ec rc E: in ec 11 dl di ol N r di 0 w id ri L hi ai nr Z M Zi G Pi D N w l: E C s. B n ii 1( Page 2 Section I - HOUSTON THREATENED l Storms Still Flood Texas; Deaths at 11 DALLAS OP Hail and thunderstorms battered storm-weary Texas from the Panhandle to the Rio Grande yesterday threat ening new floods. The rains continued today west Texas. Two persons drowned at Dallas yesterday and a Mexican couple were killed by lightning at Nuevo Laredo, across the Rio Grande from Laredo. Olheri Die In Wrecks At least 11 drownings have',.. : : ,,, been blamed on the floods since the violent weather started April 18. Several other deaths, incliid- ing traffic accidents on slick high ways or washed out bridges, have been attributed to the weather. The surging Trinity River in the Houston area. The Trinity passed the 26-foot mark yesterday Merritt-C&S Gets Colorado Dam Contract WASHINGTON (UP) The Interior Department today an nounced award of a $107,955,522 contract for construction of Glen Canyon Dam on the Colorado Riv er in Arizona. The 700-foot high dam will be the second highest in the Western Hemisphere, exceeded only by the 726-foot Hoover Dam. The contract went to Merritt Chapman & Scott Corp., New York City. The contract was described as the "largest single contract of rec ord" for construction of a dam. It allows about seven years to build a huge concrete arch dam. which will create a reservoir of 4B AAA AAA lAAt nananit.. In - lake stretch.!. 16 miles up'stream j .1,. ruw n;. r-r-i ITt.k anH 71 mil, nn Ih.. S.n Ti an Rii-r ; The dam will be located 16 miles above the dividing point between the upper and lower Colorado ba sins at Lees Ferry. It is designed as the chief control structure for the Upper Colorado Basin. It will have eight 112.500 kilo watt capacity generators in a powerhouse at the toe of the struc ture; Total capacity will be 900,000 kilowatts. - ' - A total of 4.770,000 cubic yards of concrete will be poured into the vast new dam, a volume exceeded only by Grand Coulee Dam on the Columbia River in Washington and Shasta Dam on the Sacramento River in California. Announcement that the contract had been authorized was made by Assistant Secretary of Interior Fred G. Aandahl. threatened to spill over its banks!;" the state the past 10 days. A 35 Tried for Looting Mussolini's Fortune PADUA, Italy (UP- - Thirty-, five persons, most of them for-1 mer Communist guerrillas, went on trial here today on charges of murder, looting and embenlcmcnt arisine, from the theft of Benito Mussolini's 1900,000 fortune. Only 34 defendants were present In court. The 35th, Communist legislator Dante Go r r e r 1, has been a fugitive from justice for four years. The trial is expected to last four to five months. More than 300 witnesses are scheduled to appear, including Mussolini's wid ow, three of their children and the sister of his murdered mistress. The Fascist dictator and his mistress, Claretta Peiacci. were killed in nearby Dongo 12 years Sunday by Red guerrillas who ambushed the German convoy that vas trying to smuggle them out of the country. No one is certain what became of the "Dongo treasure 1 some $61,000 worth of gold and more NOW PLAYING! In a fw wt1 chosen wordi.,, IT'S TERRIFIC! Judy Richard HOLIM'CMTl SOW YOU SEE IT NOW YOU'RE DEAD "PHANTOM STAGE.. COACH" . , tMmncctie' along the Gulf and in south and . . at Liberty. Tex., 40 miles north west of Houston, two feet above flood stage. It was expected to reach 28 feet before it slops rising, which may flood residential areas in Liberty. I surroudj Housl(jn iei wjthin tht, mxl ,w0 , 1 days. The Department of Public Safe ty said nine major rivers were fjooding after the torrential rains total of 68 highways were closed and hundreds of bridges were washed out. Six Feet Above Flood Stage The Sabine River on the east ern boundary of the state has been six feet above flood stage in its upper branches near Mineola and Gladewater and another six foot rise was expected early this week. j The swollen Colorado was ex-! pected to crest at 32 to 35 feet at Wharton and Bay City today. The crest at Wharton would be higher than the flood of June 1941. Flood warnings were issued for Gonzales. Cuero and Meyersvilte in central south Texas as the Guadalupe continued to rise. The Nueces and Frio rivers, also in south Texas, flooded lowlands along their banks. The Rio Grande, Pecos and Devils River were being watched closely in the junction area. Streams feeding into the Rio Grande have washed out railroad tracks and highways in the Laredo area along the Mexican border. Boy Swept Off .Spillway The body of David Jones, 10. was found on White Rock Creek yesterday in Dallas. He was J Zt !l'ife Uke' ,pi,I"ay Sat unlay night. . B U r ! 1 .Goodwi?