Capitaliourna DENNIS THE MENACE -B,KHduun FOR SALE Young Holstetn low. Freshen very soon. White's Ranch. 1 mile east from Turner. 'MJWfflui&25.i inns 300 Personal HAVE you tried Reflex Massage i uic ieei ior reiiei 01 nerve PAL King . Psychic Reader. Mon. to Wed. noon, Marion Hotel. EM 3-4123. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous, 881 ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group w um n torn km -ni GIFTS by Jary Florists Featur ing ha tut-a riowerware. PALMIST. Mary read your com hi rcaaing. fast, pres ent, future, $1. 3745 Portland nd. 400 Agriculture 402 Llvtt.ock for Sal RED Poll with white face heifer vmn. jersey aue to freshen, nirs, rorrest, .yons, ure. RELIABLE party wants a place in Four Corners area to kern a horse. EM 2-4000 after 5:30 p.m. or &at. or Sun. A New Deal by popular request, no marge ior custom Dutcner ing beef! Cascade Meats, Inc., IbV the linrinrnacc in Ciltml the only U.S. Government In- ipeciea pjant in the Willam ette valley, will dress your locker beef for the hide and offal only. (Should you desire the heart, liver, and toncue thev Will he avpri -foe LI Ask about deliverv anywhere on our routes. Why not be sure? Phone EMpire 3-5935 for information that's CASCADE fticAia ot aaiem. ST ,3'. , 1 DOROTHY DIX COLUMN Boy Friend Moved In With Her, But Balks at Marriage DEAR DOROTHY DIX: Eight months ago I met a man who is temporarily worning in my town, we were attracted to each other and lor live monins nave Been living as man and wife. He'll be T"! "JM--m going e scon and hasnt asked me 10 marry JW i hm' tho"Sn ne says he won't leave me here. He's r r rrWift 1 wonderful about the house, does rcoairs. hetos with cooking and really seems to enjoy it. I'm sure it ho didn't love me he would have gone away before this. I know I adore him, but how can I make him see marriage as something beautiful? When I mention it to him, he just says he doesn't like orange blossoms. Valerie DEAR VAL: Many men regard orange blos soms as a parasitic plant that tightens its grip on poor bachelors until there's no breath or free dom left in them. Apparently your friend Is one of these. Or, has It occurred to you that he may already be enmeshed In those fra grant blossoms? Have you inquired about a possible wife and kid dies back home? After all, you only knew him three months before making him a member of the family. . A position that Is Illegal and Immoral , can never be satisfying. Don't continue It. Take a firm stand for a marriage certificate. DEAR DOROTHY DIX: I went wth a divorced man for two years. He said he had never received love or companionship from his wife, yet last month he remarried her. I broke off wilh him. Now I miss him very much. Perhaps I was loo hasty. Did I do right? Frieda. DEAR FRIEDA: This may be news to you, but you had no choice. You were jilted, my girl. DEAR DOROTHY DIX: I'm very much in love with Eva. Her one fault is a habit of screaming at such singers as Elvis and Pat. 1 protest every time she docs it, but the screaming goes on. George. DEAR GEORGE: If you are a patient boy, wait for the phase to pass. It will, as surely as summer follows spring. The alternative is to keep her away from places of amusement H'hlch feature such singers (there Is somewhere else?). Send your problem to Dorothy DIj. Or write for her free leaflet D-19, "Are You A Good Daughlcr ln-Law?" In all cases, be sure to enclose a stamped, sell-addressed envelope, and send request to her, care of this newspaper. GENTLE Hiding Horse. Eves alter 4. 386 W. Chemawa Hd. SORREL mare. Will throw pala mino colt In 11 mo. Parade saddle with tabs, bridle, extra ' . surrups. 1275. see at 4865 Verda Lane. S & H GREEN STAMP DIRECTORY "Clip & Save for This Week's Best Buys" CAMERAS Coburfl Cameras 114 N. C-'mmerctal Phone EM J-1M1 DRUGS Capital Drug Store State tt Liberty Pnone M 3-3118 Chapman's Drug Store 140 Canclarla Blvu EM 4-6873 Free Delivery Mootry's Pharmacv Hollywood Business Dlst. Xe'xer Business Dlst. FAINTS t WALLPAPKR Hutcheons 162 N Commercial r'hone CM 3-66S7 RADIO Mitchell's Radio & TV 1R1.0 State SI Pii EM 3-7.V77 Installing. Sales At Service SERVICE STATIONS Batdorf's Texaco Station 2095 Fairgrounds Ph. EM 3-7453 14Ui It State Ph. M 3-9582 Webb & Anderson I Richfield) 12th tt Minion Complete Auto Repairing TELEVISION Mitchell's Radio 4 T V. twi ftate St Pli EM 3-7577 Installing. Sates It Servte. 400 Agriculture 450 Merchandise 420 Seeds ( Plants 452 Appliances PANSIES field grown Harrold's Hybrids. 2015 Highway Ave. CHRYSANTHEMUM plant! now ready. Liberty Gardens. 5250 Sceger Lane. EM 4-2693 alter 5 Stelner's Nursery. Dwarf trees. Shrubs. Plants. Seeds. Garden supplies. 3160 Mkt. EM 2-1946. ALMOST New Frigldalre Auto- matic ua&ner iteg. S309.95 now $149.95. Guaranteed. easy terms. Good Housekeeping Inc. 467 Court St. ALMOST new FrlRidaire 30" range. $139.50. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-6371. 422 Fertilizer FERTILIZER, 50c sack. S10 per truck load. S3.30 yd. EM 4-208S or EM 4-8592. FERTILIZERfrom the OCEAN, minerals as found in Sea Vege tation. EM 4-0013. 5050 Silver ton Rd. No sales Fri. tt Sat. USED Maytag washer. 139.50. used fliasc. mart. 27U &. lid crty. EM 4 6371. HORSE for sale: Sorrel gelding. 6 yrs. old. Well broke. Blared face It two white sox on rear legs. Call Eves. EM 4-2394. GOOD Manure for flowers, gar den, will del. feM z-oizv. . Scientific Horse Shoeing "Tex" EM 3-4605 7-9 am 4 7 pm Fertilizer. Well Rotted manure We del. mnvwliere EM 403 Livestock Wanted CATTLE. 