i, Page 2 Section 3 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon, Thursday, May 2, 1957 Delirious Swiss steak is made in an easy way here. Enjoy Those Artichokes Fewer and fewer of these won derful thistles, artichokes, are be Ing grown. So we suggest you Iry them while they are still around How to cook: Allow one arti choke per serving. With sharp knife, cut off one inch of top and cut the stem leaving about 1 inch. Pull off any loose leaves. With scissors clip off thorny ends or tips of leaves. Rinse thoroughly then drop into boiling, salted water to cover. For extra seasoning you might like to add a few pickling fpices or 1 tablespoon salad or olive oil, a small clove of garlic and a thick slice of lemon for each artichoke. Cover and cook until stem can be pierced easily with a fork, 20 to 45 minutes. Remove from water; drain; cut off remaining stem. Serve hot or cold, either whole or cut in half. If you cut in half remove the tiny thorns by cutting a shallow half moon into the heart. How to eat: These instructions are for the novice and, surprisingly enough there are many. This is one time when fingers are the rule. Tear off the leaves and dip in melted butter, lemon butter or mayonnaise. Kat as far up the leaves as you can. When the leaves are gone you have reached Iho heart, and we're among those who think this Is the tendercst, best eating of all. However, It is time to reach for your fork. Easy Way Told for Swiss Steak - Here's a trick to make an easy Swiss steak entree. And here's what you do: Ensy Swiss Steak Dot the center of 2'i feet of heavy duty aluminum foil with 1 tablespoon butter or margarine. biinke nail tne contents ol 1 en velope onion soup mix on the foil, (use the soup mix dry and mix the Ingredients so the concen trated bouillon and dehydrated vegetables will be evenly blended. Over this place 1ft pounds chuck steaki without bone, cut 1 inch thick. Top steak with remaining soup mix and 1 tablespoon butter or margarine. Add ft pound fresh mushrooms, sliced around steak. Bring foil up over meat and double fold edges to seal tightly. Place in a shallow baking pan. Bake in a moderate oven (375 degrees F.) 1 Hour. ' for Barbecue ' Barbecue' season Is here soon. Marinate one-Inch cubes of lamb shoulder In a blond of sherry, moisture-free instant minced on ion, salt, pepper and orcgano. Cover and refrigerate overnight. Skewer meat and cook over char coal. w -m-y. . :v.vj A has fcJlelllM-,i.Mi.tJ.l.lMM.M. KW-.Htmt.-W- I n iiiiii.ubumi.wmmi in i.nmr .... . Along with your special dinner try some ol these ham and sweets on skewers. Ham, Sweets On Skewers Tasty Bits Broiled ham and sweet potatoes on skewers make up a satisfying and tasty dish for an informal gathering. Hcarly cubes Of ham and sweet polatocs are speared, then dipped in a sauce that Is compounded from canned apple suuee, molasses, brown sugar and mustard. nrolled Ham 'n Sweets On Skewers 1 tcndorlizcd ham slice cut Hi" thick (approx. 1V4 lbs.) 8 small or 4 large cooked or conned sweet potatoes ft cup canned apple sauce 2 tablespoons molasses : Vi cup light brown sugar 1 tablespoon prepared mustard Alternate cubes of the tenderized ham and small whole or cubed sweet potatoes on skewers, start- f EMOWM MARKET BROADWAY AND MARKET ST. Where Your Dollar Gets Time and a Half Prices Good Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Store Hour 8 A.M. Till 8 P.M. Including Sunday Bring Your Troubles to a Meat Cutter not a Pliofilm Meat Counter. Its a Pleasure to eat Meat From Broadway Market. No Pliofilm no Addatives or Preservatives. Ask Your Neighbor She Trades Here. Beet Roasl 49 IZ. Pork s wieners . . . . ,b. 39' Z Lbs. OJC , Just Like Colves Liver Oysters CUArl DJL- ol ) JA AGED CHEESE Fuii - 59c JllOrl KIDS Beef I lbs.49 54c Lb. GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES asparagus Potaloes 50H 69 3ucum2b5e MARGARINE " "W ' VGORO 5 I00 I 2Ba9Lb' I4' Large Selection - Bedding Plants,,, 59' DOG FOOD Dinner Beverages P'0" Fcir BABY FOOD VUilCe Hut - ....r lsr2& Mayonnaise , o,. 59' vETsc FLOUR RICE MggHs Frozen PeasJU 10' li 5c Vinegar ... 