Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 27, 1957, Page 6, Image 6

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    Capital AJournal
- Bernard Mainwaring (1897-1957) Editor and Publisher 1953-1957
E. A. Brown, Publisher Glenn Cushman, Managing Editor
George Putnam.Edilor Emeritus
Publtihtd every evening (except Sunday by the Capital Journal Co Mrt. Jennie L. Mainwaring i .
Pull leaied Wire Service of The Anoclated Pren and The Uniled Preu. The Allocated Praia Is exclullvely entitled
, to the use for publication of all newi ditpalchei credited to It or olherwiie credited In thia paper end elio newt
publlahed therein.
y Cerrleri Monthly, (1.11; Six Mentha, $7.50; One Vear. $15 00. By Mall In Oragom Monthly, $1.00: Sl Monlht,
$5 00; One Year $9.00 By Mail Ouliide Oragom Monthly, I.2S Sia Mentha, $7.50 One Year, $15.00 '
::A Grant for Poland
The Ford Foundation, one of the groat pri
vate philanthropies that distribute millions
annually to places where it is intended to do
'the most good for humanity, admits that it is
taking a chance in making a direct grant to
.Communist-dominated Poland.
But the Foundation is betting half a mil
lion dollars that its faith in the Polish people
; is: not misplaced, and an overall faith in hu
1 manlty is basic in the philosophy of the foun
dations. ''' "In making the decision to concern our
selves with this area," said Henry T. Heald,
the Foundation's president, in a speech in
. Chicago Thursday, "the Ford Foundation was
fully aware of the problems involved. We
recognize that there are many uncertainties
;in and around Poland. Nevertheless, recent
developments in the country appeared to us
to call for a positive response. For the first
'time in many years the Polish people seem to
;fe.el free to establish relationships with the
West. ... In the full knowledge that re
verses are possible, we believe that the re
newal of Polish educational, scientific and
cultural relationships with the West can be
;of benefit to the United States, to Poland,
'and to the rest of Europe."
: :. Previously, the Foundation has made
jgrants to American institutions to advance,
among American scholars, a knowledge of
Soviet Russia and of the eastern European
countries. But the program for Poland is
the first the Foundation has made directly
for an East European country.
.Purposes of the grant are:
To enable outstanding Polish prolcssors and
scholars in the social sciences, economics, archi
tecture and other fields to establish or renew con
tacts with Western colleagues and to gain knowl
edge of Western developments, primarily by study
in the United States and in Western Europe.
To make available a limited number of American
and European professors for study and work in
To provide a two-way exchange of students be
tween Poland and the United States, and Poland
and Europe.
, To enable leading Polish writers, architects,
and others to make short visits to the Uniled
States and Weslern Europe and to send their
European and American counterparts to Poland.
,To provide some books and periodicals published
during recent years in the Uniled States and
Europe for leading Polish libraries, institutes,
academics and individuals.
Individual grants for these purposes will be made
'.to Polish universities and academics and to Amer
ican and European institutions.
The Foundation isn't trying to convert
Communists. Speaking of peace and free
faom; Mr. 'Heald said that "we know that
!Fcftndtlons cannot make any direct contri
,butloiM6 ' issues' of a political' or diplomatic
nature. Wc know that activity of an educa
i tional or scientific character is not a substi
tute for the essential security efforts of our
Government. But wc have the conviction
that Jn the development of international un
derstanding there is a proper and vital role
Jjfor private institutions, including private
; Bolstered by belief in the American Ideal,
the Polish contribution is devoted "to the
continuous task of re-evaluating, rediscover
ing, and revitalizing our faith in free insti
tutions, for us and for all men."
1 Mr. Heald believes the western countries
are strong enough In their philosophy that
they "have nothing to fear from intellectual
and scholarly contacts with individuals from
the Communist-dominated sphere." and is
Iconfident that "the exponents of democracy
kind of a free society carry the future with
f Since the source of Foundation funds is
jlho free enterprise that the Communists
;scok to destroy, the Polish reaction to the
Ifirant is an interesting speculation. But let
jis join our faith with that of the Ford Foundation.
The measure was backed by the Portland
United States National, statewide bank chain,
all but one of the independent banks, and
an organization of bank employes. It was
opposed by the Portland First National state-'
wide chain of banks.