4297 State E 1 & H Snethen. EM 2-1345 EM 2-4380 ROTTED sawdust. 15 yr. old. fine. No liner cover tor your bed. Phillips Bros. Rt. S Box 860. EM 4-3081. CATTLE, horses, at your farm E. C McCandllsh. EM 3-6189 CATTLE buyer A F Sommer. I960 Harmony Or EM 4-SM7. FERTILIZER Mushroom manure, no weeds. Del. anywhere, km z-ujji. INSIDE HOLLYWOOD 'Mat Dillon' Ponders How to Cash In on His TV Success By BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD ifv-Big Jim Ar tless faces the dilemma that every star is confronted wilh at some point in his career how to cash in on his success. Jim kicked around this town for 10 years, playing everything from from his new fame in other fields either. Gunsmoke played a full 52 weeks in its first season, unlike most shows that run 39 plus 13 reruns. "I think it was a good idea, he observed. "We kept building our audience during the summer Westerns to science fiction epics and had a head start when the like "The Thing 'he was I no ! second season started in the fall Thingl. It was tough for him to get leading roles because his name wasn't big enough and the established stars balked at having The gimmick worked. George Gone . on the opposing NBC net work, was snowed under by the ratings this year and has aban- him tower over them he's B!jnned 'he time slot. He ll team feet 6. with Eddie Fisher on alternate He finally hit the big time via weeks in hourlong variety shows, television. As Matt Dillon, tne laconic peace officer of CBS' Sat urday night Gunsmoke show, he has won a vast and admiring audience. But not much money. "When 1 signed for the show, 1 didn't have much bargaining pow er," he explained. "I'm working for a pretty low salary as TV series go. A deal is a deal and I The Cleveland Indians won 17 American League games from Baltimore, Washington and Kansas City during 1936. LEGALS RVF.rt.'TlltX NOTICE vnTirr IK HEREBY GIVEN that can't really complain. Television :Clrcu Cmlrt ( the stale of Oregon has done me a lot of good in (or Marion County, been appointed building tip an jtefcnjiL cs The only trouble is that 1 would 240 ' All persons having claims BUYER Claud Edwards. Rt. 3, Box 609E EM 4-1113. rOP cash prices at your place Ray Cozel. EM 4-3168 collect. 405 Pets ORANGE and pink anrioot ca nanes. 1340 unemeKeta. GERMAN short haired Pointer, amos. oio, iza. jlm 4-seoe. BIRDS. FISH, HAMSTERS 3180 Livingston EM 2-1842 KEITH'S PUPPY FARM 5400 Center EM 2-7089 PuDDles all kinds. Buv k sell. Aft'noon tt eves. No. Sun. Calls. 410 Fruit & Farm Produce ALFALFA hay 1st. 2nd, & 3rd cumin eastern urc . iaa Calif. Rrown Del. T or truck lots TR 3-5B57 or TR 3-5R55 412 Market Basket 11 BASKET Jf Vi OF BEEF 100 lbs. U.S.D.A. Inspected Graded. 4 months to pay $42.50 CUT k WRAPPED with purchase, i $10.75 a year jocKer ior uinlx w.vo at MAC'S MEATS k LOCKERS 810 N. Liberty EM 4-7744 BUY WHOLESALE HALF or whole beef. Weight k once taken d t r e c 1 1 v from packers Invoice. Only charge (or cutting fc wrapping. Country Fresh Eggs , Rhubarb . 30c. doz. . . 5c. lb. 2060Market EM2.4140EM 2140 PASTEURIZED whole milk. 82c pal. Homugeniied, Bflr, gal. 44c. Cleary Dairy. EM 2-3035. 414 Poultry & Rabbits FOR SALE: 41 woods brood' ers with flash tubes. 450 feed' ers, 100 ft. waterers gd. cond. 1549 N. Com I. EM ..D5U7. FRYERS White Rocks over 3 lbs. $1.25 ea. live em 27731 rUHKEV Poults' available Valley Farm Store. STARTED WHITE Leghorn pullets wnson s naicnery Lyons, Ore.. Ph Ulnck 9-2533 pulli 16c. RARV chirlc hatched vr round New Hamo. St White Rock lUlieia UC. siraifini run qnitft vaiiy t arm oiore. LANG'S Poultry-Custom killint 1940 Birch wood Dr. EM 2-057 RARV rnlekc-.for meat or ttlt Send for free foider Wllinn'l Hate se nr. Lyons, Or. PH ULrlck t-2533 MULCH SAWDUST $1 Per Yd. EM 2-4031 GUARANTEED Reconditioned automatic wash en. aryers. ranges & refrigs $31.50 & up. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 316 Chemeketa St. WEST1NGHOUSE elec. auto. wasner, very reas. EM J -36-13. ROTTED or fresh Manure, b; sacic or cubic vn. ae . m lips Bros. Rt. 5, Box 660, EM 1-3UB1. uiosea sun. 424 Farm Equipment MUST sell garden tractor, exc. cond. cultivators, weeaers, mower att. with sen. clutch, Briggs Stratton motor, good tires, adi. wheels. $145. 1235 S. Harritt Dr. after 5. Lot 8 just oft Wallace Ha. 1 mi. irom w. Salem bridge. FOR SALE 1953 Farmall Suoer A with front fit rear 4 row cultivators, also 16 now, Exc. cond. $1100. Can be seen 3 ml. out Wallace Rd, Ho Sat. calls. EM 4-7656. JOHN DEERE tractor. 5 ft. or chard disc mower, an tor laoo, Rt. 1, Box 721, Oak Knoll Rd 425 Auction Sales SALE EVERY SUNDAY 1 P. M. SHARP Buy or si-ll on consignment. Household goods. Appliances, used cats. misc. items. Open 7 days a week. EOLA AUCTION, EM 4-4522 mi. W. of Salem-Dallas Hwy. 450 Merchandise 451 Household Goods NEW Bedroom Suites. SM 50 Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer. DAVENPORT In good Reasonable. EM 3-3063. USED mix master. $19.03. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. JM 4-W71. 450 Merchandise 470 Building Mltarillt 1,000 PICTURE WINDOWS USED SIZE 77x50 $12.50 EA. . 300,000 Kt. Used Lumber ALL NO. 2 & BETTER' Flooring Siding .SheathinR 2x4, 2x6. 4x4. 2x10, 2x12. 3x12 Bridge Timbers .. 45 to S60 ner M Used Window Sash . $1 & up Washbasins $7.50 & up Bathtubs ... $17.50 Clear Oak Flooring $100 per M E S. RITTER & CO. 6740 Portland Rd. 