Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 02, 1957, Page 1, Image 1

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m Jourha
tered showers tonight; cloud;, la
termlttent rain Friday. Low la
sdgBt, 48; high Friday, 58.
44 Paget
SnUrtd mm Meond clui
matttr at Saltra. Orcfon
69th Year, No. 103
Salem, Oregon, Thursday, May 2, 1957 1
35 Nicaraguan
Soldiers Slain
In Border Raid
Honduras Forces Use Planes, Seize
Village; Fighting Word Ruins
- Inauguration Festivities
MANAGUA, Nicaragua
Somoza and other top Nicaraguan officials held em
ergency talks throughout
clash reported in Nicaragua's bitter border dispute
3-Story Office
Structure Due
On Chemeketa
Building on Wagner Lot
j Rules Out Hatfield
Parking Plan
A Ihrce-story office building is
planned for construction at 1156
Chemeketa St. at an estimated
cost of $350,000 in spite of a pro
posal several-weeks ago by Secre
tary of Stale Mark 0. Hatfield
that the slate purchase much of
the block and convert it Into pub
lic off-street parking.
Secretary Hatfield's proposal
has already been approved by the
House and an appropriation of
$150,000 has been recommended.
It is due to be considered by the
Senate in the near future.
State Finance Company, which
purchased the property known as
the Nan M. Wagner estate, will
construct the ojfice building. Also
contemplated is off-street parkins
for 40 cars on adjoining property
which will be leased from Louis
Bechtel. t
The block which is bounded by
Capitol and 12th streets, Court and
Chemeketa streets, contains the
Royal Court Apartments, a large
service station, two or three small
er apartment houses and two or
three residences. nf.'. .: - -"
State Finance recently approach
ed Secretary Hatfield -with a pro
nosal to construct , an office build-
: tig on the Wagner lot which would
be leased UKine state, m inai
time Hatfield explained what he
was endeavoring to do and nego
tiations proceeded no lurtner.
"I do not understand State Fi
nance's plans in view of the
existing situation and tne conver
sations, that preceded, their an
nouncement of an office building,"
said Hatfield.
Smoking Gets
Legal Stamp
If parental permission has been
given boys and girls under 18
at MacLarcn and Hillcrest School
"May smoke tobacco, cigars or
cigarettes, Atly. lien. jtoDcrt i
Thornton ruled today.
The smoking is not to be done
in parts of the institution where
the public is invitea or permiueo
to go. he said in an opinion which
had been requested by Secretary
of Stale Mark Hatfield.
Thornton also ruled that if the
consent has - been obtained from
the parents, the supervisors or
employes of either of the state in
stitutions may sell or furnish "to
bacco, cigars or cigarettes, to the
- Baseball Score Q
Washington 010 000 0001 5 1
Chicago 100 004 lOx 6 8 0
Stobbs. Hernandez (7) and.Ber-
beret. Fitzgerald (7): Donovan
and Lollar.
Home runs Washington, Sie-
vers. Chicago, Dropo.
Cincinnati 300 002 202-9 14 2
New York 400 2(10 100-7 10 2
Klippstein, Gross U, Freeman
(7) and Bailey; Burnside, Ridzik
(II, Margoneri 141, Jones (61,
Grissom H) and W e s t r u m,
Thomas 9).
Home runs Cincinnati, Hoak.
New York, Virgil, Harris.
Tiny Radio, Fluorescent Cash
Trap Officer in Bribery Act
SANTA MONICA, Calif. Ofl A secret signal, a tiny hidden
radio transmitted and bills coated with fluorescent powder led
to the arrest of a veteran policeman on bribery accusations.
Three carloads of olficers seized
45-year-old Detective Curtis Frank
In a restaurant parking lot
Wednesday moments after, they
said, he accepted $M in marked
money from a chef. Alfred Gates,
S3. .
Police said the conversation be
tween Gates and Frank, a 12-year
veteran of the force, was broad
cast to a recorder by a radio hid
den under the chefs apron.
