Journal THE WEATHER CONTINUED FAIR tonight, Sun day, night, with variable high cloudiness. Low tonight, 40; high Sunday. 70. 3 SECTIONS 24 Paget 69th. Year, No. 99 Salem, Oregon, Saturday, April o7 1fl'7 Entarad as iteond data n m 4 msttn at Salira Oncon OC Gaoital it II ; 'New Envoys Picked by Ike Austria Ambassador to Get j Moscow Post, Men Named 1 For Burma, Ethiopia AUGUSTA. Ga. (AP) - President Eisenhower Sat urday picked Llewellyn E. Thompson, now ambassa dor to Austria, to be the new ambassador to Russia. Thompson, whose nomination will go to the Sen ate next week, succeeds Charles E. (Chip) Bohlen, "k k k k k I Elsenhower's vacation head- Picked Llewellyn E. Thompson, Bow ambassador to Austria, was nominated today by President Eisenhower for post of ambassador to Rus sia. (AP Wirephoto) Salem Woman Serious sly Hurt In Car Mishap DALLAS (Special) Pinned . un , dcr an overturned automobile ' for two hours early Saturday morning, r Sharon Barstad, 19. Salem tele t phone operator of 1664 S. 13th St., 'was seriously injured in an acci dent on Valsctz Hill eight miles soulh of Falls City. Miss Barstad was taken to the Dallas Hospital where it was re ported she had a lacerated left ; hand, a cracked vertebra, and broken pelvis. Richard Kolocn, 21, of Valsctz. driver of the car, also was treated at Dallas Hospital but his injuries were said not to be serious. Kolocn reported that he and Miss Barstad were enroutc to Valsctz early Saturday morning when the brakes on his car failed and it overturned on a curve. When the car overturned, Kolocn was thrown clear but his companion was pinned beneath it for two hours before passerbys could assist in ' removing the vehicle. Trio of Girls Out of School , After Fight SILVERTON (Special) - Three . freshman girls at Silverton Union high school have been suspended i from school after staging what witnesses called a "knock-down and drag-out" fight In the halls at the school Friday. Alilt Baum, general superintendent of schools here, announced today. The suspension is in effect until the girls and their families can . get together to settle some differ ences, Baum said. The battle started when one of the girls, member of a family that moved to Silverton only recently, tackled the other two for making fun of her clothes. She told school authorities that the other two girls had been ridiculing her ever since she had started school here, even to the extent of phoning her parents and making fun of her. She was 'laying-' for the other girls when school took up Friday, she indicated. One of the. eirls lost a tooth in the melee, Baum said. School Principal Karl Kahle and other teachers broke up the fight and held the girls until things could be brought under control. The suspension was announced after a meeting of the parents of the three girls involved with school officials. Weather Details Maximum ystrrday. 8S: minimum today. 37. Tmal 24-hour prectoi.allon : 0 frr month: 1 5: normal. 2.14. Sca "n precipitation. 2. 95: normal. 35 s. Ktvrr reieht. - 4 of foot (Report bv U. S. Weather Bureau.) quarters also announced his lenuon to nominate next week: Don C. Bliss, now State Depart ment foreign service Inspector, to be ambassador to Ethiopia. He replaces Joseph Simonson, who has resigned. Burma Ambassador Walter P. McConaughy, now State Department director of Chi nese affairs, to be ambassador to Burma. He succeeds Joseph C. Satterthwaite, who has been re assigned. Eisenhower's choice of Thomn. son, 52, for the highly important Moscow post has been forecast for weens. Thompson speaks Russian fluently and served as an adviser to the President and as an inter preter at the 1955 Geneva sum mit comerence. Career Diplomat A career diolomat. Thomnsnn has been in' the Foreign Service since iss. tie Has been ambas sador to Austria since 1952. From 1940 to 1943 he was second sec retary and consul at the U, S, embassy in Moscow. In 1949 Thompson was deputy assistant secretary of state for European affairs. In announcing the President's selection of Thompson, White House Press Secretary James C. Hagerty said in reply to a ques tion that a successor to him as ambassador to Austria will be named soon. There has been speculation the Vienna post will go to State Department official Jacob Beam. Bliss, 59, named envoy to Ethi opia, also is a career diplomat. lie nas been--in tne f oreign Serv ice since 1923. McConaughy, 48, picked to be ambassador to Burma, has been State Department director of Chi nese affairs since 1952. Former Salem Woman Killed In Collision