THE CAPITAL JOUKXAD THE CAPITAL JOURNAL' Section 3 Page 7 Salem, Oregon, TKtirsriay, May 2, 1957 Satem, Oregon, Thursday, May 2, 1957 Page 6 Secliori 3 Scallop of Ham and Cabbage Ever-popular and right now in expensive ham has a way of reach ing the leftover stage. You'll like it's comeback when served like this. Makes six servings. Ham-Cabbage Scallop 1 pound cooked ham Vi cup butter or margarine Vi cup flour 2 cups milk IVi pounds 2 quart coarsely shredded cabbage - Vt cup grated American cheese Vi cup chopped green pepper 1 tablespoon butter or mar garine 4 cup dry bread crumbs Dice ham. Melt the Vi cup butter In saucepan, add flour and stir until smooth. Gradually add milk, stirring constantly. Cook until thick then add cheese, green pep per and diced ham. In the mean time, steam or cook cabbage in small amount of boiling water for 5 minutes. Place a layer of drained partially cooked cabbage in greased baking dish, now a layer of ham-cheese sauce. Repeat. Melt the tablespoon butter and mix with crumbs. Sprinkle over ham and cabbage mixture. Bake in moder ate oven, 350 degrees, (or 30 min-utes. Macaroni Stars In This Salad Macaroni, along with pineapple and cheese make this attractive salad ring. Golden Salad Ring 1 package lemon-flavored gelatine 2 cups boiling water Vi teaspoon salt 4 ounces shell or elbow maca roni 1 3-ounce package cream cheese 2 tablespoons milk , 2 teaspoons lemon juice 1 cup 'crushed pineapple (9-ounce canl Vi Clin rhnnnprf nnf Dissolve gelatine In boiling wa ter, ftaa sail. Let cool until slightly thickened. Add 2 teaspoons salt and macaroni to a pun. hlllno water. Boil rapidly, stirring con- nanny, ior z minutes. Cover, re move from heat and let stand 10 minutes. Meanwhile, soften cream , cheese wilh milk. Add lemon juice, pineapple and nuts. Blend well. Rinse macaroni uilh rnA water and drain well. When gela tine ts slightly thickened, fold in macaroni and mixture. Pour into greased 9-inch ring mora, chill until firm. Makes 1 9-inch ring. Parmesan Ring Fine For Spring Luncheon Bake a nippy Parmesan Ming " niTve as me oread accompani ment for a spring luncheon. Parmesan Ring Sift together 2 cups sifted en riched flor, 1 tablespoon baking powder and 1 leaspoon salt. Cut or rub In Vt cup shorlening until mixture is crumbly. Add 2-3 lo 4i Otin milt In maU n -tt J L. r - ,,i..rtu a null UUUK". Turn out on lightly floured board in piisiry cioin and knead gently SO seconds. Roll out ',4 Inch (hick. omsn wun moiled butter nr mar garine and sprinkle generously with grated Parmesan cheese. Cut "ourra oiscuit cutter. Place , in ureasca a-incn round pan, over lapping each biscuit on the other Bake In hot oven (450 degrees F ) about 15 minutes or until golden brown. Makes 1 Parmesan Ring. Trifle One Dessert That's Always Liked Always a favorite dessert is trifle. It Is easy to make and is hit on the rich side. Trifle 5 egg yolks (or 2 whole eggs and 1 yolk) J cups milk ' cup sugar V teaspoon salt 1-3 lo 4 cup musratel, sherry or other dessert wine Sponge or chiffon cake Slivered almonds Whipped cream Rent egg yolks lichtly, add milk sugar and salt, and cook over hot water, slirring very frequently, un til sauce coats