Fluorescent powder sprinkled cn
the $S0 in bills was found nnlorncys investigators, wno ao
Frank's hands, they added. The vised Gales to lake only V to the
arrest came after Gates wiped his i payoff and saj( that was all he
brow will) his apron the secret j could raue.
(AP) - President Luis
the night on the first fatal
('with Honduras,
Somoza, who look office Wed-
nesday for a six-year term, told
an inauguration audience of 45,
000 that Honduran forces attacked
the village of Mocoron in the
ontier zone, killing 25 Nicara
guan soldiers. Officials later said
35 Nicaraguans had been killed,
' Planes Strafe Port
Somoza said five Honduran
planes strafed a Nicaraguan post
during the attack. He warned that
if Honduras continued what he
called, its "aggressive , attitude,
the "whole of Nicaragua and the
national guard will know how to
defend its national integrity.
A statement from the Honduran
government in Tegucigalpa said
Mocoron had been "recaptured
by Honduran forces and there had
been casualties.
Tension gripped Managua. Ra
dio stations broadcast denuncia
tion of Honduras far into the
night and reported the names of
volunteers for military duty.
Youths raced through the streets
in a wave of patriotic fervor,
Somoza held conferences wnn
his brother, army chief of staff
Gen. Anastasio Somoza Jr., other
high ranking military officers and
cabinet members. He also met
with U. S. Ambassador Thomas
E.- Whelan.
Ruins Celebration
The word of the first fighting
in the long disputed border region
ruined Wednesday night s big in
augural reception' at Managua's
new country clubs. Diplomats of
40 nations and the whole of Man-
agua.' society had been invited,
Hundreds showed up but the new
ly inducted president and other
top officials did not appear. Three
orchestras were sent home with
out playing a note and the party
broke up at midnight.
In Tegucigalpa, the Honduran
government said its air force units
had recaptured Mocoron ana inai
the first (Honduran heroes leu.
lb gave no details.
Beck Indicted
On Tax Counts
TACOMA (Jl v Dave Beck,
Teamster Union leader, was in
dicted Thursday on two counts
of income tax evasion by a fed
eral! grand jury here.
Senate Labor Rackets Committee
is investigating the deal by which
Teamsters President Dave Beck's
son got a leading beer distributor
ship Jn the Nortnwest, a spoils
man said todav.
Sen. John F. Kennedy (D-Mass.)
n committee member, told report
ers that the distribution rights of
Dave Beck Jr. for Anheuser-Buscn
beer is one of the subjects the
committee is exo bring
. The committee plans to question
the elder Beck and other witness
es Wednesday about the Team
sters Union's financial deals with
companies in which Beck holds an
interest, directly or tnrougn
Demo Chief Bids Ike
Clarify Budget View
son (D Texl said Thursday Pres
ident Eisenhower ought to appeal
to members of his own adminis
tration for support of his budget.
The Democratic leader's speech
in tlje Senate was in effect a re
ply to two Republicans who
argued against deep cuts.
Stn. Bush (R-Connl said It is
reckless to talk of slashing the
ri.8O0.000.0O0 spending proposal
signal that money had been
passed. ,
A Us Aneeles Times photog
rapher, meanwhile, took sequence
pictures Irom a hiding place
across the street.
Gales, facing a charge' of steal
ing $328 from a restaurant, uia a
Times rermrter that Frank had of
fered to have the charge reaucea
In a misdemeanor on payment of
; $150. The Times told district at-
Boys Finishing Racers for Derby
. With summer getting closer more than
100 Salcin area boys are busy getting
their "bugs" ready for the 6th annual
Soap Box Derby July 21. Here at the Ore
gon Deaf School three boys are rapidly
finishing their racers under the eye of
Final Brief in
Filed by PNP
brief was filed Thursday in a case
which may decide whether the
federal government or a private
oower combine will dam the
Snake River below Hells Canyon.