ALBANY (Spocial)-Mrs. Nettie V. Sclander, 69, Oswego, and for mer Salem resident, was killed in stantly Friday night in a collision between two cars on Highway 99-E a short distance south of Harris burg. Her husband, Arthur A. Sclan der. was taken to Sacred Heart Hospital, Eugene, where his in juries were described as minor. He is former Chief State Tax Com mission Appraisal Engineer, and an artist noted for pencil sketches. Occupants of the other car also escaped serious Injury. They are Floyd Prcsslcr, 21, Klamath Falls, driver; Henry Tucker, 31, 1885 S. River Rd., Salem; and Sarah Adair, Klamath Falls. State Police reported that state ments of witnesses indicated the Prcssler sedan was northbound when it skidded on a curve and (Continued on page 7, col. 4) House Consideration of Tax Program Slated By PAUL W. HARVEY JR. Associated Press Writer The Legislature's main tax pro- School dlslrlc reorganization -gram is scheduled for considera-1 Passed by the House. The Senate tion bv the House Mondav-and Education Committee plans to act from then nn thn lawmakers will feel they are ' eaded downhill for adjournment. The House is expected to ap prove the personal and corpora tion income tax changes quickly, and have the bills in the Senate by Monday night. The program, worked out by the House Taxation Committee, calls for repeal of the 45 per cent sur tax but incorporating it into the tax brackets: realistic withhold ing taxes: increasing personal ex-! emptions from $500 to SfiOQ: and raising the effective corporation excise tax rate from 5.1 to 6 per cent. Adjournment probably Is three weeks away, because a lot of ma jor legislation still requires ac tion. The Senate will want a good look at the tax bills, too. Here is the way other major legislation is shaping up: Basle srhanl fund lncrase No action, but it looks as if the Legis lature will go for a 10-mtllion dollar increase, rather than the 39 millions asked by Gov. Holmes, j First Fish Makes Opening v I- It's no whopper in fact this 6-inch trout just barely makes the limit but the first fish of Billy Anderson's short fishing career made opening day a big success. Billy, 6, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Ander son, 5120 Verda Lane, pulled In one of the 1 ,000 BOATS AT DETROIT Ideal Weather Proves Lure For Opening Day By BOB ROBINSON Capital Journal Writer The State Game Commission's promise of "good to excellent con ditions" plus perfect weather had fishermen flocking every, which wav. Saturday, in the Mid-Willam ette valley in quest of the elusive trout. The opening of the general fish ing season, with ideal weather, had record numbers of anglers heading to their favorite spots. Starting Friday night, the mass evacuation of anglers was under wav under bumper-to-bumper traf fic conditions in most places. Detroit Lake Crowded At Detroit Lake, Ranger Al Sor- seth reported that he estimates nearly 1,000 boats jon the water. Sorseth said every available camp ing spot is filled and the earlier estimate of some 2,500 anglers in the area "isnlt too high." Several fishermen reported 'good luck." Sorseth said he checked one boat with five an glers that had limited by 9 a.m. Bank fishermen were reported making good catches in the Brei tenbush area and near Blowout creek. Low water for this time of year and recent cleaning of the lake of debris, plus hevay planting, has helped this year's fishing, borsetn said. Cars Stream Up Canyon Particularly up tho Santiam Canyon, the cars were streaming in heavy numbers to get the limit at Wickiup Reservoir, the Mctol ious River and Central Oregon prize locations. The season opened at shortly after 4 a.m., this morning, and by School building aid Still committee. , on ll nionuoy; Teacher minimum salary In crease Both houses have passed it.. Interim committee on govern ment reorganlzatlo Passed by the House, and the Senate plans to act on it early next week. Creating lieutenant governor Passed by the House, now in Sen ate committee. Abolishing stale boards Hills to ! abolish the Fair Commission anfj Unemployment Compensation i Commission are dead. The bill: to abolish the Board of Control and Liquor Commission have re ceived no action. Building program Costing 20 million dollars, this program ap pears headed for some cuts. Unemployment compe tlon benefits No action. It is in the Senate Labor and fndustries Com mittee, and labor has greatly re duced its demands. Industrial accident benefl's In rreasrd , Passed by the 'louse. these benefits amount to 20 per. cent. Now it is in Senate