spoon. Remove from heal, and stir in Vi cup wine COOI. Mennwhilr' nil r.b- .w: slices and sprinkle with remain- ins wine. Arrange laver of cake slices in serving dish, pour cus tard over cake, anrl rnni .,il H Is used. Chill thoroughly. Just in-ioiB serving sprinkle with al monds, and lop with pulis of whipped cream. Makes 6 to 8 servings, Avocado-Asparagus Cocktail Offering This tangy ; "Avocado Asparagus Cocktail" is a fruit and voimiahtn combination that asks for frequent repetition on your menus. Avo cados, reasonably priced, make not only zeslful atmelizrrx hui cellent salnds. enlrees, sandwich spreads nnd desserts. Asparagus Avocado Coeklall I medium-sired avocado 20 12-inch) cooked asparagus tips Vi cup tomato catsup 1 leaspoon Worcestershire sauce 1 teaspoon prepared horse radish 2 tablespoons lime juice 1 tablespoon mayonnaise ' Vi teaspoon salt Dash Tabasco sauce Cut avocado Into halves length wise and remove seed and skin Cut fruit Into cubes. Stand five asparagus tips around the edge of each cocklail glass and arrange avocado in center. Combine re maining. Ingredients and spoon over avocado and asparagus. 8lve very cold. Serves 4. KEEWAY Tplacetosave! KITCHEI OTYMS! iii W TAT) v-' M. - MMM Pirates' Go jd i 1 !::H::H!.::::HH:HH::nUSH.::.K:H iiiii-Hllillliiiliiiilillliiiiililiillililli ::ij!i;l:'S::::w::Hii"n Ml Ml First Quality iilidiiSiiiiiiiiiilii For the Tastiest, Fastest Easiest to Prepare Meals! IKL Brand f ! Con Carnl V.I1III With Be.m Raviolas i jk Lasagne b UO)c Trtil! Noodlai Wilh Beef Your Choice, 40-oz. Tin Tender Northwest, All Green ASPARAGUS Safeway has the finest local grown Asparagus . , . perfect for canning and freezing. Excellent quality. Hk' 2 lbs. Cream 'O' Crop Large Ilk kH 'AA" EGGS 2 t 89c 12 1 1.98 30-lb. Box $4.89 i Safeway est Product U.S. No. 2 Grid NufWade Salad Oil Rea, 64c A .el lu8 t. b,.. 59C Finet forth, money. - NuPAade Mayonnaise Texture-More delicate flavor Creamer Texture- Rcg cCrt- Rc9. 42c OQr QuortJar pint ar Piedmont Mayonnaise lumber solad - Jof 58c must. Creamy-mooth Sleepy Hollow Syrup Rich in Rea, ' " 25C'' tops Pack Train Syrup ii nTi While Shaffer Red-Ripe Potatoes New Potatoes Strawberries Rhubarb Oranges Tender Golden Kernels Sweet Corn 3 r,29c Grapefruit S 59c Hew low Price 301b. Boi 1.19 50 i 79' 10,59' ox iH 9 '5' Juicy Ariiona Valencia Large leafy head 5B'.bB 59c Lettuce 2 fa; 29c Arizona luscious with flavor Full flavored fresh Sun-ripened Florida Spinach 2BUn25c Oranges lb. 10c Lax-Mix Instant Choc. Milk 29c tO oi. pkg, Strowbery "Pure Fruit" PRESERVES Empreis trend 20-az. i ft Reg. 45c glau O VC Delicious Snow Star ICE CREAM 49c S89c "Bonus Qualify" Lucerne 3.8 MILK , 2 r 89c Cragmont 1 2-flavors BEVERAGES L bottle! 35c A real treat! BEL-AIR premium quality sliced, frozen STRAWBERRIES Garden-fresh flavor in every package of BEL-AIR brand FROZEN PEAS 6 Down goes the price on this family favorite. SANTIAM mg JO oi wown goes me price on mi family rare 12 . 