'i ml. North of Totem Pole Open all day Saturday Salem EM 4-8311 Save Time - Save Money Tor the Best Professional Service mi m ewer 700 Rentat 705 AporiwnH ATTRACTIVE clou . turn., prlv. entrant -bant, also trailer for 245 Union. EM 4-1468 ADDING MACHINES 456 T.V. & Radio REPOSSESSED T. V. Sets from 135. Helders, 3H3 N. High St. 17" PHILCO TV. used, new uar. 179.50. Millers Dept. itore. TV rentals. $10 per month. -Marr Hadlo & TV, EM 3-0201. 458 Musicil Instrument! WANTED: Used upright Piano, in goon cona. km j-b;hu. SMALL Baldwin Grand Piano, 1625. EM 2-7804. 462 Wanted Hshld Goods WE pay cash for good clean useo lurnuure ana appliances. Used Merchandise Marl, 270 s. Liberty. EM 4-6371. H EST, fatr. cast, price o, for gooa. clean, used furniture and appliancri EM 3-5110 Glen Woodry. 1605 N Summer MISC. furniture wanted. Cour teous service. Ph EM 3-6098. 464 Sports Equipment 16 INBOARD. Chrysler motor. with steel trailer, saw. Trade for Dlck-UD. JeeD marine mo tor. $125. 904 Shelton, Dallas, ure 14' ALUMINUM boat Ar tniiler. 5 HP motor very Reas. EM 2-3H37 alttr 5 p.m. !' CABIN Cruiser, 1!)52 Mer cury moior, cm awiz. SCOTT-ATW ATE R outboard mo- tor. 1 to 16, 5 H P., like new. CM 4-B393. 405 S. Liberty. SEE the 14" Dillnbaugh "Rocket' maae irom tui & pricea at onjy SALEM BOAT HOUSE 100 Chemeketa EM 3-9303 19' SURFDORY. IS',!,' Rienell inboard at trailer. EM 3-9364, 2' PISHING boat & trailer for $300. pickup or truck, EM 2-970B eves. 14' FISHING boat reas. 3-4465 eve. 5041 Mill Ave; 466 Bicycles FOR Sale Hardman-Peck piano, como. raaio pnono. poname, studio couch, 2 wheel trailer, 4x8. Reas. EM 4-BS12. $15 PER mo. buys complete household -of furniture and appliances. Save 5100 to $500 on complete H. H. Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer. tables. TV set. Din. set. chair EM 4-5645. IF you have one Item or a house of furniture to sell call the Used Merchandise Mart, 270 S. Liberty, EM 4-6371. USED wing back chair. $17.05. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Lib erty. EM 4-6371. NEW unf. chest cheaper at G-len Woodry 1605 N. Summer. NEW 5 piece chrome sets. Regu lar $53.90. Special $59.95. Choice of colors. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-6371. REAL nice selection of dining sets S pc. set $59.50; 7 pc. set $69.50; Duncan Phyle 7 pc. drop leaf $75.00; 8 pc. modern ? 125.00. Terms Trades. Glen Voodry 1605 N. Summer. 5 PC. limed oak dining set. 1110 Icel Court. BE THRIFTY: Buy GOOD used furniture, A single item or a ' complete household. Buy now on our easy terms. Woodry's Thrifty USED FURNITURE 515 S. Commercial EM 4-3.119 1 BlocK South Ol Paper Mill NICE blond tables, corner. 2 ends, collee. EM 4-2S59. .,., nnt n0,v But 'said estate are required 10 pn.c... WaDe not nu. ulifl,.m ,,,.. ....m-d. with proper like to cash in on the show's suc cess too Gunsmnlro mav hp reDlavinC IOf .. i ctri v.tutrix at 310 dozens Of years to Come, and I'd! pioneer Trust Building. S.lem. Ore- like to collect for having all thai, son. within months m u exposure. As it is. I get only the Da,cd Jnd (lrtl published April Screen Actors Guild minimum 011,22. 1057. .BV,Y reruns. Which is not, much at all. Executrix- of the estate of Jim hasn't been able to profit Ellen A. Fisher. Dercaird. t- I IIHOTEN. RHOTEN SPEERSTRA LEGALS i-UO Pioneer Trust Bulldini 1 Salem. Oregon ADVERTISEMENT FOR Bins I Attorneys Ior fx'u fi. 13.20 Gravelins' c S. ..F"" CnTi;,n K,X in' , STATE .OF OREGON FOR THE tn S''S Departnc Relation. The u-ork consists of 2.21 miles 01 v. fradtnir. orivtI.n and draining of 418 Lawn ft Garden OLD Coarse Sawdust. 2 yd. load, J4.50 del. EM 2-3537. TOP soil or lawn gardens fills $15. 10 yd. load, limited time. EM 3-7910. 420 Seeds & Plants PANSIES, BeddinR & Vegetable plants. Silke Greenhouse out Center St. ml. E. Frultland. EG AN GARDENS NOW ready with Geraniums, pe tunias, stock, snap's. Alyssum, libelia. 6 miles North of Keiz er on St. Paul Rd. ill be rereived by in -; Mur-mT rntlRT OF THE PRIMROSE hybrids- good color '' A rinrrnM mi? THF i rnff 35e ea. 4445 Claxtor Hd. GERANIUMS. Inc.. fancy leaf. Ivy tt Pelargoniums. Fuchsia. Begonia's & Bedding Plants. Baskets of Fuchsia. Begonia ft Ivv Geraniums. Compare our prices before you buyt Kil ber's. 715 Salem Hcjghts Ave. BEDD!NCPianti40c doz. To matoes. 30c doz. Cabbage. 25c doz. Named Fuchsia's in 3" pots. 3 for 1 1 . Baskets with Fuchsia, S2.50. Always open. Ph. ALpine ft-6955. Colvins greenhouse. Rt. 1, Box 27, Lebanon. Plaintiff. county Road No. 40H. Plans ana spec . AWTER tfication miv hP ohtained from the ROSA MARGARET LA w i tn Office of the County Engineer. Court- Defendant. S V M MONS house. Salem, Oregon. Bids must ne ABOVE-NAMED DEFEND aceomnanirf hv a hid hond or certi- TO THE AUUVi r-.if fied check for 10 of the amount or ( 0F XHE STATE OF th bid and bidders must be pre- I ? "Jereby summoned quillfied in accordance with the -wVOR9r.d to appear and answer ' J Pt- . . ... ' ftfS; nt hereTnPonror before the ine uounty resen-cs me w;v::. ir.h- ast publication nereoi. ind Ior want thereol the putintm nv all hlHc MARION COUNTY COURT Adv. Apr. 22,26,29 & May Open: May 13 ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE 111 apply to 'he court ior dissolving, setting . ""h"i. '"."trTmorfy hVretoIorf existing be- Kfm'rr' is arnFRV GIVEN that ! tween the plaintiff ana ine oe IRIS G. ARNOLD has. by order cf the ant and "''" ,p'"'nd , to Circuit Court of the State of Oregon. I absolute