6, 59' T9cPl:ER New Meat Relish Brisk and tasty for a springtime meal is this new meat relish, and could anything be easier!: - To ft cup canned apple sauce add ft cup drained pickle relish and !' teaspoon powdered ginger. Then just mix. well and spoon out gen erously, ...... i TO STEAM FISH Fish may be steamed In a colan der over boiling water. Cover the colander during the steaming. i ; Chocolate Squares Suggested for Cookie Fanciers Chocolate fanciers will go for these squares: Congo Squares 2?. cups sifted flour 2ft teaspoons baking powder ft teaspoon salt cup shortening 1 pound brown sugar 3 eggs 1 cup nutmcats, chopped 1 7-ouncc package chocolate bits Sift together flour, bakine pow der and salt. Melt shortening and stir in brown sugar. Cool slightly. Add eggs, one at a time beating well after each addition. Add flour, nut meats and chocolate bits. Pour and spread in pan 10xl5ftx?i" which has been lightly greased and lined with paper. Bake in mode rate oven 350 degrees, 25 minutes. Cut in squares when cool. Topped with meringue, chopped nuts, and tart pineapple filling this short crunchy cookie is for spring parties. Shrimps Are Featured in Rich Bisque For something a bit on the cleg ant order for a Sunday supper try this shrimp bisque: Shrimp Bisque 2 lbs. fresh or frozen shrimp Water to cover shrimp 1 tablespoon salt 1 tablespoon chopped onion 2 bay leaves, crushed 1 tablespoon vinegar 1 stalk celery with leaves, chopped 2 tablespoons rice 3 tablespoons butter or marga rine 3 carrots, sliced 1 onion, thinly sliced 3 sprigs parsley, choppu. 1 bay leaf !i teaspoon thyme 2 teaspoons salt ft teaspoon fresh ground black pepper ft cup cream ft cup Rhine wine Drop shrimp into boiling water to cover; add next S ingredients. Bring to boil: boil S to 7 minutes. Drain shrimp, savin? 4 cups strain ed broth. Remove sheMs and b'-ek veins from shrimp. Set a"idc 12 whole shrimp for garn'sh. Dice re maining shrimp. Coo1: r'c : : 2 cups shrimp broth until tend-jr; set aside. M e 1 1 butter in lr J2 saucepan; add carrots, o'tioi s -1 parsley; brown slijhtly. Add 2 cuns clear shrimp bro'h with all mainirg inrrcdients e.:c:pt crr. m and wine; simmer 29 minutes, rid diced shrimp and shrimp-rice stock; simmer Ip minutes longer. Add cream and wine. Serve very hot, garnished with whole shrimp. Makes 6 servings. The after-school snack crowd will go for this drink. After-School Drink ing and ending with ham. Combine apple sauce, molasses, brown su gar, and prepared mustard; pour over skewered foods. Broil 3" from heat until apple sauce mixture is glazed and golden brown. Serve hot. Yields 4 servings. Canned Corned Beef Hash Popular Meat ' A too seller in canned meat is corned beef hash. Here's a quick dinner dish featuring this tasty item. Firmly pack two cans corned beef hash into a well greased square baking dish. Make 6 inden tations in top of the loaf with the back of a spoon. Place 6 peach halves in indentations and fill with catsup. Bake in moderate, 350 de gree, oven for 45 minutes. Let stand about 10 minutes before serving. That Will Please Fine as an after school beverage is this "Cuban Special." Cuban Special 1 banana 1 grapefruit, juice Few drops maple flavoring Black cherry beverage Mash banana or put through sieve or food mill. Add grapefruit juice and maple flavoring. Divide among 3 tall glasses. Fill each lass with ice cold encrry soda. Stir gently to mix. Cut carrots into toothpick size pieces and add to cole slaw. AGAIN THIS WEEK At Your Favorite Food Store 6 -bottle carton Double-Cola for only H with purchase of 6-bottU carton at regular price LIMITED TIME ONLY DR. PEPPER BOTTLING CO. 1095 N. Liberty St.-S.lem IT'S NEWI IT'S BL'UEI IT'S A LIQUID! IT'S WISKI Mi last . . mm a 7 a detergent tot gets n nn n n san your wasi mm c ., , , , . . f- - -,l" w- p,., I, - I I ' " "'' v '" 1 '"V f 1 111 Yi "" "" ' : mm imds cw r 4VV , ' - " s - I j If Nlon v.h.lening wiih WISK ii i ' " s I s' , x ""t!. II a cinch. Jmt pour WISK directly J . fSS?,,i I f - IV S i on garment, squeeze it into every lS - -ninn I r jaaa. S- l . -P"'. I" sit five minutes, thea I " " Wtoss into washing machine. X " ' APPROVE IT ON DISHTOWELS! J . Jl PROVE IT ON PLAYCLOTHES! Cf V- rf " y For stami powders can't get out. X,. Forget about scrubbing knees of Kijr 8fll' P I simply ct first with water, rub l ''I plaj clothes or overalls. Simply IP jp v tH3$S53l .rtttMl" I I Mains with a little WISK, then I - jfl wet problem areas with water, Ik g -jT -giUJlJ : h throw the stained things in with f rub in a little WISK. toss the M i, L 1 PROVE IT NEXT WASHDAY New blue liquid WISK does everything powders can do and wonderful things powders carrt do! Now there's a way to get all the wash really clean in just one washing! That means youH get it whiter, brighter and sweeter-smelling, too, with the new blue liquid detergent, WISK! Yes, here, with the convenience of WISK's handy can, instead of a bulky box, is your wonderful way to get everything really clean with just one washday prod uct! Everything, including your hard jobs like stained dishtowtls, grimy playclothes and workclothes. Even dingy, yellowed nylons come out white in one wash ing with WISK! It's easy to prove to yourself that WISK is truly a better way to do al! your wash. We invite you to try WISK on your own toughest washday problems . . . jobs powders just can't seem to get clean. Yes. give WISK your toughest test and be assured. Lever Broth ers unconditionally guarantees your complete satis faction with WISK or your money backl