- 22, drowned yesterday in the Trinity He was swept into the river as dozens watched in horror. C. R. Seymour of Ropesville has been missing on I-ke Diversion, near Wichita Falls, since last Fri day. , Rains up to 4'4 inches were re ported yesterday in central Texas on the Colorado and Guadalupe Kiver watersheds. Hailstones up to the size of coif balls piled up nine inches deep at Clarendon after a storm yester day. At one time WRter ran seven feet deep across U. S. 287 west of Clarendon. Hains up to 6 inches were reported in the Panhandle. Flood damage along the Trinity and Brazos rivers alone already amounts to more than 15 million dollars, according to an estimate by Army Engineers. than WOO.OOO in Italian. British, Spanish and Swiss currency that Mussolini was carrying with him. A number of persons who ap parently "knew loo much" about the theft have been murdered in the years since the Mussolini for tune vanished. New York City has a new Mu seum of Primitive Art which ex hibits accomplishments of native civilizations n the Americas, Afri ca. Oceania and early phases of 'Asia and Europo. Woodburn Drive-In Opens 6:45 Slirts 7:15 Olivia DcHimlanrt "IHt AMBASSADOR'S DAUGHTER" IM.l'S "23 PACES 10 BAKES STREET" Van Johnson "Tuesday Ii Burk a l ar Night' NOW PIAYINGI 50c Anytime Kids 30c . u Th.UL.tnn FULLER '.' STORY" MUCH UKJMO SSl 101U untKi ajU-Mk-M- w p L U s Forrest Tucktr Starring In a new type suspense thriller "WETBACKS" PORTLAND, Ore. Gov. G. Mennen Williams of Michigan (center) was greeted by Oregon Gov. Robert Holmes (right), -and Rep. Porter (D.-Ore.) (left), when he arrived at the Portland airport yesterday. Deliver the Goods, 'Soapy' Tells Demos PORTLAND (UP) Gov. G Mennen William of Michigan told Multnomah county Democrats Sun day that achievement of power by their party demanded also the assumption of responsibility. The youthful governor, who has been mentioned as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for President in 1900, highly praised Oregon Democrats, for the "tre mendous job" they have done in recent years. "Now you have to deliver the goods," Williams said. "The peo ple should have a larger slice of the good things in life." Williams lauded Sen. Wayne Morse as a man "we all have HIGH COP RUMOR 5 Said About to Quit Ike WASHINGTON (UP) - Five members of President Eisenhow er's cabinet may resign soon, ac cording to informed GOP circles. Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson and Treasury Secretary George M. Humphrey, previously have been reported ready to re turn to private life. The GOP circles said the three other cabinet members who may Low out soon are Secretary of State John Foster Dulles. Secre tary of Commerce Sinclair Weeks and Postmaster General Arthur E. Summerficld. Wilson and Humphrey were ex pected to stay on until after the outcome of the congressional fights over appropriations, defense and taxes. Wilson's resignation has been rumored, and denied, for months. Reports that Humphrey is leav ing sprang up again last week and the Treasury secretary himself dropped a strong hint that he plans to resign soon. Humphrey said it was well known that he MOTOR-VU Dallai Marilvn Munroe, Don Murray ' BUS STOP" Cinemascope SECOND FEATURE Van Johnson. Vera Miles in "2) PACES TO BAKER STREET" I'.tit'iiU'iCOf'e I'AKTOONS mum PIAYING TONITEI AUDRFY Hepburn vjlsTAiRfi famtjj Bice Anthony Terkins "FEAR STRIKES OUT" Michigan Governor Greeted tremendous confidence in Williams spoke in Medford Sat urday night at the annual Roose velt Memorial dinner. He said the Democratic party must "recognize the new chal lenges and meet them with new ideas. That is what Franklin Roosevelt would be doing if he were with us today." SAN FRANCISCO JH Michi gan's Democratic Gov. G. Mennen Williams, in California for a two day series of speeches, said he was "tired of Eisenhower normal cy and drifting." Williams told reporters 'the people want to start doing things" Cabinet had "been in the cabinet much longer than I originally planned. ' Three names have been men tioned as possible replacements for Humphrey. They are Robert B. Anderson, a Texas Kisenhower Democrat and former deputy de fense secretary: Undersecretary of Treasury W. Randolph Burgess. 1 1 ana Lewis . Douglas, lormer-g ,mW,,Hn. In Britain .nn nnn. ' time budget director under Presi-' dent Franklin D Roosevelt. ;g Should Dulles leave. I ndorsee-; retary of State Christian A. Her-; ter, former governor of Massachu setts, would be a likelv successor. : H I Empress Eugenie made popular 3 the use of mascara, a fad quickly -.8 spread to social gatherings of belles in such United States cities as Newport and Saratoga. irlsinTriWn OPiN 4 45 I 3 ' I ntLU UVtK g . ;!nv Vs.1, C ' II MOM s Ccmedj CrCKme! I J JviflL f xtVV , GREGORY PECK si V '-i r LAUREN BACALL J 1 g ' s . ) f I 'DESIGNING WOMAlTi j ''l V ' A VWjf. 'JJV doloreYgray 1 1 ( rSt V j (ntiuiitn I -fltKkM iJWf' ' ' :''mj" SHOW AT DUSK 1 WORLD'S GRtATEST NOVEL H 3 FRFD f UlililJZ) 1 r.... iZ.