Salem, Oregon, Thursday, May 2, 1957 THE CAPITAL JOURNAE' ' Section I Page 13 10,000 Given TO MVS To NAACP bv Presbyterians lake Confirms KKK's Statement; Damage Suit Paid Off COLUMBIA, S.C. (M The stated lerk of the Presbyterian Church, ', S. A., last night confirmed a ;u Klux Klan statement that the hurch save $10,000 to the Na- ional Assn. for the Advancement if Colored People to pay oti a iamage suit. The sown uarouna Man saia esterday that the church (the ,'orthern branch) gave the money o the NAACP to use in an out-f-court settlement of a suit rought by Atty. Shepherd K. ,'ash, Sumter, S. C. The stated clerk, Dr. Eugene larson Blake, said in Chicago: "I lave them $10,000 from ;hurch funds on the authority of he assembly." . , v The Klan statement, autnorizea bv Robert E. Hodges, Kiigrapp secretary) ot tne coiumma Kiav- rm. asseriea: Few Americans and fewer Presbyterians ever thought they would ee tne day wnen uie i-res- byterian Church would sink so low in the mire oi social gospei pol itics as to raise funds for the race- Imixing activities of the Commu- nist-domlnatea national Assn. ior the Advancement of Colored Peo rile." The NAACP has said it has no Communist influence in Us lead ership. - Tne Klan oasea lis siaiemeni on nn article in the Jan. 6 issue of Presbyterian' Life magazine.' A Presbyterian spokesman Philadelphia said that a repre- ipntative of the church s Division of Social Welfare investigated the case. Then, he said, the offer to helo was made to the Sumter NAACP chapter "as offers are similarly made wherever help is needed and the church feels it has a duty to perform. Nash sued the NAACP for $120, 000 for libel. He banked the out-of-court settlement and said he would return it to Negro contrib utors to the fund if the NAACP would furnish a list of the donors and would file no school integra tion suit in Sumter County in the next 10 years. He put a six-month deadline on his offer, -which will expire about Mav 20. Otherwise. Nash said he would give the money to the Shriner's Hospital for Crippled Children at Greenville, S. C., and the Sumter First Presbyterian Church, a member of the South ern branch. Criticism of the Klan by the Southern Presbyterians' 97th Gen eral Assembly in Birmingham, Ala., yesterday touched off the Klan'i statement. The assembly censured the Klan as an organi zation "whose purpose is to gain Its point by intimidation, reprisal and violence." ;.. , . Texas Solon In Filibuster AUSTIN. Tex. W State Sen, Abraham Kazen Jr., nursing his throat with cough drops and lem ons, droned on in a steady voice early today in a filibuster against a House-passed segregation Dill. Kazen was being aided by Sen Henry Gonzalez of San Antonio and Sen. Charles Herring of Aus tin, who were interrupting him at times for long-winded questions, giving him a chance to rest his voice but not his feet. He has to remain standing to hold the floor. Kazen passed his 11th hour early today, showing no signs of letting UP- He was seeking to delay action on a bill that would allow school boards to assign pupils to any school in the board's jurisdiction, thus eliminating integration where it was not wanted by the board. Brundage Says He Acts Merely As Ike Deputy WASHINGTON (UP)-Percival F. Brundage, the man in the mid dle today of the big budget row, maintains he acts only as Presi dent Eisenhower's deputy in the drawing up of the federal budget. Moreover, Brundage, who as Ei senhower's budget director is un der fire from congressional con servatives, has picked up support for his position from Senate Re publican Leader William F. Know land. The conservatives blame Brun dage for letting through what they call the "wasteful" spending proposals in the administration's record peacetime budget of almost 72 billion dollars. Sen. Harry F. Byrd, a leader of the Senate economy bloc, said Thursday he should be replaced by a man "dedicated to cutting the budget." Republican critics of the admin istration also have been using Brundage as a scapegoat to blame for internal party differences. Knowland indicated today he felt the President must assume re sponsibility for the scale of federal spending. "From my own contacts with Brundage," he told a reporter, "1 think he is endeavoring to carry out the President's policies and that he is a man of integrity and ability. POOCH STOPS POUCH MOBILE, Ala. (UP) A vicious doz has accomplished what sleet snow and gloom of night have failed to do in a section of Mo bile. The post office has halted Gleaming 3 Pc. Homart Bath Set Wzm 'IHflflEMDOUS SALE SAW .1 U m x usx tax i m w- ' a m ni i rum i ii r - i iaBa..iMMMMai.MHiMM f&a Gleaming white ensemble adds modern glamour to your home. Porcelain enameled steel tub. Toilet and lavatory ar vitreous acid proof china. Chrome-plated fittings. Save now at Sears! ' 3 Piece Set With Cast Iron Tub 149.88 $30 to $5(S. mm Complete with Trim . . mmtmm i i oiHini mm Smitai(iiiiiiiiii4iilJ SUPER WATER HEATER Glass Lined Tank Guaranteed 10 Years! GENUINE H0MART WATER HEATERS Act Quickly SAVE S3U J 5.00 Down DELUXE 40-GAL. GLASS LINED WILL NEVER RUST NOR CORRODE Good Quality Electric Fully Automatic 7 Whit Enameled Steel Jackets t Tank Guaranteed 5 Years Genuine 3-Piece Color Ensemble Modernize your bathroom. Easy to clean Homart acid, stain fflj fj? Ej7 resistant 5 foot steel tub, vitreous china toilet, lavatory. I J Good chrome plated fittings.- In green, grey, blue, pink, yellow. 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