Any bank that wants to close on Saturday
can do so, but a mandatory law compelling it
raises the question of its constitutionality as
an infringement of inherent' Individual and
corporate rights as well as an effort to limit
a necessary competition for public service in
banking. ,
The barbers' union attempted similar
monopolistic control a few years ago of their
business seeking a law favoring compulsory
closing of barher shops on Mondays only to
have it rejected by the legislature. That did
not prevent volunteer closure of barber shops
on Monday, which most of them do and it's
none of the state's business.
The clash between the big competitive
bank chains is a good thing for Oregon. If
we had a monopoly of our financial power,
it might be fatal to Oregon's progress lest
it throttle its development.
There is a tendency among lawmakers,
national as well as state, to regulate every
thing under the sun. "Their law thrusleth
its nose in every platter and its fingers in
every pie." The legislature is to be com
mended for rejecting tho bank bill. G. P.
Crime on the Increase
According to annual compilation on crimes
committed, reported by J. Edgar Hoover,
.chief of the FBI, there was a 25 percent in
crease in crime in Oregon in 1956. Figures
Jrom the 34 Oregon cities showed 18.153
(rimes last year compared to 14.450 the pre
vious year.
" Only In murders and non-negligent man
slaughters, which fell from 21 to 16 in 1956
was thero a decrease. There were more
rapes, robberies, aggravated assaults, bur
glaries, larcenies and auto thefts.
Oregon state figures with 1055 total in
parenthosos: rape 7B 1501 robbery 30fi (273),
pUKravatod assault 202 (100), bumlnry 2.000
J2.758), larceny 13,108 (10,235), and auto theft
J,319 (884).
Eugene Is a wickeder city than Snlem,
which can't bo held duo to larger population,
tfor it didn't have It last year and It had the
'same lead in crime for 1955. The figures
'' Salem: Murder, non-negligent manslaughter,
hone I0; robbery 14 5 : aggravated assault a
'dii' burglary 116 (133); larceny 759 ( 543; auto
itlmft 44 (28).
Eugene: Murder, non-negligent manslouphtor
none (3); robbery 11 (8): aggravated assault 13
(81: burglary 166 (137); larceny 935 (792); auto
jheft 56 ( 55.
I; ISalem cheerfully congratulates Eugene on
'surpassing the Capital City's crime record.
J-J. P.
Hank Bill Defeated
Popularity of Ike
Intangible Thing
WASHINGTON "In view of all the com
plaints against the Eisenhower budget, taxes
and political trends at Washington," inquires
G. H., of Lima, Ohio, "what is the basis for
continuing reports that the President is still
extremely popular through-
out the country?" fp
Answer: A President's pop-17 ' "
ularlty is an Intangible thing.
It differs in kind and degree 4&f$4:
not only because of Ills own iSpf J -
personality, but also because f
of the conditions and circum-l'
stances which prevail during
his years in tho Whito House.
Coolldgc's Easy Philosophy
Calvin r.nnllllim u,a un,. KAY TUCKER
(' lar, but in quito a different way from Ike
, or Franklin D. Roosevelt. The people re.
gardod him as a "Character," which he' was.
They admired his reputed taciturnity, al
though ho was actually a garrulous gossip.
They thought that ho was a strong, silent and
statesmanlike executive, although he was a
do-nothing Individual.
But tho times were good, and people
thought they were prosperous. So long as
they were in that stale, they did not object
if Coolidge napped for three hours every
day, after his noon lunch. There was then
no "darkness at noon."
But Coolidge's lackadaisical philosophy
was basically responsible for tho 1929 crash.
He made no effort to prevent or soften it,
as ho could have done, through the govern
ment's control of credit, rediscount rates and
the monetary machinery.
IMMt.'s Courage and Exhibitionism
F.D.B.'s popularity was the kind which a
stage or motion picture slar enjoys, for he
was an actor. He was an extrovert and ex
hibitionist, projecting his spectacular person
ality by radio, television and personal pres
ence into every family's home and heart.
The courage and boldness he showed on
that bleak inauguration day of 1933 inspired
and attracted every American, including
those who lator turned against "that awful
person in the While House." Then, too,
there was the fortitude he showed when he
was struck down with polio.
But I doubt If many people would have
liked F.D.R. as a member of their family,
or even as a neighbor on the same street.
He was too unpredictable, excitable, mercur
ial, for everyday comradeship. He was an
extremely difficult individual. Nobody wants
a man-on-horseback in his living room.
Homey Affection for Ike
The affection and admiration for Eisen
hower Is a homey, familiar and personal
tiling. The very fact that he is called "Ike,"
and that ho answers to thai abbreviation, tes
tifies to the peculiar link between him and
the people. Only members of his family
addressed as "Frank." and even Mrs.
