Capital jLJournal THE WEATHER GRADUALLY INCREASING cloud iness tonight; partly cloudy with . chance of few showers, Saturday, Low tonight, 40; Ugh Saturday, (5. 2 SECTIONS 20 Pages 69th Year, No. 104 Salem, Oregon, Friday, May 3, 1957 Entered ai Moond dua mtttcr st Salem, Ore fan Price 5c Harvey Signs 868 Acres in Ba uxite Hun t Aluminum Ore Exploration to Start June 1 in Rosedale Area; Land Options Total $398,000 By FRED ZIMMERMAN Capital Journal Writer ' Exploration for bauxite, produced, will begin in the Rosedale area south or Salem about June 1 by Harvey Aluminum Co. it was learned today. The. f inn filed 18 options covering approximately acres or land In the area at the county recorder's office here Thursday. If exercised, the options would Involve a total purchase price ot $398,000. Option fee payments ranging from $100 to $640 were made by the company. In most cases the options call for a pur chase price of $500 an acre, For Two Years The options are for two years and give the company the right "to conduct explorations for the general purpose of determining the suitability of mineral and chemical bearing materials of every character and nature; to make excavations by means of test holes, pits, etc.; the right to remove samples, the right to erect, operate and maintain equip ment and apparatus. At the local office of the U. S. Chemical Division of the Harvey concern, A. W. Metzger, plant manager said the options were the first of a number signed a year or more ago. Others will follow. . " - Arrangements Completed Metzger said that arrangements have been completed with a firm that , will conduct drilling in the area beginning about June 1. "We have virtually all the land we need covered by options," said Metzger. "We will seek bauxitic materials and further operations will hinge on what we find." A couple of years ago a Cana dian firm optioned land in the Rosedale Hills area, conducted drilling operations and then aban doned the fields .. - Those signing the options and the amount of land involved arc: : Donald A. and Paula Jo Jones and Leona B, Gookins, Rt. 3, Box, 761, 35 acres. Robert T. and Elonc I. Nelson, 400 E. Vista Ave., Sa lem, 40 acres; John C. and Mary B. Kleinschmidt, Rt. 4, Box 534, 50 acres; Floyd E. and Lcsta C. Bates, Rt. 4, Box 334, 30 acres. Paul H. Taylor, Rt. 4, Box 504, 10 acres; George Angel and For est C. Turner, Rt. 1, Box 187A, Silverton; W. J. and Rossie A. Lin foot, Portland, 53 acres; Thomas E. and Ethel E. Barry, Rt. 4, Box 564, 80 acres, Rola M. and O. F. Sayles, Rt. 4, Box 354, 30 acres; Gordon Mc Gilchrist Jr. and Marie McGil Christ, 360 McGilchrist St., 50 acres; Lincoln M. and Mary 11. Pfeiffer, 1040 Wilbur St., 20 acres; William J. and Dorothy G. Linfoot, 960 Gerleon Drive. 72 acres. Donald and Kathleen Bernards, Rt. 4, Box 558, 150 acres: Forest W. and Orpha L. Cammack, Rt. 4, Box 448, 80 acres. Dulles Exhorts Russ'to Allow German Unity BONN, Germainy W Secretary : of State John Foster Dulles called on Russia Friday to end the division of Germany "before its i injustices become intolerable." Dulles told the North Atlantic ;, Council of Foreign Ministers the ' Soviet Union's protestations of peace "indeed ring hollow when they forcibly divide a great people." He said that both on humanitar ian and legal grounds the contin ued split of the country could not ; be justified. r: The American statesman spoke after West German Foreign Min ister Heinrich Von Brentano called upon the 15-nation alliance . to support his government's demands ; for reunification quickly. Brentano's statement was, in part, an effort to bolster Chan cellor Konrad Adenauer's political .stock for general elections coming ' up in September. Von Brentano told the ministers the leader of the Federal German Republic are doing all they can to insure that the Red-ruled people of East Germany take no "imprudent actions" which could only aggravate their misery and lead to terrorism. Senate Takes Go-Home Step The Oregon Senate, on the 110th 1 flav of the session, took official notice Friday that the end might not be far away. The upper house approved a resolution providing for mailing books and other supplies to mem bers' homes. It goes to the House. Most legislators feel the session will end between May IS and