Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 29, 1957, Page 1, Image 1

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    Capital jLJournal
tonight, partly cloudy and cooler,
Tuesday, few showers or thunder
showers possible Tuesday afternoon
r evening. Low tonight, 41; high
24 Pages
69 th Year, No. 100
Salem, Oregon; Monday, April 29, 1957
matter a
Toll at 5
Boats Line-River: in Sunday Sunshine
Tax Vote
enarr -"- lers rr edict
Harder-Than-Ever Drive
In House
3 Fishermen Die;
Willamina Boy
Fall Victim
Five persons drowned in
Oregon during the week
end as the state basked in
the warmest weather of
the season. Three of the victims
were fishermen, making a total of
four fatalities since opening of the
trout season Saturday.
Four of the drownings occurred
Sunday as the thermometer hit
the 80's throughout most of the
Washed Into Sea
The other drowning was Satur
day when Henry Nielson ot Sea
side was washed off a dill near
Cannon Beach while fishing. Fred
S Carlson of Beaverton reported
the accident to police. He said he
and his 9-ycar-old son saw a wave
hit Nielson and wash him into the
ocean but they were powerless to
holn the victim.
.Icrald Anderson, a 16-year-old
Willamina high school student,
fell 75 feet to his death over a
cliff Saturday while on a fishing
trio to the Nestucca river. Ander
son apparently slipped on some
rocks and fell over the cliff about
six miles east of Blaine in Tilla
mook county.
Ivan Haddix, 39, Coquille, and
Henry Jeske, 56, Eugene, drowned
Sunday in fishing accidents. Other
victims Sunday were John Rath
man, 13, Troutdale, and Larry
McDonald, 16, Sandy.
' Thousands Outdoors
Thousands of persons headed for
the mountains and beaches Sun
day as the temperatures shot into
the 80's. Roseburg was the warm
est spot with 88.
Haddix drowned in Siltcoos lake
when his boat overturned. A fish
ing partner. Walter Combs, ' also
of Coquille, clung to the boat and
drifted to shore about an hour
after the accident.
Jeske was lost when a boat cap
sized in Lookout Point reservoir
near Lowell. Jeske's wife, Lillian;
Joseph P. Richards, operator of
the boat, and Richards daughter,
Patricia, escaped.
Young Rathman drowned when
he fell into a deep hole in the
Sandy river near Troutdale.
McDonald was drowned when he
(lipped off a log raft in a pond.
His companion, Dave Harrington,
17, dove in after him but was un
able to hang on to the McDonald
Senate Racket
w r I-, fwa n.,,1
Doors Closed
rackets probers, in a sudden
swncn oi pians, Monday oracrea
the doors closed on its session
with an Arkansas manufacturer
who wanted to explain his alleged
payoffs to two union officials.
Earl P. Bettendorf of Toxar
kana, Tex., who operates a ware
house pallet manufacturing plant
at Ashdown. Ark., demanded and
got the special hearing to tell
, ahout what he Insisted were
"forced" payments.
He contended "injustice" had
been done him by some senatorial
remarks about the alleged payoffs
during the subcommittee's recent
public hearings on labor violence
,jn Scranlon, Pa.
The committee originally had
announced it would take his testi
mony at a public hearing, but
about an hour before the meeting
time it released a statement that
"a problem has arisen" making
it advisable to hear him behind
closed doors "at least at the
start." There was no further ex
planation. '
College Youth
May Be Shark
Attack Victim
The Coast Guard resumed its
search today for the body of a
25-year- old college student be
lieved the victim of a shark attack
while swimming with a companion
in Morro Bay.
The victim was identified as
Peter Savino. son of Dominic Sa
vino, Brooklyn, N.Y. His compan
ion. Daniel Hogan, 22, a fellow
student at the California Polytech
nic Institute here, told Coast
Guard officials he was helping
Savino reach shore against a
strong tide Sunday when the water
started churning.
Hogan said Savino cried in pain,
"Something hit me. . . help! . . .
Hogan said Savino held up a
bloody arm after being hit. He
said he and Savino then frantical
ly started swimming for shore
again. Hogan reached safety but
his companion disappeared.
said, "I looked around and Savino
vu gone.