Coolidge referred to her husband as "Cal
vin." He was called "Cal" only by critics
and detractors.
From my talks with businessmen, politi
cians and newspaper correspondents, and
from their judgment of tho general attitude
toward Ike, people would like him as a
friend or neighbor. A frequent saving Is
"I'd like to know him well," or "He'd make
a fine friend," or "Wouldn't he be fun as
a neighbor?" -
Oddly, although they may not particularly
admire his policies, they do not question
them. They do not think of hip as a General
or President, but as "good old Ike." an ex
pression which connotes some sort of kin
ship and warmth.
.The Oregon Senate, In spite of statewide
pressure, did a good job when it defeated by
8 vote of 21 to 8 the controversial bill to
force banks to close on Saturdays. The Sen
ate Finance Committee had made an advance
j-eport, 8 to 3, recommending the measure be
Jtillcd. A minority report for its passage
wis defeated.
A Smile or 7wro
The anti-noise committee of the Downtown
Women's Club has come up with this formula:
The number of blasts coming from the
auto bonis in a traffic jam is equal to the
sum of the squares at the wheels Boston
Nasser Has
Beaten U. S.
Down to Size
WASHINGTON W - President
Nasser, the highhanded Egyptian
who took over the Suez Canal and
kept it, has beaten the United
States, Britain
and France
down to frying
They wanted
him to agree
to . international
control of the
canal. From all
that is known he
hasn't budged an
inch from his
original position
jamf.i MARi.owwhen he seized
the canal last July 26:
This Is mv canal and 1 m going
to run it my way, whether you like
it or not."
The American ambassador In
Cairo has talked with Nasser for
weeks without visible results. Sec
retary of State Dulles yesterday
said this country, possibly this
week, will report to the United
Nations on its dealings with the
FaceSavIng Device
This can hardly be more than a
face-saving device. So long as they
keep talking about their difficul
ties this country and Its two Dig
allies, Britain and France, can
hope to delay admitting he has
them backed against a wall.
They can t hope lor action In
the U.N. Security Council against
Nasser. Soviet Russia, backing
Nasser all the way, sits on the
council and can veto anything the
Allies propose.
Something else Dulles said also
showed this country is backing
down, when the canal was re
opened to traffic early this month,
the American government dis
couraged American flagships from
using it.
Pressure on Nasser
They didn't. If this was intended
to put pressure on Nasser by de
priving him of that much reve
nue, it apparently didn't work.
Yesterday Dulles said the govern
ment has no objections to these
ships using the canal.
There is nothing In sight the
three allies can do to make Nasser
bend. Britain and France invaded
The Gov'ment Way
mis , ' Quezon, i jy w
&V" 1 HOW MUCH I jjfrSf
Acheson's Article Attacking Eisenhower
As 'Pacifist' Will Do Much Harm Abroad
News Quotes
and sarcastic
denunciation of
'moral force"
him, and had him on the ropes.
but this country called off the al-; !,. un
lock and Nasser came back now his hnmin
strong, yielding noting, as if:to cni him a
nothing happened. , 0ncifist "
Britain and ! ranee won t try i -i,.i
n....tU... nttr,.,r -,,,. Anil t.n .
United States won't attack.
Before Nasser grabbed the canal
in July it was operated under
an international agreement of 1888
by a privately owned inter
national company which collected
the tolls from the ships passing
lolls Pnld Now
Last March, just before the
canal was finally cleared of the
ships sunk during the autumn in
vasion, Nasser announced Egypt
would collect tnc ions.
This was after the United Stales,
Britain and France proposed that
(lie tolls should be paid half to
hgypt and halt to some inter
national financial agency which
would hold them until there was
some final agreement on who
owned what and who owed what
to whom.
the man who was responsible pri
marily for preventing Gen. Mac-
Arthur from
bombing enemy
bases in Man-
cnuna ana
thereby winning f
victory in the wijF
and a broadside attack on the
United Nations, the former secre
tary of state In the Truman ad
ministration has written a curious
article for Reporter" magazine
which can do considerable dam
age to American policy abroad in
these crlticial times.
