Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 27, 1957, Page 9, Image 9

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    Hatfield Says Institutions Are
: Remarkably Free of Politics
Secretary of State Mark Hatfield,
, in a statement concerning Mental
Health Week, Saturday said that
Oregon mental institutions have
been "remarkably free of political
influence and their progress in a
17 year period shows great strides
in public education."
'Mental health is no place for
partisan politics and it is to Ore
gon's credit that a change in two
of the three members of the Board
of Control has not resulted in un
desirable uprooting of programs
of progress." Hatfield said.
Oregon has risen from 4fith place
In national rankings of patient-employe
ratios in its state mental
institutions to '23rd over the past
15-year period, Hatfield said citing
statistics from the American Psy
chiatric Association and the Na
tional Association for Mental
Health. "Oregon is oh center
among the 48 states with a 3.8
patient-employe ratio which is one
indication of adequacy," Hatfield
said. "In 1939 Oregon ranked 46th
with a 10-1 ratio when the national
average was better by one half."
"H is not without some benefit
that we see doctors from our
Terry Nichols Furnishes Room
With Money From Paper Route
Thirteen-year-old Terry Nichols,
this' week's carrier of the week,
carries the route on Ratclitf drive
to.Morningside street and on the
Pacific highway to Bluff avenue.
Terry, who started carrying pa
pers for the Capital Journal in
June, 1956, lives at 2865 Peck Ave.,
and is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Nichols.
The Nichols family recently
moved into a new home and Ter
ry impatient to have his own
room finished upstairs, used
money he had earned on his route
to finish his room. He buys his own
clothes and has his own spending
c-ropney from money earned on the
route and right now is saving for
a new bicycle.
' In the summer time the young
carrier works . at picking berries
and beans, working straight
through the summer. He has al
! ready signed up for & platoon to.
pick berries this summer.
An eighth grader at Leslie Jun
ior High School. Terry after carry
ing his route has time only for one
school activity, that is the Leslie
band. He attends the Morningside
Methodist church and is a mem
ber of the Methodist Youth Fel
lowship there. As a hobby Terry
builds airplane and ship models.
There are three other children
in Terry's family, two brothers,
ages 12 and six, and a sister, who
Is nine years of age.
Mary S. Baum
Dies Friday
Mrs. Mary Susan Baum, Salem
resident for a number of years,
died at a local nursing home Fri
day following a long illness.
Mrs. Baum, a late resident of
. Ht. 4, Box 680, was born at Ida
Grove. Iowa, June 22, 1899. She
came to Salem in 1937 from Palo
? Alto, Calif. Mrs. Baum was a
.7 member of the South Salem
Nazarene church and of the aux
iliary of Barrick No. 113, World
War I Veterans. She was a for
mer member of the VFW Auxiliary.
Surviving are the husband Roo
sevelt V. Baum Salem to whom
she was married October 22, 1919,
at Vinton, Iowa; a sister, Mrs. Joe
Hartgcnbush, Ida Grove, Iowa; two
brothers, Robert Peterson, Huron,
S.D., and Hugh Peterson, JSalem;
and several nieces and nephews.
Funeral services will be held at
Clough - Barrick chapel Monday
afternoon at 2 o'clock with the
Rev. James E. Kratz officiating
Interment will be in Bclcrcst Me
morial park
mental institutions leaving for pri
vate practice because their com
munities benefit from the experi
ence they have received." Hatfield
observed. "Their contribution in
treating private patients before the
illness is far enough advanced to
require confinement in a state in
stitution is all to the good."
"Statistically. Oregon institution
doctors may receive a basic salary
that is comparable at first glance
to other state; but the take-home
pay and the cost-of-living factors
must be given weight when evalu
ating our programs," Hatfield said.
the Secretary of State said
citizens should avail themselves of
the Open House opportunity at the
State Hospital Sunday.
Hatfield said that a new em
phasis on out-patient treatment in
recent years has saved thousands
of dollars for tax payers by mak
ing available services to those
who can be worked with before
their case is aggravated enough
to require full time residence in a
state hospital. Those who would
argue for economy should expand
that program as a long-run saving
10 me treasury, Hatfield commented.
Rodgers Gets
Lodge jewel
County Commissioner E. L. Rog
ers is in possession of "jewel
which he prizes highly.
tne ornament which indicates
that the commissioner has been
a member of the Order of Inde
pendent Odd Fellows for a half
century, was given him during a
ceremonial Thursday night con
ducted by Gervais Lodge No. 121,
I.O.O.F. in the Royal Neighbors
The presentation speech was
made by Robert Massey, junior
grand master of the jurisdiction of
Oregon. It was pinned on Rogers
lapel by his grandson, Jim.