divorce and aa for Mai Ion Coutty. been aopoin'-3 as pi.mtlff such other, furth.i ir.o dminlstratrtx J the estate of t-'mer rei relief as to th,, court may T.. Tanner. Deceased, Clerk's R'glry , Kem Just and equitably d Ko 17247 This summons is being puoi.snco All'pVrson. having claim. l'nsl ' by order of ( the, ; Luj. J Mid estate are required to --" Starr, one of the judges of the above them, duly verified, with h'"'l'er entitled court, once a e tor me vouchers, to said administratrix t (consecutive week. In 'J 5 Masonic Building. Salem. Oi'"'; Journal, a n'wsP'P'0' 'IV'C'Jd ,n within six months Irom the date "f ,,. printed and Pushed in this notice. ,, ... , I Marion County. Oregon, and that the Dated this th day of April. IM'-idii, of the first publication hereof IRIS G ARNOLD ..'April 22. ".nd 'h' date r the Administratrix oi uie il5t publication nereni . 1957 R W. PlcKell Attorney for Plaintiff ,.. 207 McGilchrist Bldg. Sl'7;.0."" 400 Glad, seed mixed colors SI. 50 Once you try raising Gladiolas irom seen you win never give II up. FRED J. BROWNING 110 E. BROWNING AVE., SALEM rim.. F Tjrner. deceased. JOVT.S and ALLEN n Masonic Building Balem. Oregon DAHLIA bulbs 12 doz. Mum plants 511. Red trains 3-11. Lf. Hvdranfea It Mollis aza leas i ea. rovrrus ucccn house. Brooks. BLUEBERRY Plants. SI 00 & up. M W. Chemawa Rd. MA n'SHALL7tra wherry plants. EM 2-4272. 7465 0".Neill Rd. JARY Florist - Florfl5upphes Featuring Haeger Flowerware. FREE equity on new furniture, usea oniy i Aionin. or wnoie house of furniture for $800, a real sacrifice. EM 3-5032 NEW Unf. Bar stools. S2.98. Glen woodry loos n. summer. ELECTROLUX vacuum cleaner. 914.93, UZl ti. Capitol. M 3-70fl7, dir. NEW mattress, f 15. Used Mdse wan. wv s. Liberty. t-M 4-6371. FOR Sale- boy's English bicycle. jlm 4-7HI3. uia Mission. lb 01 OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY TOO I 1 TOO MUCH STUFF 1 4x8 OAK 1'lywood 4!)c. tt. KNOT TY CEDAR .i 4x8 47c. ft. Beautiful for rabinetsHEYl Got some s; 12" x 48" OAK ply for $1.19 ea. OODLES ol & a, pes. fir ply 4c. k 10c. ft. (Cover floor tt wall & SAVE1 Nails l.5 keg, OS White Paint 2.50 gal. EXT. Ply to f x 14'. NEW BOOKS for high or low icnce designs rve nave ine material. Scr. Doors 8.95 up. Alum. Scr. (iarnen makl sc. each SEE hundreds of exotic nan- ellng- designs to make your iivmR- pleasant stop in VISIT Remodeling terms, no down payment, 36 moa. PLAN to be at the HOME & UAHUKN SHOW, April 26, 27, 28th, Fairgrounds Grandstand. Your Building Supply Frlenda" PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER YARD 3545 Portland Road EM 4-44.13 Seal.b-Matlc Ufa time roofing Colorbcslos side wall shingles Ph. Mathls Bros. EM 4 6831. 474 Floor Covering NOW x 12 Linoleums, it 98. Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer. IEW 9 X 12 Rue Dads. 88.88 Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer. 480 For Sale Miicellintoui FOR SALE Bean poles. H. A. uyer i.Dr. a. s. iac. rtwy. Phone EM 2-0173. STENOGRAPH machine books. S75. EM 4-2440. Virgin Top Soil KM 2-1S75 BEST IN TOP SOIL Kcizer Sand & Grnvel Co. Eve., Sat. & Sun. EM 2-1743 Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want Ads Daily! THE Century. EM J.781 .pm uneat a gqrm. A DEVEREAUX Apia. NlMl- yv.t 'urn. or uniurn., State. EM 2-2834. Buy as you rent. All makea ttoen-1 ypewritera. tae (.ouri CM 3-4711. AUV. SPECIALTIES CARPENTER U1LDING, remodeling, cabl nets i repairing. EM 4-9788. Contractor. New. Remodel. Ad ditlona at shop worK. fc.M a-aajs. CEMENT WORK House raising, leveling and foundations. EM 2-62S0j FOUNDATIONS, patios, walks & retaining walls, fcl 4-9788. CONSTRUCTION . NEW homes, remodel., free est. UKAVEa UUNSTKUC- Hon Co. EM 3-8393 or EM 2-2578. CRANE WORK 25-ton Lorain moto crant Sa lem band & Gravel. EM 3-2461 CORSETIERB CHARIS corsettler. Lenora Whe- lan. 2aso Lansing, em z-93ia. FLOOR COVERINGS NORRIS WALKER Paint Co Floor-covering Division wuan tty installations Linoleum, As phalt & Ruhbet Tile Wall UK Free Estimatea. EU t-MTff. Grading: Roads. Floyd David son. EM 4-7751, Stay ton 3-1977. UKAU1NO OOZINO BULLDOZING clearing roada. ponds D-4 D-6 carryall. V Wualeey tat t-3140. BUIXOOZINU. 15 80 per nr Ex cavating, trtnemng. tile lay ing, septics. etc e.noch ' Maerz. EM 4-3517 after ajn. D. PANTOVICH doling, leveling and clcnng. EM 2-0952- INCOME TAX Ion A. Plscus EM 3-5285. 1509 41h St, Painting fa Paperhanging. Free Est. EM 3-9513. 1160 Shipping. ROTO.VATINO Rolovator Work Wanted Vincent Kremer. 2150 Lansing. EM 2-3180 Custom . roto-vatlng. Font equip. ment. EM 3-t116 ROTO-tllllng, 4.50 hr. mln. Gar den tt lawn work: Lawn mow ing. EM 2 0769 EM 4-3B54. 60' Roto-vator: gardens, field work. EM 2-2911 2-9796. lawns. a em SAND AND GRAVEL COLONIAL Manor: 2 4i 3 r Apia. turn, or unfum. 13, Chemeketa. EM 3-7954. , VALLEY SAND & GRAVEL CO. Crushed l: round gravel und at con. mix. I SALEM SAND r GRAVEL CO Ready mix concrete, crushed -lound fravel, sand & top soil 1405 M. Front, EM 1-2461. SHINING new Interior. rnJ. nr.. front apt., flrepl.. Tiud. firs.. TV ant. nicely fum. Desirable resldenUal area. 3 bks. East of state office , Sx' 5t,PI)lnf center. EM t v WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL 1623 UcGllchnet Craihad quarry roefcta and grave). All elza for roada. drlvewaya and parking lota READY MIXED CONCKETE, Garden aand. bull-dosing, shovel and draglln work. EM 3-B4I. ATTRAC. furn. for cpl. nr. Cap. I mmn cm a-aja ves. i NEW COURT APTS. Very nice, furn. or unfurn. Call at apt. aoo aaytima or EU 4-0088 eves. 874 N. 14th. SEPTIC SERVICE HOWARDS Roto-Rnoter sewer. septic UnKl cleaned. KM 3-8XTT AMBASSADOR Nicely Furn. Apts. 550 N. Summer EM 2-9209 MIKE'S Septic service Tanks cleaned. D'rooter cleana aewara drains Phone KM l-HU. Capitol Septic Service tanks cleaned. Sparton rooter cleans sewers. EM 3-7404. EM 3-8072. CAVALIER APTS. 1177 Court St. Now avail. 