The Federal Power Commission
(FPC) received a rebuttal brief
by mail from Pacific Northwest
Power Co. (PNPi, wnicn scexs a
license to build dams at Pleasant
Valley and Mountain Sheep in the
river bordering Idaho and Ore
gon. .
The rebuttal brief contradicts
arguments that PNP's application
should be denied on grounds the
two projects would make intcasi
ble a proposed federal dam down
stream at Ncz Perce. Denial was
recommended in briefs submitted
by public power groups advo
cating Ncz Perce and by the FPC
legal and engineering staffs.
Hearings on PNP's application
were held last year by FPC ex
aminer Edward Marsh, who will
make the initial decision in the
SUEZ, Egypt ifi The Ameri
can tanker Ivy entered the Suez
Canal from its southern end
Thursday and became the second
American ship to use the water
way since it closed last October.
by three, four or five billion dol
Rush said that such talk "will
create the impression Republicans
are turning their backs" on plat
form Dledces. '
Sen. .lavus m-nri louowea
Bush's line on Ihe matter ol plat
form promises. He said a cut of
two to three billion dollars "seems
to be in sight" but does not con
stitute the real issue..'
That "real issue. Javils said,
is presented by those who pro
pose cuts of five to nine billion
and speak in terms ol give
aways' about foreign aid. and who
nnnose needed federal participa
tion in programs foi domestic
Johnson told the Senate the
radio-TV speech on the budget
and foreign aid which is under
consideration b y Eisenhower
"may help to clarify some of Ihe
confusion tho' has been caused by
Ihe conflicting slatements of Ihe
Cabinet officers."
He said Congress has been
placed "in an impossible posi
tion." "On the one hand, we are told,
that if we cut the budget, we will
breach the n a t i o n's security,"
Johnson continued. "On the other
hand, we are told that if we don't
cut the budget, we will have
haircurling depression
He .said il is
about lime Ihe
administration m a k e i up
Nearly 100
-.. Capital Journal Writer
Bovs all over Salem and the
mid-Willametle valley were busy
this week as they planned and
built racers they will race in the
Sixth Annual Salem Soap Sox
Derby on July 21.
Racers range from ideas in boys'
minds to nearly-completed cars.
Many boys are cutting out floor
boards, building frameworks or
selling up brake and steering sys
Nearly 100 Register
Nearly 100 boys are now regis
tered for the Derby, Director Al
Pfeifcr said. Most of them are
from Salem but boys are regis
tered in Lebanon, Albany, Dallas,
Woodburn, Silvcrton and other
towns, he said. Boys may regis
ter at Capitol Chevrolet in Salem,
.5-Inch Rain
Ushers in May
With nearly half an inch of rain
coming down overnight and this
morning, May is well started as a
damoisn month.
In the 24-nour period 10 iu:ju
a.m.. .45 of an inch of precipita
tion was measured in Salem and
the rain kept on for a spell. Nor
mal rainfall to this point in May
is .14 of an inch.
Forecast is for scattered show
ers tonight, cloudiness and inter
mittent rain lor rriday.
Dcnecke. 41, a lormer University
of Oregon Law School teacher,
Wednesday was named a mem
ber of the Portland School Board.
U.S. and Russia WouldDestroy Each
Other in A-War, Adm. Burke Warns
ed States and Russia would de
stroy each other in an atomic
war. Adm. Arlcigr A. Burxc, cnici
of naval operations, has warned.
The United States now has the
nuclear weapons for "complete de
struction" of Russia and the Soviet
Union eilher now has or will soon
have Ihe "capability of doing Ihe
same thing to us," Burke said.