com- mittoe Cati i oVaafyment o de- - ' V S Xjr1 iUa&aaMriWteBaaaatfaa1 4:30, there wasn't a dry line by the water. In the western part of the valley, reports were just the same as all over the state cars in a steady parade heading for Big Luckiamute in Kings Valley, the Little Luckiamute near Falls City, plus other favorite sites. At Dallas, the kids even had their own exclusive -spot Rlckreal Creek where the youngsters got the first chance at pulling in that "big one." Most Streams Clear, Low Most streams were reported TV Channel 27 To Leave Air On Wednesday PORTLAND (jB Portland's! four television stations will be come three next week, a station owner said Saturday. s George Haggarty, of Detroit, Mich., who has acquired owner-1 ship of KLOK on channel 12 and KPTV on channel 27, said the two will merge Wednesday. There after, channel 27, an ultra high frequency channel, will be aban doned. When channel 27 first went into use here in 15)52, it was the first commercial TJHP station in the country. . There have been re peated complaints, however, about spotty reception on that channel. KLOK went on the air in 195a. HaggarTy recently purchased the two stations at a cost estimated at four million dollars. Monday portmenl Approved by Wiys nd Means Comuvjttee, but no action in either house. Reducing payments under rela tive responsibility law Passed by the Senate, and the House will vote on it Monday. Capital punishment repeal Passed by both houses, but amendments are being ironed out. Providing state regulation of minimum railroad freight rates No action, but the Senate will vole Monday. Giving the public utilities com. mlssloner authority to stop rail roaas irom reducing passe'iger ! service Passed by the Senate, n"W in House committee. Major election reform hill - House Elections Committee has made many changes, and is hav inp the hill reprinted. No aclion. Bonds to ronstrn Coast High way Passed by both houses. Suburban problems The Senate has voted to permit reduced city taxes in annexed areas. The House has voted for county home rule. The bill to permit creation of service districts outside cities is beintf rewritten in the House. Permtlllng governor to suspend Indicted stale and Irral officials Thc House passed it. hut it was buried in Senate committee. Some alternatives now are being sought. Day Success II ..; i . -Z1" M r' 4 tij&A first catches out of hundreds of kids who tested Mill Creek Saturday morning. He caught the trout off State Street bridge, using just a worm. (Capital Journal Photo) Anglers clear and a little lower than usual Fishermen are expected to catch mostly rainbows in the interior waters, while the coast streams will yield large cutthroats return ing to the sea The limits, for those with "the hot lures, remained tho same as in the past: 10 trout a day, not more than five of which may be 12 inches or over; and one can have 20 in possession or in seven consecutive days, not more than 10 of which may be 12 inches or under. Based on the crowds who par ticipated in the long-awaited open ing, the next week should be a busy one for the frying pan if the trout will just cooperate with' the anglers. Partial Solar Eclipse Visible Here Monday WASHINGTON lB The earth. moon and sun are whirling into a 93 million mie line and the re sult will be partial solar eclipse Monday, visible in 10 northern and western states. As eclipses go. this one won't be very spectacular. Astronomers figure it wouldn't bo worth it to send expeditions into the field be cause they wouldn't come up with observations of any value. People in Minnesota, the Da- kotas, Colorado, Wyoming, Mon tana, Utah, Idaho, Oregon and Washington will see at most only a fifth of the sun's diameter blot ted out. That means considerably less than a fifth of the sun's surface will be obscured. The U.S. Naval Observatory says the time to start looking Is about an hour before sunset, with a heavy filter, such as an ex ceptionally dark piece of photo graphic negative. Dark glasses aren t enough. And, the observatory says, never use binoculars or a telescope. You can burn the retina of the eye to an extent that you might go blind. The eclinse also can be seen in western Canada, Alaska and In northeastern Asia. Nearly half the diameter of the sun will be blacked out in Alaska. Good Weather For Weekend With a maximum of around 70 'due before the day's end, hatur The (jay was proving to be a won-' derful spring day, wealherwise. The sun was out early and Salem and valley folk enjoyed the blue skies and warm temperature