Pace 4 Section a THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Orejron, Thursday, May 2, 1957 a Wedding Dated for June 14 Announced for Friday. June 14. i( dale for the wedding of Miss Judith Carlson and Charles Mc Clelland. The ceremony will be at 8 o'clock that evening in St. Paul's Episcopal Church, the reception following to be at the American Legion Club. Engagement of the couple was announced last year. Miss CarLson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Carlson, attended the Univer sity of Oregon, where she is a member of Delta Delta Delta so rority, and is now in Eugene tak ing a business course Mr. Mc Clelland, son of Mr and Mrs. Charles Fl. McClelland, will re ceive his degree from UO in June. Tea Planned Invitations were received Thurs day from Mrs. Charles R. McClel land for a tea to honor her future daughter-in-law. The lea will he Saturday, May II, in Meier & Frank's-Salem Ore gon Room between 3 and 5 o'clock. Wedding May 10 Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hatmaker are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Miss June Hat maker, to W. P. Wilcox, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Wilcox of Albany. The Hatmakers reside ci Rt. 1, Jef ferson. The wedding will be on Friday, May 10. Edited by MARIAN LOWKY FISCHER ' itr ams'i i- rrrrifif'vrwvtTiMr UO Parents Meet Dated for next Monday night Is the annual spring dinner of Uni versity of Oregon Mothers and Dads Clubs, the event to be in the Colonial room of the Marion Hotel, 6:30 o'clock. Bill Bowcrman, track coach and assistant director of athletics at the university, is to be guest speaker. Reservations for the dinner may be made with Mrs. J. Karl Cook, or may be made directly with the hotel. Today's Menu Party for Mrs. Hemann Mrs. Ward Shryock and Mrs. Frank Tullius were hostesses Wed nesday night at the former's home on Candalaria Heights for a party and shower honoring Mrs. George Hemann. Attending the dessert and in formal affair, given in the down stairs party room of the Shryock home, were. Mrs. Hemann, her mother. Mrs. W. E. Brannon; Mrs. Eva Hemann, Mrs. Edward He mann, Mrs. Jack Owen, Mrs. Roger Burns, Mrs. William Shry ock, Mrs. Bruce Thompson, Mrs. James Crone, Mrs. George Her- bcrger and the two hostesses. Alpha Xi Deltas Hear Talk on Trip Alumnae of Alpha Xi Delta meeting Wednesday evening with Mrs. John Jenkins were shown slides of a European trip by Miss Alice Lehman as a feature of the evening s program. Miss Lehman was a guest. Named as delegate to the na ional convention at Kdgewaler Park, Mississippi. June 26, was Mrs. Hinlmar Anderson. Attending the meeting were Mrs. A. C. Newell, Mrs. Joseph Doer flcr, Mrs. Hjalmar Anderson, Mrs. Lloyd Darling, Mrs. Rcinhardt Bchm, Mrs. Rollin Lewis, Mrs. Kay Nelson, Mrs. Orville Kannier, Jr., Mrs. Ted Carlson, Mrs. Elmer Meade, Miss Vcrna Keppinger, Co-hostesses for the evening were Miss Marion Joseph and Mrs. FRIDAY FARE Panlryshclf vegelablc dish! Asparagus with Cheese Sauce Stuffed Eggs Buttered Toast Fruit and Cookies Beverage ASPARAGUS WITH CHEESE SAUCE Ingredients: 1 cup (14V4 ounces) asparagus, milk. 2 tablespoons butter or margarine. 2 tablespoons flour, cup lightly-packed grated ' Harry Woodward. cneciunr cneese, papriKa. " Method: Drain asparagus; odd ! D tL J, r . cnou'h milk lo the liquid to make i Dir tnday tveflf 1 cup. Molt butter over low heat In 1-qnnrt saucepan: stir in flour. Add asparagus liquid and milk mixture. Cook and stir constantly until thickened; remove from heat. Add cheese; stir until melted. Meanwhile heat drained asparagus In 8-inch covered skillet over very low heat; add a teaspoon or so of water If necessary. Pour hot cheeso sauce over drained hot as paragus; sprinkle wilh paprika Makes 4 sorvings. . - Gregory Fry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fry, observed