Wilh "mutual destruction" In
prospect from nuclear war. Burke
said "there is apt to be some sort
of stalemate where neither side
dares to start a war because it
will result in destroying the whole
northern hemisphere
Gen. Nathan F. Twining, soon.munist threat has reached its
to become chairman of the joint
chiefs of stalf. warned that this
.situation increases the danger of
I "limited .war Because tne ao-
Ivleta have acquired a greater
John Feasant, shop instructor.. The Hoys
are (front to back), Billy Spinney, 13, Mon
mouth; Billy Bain, 13, Portland; Kenneth
Brown, 13, Frlneville. (Capital Journal
Photo by Jerry Claussen) ... ;
at the City Recreation Center in
Albany and at authorized Chevro
let dealers on most of the other
towns in the area.
Among the boys who will-, be
racing in the annual coasler race
are three boys al the State School
for the Deaf. -.Billy Spinney, Billy
Bain and Kenneth Brown ' are
building their -racers in the wood
working shop aljthe school under
the supervision of Instructor John
All are well along with their
bugs since they must have them
completed by Ihe end of this
month. When school is oul, they
will return to their home towns
of Monmouth, Portland and Frlne
ville, respectively, until time for
the big Derby weekend parade and
All three are 13 and will be rac
ing in Class A. It will be the first
year in the Derby for each of
them although not the llrst year
that boys from the school have
entered the Derby.
Age Limits Given
Any boy who is at least 11 and
not yet 16 on August I is eligible
to sign up for the Derby. They
will race in two groups, Class B
for ages 11 and 12 and Class A
for boys 13 to 15.
The champions of the two class
cs will race off for the grand
The Salem champion will be giv
en a free trip by the Capital Jour
nal and Capilol Chevrolet, spon
sors of the local race, to Akron,
Ohio, to represent Salem in the
All-American Soap Box Derby on
August 18.
Olher racers will get a share of
dozens of prizes and hundreds of
other free gifts given by mer
chants. Ihe Derby Association and
olher Derby friends.
capability to wage general wan
and can, therefore, undertake lim-
led aggression with less fear of
tolal retaliation.'
The commcnls by Burke and
Twining, outgoing Air Force chief
of staff, were contained in a heav
ily censored 1331-page transcript
of testimony by defense officials
on President Eisenhower's $:,
500,000,000 defense budget (or the
new fiscal year.
A House appropriations subcom
mittee heard the testimony behind
closed doors recently and made
public Ihe transcript today.
Defense Secretary Charles E.
Wilson said he believes the Com
peak. But he warned that Russia
still is a world menace and Ihe
United States will have lo-main
tain its armed might for years to
' come.
C ompromise on School
Cash for 2nd Test Vote
Witness Says-
He May Have
Had CAB Tip
First Claims He Acted
On Hunch, Changes
Story Later ,
Sawyer, a Civil Aeronautics
Board official, denied ta Senate
investigators Thursday that he
leaked a CAB air route decision
to Laurence Henderson, a one
time Senate aide.
WASHINGTON in A one-lime
Capitol Hill aide, reversing a prev
ious denial, told investigating sen
ators Thursday he may-have had
a "leak" on airline roule informa
tion from a Civil Aeronautics
Board (CAB) official.
Laurence Henderson, - now of
Hagerstown, Md., first testified
he acted solely on a "hunch" and
his own deductions when he tele
phoned a Boston broker last Aug.
3 that he believed Northeast Air
lines had been awarded a New
York-Miami route. '
Henderson swore he had no in
side tip on a secret 3-2 decision
by the CAB the night of Aug. 2 to
give Northeast the route.. The CAB
decision was not announced pub
licly until Aug. 10 .
But under- pressing from the
Senate investigations subcommit
tee, the red-faced and perspiring
Henderson said that If he was not
correct in that recollection a tip
from Raymond Sawyer, a CAB
official, "could have been the on
ly other possible source" of his
opinion as to a CAB decision.
Sawyer was executive director
of CAB at the time of the alleged
leak, and now is associate director
of Its Bureau of International Air
Operations. .
Aid to Schools
Wins Tentative
House Victory
crs of federal aid for school con
struction won a tentative victory
in Congress today.
The House Education and La
bor Committee tentatively ap
proved a program that would run
for five years at 400 million dol
lars a year.