,? ' v'v
. Warm weather turned the Willamette
River into a highway for boats Sunday as
the hottest day of 1957 lured sportsmen to
the water., A group of Salem Yacht and
Outdoors Beckons
As Old Sol Beams
Sunburn elow or a brand new
ion Monday in the Salem and
have either you definitely are out
Strauss Calls
Army Reactor
Tool of Peace
FT. BELVOIR, Va. Wl Chair
man Lewis L. Strauss of the
Atomic Energy Commission said
Monday a new Army package
reactor is "essentially an instru
ment of peaceful progress."
Strauss said the reactor is "as
surely a part of President Eisen
hower's concept of 'atoms for
peace'. are the isotopes from
our atomic reactors which are
today combatting man s diseases
and suffering, improving the
fcrtiliiv of our fields and the
products of our factories, and
pointing the way to new discov
eries." The AEC chief's spceth was
prepared for a ceremony dedicat
ing the new reactor at this Army
Engineer Corps center.
Strauss said development ot the
package reactor "means that the
armed forces will have compact.
efficient and readily-transportable
power plants for remote out
In another speech prepared for
the same ceremony, Secretary of
the Army Brucker said that "by
materially lightening the burden'
on the Army's supply system, such
plants "will render our farflung
operations much less vulnerable
to enemy action.
Winning Over
North Natives
JUNEAU, Alaska (UP) De
partment of Justice authorities
reported here today of increased
"witchcraft" activity in the native
village of Tlingit 60 miles south
of Juneau.
A U.S. Public Health Service
doctor and nurse flew to the vil
lage to combat an epidemic of
virus disease which the natives
believe was c a u s ed by the
"witches." The disease has infect
ed children in the village whose
ciders have been upset the past
week over alleged witchcraft
The Department of Justice au
thorities reported many new "be
lievers" in witchcraft were won
over when the disease struck.
They said the village "witches"
had predicted the illness would
At one time, a belief in witch
craft was part of the cultural
pattern of the Tlingits.
Dollars Pried Off
Walls by Thieves
Burglars pried 423 silver dollars
from the bar and walls of the
I Silver Dollar Tavern here over
the weekend. The dollars had been
attached as ornaments.
Boat Club members took a tour up river
where they beached here at Hayden Island
near Eola for a picnic. (Capital Journal
coat of tan are all the fash
valley area, and if you do not
oi step. .
9 This is all so following the warm
est days of the season to date,
Sunday and Monday, when every
one who could poured outside to
drink in plenty ot the sunshine
prevailing both days.
Sunday was the warmest day
Salem since last September 6,
the mercury shooting up to 85 de
grees. But the maximum for MOT'
day is due to be slightly higher,
around 87. -
It was not only a Sunday for
out-on-the-hichway drivnig, but
many enjoyed the day boating on
the Willamette, working in the
garden, or taking off to mountains,
beach and picnic areas.
Salem's maximum Sunday was
topped only by Mcdtord with 87
and Roseburg with 88.
There's a bit of gloom, however.
The weather bureau calls for in
creasing cloudiness late tonight
with a few showers or thunder
showers possible by Tuesday after
noon or evening.
Five-day forecast is for cooler
temperatures, averaging below
normal for the season, and, rain
to be more than normal.
Antarctic Ore
Find Revealed
NEW YORK m The New
York Times said Monday a small
vein of high-grade manganese ore
has been found near a U.S.
science outpost on . the coast of
Times . correspondent Walter
Sullivan brought back several
specimens . of the ore from a
recent trip to tne frozen continent
at the bottom of the world. A
geologist here identified the ore.
Sullivan said he found the ore
on a vein of dark, metallic-looking
rock on a ridge near the U.S.
base in Wiles Land. The base,
established earlier this year, is
in that part of Antarctica south
of the Indian Ocean.
Girard College Can't
preme Court ruled unanimously
Monday that Negroes may not be
excluded from Philadelphia's Gi
rard College so long as public of
ficials administer the will which
created the school for poor white
orphan boys.
Stephen Girard, who died in
1831, directed the city in his will
to establish and operate the col
lege, with admission limited to
poor white orphan boys
The high tribunal said that the
Board of Directors of City Trust
of Philadelphia, which adminis
ters Girard College, "is an agency
of the state of Pennsylvania.
Therefore, the court said, "even
though the board was acting as -a
trustee, its refusal to admit . . .
two Negro boys ... to the col-
lege because they were Negroes
was discrimination .by the state.
Meany Balks
Beck Bid for
President George Meany Monday
rejected a proposal-by Dave- Beck,
Teamsters Union president, for
negotiations on Beck's ouster as
an AFL-CIO officer in advance
of a May 20 hearing on corrup
tion charges.
