(Page 4, See. 4) Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Mon., Advertising StalesmaB.jMraal Newspaper 180 N. Chnrek St. PHONE EM 4-6811 LOCAL RATES WEEKDAYS Diyi l l Lines .40 .40 4 .32 U TOTAL CHARGES Mln. 2 Unci) Weekdays 8n, per lint 1 time .40 .30 per line 3 timei $1.05 .S3 per line 8 times $1.50 91.40 per line 1 mo. $5.50 Unci, Sun.) " Oust f ltd aaa will be run in both papers lo give adveitlsers the advantages ol the tremen dous comhlned circulations " When an ad is ordered tnree or six times and a Sunday limit Is included (for example Fridj fcdturday Sunday) the lower Sunday rstes apply Because only The Statesman publtsl.es 4un- aaya. Classified ads wit) start In tha mum na urecon Statesman, con el-'de in the evening Capital Journal - but ads will be ac eented for Sunday Statesman vmy. The deadline for classified adi Is 1.00 p.m. the day befort pub lication except for Sunday when deadline Is 8 30 p in Friday Emergency ads Hnd small lint ads received f'er 1 :00 p.m weekdays and until 12 noon Saturday for Sunday may ba E laced in tht 'Too Lata to Clast y" column. Ads for Monday papers must be in by 6 p.m Saturday Tht Statesman-Journal News papers reserve the r.ght lo re ject questionable advertising; It further reserves the right to place all advertising under tht proper classification. Tht Statesman-Journal News papers assume no financial re sponsibility for errors which may appear In advertisements ' published In Its columns and In cases where this paper Is at fault will reprint that part of n aaverusemem in wnicn int typographical mistake occurs. A "Blind" Ao an ad contain ing a Statesman-Journal News papers box number for an ad dress Is for the protection of the advertisers and must there fore be answered by letter The Statesman - Journal Newspapers arc not at liberty to divulge In- formation as to tht Ident miiiv o "Blind n adevrtiser using d. JHIS NEWSPA. ER STRIVES to protect Its readers against xraua, deception, or injuries. Readers are cautioned to make JVO PAYMENTS to gel a DO. ltlon advertised tn tht help wanted columns. All help wanted ads MUST SPECIFY THE NATURE OF THE WORK. Salts help wanted ads must suit ii ma pay is in ine form of salary commissions. guarantee, or include firm name. Bona f da offers of em ployment with pay belong to tna ntip wanica columns. Ads In other columns which rt outrt Investment In stocks. moles, eauinment or cash bond ihould be thorouihlv In vestigated befort paying out any money. Advertisers re quiring a cash Investment far amples or merchandise, sales Ids, ate, must ao aptclfy In intir aaa. Kindly report any exception to wis ruit io int eiaasiiita at,, vtrtlslng manage. TO PLACE AD PHONE EM 4-6811 Qassified Index , 'Tor Your Convenient 100 PERSONAL 210 MCctlng Notices 112 Lost and round 114 Transportation llfl Personal 111 Stamps and Coliu . 100 AGRICULTURE 402 Livestock Tor Sslt 403 Livestock Wanted 405 Peta 410 Fruitt St Farm Product 412 Market Basket 414 Poultry St Rabbits 416 Sea Foods 418 Lawn At Darden 420 Seeds St Plants 422 Fertilizer 424 Farm Equipment 425 Auction Sales 450 MERCHANDISE 451 Household Goods 452 Appliances 454 Sewing Machlnta 43A T. V. Ac Radio 458 Musical Instruments 462 Wanted Household Good 4A4 Sports Equipment 4fi6 Bicycles 470 Building Materials 472 Plumbing. Heating 474 Floor Covering 476 Do It Yourself 480 For Sale Miscellaneous 481 For Rent Miscellaneous - 482 Trade Miscellaneous 41 Wanted Miscellaneous 4fl4 Mi&cellaneous 4R Machinery V Tools 4B8 Wanted Machinery Jt Tools 41,0 Fuel 00 BUSINESS AND FINANCB 10 Money to Loan 513 Loans Wanted 115 Investments tm EMPLOYMENT IW2 Help Wanted fnt Help Wanted. Man Su; Help Wanted Lady fins Picker 'Vsnted flft Sales Help 613 Work Wsnled. Msn , H Work Wanted. Lady ffli Child fare 415-A Babysitting (Your Momel 111 Job Information fig Education 820 Day or Contract 700 RENTALS 702 Sleeping Rooms. Board 703 Wanted Rooms Board 705 Apartments Tor Rent 7C!i Duplexes 707 Houses For Rent 70I-A Furnished 708 Farms for Rrnl 70!) Wanted lo Rent 710 Wanted to Rent How 712 Wanted to Rent Apts. 7)t Busines Rentals 71ft Resort Rental 71. Cnnvalescenl Hnmri 1M Moving and Storage no REAL FSTATB 101 Business Opportunities tV'2 Busihe!s Properly Rn.'i Suburban 81 (l Houses For Sale I Apts Courts For Salt gng Lots For Sale Hid Farms Tor Sslt 12 Exchange Real Estate 1 5 Coast Property tiff Retort Property 818 Wanted Real Estate 25 Insurance 150 AUTOMOTIVE 851 New Cars 152 Used Cars for Ssle M3 Auto Parts and Repair 854 Trucks Trailers for Sslt 158 Motorcycles 158 Wanted Cart. Trucks 660 Auto Miscellaneous M2 House Trailer 84 Heavy Equipment AO Aircraft TO PLACE AD DIAL EM 4-6811 MAIL . OR PHONE YOUR AD TODAY call EM 46811 300 Personal 310 Meeting Notice TOR RENT: To Parties Cluhs Business Meetings, EM 4-44JB. Hollywood Lions Den, 312 Lost and Found LOST: Medium large brown dog, short hstr, short tall, graying around muzzle, resembles Box er, answers to 'Mike.' EM 2-7798. LOST: Billfold between Hill crest Florist St Rutte Creek bridge on Mo al a rd. va i able papers St money. Finder rn. Kennetn xoaer, woodourn collect. 314 Traniportorion COLLEGE graduate, experienced driver, desires rldt to New York. EM 4-5648. 316 Personal RESTLAWN Memory Gardens p r o p e r t y, approximately vaiue nou, leu ior .iuu. um QU. spaces 1, 2, k 3. J, L. Watson, Albany. Ore. 705 W. Queen. Ph. wAbash 8-8478. CHAR'S foundations for the gr adu ate At bride. EM 3-3538. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous, 981 S Com'I EM 2-2108. EM 2-2850 ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group No 1 20H N Com ' EM 4-tttl PALMIST. Mary read your com plete life rending. Past, pre enl, future, $1. 3745 Portland Rd. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock For Sale A New Deal by popular request. no cnarge ior custom nuicner Ing hecfl Cascade Meats, Inc., (by Ihc underpass In Salem), the only U.S. Government In spected Plant In the WHInm ette Valley, will dress your locker beef for the hide and offal only, (Should you rlestre the heart, liver, and tongue they will be saved for la. 50). Ask ahout delivery anywhere on our routes. Why not be sure? Phone EMpIre 3-5:33 fur Information lhat'i CASCADE MEATS of Salem. FOR sale 200 choice ewes with big lambs by side. Ph. EM 4-4778 Salem, or DI 8-4863 Eu gene after 6 p.m. Scientific Home Shn1n "Tex" EM 3-4005 7-9 am k 7 pm WARRENS proved lire Service wAoasn -7zn Albany; Diamond 3-3412 Eugene. 403 Livestock Wanted CATTLE, 4297 Itatt. t. 1. It ft. Snethtn, E M 2-1345. EM 2-: .160 CATTLE, horsta, at your farm" E. C McCandllsh. EM 3-6189 CATTLE buyer A F Snmmer 13W Harmoay Dr IM 4-SH BUYER Claud Edwards, IU 1. Box fllWE EM 4-1113 TOP cash prices at your pi set Ray Cozel, EM 4-3168 collect, 405 Pets MOS, Old part cocker pup. GIvt to good homa. Has all snots. tiNi 3'imo, PUPPIES Boston Ttrrlera, 128. Cocker 10. 3.107 Will lama Ave. IRISH SETTER Reg. T mo. old, 3307 Williams Ave, REG. German Shorthalr Point ers or trade. EM 3-43WI. RARE Parakeet for sale. 050 Tnynm Rd, w. Salem EM 2 -am. BIRDS, FISH, HAMSTERS 3 1 RO Uvlng.itoR EM 2-1R42 DOG TRAINING Relriever St Gun Dog. Obedience It itoei hnnrJrri'. EM 2-0D0A Graver Franklin KEITH'S PUPPY FARM MAO Center EM 2-7060 Puppies all kinds. Buy k sell. Aft noon it eves. No Sun Calls. ORANGE and pink apricot ca naries, nvi untmtktta, em 3-4385. 410 Fruit I Farm Produce ASPARAGUS for canning or freezing. George Airier on Grand Island. BARNETT strawberry platoon vvnictia, iteicer. twi 4-fe.u. Green Apple Market Asparagus 10c. lb. Rhubarb Be. in. ior canning freezing. 5005 Portland Rd, 412 Market Basket Vi OF BEEF 100 lbs- SstUfactmn Guar. 143 50 Ni Dn. Pymt. o.a e. 4 mni, to Ball Cnmh canning k freerer tars. pi. 50c. doi. P, pt, 75c. do. RcUH rase 2 lb fryers tWc. .1 lb leving chicken 'We ItlO N. I.lheity KM J-7744 BUY WHOLESALE HALF or whole beef. Weight At price taken d t r e c 1 1 v Imni F lackers invoice Onlv charge : or cutting k wrapping. 10 t' S White Shafter No. I Po!tiiPi ".1 Dutch Maid Oleo . 5 for l5c Mfin?. mis inert Babv rood II fur 99c WL BASKETS CHRIS MARKET Wtl Mstk.l T.M 3-4140 TM 4149 Classified fyj PlUGS for (-selling rentins hiring EM 4-68Vl May 6, H DIRECTORY "Clip & Save for 'This Week's Best Buvs" CAMERAS Cohurn Camera . 174 N. OmmerelaJ Phone EM 2-1841 DRUGS Capital Drug Store State St Liberty Pnone EM 3-iiJia . Chapman's Drug Store 140 Canualiria Blva EM 4-68 Fret Delivery Mootry's Pharmacy Hollywood ffuslness Dlit Ae'zer Business Dlst Oregon Fuel Co. Sawdust and Wood 400 Agriculture 412 Market Basket PASTEURIZED whole mflk, 82c kii Homogenized, Bfic, 'i gal, 44c Cleary Dairy. EM 2-3035. 14 Poultry Rabbits STARTED WHITE Leghorn Euncia. minon a natcnery yons. Ore.. Ph Ulrlck 9-2533 BABY chicks batched yr. round new iiamp at wnnt HOCk pullets 17c. straight run chicks me. vamy rarm store. LANG'S Poultry-Custom killing. BABY Cnteks-for meat or tggs. ior ire to'aer mison s Hatcnery, Lyons. Ore. PI ULrlck 1-2533 418 Lawn A Garden CHOICE top soils it sands, all tunas. Lome ana see it. we deliver or you haul. Pick-ups loaded SI. 00. Open Sals. EM 2-1749. Keizer Sand it Gravel. OLD Coarse Sawdust. 2 yd. load, TOP soil or lawn sardens fills fio. iu ya. joaa, limited lime. J-lM 3-7919. 420 Seeds & Plants BEDDING plants, furhsfa, trall- iiir iirrniiiums, Morris, r ior 1st, 1.15 E. Kwald. 4,000 TIIOnNLESS Evergreen HltcKhcrry plants. 10c ea. dug Si pneked. Alan Wlesner. TR 3-4703 Sllvcrton. GERANIUMS HANGING St upright. Salem's finest. Tess Avenue Green house. 1 blk. N. of D off Park. 3184 Tess. KG AN GARDENS NOW ready with Geraniums, pe lumni, hock, snap s, Aiyssum, lobelia, S miles North of Kell er on St. Paul Rd. FOR SALE Certified Seed Po tatoes, Ponttac Purple A $2.65, Blue A 12.45, FOB Cold Stor age. June delivery 10c more. M. B. McKay, Ht. 1, Box .117 Troutdale, Ore. Phont Corbett Frontier 6-2706. DAHLIA bulbs $2, dz,-hydrangea si. geraniums, rucnsius, tintu iillles, 3 - SI. Tub. tleg. 40c. Merrill's Greenhouse, HroukH. FUSCHIAS, Ivy, Gernniumr'Pnn sies, ua in inn, itediitng 1'tnnts. WhtiI's Gardens, 43B0 Cherry. PURPLE SPLENDOR double St Ruffled. 3 yrs. old. (1 ei. This week only, Drlva Su, on 12th St, ml. past Mornlngslde ech. Turn rlgft at Oakhlll Ave. GERANIUMS, Incl. fancy lenf Ivy St Pelargoniums, Fuchsia, Begonia's St Bedding Plants. Baskets of Fuchsia, Iiegonla St Ivy Geraniums. Compart our E rices before you buvl Kll- er'". ?I3 Salem Heights Ave. PANS1RS field arown ifarrold's jiyorniH, uio insnuny Ave. rANSIES, Bedding & Vcgctnhle I'innis, rens. i mi, o t run land, Silke Greenhouse, TIT Fertilizer rniTIUZER. .10e aark. (10 per ll'lirK IOACI. f.l.OU Cm 420HU or KM 4-853. MULCH" SAWDUST l Per Yd. KM 2-4031 GOOD Manure tar flower,, car nen. win qei. fciw ii-nuv. ROTTED aawdust, IB yr. old. line, no liner cover tor your herl. Phillips Broi. Rt. 1 Box 60. EM 4.3081. FERTILIZER Mushroom manure, no weeds, Del. anywhere. EM 203.11. ROTTED or fresh Manure, bv sack or cume yd. del Phil lips Bros. Ill 5. Box 800. EM 4-30R1. Closed Sun. 424 Farm Equipment NEABLY new V field disc, also nrimori roiier. tig discount. KM 4-iaifl. '50 FARM ALL cun" traclor, cuT tlvalur and lertllirer attach ments. (WW. Wm. J. Ripp I'h. lflKH. Stnylon. 10-' "JOHN DEE RING hnmnTcr mill. Good rond. l.ttso Cnncnde DrL Lehanon. ALpmeg-40:n. ni.Vl" FARM.M.lT Super XTwith Ironi A rear 4-row cultiva tors. A- IB" plow. Excellent rond. H.tflO. Practlrallv new !)' Towner Off-set disc with hydianlir cylinder. $.175. Tan be sren .1 miles North of West Salem on Wallace Rd EM 4-7856. No Saturday calls. 425 Auction Sales SALE EVERY SUNDAY 1 P. M. SHARP Buy or sell on consignment. Household uoodv Appliances, tird can. uc. items. Open 1 dsvs a week. MM. A Al'l' I IDN, KM ml W. of Salem-Dallas Hwy, 451 Household Goods ni - 'SK ? rlrtunr ilm.l in hole. 954 Gaines. KM ' 4 0:KM NEW 31 pc. S room group Oriveno, oor. chair, Z end t,e. coffee table. 2 table !M RASE Accordion it case, al lainps, 1 drrnratnr plllo. i nios, nfw i5- rh. silverton Mr. k Mr. Preiser u.tllung TK yXv tll .mier. rear nilrrort. nooltcmp bed. box houe eves iprini. lnnerprin ninltre". . ' 3 boudoir lamps. bUnkei. and 1 JU Pno p 5 p- wroughl trim dinette. I EM J-8088. $:M4 W Term Gen WtHMlry. 1 iv, n summer. 462 Winted Hshld Goods KIRBY vacuum cleaner, $19 95. 1 1321 N. Capitol. EM 3.7067. dir. WANTEO 3 HP outboard motor, .,-...- ! J-6191. pr1ne muttrf et. $.W 50. Terms. Olen Woodry. 105 N. Summer. luNf IMMIKO turnitu.'t Stift rurniturv 175 N H L MAPLE Furniture I cheaper at (Jlen Woodrv's - new len end table and coffee tables. $14 50 ea. 1605 N. Summer, NEW 9 X It Ruf Pads $8 88 GlenWoodjy, 1605 N. Summer. NEW 6 vr crlhs'lts'tt; iro $12 V; ht-chain I Hi 88. Term Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. NEW 7 pc. Blltwell Llvlnf Room Group Color choice of daveno . set. f end table coffee table. t table lamp flft 90 Term. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. TO PLACE AD PHONE EM 4-6S11 GREEN STAMP PAfNTl WALLPAPER Hutcheon's 162 N. Commercial Phont EM 3-6687 RADIO Mitchell's Radio ft TV 18K(i .State St Ph EM 3-757T Installing, Sales St Service SERVICE STATIONS Batdorf'a Texaco Station 20Uo fairgrounds Ph. KM 3-7455 14th 6t State Ph. KM 3-S582 Webb St Anderson fftlchfield) 12th it Mission Complete Auto Repairing TELEVISION Mitchell's Radio St T V. lBPi Male St Pu EM 3-7577 Installing, Sales St Service 450 Merchandise 451 Household Goods f 15 a month buys complete nnusenoia oi furniture ana ap' Dltances at Salem's low over. head store. Glen Woodry, 1605 n. nummer. SERVICE for 12 French Havl land china. EM 4-8916. 3313 rairhaven Ave. IF you have one Item or house of furniture to sell call the Used Merchandise Mart, 4iu f. Liiocny, cm n-run. NEW Modern T. V. Divans, clever for dens. $72.50. Glen wooory, imia w. summer. OR THOSE who have Just pur chased that dream home . . . Here is yuur real opportunity iu i urn urn it at a real sav ings: A Beautiful houseful of furni ture, complete llvlnt room. kitchen, 2 bedrooms and den including T.V. Set ... . Real prestige furnishings that be - cause of repossession you mav uuy complete ior oniy ... siuuw, Also 4 Hotnoltit annllances (10541 In near new condition includ ing Range, Refrigerator, Wnsher St Dryer . . . through repossession you may buy NT $605 Bnlh of tht above unit mav h financed on Approved Credit . . . i-nii Mr. be no field a State Finance Co. EM 3-3151 NEW solid maple hunk or mimic o e o s w.mattressea $79.50 . Terms Trades, Glen woonry, ieua n. summer. 5 COMPLETE rooms of furni ture, in excellent condition. E-2 terms. 2640 Portland Rd. NEW Blltwell Roto Rocker. $44,50; 1 only rccllner $59.30. Glen Woodry, 1605.N. Summe?. ROOM SIZE COTTON RUGS WASHED AND DRIED I We also tint rugs either restor ing, ineir original color or cnanginx ineir shade. Fast Lrnnomlral Service LAUNDERETTE 1255 Ferry St. . EM 2-4555 (',:, Block East of Willamette U.) 200 NKW Lamps to choose from uimr lamps, inuu fa. 41 -Ulv Woodry, 1005 N. Summer. BE THRIFTY: Buy GOOD used nirniiure, a single item or n complete household. Buy now wn our easy terms. Woodry's Thrifty USED FUHNITURI 611 S. Commercial EM 4 331S l Hiocit south U! Paper Mill tress and Simmons Aox Spring ui'in ii, i ennn uien wooary 1605 N. Summer. ELKCTROLUX vacuum cleaner. VII.!'.-). l.ll n. capiioi. tM 3-7087, dir. 452 Appliance! ' REFRIGERATORS from $24.05. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Lib erty. EM 4-0,171. USKD refrigerators, )10.25 St up, a i iaue, App Male St, USKD washers, $10 and up. Mod ern Appllnnre Center, 1141 S. Com'I. EM 4-Bn."i3. LG. Selection of Refrigerators, eiectric ranges, auto wash machines, deep freezes, dry ers, oil circulators, davenos, dining sets. etc. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. USED gas water heater. S10.95. usea iMnse. man. au s. Lib erty. EM 4-6,171. GUARANTEED Reconditioned automatic wash ers dryers, ranges it refrlgs $31.10 up. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. ri Chemeketa St. NEW 30" famous- matfe rnnffe (150. H5. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S, Liberty. EM 4-K.17L ELEC. dryers $10. St up. Modern Appi. l onier, mi b. tomi. KM 4 -015a. REPOSSESSED Appliances & television acta, cm z-icuti. NEW N o r g e dryer Deluxe. $100.05. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-6.171. ELKCTROLUX cleaner $19.50 1321 ti. Uapltot. Dir. EM 3-7067 12 CU. FT. deep freeze $70 50. r.iien woodry, ltwa N. hummer. USED ranges, refrig , washers nryers an in goon worKtng cond S St H G ""en stamps, terms. Master Servxe Stations .165 N. Com'I. 3 MONTH old Maytag washer St orver. univ s.w hs. iisen Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-6.UI. 456 T V. & Radio LATE model C, E. TV $79 SO. t.len Woodry, 1603 N. summer. REPOSSESSED T V. Sets from $35. Hp I.I ers. 383 N. High St 458 Musical Instruments BEAUTIFUL new Spinet pianos. nrn. spec. n?o. i n w down pvm't . easv trriii. Ujied Chord Organ. $4M Used Spin et Organ, save $300. Znbel's, 458 N. Church. EM 4 8252. WE pay cah tor good clean ua iurnltura mil jim.lmm". Used MerchandiM Mart. r,0 S Liberty, EM 4-6371. Mui.EST tair vast, price paid for good, clean, used furniture aoi Glen Woodrv 1603 N Summer 464 Sports Equipment 16' CABIN Cruiser. 53' Mere, motor. Must ell. w as $.195 reduced to iu;.v fm 3 8432, nnT i,,iur "'-.i,.,' h0, Vam mmBh.0'm Jn" ru' m " . ,,S 'E,-W3- 14 FT. V-bottom boat combtna tlon boat utility trailer. 10 Cabinet makers clamps, 6 Jor genim hand screw . 4 Sea clamp, cutler head k mold Ing knivev 3 aw Nudes. 8" k V Birch plywood EM 3 MIS 450 Merchandise 464 Sporti Equipment 14 ft. Boat, wide beam, NEW szao. ui of .other good buys. oAL&iVl rJUAT HUUSU 100 Chemeketa EM 3-9303 For More Pleasure Buy Scotf-Atwater ' TODAY FROM SHROCK S CYCLE it MARINE J375 Highland EM M423 FOR sale sleeping trailer with built-in kitchen in rear. EM 5 HP Firestone full shift $75. 22 HP Johnson 1950 175. Stay- 18' CALK I NSC RAFT, cabin mod el. 25HP Evinmde. with con trols & trailer. See at 781 N. winter. 465 Photography BOLEX. 16MM, Leadef model, " leather case, new with f 1-5 Lens. 30 pet. Dlsct. Terms. 466 Bicycles BOYS Bicycle $15. 3318 Fair- naven Ave. EM 4-8916. 470 Building Materiilt Interior St exterior plywood, 4x8 sneeis nu hlows pick your choice at lowest orlces. 170 grade A fir flush doors at $3.00 each. C. G. LONG & SONS 1 ml. N. of Kcizcr EM. 4-5051 PAINT OIL BASE J 1.89 gal. uienwraorj, 1MJ3 n. summer Keith Brown Specials Screen Door Season Is here. We nave a lull line of screen doors with gal. or alum. wire. Alum, screen and storm doors, heavy construction. All types of screen door hardware, hinges una grins. KEITH BROI LUMBER YARD 2.15 North Front EM .1-0111 We give S St H Green Stamps PLUMBING Installations at lower prices, uunranteed work. Call Judson'i EM 3-4141 for estimate. R. L. Elfstrom Co 260 S Liberty liuor mo. luc acn. INLAID linoleum $1.70 per sq. BUY DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURER ALL NEW $22,000 Worth of windows in stock at our finiein nranch, come In, take them with you, no waiting for aianaara sizes, MUUNO SASH k DOOR 1185 N. Lancaster EM 4-B45.1 Seal-O'Matio life time roofing Colorbestos side wall ihlnglea Ph. Mathls Bros. EM 4-68.1L "WOT H0PPENED?" IT'S RAINING I Yep and we've got everything for that RE MODELING Job - Terms too 36 mos. No down payment. Fine list of Builders if you desire quote complete I PRE-HUNG'DOOR UNITS At- iracuveiy priced! ALUMINUM Windows less expensive than wood. OS White paint $2.50 gal. 3i x 10 Tlte-knot Cedar Siding $1.15.00. 1 x 12 Cedar boards $104.00 it $120.00-NAILS $0.05 keg.' SEE the tremendous selection of rAnr.LINus. Knotty pine $125.00 up, Knotty Cedar & Clear. PLYWOOD PANELINGS. Tre- imishcd If desired! Plvwood & Plywood, fir and hardwood OAK 4x0 $15.68. BIRCH $13.12 k $8.64. GOSH . ya oughta just browse here as specials too numerous to mention OPEN ALL DAY SATUHDAY TOOI Your Building Supply Friends" PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER YARD 3545 Portland Road EM 4-3,1 ELEC neatersw ail-baseboard portahie Reduced nr'-s 5? gal. elec. wtr. hrt., $59.50, 12-2 wired 4c 11 in rl.' . .1 pc. hath set, comp. $120 Built-in oven plus 4 bur. unit. $195. Outlet boxes. ?5 cents. 14.2 wire, .to ft, in dli. 4" galv. gutter. 13c ft . 8" vent fan. $1.1.50. 21 x .12 kitchen sink, comp. $43.95. Apex Klecliic Si Plumblne. H10 Broadway, M 2-1866. Open Fri. eve. Keith Brown Specials NOW OPEN SAT. AFTERNOONS Hardboard 18 pc. 4 X 6 x t 2nd $1 50 ea. 15 pes. 4 x S x 2nds 1.50 ea. Plvwood Sheattnr 10 pes. 4flx8t5.16 Blows 1 26 ea. .19 pes 43'Wv,t Bows 10 ea. 32 pes. 48P6si Blows 3-88 ea. Plvwood Sanded 16 pr. 48 96x' Blows 1 92 ea. 34 pes 4Bxl(Wx,i Blows 3 88 ea. 39 pos 4810ai, Blows 3 60 e. 8 pes 48120i Blows 4 40 ea. 36 pes. 4Rx 72X1, Blows 2.88 ea. 40 pes. 46x72xs Shop Birch 10-80 ea. 15 pes. 4896y Oak Shop 10 88 ea. 12 pes. 48x9xf Oak Shop 1568 ea. Fenclrg 4 4 K L No. 5 Com Ik Btr. S4S Cedar .10 Lin 't x 610' Redwood Basket Weave 005 t.ln O. S. White Paint 3 50 Gal. While thev last Alaskan Cedar Panel 1500 it lx 8 R L No. 3 Com A Btr. V Jt. 75,00 1200 ft IxlO-R L No. 3 Com k Btr. V. Jt. 75 00 Bungalow Siding axlo-R L Knottv Redwood 145 00 ,10-R L Clear VC Fir 150 00 '4xlO-R L Tile Knot Cedar 155 00 Ren.omber Shop Those Specials SATIRDAY AFTERNOON KEITH BROI LUMBER YARD 2A5 North. Froni EM 3M1! Wt Gjrt S k H Green Stamps mi 450 Merchandise 470 Building Miteriah 1,000 PICTURE WINDOWS USED SIZE. 77x50 112.50 EA. . 300.000 Ft. Used Lumber ALL NO. 2 & BETTER Flooring Siding Sheathing 2x4. 2x6. 4x4. 2x10, 2x12. 3x12 Bridge Timbers u. $45 to $60 per M Used Window Sash $1 & up iraoiiuAiiiui f.3U Of up Bathtubs $17 50 Clear Oak Flooring $100 per M L SL HITTER ft CO. 6740 Portland Rd. 14 ml. North of Totem Pole Open all day Saturday Salem EM 4-8311 474 Floor Covering NEW I X 12 Linoleums $4.98. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. 480 For Sale Miscellaneous STURDY steel clothes line posts cn.u. n. 0. avawaras. 1019 6th St. Virgin Top Soil EM 2-1575 BEST JN TOP SOIL Keizer Sand & Gravel Co. Eve., Sat. & Sun. EM 2-1749 CEDAH tence oost good quality iicmru or unireaiea. fOies Ph EM 4-3081 PAINT reg. $5.95 gal. outside wnue z. gai. h gal. 15. 793 N. Lancaster, Salem. USED Tires . bought St sold. ijue s yj i. nuooer weiaers, 2305 N. Commercial. TYPEWRITERS, adding ma chines, cash registers, dupli cators, desks, chairs, files, sup plies. Roen's, 456 Court. RECAPS . 670x15 $7.95 exch. Nationwide Road Hazard Guar. Lytlc'i O.K. Rubber Welders, 2305 N. Commercial. NEW Gym Dandy Playgym Sets t.iD U nncr swings, (iien Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. TOP Soil 6 yrd. load $7. EM WHEEL trailer, food cond, $75. EM .1-5401. ASH wood, deeaded sawdust, and top soli. EM 2-0549. PIT RUN GRAVEL Top soil. EM 4-4747 USED toilets St fixtures $10. Used wash bowls it fixtures ELEC. range, washing machine, table & 6 chairs, 2 table lamps ROUGH pickett itock for sale mo eecK Ave. h,m z-7807. RANGE, oil stove St barrel, fruit jars, so. h;m 4-3709. 1 POOL table, 1 glass, 8' candy snow case, oee ai norsesnoe lavern, Brownsville. MUST SR1.T. 1 Belltone trnnslstor hearing jiu. rrn, lunu, f.iuu. iau ii som ny Mona. s-6-57 Ph Independence 66. USED steel dbl. kitchen sink, raiser dishwasher. EM 2-7875, SMALL Law library St safe, typewriter on ice lurniture, EM -3-9231 between 9 St 5 week days. 481 For Rent Miscellaneous Hosoltal Bed with Matti-ona United Rent All's, 2565 State St. RENT cr lease 1ft warehouse spaca cement rioor. brick bide. downtown. Inq. B. L. Stiff turn, km 3 -in 83. 463 Wanted Miscellaneous Old cars bought for junk Also scrap iron VAUS AUTO. WRKS. 4845 SILVERTON RD; lVi East of Lancaster PH. EM 4-0008 USED Martin 60 Outboard Mo- tor tor parts. EM 2-2730 eves. WANTED small portable cement mixer. .m 3-127 it 8-s. WANTED: Hemlock, white fir. cottonwood pulp wood stump neif same species Inc'l. red fir. EM 3-7721 davs, EM 4-5633 or EM 21648 eve. CASH for Used Guns, and old coins, an tvpes. Cascade Merc. 1230 Broadway. 484 Miscellaneous DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY $T.n ER. Dentist Adolph BIdf. State St Com'I U. SALEM PH EM 3-3311 4B6 Machinery & Tools SEVERAL used welders for tale. 6HH Illinois. EM 3-8St.6. B.D.H. Cletrac. 1949. BAD can opy $3000. Stayton 6F24 Call Eve. PO W E RC RAFT 8" table saw. tilt tnble $40. Stayton 8F24. Call eve. SEVERAL used welders See at 790 Stewart St Ph EM 4-7544 490 Fuel FOR SALE: 16" Oak wood $17 50 per cord. EM 2-8850 or EM 2-4232. WANTED. Sever. thousand cords of bark-free wood, fir 01 hemlock Ph EM 8-7721; nights EM 4-5633 HIGHWAY FUEL CO. SAWDl'ST WUOD EM 3-6444 FERN FUEL COMPANY 203 E. Salem Rd. Dallas Good 16 tn slabwood. 2 unit load $16. Prompt deliverv. Ph collect MA 3-2253, if no an swer Call MA 3-2445. SPRING SPECIAL SAWDUST FOR MULCHING Choice Block tt Slabwood SASH ft DOOR PLANER ENDS WEST SALEM Fl'EL CO. 1525 Edgcwatcr EM 2-403! ANDERSON'S slab wood 3 cords $20. EM 2-7751. DRY WOOD slab wood $12 cord. Oak wood 16' length $18 cord EM 3-9598. CAPITOL FUEL CO SAWDUST FOR MULCHING Dry oak. aih & mapie w,-a Choice slab St block wooa mixed dry or green Dr mill wood 14JW Broadway Ph EM 3-T721 DRY OLD GOWTttFIK $13 cord. EM 3-9598. 500 Bu. & Financ 510 Money to Loon RAWLINS Real Estate Co. Mortgage Loam 5' pet. Interest- 605 Chemeketa Ph EM 4 6R7S f- $4. two TO LOAN on teal estate. iu divide. EM 2-0794 IOANS $50 00 to ti SCOW Bujr What You Need Coritcltdatf your Mils. Finance tirtMigh WILLAMKTTT CREDIT COMPANY IU S Church St OM I- PRIVATE mone to t'an infercst. Ph. CM 2-C794. Save call Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want Ads Daily! ADDING MACHINE! Buy aa you rent All make. Aocn-Typcwritcra. 496 Court Ul 1 -4771. ADV. SPECIALTIES Grand openinss at Anntversarlea. General aalea. EM MCI, CARPENTER BUILDING, remodeling, cabl nela It repairing. EM 4-878S. Contractor. New. Remodel, Ad- aiuona & anop worn fc.M CAAPENTER work. By nr. or contract. EM 3-6252. CEMENT WORK Cement Work All Kinds'- ERNEST DRAKE EM 4-6339 and FOUNDATIONS, pities, KSlka ac retaining wans, ajvi a-ama. CONSTRUCTION NEW homes, remodel., free est. UKAVES (JUNSTKUU tlon Co. EM 38393 or EM 2 2376. CRANE WORK 2S-ton Lorain moto crane Sa lem band i Gravel, EM 2-1461 CORSET1KRE CHARIS corsettler. Lenora Wha- lan. 2380 Lansing, EM 2-mi9. To Place Classified Ads Call DM. 4-6811 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loon UP TO $2,500 Pick Your Payments 18 mo. Amt of 24 mo. Amt. of Pavmt'a Cash Pavmt'a. Cash $ 9 $142.50 9.$166.32 $17 $150.!)2 $17 $.'114.18 $33 .437.08 $;i3 $6i)!l.84 47 $69.1.72 $41 $iG0.76 PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS 11B S. Liberty EM 4-2203 PRIVATE money to loan. Cash ior real estate migs. ann con tract. , M. Mason or W. B. Mlnter. Rltrs., 341 Chemeketa, COLONIAL Investment Co Real Property Loans, contract! pur chased. 6S7 Court EM 4-2283 512 Loans Wanted WILL TRADE, 54 Ford Country sedan or 53-02 uamnac 4. ur. for Real Estate Mortgages or i-oniracis. cm j-o((. 515 Investments YOUR money can enrn 6 p.c. Contact State Finance Co., 1117 S. High Street, Ph. EM 3-3151. Salem. 1ST mortgage contract for sale, $4,000 balance, 6 p.c. int, EM 3-6918. 