Salem, Oregon, Thursday, May 2, 1957 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section 2-rPag T 62 Subdivisions Platted in Environs in Past Two Years By FRED ZIMMERMAN Capital Journal Writer To the individual who has taken lime out from the ordinary chores of earning a livelihood to tour Sa lem's immediate environs, it may not come as a surprise to learn that 62 subdivisions have been sur veyed and placed on the market during the past two years. However, such is the case and should the citizens of Salem and the persons who inhabit the ap proximately 440 subdivided acres that form a ring around the Cap ital should suddenly decide to join forces under one incorporation, the increase in population would be considerable. Half In South Hllli A check through the big volumes which go to make up the sizable library in Recorder Herman Lanke's office, reveals that more than half of the subdivisions have developed in the hilly area south of the city limits. One prime factor in this situa tion no doubt is the availability of water from a water system. How ever, the desire on the part of many to secure a "view" lot at tracts many to the higher elevations. Sizes of the subdivisions vary. One is recorded that consisted of a single acre which was divided into four lots. At the upper end oi tne scale is a tract of 27 acres. However the tract that has been Js favored by title insurance firms A;,iAA Ul. ma 1t- I FfinH all antm', that nM divided into 108 lots has an acre age of 24.53. , Some of the names give a fairlv good indication of where any given tract is located. For instance there is West View, not to mention West HiUs, Fir Cone Hillendale, Hill top, Hillside, "Liberty Gardens, North Rivera and Bella Vista. Most Above Minimum Size In most instances subdividers go beyond the minimum restrictions as to lot sizes. This is believed due to the large frontage neces sary to carry the popular ranch type house. The minimum restric tion is 6,000 square feet. A recent survey indicated that the average is close to 9,000 square feet. As to' tax-saving device a few developers, known as "wild cat ters" in the trade, have laid out their subdivisions by metes and bounds. This can legally be done Featuring ( "Tie Finest in Floor coverings". CARPET LINOLEUM FORMICA Now showing Firth's fabulous tuftwoven ACRILAN carpet Bert A. Lucas Floorcovering 3260 No. Lancaster Dr. Phone EM 3-3941 on a tract that has no more than three lots. However, policing has proved difficult and the practice continues. The vast majority of lots are recorded in feet, a practice that and all agencies that are involved in setting up a tract of land. New Regulations Suggested An ordinance which would tight en restrictions, particularly in the laying out of streets, sidewalks and sewage disposal systems is now before the Salem Planning Commission which has jurisdiction of subdivisions six miles from the city borders as well as within the incorporated area. After the planners hold hearings on proposal it will go to the City Council for final action. . The routine of placing a subdiv ision on the market is not exactly complicated but there are certain amounts of so-called redtape that must be unwound before a single sale may be made. Initially, the property owner must secure a license surveyor, The latter, when he first views the land which will be divided, usually checks with the Salem Planning Commission engineer for possible bugs or suggestions. Every effort is made to have the streets in the new subdivision co incide with those in contiguous territory. A statement of dedica tion must be signed by all owners before a notary, while members of the County Court, the county surveyor, the sheriff or assessor and an official of the Salem Plan ning Commission must affix their names. Finally the signature of the county recorder must be ap pended before the entire proceed ings are considered legal. Then it is up to the promoter to try to sell his lots and try to make a profit. Missile Launcher Now Mobile 50 DIFFERENCES WASHINGTON (UP) -Rep. Glenn Cunningham (R-Neb.) today told his constituents in a news letter about an "unfortitnately but true" saying making the rounds here: "If you owe $50, you're a piker; If you owe $50,000, you're a LAST DAY SATURDAYI CHINA LAKE, Calif. Marines load "Terrier" missile on to a mobile launcher from a twin-missile carrier at the U.S. Naval Ordnance Test Station here. The Marine Corps guided missile test unit, which