Beck on April 18 asked Meany
to name a five-man committee of
AFL-CIO Executive Council mem
bers to confer, with another five-
man group named by Beck "for
the purpose of discussing my sus
pension." .
Meany replied Monday that he
would not name such a group but
would convey Beck's request to
the 28-member AFL-CIO Council
for such action as it desires at
the May 20 Council meeting.
Meany noted Beck will have a
full, opportunity to discuss li i s
case at that time if he shows up.
Trio Trapped
Overnight on
Coast Rocks
OCEANLAKE 11 A woman
and two men made their wav to
safety early Monday alter being!
rapped on rocks olf shore near
here overnight.
The Coast Guard at nearby
Depoe Bay reported that Charles
Oxley, 23, and his wife, Caroline,
of Cornelius, and Harry Keller,
69, Hillsboro, were able to walk
around the edge of a cliff when
the tide went out about 4 a.m. A
spokesman said they appeared to
be all right.
The three were trapped by a
rising tide Sunday evening as
they walked along the seashore.
Two teams of Coast Guardsmen
were sent from Depoe Bay about
II p.m., and for a time the possi
bility of lowering ropes to the
trio was considered.
But instead, the Coast Guard
men stood by until the tide went
out. Policeman Kenny Thies of
Oceanlake said an attempt to
bring them up the cliff was be
lieved to be too dangerous.
Highest Court Rules
Such discrimination is forbidden
by the 14th Amendment (to the
The high court then cited its
1934 decision in the public school
segregation cases.
The Pennsylvania Supreme
Court, in an opinion upholding the
win, said, it is one oi our most
fundamental legal principles that
an individual has the right to dis
pose of his own property by gift
or will as he sees fit."
The U. S. Supreme Court In Its
order Monday reversed the Penn
sylvania Supreme Court and sent
the case back to it "for further
proceeding not inconsistent with
, this opinion."
i Among Hs other actions Mon-
day the Supreme Court;
1. Ruled 6-2 that an alien or
dercd deported for Communist
I Party membership must answer
Senate; Postpones
Railway, Utility
Bills Action
Associated Press Writer
- The Oregon Legislature
opened the 16th week of
its long session Monday by
delaying action on three
Ivital pieces of legislation.
The House postponed action on
the personal income tax bill until
Monday afternoon a session.
At the same time, the Senate
postponed action until Wednesday
on bills to provide minimum rate
regulation for, railroads and to
double the property tax ratio for
utilities. ......
.Tax Vole by Tonight .-
The House was expected, to an
prove the tax program and get
it into the Senate by nightfall.
It calls for incorporating the 45
per cent surtax into the perma
nent income tax structure; boost
ing the $500 personal income tax
exemptions to $600; withholding
all income taxes from salary
checks; increasing the effective
corporation excise tax from 5.1 to
6 per cent; and increasing the
income levy on utilities from 4 to
7 per cent.
The railroad rate legislation,
supported by truck and barge
operators but opposed by the rail
roads, would give the public utili
ties commissioner authority to
regulate minimum rates of rail
roads. The PUC now has such
authority over trucks and barges.
The request for the delay was
made by Sen.' Lcandcr Quiring
(R), Hermiston, who said ho
needed more time to find out if
he had given former Sen. Lowell
Mcen R), Mllton-Frecwater,
pledge that he would approve the
bill. The motion to delay" was
approved, 20-10.
( . Votes Traded .
Quiring was appointed to suc
ceed Steen ?at .the-. start of the
current Legislature.
There were indications, how
ever, that some senators had
traded votes on that bill with
senators involved in the fight over
the variable ratio bill.
The variable ratio bill would
grant a $2,000 property tax ox
emption on homes occupied by the
owner, and tax utilities at double
the rate on other classes of
. After postponement of the mini
mum rate bill, sen. Walter .1.
Pearson (D), Portland, moved to
delay the action on the variable
ratio bill until Wednesday after
noon, or after the minimum rate
bill is considered. His motion car
ried by a voice vote.
Speaker Pat Dooley said the
House should be through with its
business in about 10 days. The
question on final adjournment
rests with the Senate, which has
n't even had a look at the House
tax program yet.
The session is certain to set a
new record for length. Monday
was the 106th day, and the longest
session on record was the 116-day
meeting of 1951.