Commissioner Rogers became a
member of the order in 1907 while
a resident of the Territory of Oklahoma.
The "jewel" he received is the
212th issued in the Oregon jurisdiction.
Initiation Set
WOODBURN (Special) New
members of Woodburn Columbian
Squires will be initiated Sunday
afternoon at 2 o'clock, according
to Noel Wengcnreth, chief squire.
Members and candidates will at
tend 9 o'clock mass at St. Luke's
Church, followed by breakfast at
St. Luke's hall, prepared by the
mothers. Initiation will be con
ducted by the officers in the after
noon, headed by Chief Squire,
Section 2
Salem, Oregon, Saturday, April 27, 1957
Journal M?oto
iratner tiere
Page 1
Crowds Throng Fairgrounds for Lions Homeshow
Douglas Fir
Tops Timber
Sale Friday
Total bid for 9.949.000 board
feet of timber on four tracts of
timber offered at oral auction
Friday at the office of the Salem
district Forester, was for $354.-
The highest bid was for Doug
las fir in Benton county, which
sold to the Moser Lunmber Com
pany for $39.35 per 1.000 board
A February "no bid" sale of
approximately 737,000 board feet,
417,000 feet of which was red
alder, was sold to the Oregon
Alder Maple Company. The alder
sold at the appraised price of
$6.65 per 1,000 board feet.
Bidding $37.50 per 1,000 board
feet, the Simpson Logging Com
pany was the successful bidder
lor 4,940,000 board feet of green
Douglas fir in Benton county.
No bid was submitted for a tract
oi 1,678,000 board feet of salvage
timbor in the Tillamook County.
Bids will be- accepted for a per
iod of 90 days on this tract.
Two tracts of limber in Polk
County, originally planned for this
sale were withdrawn prior to the
sale and will be advertised and
reinstated for the May sale.
From State
Salem's two DeMolay chapters, Chemeketa and Willam
ettc, will be host to a DeMolay Conclave May 3-5 that will,
draw representatives from 70 chapters in Oregon.
Registration is set for Friday morning with meetings to
follow later In the day. Friday afternoon a tea honoring the
DeMolay Sweethearts of each of the 10 Oregon districts will
be given at the Mike Steinbock home. Hostesses mil c-e
members of the Mothers Clubs of the two Salem chapters.
Parade Due Saturday
Older Adults, ChildrenMost
Frequent Auto Traffic Victims
Adults over 65 years old and
children are the most frequent vic
tims of car-pedestrian accidents in
Oregon, says a report by the state
Traffic Safety Commission.
Of 53 pedestrian deaths in the
slate during 1956, the statistics
show, 21 were persons over 65 and
11 were children under 15.
The older group are found to be
the worst offenders in violation of
traffic regulations, and studies in
Oregon and other states indicate
that many are persons who have
never driven cars and who do not
realize that it is often hard for a
driver to see persons at night who
are dressed in dark clothing.
Mainly the violations arc jay
walking, crossing streets against
signals, and the assumption that
traffic will stop.
Good Food Aids in Recovery
Of Mental Cases, Group Told
Good food that the patient en-
jVvs goes far toward the recovery
Vi' a mental patient. Miss Lavern
Owens, food administrator of the
California Department of Health,
said Friday at the closing session
. of an Institutional Food Service
Conference at the State Tubercu
losis Hospital.
A panel discussion on "problems
in Feeding Tuberculosis Patients"
covered normal diet, diet for spe
cific needs, food education in the
TB program, and planned diet for
patients released from hospitals.
Food preparation for institutions
was discussed by Dan Bcecher,
who is food service director for
Portland State College. Complaints
about food, he said, should be in
vestigated and corrected if found
An attendance of about 165 food
supervisors and assistants from all
over the state was recorded. They
voted to hold future conferences
twice a year and have them of
one day duration.
Willamette to
Host Contest
Willamette University will host
the annual State Oratory contest
sponsored by the Intercollegiate
Forensic association of Oregon
next Tuesday.
Nine colleges and universities
in the state are expected to send
student speakers for the competi
tion, including Linfield, George,
Fox, Northwest Christian, Port
land State, Lewis & Clark and
Oregon State colleges, the Univer
sity of Oregon and University of
A forensic coaches' meeting and
dinner at Lausanne hall is sched
uled between the afternoon and
evening divisions of the oratory.
Jean Haworth
Named Soloist
For Symphony
Jean Hawnrth. 16, daughter of
Dr. and Mrs. James B. Haworlh,
2776 Alvarado Terr., won the 1957
i8 Salem Junior Symphony audi
tion contest for soloist. Announce
ment of her selection was made
by Dr. William Swettman, con
ductor of the Junior Symphony.