has just completed its first year of operation, announces this mobile unit is the nation's most maneuverable guided missile anti-aircraft unit and can hit the beaches with the first Marine trucks wherever Marines are called to serve. (AP Wlrephoto) businessman; if you owe 60 mil lion dollars you're a tycoon; and if you owe 50 billion dollars you're the government." The . three largest motion pi 1 ture industries In the world are la . the United (Sates, Japan and In dia. ' TiC 2 FOR THt MICE OF I - PICK A HNNYI PERRY'S REXALL DRUG STORE 129 South Commercial Street AGAIN THIS WEEK At Your Favorite Food Store 6-bottle carton Double-Cola for only H with purchase of 6-bottl carton at rtgular pried LIMITED TIME CHIT DR. PEPPER BOTTLING CO. 1095 N. liberty St. Salem Lou Nova, heavyweight boxing contender, is now an actor and reader of poetry. AG Says Levy Cut Not Legal Atty. Gen. Robert Y. Thornton ruled unconstitutional yesterday the Senate-passed bill that would permit cities to levy reduced taxes on newly annexed territory, The bill, passed by the Senate, would permit such reduced taxes for 10 years after annexation. Thornton said the bill violates the constitutional provision that all property within a given taxing unit must be taxed at the same rate. The bill was proposed by the Legislative Interim Committee on Local Government as a means of encouraging annexations. The opinion was asked by Rep. v. bdwin Johnson IK), bugene. mm? SENSATIONAL PURCHASE! 6 FOOT-3 PIECE PICNIC SET YOU'VE SEEN THEM ADVERTISED AT 34.95 SEARS DAYS LOW PRICE! If88 2.00 DOWN 5 Foot Size Only 17.83 2 Inch plank construction, bolt on legs for easy set up and knock down for storage. SHELL CHAIR Reg. 6.95 King Size WEB GLIDER Single Passenger A chair styled for casual living. Wov en of select rattan peel. Natural vir-nish. 41 Queen Size 3.99 Comfortable curved back in solid color ed web in I -in. pol ished aluminum tube with nylon bushing glide action. Two Passenger Glider 21.88 151 Reg. 56.95 LAWN SWING Sturdy sloel frame with link base in aluminum finish. Painted drill cover with 2" white fringe and 15 lb. knife edge cotton pad. Green, yel low, and white stripe. Deluxe Model in Vat Dyed Duck 64.88 Web Folding Chaise Lounge 88 Full 72" Saran plastic web bed folding chaise lounge. 1" seamless aluminum tubing. A strong but light weight chaise that folds for easy carrying and storage. Chaise Lounge With Pad 1988 Reg. 24.95 Deluxe chaise lounge with box edge pad in Green, Yellow, Blue or Rust. Full wraparound frame of polished aluminum with 3 position back and 5" wheels. 'SoZt&XM mMtex you ket ' SWft550 N.Copiiol EIiiVI 0WMkft to If r Buy luxury gifts now . 1 UJ S) SV-Ui at exciting Sale Prices y l - SM ' THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY OHLY 3 (y , V , . i y IJ.oi;t? " A i 1L lLlLlLj lLi F Tfe : fv'i FIRST QUALITY " -1 s pp h W" rf I 6.90 LINTLGSS F !1IJ Hi CHENILLE SPREAD I I lf j DRESS SHEERS I l I " ? 1 ' ' I II I Blended viscose rayon and Nylon ff I I - l - l 4 .mm. II 1 tufting reduces lint to minimum I B J 1." I i without ucrifice to the fine cor- ' H . I' ; I It. I f I l N. II 1 duroy chenille look. Pre-shrunk, J I fl ,:X I I 11 " J fttf) H I w,5'1''t co'or, Double or twin. X' jj ' '1 'l - Nwr'', : s. Imagine! These sell regularly for $1 Tk jU, fl 'I pair. Sheer glamour 60 gauge, 15 I jf AV '&! , II I denier full fashioned in fine quality nylon. JfO-A. 01 ' - rvy I Fine craftsmanship has made them best sell- M vv, ' xA' " V ' I -tJ NYLON A P RONS - W VMW, I . mu.ij n 1- Ml 4M ...i i 7 1 Ml ; mm Our finest styles, carried out in suds-lovely prints, sheer pastel solids. Perky contrast trims, roomy pock ets. Full cut; reinforced, r Cn-u ft i 59 ACETATE TRICOT BRIEFS tnthanllng Ulmt 47' Terrific at our usual low price. tagged for ex tra savings. Women's 5-7. Ri. 69c, ilitt f-9 57c 1.99 FABRIC PUY SHOE Bouncy crap soles . . , Brlsfif-a-5ummertfyffng I47 Smart tun 'n fun closed hack sandal; multi color vamp with slip-on elastic strap. Black, red, beige, blue, white. Sizes 4 to 9. An NON-RUN NYLON BRIEFS 40 Denier Tricots Reg. 59c 44' Beautifully tailored in long-wearing 2-bar nylon tricot. White colors. 5-7. Sizs 8 to 9 644 r i nn iAffM4Efcie 1.77 VVWIYICII J CASUALS Nw cut-out vamp cUtlgn . Amaiing valut at only too must ii ummD M TOUl WOWIT I1CK r,. Popular one -strap pattern in leather-like "Federan"i long wearing, scuff resist. In white, black, turquoise, red, belqe. Sizes 4 to 9. 260 N. LIBERTY 1-