Byrd Assails
Tax Writeoff
Harry F. Byrd (D-Va.) said today
the administration's grant of a
$29,250,000 tax write-off to the'
Idaho Power Co. is "utterly inde
fensible." He said the Senate Finance
Committee, which he heads, may
try to cancel the wnle-olf on a
retroactive basis.".
Other congressional Democrats
protested the move, charging that
it was a "subsidy" to Idaho Power
to develop power resources in
Hells Canyon.
Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore.),
leader in the losing battle for
federal Hells Canyon dam, called
it a "shocking betrayal of public
only questions "reasonably calcu
atrd to keep me atiorney gen
eral informed about his availabil
ity (or removal from the United
2. Refused a hearing to Leslie
Irvin. who Is under death sen
tence in Indiana for the slaying
of Weslev Kerr. Irvin. known
Indiana as "Mad Dog Killer" Ir
vin, was accused of killing a to
tal of six persons in the r.vans'
ville area.
3. Granted comedian Jack Ben
ny a review of a lower court or
der barring use of a filmed paro
dy on the copyrighted motion pic
ture "Gaslight." The U.S. District
Court in Los Angeles banned its
use on the ground that a parody
of burlesque must be treated no
diflerently from an ordinary ap
propriation of copyrighted mate
To Trim Federal Budget
Johnson Says He's Never Seen
Such Demands Among People
For Government Savings
and Republican leaders said Monday that 10 days
with the voters at home have stiffened congressmen's
determination to cut President Eisenhower's spending
budget. f
Sen. Johnson of Texas, the Dem
ocratic leader, said that "never in
my public career have I seen such
strong demands (or economy in
Johnson returned Sunday from
an Easter vacation spent in part
in touring Texas.
'Knowland Agrees
Sen. Knowland of California, the
Republican leader, said that in
talks with members who have re
turned from their home states he
has found "no dimunition in inter
est in the country in the desire
for economy."
Knowland made brief trips dur
ing the vacation period to Califor
nia and to Florida.
Johnson said he found "consid
erable concern" among the people
about business conditions. He said
the recent "bite" of income tax
payments has strengthened, de
mands for slashing Eisenhower's
$71,800,000,000 budget.
As chairman of an appropria
tions subcommittee which will be
gin hearings Tuesday on the State
Department's money bill, Johnson
said Eisenhower's plea for restora
tion of 47 million dollars cut off
that department's funds by the
House will be given "careful con
Cold Water en Hopes
Johnson said the Senate will get
down to work on money bills in
May, with prospects that it .-may
act finally on a half a dozen of
the measures the House already
has cut.
The statements of the two party
leaders, made to reporters as the
Senate was convening, threw cold
water on the hopes of Eisenhow
ers advisers that Congress budg
et cutting ardor might have cooled
after 10 days of visits at home
with the voters.
Schrunk Tells
Of His Orders
To Copy Tapes
Terry D. Schrunk testified today
that he ordered copies made of
seized tape recordings because he
decided they were important.
Schrunk testified as a govern
ment witness in tho federal wire
tap trial of racketeer James B.
hlkins employe, Raymond Clark.
The mayor, who is under state
indictment for conspiracy to ob
tain wiretaps, said he put the
recordings in his safe when they
were delivered to him by Deputy
Sheriff George Miniclly.
About an hour later, Schrunk,
who was then sheriff, testified,
'there was so much concern
about the tapes and so much traf
fic around the place at the time
of the raid that I decided they
were important."
He said he decided to "preserve
the evidence by making copies of
the tapes as soon as possible and
storing them in a safe place."
The tapes later were seized by
the government and are the basis
of the indictment against Elkins
and Clark.
Schrunk decided to testify in
spite of a Circuit Court order.
Mediation Not
U. S.-Proposed
Slate Department has. not offered
to mediate a dispute between
Honduras and Nicaragua, depart
ment officials said Monday.
iney made the comment on t
press report quoting an official
Ilonduran communique as saying
"the government has rejected Ihe
'mediation) suggestion offered by
the U.S. State Department, the
organization of Central American
states, and the foreign ministries
of Guatemala, Costa Rica and Kl
Sen. McCarthy
'Seriously 111'
Carthy (R-Wis) was reported
Monday to be in serious con
dition in the nearby Bcthesda
Md.. Naval Hospital.
A hospital spokesman said Mc
Carthy entered the institution Sun
day with "acute hepatitis 'inflam
mation of tne liver) and his con
dition is onsiderci serious."