Miss Haworth, one of six local
teen-agers to audition, played
Beethoven's "Piano Concerto in
C" for her audition. She is the
Diano pupil of Mrs. Harvey Gib-
bens. A junior at the South Salem
High School. Jean plays viola in
the school orchestra and the Jun
ior Symphony and last year was
a flutist in the school band. She
has won several superior ratings
in the State Musical Syllabus ex
aminations and in March of this
year played flute in the All-State
Band at hortianu.
Earlier this month the soloist
appeared as flutist in the All
Northwest Orchestra, . which per
formed at the Music Educators'
Conference in Boise, Idaho. Jean
was tapped this month for the
National Honor Society. Her other
school activities include Encore
Club, Girls Letter Club. Y-Tcens,
French Chfb, Forum Club and a
string quartet.
Judge for the auditions was Jo
seph Byre, Oregon State College
music professor.
Part of the estimated crowd of 2,000 people who at-
tended the Lions club home and garden show which
started last night at the Fairgrounds are pictured above.
The free show continues tonight and Sunday until 10:30
p.m. (Capital Journal Photo)
2,000 See Start of
Home, Garden Show
Florence Nightingale was the
frist woman to receive the British
Order of Merit.
Fairground Event
Will Continue
Home and garden exhibits shown
at the Salem Lion s Clubs an
nual Home and Garden Show drew
an estimated 2,000 persons Friday
night, the opening night.
The show, which continues
through Saturday and Sunday, is
at the Oregon State Fairgrounds.
Among its other services It pro
vides assistance on home build
ing and buying by members of
the Salem Home Builders Asso
ciation. The show has 80 booths
with home and garden equipment
and other home displays.
Getting a big hand from those
Reichardt Resigns
DALLAS (Special) An em
ployee of Polk county for the past
five years, Dean itcicnaroi, nas
resigned his position as draftsman
in the reappraisal program of
Polk County, effective May 10.
Reichardt will then go to Ana
cortes. Wash., where he will be
employed in an oil refinery.
Blast Victim Plans to Build
Construction of a new home
to replace one that was destroyed
in a gas explosion last November
will begin early next week, Dennis
Howarth reported Saturday.
Howarth was issued a building
permit by the city engineer's of
fice Friday for the $20,500 home
to be built at 785 N. 19th St., site
of the former home in which Ho
warth, his wife and five-year-old
daughter, Dee Ann, were serious
ly burned in the November 21 ex
plosion. Another daughter, Linda
Lee, 11, was in school at the time.
Mrs. Howarth underwent plas
tic surgery in Good Samnratin
hospital in Portland Thursday to
repair burn injuries, Howartli
said. She is doing well but will
probably remain at the hospital
for two or three weeks, he said.
Howarth, an employee of the
Oregon Pulp and Paper Co., said
he is temporarily "employed" as
e babysitter for his two daugh
ters. They are living at 816 N.
14th St. until the new home is
The Howarth home was destroy
ed when gas seeping from a newly-installed
furnace was set off
as Howarth struck a match to
light a cigarette.
Didn't Have License
A Portland man testilicd in Mar
ion County District Court Friday
that he couldn't have been driving
while his driver's license was sus
pended. He has never had a license, .lohn
Thomas Barker said.
Judge E. O. Stadtcr Jr., discissed
the charge against Barker.
Barker told the judge that he
had hitchhiked from Portland to
appear before the court. Presum
ably, he hitchhiked back to resume
his job of hoeing strawberries.
AF Seeking Lawyers
Senior students at the Willamette
University Law School will have
the opportunities for an Air Force
career for attorneys outlined to
them Tuesday by Lt. Col. Fred B.
at the show was the Sing Lee Sing
Family, who entertained with ac
robatics, singing and dancing.
They will give matinee perform
ances nt 3 p. m. Saturday and Sun
day and also appear Saturday at
8 p. m.
The first 200 persons entering
the show had an opportunity to win
merchandise prizes. Winners in
cluded John Massa, 2155 stortz
Ave., $50; Dunne Holfor, 4085 Hud-
ron St.. $25: Bertha Howe. 4050
Silverton Rd., $15; and Rose Dill,
1935 Garfield St.. $10.
Persons attending the show arc
advised to use the 18th street en
trance to the fairgrounds, as the
17th street entrance is closed
Doors to the show open at 1 p. m
on Saturday and Sunday.