1.98 Cm GREEN BEANS No, 303 Cim Shop Sofeway tomorrow and save on famous DEL MONTE brand 89c FANCY CORN 7"' A Northwest product specially priced to save you money. Delicious Country Home cream style or ZEE TISSUE 3 V.1 1.00 KERNEL CORN -. .. .. . . , niuz-LiDftv Fussy about quality? Stock up and save on SUGAR BELLE rmciT ingreuienri anu rcui majronnaiv in bwnn ww SANDWICH SPREAD No. 303 Cans Here's your chance to save on famous WESTAG brand IMITATION VANLLLA 10c TUNA FISH 5 i.oo For a tasty, yet economical spread, try DALEWOOD MARGARINE 4 S 98c No. IVi 95c Stock up NOW . . . and save on tasty COLDBROOK brand MARGARINE 59t FANCY PEAS Gardenside Brand, Red-ripe I - TAMATfiCC C I VlIIH I VtJ . J Cans Uother big savings on a popular favorite. SUNDOWN WHOLE APRICOTS 5 1.00 .ow-eost refreshment! Delicious KRAFT Grape or )RANGE DRINK 3 V, 69c ere's a real value on Nip 'n Tuck CAT FOOD A new taste treat for the lunch box. BUSY BAKER COCONUT "SHORTIES BEVERLY Brand Smooth or Chunky Cam 2 43c i 9urantee yur '9 '"e r,,ocn ',ran' DOG FOOD Mb. pkg.- 49c Save up to 00c on Enriched "All Purpose" PEANUT BUTTER KITCHEN CRAFT FLOUR kitchen Craft "All-purpose" Flour . the premium quality flour that'i guaranteed to work wonders with all your favorite recipes.- Beverly is made from the finest U.S.-No. 1 grade peanuts, expertly 'efl' 1 OO 10""'' QQi roasted, carefully seasoned and smoothly around. 'Ive20caw Bag wv lav '11c 2.09 aK' 1.98 iave 26c 4.15 50Bib8 3.89 1lpr. 88c on Pure, All Vegetable hortening ROYAL SATIN RAISIN ORANGE BREAD ... lit AC. Rich full bodied flavor ZJt imitation maple Cider Vinegar Piedmont is a mild, boHq'a' 2.3 C oll.purpose vinegor 1 yu OA . fL..i..L i.-.L Km If -72rKS5V. COFFEE CAKE LOAF - 33c num-urain - y, ix oesi Beer m5' -."k 5c Slender-way Bread g.l0,f 27c lucky Lager Beer 117 ,.Iolf 25c BlilzBeer12o,-"ns,canDllck 1.17 rrut Polalo Bread Sk)Urk ret.loaf 25c Olympia Beer12oc;an' ,ck 1 17 eAsyTofNrfArtAsmw Protein Bread Sk5lark lUWI At MVUWK till Mrs. Wright's Bread 28c Cigarettes 1.73 SAFE WAY'S ;:::::;:::;:::;!:: j:::;;:;::;:: your &GST place to save ! tmmmA 12-or. Botfl. each 6bt I ,8- .h 49c ui i asucr r nea r ooas, Pastries and Cakes . . . IfCCM AMAZING NEW M IlLLil GOLDEN RICH (T i nuriening m All-Durno?e KEFM it tko . 1 .., u i k t j- lwer ,0 0 s new world of baking discoveries. e i , , ia'eway guarantees perfect baking, lighter -ny"" ' W'' wonc'er'u' oil-purpose Royal Satin. 3-lb. Tin 3-lb. Tin On -1 fi viaTitI fl- I VVtmj (jar K :-KX SHORfErflHyl W iylilllliliiiiiHy f y o j u i j j o Value iking, lighter fried foods jf al Satin. M mm Famous Floyd's of To morrow 60-15 Genuine DuPont Pair for Only $JOO 6 " We' I? .Galvanized- AwWLt- V c3 I Work Pail Ik m - long lasting mm i ff V f Y p3l yf Here's tne Hottest Price S tf J-owm 'uoissi uiiuice ueei jiw' "USD4 Cioice" Properly iged, Beef T-ione Steaks or CLUBS trimmed ClOO Enjoy a wonderful Safeway steak this week- j end. Fill up your freezer and sove. BONELESS TOP SIRLOIN Tender "USDA CHOICE" Steer Beef steaks 10 properly trimmed and (aged for flavor. 1 jV Canned Picnics Hx 1.98 Top-quality, 46-ai. TEA GARDEN FANCY APPLE JUICE Finest quality 46-or. SUNNY DAWN FANCY TOMATO JUICE Save now on the No. 2Vi can HIGHWAY brand BARTLETT PEAR HALVES For breakfast, lunch, dinner. SUNDOWN 212 can FREESTONE PEACHES Mix 'em or Match 'em Your Choice for 00 Manor House Beef, Chicken, Turkey . - . - , ., 8 ' Armours Star Boneless 1 to 3-lb. Frozen Pies Pk9 27c Cottage Butts ,. 