The committee also tentatively
approved a complicated system
of distributing the federal aid
among the slates. Half of the
yearly total would be allotted on
the basis of each state s school
population and half under a for
mula that would measure each
state's need for school aid.
The committee's action is sub
ject to reconsideration when the
whole school construction bill is
brought up for a final vote.
The duration and size of the
program tentatively agreed on
represents a compromise between
rival bills offered by Eisenhower
Republicans and liberal Demo
crats. President Eisenhower had ask
ed for a four-year, $1,300,000,000
program. Democrats had propos
ed a six-year $3,600,000,000 pro
gram. '
Weather Details
Maximum yriterday. 5; minimum
today, 4X. Total 34hnur prcrlplta
tlon: Ai; for month: .4V. normal, .14,
Hraion prerlpllatlun, 29.47; normal,
3C03. Klvrr he In hi, .4 of a font. (Kt
pnrt bv U. X. Ufalhrr Hurrail).
Burke told Ihe subcommittee:
"i think the people in the Krem-
; jn recognize that it would be sui-
;cide for Russia if she were to
start a nuclear war because there
is nothing she could do to prevent
us from destroying her. , ,
Destruction Certain
"In a general war situation, we
can destroy Russia now no mat
ter what she does. She cannot
avoid it. We can destroy her by
several different means. We have
dilferent ways of doing it. There
is no way she can avoid complete
"Either the has a capability
now or shortly will have the cap
ability of doing the tame thing lo
Olher highlights of the testimony!
.vcb to
U. S. to Carry Out
Defense Plans in
Full, NATO Told
BONN, Germany Wl The United States assured its At
lantic allies Thursday it intends to carry out 1957 defense
plans in full. ,
Secretary of State Dulles told the foreign ministers of
the North Atlantic Treaty Organization he was conveying to
them the personal decision of President Eisenhower, as given
Dulles before he left Washington.. - .
Dullne sniH the President 'in.
structed him to tell the NATO
Council no changes whatsoever
are contemplated in American
plans as disclosed to NATO last
December. This mean's the United
States will not follow the recent1
example of Britain, which is cut
ting its forces in Europe and will
reduce' its armed forces by 50, per
cent in the next five years.
The NATO ministers opened a
three-day session wilh a brief
public meeting at Bad Godesberg,
followed by a closed session al
the West German Foreign Min
istry. Dulles spoke to the closed
session and his statements were
reported by persons who attended.
Dulles referred to fears that
Britain's decision might touch off
a chain reaction among the other
NATO allies. He said this was not
so in the case of the United
States, although his country, like
Britain, is placing Increased re
liance on the deterrent powers of
atomic weapons,
The secretary said Russia is 'n
the midst of a propaganda cam
Damn to prevent the West from
improving its defensive position.
-"It would be folly to weaken our
defenses only on the basis of So
viet promises," the secretary was
quoted as saying. He said there
must be adequate control an in
spection to verify and check the
fulfillment ot Russian aisarma-
ment promises
The speaker at Ihe opening ses
sion was. West German Chancel
lor Adenauer, who challenged the
Soviet Union to match West Ger
many's pledges of 1954 not to pro
duce atomic, bacteriological or
chemical weapons, and to accept
strict and permanent control of
all armaments.
Ike Calls His
Special Envoy
Back for Talk
Eisenhower has directed Special
Ambassador James P. Richards
to end his tour of Middle Eastern
countries without visiting Egypt,
Syria and Jordan, where the
Eisenhower Mid - East program
has become bitterly controversial.
The Slate Department an
nounced Thursday (hat Eisenhow
er has asked Richards to come
home "as soon as feasible to con
fer wilh him .on preparations for
the new mutual security bill,
He will arrive in Washington
May 8 and attend a meeting of
congressional leaders on foreign
aid at the White House May 9,
Meanwhile, he will visit Israel
Tunis and Morocco. That will
bring to 15 the number of Middle
Eastern nations he has loured for
Ihe declared purpose of explain
ing the Eisenhower anllcommu
nist program and offering U. S.