3 rm urn- apt. sun .4U or EM ' 1-7909. Ace Septic Tank Servlca Tanks Cleaned & Repaired EM 4-5111 DAY OR NIGHT JANSSEN COURT , Furn. apt Shop. ctr. A bus. 13th at C Rural. FURN. 1 & 1 bdrm.. prlv. bath. ill O. am. EM 3-B33S. TV REPAIR H. Jt H. TV SERVICE Guar. Repair, radio. TV & ant :ALL ANYTIME EM 2-9710 Spacious - Acacia Apartment FURNISHED 1140 South 13th SL EM 3-700 450 MereliHndice 600 Employment 490 Fuel 409 Commiiiion Work DRY WOOD. Blab wood, 111 cord. Oak wood lty lengm. 118 cord. EM 3-9598. CAPITOL FUEL CO SAWDUST FOR MULCHING ury oak. ash at mapit- wut.u :holce slab tt block wood mixed dry or green. Dry mill wood 1420 Broadway Ph. EM 3-7721 t.ariv tn Tlemnnatrato Part or full time, commission, no invest, ttox 719. ataieaman-Journal. DELIVERY and collection, must have car. run part time. Sulla 419, 494 Slate St. DRY OLD GROWTH FIR . $13 cord. EM 3-9598. 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loon RAWLINS Real Estate Co. Mortgage Loana 5! pet. Interest 605 Chemeketa Ph EM 4-6875 LOANS 150.00 to 11.500 00 Buy What You Need .Consolidate your bills. Finance through WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY 111 S. Church St KM 1-1417 PRIVATE money to loan. 6 EM Interest. Ph 2-0794. (JlUAlt lence post good quant) i reatco or nnireaieu. roiea Ph. EM 4-3081. FREE: Cleaning of your daveno. EM 3-324H before 10 a.m.i Sat., Mon. Tues., Wed. only. UP TO 82.500 Pick Your Payments IB mo. Ami of 24 mo. Amt. of Pflvml'i rash Pavml'a. Cash 8 9 8142.50 ft 9.168.32 117 $150.02 $17 .I14.I6 847 .'.8093.72 $47 $760.76 PAriptr INDUSTRIAL LOANS 118 s. Liberty r-fti -uo PAINT rcg. $5.95 gBl. outside white $2. gal. 8 gal. $15. 793 N. Lancaster, Salem. COLONIAL Investment Co Real Properly Loans, i;oniracis rm chased, 687 Court EM 4-1183. 5-20 HOMELITE chain saw with 33" bar tt chain. $178. 50' of 1 inch men pressure nose, $12.00. EM 2-0299. 470 Building Material! DICK MEYER RENEWABLE INSTALLMENT CREDIT PLAN 6 Mos. To Pny (On Approved Credit) REMODEL IMPROVE Utfe This Plan For Lawn Fences Repairs Tie- palming ne-nnoflnff Etc. Visit our office For DETAILS. DICK MEYER LBR. CO. 1775 Lana Avenue Phone EMpire 3-4935 R L Elfitrom Co 260 S Liberty VINYL floor tile. 10c each. LUMBER 250 Units new lumber. $20. per M. and up. Del. tn units or truck Ids. Salem vicinity. TED & LEO MULLER EM 4-0523 ELEC. heaters-waii-oaEeboard' portahie Reduced nr"s 5? gal. -elec. wtr. hrt., 158.50. 12-2 wired 4c II. fn rit , 'a pc. hath set, com p. $120. Built-in oven plus 4 bur. unit. 19S. Outlet boxes. 25 cents. 14.2 wire. .'1c ft. in dli. 4" salv. nutter. 13c ft.. 8" vent fan, 113.50. 21 x 32 , "il' 220 THEHMADOn portable heater. $35.50; fold-up stroller. $12.50: bathtub, $17.50; wood heater, $10.00; davenports, $15.00 up; oil circulators, $10.00 up. bunk beds wmat trcsses. $44.50; wash machines, $12.50 up, desks, $9.50 to $2R.50; Hoover vacuum $12.50; crocks several sizes: fruil jars. .7&c doz.: Lawn mowers. $6.!)5 up and a 1000 other misc. Hems. Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer. Fnr Sale - 8 pc. setting of Dlrl lyte ware w. chest like new, lie as. EM 4-35.10. ASH wood, decaded sawdust, andtop soljLJSM 2-05 1 0 USED Tires bought"" sold. Lytle's O.K. Rubber Welders. 2305 N. Commercial. TYPEWRITERS, adding- ma chines, cash registers, dupli cators, desks, chairs, files, sup plies. Roen's. 456 Court. NEW 50 garden hose. $1.B0. Glen Woodry 160a N. Summer. RECAPS - K70xT5 $"7.05 exch. Nationwide Road Hazard Guar. Lytle's O.K. Rubber Welders, 2303 N. Commercial. PIT RUN GRAVEL Tup soil. EM 4-4747 USED toilets tt fixtures SI0. Used wanh howls it fixtures $5 EM 3-6R05. NEW Gym Dandy play gym sets S22.75, slides $10.75 Glen Woodry lo05 N, Summer. GAhbEN"Tractof7!Ius"k.vr 5llP. dine, plow, cultivator, blade. EM 4-4656. 481 For Rent Mitcelltneoui Hosnltal Red with Maltress. 'United Rent All's, 2565 State St kitchen sink, comp. $43.95. Apex Electric & Plumbing, 1410 Broadway. .M Z-1866. Open Fri. eve. INLAID linoleum SI 79 per yd R L. Elfitrom Co.. 260 I Liberty ' PLUMBING Installations at lower prices. Guaranteed work. Call iudson's EM 3-4141 for estimate. KIRBY vacuum cleaner. (.10. 1321 N. Capilol. EM 3-7067. dtt 21" TV's $109,50 $119 50 1129.50. Save Glen woodry 1605 N. Summer. H L High Daveno Sets, modern desks. NEW Blltwel) 1139.41. new; new. hox spring mat tress both 839.50: all prices lower at Glen Woodry's 1605 N. Summer. 452 Appliance Building-Remodeling? Lawn fence with poFts 27c ft. New 4" soil pipe 77c. ft. Septic tanks 133.50, $55 50. 4" black sewer pipe 2flc A- 36c. Galv. pipe 'j 13c. J 17c. I'.i 31c. 1', 3t'c. 2" 4fc Plastic pipe 1 13'iic Toilets $21 50, with seal $25 50 Washbasins complete $17.50 Steel bath tubs complete IM.95 52 gal. water heaters $59.50 Steel, cast, stainless sinks New laundry trays $13.75. 122 wire roll price 4c. ft. Elec. range cable 30c. ft. 200 amp. meter bases $l "5 Range panels $9 50 to $59 50. FRIGIDAIRE auto washer 175.8"' elec. celling fans 113.79 good cond. Call EM 4-9H5 Reject Insulated panel shake sid after 6 p.m. L ln" nly 4.M sq. L ... .. pamlPfl shakes WU.C $ 0.25. KENMORE auto washer Bcndix permanent Ashetlos Biding $13.95 dryer both In good cond. 4368 Gav. iron roofing 110 70 iq. Durbin. No. 2 cedar shinles 85 75 so. ju. iNo. I cedar shingles $1100 q. , 3 tab 215 lb. comp. roof $7.85 n. V, IV. li, io ii. nnrK "' 5x7 with hdware $39 95 up Birch, mahog. At glass doors Screen doors $6 50 No. 2 oak flooring $100 M Galv. wide bottom gutter 13c. Nails, per keg. $9 95 Fiberglass roll insulation 4,je. Plasterboard $1.30, 140. 1.85 Joint cement, tape, texture paint id x a ceiling tue iu'iC sq. u- RENT rr lease ige warehouse space cement floor, nricx Did downtown Inq H U Turn. EM 3-S1B5. ildg . Stlf 483 Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED: Hemlock, while fir, cottonwood du d wood stump- age of same species Inc'l. red fir. EM 3-7721 days, EM 4-3633 or km z-iihh eve, CASH for Used Guns, and old coins, all types. 1230 Broadway 484 Miscellaneous BERRY Carriers, dry lumber, two type handles K. D. .25 A- .30. all readv tn go :i-1 .40 EM 2-7R00 '1I40S. 24th St DFNTAL HI. ATE RWAfR 1 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Adoloh Bide. State it Com ! ls. SALEM PH VA 3-3J11 486 Machinery & Tools SEVERAL used welders See it 790 Stewart St Ph LM 4-7M, 488 Wanted Mach. & Tools MAYTAG washer, square minum tub. good cond. EM 3-4976. WHIRLPOOL wringer washer exc. cond. $65 M 4-5870 be fore 3:30 tt after 6:30 p.m. 52 HOT POINT Range, good cond. EM 2-3077 or EM 3-3139. AZALEAS 10-50 OFF , Drlv, So. on 12th St.. ml. past Mnmlnf.iKjr' School. Turn rilhl l Oaknill Avt. USED ranges, refrlf.. washers at dryers all In uood workina mnti fi Sr H Green stamns. terms. Master Service Stations . floor tile. 10 colors. 9- tile joj n. ymu i. ! fencing, celar it steel pon. GOOD deal on 25 cu. II Ampna ' 15 In felt Bile, paper 12 tS Freezer liltt r.ew KM 2-7109. , Large coriplete slork 'hjs .t: ..-.--.-..-.. r-. n. .. crystal It dble wind. CHLAP wlir.unuusi. oeiu ; Choice shake mold Inc. It. EM i-mt ailer 5 p.rn EI-ECTBOLUX cleaner jl-TlW 1321 N Capitol. JJlr. EM 2,707 U5ED Relrlg tt Stove, very good cond. 1225 1710 N. Ever- greenEM 1.9141. 2s" M for 21 ft. Zero Freezer at f7.70 a mo. EM 4.1709. USED Martin 60 Oulhoard Mo tor lor parts. EM 2-27IIO eves. 490 Fuel 600 Employment 614 Work Wonted, LoJy PIANO & Accordlan lessons. W. saiem. ium vf2M. MEN WANTED: Typing or cleric! WOrH. EM 4-H0M. 610 Soe Help Wonted SCH. bus driver needs 5 day cmp. 9 to a. crma care, nouse work or care of Invalid. Must be nr. Livingston sch. or transp. furn. EM 4-3B11. MIMEOGRAPHING, typini Mrt. foe, oua n. win. r.ra j-qij. RETAIL BAKERY ROUTE SALESMAN. 9 17. 00 per WK wk. training program. Must be able to obtain T panel after training. Also opening ior Solicitor at $77.50 per wk., age 25 to 35. Ph. EM 3-5850. BEVERAGE salesman age 35-33 preierrea. uuarameea salary. Write Box 720 Statesman-Journal living some of your quail flcatVons. 61S-A Eabysitttng BABYSITTING day or night, my noma can em -ama. , CHILD CARE my home days. xiaysviuq vicnrny, Jam a-aito. LOVING, supervised child cars. my nome. aouin. am -vjo. AVON rep. lor Gates & Me- nama area, aiso macieay et Shaw. Earn extra money In spare time. Mothers of school ac children or older women with own transportation. EM 4-2248 or write. Avon Dlst. Mgr. P.O. Box 3761, Portland 8, Ore. 618 Education 80 WEEKLY guarantee to start ruuer orusn ld. era ii-cuaf. EXPERIENCED salesman oi woman. Hamsey Heal Estate, 427 Ferry. EM 4-3381. SOLICITOR for roofing ft siding, lo'worK mrecuy wnn closer. No car necessnrv. cnll nt 2081 Stnte St., between 8:30 & 9 612 Work Wonted, Men WANTED TRACTOR WORK EM 4-1607 3XP. carpenter's helper. Dependable. 2485 S. Cor 600 Employment" 602 Help Wonted ' "PAGENSTECHERS COMMERCIAL Placement Agency Since 1D4 8 Specialists In Office Placements F-2 Salesladys 9:30-8:30 10-H0 Open F-Exp. Dental Ass'l. 23-25 Open F-Gen. Office. Simple B.K. Cashier Open F-2 Key Punch Operators exp - Open F-Waitress 23-30 35 hr. 85 hr. F-Practlcal Nurse and com panion-live in upen fen. Wnv tn the Best Jobs 494 State Street 411 Oregon Bldg rmn harvpst nlntoon leadersl Appllcntions accepted now. Moment, icacnerfi, uiMiirtie oiu dcntsl See Mrs. Johnston, Ore. State Employment Service, 710 Ferry St.. Salem. CAPITOL . Employment Agency 354 N. Winter EM 2-0636 ROTOTILLING EM 4-50B4 CUSTOM ROTO-TILLING EM 4-0558 IMMEDIATE SERVICE Plowing & Discing. EM 3-0300 CUSTOM nlowinc. dlsclna. a dens, sm, acreages, EM 3-3218 EXP. Lawn mowing yard work. Odd jobs. M 3-503Z. FURN. 3 rm. apt. fc bath, clean. uracuve, quiet, ma ur. small - apt. house. 50 Inc. utilities. n. lam, aw z vibj. rURNT RELIABLE Babysitter, hr.. day or nue, my nome. iura a-ooao. AIR CONDITIONING HEATING REFRIGERATION MECHANICALLY Inclined men get free facts aoout repair and Installation work opportune Itlea and spare time training plan. Write Utilities Inst., Box 718, Statesman-Journal. NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Mechanically Inclined reliable mon io train ior positions as oil burner service technicians Top pay and excellent work Ins conditions in a highly skilled technical trade. Free nl nee ment service. Contact: Oil-Heat , Institute of Oregon 620 N E. 7th. Suite 204 Port land 14, Oregon. Phone BE 2-8 148. , ENROLLMENT limit. Ret. now. Salem Christian, Kinaergarien v uraaes l-o. em a-oaao. HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME Finish your High School In