Mr. Acheson today enjoys the
doubtful distinction of being the
first American secretary of state
in history to accuse his own gov
ernment of "selfish ambitions" in
another port of the world. He says
this, too, in the face of a record
of many decades of unselfishness
by the United States in world af
fairs. Mr. Acheson in comment
ing on the Middle Eastern situa
tion wrote: '
AUGUSTA. Ga. President El
senhower, in disclosing he will
ask Congress to give tho secre
tary of labor authority to make
public union financial records:
"Labor racketeering, like cor-
rnnlinn amuhnrn is nn nhnminn.
lion which must 'be eliminated if !s ow,n Sovcrnmcnt. Undoubtedly
Many Selfish Desires
'President Elsenhower told us
on February 20 that 'The United
Slates has no selfish ambitions or
desires in this region.' I fear we
must disagree. We have many."
it ivir. Acheson had said merely
that the United States has a deep
interest in the Middle East it
would hove been understandable,
but to attribute "selfish ambi
tions" to the United States is to
ascribe a mischievous motive to
and whenever it occurs."
LONDON A British air defense
officer on the dread interconti
nental ballistics missile which he
said is not the ultimate weapon:
"There has never yet been an
ultimate weapon, and with science
progressing as it is it would be
unwise to call any weapon 'ulti
mate.' "
Young iR-N.r.) criticizing the ad
ministration's cut in price sup
ports for wheat: f
"I think there arc many Repub
lican leaders who really don't un
derstand the difficult situation
farmers are facing and won't
understand it unlil after another
EL CKNTRO, Cnllf.-Mlkc Rus
sell of radio station KXO in re
lating that a disc jockey had just
begun a rock 'n' roll record when
rtn rnrlhoujiltp hit:
"Someone said 'that was a real !
rock 'n' roller.' "
NEW YORK Sen. John L. Mc-'
Clellan, chairman of the Sennle
Rackets Committee, on labor
"Racketeering Is a threat to
liberty. It Is criminal, and It has
no placo In our civilized society."
Unkim.cst Cul
Omaha World-Herald
Tho Louisville Courier-Journal is
upset about the 50 Congressmen
who wero dis-lnviled to see an
Army show at Fort Knox and
then stay over and see the Ken
tucky Derby.
What bothers the Louisville pa
per is not the original junket or
its cancellation but a report that
"only four or five" of the 50 Con
gressmen were really interested in
seeing the race.
"What are they trying to do,
the Communists will construe
"ambitions" to mean territorial
ambitions and will repeat it in
their propaganda in the Middle
What Mr. Acheson said later on
about the "desires" of the United
States in the Middle East is much
more tactful. He wrote:
Much More Tactful
"Perhaps our greatest interest
and desire is that the Middle East
shall remain in the political and
economic system of a free world
and shall not be engulfed by the
closed Soviet-Communist system.
"We desire, too, Hint it remain
in such relationship with the rest
of the free world that the fuel and
sea routes essential to that world
shall not be ruinously expensive,
uncertain or hazardous. Should
this be done, Europe might have
to make such terms as it could.
These might well be most unfavor
able to the United Stales."
But it is one thing for America
to express broad desires for a
peaceful world and quite another
thing to harbor "selfish ambi
tions" as Mr. Acheson phrased it.
II is at tho term "moral force,"
however, that the former secre
tary aims his shafts of ridicule
and derision. Mr. Acheson says:
"Mr. Elsenhower at the outset of
his political career sought for and
found a satlsfyinglv firm stance in
what he has continually referred
to as 'moral and spiritual values.
. . . an ebullient optimism gives
expression in what Mr. Elsen
hower has called man's 'God-given
ability to be master of his own
destiny.'. , ,
Was Trill Paclfiini?
One wonders by what stretch of
the imagination Mr. Achesorr can
attribute oaciflsin to President
Eisenhower who in 1955 sought
and obtained from Congress au
thority to use force to defend For
mosa and vho In 1M7 sought and
prepared to use military force"
to defend American interests when
Mr. Acheson incidentally will of
fend some of his worshippers in
Britain and France because he
says they were absolutely wrong
in their, action in Suez last Oc
tober. He berates them for an "ill
planned" and "weakly mounted"
intervention. What is surprising,
however, is that Mr. Acheson
never seems to have read that the
President denounced the use of
force by the Soviets in Hungary.
He intimates that the President
condoned the use of force there
by the Soviets.
Acheson Invited Korea
Not so long ago Mr. Acheson
was condemning Secretary Dulles
for using phrases that the former
secretary interpreted as meaning
liberation of satellite countries by
force. Now he implies America
should have favored a war with
Russia over Hungary.
Mr. Acheson says, moreover,
that he does not believe that "the
purpose of American policy is to
carry out a 'Crusade' or 'Mission'
to bring about equal justice or to
'Vindicate' international 1 a w."