The Senates Democratic
Captured After
Police Chase
16-Year-Oids Taken at
The Dalles After
Shots Fired
Three escapees from MacLarcn
School for Boys at Woodburn were
captured in a gunshot-punctuated
chaso in The Dalles Sunday night.
The trio, all 16 years old, es
caped Saturday and stole a car
in Oregon City, according to The
Dalles police. They were in the
stolen car when officers saw it
approaching the city and attempt
ed to stop it. A warning shot was
fired into the air as officers gave
chase and then two shots were
sent into the fleeing car.
None of the boys were reported
injured by the gunfire. They were
identified ns Konnld Diclntio,
Tigard; Robert . Mayficld, Jr.,
Klamath Falls; and Dnrrcl J. Wil
son, Cave Junction, iney wcro
charged with auto theft. ,
The- boys- apparently stole- a
Willys station wagon in Hubbard
and drove it to Oregon City before
stealing the car in which they were
captured, police said. The station
wagon belonging to Martin Sum
mons, Sherwood, was recovered
in Oregon City after its theft from
Berry Men to
Settle Picking
Price May 24
No definite agreement will be
made on the price to be paid
strawberry pickers until May 24,
according to Marvin Van Cleave,
president of tho Oregon Straw
berry Council,
Van Cleave said a feeler meet
ing was held at Forest Grove Fri
day night but that the price would
not he set until a meeting Is held
at McMinnvillc May 24.
"We can't tell about the pick
ing price until after the market
crop report is issued by I he De
partment of Agriculture May 10.
Van Cleave said. This report will
give the strawberry acreage and
the estimate of berries that might
be killed by the frost.
' Van Cleave noted that the price
was expected to be down, but
there was nothing definite.
Picking will start the last week
of May or the first week of June.
Last year pickers were paid four
and a half cents 8 pound with a
half cent bonus If they stayed
through the season.
Weather Details
Maximum yesterday, S3; minimum to
day, 48. Toul 24-hour prerlpltallon,
0; for month, 1.95: nnrmiil, 2.2K. sea
son precipitation,; normal, 3.vim.
Rivr-r hr-lKht, -.4 of a fool, tllcporl by
U. 8. Wralher Hureaii.)
Nixon Lauds Budget
In Chamber Speech
ident Nixon described the scale
of federal spending as necessary
nd sound in a speech Monday
to tho U.S. Chamber of Commerce
one of the severest critics of
President Eisenhower's 71 billion
dollars-plus budget.
Nixon told 3.000 delegates and
guests at the Chambers' 45th an
nual meeting that the President
has given them tho biggest tax
cut in history and Is pressing ef
forts to make new savings.
Reminding the businessmen that
about GO per cent of the budget
reflects national security outlays,
Nixon said:
"I know you will agree that we
should never risk our freedom and
security in shortsighted attempts
to cut costs today
Similarly, Nixon said there had
been "loose talk to the effect that
t h e national administration is
gleefully giving away four billion
dollars of tho taxpayers money
It usacswving: foreigners." ,
Hussein Sews Up
King Saud Loya Ity
AMMAN W) King Hussein returned to Jordan Monday
after a surprise flying visit to Saudi Arabia's King Saud.
Apparently the young monarch wanted to find out what
was said in his neighbor's conference Saturday with leaden
of Egypt and Syria, and to patch up any crack the Syrian and
Egyptian visitors might have opened between him and Saud.
Before taking off for Riyadh
Sunday, Hussein rejected a pro
posal for diplomatic relations with
the soviet union, ine young ruier
has blamed his country's current
troubles on international commu
nism, aided by Egyptian propa
ganda, and security forces have
been busy rounding up Commu
nist elements.
Almost a holiday mood pre
ailed in Amman as the curfew
was lifted for eight hours, the
longest out-of-doors period since
the restriction and martial law
were ordered last Thursday. The
government announced the curfew
would be raised enureiy it cairn
Youth's Suicide Try 1
Fails in Salem Jail
A lovelorn Portland youth tried to kill himself in the Salem
city jail early Sunday morning.
The life of the 19-year-old was spared, however, Decausa
an officer decidpd to investigate strange sounds coming from
the jail, He found the youth hang-T
ing with his belt looped around his
neck: and around tho screening
over a lighf fixture, his feet about
four inches off the floor.
The young man was lilted down
and Salem first aidmcn called.