- s it. .. -BWgWl- I I 4o THE CAPITAL JOURNAE Williams spoke at the annual Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial dinner at Medford, Ore., Saturday night and in Portland Sun day. (AP Wirephoto) , as he arrived by airplane Sunday night from Portland. "I think the people want some thing done about the big money items in all state budgets high ways, education and mental health. "The Democrats," he continued, "are the ones who have the pro grams on these problems and stick to them because they want to give all the people a belter life." Williams said "the administra tion's foreign policy depends on who's talking. Eisenhower says one thing, Dulles another, and your own Sen. Know I and tR CaliO has his own ideas. "What is needed Is a general review of the world situation to evolve some way for the nations of the earth to build economic and political stability. A firm basis for peace must include a policy of justice and self-determination of peoples an item on which Secretary of State Dulles has been vacillating,'1 he declared. rr 7 ' V B" IT ;s ( w r-r Open Monday and Friday Nights Till 9 P.M. "Free Gift Wrapping" Kennedy Says Probe Unit Can Prove $320,000 Theft by Beck By HERBERT FOSTER United Press Staff Correspondent "WASHINGTON (UP)-The Sen ate Rackets Committee has a "good deal more" -information on Teamster Union chief Dave Beck, committee counsel Robert . Ken nedy said Sunday night. Kennedy also Expressed confi dence the committee could prove that Beck stole (320.000 in Team ster funds. Kennedy, appearing on the NBC- TV program "Meel The Press," was asked if the committee could "prove in a court of law" its ac-l End of F h, 'fcfTif FT; U 4, KITTERY, Maine Stolen station wagon hangs suspended in air ,after ramming into i post following a hundred mile-an-hour chase for IS miles. Lionel ' Palardis of Chicopee Falls, Mass., 17, who police say was driving the stolen vehicle was serious- Si cusation'that Beck "took" W20.000 in Teamster funds for his own "I think that without question we could prove that Mr. Beck stole the $320,000," replied Ken nedy. Lot More Information He said the committee has a lot more information on Beck than disclosed in previous hearings and said the Teamster chief will be given "an opportunity to come in and refute" the data "if he wants to Kennedy said the new matter 100 - Mile - an - Hour Chase i Sram Abw! on 'Wrtee Sne" Jan . Buy three 5 piece place settings of famous FRANCISCAN fine CHINA and receive a fourth place setting FREE! Choose from our wide assortment of nationally advertised Franciscan fine China patterns. These are America's mosf "BUY 3 I get ON OUR 5 PIECE SETTINGS ONE FREE BUDGET buy 6 get ' pLAN 5 PIECE SETTINGS TWO FREE BUY 9 get You Poy oi 5 PIECE SETTINGS THREE FREE LOOwUk BUY 12 GET 5 PIECE SETTINGS FOUR FREE CKtr a Krrr mci ir Salem, Oregon, 1 involves companies in which Beck "had a financial interest thai nave dealings wnn mc cam Sters Unioi.." He said the "infor mation that we will develop" will be of interest to the AFL - CIO Ethical Practices Committee, which is already considering Beck's case, as weli as to the la bor movement as a whole and the public. The rackets committee sched uled a public hearing this after noon to give Earl P. Bettendorf, a Texarkana, Tex., businessman, a chance to explain why he was not indicted along with two Team- lv injured in the crash at the Interstate Highway Toll station early today. State Police. say Palardis is an escapee from the Maine State School for Boys at South Port land. (AP Wirephoto) wanted fine China patterns, and with every three place settings purchased you get a fourth place setting free, LIMITED OFFER. Good thru May 11th. Monday, April 29, 1957 ster Union leaders accused of a cepting money from him. Texan Not Indicted Bettendorf asked to appear after committee chairman John L. Mo Clellan ID-Ark.) said the commit tee would ask the Justice Depart ment why the Texan was not in dicted. Teamster Union business agents Joseph McHugh and Rob ert Malloy of Scranton, Pa., art under federal indictment for ex torting $4,200 from Bettendorf. The committee pressed a search for four long-missing witnesses in its investigation of Beck and his Teamster Union. They are Beck's son, two of Beck's wife's rela tives and a Teamster Union audi tor. Kennedy said the son and two relatives are wanted for question ing because they hold "prominent roles in certain companies that have had financial dealings" with the Teamsters. MRS. SWEET'S POTATOES ST. LOUIS, Mo. (UP) - Mrs. Dee Sweet's potatoes the Maim variety should bring her close to $600 during the coming year. Mrs. Sweet, an Indianapolis telecaster. won an acre of the New England spuds at a conven tion of women broadcasters Sun day. CAUSE AND EFFECT SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (UP) A mass meeting of citizens called to protest poor drainage that last week caused flash floods had to be postponed Sunday. The reason: More flash floods. LAST DAY SATURDAY! 2 fox wt met Of J - PIUS A PENNY . PERRY'S REXALL DRUG STORE 129 South Commercial Street I nrrfts tu us sw