Many people will be surprised at
this and many other comments by
Mr. Acheson in the same article.
Americans have not forgotten
that had Mr. Acheson been as
meticulous in his adherence to
military force in his historic
speech of January 1950 when as
was charged in Senate debates so
often he "invited" the Commu
nists to invade Korea, the whole
war in the Far East in June 1950
might never have happened and
the lives of many American boys
would have been spared.
Brady Classes Alcohol as
'Most Popular' Narcotic
Some People Attend Church
Only at Christmas, Easter
An old joke (till seems to go the
rounds during the Christmas and
Easter season, a joke which has
to do with "twice a year" church
goers. While even the Irregular
worshippers do attend much more
often than twice a year there are,
of course, the few who turn to the
church in which they are mem
bers just for the great lesuvais,
and for weddings and funerals.
We art! very glad for their sakes
that they cornel
Churches Overcrowded
Churches are overcrowded at all
services on such days as Easter,
not only because of the irregulars
and "twice a year" people, but
because all regular worshippers
want to receive Communion on
th great festivals too, and few,
if any of our churches, are large
enough to hold the total commu
nicant strength, and children,
even with three or four services
on such Sundays as Easter. But
the "twice per year" people them
selves, seeing the crowded condi
tions on Easter, get the erroneous
impression that the church is full
of otherwise non-church going peo
ple like themselves.
Low Sunday
The Sunday after Easter is re
ferred to as Low Sunday, not be
cause the pendulum of attendance
may have swung back to normal
or even lower than normal, as it
sometimes does for several rea
sons, but because of the continua
tion of the Easter Festival and
what is sometimes referred to as
"Easter on a lower key!" We
are loath to leave Easter with its
story of the Resurrection, and its
inspiring hymns and anthems.
The Gospel assigned in the
Christian year is from St, John,
twentieth chapter, where we are
told of the resurrected Christ ar
pearing to the disciples in the
closed room when He showed
them His hands and His feet and
His side. Saint Thomas was ab
sent when this occurred, .
Appearance Incrcdibfe
When Saint Thomas was in
formed of Christ's appearance he
refused to believe. To him it was
incredable. "Except," said he "I
shall see in His hands the print
of the nails, and put my finger
into the print of the nails and
thrust my hand into His side, I
will not believe!" When the op
oortunitv came a week later for
Saint Thomas to do just that, he
explained in absolute faith, "My
Lord and my God!"
We indeed, are deeply indebted
tu Saint Thomas for this added as
surance of the living presence ol
the resurrected Lord!'
News From an Earlier Day
April 27, 1933.
On ADril 30. 1923 Salem Chamber
of Commerce was set to honor
pioneers of Salem. 14 of whom had
lived m tne 7
community be
yond 70 years:
Mrs. E. M. Van
devort, W. N.
Savage, Mrs. M.
C. Byrd. Mrs.
J. W. Harriett,
Abner Lewis
(born at the
Mills, later Sa
lem, in 1846),
Mrs. A. N. Gil
bert, Oliver BEN MAXWELL
Beers (born near Wheatland in
1845 in a structure used by the
Methodist mission), Mrs. Riley
Small, Mrs. Catherine Pugh, J. N.
Sharpe, R. L. Swart, Mrs. Violetta
Johnson, J. W. Harriett and Mrs.
Harriett Rundlett.
Rev. David Olson, oil promoter
in the Cottage Grove area, whose
activities in the sale of "units" in
an oil divining device had been
regarded as an invasion of t h e
Oregon Blue Sky law, was known
to Sam H. Van Trump, Marion
county fruit inspector. Sam re
called Olson from days two de
cades earlier when he was con
ducting revivals at Silvcrton. Ol
son had created quite a furore by
offering testimony that Colonel
Robert Ingersoll had died as a
repentant sinner and extremely re
morseful upon his death bed. Lo
cal free thinkers took the matter
up with Mrs. IngersoU who em
phatically denied Rev. Olson's as
sertions. Salem public market located on
the southwest corner of State and
Commercial streets had opened for
business with six stands. (Salem
never enthusiastically accepted
public markets. An earlier one at
Ferry and Liberty streets was
short lived).
A resident of West Woodburn
had been fined S 150 by Judge
Bushey for possession of nine
bottles of beer. (Scarcely a social
able amount).