Because of the switch in plans,
Richards canceled a proposed trip
to Bonn, Germany, to see Secre
tary of Stale Dulles, who is at
tending a .North Atlantic Council
meeting lliere.
Adm. Arthur W. Radford,
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, said Ihe U.S. has a "mark
ed superiority" over Russia in the
Dr. Clifford C Furnas. Ihen
assistant defense secretary for re
search and development, said Ihe
U.S. "dclinitely" is ahead of Rus
sia in developing battlefield atom
ic weapons.
Burke said as far as the Navy
knows Russia has not yet floated
an atomic powered submarine.
But he warned Russia is build
ing up its naval power faster than
the U.S. and now has 4r0 subma.
rines, eight times as many as
Nazi Germany at the outset of
World War II. He said the U.S.
"will lose" any war in which Rus
sian submarines succeed in cut
ting off U.S. shipping from Eu
"I am convinced that if every
nation would follow Ihe German
example the danger of atomic
war would be a thing of the past,"
Adenauer said.
But in contrast to West Ger
many's pledges in the 1954 'Vest
cm European Union (WEU)
Treaty, the Soviets have blocked
every Western disarmament pro
posal by refusing control and in
spection of arms, he added.
The chancellor also asserted
that recent Russian warnings to
NATO- members and their allies
about the dangers of nuclear war
fare overlook the simple fact that
"such war can be unleashed only
by Soviet attack." . ,
Solons Call
Thornton in
Vice Hearing
The Senate Judiciary Committee
will open hearings at 7:30 p.m.
Friday on bills relating to the
Multnomah County vice investiga
tion and trials, Chairman Warren
Gill (Rl, Lebanon, announced
Gill said the first witness would
be Atty. Gen. Robert Y. Thorn
Ion. .who is conducting the invest!
The hearings will be held in
Room 309 of the Capitol.
Asked why he planned to call
Portland Mayor Terry Schrunk
and Multnomah County Dlst. Atty.
William Langley, both of whom
are under indictment, Gil" re
They might have some opin
ions on whether an official should
be suspended from office while
under indictment." -
Late Wednesday, Gill won a
week's delay in Senate considera
tion of a House-passed bill lo ap
propriate $27,612 to pay attorney
Ices for Thornton's staff.
The vote on the delay was 17-13.
Gill explained that his commit
tee wants to talk to Thornton
about it.
A circuit court In Portland has
ruled that the stale must pay the
attorneys' fees, and Multnomah
County the rest of the expense.
DA Given
PORTLAND 1 Dist. Atty
William Langley, called as a wit
ness in one court, got a one-day
cxlension Thursday from another
court In his fight to keep his of
lice. Convicted In stale circuit court
last month of failing to prosecute
gamblers u conviction that calls
for removal from ollicc Langley
remains in ollicc because sen
tence has not been pronounced.
A principal figure In Ihe year
long Portland vice investigation,
Langley has said he will uppeal
and that he should retain oflice
pending outcome of Ihe appeal.
That point is scheduled lo be ar
gued in the circuit court.
Tho 41-vcar-old district attorney
asserts he has been framed by
racketeer Big Jim Elkins, 55, who
is busy in another court here.
Elkins and an employe, Ray
mond Clark, 33, are on trial in
U. S. district court on a wire
tapping charge.
State Circuit Judge Frank Lo-
ncrgan, before whom arguments
were lo have been made on Lang-
ley's effort to retain his office,
was told that Langley was to be a
witness in the Elkins trial again
Thursday and so he put olf the
arguments until Friday.
Langley testllied In that case
Wednesday, saying he recognized
his voice on a tape recording
played by the prosecution. The
prosecution says the recordings
were f on rid in a police raid on
Clark s home last year and con
tain wiretapped conversations.