to the fullest. The weather man further show ed his good temper by calling for continuance of the fair weather tonisht and throueh Sunday with only some variable high cloudi ness. Another 70-dc!iroo mark is due for Sunday's maximum. It will all mean, of course, lhat thousands will be out on the high ways tomorrow to enjoy the coun tryside and spring weather. Rampag: Leaves iaiiy Homeless, Crest Jordan Sets Up Military Cases Courts to Try Buildup of Communist Left Wing Leaders On in Nation AMMANTTordan (AP)- Jordan's new government set up military courts Sat urday to try cases stem ming from the Arab na tion's recent political turmoil. King Hussein's Arab Legion continued a roundup of commu nists, left wing leaders and ex treme nationalists in an attempt to wipe out the Red influence contributing to Jordan's ferment. Nation Seems Calm The country remained outward ly calm, with the streets of major cities virtually deserted, in the third day of martial law pro claimed by the young monarch. (This dispatch, passed through censorship, did not specify wheth er these extremist elements were to be brought before the military courts. It was reported In other Arab capitals that several hun dred persons wero arrested in the roundup of leftists. One report said former Prcmior Suleiman Nabulsi, ousted by the king two weeks ago, was under house ar rest in Amman.) New Cabinet Meets The new cabinet met for two hours under Premier Ibrahim Nashem. (Continued on page 7, col. 6) Daylight Time Starts Sunday For Millions NEW YORK Wt-Daylight sav ing time starts at 2 a.m. tomor row for millions of Americans. Residents of 14 states and the District of Columbia must turn their clocks ahead one hour before Change to Daylight Time In some slates will have little ef fect on-Salem and Oregon ex cept for a change In television schedules. Oregon voters In past elections have made It clear lhat they want no fast lime In this stale. they go to bed tonight. They'll get the lost hour back again with the return to standard time later in the year. Parts of 10 other states are aiso switching to daylight saving time. Twenty-four states will stay on standard time, although In one ot them, North Dakota, the decision is subject to change. Tho daylight saving time area Is mainly in the Northeast, the Far West and the Great Lakes. The South, Midwest and Northwest generally stick to standard time. States with partlal'daylight sav ing include Pennsylvania. Mary land, Virginia, Illinois, Missouri, Florida, Kentucky, West Virginia, New Mexico and Ohio. States remaining on standard time are North and South Caro lina, Tennessee, Arkonsas, Geor gia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisi ana, Michigan, Iowa, Kansas, Tex. as, Oklahoma, Arizona, Nebrnska, Wvomine. Montana. Idaho. Utah. North and South Dakota, Colorado, Oregon and Washington. 1952 TRY REPORTED Russian Failure to Scale Everest Told LONDON Wl A weird story reached here Saturday that 40 Russian mountaineers perished at tempting to heat the British in scaling Mt. Everest in 1052. Sir John Hunt, who led the suc cessful British ascent of the world's hiphest mountain In 1!I53, commented: "I think there is some tnlb In the story." The Warsaw newspaper Szandar Mlodych carried the report about the Soviet expedition, saying it was under direct orders from Stalin. A Polish climber named Pawl owski was quoted as soying the Soviet mission was to plant the "flag of peace" on top of Everest as a dramatic geslure In Stalin's peace o(ensive at that time. The Soviet expedition reportedly reached 26.400 feet within 2.600 feel of the lop ot Everest. In De cember W.2 the Russians radioed confidently they hoped to scale Below $4,415,000 FOR BIENNIUM Fairview Budget Okayed by House The House, at Us first Saturday meotlng of the 13-week-old legislative session, passed a $4,4155,000 budget for Fairview Home in Salem today. The institution, which trains mentally deficient persons, now has 1899 patients, but this number is expected to increase to 1975 patients in the next two years. The approved budget is $794,622 over the current biennlum's budget. Minielly Again Takes Stand Despite Order Injunction of Circuit Judge Not Observed By Deputy Sheriff PORTLAND Wi Sheriff's dep uty Georgo Minielly again took the stand in federal district court Saturday, despite a state circuit court injunction. - Minielly, who earlier this week testified before tho Senate Labor Rockets Committee In Washing ton, is a government witness In the federal wiretap case against big Jim Elkins. Accused