h I s third birthday, Wednesday. His mother gave a party for him In the afternoon. Feting the little boy were Lin day Mitchel, Mark and Joe Fry, cousins of Gregory; Michael I. ur gent, Stephen and Lee Trowbridge, Bobby Pcnnell, Timmy Kelly, Phil ip Schunk, Gary and Cheryl War ren of Albany, and Chrislino Fry, sister oi tne nonnreo guest. Ii ! I: ff o BP C r-v r A ' , u-i-ataaanmaaBBBBBiiii Some Notations . . . Plan for Tea DeMolay Mothers Clubs, for both Chemeketa and Willamette Chapters of DeMolay Order lor Boys, are giving a tea on Friday to honor girls in the contest to be state DeMolay Sweetheart at the stale DeMolay conclave here. In the picture above, Miss Kathy Archer, the can didate from Capitol District of DeMolay, talks to two of the mothers planning the tea, Mrs. Joseph Renault, center, from Willamette Chapter Mothers Club, and Mrs. Frank Withers, Chemeketa Chapter Mothers club. (Capital Journal picture) AT THE meeting of Oregon Grape Camp, Royal Neighbors of America, Wednesday evening at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Hal), Mrs. Maud Olson was obli gated as a new member, and Mrs. Alma Riddell of McMinnville was welcomed as a guest. Winning Cakewalk prizes were Mrs. George Morrison, Mrs. Ho mer Lyons, and Mrs. Harvey Richards. Plans for a hardtime party and scavenger hunt on May 15 were completed. Members of other camps in the district will be in vited to the party. AMONG affairs honoring Miss Diane Perry preceding her mar riage In June lo James Holbrook of Portland will be the luncheon lor which Mrs. Robert Drngcr and Anniversary Event Planned, on Sunday The 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Hutch ins will be observed Sunday, May 5, -at an open house at their resi dence at 2514 N. River Rd. Their daughters, Misses Eva and Sharon, are giving the party in honor of their parents. Friends have been invited to call from 2 to 5 p.m. Mrs. John Peterson of Turner, sister of Mrs. Hutchins, will cut the cake and at the coffee urn will be Mrs. Allen Hutchins of Portland. Misses Helen and Ruth Hutchins will serve punch. Mrs. Rex Adolph will entertain on baturday at the Meier & Frank's Salem Oregon room. A' SON, who has been named Jeffrey Douglas, was born Tues day, April 30, at Salem General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Raines (Joanne Wcngcr). The old er child in the family is a daugh ter, Juliannc. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Karl Wenger of Sa lem and Major and Mrs. Edward N. Snyder of Dubuque, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. George Fabcr of Ka lama, Wash, are great grandpar ents. AMITY (Special) Mr. and Mrs. Gene Newman and family of Ta coma. Wash., Mr. and Mrs: Dick Vincent and son and Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Vincent of Myrtle Creek were all ' recent house guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jennings. Joining the reunion for a brief visit were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vincent and family of Gresham. Twelve members of Salem Alumnae Club of Theta Sigma Phi. national journalism, journey ed to the charming country home of Mrs. S. J. Eymao on ij Road out of Canby, Wednesday night, for a joint meeting with the Portland Alumnae Chapter or lneta Sigma Phi . . . Salem club is an affiliate of the Portland chapter and the local women were hostesses for the des sert ... New officers were installed for the Portland chapter, Dorothy Lois Smith of the Oregon Journal staff, Portland, being the new president . . , Also, annual spring initiation for associate members was conducted . . . Among the as sociates initiated were Mrs. Har old Larson and Mrs, Wheeler Eng lish, both of Salem . . . Salem members attending the meeting included Mrs. John H, Hann, Mrs. John M, Williamson, Miss Alene Phillips, Mrs, Jack Steward, Miss Genevieve