Langley s secretary, uorotnea
Anderson, testified she recognized
Langley's voice and her own and
said it was a telephone conversa
tion that took place in August,
Key Bill Gets
Another Try; ;
On Floor
The corporation . Income iai
Increase bill was approved M
ti by the House Thursday and -sent
to the Senate. - - -
Associated Press Writer .
Supporters of a comprr-
mise "key district" bill to
provide a new formula for .
distributing basic school .
hinds scored a victory
Thursday when the House voted t
34-24 to consider the bill.:, .
The vote was on a motion to
reconsider the vote by which the
House decided 30-27 Wednesday
to send the bill back to. the Edu
cation Committee. .
The House then voted to consid
er the bill at 2:30 p. m. Thurs
Would Let It Die J .
The action came after a major.
llu nt tha Unite,. 1?1,,.o(lnn
mittee spread the word that they- t
were inclined to let the whole
subject die in their committee..
The Senate passed the original
bill, which would have greatly re
duced slate aid for school districts
in Portland and Eastern Oregon.
The House Education Commit
tee amended the bill so that those
districts would be hurt little, it
at all.
When 1 the bill,' as amended,
came up oeiore me nouse wen-'
nesday afternoon, the supporters
of the original "key district pro
posal succeeded in sending it back
to committee. !
They fought hard Thursday-
morning . against . .reconsideration. :
Mnnaff has Makes Matlaa . .
Rep. Tom Monaghan '.(bf.'Mll-V'
- 1 I , 1 ...1,h Umti
wnunic, a allium icavuei miv iiw.
voted to return the Dill to com-
mitiee. maae ins morion' 10 rv- .
consider. He said that unless the
vote were reconsidered,- the bill
would die in committee.
Rep. Herman Chindgren (R
Molalla, objected strenuously. He
claimed that a two-thirds vote
would be necessary, but Speaker
Pat Dopley overruled him.
The Senate Taxation commit
tee voieu o-i lor a uui 10 increase ,
property taxes of utilities by 30
per cent. " "'.':
This action followed Wednes
day's vote by which Ihe Senate
defeated 22-8 a hill to ooume urn-.
ty taxes and provide a $2,000 ,
homestead exemption.
Finance BUI Amended
The House agreed to 'Senate..
amendments to the auto flnanc-. 1
ins b . As t goes to the uover- ,
nor, the bill limits automobile fi
nancing charges to 8 per cent a
year on new cars, 10 per cent on .
used cars less man two years
old, and 12 per cent on others.
A public vs. private power fight
opened before a Joint Ways and
(Continued on Page 5. Column 11
Elkins earlier was a star wit-
ncss in the Senate rackets com
mittee hearing in Washington,
D. C, on the Portland situation.
Both Langley and Elkins also'.
lace a numoer oi ouier tiininc.
relumed by county grand juries
in Ihe vice investigation.
PSews in Brief
Thursday, May t, 1957 -NATIONAL
Beck Faces New- Quiz, Duff 1
wuus as V.UUUSVI oct. , . .
Bonsnn Calls Most Farm
l,aws Failures Sec. I, f . x
City lo Buy Property for Wallace
Park Expansion rc. ,r. -
Winners of 4-H Spring Show
Listed . sec. i,r.
Utility Tax Boost, Home Exemp
tion Defeated fee. ii r. a
House to Take Second Look '
at Key Bill Sec. I, r.
35 Nicaragua Troops Slain . . '
by Ilondurans see. l, r. t,
Basilio Bout Next for
Suirar Rav Sec. 4. V. I
Rnau wiifpnri Preo. Collese
Schedules - ee. i, r, a
Amusements Sec. I, P. 1
Editorials Sec. 1. P.
Locals Sec. 1, P. S
Society Sec. J, P. 4. S
Food - Sec. 3
Comics Sec. t. P. J
Television Sec. 4. P. i
Want Ads : Sec. 4, P. . 7
Markets . Sec. 4P.
Dorothy Dix - Sec. I. P.
Crouword Puula Sec 4. P. I