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted COMMERCIAL Placement A Since 1948 - Specialists in on ice oiacemcms. F-2 Key Punch Operators, Exp. . Open F-C.ood Typist, Exp. W addressograph Open F-2 File Clerks 18-25. .. Onen F-Hadlev Pavn.ll, tvpe, 20-45 $240 F-Typist, P.B.X., File, 18-45 $225 F Payroil, Temp. . $1.50 nr. F-Slcno. 1 - Gen. Ofce. $1DB Best Wav to the Heat Jobs 494 State St. 411 Oregon Bldg. EM 4-3351 IF you like to draw.- sketch or paint see Talent Test add in Instruction Column. 618. CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Specialists In office personnel. 354 N. Winter EM 2-0636 APPLICATIONS are now being lateen ior aiatesman dicvcic routes Several routes will be open. Applicants must be ac companied by their parents or have their written permis sion Apply at the Circulation Department of the Statesman Journal. 604 Help Wonted, Men I M M EDI ATE opening for Vo cational instructor in lurnuure factory of Slate Penitentiary, Salem. Three years expert encc, Including some super visory. In furniture and mat tress repair or manufacturing. Must he qualified to Instruct in these trades. High School graduate. Starting salary, $326 per month. Contact the" State Civil Service Commission. 102 Public Service Building, Sa lem. Oregon. MEN to" train' for JET INDUSTRIES See our add under class. 618. SERVICE s t a 1 1 0 nattendYnt: Exp. pref. Family man. Swing shift, 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. 6 day k. No lubrication, washing or tire work. Must be bondable. Statesman-Journal Box "23. MOTORBOAT operator. Coast Guard licensed, phone: EMpire 3-7773. U.S. Tele- SMALL Saw mill. Plenty tn saw. Sell on easy pymts. Trade for what have you? D.A, Fish. I486 S. Com'I EM 3-4706. 000 Heln Wanted, Ladv WANTED part time waitress, apply tn person after 5 p.m. 162'! N. Cora l. now available, for girl age 1 LARGE Cat operator Union. 15 21-35. An aptitude Ac interest '" fxp. with ref. EM 3-5337. in figure work required. No I WANTED: Job as privchi7 exp. necessary but candidate feiir or maintenance. EM must have at IeaM a high 2.66W sch. education. Salary ran? . well above average, for cap - jmi person, uooo working 1 con on ions wnn progressive k well established firm. Box "33 Statesman-Journal. WANTED, beautician at Love- llMiller;s.EM3-7870. CAR hop nights Sloc-pv Joe's Drive In 12th St Cen'er. No phone calls. to share apt. with semi-invalid r.M 4-BC74. W AITRFSS Sloyoe sDrive In. 12th 61 Center. No phone calls. TO 3 Pickers Wonted BARNETT strawberrv platoon. Weelks, Keizer. EM 4-7632. Wiesner Berry Farms Now registering Berry p.cker, i-arse acreaie l ean l e d Cill TR 3-479J Sliverton or tcrnisned from Miem. ORGANIZING Strawberry P'a -i CARPENTER work Any kind toon, picking at Alan Weis- Rfi?. 40 Macleay Rd EM ner'f Chitrtien 12 r k ! Adult preferred. CaS EM FREE estimates on floor cover 4'6302 ' ,n" or dramhoards R L Elf- NEED pickers for strawberrv Vronlc? Libert platoon. 'stab- llshed grower. EM 2 526. Time - Save For the Best ProfeuJonal Services m mm FLOOR COVERINGS NORRIS WALKER Paint Co Floor-covering Dlvialon Quail ity Inatallatlona Linoleum, As phalt & Rubber Tile Wall Ule Fret EatunatM. Hi 4-gm. GRADING Grading: Roads, Floyd David aon. EM 4.7751, Stayton 3-1877, GUAULSU DOZING BULLDOZING clearing roada, ponds D-4 D-6 carryall. - V Huiileey tM 1-1144. BULLUUZINU. S&.50 per or Lx cavating, trenching, tile lay ing, tepttrs. etc norh Maen. EM 4-3517 alter a.m. D. PANTOVICH dozing, leveling and clerlng. EM 2 0052. BOOKKEEPING 8ERVICE Leon A. Flscua EM 3-5265. 1509 4th St. Exterior it Interior. Work guar anteed. EM 4-0237, Free Est. Painting & Paperhanglng. Free Est. EM 3-9513. 1160 Shipping. ROTO-VATING Rolovalor Work Wanted Vincent Kremer, 2150 Lansing. EM 2-3180 Custom roto-vating. Ford equip ment. EM 3-4776. 60 ' Roto-vator: gardens, lawns, field work. EM 2-2911 & EM 2-97S6. 600 Employment 609 Commission Work MAN or woman over 30 for demonstrator sales position with national farmers co-op, better than average Income for person selected. Sales ability secondary lo personal qualifications. 'Mr. Charles EM 4-6845 S to 6. AUTO PARTS SALESMAN Stymied tn your present Job? Like to earn $500 to $800 a month at start with well-known manufacturer national dis tributor? We have opening for amuiunus salesman 10 repre sent our quality line of auto repair parts. Thousands of fast selling items plus special kits for all cars. High commissions with substantial weekly draw. Established accounts. All exec utive positions filled from within our organization. Indi vidual field training, group In surance and other company henefits. Protected territory now open In 2 counties Wash ington, 3 counties Oregon. Phone for appointment Monday after 1 p.m. or all day Tues day. E. Moffatt, New Heath man Hotel, Portland. Phone At water 5262. 610 Soles Help Wanted SPECIALTY salesman or worn an to sell nationally advertised hearing aids. Must be strong closer. Good Comm.. leads & training furnished. 228 Oregon Bldg. LARGE department store In Salem has opening for 3 ap pliance salesmen. $50 draw & commissions. Permanent em ployment. Must bt experi enced. Hospital & medical benefits, paid vacations, store wide discount on purchases. Apply In person to Desk No. 7 at the employment office, 710 Ferry St. LARGE department store In baiem has opening for a sport ing goods deDartment man ager. Salary up to $65 plus commissions depending on ex perience. Age 20 to 45. 