Salem, Oregon, Thursday, May 2, 1957 Page A Section 3 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL W f 1' :: C 0 J; i This puddlnit is super served warm. Serve This Chocolate Pudding Warm . . . Those who go for any dish, so long as it hns chocolate, will like this chocolate puff pudding. It is best served worm with whipped cream. Chocolate Puff Pudding 2 squares unsweetened chocolate 2 cups milk . 2-3 cup sugar 3 tablespoons Hour 14 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons butter or mar garine 1 teaspoon vanilla 3 egg whites 3 egg yolks 1V4 cups soft bread crumbs (2 or 3 slices, crusts removed) . Combine chocolate and milk in saucepan. Heat slowly over low heat until chocolate is melted. Mix sugar, flour and salt in small bowl; then blend in a few tablespoons of the chocolate milk. Add to re maining chocolate milk in sauce pan and' blend well. Bring to a boil over low heat and boil 1 min ute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and stir in butter and vanilla. Let stand 10 minutes. Beat egg whites until stiff; set aside. Beat egg yolks slightly Blend a little of the hot chocolate mixture into egg yolks; then stir into remaining chocolate mixture. Fold in bread crumbs. Gently fold this mixture into the beaten egg whites. Pour into buttered 1-quart baking dish. Place in pan of hot water and bake in moderate oven (350 F.) about 1 hour and 10 min utes, or until top of pulding is puffy and dry. Serve warm with whipped cream and, if desired, a garnish of shaved chocolate. Makes 6 to 8 servings. Tbli borscht is served hot or cold. Different'Way To Make Borscht A new deal In making borscht is Illustrated In this recipe. Borscht Is a delicious beet soup,' served either hot or cold, and takes on festive airs with a bit of sour cream floating on top. Borscht (serve hot or cold) 1 package onion soup mix 3 cups boiling water 1 bay leaf Vi teaspoon thyme Sprig of parsley to teaspoon salt Pepper I'i tablespoons brown sugar V cup fresh or canned lemon juice 1 can (16 ozs.) beets, drained Stir onion soup mix, bay leaf, thyme, parsley, salt, pepper, brown sugar, and lemon juice into boiling water. Bring to a boil, cover, and simmer Cur 30 minutes. Strain. Stir In beck juice and beets, cut In small dice or thin Julienne pieces. Serve hot or chilled. Gar nish each serving with spoonful of sour cream. Makes 4 to 6 servings. Chili Ball Soup Fine Supper Dish A satisfying soup for a family supper is this chili ball one. Chill Ball Soup ! pound ground beef 1 teaspoon chili powder Vi teaspoon salt Dash black pepper 1 tablespoon butter or margarine 1 can 1 V cups I condensed to mato soup 1 soup con water Combine beef, chili powder, snll and pepper; shape Into 12 small balls; brown in butler. Add tomato soup and water; simmer 15 min utes. 2 to 3 servings. vnsssm Asparagus and Ham Go Nicely Together Asparagus and ham are among those natural-flavor teams. Serve these roll-ups on toast. Asparagus Ham Roll-ups 1 can HWi oz.) asparagus spears 4 slices boiled ham Toast , Cheese sauce Drain liquid from asparagus. Put 4 or 5 asparagus spears di agonally on each ham slice. Fast en opposite corners with tooth picks to form rolls. Broil until ham is slightly brown and heated through. Serve on slices of toast and pour cheese sauce over each portion. Recipe makes four servings. Garnish Adds Sparkle to Meal Garnishes can make the meal. Certainly, there is something dressy about painstakingly gar nished meals, especially if the gar nish is edible. Here's one that will not soon be forgotten, "Honeyed Peach Garnish". It's the centen nial year for California canned cling peaches: the fruit is bounti ful and happily priced to meet the most modest budget. Honeyed Peach Garnish 6 canned cling peach halves 1 tablespoon melted butter or margarine 2 tablespoons strained honey Arrange drained peach halves cup side up, on broiler pan. Brush Apple Sauce Treat Youngsters never lose their lik ing for apple sauce dessert. Give I a dish of canned apple sauce a thick cap of colored candy shot. , Or mix a handful of those new i baby marshmallows through it. Or j sprinkle shavings of sweet choco late over the top. And serve with or without cream. with butter and place teaspoonful of honey in cavity of each' half. Place pan about 3 inches from heat and broil 10 minutes or until peaches are heated through and tops are golden brown. Makes 6 servings. frMJTi Remember . . . May 12th . . . iWith a Delicious Cake from Peerless Pi Did you know? . . . originally Mother's Day gifts were gifts of flowers or something good to eat. This Year Give Mom a Peerless ' Cake 1 Our Mother's Doy cakes are carefully designed and created to suit your particular mother's personality , . and express your thoughtfulness and love. Call Empire 3-5704 and ask for Shirley or Pat Ryan We will be most happy to take your order personally ,,, . and help you with your selection. ' May We Suggest You Order Early The-Peerless Bakery 170 N. Commercial Phono EM 3-5704 NEW!...Friskies iObbled now in 6-flavor variety! MEAT PIE STABS A flavorful meat pic. baked in a double crust of flaky cheese pnstry is a sure-fire menu head liner. Accompany it with a fresh grapefruit and nvocado salad, en riched hard rolls, a beverage nnd fresh strawberry sundaes for des sert. Knrichcd breads of all sorts play a mnjor role in your dinner menus. BRADLEY'S MARKET ISO N. Comomrcltl Formerly Hoffman's Ph. EM 3-5563 ' WE FEATURE U. S. GOVERNMENT INSPECTED MEATS U. S. Govt. Inspected Lamb! Vi M WHOLE g. LEG 0' LAMB 59 SHOULDER ROAST . 39' PRIME RIB ROAST . 59 WIO'J N00KFIEID lg LINK SAUSAGE : - 35 J. S. INSPECTED JJ fti 3EEF Hind Quarter . 49 -v.. Heat, Liver, Milk, Tish.N. f " Irf- ( Vegetable and Chicken flavors Mixes Instantly! Nourishes Completely! Now, at a single meal, your dog gets the flavor variety he wants plus the nourishment he needs in new 6-flavor Friskies Kibbled. Six different colors, too, so you yourself can see the variety! SIOW-IAKED FOR INSTANT MIXING. ..absorbs liquids faster. No long tiresome waiting. Eas ier to feed. And every feeding is a complete meal-kennel-proved to fully nourish your dog. Start feeding new 6-flavor Friskies Kibbled today. All vllM in tfimkf 4 ma 20 l. toff 2nd. Big Week! FREE! HOMEMAKERS FESTIVAL Your Choice of 15 Cubic Foot Upright or Chest Style FREEZER This Montgomery Ward Freezer On Display at Our Salem Stores FREE! ' - V 15 Cubic Foot V ' Montgomery Ward Freezer Grand Prize f PLUS many other Individual . , Prizes at Each . s STORE! Drawing May 18 - Ask For .Your FREE Tickets Party Specials . . . From Our Bakery! Order Any Time. . . We Guarantee To Please! FRESH BANANA LOAF CAKE 00 2) COFFEE CAKES 6 For 39c Buy 6 Get 1 Free! UPTON TEA THE BSK TEA 48 ucs 65 c Va ib 43c Q-flfi' FHeadqaarters . IDEAL for I -,., ?7.lunch or supper t !. NEEDS j .-'"ALforl RARV f A feS.'""th or suppor HBT J iWQim mi 1 w UPTON Soup Mixes CHICKl MOODLI 37 TOMATO VIMTAIU L5 37c ONION SOUP J poa 33c KEF-VEfinAlU pkog 33c cam Ki tpoAofM 29c 3 t 43c Sunshine CRACKERS B.'i 29' AU-PURPOSi SURF MOCHA n 259c m AMT KM aa RIIIS0 WHITI SOW 83c a u?i 329c II l)4 T0llIT MAT ATM SIZI 229c LIFEBUOY 332c uoi$ia 229c C& iconomv size, ji k. or. , riuxi.oW OiTfiOINT . 99c .MEW UQWO MltACLV , FOR FAMILY WASH WISH 45c ran 3 IBS. iSpryj SPRY 89c JUUi Keep your dog frisky with Friskies Cut and Wrapped Kor Kreeilng imn muM .. CARNATION CONPANV. IK UU . CM".