The Saturday breakfast and
luncheon, which will be served
by the Mothers Clubs, will be at
the Scottish Kite Temple ana iui
lowing the luncheon will be a
parade in downtown Salem. Boys
from the chapters and the DeMo
lay Sweethearts will participate in
the parade.
A formal banquet has been plan
ned for Saturday evening at the
armory with John Carpenter, Port
land, a member of the Legion of
Honor, as master of ceremonies.
A formal dance will follow the din
ner and at this time the State
DeMolay Sweetheart will be an
nounced. Asked as special guests
to the dance are members of the
Jobs Daughters Bethels and Rain
bow Assemblies. Church serv
ices have been planned for Saturday.
Committee Listed
Tom Darby and Roger Stewart,
master councilors of the two Sa
lem chapters, are general chair
men for the conclave.
Committees working with them
are. registration, Bruce Phlllipl
and Fred Cole; parade, Stove Bil
lings and Art Kruger; banquet,
Danny Quinn and Gary Knopp;
dance, Jim Walls and Grant Todd;
miscellaneous, Sidney Steinbock
and Steve Epstein: breakfast and
lunch, Richard Ronk and Jan Van
Houten: programs, Bingham Pow
ell, Jr., and Dave Steinbock;
dates. Jack Douahton and Larry
Patton: transportation, Bill Cran
dall and Bill Schlltt: publicity,
Allen Stevens and Jack Withers:
housing. Mel Mogster and Phil
Steinbock; and degrees and meet
ings, Wes Armstrong and Jim
Adult supervisors will be E. B,
Beaty, Corvallis, active member
of the International Supreme Coun
cil: Dr. O. A. Olson, Salem dis
trict deputy; and Dr. Elmer Dorr,
Salem, assistant district deputy.
Two Students
Plan Recitals
Willamette University's college
of music will feature two piano
recitals next week, the senior pro
gram of Barbara Freitag and Ge
neva Russell s junior recital.
Miss Russell is a member of the
freshman women's scholastic hon
orary, Mu Phi Epsilon music fra
ternity, and winner of two music
scholarships, she is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Otto R. Russell
of Molalln. She will present her re
cital on Tuesday afternoon at
p.m. in the music recital hall.
Final recital for Barbara Freitag
of Yakima will be heard Wednes
day evening in the auditorium at
8:15 p.m.
A pupil of Ralph Dobbs, Miss
Freitag has appeared as clarinet
soloist with the University band
for the past two years. A member
of Alpha Chi Omega sorority and
Mu Phi Epsilon music fraternity.
she is the daughtor of W. F. Frel- ong crashes,
tag of Yakima. I Saturday was Its closest rival
Scio Paper Winner
SCIO (Special) Gene Manley'a
sports section of the High School
paper, The Logonlan, has won the
annual Oregon Scholastic Presa
high school newspaper excellence
award. This year, sports pages
were judged. .
AUMSV1LLE (Special) Rev.
Lorcn Miller, pastor of the Wes
leyan Methodist Church in Salem
is speaker at the special meeting!
now in progress at the Aumsvilla
Wcsleyan Methodist Church. Serv
ices are at 7:45 p.m. daily.
Most Car Wrecks
Occurred Friday
Retail emphasis on Friday as
shopping day was reflected for
the first time last year in Ore
gon traffic accidents as it. re
placed Saturday as the day with
the highest number of accidents.
The change came only in urban
arens. Outside cities, Saturday
still reigned as the day with the
most accidents, the Oregon Traf
fic Safety Commission reported
Both days, however, had to take
back seats to Sunday in the fatal
accident column. While the first
day of the week produced fewer
total accidents than any other day
it had tho highest number of
fatal mishaps, with 78 death-deal-
with 65 fatal crashes. Safety of
ficials said there is reason to
believe that Saturday night rev
elry also played an Important
part in shoving the Sunday death
count upyard.
Statistics show that the two
worst hours for fatal Sunday
crashes were from 1 to 3 a. m.
and the Commission hazarded a
guess that too much Saturday
night partying was tho cause.
in fact, Sunday during the 1 to
u. in. (jciiuu wus ui wuisi
single hour for any day of the -
Traffic at ihese hours often In"
volves a larger number of driv
ers either too tired and sleepy
or too intoxlatcd to be driving,
the Commission added. -
Hammond Jr.
The rnlnnel is K aff iudCfi adVO
nolr. fnr Ihn Fniirth Air Force.
Unmillnn AFR Pfllif Thfi Air
Force this year will offer approxi
mately lou commissions lur mtu
lieutenant to qualified law school
Richmond Clubs Meet
Plans for an overnight trip lo
Camp Crestwood May 25 and 26
and awards highlighted a meeting
Friday night of Richmond Club
pack 10 at Richmond School.