79c "USDA CHOICE" Boneless Brisket Corned Beef ib. 59c j""" Manor Hou 1 -lb. 12-01. Tender "USDA CHOICE' Plate cut ill r AO Boiling Beef ,b 19c Cut Up Fryers .... 98c Serve It creamed over toast. Kingan Sliced Dried Beef 4r1 Big savings on SEA TRADER all light meat 100 pure Guaranteed ! Ground Beef i Captain's Choice Fresh Frozen 45c Fish Sticks pkg. 39c Chunk Tuna Fish 4-,1 Choose from Kosher style or regular, whole or sliced Lunch Meals Large Franks Zippy Dill Pickles 4r 1 Pickle Pimento, Veal Loaf, Olive loaf lA Delicious large ilit Cooked Salami, French Head Cheeie Macaroni and Cheeie loaf lb, 59' Frankfurters. Guaranted by Safeway Ib. 39' Roxbury cremei Assorted Chocolates Toasted Coconut Marshmallows Mb. : boi 69c "C 29c Pulled Minis Roxbury 8-oj. pkK. 29c Toeny Mix Roibury pk, 29c Sour Balls noibury ..pi 29c . Peanut Butter Kisses 29c Candy Slicks RoIbury ,., pk. 29c Spearmint Leaves RtIyPk)!. 29c Suiters Gold Roxbury SMEWAY'S ?0 lallu ttrinrir Roxbury 5 01. pkg. JIIIIIHJ g. g ot. pkg. 7 oi. pkg. Coconut Gems Ro,buryg0, 29c Fruit Flavor Jellies u,, ok. 29c 29c Always Mild and Mellow AIRWAY The coffee that's fresh Kround . . . just the way you like it. l ib. bag 2 lb, bag 87' 1.73 HE 3 A grand buy on finest quality EBONY brand Giant Ripe Olives NOB HILL 4;:,1 100 Thn roffpp that tastes a Kood as It smells. Mb, Bag 21b. Bag 92' 1.83 Rich Coffee Always Tastes Better EDWARDS Vacuum-packed In bring you the combing visor and richness of the world's richest coflee. lb. Can 2-lb. Can 97' $1" yom&g&T place to save j j Grocery prices in this advertisement are effective through May 12th. Meat and produce prices are effective through May Sth at Safeway J in Salem. We reserve the right to limit. Every item Safeway sells is guaranteed 100. J Dressing For Calorie Watchers The ingredients are the same, .'S the mpthnH nf nrnnarina .Iknf makes this dun rirpceina ttnmit One way is for fruit salads; , one ior green salads. Weight-watchers will approve of their low-calorit ingredients. InexDr-nsivp. Inn Low-Calorie Dressing , Vi teaspoon salt ., V4 teaspoon mustard 1-16 teaspoon paprika 2 tablespoons sugar , 1 tablespoon cider vinegar Vx cup fresh lemon juice 1 small can evaporated milk 3 tablespoons mayonnaise Frnil rtroccina- Thill mill. In bowl or ice tray until crystals form. Mix salt and spices with sugar; add vinegar and lemon juice. With electric beater beat I'hlllwl millr linlil vara ctiff. i,tm beater to low and slowly add spice 1 mixture. Fold in mayonnaise. wattes one pine. ureens Dressing; Mix salt, tnlnna nnrl ciiocr aAA in naise., Stir in vinegar and lemon juice; then milk. , New Cleanser in Decorative Pack, New Formula There's a new household clean ser on the market, put out in color ful packages to match your kitchen or bathroom colors. It is made by a well known soap company. The packages come in bright pink, blue and yellow, a shaker style container, base of which is rust resistant. It is called a "hard working cleanser," with Instant acting oicacn. to not mar tne decorative effect in your kitchen or bathroom, the label comes oft easily, leaving the can in all Its color, free of advertising. the container is tall, si m and easy to handle. Manufacturers say purpose of their new product Is to make cleaning and scouring easier, and to provide a product that whit ens, brightens, sanitizes and foams away, leaving no gritty residue. A pre-vicw of the new cleanser, was given this department the past week and the product is now com ing on the markets This Casserole One For Hearty Eaters Pork and beans are standard equipment in almost all kitchens; are heartily enjoyed by all just as they come from the can. But we think you'll approve of them even more heartily when served like this: Bcan-Rcef Caaserole ' Plan Vi pound hamburger per person. We'll give you the propor tions for eight servings. Season 3 pounds hamburger wilh salt and pepper lo your liking; 1 teaspoon chili powder, 1 leaspoon crumbled orcgano leaves and 1 tablespoon dry or chopped fresh oarslov. . Shape into patties and brown quickly in hot skillet. When brown arrange in lightly greased baking dish. Open two large cans Dork and beans and spread over pat tics. If beans seem quite moist (train oil part of the liquid. Sprinkle lop with IK lo 2 cups grated cheddar cheese. Bake in moderate oven, 350 degrees, 40 minutes. And now the secret . . . Serve with lots of chopped onion it be administered by the indi vidual. Suggestion: If you're In the mood to go a bit Mexican, line holtom and up sides of baking dish with tortillas and proceed as .nbovc. Serve with bottled Taco . sauce and onions, of course. Almond Torte Fancy But Easy to Make With prepared mixes and the like, making a fancy torte is no more of a problem. Almond Torte 1 package white cake mix 4 egg whites Vt teaspoon salt 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla Ii cup slivered almonds 1 package vanilla pudding 1 teaspoon almond extract Cake batter: Prepare white cake mix according lo package direc tions. Divide batter evenly into two greased and wax paper lined 9-inch layer cake pans. Set aside. Meringue: Add salt to egg whites and beat until frothy. Add suagr, a tablespoon t a time, while beat ing until rounded peaks arc formed Add vanilla. Lightly spread mcrlnguo over each layer of cake batter. Sprinkle meringue with almonds. Bake at 350 F. 30 minutes. Cool 15 min utes, turn out of pans onto cake racks. Killing: Prepare pudding accord ing to directions on package. Cool. Stir in the almond extract. To serve: Place one cake layer, meringue side up, on cake plate. Spread filling; top with other cake layer, meringue side up. Veal Scalloppine One Of Favored Meat Dishes narrowed from Italian cookery Is this veal scalloppine recipe, Venl .Scalloppine 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 medium onion, diced 1 medium green pepper, diced 1 pound veal stew meat, cut into cubes cup tomato sauce 1 teaspoon salt y teaspoon dried parsley flakes Vt teaspoon garlic powder 1 teaspoon crumbled whole orcgano leaves Vi teaspoon ground black pepper Heat oil in large skillet. Add onion and green pepper and cook until onion Is limp and transpar ent. Add meat and brown well on all sides. Add tomato sauce and spices. Cover and simmer until lender, 45 to 60 minutes. Serve hoi. Yield: i servings.