Dr. W. Carlton Smith had re
turned to Salem from an auto
trip to Southern California. Only
at Grants Pass and Salem did he
observe car parking that necessi
tated backing into the allotted
space. Elsewhere head-on parking
was in vogue. It was Dr. Smith's
opinion that city council should
conform Salem's parking to mod
ern methods.
Walk-outs Instigated by members
of the Industrial Workers of tht
World had shut down logging
camps at Black Rock for the first
time. '
Twice I have enjoyed a hypoder
mic injection of morphine and I
mean enjoyed. The first time was
wnen i was
about to burst
from appendici
tis. The second v rr
time was when
I had bursitis in
the right shoul
der and cried so
Diteouslv with
the pain that the - -' ' a , i tt
doctor came in - j(er
and gave me f Jfji Q$
morphine two or lar' I 6
three nights. DB' ba
From the way I fell after each
dose of morphine, I can under
stand why some people get the
habit. I didn't get the habit be
cause I had only one of the pre
disposing factors of narcotism
the sense of extreme tension (not
pain I due to gangrenous appendi
citis or the pain from the bursitis,
from which no change of position
gave the slightest relief.
Two Strikes Already
People who cultivate the nar
cotic habit usually have two pre
disposing factors two strikes
against them. First, is some inci
dental or temporary cause of pain
or distress, such as my appendi
citis and bursitis were. And, in
addition, they have a weak, wishy-
washy, undeveloped character;
hence they arc easily persuaded to
indulge in sense-deadencrs, aspirin.
barbiturates, cocktails, benzedrine,
marijuana, heroin, cocaine, mor
phine, laudanum, gin, or whatever
the smart ones favor.
Alcohol Is a narcotic. Because it
Is available almost everywhere
any time, it is now by far the
most popular narcotic in America.
From top-flight affairs in Wash
ington down to the most vicious
parlies in the red - light district,
the person who doesn't drink be
comes the object of suspicion, dis
trust, or derision.
Alcohol Is Narcotic
Alcohol, I repeat, is a narcotic.
Under the effects of a drink or a
number of drinks, the addict is,
for a while, free from his or her
inferiority complex. He's just as
good as anybody else. So he cuts
loose and enjoys himself for a
while and when the narcotic
wears off he'll probably remember
little or nothing about what was
said or done, but. by gosh, the
fool had a lot of fun. didn't he?
If the addict fills up with mari
juana, heroin or cocaine and does
someone great harm, he'll prob
ably have to pay the penalty for
goodness gracious, ho, just say
he was a little high and there
fore, he had the right to encroach
upon the rights of others who got
in his way.
Notoriously Good Liars
Narcotic addicts are notoriously
good (liars) at explaining, justify-'
ing, and defending their addiction. !
If they happen to prefer alcohol,
to heroin or cocaine, they may re-1
sent the very idea that alcohol is !
a narcotic drug. Do men of dis-
tinction tell the world they would
fail in hospitality if they didn't I
keep a good supply of morph or
heroin on hand to serve their
guests? I predict it won't be long 1
now before women of distinction I
will be collecting the honor here-!
tofore monopolized by the men.
Commercial Book Store
Cooke's Stationery
Needham's Stationery
I Virgil T. Golden Co.
lj mKJ Serving Salem and !' u
0 Vicinity as Funeral v L
1 Directors for 25 Years L J I
I L Htkfi i
M s.JL Convenitrrt loeitlon-S. Commercial Jf.'- p
J StTMt on a bus line direct rout to cem- iTVfW ' f:i
lit ImmJ a,linial attries-no cross traffic to hinder servi- eL-.j-S ;
obtained from Congress a resold
linn nrocl.-iimine that the l'nitrd :hi rrim ri if ha mmmiit the ' i.:
the i o u r i e r -.iimhikh stales is nrroared to use force" isamc crime under the effect ol
"smear the Herb. , m.jhu i-( Th i. 'alcohol, he will probably ga
I j Virgil T. Golden
Well, why not a Congressional
investigation to find out? In Louis
ville and on Derby Day, of course
. , ' . . ' '. ' ' i great popular sympathy and ha'
t.nnly nothing in the record to in- .v , or non
dicalc that the president "is not all. After all, the man was drunk
ai 1
60S $. Commtrclil St.
Convenitrrt locatio n-S. Commercial
Street on a bus line direct route to cemeteries-no
cross traffic to hinder servi
ces Salem's most modern funeral home
with seating capacity for 300. Services
within your means, always.
Grace S. Golden
Phone EM-4-J257 jf: