Emplovrd girl EM 3-6969 840 N. Cottace. FURN. or unfurn. 2 bdrm. apta, EM 4-S704. AMBASSADOR Nicolv Furn. Apis. 550 N. Summer EM 2-Io MODERN turn. Apt. for 1 AduilJ. 920 MOI. CLOSS In nod. unfura. gTOund flr Apt. and small pullnua . Apt EM 1-8490 except Sat rURN. 1 bdrm-, pvt bath, tui 771 S. Jilt EM S-83M,