Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 27, 1957, Page 16, Image 16

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    Page 8 Section 2
Rev. Brown Bills
Talk at Brethren
The Rev. Wilmer N. Brown, ex
ecutive director ot the Northwest
region of the National Assn. of
Evangelicals, will be guest speaker
in the Fruitland Evangelical Unit
ed Brethren Church on Sunday at
11 a.m.
Church Picks
Lay Officers
For Assembly
Lay officers for the approaching
district assembly year were named
during the recent annual meeting
of the South Salem Church of the
- Thev Include: Fred Bone. Sun
day School superintendent; LeRoy
Oliver, Young people s prcsiaem;
Mrs. Paul Harris. Missionary pres
ident; Charles Klassen, Paul Har
ris and John Haskins, trustees;
Lloyd Klassen, Arthur Bingen
heimer, Leland Fine, Ray Doran
and Jerry Perry, stewardship com
mittee; C. T. Bingman, W. H.
Zimmerman, Mrs. LeRoy Oliver,
Mrs. Carol Kralz and Mrs. W. H.
Zimmerman, Church School board.
"Nothing To Lose" will be the
acrmon subject of Kcv. W. D. Mc
Craw at 11 a.m. Sunday. He is
president of the Oregon-Pacific
Division of the Church of the
Service Will
Honor Youths
Twenty-five junior age children
will be honored Sunday during the
11 a.m. service at the Englcwood
Evangelical United Brethren
Each of the juniors will he pre
sented with a new leatherette
Bible. The awards come as the
result of outstanding achievements
in memory work, Sunday School
loyalty, and Church attendance.
At the Sunday worship service,
a display of their memory work
will be given by at least 12 of the
juniors. The junior age choir will
provide special music during this
worship hour. Mrs. Dick Sorick,
director of the Englewood Junior
Department, will personally pre
sent the Bibles,
Loyalty Meal
Planned Here
By Methodists
Leaders of. (he Leslie Methodist
Jhurch are (planning a "Loyalty
Dinner'! for. Thursday, May 2, 7
p.m. in the church dining room.
At this complimentary dinner,
the annual budget will be ex
plained, and each member given
an opportunity to share, Board
Chairman A, W. Mctzger said
Members are receiving invita
tions to sit at special tables pre
sided over by co-captalns Mr. and
Mrs. T. 0. Adams, Mr. and Mrs.
A. E. Ellison, Mr, and Mrs. Lewis
Judson, Mr. and Mrs. Louis John
ston, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morgan,
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Murray, Mr.
and Mrs. S. M. Laws, Mr. and
Mrs. C. S. Orwig, Mr. and Mrs.
V. M. Sacked and Mr. and Mrs.
L. V. Shufor.
A. W. Mctzgor will be master
of ceremonies.
Banquet to Honor
Fellowship Grads
At 1st Methodist
Graduating members of the
First Methodist Church Youth
Fellowship will bo honored Monday
night during Ihc annual banquet
for seniors and their parcnls spon
sored by Women's Society of
Christian Service.
Secretary of Slale Mark 0. Hat
field will be the guest speaker lor
the event with Ward Harris as
master of ceremonies.
Musical numbers will include a
piano solo by Nancy otlo and
vocal numbers by a girl's trio.
Bill Richter will present, "Keys
to Past Memories." and Beth
Lockenour, "Keys to the Future."
At the close of the program Dr.
Rmoka H. Moor will rnnilnrl th
installation service for the newly
eiectea oiiicers ol the m.y.F.
Special guests will include coun
sclors of the group.
NCCto Show Work at First
Christian Church on Sunday
The work of Northwest Christian
College, Kugene, will be presented
at the 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. worship
services at First Christian Church.
' Sunday.
Speaking at (he early service
will be Dr. Wayne Greene, pastor,
and at tho 10:45 service, Prof.
N. 5th and Oalnaa
Itav. R. K. latchalor, Pallor
MS A.M. Sunday School
11:00 A.M. 7:30 P.M.
Tw yvwnf mtn prtaih
and ling fh goiptl.
7:30 P.M. at th
Christian and Missionary
The Rev. Mr. Brown will bring
an up-to-date report on the world
wide ministry of NAE in serving
all Bible-believing Christians at the
inter-denomlnational level.