Morgan, Mrs. Larson, Mrs. English, Miss Maxlne Buren, Miss Vinlta How ard, Miss Caroline Griesel, Mrs. Thomas G. Wright, Jr., Mrs. Rob ert M. Fischer, Jr. . . . A gala party was the "Moulin Rouge" one given by Rntarlan Women, Wednesday night, as their annual dinner and program for members and husbands . . . The affair was at the Marion hotel, more than 100 attending . . . Everything for the evening was in the French motif ... The social hour was in one of the side rooms off the Gold room . . . It was decorated in the side walk cafe theme, featuring a red and white striped canopy, potted geraniums, and a large green cart massed with red geraniums . . . Guests were seated around small round tables set with red checked cloths . . . Napkins were in the French theme, too . . . On the walls were French paintings done by Mrs. Stanley Grove . , . Mrs. William Rush sang French songs, accompanied by Mrs. P. H. Bry don, and there was group singing. I he dinner was in the Gold room . . . ' Cabaret girls, Includ ing four members of the Rotarian Women, Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom, Jr., Mrs. Frank A. Brown, Mrs. John Crockatt and Mrs. Dale Parker, walked among the groups, wearing black slit sheath skirts, white blouses, the typical berets and huge dangling earrings , A cart of dogwood bouttonieres was wheeled about by Mrs. Edgar T. Pierce and Mrs. Reynolds Al len, and a bouttoniere was given each man , , The dinner featured BLOCK'S WOMEN'S and CHILDREN'S 'V ... ...tHM . .urn' MHl" .1.lM',i- . ID 1U I 1 74 N. Liberty St. Open Mon. & Fri. Nights 'Til 9 " one love aboveaUTTRtfD Y" HA tL V i s. ,''JtSl'- Cotton loves color ... Color loves cotton Hffik !S. ' TV Vf JTi . . . and you'll love these Trudy Hall " ..Wfes r'-t3?! I - colorful cottons in three summer-excite- ?a V''$MV I fc-i--riW7 41 . -V I I Mir in. -J. till I IPIAI AWrtM - f 11 I If l (above) Shadow plav of J fj'm Ti mmj' ' i ! ' vtripes on plaid in . bare- fj (fi i 1 -i : T I j back torso dress ... 1 3 ,' fit. I r;l ' V- (above) Rhinestones V nipped waist with hiplme S. S ,' ' ' I spilled on a muled plaid hows. Siiej 7 lo 15 in Ire T- . . i' ? ' ' X'TT V . . . 2 pc. string-strap ' ; .-nlr rs of Red, Blue, ,f . L i'iAm 'f I A l dress with linen-look 1 jmtl'-i i,ntnl 'nn.( rnhnc nr '"tn - ft 1 lWnf' rlViV I muted color in a halter- AhK tela. llfFJJirZrfIr 1 shoulder frock . . . wide PPeOrinn 'SOn I VUl'y vir .J bc" ,nt "arod skirl- siz o'iq b "S on u n I I R 7 to 15 in Sherbet colors - ,"gy . ' flf I I W 0 Aqua, Orange, Tan. s ' vtf" t I $1098 Jflf The Best Place to Shop . . . After All 1 5 o Bt M. L. F a menu from the French restau rant, Alouette. San Francisco . . . The tables were decked with can dles in bottles and trailing ivy . . . For the program, Jan VanSomer an of North Salem High School gave pantomimes, Terry Melssin ger of North Salem High played accordion numbers, and Carolyn Boyer and Janice Ray of Oregon State College presented Calypso dances . . . Mrs. Carl J. Wendt and Mrs. Joseph A, H. Dodd were co-chairipen for the colorful party. Starting off the week of May Day time parties was the coffee for which Mrs. Francis W. Zlegler, Corvallis, wife of Senator Zlegler, Mrs. Dan Thlel, wife of Senator Thlel of Astoria, Mrs. Carl Fran cis of Dayton, wife of Senator Francis, and Mrs. Alvln Isaak en tertained Tuesday morning in Meier & Frank's-Salem Oregon Room. . . . Guests included wives of state senators and secretaries in the Senate . . . Invitations were gay May baskets filled with spring blooms and pink apple blossoms . . .The coffee was an informal gathering, served buffet . . . The coffee table was set all in pink and white flowers . . . About 50 attended the gathering. . . , Many spring flowers and a theme of green and white at the tea table gave a colorful note to the tea for which Miss Elizabeth Lord and Miss Edith