5 day ween, nuspiiai memcai oenc fits, paid vacations. Apply In person Desk No. 7 at the em ployment office, 710 Ferry St. $60 WEEKLY guarantee to start ruuer nrusn CO, LM 3-B357, 12 Work Wonted, Men SELLING. Also exp. on heavy ihuih"icmi, iieeu worn imme diately. EM 2-ti!l92. ROTO-TILLINO EM 4-50B4. WANTED TRACTOR WORK EM 4-1607 IMMEDIATE SERVICE Plowing St Discing. EM 3-9300 CUS'TOM plowing, discing, gar- uc.13, am. acreages, tm 3-3ZIB TRACTOR ROTOVAT ING EM 2-6682 Custom rotovating-plowing. D. MARSHALL EM 2-1343. BUILDING, re-model, roofing. cabinets, siding. EM 4-6340. UAKrENTtR repairing. re model or New. EM 2-2958, r rce muiiins. CUSTOM ROTOTILLING EM 4-0558 NEW LAWNS: Prepared At seed- gu. nw cat, t-tnzi. BUILDING remodel. Sm. jobi. nunc guar. rens. km 4-7782. LOU'S tree service, toonlnf. prune, cabling EM 4-8501 LIGHT crawler dozer leveling, graoing. km jtbu, l Kurth Painting. Interior, exterior. Joe usirom, cm i-jibo. CARPENTER Work, New or Re modeling, free Estimate EM 4-4712. PLOWING Se discing. East Sa- lem only. EM 2-2775 or 2-7032. Custom Plowing & Discing EM 4-9263 PLOWING & DISCING PH. EM 4-6372 PAINTING - Free Estimates Reasonable. EM 2-9551 eves. BRUSH & SPRAY PAINTING Paper hanging, free estimate. 1 erms. y n. iseison. EM 3-8493. ROTOVATING 24 inch mm. Gar den & lawn work; Lawn mow ing. EM 2-0769 - EM 4-3854. EXP. Lawn yard work. Odd jobs. D. Farmer EM 35032. wANTED cherry orchard, spray St pick, shares. EM 4-1461. Spraying, tree topping, removal. pruning. 1 iauaie. em 4i4el f R ACTi5RR0T0V ATI NG Gardens, lawns, orchards. Fntx Kiss. EM 2-6876. EM 4-9013 NFW Lawn complete. Free r Em Phone EM 3-8445 Eve. EM 4-2941. ' ROTOVA,'n;iG Fordson Trie. tor witn 52' Rot ova tor Lawns A- gardei. EM 2-9082 days. Eve. 4-4280. "CUSTOM "R0T6fLLlNG C. L. Cales - EM 2-3783 HOWARD Rftovating EM 4 2823 or EM 23535. No calls Sat please. . i"5 . ; "d 1"B , 1 '"' ' " . ROTOTILLING EM J.2518 PAINTING. !nde- r tut &m I eiL EM 3-0654 ( 0 SAND AND GRAVEL tr.i i rv cih-n At GRAVEL CO Crushed ti round gravel aand At con. mix. KM l Haa. SAI.ru SAND At GRAVEL CO Ready mix concrete, crushed louna gravel, una v WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL t62fl McGilchrtst C r u a h a d quarry rocka and gravel. All alze foi roads driveways and parking lots READY MIXED CONCRETE Garden aand. bull-dozing, shovel and dragline work EM 3-9241. SEPTIC SERVICE Howards Rolo-Rooter sewer septic tanKi cleaned. CM S-Sin MIKE'S Septic service lanka cleaned D'rooter cleans sewers dralna Phone KM 1-S4M, Canitoi Senile Service lank cleaned. Sparton rooter cleans sewers, ti j-fsot, xa a-oui Ace Septic Tank Service Tanks Cleaned at Repaired EM 4.51U DAY OR NIGHT SHARPENING REPAIRING ED'S Mobile sharpening service, EM 2-0802. 1717 Center. TV REPAIR H. It H. TV SERVICE Guar. Repair, radio. TV 6c ant. :all anytime em 2-9710 600 Employment 614 Work Wonted, Lotfy CAN'T keep up with lroning7 1 u iron i nr. aM wvm. MIMEOGRAPHING, typing Mr Poe 665 N 16th EM 3-3643. LADY wishes housekeeping care of children. Steady. Statesman-Journal Box 734. DRESSMAKING & alterations. belts it buttons md. EM 4-7156 EM 4-4694 , Ironing in my home. 615-A Eabyiitting CIIILDCARF. IN MY W. SALEM 1 1 OME, KM 3-S.XIfl . WILL care for children morn. or by hour, a blks. off Center EM 2-8410. CHILD CARE MY HOME Four Corners.EM 3-5244. CHILD care, my home. East on nonywooa ur. tuai 4-duuj. BABY sitter, exp. my own trans portation to your nome. j-.nl 4-B207. WANT small baby to take care or in my nome, w, saiem. M 2-6SI61. BABYSITTING day or night, my home call EM 4-2972. RELIABLE Babysitter. hr day or nue. my nome. EM 3-HB56. LOVING, supervised child cara my nome, south. r-M 2-0902. 618 Education Men, 17-53, wanted to train for Jet industries: Aircraft. Auio was turoine ana Fuel injection Specialists. Trainees accepted must be mechanically minded. We help finance training by arranging budget terms. JET AGE HERE NOW It could be your future. Find out now If you can qualify. Mail JET ENGINE DIVISION Northwest Schools, Box 730, Statesman-Journal Address . , ra Name Phone Education Hours I Work , Age IF YOU like tn riw .b.t.u or paint write for Talent Test (No Fee). Give age and occu pation. Box 732, Statesman- ENROLLMENT limit. Reg. now Salem Christian. Kindergarten Ae Grades 1.6. EM 2-9596. HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME Finish your High School in vour spare time. Text books furn Low tuition. Free Booklet AMKI11PAM QfUJlAI 6543 N. Interstate, Portland 17. 620 Doy ond Contract SCHARFT BnnTHlR Installation Repair Sewen Septic Tanks. Drain Fields EM Jr.3$ft! 1 e h 1 0 BkflU '.i, yd. shovel, crane, hot drg. line. 25-ton mobile cranes P4- CI" Mrr 111 clr ing blade Rental contract or unit Dnces SALEM SAND & GRAVEL 1406 N From sH. KM i-Ui 700 Rentals 702 Sleep. Rooms. Board SLEEPING rms. apt. 7P0 N. HtvE aVy 'rom home- Men. rVJ"wjuncncs. lu-tj n. 5th ROOM k board for working cirl only. 840 Union. TV Cleah nice furn rm.. men. $4.75 wk. EM 2-7620 CV.KAN- Quiet. Nr. St. BldgT onpg. uisi. mt. prtv. EM 2-1449 CLEAN, warm rmt TV. close a Wnter EM 2-1722 MEN. downtown, clean. TVT7e frig., hot plate. 655 Union. 1 RM. basm't. AdL Men rmi 539 N. Winter. s" 65 Aportmentt For "Rent FIREPLACE In llvln room dmelta kitchen, btdroom and P" 'K; H"' relnieralor. Ulllity room with automatic washer at dryer. Verv attrac Jun anartments. THE SHARROS APTS. 121 Kearney St. lOne block south of Mis sion Two blocks west or EX MUs''1 C,U R'Pl1 Ev 2 RDRM. ranee, refrl. r,,.H washer. dr-er-redec EM Z-.taii LRGE sinele unit apt. unfurn. reoecorated with EM 4-3602. i -ora. , ', STATE ST. 1 ,m.. JKM4 1 Jo2 S0. utU. EM 3-9670 ' , . c-rT". 1 1 AND 2 rm. furn. ants, with aro. 1310 Madison. v ii'iSrV A'.V ut!1" p,,t i7 V Liberty EM 3-;635 CLOSE furn. Apt bath. l0. util. pd. 65 Marion. i FURN apt. wlthnT.I kitchenette. EM 4-8356. meruRN. a:i mil. tm. 45. E ' jiiij ! 3-761B. PHON'fi EM -AH BECOME A JET ENGINE SPECIALIST 700 Rentals 705 Apartments For Rent 1ST. fir. s rm. turn. apt. 35 N. Liberty. EM 3-7124. UNFURN. attractive roomy homelike 1 bdrm. Pt. with view. Heat it hot water furn. Adults only. EM 3-8066 If pos sible early morn, or eve. NICELY lurn.. close In, lovely yd. 666 S. Summer. BACHELOR Apt. furn. $35. 1123 Cross St. DEVEREAUX Apts. Nice 1 St t bdrm., furn. or unfurn., 1438 State. EM 2-2534. COLONIAL Manor; 1 & 3 bdrm. Apts. furn. or unl urn. 1221 Chemeketa. EM 3-7954. NEW COURT APTS. Very nice, furn. or unfurn. Call at apt. 866 daytime or EM 4-0088 eves. 874 N. 14th. AMBASSADOR Nicely Furn. Apts. 550 N. Summer EM 2-920 1 ROOM modT apt. Nicely furn. EM 3-7146 or EM 3-6444. CAVALIER APTS. 1177 Court SI. Now avail. 3 rm. furn. apt. EM 4-4919 or Eftf 2-W. ATTRACTIVE close In clean furn., priv. entrance, privata baht, also trailer for 1 person. 245 Union. EM 4-1468 JANSSEN COURT Furn. apt. Shop. ctr. it bus, 8, 13th at E Rural. FURN. Courts knotty pine in terior, small & cozy. $45. plul util. 2455 Trade. EM 4-7472. CLEAN furn. 1 and 2 rm. apU., 633 Ferry St. A CLOSE in, mod. furn 3 rm. apt. EM 3-8490 except Sat. 2 BDRNL court apt unfurn. Sit N. 14th. Spacious Acacia Apartmenti . FURNISHED 1140 South 13th St. EM 3-70O WEST SALEM furn, 1 bdrm. court rental, new furniture, tile bath, S58 a month. Low utilities. Rawlins Realty, EM 4-6875. Eves. EM 2-8743. 2 BDRM. apt. pvt. ent. it bath. good neas, wasner, aryei, reas. EM 2-6697. MADISON COURT APTS. NEWLY dec. 2 rm. furn. apt EM 4-4754. 1065 Madison. NEAT 3 rm. furn. or unfurn. upstairs apt., prlv, bath, , EM 3-4505. LARGE furn. or unfurn. apt., hot water heat. 1245 cnenv eketa. EM 3-4642. VACANCY - Olympic Apti. 730 . Liberty, jm 3-77tw. SUBURBAN. 3hdrm. furn. apt., on ana nr., close to dus line. See at .1205 Moody Avt. or call EM 2-3961. SPECIAL, Clean 3 rm. modern apt. auto laundry facility, quiet, comfortable, 536.50. Pn. EM 4-4020, or EM 3-8841. ATTRAC. furn. for couple 74S N. Capitol. EM 3-5323 eves. FURN. 2 rm. St kitchenette. Heat & water furn. S85 Sagl naw. FURN. 2 rm. and bath ant. EM 2-9006. 1545 N. Capitol. 3 RM. furn. apt. Newly decor too n. ijiDerty jj-oim. SPARKLING clesn spacious. nicely furn. 1 bdrm. apt. Love ly yard it flowers. 745 S. Com'I RIVIERA Apts. Lovely spaclouj 1 oearm. apt. sou. uircn uncn en. tile bath. EM 3-7632 or EM 2-08G6. THE Century, EM 2-7909. Sa- lem s nnesi z Harm. Apts. NEWLY dec. furn. 3 rms. St bath. Court apt. T.V., laundry, parking. Inq. after 5 p.m. or weekends 1348 S. 12th. NEAT, clean 3 rm. furn. Apt, 1853 Court. EM 3-8200, FURN, St unfurn. 3 rm. court apt. Laundry fac. 3rd St. W, Salem. EM 4-8514. 3 RMS. in 4 pier. SE, rang. refrig., 145. EM 2-7520. BEDRM., stove, refrig., TV ant. Nice Yard. 1435 Tradt. UNDER new Mgm't: newly dec. iiili.-ij' mm. ,1 rm. apt. wiut bath.- $35. 770 S. Com'I. EM 4-1607. NEWLY furn. & decorated 1 bdrm. apt., Hollywood dlst. Mgr. 2044 N. Capitol. FURN. ant,, util. Dd.. on hu. $30, $45. 125 Gerth. EM 4-5072. CLEAN furn. Douglas Apt. 353 3. .fin. r.tu j-Do-nj or UNFURN. 1 bdrm. Court Apt. ciose in, ou. cm i-bbuu. CLOSE in mod. unfurn ground nr., Apt. ann smau puiiman Apt. EM 3-8490 except Sat. 3 FURN. rms.. priv. bath. T. V. nmenna, near aiate blag m Mem hospital. 940 Mill FURN. APT.. $35. EM 2-5006. CLEAN 2 spacious rms., on bUI line, inq. jis MarKet St. ONE OF Salem's newest St best iurn. jouri apts. Birch kitch ens, colored bath fixtures. Really nice. 365 mo. EM 4-1720 CLEAN 3 rm. furn. Ant., grd. nr. pvt. ent. 778 S. 13th. 3 RM. apt., util. furn. excent gas. 314 Water St. LOVELY furn. apt., close In. nice din. Reasonable rata. Refs. EM 4-3732 Eves. FURN. 1 bdrm.. pvt. bath, gar TU . S-21sL EM 3-8358. LARGE 1st fir. apt., util. funt -ajja. h.h ferry. NOW AVAILABLE FURN. apt., 2 blks. from MAI. shopping center, priv. entr., elec. washer, dryer. 468 N. Winter. BDRM. unfurn. apt.. 3 rm. furn. apt.. Apt. Building, nr. State buildings 6c Shopping center. EM 3-8656. 1 RM. furn. cottage. $30. 1 rrru mi. ru.i i. Liberty. NICE 2 rm. furn. basement apt adults.1185 Jefferson. 660 FERRY St. Unfurn. upstairs 3 bdrm. $60. 706 Duplexes CLEAN 2 bdrm. all elec. duplex. Car port. auto, washer, & dryer. 1038 8th St. 557.50 per mo. EM 3-3136. FURN. attractive 3 rm. duplex. OneaduIt. 147 N. 18th. NEWLY dec. furn. duplex apt 3 rms.. bath. Close in. Auto. washer. Lge. storage closets. New mattress. Emp, coup. 8S M artan. EM 3-6630. Air cond. jSTjA '' 3 JURN. rms sldt entrancf. Kll t-M 4-4351. 2 BDRM DtipleT. clean, nlcelf "rglTVAnlerun. EM 4 H310. $52 50, Near Capitol bids;., newly J" unfurn. 2 bdrms. EM N?w ""iurn. J bdrm.. birch kit., iii,.rra ! r. j:M 3 7M1. MCEI V furn. modern duplex! xi , ,5- Coupl. only. r. -M 3-5 , 65. 707 Houiei For Rent furn full bsm't. close :a clos.. 980 N20th EM J-aS CLEAV 1 . LtAS 1 harm, unfurn. hse., except oU heater cn s. ret. 159, s. Lancaster i1 BDRM- ,t iK- "h'um. house. close in South. EM s-1228 4 BDRM. house. Close In nH? nifh and grade schs. W0 per v.'.. - ,Ier 'I" Market St. ; 22 bdrm houses 150 at JS3. Ji!! .LMW i-JUt , i1. References. Vo JSJ,,- """isej- Realty. EM ' barm, home for