your snare time, xext dooks turn, Low tuition. Free Booklet. AMERICAN SCHOOL 6543 N, Interstate, Portland IT, 620 Doy ond Controct SCHARFF BROTHERS Installation Repair Sewtn, Septic Tanks, Drain Fields. Power Ditching. Backfill. EM I-AMI. CUSTOM garden work done with Terro Tiller. EM 2-2348. TRACTOR ROTOVATING EM 2-8882 CUSTOM ROTO-TILLING C. L. Cales EM 2-3783 Ii. Sk. Ik yd. shovel, crane, noe org. line. -ion moon cranes. d-4, D-i cats, carry an clear ing blade. Rental contract or unit prices. SALEM SAND & GRAVEL 140ft N front M. KM I-S441 PAINTING Free Estimates Reasonable EM 2-D55I eves. 700 Rentals trimming & re- ledges & shrubs UD & mowing. EM 3-3414. TREE topping, moving. neages trimmed. Yard clean 702 Sleep, Rooms, Boord HOME away from home. Men. i v, pacKca luncnes. iwio w. ow TRACTOR ROTOVATING nnrdeni. lawns, orchards. Fritz Kiss, EM 2-60.76. EM 4-0013 C Ml P ENTER work wanfed. EM 4-BOU7. DESIRABLE rm. 1 blk. from Post oiiice, eaa rerry. ROOM tt board (or working girl oniy, J.m j-jw. WANTED General farm work. EM 4 -B056. "A JOB, A Job my Kingdom for a Job" Tamlly man EM -0312 CLEAN light hsekpg. room. 135 n. unurcn. -tu mo. CLEAN, warm rm T.V, close in aio a winier. cm j-iih. CARPENTER work. By hr. contract. Etfw d-ozsai. or F. Dental AsslM. simpl F. Calculator elec, type writer, excel, in ngures 21-40 .... F. Bkkp'r. Gen. Off. 2 -33 ... Sl-iO-j nr. F. T.B.X. Typist 21-35 . Open Open $250 NEW Lawns complete. Free Est. lone EM 3'9W ve. Z-M rnKR timtM an floor cover' ingi or drainooaras. k, u. eji strnm Co 260 S Liberty APPLICATIONS are now being taken for siaiesman uii-jii routes Several routes will be open. Applicants must be ac companied by their parents or have their written permls aion Apply at the Circulation Department of the Statesman-Journal. ROTOVATING Fordson Trac tor wltn 82 Rolovator. Lawns At garaenh, em a-ixiiu aays. Eve. 4-4280. Spraying, tree topping, removal. pruning, l. .luoit, ci i-nri CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Specialists In office personnel. Bldg. ad Presbyterian Church 354 N. Winter EM U-OWA Your future is our jod. EM 2-5662 U In. Howard Roto-vator, gar- denlng & lawn preparing. 604 Help Wonted, Men WANTED: Barber, 5 day wk. New shop. 3 mi. So. of town. EM 2-1146 after 6 p.m. CARPENTER work. Any Reas. 4240 Macieay no. 4-5981. 60i. Heir. Wonted, Lodv BAnYSITTF.R wanted, daytime, Must furnish nwn transporta tion. EM 3-4601. 2235 Mission WILL rare for children at 1010 Marks Dr BABY sitter, my home, 2 boys WOMEN OVER 11 Full or part time, telephone work. Experience not ne. Good hourly pay. Suite 410, 434 State St. WANTED baby sitter my home SI. 50 day,S2J5at.754S. 13trt. VflilNft unman for tvoln. etc, in medical office six "i days weekly. Write Info, Box 712 Statesman-Journal. WANTED, beautician at Love- all Miller's. EM 3-7870. ANDERSON'S slab wood 2 cords S20. EM 2-7751. Garayre dr. hdware 116 50 C. G. Long & Sons I Ml N. of Kflrtr 4-9091 6n."Base palnl, u w ,ai Glen Woodry 180 N. bummer. WANTLO: Sever thousand cords ol Dark-free wood, fir or hemlock Ph CM 1-7721: n!hta t.M-xa HIGHWAY FUEL CO. SAWIII SI . HIIUII E.M 3-4M FKRN FUEL COMPANY 203 . Salem Rd Dallas Gorj S in slarm'ood 2 unit load II. Prompt delivery. Ph collrcl MA 3-22'j3 II no an swer'aJIMA 3-25 SPRING SPECIAL SAWDUST FOR MULCHING Choice Block & Slab wood SASH It DOOR PLANER ENDS WEST SAI.EM FUEL CO. 1525 Edecwatcr EM 2-4031 608 Pickers Wan red REGISTER now. strawberry ptckmn. uiean neio. r.n nmn Hasieoacner. nazeisreeii RMai furn Afao drive outs. Mrs Brooks. (Brooksie) EM 4-&700 eves. 609 Commission Work POSITION open for outside sales person with local nppllance firm, exrellent earninfls if you can pan our leu ana quauiy. Ieads furnlfheo. Contact Mr. Fawcett Profewftonal Division Ore. State Emoloyment .Service iin rmrrv Sf. sa em. Ore. 0 a m. to 3 p.m. only Mon. Apr 29 rm., men. $4.75 wk. EM 2-120. CLEAN, quiet. Nr. St. Bldr. bilpg. UISl. Kit. priV. LtCn S141V. 705 Apartments For Rtnf MAIN FLIl., furn., carport, TV am. r.ri .a-n.HN 3 RM, Jurn. apt. Tart rent part Hgni worK. Eajvi z-nitn. BDRM. fvlrn. apt. pvt. bath, 1 hlk. Cap. 1133 Chemeketa. ROTO-TILLING KM 4-'J710 Custom rotova tins -plowing. D. MARSHALL EM 2-1343. ROTOTILLING EM 2-2518 kind EM DE ROSIA TREE SERVICE TRKES Trimmed, Topped Removed, ftenges & nnrun bery Trimmed. Guaranteed satisfactory, price & work. Completely Insur. Ph. EM 3-lW8fl Eve. Anytime wk. ends. NEW LAWNS: prepared tt seed ed. Free est, r,M -oir.. BUILDING, re-model, roofing, cabinets, siaing. km4ojiu. PAINTING: Bdrms., low as llfl outside painting, em BUILDING remodel. Sm. Jobs. work guar. reas. em i-7ina. LOU'S tree service, topping prune, earning em -aaoi f tr:HT riw1r tinier lavrllnK trading em i-tmi i n.urui Painting, Interior, exterior. Joe usirom, tm 4-jiDu. rmrit u-ork. Promot service, All kinds. E. Drake, EM 4-0339 Painting k Paporhanging Anv mi int Free Est. Terms. Ph. Nelson EM 3-8493 lem only. EM aor yiw. Custom Plowing k Discing EM 4 -0263 PLOWING k DISCING PH. EM 4-6372 HOWARD Rotovatlng EM 4-223 or KM a-swa. no tm please. 614 Work Wonted, lody nDtrccMitriNn Jt alterations belts It buttons md. EM 4-71SB EM 4-4fi04 Ironing in my home. CAN'T keep Up with Ironing? I'll iron t nr. ii t-im. RM. furn. Apt 340 Union, utU turn. $30. i ROOM mod. apt. Nicely un EM 3-7H8 or EM 3-tM. Courts, knotty pine in. terlor, small ft cozy, $45, plu Util. 2455 Trade, g3t 4-74ft. BEDRM. ADt. cornn etalv i dec. hdw'd. firs, tile bath, stove, refrlg. & T.V. Ant furru attch. gar. EM 2 5771. 