Jane U from which aluminum is Lease Scandal On Alaskan Oil Lands Scented Rep. Pelly Asks Probe By Interior Chief of Claim Jumping WASHINGTON tiB Rep. Pelly (R-Wash) Friday asked Interior Secretary Seaton to investigate re ports of claim jumping on Alaskan oil lands, declaring "we may well have a national scandal in the making, rivaling any in our past history. "Informational sources available to me," Pelly wrote Seaton, "indi cate that one of the biggest scrambles for leases in our history is under way in Alaska on a 'winner-take-all, no holds barred' basis. , "I am informed 'lease sharks' with connections in every land of fice in Alaska and through into Washington, D.C., with batteries of legal counsel at their disposal, are busy punching technical holes in every block of lease applica tions which have adequate geologi cal background." Pelly cited what he said was a "typical example" brought to his attention where an application is filed for a block of 2X1,000 acres. If the geologist 'behind the ap plicant is known to be on the pay roll of one of the major oil com panies, felly said, the scramble is on to find a legal or technical flaw as soon as the applications arc filed and the land relocation therefore exposed to public knowl edge." Pelly continued: "Then if some clerk in the Anchorage, Fairbanks or even in the Washington, D.C.. office of the Land Bureau decides that the cartography or legal description of a few units is not correct to the last detail, the news and the offi cial number of the disputed units travels at an amazing rate of speed. "Invariably within 10 or 15 min utes after the announcement there is a 'claim jumper'with applica tion and check in hand at the Land Office to cross-file on the disputed acreage." Tulsa Officers Meted Prison TULSA tfl Eleven of 16 per sons convicted of conspiracy to violate federal liquor laws includ ing Tulsa Police Commissioner Jay L. Jones and suspended Po lice Chief Paul L. Livingston, each were sentenced Friday to a year in prison and fined $1,000. The other five, all ' suspended police officers, were given one year prison terms. 'HEW CLOSER TO PLATFORM' Ike Calls on GOP to Recoup West Losses WASHINGTON 1 President Eisenhower Friday urged Repub lican leaders of Western states to find out why the GOP suffered "disturbing" losses in the West last November, and then chart strategy for a "vigorous" come back. Addressing a lo-state Republi can rally at Salt Lake City, Utah, by telephone from the White House. Eisenhower seemed at least by implication to suggest the answer was in more vigorous sup port of principles set out in the 1956 party platform. "It is vitally important that w elect a Republican House and Senate in 1958," he told the GOP leaders. Then he urged a searching "self-criticism." and suggested the leaders measure their party's i performance against the stand- ards and policies of the platform. "I am sure that vou and I know that I will not treat our : platform lightly," Eisenhower said. "It outlines the policies our party proposes in confronting and solving modern day problems both at home and abroad. It is a basic statement of our beliefs in the kind of government we need In Foxy Trio Triplet baby foxes line up for a formal portrait with owner, John Bailey, 1285 Parkway Dr., after he found and brought home the pups from a farm field Wednes day. The trio are Just beginning to get STRONGLY OPPOSED' GOP Senators Won't Block Demo Tax Bill By PAUL W. HARVEY Jr. , Associated Press Writer - Republican members of the Sen ale Taxation Committee strongly opposed Friday the House-approved bill to revise personal income tax rates, but they indicated they would not block its passage in the Senate. Sen. Walter J. Pearson (D), of Portland, chairman of the com mittee, said the committee will send the bill to the Senate floor next Tuesday morning. It likely will have the blessing of the committee's four Democrats and opposition of its three Republi cans. At the end of Friday's meeting of the committee, Sen. Rudie Wil- helm (R), Portland, said to Pear son: We'll Supply One' "If you get 15 Democrats to support the bill, we'll supply you with one Republican." This would indicate that the 15- 15 party split in the upper house wouldn't block passage of the bill. The bill