They said he was apparently un
harmed. '
Officers said he was arrested
about - 3:45 a.m. Sunday on a
charge of being drunk on a public
street-. At the jail, he was cry
ing and repeatedly stated that he
didn't care what happened to him,
officers said, lie told them that
he and his girl friend had broken
Ho -was booked and placed in a
cell. It was ahout 45 minutes
later when an officer heard the
unusual sounds and investigated.
The youth was placed in another
cell minus his clothes and with
only a mattress on the bed.
His father was then called and
came down from Portland to post
bail and take the youth back with
Jets Checking
All Unknowns,
Says Chidlaw
WASHINGTON W The retired
chief of the Air Defense Command
said Monday that since the Middle
East fighting, every unknown air
craft over this country is double-
checked by interceptor planes.
Retired Air Force Gen. Benja
min W. Chidlaw said this is done
"to make doubly sure that Amer
ica is not under surveillance or
Writing In Planes, publication
ni" the Aircraft Industries Assn.,
Chidlaw said Air Defense inter
ceptors averaged 15 lo IB "scram
bles" a day during February
The Vice President was roundly
aDnlauded although, the U. S
Chamber has waged a nationwide
campaign to muster support for
cuts in the $7l,ROO,ooo.ooi nuagei
proposed for fiscal 1958, begin
ning July 1.
From Postmaster deneral hum
n.orfield. the delegates heard a
new call for Congress to raise
postal rates.
We should promptly adopt a
long-range fiscal policy that the
Post Olfice should operate on a
substantially break-even basis.
Summcrficld said. He also told
the businessmen that unless Post
Office facilities arc modernized
"we face a gradual breakdown in
mail service as the volume con
tinues to increase
Sen. Kennedy (D-Mass) said in
a speech that foreign aid "is not
the grand economic handout that
some envision." and that meat-ax
slashing of tho President's pro
posals in this field could "cost,
not save, the taxpayers money,"
Streets were jammed with traf
fic and stores packed with shop
pers laying in supplies for the an
nual feast at the end of the month
marking the end of the Moslem
holy month of Ramadan. The
crowds showed no signs of ten
sion, and strong troop patrols
were almost the only evidence of
the bitter struggle between the
King and the leftists, Communists
and extreme Arab nationalists.
Immediately on his return, the
King went into conference at hi
palace with leading government
: ' .
'Brave' Jordan -Given
U.S. Aid
AMMAN (fl American Ana
bassador Lester M a 1 1 o r y an
nounced Monday the United States
is prepared to grant Jordan 10
million dollars in aid.
An embassy statement said: "
"Recognizing the brave steps
taken by His Majesty King Hus
sein and the government and peo
ple of Jordan to maintain the in:
tcgrlty and independence of their
nation and desiring to lend sup-'
port to their objectives, the U;,S.
government, announced ; Monday
that it is prepared promptly to
provide His Majesty's government
with 10 million dollars in econom
ic aid funds to assist in economic
development and the maintenance
of political stability In the Hashe
mito kingdom ot Jordan. ,
"The U.S. government under
takes to maintain a continuing re
view of Jordan problems in co
operation with His Majesty's gov
ernment to determine what furth.
if steps may be required.
Eden Exits From
Boston Hospital
BOSTON m Sir Anthony
Eden, pale but chipper, left New
England Baptist Hospital Monday
for a week's convalescence in
nearby Milton 16 days after a bile
djUct surgery.
The 59-year-old former British
prime minister will fly to Ottawa
May 6 lor further rest, .
INews in Brief
Monday, April 2, 1957
Kennedy Claims Proof
Beck Stole $320,000. ..Sec. 1, P. 1
Rains. Floods Grow
Worse in Texas Sec. 1, P. 1
Home Show Draws
Record Crowd Sec. 2, P. 1
4 Youths Involved in
Assaults Sec. 1, P. 8
5 Drown in Oregon ' j
Over Weekend Sec. l.P. l
Nicaragua, Honduras in
Border Squabble Sec.l, P. 1
Senators Depart for 'J
Lewiston Series Sec. 4, P. 1
Casper Wins Derby Golf
Tourney See. 4, P. J
Amusements Sec.l.P.J
Editorials SecU,P,4
Locals ..Sccl.P.S
Sop. 1. P. 1
Society ....Sec.3,P. 1,2, J
Comics Sec. 3, P. 8
Television Sec. 3, P,7
Want Ads .....Sec.4,P.34
Markets -'Y Soi.jpi-
Dorothy Dix .....,M.$e$.t j
Crossword Puzzle)