3-RM. rurn. ApU. Utll. paid. n. xaipcriy. r.ra g-itsaa. CLEAN furn. end 2 rm. apt.. A CLOSE In, mod. furn. 3 rm' mp. jni j'ww except set. 3. rm. unfurn, apt. nt... itlC heat, refrlg., range, TV ant, iino jiar., . son wun an laza St. EM 3-8413. BDBM. court apt unfurn. N. 14th. NICELY furn. Apt Conv. loo. Jim n, t-apuoi. tw uuos. r. . tt 1 RM. utll. pd. newly dee. No. $28 Sm 535. EM 4-2589. SEE THISt Clean 3 rm. unfurn. in s. isth Eves, or wk. end. WEST SALEM furn. 1 bdrm. court rental, new lurnuure, tile bath, 158 a month. Low utilities. Rawlins Realty, EM 4-8875. Eves. EM 1-8743. CLOSE In 1 as 2 rm. furn. .Pts. u limits pa. sou m oo. .ivv 3-U7I or Inn. Manal.r 780 N. Church. 2 BDRM. apt. pvt. ant. tt bath,. Muoa Dsas, wasn.r, arysn reas. EM 2-M87. ..i MADISON COURT APTS. :. NEWLY dec 2 rm. furn. apt. cm .mo., ivna maqison. FURN. 2 rm. apt., utU pd. Clost in. aue r.. nusn RIVIERA Apts. Lovely apactoua r Dcarm. apt. sou. rsircn Kiion cn. tlla bath. EM 3-7632 or EM J-086S. 706 Duplexet 3 LRQ. rmi. furn. cltan. gar4 Adults 132. BO EM 4,-2Me. CLEAN 1 bdrm. all elec. du- lex. io. mo. io 7ta st. iM 3 3139. 2 BDRM. duplex Very mod. 13 inch water & TV ant. NIC yard, dead end atreet, exc. for children. EM 9 SU7 or see 115 N. 43rd. 2 BDRM. unfurn. side-side re- nee, gar., i v ant, tan NEW unfurn. 2 bdrm.. blrch kit... Ig. llv. rm., far. EM 3-7841. 1 BDRM. furn., TV ant. Couple) only. EM 4-1407. 3595 Nf 8th. NICELY furn. modern duolex,' S. of town. $50, Couple only. EM 3 5765. 152.50. Near Capitol bldg.. newly ace, uniurn., oarma. cm 4-1883. 707 Houici For Koitt SMALL 3 bdrm. cottage gas range & oil stove 930 1035 3ra , St. W. Salem EM 3-4026. LOVELY living. 1 bdrm. In ct unrurn. exc 2206 B St. anai urn. (V Part furn. court apartments no io ire- CENTER STREET REALTY -1748 Canter St. Ph. EM 4-6631 Eve. EM 2-781S j ynu auiet ceptlonal apt. nice quiet neighborhood In an except Comnletelv private, real close to shopping tt bus, single woman or em ployed couple. 1055 Greenwood ur. m 4-uan.t. FOR RENT ' ' Older two story house with base ment ciose m, rour oearoome end bath upstairs. State Finance Co. LARGE modern 1 bed nri. ant. stove v reing. cm j-duos aner 167 S. High RMS. m 4 piey, SE, range refrlg., 845. EM 2-7520. 3 BDRM. COURTS RE-DEC, stove At ret. turn. auto, wash at dryer. fcM Z-JB4 FOR RENT: Nice 2 bdrm. hie. H9i nuge ai.. ienca yro Contact Homer's Floor Serv Ice. Plaze 3-5449, Corvallla, P. O. Box 812. BEDRM. i stove, ant. Nice Yard. i Tn ALL PRIV. 3 rm. furn. Laundry rncu. a.u.Po. r-M i- ww fiwni'.n nvv Mim't: newlv dec. nicely rurn. a rm. api. wun bath. $35. 770 S. Com'!. EM 4-lwi: CLEAN 3 rm. fum. apt., grd fir., pvt. eni. a. win. RM. furn., bath, gr. fir., TV ant. BBS aaginaw. NEAR Capitol. Furn. 3 rms. k bath. 330 fa. yn. f.w i-iiw. rilHN. 1 bdrm. SDt.. newly re- dec. Honywoa nisi., iw mo. Contact mgr. 2044 N. uapjioi. 30. 845. 123 Gerth. EM 4-5072! CLEAN turn. Oouglaj Apt. 355 S. llth. fcM 3-umb or -U10J. FURN. Apts. $30 k up. 2 or 3 rm. newiy re-oec, crow ui, utll. Inc'l. Ph. EM 2-1870. 3 RM. 705 N. furn. apt. Newly dec, Liberty EM 2-6047. UNFURN. 1 bdrm. Court Apt close tn. sou, cm -doiw, CHEAP RENT-GOOD APT Utll.. gas range, reir. sw. Inquire jo jenenon oi 1 BDRM furn. apt 140. at 1370 CnemeKexa. v-aii tier t. wFwi.v rlep. furn. elec. heat pvt. ent, pvt. bath. EM 3 M33 morn, or nm i - CLOSE In, roomy, mod., nicely lurn. un cree. ore Hi" Adults. EM 3-4332 or EM 3-7405. Kirwi V Atn. furn. 5 rms. hsth. Court aot. T.V.. laundry nurkinff. Inn. after 5 p.m. or weekends 1348 S. 12th. CLOSE In mod. unfurn. ground fir., Apt. and small pullman Aot. EM 3 B4OT excepl sat. j-FliRN. rms.. prlv. ba'th. T. V. Antenna, near aiaie oiag, Mem. hplteL 040 Mill. BDRM. near bus. Paved st.' Garden spot. 133. EM 3-5155. unfurn. except range St refrig. BDRM.. stove, refrlg., 155. Inq. 1420 Market, EM 4-8058. BDR Suburban oil furn. BDR Partly furn . BDR K tir V acre BDR Furnished BDR Duplex nun sown nsmi, iuro. BDR Hollywood . BDR Nearly new Bench .. 30 .. 135 .. $40 . 15 ...845 .. $55 .. 875 lino EM 3-3151 CLEAN 3 Btdrm. unfurn. house. Ideally loc. 780 ti. cottege. ea EM 3045. SMALL clean 3 bdrm. house, all elec, range, water turn., gar age. 850. EM 3-7196. ; ALMOST new 2 bedrm. unfurn. house in court, mv ivcr green. EM 2-5069. FREE. 12th mo. Almost new J- bdrm. hie., auto neat, eiec. ranee, hdwd. firs., intul., auto, washer k dryer avail. 2238 Maple Ave. - 2 BDRM. house, loc. N. E. Sa lem. 148 mo. em a-saoi. N PI. SONS RENTALS 3 bdrm. uniurn. hse. W. Salem.. View, will lease .. 6i 1 bdrm. unfurn. hse. secluded Eols f Small nicely fum. hse. 2 bdrm. couple or 1 child 63 2 bdrm. unfurn. hse - 45 Small hse. country 33 Stuoio apt. ciian, auracuvv u Fum. A unfurn. 1 bdrm. lipts. . . 3S9 50 up Call DOROTHY DEAL EvS. Ph. EM 4-C632. NELSON k NELSON, RLTRS. 1500 S. Com'l. PH. EM 3-3661) 2 BDRM., attach par., $43. 2014 Hionway Ave. .m i-oie. .. bdrm. home. Control heating. dble. gar. Near school. Garden space. EM 2-3713. AVAILABLE May 3 BDRM. hse. unfurn. except wasner. aryer, garaxe. una Hazel. EM 4-6304 or EM 4-6909. 5RMS.. frpl . oil heat, close In, 160 mo. em 3-7339 gays. CLEAN 1 bdrm. hse.. 1504 s, Lancaster. FOR rent unfurn, 2 bedrm. house, near bus. 3178 N. Church. EM 2-6838. COZY 1 bdrm. hse. fenced yd. En jlewood, Inq. 1710 N. 17th. 3 BDRM. house, nr. bus, shop ping center, sao. w aim. SBURBAN No. Clean 2 Mrm. house with fat. CU J Mai. V :