repeals the 45 per cent surtax imposed in 1955, but in corporates it into the tax rate structure; increases the $500 per sonal exemption to $600; and changes the 2 per cent withhold ing tax so that all income taxes would be withheld from salaries. The three Republican members of the committee Wilhelm; Phil- this year of 1957. "By spreading the gospel of this kind of Republicanism, we shall bring back into the fold all those who left us in 1956, and gain thousands of recruits to make our strength decisive in the service of our country." The Salt Lake City conference, third in a series of regional Re publican meetings, faces a "unique challenge," Eisenhower told the GOP leaders assembled there. It was In the West, he said, that GOP "Fared least well in the 1956 elections." In all the states except Arizona, New Mexico and Utah the na tional Republican ticket lost ground from 1952 in the percent age of total vote. "The most disturbing factor was the total vote for Congress which dropped from 55 per cent in 1952 to 49 per cent in 1956, the presi- dent said. The party needs to know, he ;saia. wny suosianuai gains eise- where occurred while the West was slipping. When the answers are found, he said, "I hope we can regroup our forces and make a vigorous start to correct the situation next year," Finds New Home in City 'ft w 9- ip Lowry, . . Medtord, and ..Lee Ohmart, Salem said the income tax is too high, and that the state would have to come to a sales tax in a couple of years. They said, however, they will make no effort to try to get a sales tax approved this session. In fact, the Democratic-controlled House already has rejected a sales tax. 'Must Have Sales Tax' Wilhelm said that the House bill "just includes the surtax and makes it a little higher. I am (Continued on Page S Column 3) MAY FESTIVAL Jefferson Parades To a Calypso Beat By MIKE FORBES Capital Journal Valley Editor "Hill and gully riders, , hill and gully ..." JEFFERSON (Special) ' "Springtime on the Santiam" came to this bustling little town Friday with a Calypso beat as high school students joined in their annual May festival and parade. The high school's prize winning band led the lengthy parade down Second street through the town playing the rollicking Calypso song, "Hill and Gully Riders," and "The Music Went Round and Round." The band was followed 'closely by Queen Barbara Jeanne Hart and her escort, King Frank Mar latt. x Ankeny Grange won sweep stakes prize with its float depict ing a fishing camp, with a realis tic campfire. It also placed first in the Grange and farm division. Other prize winners follow: Churches, First Christ! an Church. Fraternal, Civic, R e b e k a h Lodge. Commercial, Cobb Manufactur ing Co. Garden clubs, Wedding Ring Club. High school and affiliates, fresh men. Grade school, eighth grade. Saddle horses, Everett Struck meier. Original costume, Jeanine Griz zel. Ginger and 4th Hubby Separate HOLLYWOOD B Actress Ginger Rogers, 45, announced Fri day that she and her fourth hus band. Jacques Bergerac, 30. for mer Paris lawyer turned Holly wood actor have separated. Through a spokesman Miss Rog ers said Bergerac moved out of their Beverly Hills home Thurs day. She said she'll file suit for di vorce next week on grounds of mental cruelty, ; ?&a used to being around peuple and will soon be as tame as dogs. Bailey hopes to find a home for all three in some kind of zoo. (Capital Journal Photo by Jerry Claussen) WHAT TO DO WITH THREE BABY FOXES? Any Willamette Valley farmer knows that a fox can be a prob lem. But for John Bailey, 1285 Parkway Drive, the fox prob lem has been multiplied by thrce.'He L has trio of: baby red foxes and doesn't know what to do with them. Bailey found the cute trio, about ' six weeks old, on a friend's farm near Rickrcall Wednesday evening. The mother apparently had abandoned them. Although they'll bite If teased, Bailey Is slowly getting his three new pels lamed down. They live in separate box houses in the back yard and eat dog food. Bailey hopes he can find a zoo or someone else who will take all three. Comedian, Ricks Garage. Decorated bike, William Reeves. Pets, Wcltha Coin. Marching, high school. Navy Recalls Major Power Of 6th Fleet WASHINGTON W The Navy announced Friday that the maior fighting ships of the 6th Fleet are moving out of the eastern Mediter ranean where they were rushed during the Jordan crisis last week. It said they are returnin to the central Mediterranean area to take part m previously scheduled North Atlantic Treaty Organiza tion naval exercises. Amphibious elements of the fleet, including the reinforced Ma nnc Corps Battalion of 1,800 men, will remain in the eastern Medi terranean with a number of es corting ships. The giant carrier Forrestal, the battleship Wisconsin, and the heavy cruisers Salem and Des Moines are the principal warships now steaming westward to take part m exercise Green Pivot, a phase of general exercises Involv ing naval forces and ships of most of the maritime powers of NATO. The decision to pull the big ships out of the eastern Mediterranean for the NATO exercises plainly indicated an official feeling here that the situation involving Jordan and her neighbors has eased. Lynch Is U. O. Prexy EUGENE Wl James Lynch of Lakcview, a senior in business administration, has been elected student bodv president of the Uni versity of Oregon. Weather Details Mixlmum yMUrday, II; minimum tfldty. 31. TnUI Z4-hour prrclplutlnn, .5; for month, M; normal, .IS. sea son precipitation, 2S.S2; normal, M.lft. RlT?r heitht, .9 of a foot. (Report by U. S. Weather Bureau.) McCartf 1 1 T 7- To Be 4 Exposed to Radioactivity In Texas Lab Company Official Says Situation in Hand, No Hazards HOUSTON. Tex. Ifl-An Atomic Energy Commission representa tive said yesterday that two and possibly four employes of the lab oratory of the M. W. Kellogg Co. here have received radiation con tamination. An official of the New York construction company, W. B. Con verse, said, "The situation is un der control and there are no hazards." Converse said he is reluctant to name the men involved be cause casual visitors to the homes of these employes might receive secondary exposure to radiation, and we wish to avoid any hys teria on the part of the public." The AEC said that the company reported tho laboratory was se verely contaminated March 13 when irradiated pellets of a mix ture of compressed Iridium 192 and aluminum metal powder were broken while being removed from cans. The laboratory was closed, but is expected to open in two weeks. The commission said the lab oratory was partially decontami nated. It said that two employes were present at the time of the incident and one of them may havo inhaled some of the radio active powder. "Their exposure to exlernal ra diation is- not believed to have been large." The men were not hospitalized. The AEC said: "The investigation to date also indicates that clothing of at least tho two employes was contaminat ed, and was not removed until after the employes arrived homo. Some radioactivity was delected in the present home of one em ploye, and also in a trailer where he lived at the time of the inci dent. "Some clothing of other mem bers of his family was found to he slightly radioactive, presumably as a result of being washed along with the employe s clothes. James Carry, assistant to the president of the firm, said Iridium 192 is used in a device that looks for structural weaknesses in such material as steel, pipeline and cables. 12 Chrysler Plants Idled DETROIT in A series of wild cat strikes triggered by a dispute over job transfer rights shut down 12 Chrysler, Corp. plants in the Detroit area Friday, idling nearly 40,000 workers in the past 24 hours. The dispute stopped production of Plymouth, Dodge and Chrysler cars. The company said 14,000 work ers in Dodge and Plymouth plants were idled Thursday night and an other 25.000 were idled Friday as material shortages affected other plants. Both the company and the Unit ed Auto Workers Union said the strikes that resulted in the com pany sending home workers by the thousands were not author ized. SAYS FUNDS USED Holmes Takes State Out of Power Group By Wll.MAM WAItltEN I United Press Staff Correspondent Gov. Robert D. Holmes said today he was bringing an abrupt stop to a program through which, he said, Oregon's two previous Republican governors had con tributed nearly $8,000 of state funds for promotion of a so-called "partnership" power development. The action removed Oregon trom the Pacific Northwest Gov ernors' Power Policy Committee, which Gov. Holmes called an arm ot the private power lobby. Gov, Holmes said the records showed that unapproved reports of Ihc committee's technical engi neers had been used recently to support the position of Idaho Pow er Co. in the Hells Canyon con troversy. Gov. Holmes s;id the records fhowed that the lale Gov. Paul Patterson, under whose adminis tration Oregon joined the power policy committee, and Gov. Elmo Smith had authorized payments from the executive department funds to Portland General Electric Co. totaling $7,577.63. ejo eueSns 0 jo AjejeAiufl J Monday in Senate McCarthy in Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy, who died Thursday In Beth esda Naval Hospital, is shown in two characteristic actions during the Army-McCarthy hearings in Washing- ton In 1054, (AP Wircphoto) No European Tear ShedforMcCarthy LONDON uH Western Europe's newspapers shed no tear Friday for Senator Joseph R. McCarthy. The death of the Wisconsin senator renewed the dormant passions that once House Group Vetoes Flood Surety Funds WASHINGTON HI - The House Appropriations Committco refused Thursday to approve a 50 million dollar allotment to financo the federal flood insurance program approved at tho last session of Congress. Tho committee's action was taken in approving an omnibus appropriation bill allotting a total of $79,840,788 to miscellaneous agencies, mainly for use during the remaining two months of the present fiscal year. This was $70,064,875 less than President Eisenhower requested, the 46 per cent cut boosting to $1,263,457,124 the total reductions made by the committee or the House on 11 money bills this year. Based on total requests for $15,- 555,615,566 to date, the over-all cut is 8.1 per cent. The Scnalo has not yet acted on any o( the regular appropria tions bills. In turning down the 50 million dollar allotment, the committee recommended instead that the agency administering the flood in surance program use $325,000 it now has for lurther study to de velop "a moro workable plan," IN LOBBYING He said the case had been under investigation since he took office Jan. 14 and during that time he lelt a moral obligation to author ize continuation of monthly pay ments although no c o nt r a c t existed. Immediate exception to this statement was taken by Estes Snedecor Jr., tax agent and legis lative representative for Portland General Electric. "PGE merely has been acting as a fiscal clearing house for the Governors policy committee," Snedecor said. "We havo collected the money Irom all the participants and paid the bills from that fund We have r-ot received one cent of compen sation for ourselves, and we ob ject to the inlerence that we have i-een paid money." Oregon's share, which Gov. Holmes said was bigger by almost twice than any other contributor's, went into a fund for expenses of Ebasco services, a private firm which actually makes the studies for the committee. eath , 1 CM Probe Role Purged around his name, British papers nearly all gave the story prominent ironi-page space and carried bitter editorials on ' McCarthyism. Tho reports in Franco were brief. But all papers referred to McCarthy as "Tho Witch Hunter." The Communist l'Humanito de clared the senator "was famous for his relcntlcssness in using methods against Communism worthy of the inquisltiion." Inquisition" also was used in London's conservalivo Daily Tele graph. The pro-Communist Paris Lib eration called the senator "the leader of frantic anti-communism and the grand master of witch hunting." Austrian papers announced the death with such headlines as "Snooper Senator McCarthy Dies." A typical British comment came from the liberal News Chronicle: "He built a monstrous myth and made millions believe it, but like a fool ho overnlavcd it and de stroyed both tho myth and him self. America was tho cleaner by his fall, and Is cleaner by his death." Ellender Eyes Benson Blast As 'Czar' Try WASHINGTON (UP) A Demo cratic critic attacked Secretary of Agriculturo Ezra T. Benson to day for his blast at the present farm price support program, Chairman Alien J. Ellender of the Senate Agriculture Committee accused Benson of trying to set himself up as an "agricultural czar." Benson Thursday lore into the present farm program. He said it is "not working," is costly to tax payers and is losing markets for farmers. He gave no specific rec ommendations but said he wanted discretionary authority to set sup port price levels. Benson said he had the full back ing of President Eisenhower and planned a campaign to convince farmers they'll make more money if Congress empowers him to cut support prices further. Sunny Spell To Be Brief Another beautiful sprint; day marked Friday for Salem and the valley, following some fog and early morning cloudiness. But the weather bureau fore casts gradually increasing cloudi ness tonight with prospect of some showers Saturday. Five-day forecast calls for preci pitation to be above normal, oc curring mainly as showers tonight and Saturday and again over Tues day. Temperatures are duo to be somewhat below normal. 1 at 47 Funeral Liver Ailment Claims Red Fighter Bv HERBERT VriSTRR ' United Press Staff Correspondent WASHINGTON IIPW Funeral services for Sen. Tosenh R.' McCarthy will be held at 11 a.m. E.D.T. Monday in the Senate Chamber where he rose to fama and later was condemned by bis colleagues. The Senate services will h nr. Cedpd hv ftlthnllr mns of O m at St. Matthews Cathedral, wher McCarthy was married in 1953. Senate lo Meet, Adjonrn The Senate will meet briefly at noon Monday and adjourn out of respect for McCarthy. A committee of senators will ac company the body from the Senata W..U...UV4 tu ript'l.UII, .TIB., muu- Burial will be in AoDleton Tues day. The decision to conduct the serv ices in the Senate Chamber was announced after Senate leaders conferred with Mrs. McCarthy. The Wisconsin Republican died at Bethcsda Naval Hospital late Thursday of a little understood liver malady called "acute hepa titis." the immediate cause ol death was "acute hopatitic fail ure." lailuro of tho liver to go on working. ,, , . : Capital Shocked Death came to the controversial senator, who made hosts of one-. on alleged Communists in govern ment, with a suddenness that shocked the capital. He had been ill for a number of weeks but did not enter the hospital until' last Sunday. The hospital said he was "seriously" ill, but never publicly put him on tho "critical" list. McCarthy's malady was not so- called infectious hepatitis, a virus-caused disease. Medical au thorities said McCarthy's ailment. acute hepatitis, is organic and is not caused by any external agent. A Public Health Service official who has spent his life studying liver maladies said there are some iw aiiiereni ninas oi organ ic hepatitis. They all manifest similar symptoms but have dif ferent causes. Thcro are a whole host of con ditions which could have preced ed the senator's acute attack," he said. "Even if there had been an autopsy, the basic cause that pro duced it probably never would have been known anyway." feisennower sends condolences Mrs. McCarthy did not author ize an autopsy, and there will be none. ' ' Messages of condolence poured In to McCarthy's widow, the beau tiful Jean whom he married in, 1953. President and Mrs. Elsenhower and former President Truman voiced their sorrow, though the President and former President had been targets of his attacks. Others who had been his enemies in life availed themselves of the rule to say nothing ill of the dead. Funeral services for 22 sena tors have been held in the Sen ate Chamber since 1886. There were some before that but no rec ord has been kept on them. The (Continued on Page 5, Column 41 Sews in Brief Friday, May 3, 1957 NATIONAL McCarthy Dies; Bites Set in Senate Sec. 1, r. 1 Tributes to McCarthy; Wis consin Reaction Sec. 1, v. B Bullet Nicks Costclio... Sec. 1, P. 2 LOCAL DcMolay Conclave Opens ; Sec. 1, P. S Powell Heads Planning Council acc. 2, r. 1 Salem School Honors Listed Sec. 2. P. 1 STATE House Approves Last of Three Tax Bills Sec. 1, P. FOREIGN Nicaraguan President Says Town Recaptured - Sec. 1, P. 1 SPORTS Rain Idles Senators . Sec. 2, P. I Parrlsh Adds Mo Fitisimmons to Teaching Staff.. Sec. 2. P. 2 REGULAR FEATURES Amusements Sec. 1, P. 2 Editorials Sec. 1. P. 4 Locals Sec. 1, P. 5 Sec. 2. P. 1 Society Sec. 1, P. 6, 7 Comics Sec. 2. P. 5 Television Sec. 2, P. t Want Ads Sec. 2. P. 7, 8. 9 .Markets Sec. 2. P. 10 Dorothy Dix ... Sec. 1, P. 9 Crossword Puzzlo .. Sec. 2, P. S School Sec. 2, P. 4 5