His message, "The Evangelical
Challenge," will outline how the
NAE has accomplished what no
other inter-church organization has
been able to accomplish in bring
ing together conservative orthodox
churches of varying theological be
lief, in a Bible centered statement
of faith.
The Rev. Roger B. Swaren is
pastor of the host Church, and
also is treasurer of the Greater
Salem Assn. of Evangelicals, the
local organization of NAE.
The Salem group has more than
30 ministers in its membership
with the Rev. M. C. Miller, pastor
of Salem First Free Methodist
Church, as president.
Will Hear of
College Place
The place of Christian Colleges
will be high-lighted at the services
Sunday morning at the First Pres
byterian Church. Dr. John L. An
derson, Chairman of ihc depart
ment of Religion at Lewis and
Clark College, and Chaplain of
the College will be the guest min
ister. Dr. Anderson's subject will be
"The Truth That Liberates."
This day Is nationally observed
by all denominations. There arc
41 church colleges related to the
Presbyterian Church U.S.A. in. the
United States. .
Neighborhood family night
covered dish dinners will continue
during Ihe week. Judge and Mrs.
E. O. Madtcr, Jr., will act as
majors Monday night while Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Phillippe will
serve in a similar capacity Tues
day evening.
The dinners arc calculated to
promote better relationships
throughout the church.
Dr. Julian Kclser, pastor of
First Congregational Church will
speak to the Congregational-Presbyterian
Student Fellowship at
6:30 Sunday night.
Youth Group
In WS Plans
Sunday Rally
The West Salem Methodist Youth
Fellowship will be host for a sub
district rally Sunday at 3 p.m. at
the West Methodist Church,
The guest spenker for Ihc rally
will be the Rev. Kenneth Mitchell,
director of religious education of
the Corvallls Methodist Church.
Included in the evening program
will be a panel presentation on
How to Plan A Worship Service.
Leatha Llerman of Staylon, sub
district president, will preside at
the business meeting in the after
noon. On the agenda will be the
election of officers, presentation of
the summer camp program and
promotion of the M.Y. Fund.
This is the last sub-district rally
of the church year. The Rev.
Charles McCarthy 6f Lyons is
counselor of the sub-district or
ganization. Church Slates
Color Pictures
OfWest Africa
Colored pictures of the French
West Africa Territory will be
shown following the Sunday eve
ning Rospel service at the First
Baptist Church on Sunday.
The pictures were taken by Dr.
John llouser of Lebanon, w h o
visited the French West Africa
country in the early part of this
year. During the evening hour, Dr.
Houser will speak on the subject,
"Unique Men."
Dr. Houser will also address the
congregation at the Morning Wor
ship Hour at 11 a m. on the theme,
"The Lord of Glory."
Ward A. Rice ot Ihe department
ot speecn and tlnmiletics at North
west Christian College will speak.
Prof. Rice has been on the
family of Northwest Christian
College since 1!)44, accepting that
position alter a long and effective
ministry at the First Christian
Church at Walla Walla, Wash.
Marion t Collage Si.
8:30 and 10:45-Worship
Speaker, WARD A. RICE
Northwest Christian College
I I 11 'l a. 111111111111 Mill Mj'l .r"i
News Of
Flnt Spiritual! it Church 1.320 Mad
ison St. The Northwest Ministerial
Council of Churches will meet all
day Saturday. Services at 7:30 p.m.
with the council in charge. Sunday
services 2:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Speakers ot the council In charge.
Lunch at 0:30 p.m.
St. John'! Lutheran Church (Mo.
Synod Court at )4lh. Walter G.
Hons, pastor. Services, 10::to a.m.
Sunday school and Bible classes, 0:15
Lablih Village Community Church
B. M. Books B.D.. pastor. Sunday
school at 10 a.m. Preaching hour if,
"The Holy Cihoat Killed Church. ,J
Prayer moment at 7:45 p.m. Bible
study at 8:00. Preaching at 8:40, "The
Millennium. " Bible study Wednesday
at 8 p.m.
St. Joseph's Catholic Church Che
mekcta & Winter. Rev. Joseph E.
Vandcrbeck, pan lor. Sunday masses
6. 7, H. '9:15. 10:30 & 11:45. Saturday
confessions 3:30-5:30 & 7:30-9:00.
The Christian and Missionary Al
llance Church Corner North 5th It
oaines. Kev. Jt. K. Haleholor, patttnr.
9:46 a.m. Sunday school. 11:00. "The
Names and Titles of God". 7::t0 p.m.,
"The Way of Life and the Way or
Liberty Garden Hint 1st Church
4795 Lone Oak Road. Affiliated with
American Baptist Convention. Sunday
church school, 9:45 am. Morning
worship 11:00 a.m.' Sermon topic;
"Alter Easter What?"
'First BaiitUt Church Marlon and
Liberty. Kev. Brn Owpn. nKulslnnt
pastor. Rev. Stanton Jrvine, director
oi education. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.
muming worsnip, u:uu o ciock, "The
Lord of Glorv". Dr. John H. IfmiKor.
guest speaker. Youth meetings, corn-
unicu session, o:ia p.m. uospei serv
ice, 7:30 p.m. "Uniciuc Men". Mid-
prayer service, Wednesday, 7:30
St. Paul's Episcopal Church S.
Liberty Ac HI eh at Mvn Th nu
George H. Swift, rector. The Rev.
W. M. Rosenthal, curiae. The Rev.
T. M. Baxter, curate (Mission. Sun
day, Holy Communion 7:30 a.m. Knni-
ny service ana church school 9:30
a.m. Morning prayer and sermon,
1 1 : 00 a.m. N u r scry ft : 30 and 11 : 00
a.m. Wednesday, Holy communion
7 :3; a.m. Morning Prayer Service.
u:uu a.m.
fhiirfh nt I.e.. t'h.t.t .. .
son streets. William T. Geurts, bish-
f. H"iuiiu meeting y :uu a.m.
Sunday school 10:30 a.m. Sacrament
service 6:30 p.m.
First Conrreeallnnal rhiirrh inn
Marion street. Dr. Julian J. Reiser,
minister. 0:30 a.m. church school. M
a.m. worship service, sermon topic
The Kev to Suceim". fl-.'ifi n ph.
grim Fellowship in parsonage.
. Vl" - viiut tii n. v-oiiage
and D streets. Rev. Everett A. Bar-
"'i fo"ii, a.m., didic scnooi,
II a.m.. morning worship with Pas
tor Barker preaching on: "Failh
Tested." 6:30 p.m., youth groups.
v:ju, evening service with special pro-
"it V V i young peopie or
unjust Liiurcn, uaiias.
8:J0, Singsplration and fellowship
hour. Monday, 7 :.10 p.m., deacon's
meeting at church. Tuesday, 8:00
"ctnci uuuu at ine nome oi
Mrs. Benno Fuclts. Wednesday 7:30
....I. i.iyt.-r iiiuctiiig ana Dime stuay
in Revelation eh. 2.
Leslie Methodist rhnrrh s r.n.
merclal at Myers. J. C. Johannes,
Worship service. 11 a.m., "Why Chris-
nans hhould Tithe". Wednesday. 7-nn
p.m.. Missionary Study USA and
H nycr nuur.
Flnt Church of Thi-lal. Rrlf.ntl.l
Chcmcketa and Liberty ntrn.i. s.m.
day morning service at 11. Sunday
f. o. nuojeci oi icRBon-scr-
imui; r-nmmion Aiier uenih." Sun
any school nt 11. WcdnosUay evening
testimony meeting at 8,
Grace Lutheran Church (RLC)
Sunnyview and Lnnslng avenues.
Lowell W. Holle, pastor. 0:45 a.m..
Sundny school. 11:00 a.m., divine wor
ship Congregation fellowship dinner
folfowfng service. Women's Mission,
nry Society meets Mny 3 at 2;0U
The Salvation Army 241 State St.
Mil I fir ITnrl Ufi.l inrn Mfl.... tl.nn
a.m., morning worship topic, "Hol.
ness in our Time". 7:30 p.m. Evan
He Ha lie lervlcc topic, "The Pure In
St. Mark's I.Ulhoran rhnrrk.U1 V I
Church street. Sunday school, !::ifl
a,m. Divine worship. 8:30 and 11:00
a.m., sermon by the pastor, Rev.
John L. Cauble. ,
Christ Lutheran Church Rtnt St
at IBIh. Rev. T. M. Gcbhard. pastor.
Sunday worship services: 8:30 and
II a.m., sermon by the pnstor. Sun-1
day church school, 9:45 a.m. Senior i
-timer engue p.m. nl the church.
Adult membership class. Mnndav 7:30
p.m. at the church. Sunday school
staff, Tuesday, 7:45 p.m.
Hforcantzrd Church of Jmiii ChrUt
of Latter Day Salnti 17th and Chc
mcketa. Pastor, Elder Reginald
Clark. Church school. 0:45 a.m. Wor
ship service 11:00. Evening worship
8:00 p.m.
Italhert Memorial llaptUt Church
4290 Portland road. Kimer O. Paul
son, pastor, 9:45 a.m. Bible school
with classes for all ages. 11:00 a.m.
worship service. Sermon subject
"Christ Llveth In Me." 6:30 p.m.
Junior High and Senior Hnptlst
Youth Groups, 7:30 p.m. Gospel serv
ice. Gospel message entitled "The
Test or Living Faith In Christ."
Wednesday 7:30 p.m. midweek serv
ice n( prayer and choir rehearsal.
Friday 7 to 9 p.m. Klng'i Daughters
and Jewels,
New Heights Building
Sunday nt 3 p.m. the Salem
Heights Baptist Church congrega
tion will dedicate the new build
ing. The church is located at 3M0
Liberty fid. in South Salcni.
I'lic ltcv. Alex Snucrwein of
Tncoma. Wash., will give the
dedicatory address at the niter-
noon dedication service. Others
participating in the service will
be Wendell Cook, chairman of the
Hoard of Trustees. Hay Franklin,
chnirmnn of the Board of Deacons,
Ferd Zurchcr, church modernlor,
and the Hev. Klvin Fast, pastor
of the West Salem Baptist Church.
Concluding the dedication day
services will be an evening all
church fellowship hour. Beginning
at 6:45 the Women Work Com
mittee, under the direction of Mrs.
Wayne Collins, will serve refresh
ments during a pro-service fellow
ship time. At 7:45 Ihe concluding
service will be held, with Ihe Hev.
Alex Sauerwein bringing the Bible
ven in a 1 1 luSic
fighfh Annual
Combined Cdoir . . . Directed by Virginia Word f lliotf
- First Baptist Church Sanctuary
I liberty and Marlon Stt.
J 3:9j9 P. U. Sunday, May 5, 1957
tWMtn9 n tMx Mtin texmr Tn Maa oSW
Free Methodist Church Market and
Winter streets. Rev. M. C. Miller,
minister. 9:45 a.m. Sunday school.
11:00 a.m., morning worship service.
Evangelist Elmer Chiiderhose of Win
nipeg, Manitoba, will speak. 6:45 p.m.
family hour. 7:30 p.m., evening
vangensiic service. apeaner. rtev.
Elmer Chiiderhose.
First Methodist Church Church
State streets. Brooks II. Moore, D.D.,
minister. 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. morn
ing sermon, "Possessions."
Westminster Unltrri Prrchviprlan
Church 3737 Liberty road. J. Dwight
Russell, minister. Worship. 9:30 and
11:00 a.m. Sermon theme: "A God
of Confusion or Peace?" Church 1
school, 9:30-10:45 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
12:00 noon, classes for children age
3 through grade 6. 10:15-10:45 a.m..
classes for Junior and Senior High
Youth Adults. Youth Group meet
ings, 7:00 p.m.
Central Church of Christ Cotlaec
and Chemeketa streets. John H.
Beebe, evangelist. Sunday Bible
school, 10 a.m. Morning worship,
10:50 a.m. Young people's class. 6:30
p.m. Sunday evening service, 7:30
p.m. Midweek service, Wednesday,
7:30 p.m.
Central Lutheran Church N Canl.
tol and Gaines. Harald Grindnl, .pas-
.juiuiuj nyin o. iiuiiMii( or
shin 8:30 and 11 a.m. Family Run-
day school 9:45 a.m. Circuit Luther
League rally 3:30 and 6:30 p.m. Bible
study and prayer service, Wednesday
may i m eta p.m.
Jason Lee Memorial Method!!
Ernest Preston Goulder. minister.
0:45 a.m. church school. 11:00 a.m.,
divine worship. Sermon "The Mes
sage of Job." "Job's Daughters" in
attendance 6:30 p.m. Jr. High and
Sr. High Methodist Youth Fellowship
With Bible page ad . .
Jer. 17:7 Blessed is the man that
trusteth In the Lord, and whose hope
the Lord Is.
Wesleyan Methodist 15th and Mill
Streets Lorin P. Miller, pastor. 9:45
a.m., Sunday School; Dudley Wells,
superintendent. 11:00 a.m., Morning
worsnip; message by the pastor. Eve
ning service 7:30. Mrs. Edna Wood,
lira I nerd Indian School, Hot Springs,
S. D., speaker. Prayer Service, Wed
nesday, 7:30.
Unitarian Fellowihlp and Church
School 10:30 a.m . Sunday. Rev. Vir
gil Wnlfenberg speaks on "Is Present
XJaytiteiigion a f light irom iteamyr
All Day Meet
Scheduled by
Women's Unit
An all day meeting of the Willa
mette Zone of the Lutheran Worn
en's Missionary League will be
held at at. John s Lutheran Church
Friday, May 3. It is expected that
nearly 100 women will attend from
a number of Mid-Willamette Val
ley, Central Oregon and Coast
Theme of the rally will be
Talents for Christ ' and guest
speakers include the Rev. Carl
Nitz and Kev. A. bchelp.
Following registration at 10 a.m.
the llev. Walter G. Boss, host
pastor, will conduct the opening
devotions, and Mrs. Walter Kahle,
league president, will give her re
port. Luncheon will be served by the
St. John's Guild with Mrs. Clar
ence Kraft and Mrs. Tilmar Kreft
serving as co-chairmen.
Unitarian Group
Topic Announced
"Is Present Day Religion a
Flight from Reality?" is the sub
ject the Rev. Virgil Wolfcnberg
will present to the Unitarian Fel
lowship Sunday morning at 10:30
at the YWCA.
Sundny evening at 8 Dr. James
II. Stewart will lead the Discus
sion group meeting nt the Robert
Miller residence, 1055 N. 18th St.
The evening's topic will be "Civil
ization and Its Discontents."
Salem Bible Sets
Romans Synopsis
At Ihe 11 a.m. service of the
Salem Bible Church. Dr. Ernest
R. Campbell, the pastor;- will give
a synopsis of the seventh chapter
of Romans
The Gideons will share In this
service, presenting the work they
arc doing to make the Word of
God available to both young and
old throughout thd world.
Is Sunday
Tim hnil.limf hoinc fliulirnlefl is
the first education unit, with a
Innmnmrv cnnr-til.irv SFMltine OD-
proximalely J25. The first services
were held in the building last
August, and since then consider
able work has been done. The
basement is not yet quite com
pleted, but the whole unit is in
full use.
Down Town
the Tall White Spire
9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Solo, Betty Starr Anderson
Broadcast, KSI.M ll:30 U:00
Brooks II. Moore
WeoL Ci
Choir Fesfival
Kite Raising Ceremony
I . . ... ; -.....,,, v ..... . ; ,. r;i. fv '
With 20,000 spectators looking on, the
giant kite of Oklno takes to the air at
Vokha Ichi in central Japan commemorat
ing the entry of Japan to the United Na
tions. A U.N. flag is woven into the kite
Her Steady's School Hero
And It's Turned His Head
DEAR DOROTHY DIX: Stevie and I were going steady. We
had our first quarrel last week. He played the lead in our class
play, and was such a success that the girls have been swarming around
both male and
mv disDosition.
After seeing them at a few parties,
me not to speak to him m tront of his wile, as sue s me jealous type.
Personally. I think she has a right to be. I don't like his attitude,
in fact, I'm afraid of him.
DEAR DIANNE: What you Intend as good fellowship might easily
be misinterpreted as flirting by those not In the know. Temper your
manner, especially with new people, until you know the wife is not
the jealous type. '
In the case of your new friends, don't approach the wife directly,
but turn a group conversation to the question of your manner. If
everyone ngrces that your disposition Is outgoing rather than preda
tory, she should be reassured. ' ,
DEAR DOROTHY DIX: Our class prom is coming up soon. Several
weeks ago I asked a boy to go. He said he'd be delighted, but he
might not be able to get off from work. Naturally I wanted everything
settled, so when I didn't hear from him I called again. His mother
look the message and said she'd" have him call back. He never has,
1 don'l want to make a pest of myself but would like to be sure of an
escort. Con I call any more? Dicrdrc.
DEAR DIERDRE: Since you've hnd no succss phoning the boy,
try writing him a note. .Explain that you'd like to have an answer by
n specific date to give you time to ask another boy If he can't make
Send your problem to Dorolhy DIx. Or write for her free leaflet
1)17. "The Ideal Husband." In all cases, be sure to enclose a stamped,
sell-adifressed envelope, and send request to her, care of this newspaper.
Revival Rites
Good interest is being shown
in the revival services which are
in progress at the Free Methodist
Church with the Rev. Elmer
Chiiderhose of Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Canada, reports Pastor M. C.
Fifteenth and Mill Sts.
9:48 A.M. Sunday School
11:00 A.M. Morning Worship
7:30 P.M. Guest Speaker,
Mrs. Krina Wood of Brainerd
Indian School, Hot Springs,
S. 1).
Hear This Dvnamic Speaker!
l.orin P. Miller, Pastor
W rl l
m 'Mh i Cromiing
h M ""y"""
iJ.;B cA t life's ending, a noble spirit comes at
H K long last into its eternal reward ... a
thought most comforting to those left be- I
If SSf r hind, and one which we'endeavor reverent-
sbb lE'ljfi ,0 exPress evcry funeral service. I
1 1 raciooGH
I Psi
I 205 S. Church at Ferry : : 24 Mr. Phone: EM 3-9139
turn ever since, ne pays icss ana less uuemiuu
to me. How can I recapture his interest? Selma.
DEAR SELMA: Play along with the crowd,
dear. Don't show your Jealousy; be as appreciative
of his talents as the other girls. His sudden pop
ularity will die as a new hero takes the spot
light. Then a slightly ohastcned Stevlc will be
quite content with his old steady.
DEAR DOROTHY DIX: I've always been a
sociable, fun-loving person, with plenty of friends
female. My husband understands
Recently we met a new couple
the man got me aside and asked
Draw Interest
The Rev. Mr. Chiiderhose will
be speaking Sunday at 11 a.m.
and at 7:30 p.m. The services will
continue each night next week ex
cept Saturday at 7:30 p.m.
Share Sunday With US
UCAD ... Dr. John
nCAMV Houser
of lebanon, Oragon
11:00 a.m. "THK LORD Ot
7:30 p.m "UNIQUE MEN"
SEE . . .
8:30 p.m. Colored Pictures
of French West Africa
Marlon at Liberty "Th and of your
starch for frlandly church"
in Japan
above the Japanese characters signifying
"congratulations." The kite weighs 500
pounds and measures 40 feet by 35 feet.
(AP Wircphoto)
'Key to Success'
Topic of Sermon
At the 11 a.m. worship in the
First Congregational Church Sun
day, Dr. Keiscr will preach on
Ihe topic, "The Key To Success."
He will relate the insights of Dr.
Menninger, psychiatrist, and those
of the Christian Faith to man's
struggle to succeed. -
At 6:30 p.m. the Pilgrim Fellow
ship will meet in the parsonage.
Charles Sprague will be the
Saint Paul's
S. Liberty & Myers
730 A.M., 9:30 A.M., 11:00 A.M.
Rev. George H. Swill, Reclor
Minion 9:30 V.F.W. Hall
Bethel Baptist
N. Cottage and D Sts.
ltcv. Everett A. Barker
9:45 A.M. -Sunday School
6:30 P.M.-Youth Groups
7:30 P.M. Program By
Young People of
Salt Creek Baptist
" With
. Rev. E. Chiiderhose
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Sunday, 1 1 A.M. & 7:30 P.M.
Nightly Next Week-7:30
Special Music
Free Methodist
Church '
Market At Winter
"A Cordial Welcome"
Betty Palmer
W'fe! April fe'tj
1 28th 'w t'
A block and a half
North of Mission
Salem, Oregon, Saturday, April 27, 1957
Educator Warns:
Don 't Downgrade
Normal Students
educator cautioned today that in
'launching into a talent search
America runs the risk of "down
grading the normal individual.
u. ttobert Koopman, associate
superintendent of public instruc
tion in Michigan, said in a pre
pared speech:
"The present emphasis on unit
ing talent ... on highly equipped
laboratories and teachers for 1 per
cent of the school program, while
the other 99 per cent suffers, rep
resents a malady.
Such loose talk is dangerous
in a free society . . . perilous
from a national defense point of
view when we need citizenship
education and trained and loyal
manpower so sorely.
Koopman, on the convention
program of the International
Council for Exceptional Children,
said that "to glibly throw people
about in terms oi fractions of pop
ulations and degrees of handicaps
is especially offensive whether ap
plied to the so-called 'retarded,'
the 'noimal' or the 'gifted.' "
He said educators "should wel
come the interest of citizens in
the slow-maturing and the gifted
but that care should be exercised
or we will find that the lalents
of the total population will be
Koopman continued, The gifted,
so called, do indeed need, a lush
environment but so do we all . . .
"The danger is that we will sud
denly settle for segregation."
(Educators use the term "segre
gation" in this sense to mean the
separation of gifted from regular
students so that the gifted may
1149 COURT
Melaphyiiclsl LtcturM
Yeufh Sunday School
Study Oiieuition CUnai
Prayar Hoallng Clinics
Metaphysical library
Book Shop
Phono EM 14010
Chemeketa and Winter
"The Truth That
Dr. John Anderson
The Christian
Invite You
17th and Court
Worship 8:30 a.m.,
10:55 a. nt., 7:30 p. m.
Church School 9:45
Youth and Adult
Fellowship 6:30
Marion and Cottage
Church School 9:45
Worship and Communion '
10:45, a. m., 7:30 p. m.
Youth Fellowship Begins
5:00 p. m.
4085 Market Street
Church School 9:45
Morninp. Warship 11:00
Youth Fellowship 6:00
Worship 7:00 p.m.
4830 Skyline Road
Church School 9:45
Morning Worship 11:00
Youth Fellowship 6:30
Worship 7:30 p.m.
Rev. Gil Palmer
Singing, Preaching Evangelists
Services Nightly at 7:45 O'Clock
22nd and Shelton
Pastor Norman Louis
be given special work in a "lush
environment" of opportunity.)
Loyalty Dinner
Set Wednesday
A loyalty dinner will be held at
the West Salem Methodist Church
at 6:30 Wednesday night when all
members of the church will be
guests, i
The dinner, which will be a
complimentary one, will be served .
by the youth of the church. Mrs.
Albert Fluitt is chairman of the
committee in charge.
The planning committee among
the men consists of Laurancc Wal
worth, Emmctt Dickson, and
Glenn Wyatt.
Elmer Church is directing the
event while Henry .Branson will
preside as -master of ceremonies.
Hosts and hostesses expect to
serve dome 150 persons.
We Must Bequeath to Our
Children a Spiritual Heritage
. . . Today we Honor the
Children of Our Congregation.
Morning Worship Message
Youth Service 6:30
Evening Service 7:30
Dusnt E. Mulh, Pallor
Wttliy Rffgart,
Miniiur of Muiic
of the
at 13th
The Lutheran
Churches oF Salem
ST. MARK'S (U. L. C.)
343 North Church
Services 8:30 a. m. and
11:00 a. m.
Sunday School 9:45 a. m.
John L. Cauble, Pastor
ST. JOHN'S (L.' C-Mo. Syn.)
14th and Court Sts.
Service 10:30 a. m.
Sunday School 9:15 a. m.
Walter G. Boss, Pastor 1
GRACE (E. L. C.)
3300 Sunnyview Avenue
Sunday School at 9:45 a. m.
Service 11:00 a. m.
Lowell Holte, Pastor
3720 South Commercial
Service 11 a. m.
Sunday School 9:45 a. m.
O. W. Ebright, D. D., Pastor
FAITH (U. L. C.)
4505 North River Road
Services 8:30 a. m. and
11 a. m.
Sunday School 9:45 a. m.
Warren W. Pechman, Pastor
State at 18th Street
Services 8:30 11:00 a. m.
Sunday School, 9:45 a, m.
T. M. Gcbhard, Pastor
North Capitol at Gaines
Services 8:30 a.m.,
11 a.m, and 7:30 p.m.
Sunday School 9:45 a, m.
Harald Grindal, Pastor
Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Worship Service 11:00 a.m?
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