Receiving awards were Terry
Brody, Jerry Kansier, Randy
Smith, Larry Hansen, Cary Bark
er, Bill Bannister, Bial Bean, Ed
die Haascn and Darrel Aekerman.
Others were Dannie Shephcns,
Don Fauth, Roger Rhoades, Terry
Thibeau. Dannie Filler, Douglas
Zch, Eddie Schafcr, Bill Gibbs,
John Billcr, Billy Vance, Robert
Dryer, Leonard Montgomery, Bill
Mathews, Jerry Kansier and
Julian Burroughs.
Style Reviie Highlight of Salem 4-H Qui) Annual
Spring Show Scheduled Here Week of May 1 to 4
Springtime for Salem 4-H Club
members means Spring Show
The annual event is set this
yecr for May 1-4 in the Meier
and Frank auditorium and 315 club
members will be exhibiting, with
several of them entering more than
on'' division.
Exhibits will be received from
neon until 5:30 p.m. Wednesday
air plans are to have most of the
' j' -:ng completed before the show
i opened to the public Thursday
n. "ning.
Divisions in wich the young
sters will be exhibiting include
clothing: knitting, foods, outdoor
; C'rvry. lood preservation, child
carr. health, photography, fores
tn. ood vorking and art.
The foods judging contest is set
for Thursday afternoon, starting at
4 o'clock and the clothing judging
contest will be held on Friday,
starting at 4 o'clock. Demonstra
tions will be held both days, start
ing at 4 o'clock, and each after
noon there will be judge's confer
ences with the exhibitors, with the
foods on Thursday and the cloth
ing Friday.
Highlight of the show will be
the style revue to be given in the
Oregon Room at Meier and Franks
Saturday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock.
Sorine Bouquet is the theme for
the revue for which Mrs. C. v.
Ward, president of the 4-H Lead
ers Association, will be the com
mentator. Mary Barton will be at
the organ during the revue,
i There is one bachelor scwins
iclub in Salem this year with a
membership of six boys and they
will display their work at tne dress
This year only three from the
blue ribbon class will be selected
during the show to exhibit at the
Oregon State Fair. In the past five
have been selected. Only the top
scorer in the contests will go to
the State Fair.
Three special contests will be
held during the spring show. Judy
Augerbauer will demonstrate the
i making of rolls in the national
: contest sponsored by Standard
'Brands. Inc.: Marilyn Pase will
demonstrate "Cheese Magic" in
' the dairy foods demonstration
; sponsored by the Carnation Com
pany: and Gary Augerbauer Is en
tered in the special honey demon
stration sponsored by the Oregon
Beekeepers Association. He will
show how to make honey icing.
Two of the 4-H club contests
are dated for after tho Spring
Show. May 7 will be the sewing
contest and May 11 the bread
baking contest.
Judges for the spring show are
foods and foods contests, Mrs. Eari
Hampton; knitting, Mrs. Ruth Ny
berg; woodworking. Cal Monroe;
photography, Roger Ritchie; for-
jestry, Ralph Yeater: clothing, Miss
Ermina Fisher, Miss Barbara
Fessler and Miss Margaret Krug:
dress revue, Mrs. John Gottwald:
and clothing and foods demonstra
tions. Miss Ermina Fisher.
Miss Jane Irving is the Salem
4-H club leader and general chair
: man for the show is Mrs. Herman
I Bocse,
Committees working with them
are information and publicity, .Mrs.
Paul Holloway: exhibits, Mrs.
Hugh Gevier. Mrs A. L. Cum
mins, Mrs. F. A. Wonderly. Mrs.
Ray Mortsfield, Mrs. Earl Bennett,
Mrs. E. W. Smith, Mrs. Ralph
Sears; dress revue, Mrs. Tom
Hill, Jr., Mrs. Vcldon Boge. Jr.,
Mrs. C. V. Ward and Mrs. Warne,
Nunn; demonstrations and con
tests, Mrs. John Carr and Mrs.
L. W. Holte.
Four-H advisory council mem
bers are Edward Maiek. chair
man; Joseph A. II. Dodd, vice
chairman: Miss Jane Irving, sec
retary; Ted R. Hobart. E. Burr
Miller. Gene Vandenevnde, Preston
W. Hale. Mrs. Arthur Weddle,
Gerry Frank. Charles D. Schmidt,
C. A. Loe and Ben A. Newell.
9s3 A.M.T0 f P.M.
9:30AM- to 5:30 PM
PARKING FOR llNPK (flffafj J A l
over 1,000 cars 333StKiEE $& r.MiJ' fi :
?w I