Schryver en tertained this afternoon to honor Mrs. Douglas McKay. . . Longtime friends of Mrs. McKay were in vited for the late afternoon' Greeting at the door were Mrs. Chester M. Cox and Mrs. Frank H. Spears . . . Assisting ahnut the living room were Mrs. E. M. Page, Mrs. Stewart Johnson, Mrs. W. Wells Baum, Mrs. William L. Phillips . , . Pouring were Miss Doralhea Steusloff. Mrs. G. F. Chambers, Mrs. James T. Brand. Mrs. Charles A. Sprague . . .' As sisting in the dining room were Mrs, Leon Perry. Mrs. Carllnn McLeod, Mrs. Wayne Hadley, Mrs. Lester D, Green PLANNED for Mav 10 is a enf. fee for which Mrs. Richard r.ahk. dorf and Mrs. Rollin Haag will en tertain on Friday, May 10, invita tions being in the mail for the event. The affair will be at the Gahlsdorf home between 10:30 and 12:30 o'clock. Miss Staab Party Feted Miss Darlene Staab, whose mar riage to Gene Wells of Woodburn is to be Ma:' 11, was honored at a bridal shower given recently by Misses Virginia Calavan, Mer edith Hayes and ViDcll Harchen ko. ' The refreshment table carried out the color scheme of the bride-to-be with a large bouquet of lilacs and lavender tulips flanked by li-v.'nder candles. Bidden to honor Miss Staab were hr- mother, Mrs. Leo J. Staab; Mrs. Lester Wells, mother of Mr. Wells: Miss Donna Jirscher, Miss Staab's maid of honor and the Mesdames William Bautnan, Don Beck, Beryl Broderson, Gordon Foster, Alzade Gash, Don Grims bo, Barbara Martin, Jack Morey Vernon Nash, Otis Shafer, James Stilson, Geraldine Vinson, and Misses Margaret Beyer, Betty Guenther. Gay Hartman, Elaine Widmer and Sylvia Yodcr, and th three hostesses. PLANNED for next Sunday aft ernoon is the annual open house given by Dr. and Mrs Robert M Gatke at their Richmond Avenut home . . . For this occasion th Gatkes invited friends to call be tween 3 and 6 o'clock to view the many rhododendrons now In bloom. Several friends will assist in showing guests about the gar- pens and in serving refreshments. Aj4nlnVMijf SltUfvS 50c llr' MAGNIFICENT FLOWERS to brighten every sunshine hour A new collection of Burmet designs oo finest pastel toned cotton Highlighted with frosty white accents and exciting new contour hems. ...Perfect little gifts. 4f'ft y The be,t P,ace t0 rLLtl&. Shop . . . after all H4&VL Baby week is here! A advartlt td in Parent's, Ladles' Horn Journal and McCalft 1 t4ljSpW zsssr- The best, knits grow in &zleVL house! Come and see them all LayaWa fWwilimr Sifting? Tuck th. fin cottons el a in your plant. Carter's, of course . . . babyfand'a eofteet, prettiest, most common-sense knits. Jiffon Mevabinds save worlds of time. Finest combed cotton means easy washing, no ironing. And Carter's scientific den promises strong, safe, healttif'jl wear. Wont foi M ua start your baby tte happy Carter wayf Carter's Carter's Carter's Carter's Carter's Carter's Carter's. Carter's Carter's Jiffon shirt fi mn ti 9 .. - .""in. mimic, colors kimonas and gowns. Plain colors, rosebud and checks"" knit sacques. Smocked yoke. Rosebud and checks ' " cotlon knit towels 36x36". Colored borders cotton knit contour sheets Jiffy pantie dresses. Rosebud pink," bluer maise -Topper Sets. 6 mo. to 1', year sizes. Boys' and irU Plaid pantie dresses. Pastel colors terry snoter sets. Middy tops. Panties, booties" etc." "" otKirTOMim Nwibuid tlftvi. Circular raRM laid PlasticuM Bant. Snap-fiitarwrJ. f mk. Mm. ftiav mativat. m.-IH an. KIMONO. Saa ftaarraj taraaja OMMfl bowi. PnA, 'aa. a. yaflow Pi Ckartrt. I ma. $175 Cansf-Sat ia ar . Wl aaa aat al a '. 65c to 5e S1.7S S1.00, S1.50 -. S2.50, S2.75 $2.25 to $2.75 $2.50 $3.00 ..$3.00 $1.98, $2.9$ Chii rfttilar quality game diapers. P" ' $3.75 Mrs. Days Ideal Baby Shoes. Soft soles. Sites 0,1.2,3,4 jj 25 Mrs. Days Intermediate siies. ... $3.50 Mrs. Days Flexible soles in sizes 3 to 5'j $5.35 Milled BAIY DEPT.-DOWNSTAIRS ,.rS - i S2