ol Wire Tap Elkins. a Portland gambler, and his employe, Raymond Clark, are accused of illegally tapping ana recording telephone conversations of Tom Maloncy, a Seattle race track figure, and others. Elkins is the star witness In state investigation of vice and corruption here. Elkins said that Moloney, certain Teamster Union officials and others conspired with Portland Dlst. Atty. William Lang- ley to expand and control vice op erations in Portland. Some 60 nersons havo been In dicted by the state on more than 100 charges in the year-long in vestigation. . Redding Gave Order Mlnlellv and 11 other county and state officers were ordered by Stato Circuit Judge Charles W. Redding not to testily at tno ica cral trial about the raid on Clark's home in which a set of tape re cordings was seized. Judge Redding based his ruling on the fact that the raid had been declared illegal because it was based on an improper search war rant sworn to by Langlcy. Judge Redding earlier threatened con tempt citations against anyone who defied his order. But U. S. District Judge William East has declared that the later seizure of the tapes by the FBI was legal and that testimony about them will be permitted In his court. And he specifically directed Minielly to testify when he ap peared at Elkins trial yesterday. Judge Redding refused to com ment yesterday on Miniclly's ap pearing as a witness in the fed eral court. Minielly, in his testimony, said: That Terry Schrunk. who then was sheriff and now is mayor of Portland, gave him the search warrant authorizing the raid on Clark's home to look for obscene pictures. That he broke down tho door of the Clark homo when Mrs, Clark refused to admit him. tli peak within two days. That was the last heard from them and presumably the expedition as wiped out by an avalanche, by the paper's account. Sir John Hunt says he remem bers a mystery plane circling Ev erest while the British expedition was training on the mountain in April 1953 before launching an ascent. "A strange plane flew over head," he says. "It came from the north at 15,000 feet, circled round for a while, then turned hack to the north. "Wc vaguely wondered at the time whether It was a Russian plane. We had -heard Russians had set off from the north, or Tibet side of Everest in l!i2. "I think there is some truth in the 'Warsaw newspaper's! story. But f don I believe lhat 40 Bus sians reached a height of 26,400 feet. cas Prediction Controversial key district legis lation to change the formula tor distributing basic support money to school districts was set for a vote as a special order of busi ness at 2:30 p.m. next Wednesday. The bill, senato bin B4, nas already passed the upper house. It was extensively amended In the house education committee. Passing the House today was house bill 800 appropriating $27, 000 to pay attorneys fees in the Portland vice investigations. A Multnomah county circuit court decision held that the county it self was responsible for all other expenses of the vice probe. The bill now goes to the Senate. A 1250.000 appropriation to pur chase property to extend the Capi tol mall was okayed by House members along with House Bill 67 which, by increasing fees to em ployers, will save the bureau of labor some 170,000 out of the gen eral fund. A bill enabling small commodity commissions to band together un der the department of agriculture to Bave administrative expenses was also approved by the House. Senate Bill 794 now goes to the Governor for signature m.. u .i-f-cj '. of bills In the morning and ad- journea untu Monaay, Tne Sen- ate did not meet. - Budget of OTI Gets Approval Of Committee A Joint Ways and Means sub committee recommended Saturday mat Oregon Technical Institute at Klamath Falls be given an ap propriation of $2,629,000 for the two years beginning July 1. The recommendation, which will go before the full joint committee next Wednesday, is 35 per cent more than tho institute's esti mated expenses In the present bi ennium. Request Cut The institute asked for $3,202,- 145, after scaling its original re quest down from $4,772,055. Winston Purvinc, head of the institute, was disappointed In the amount. After getting the news, he told the committee: "My first name is Winston, and like another man with that name, Winston Churchill, f do not Intend to preside over the liquidation of my empire. The committee was angered by this remark. But later, Sen. Jean Lewis (D), Portland, chairman of the subcommittee, said the sub committee appreciates his work at OT'l in the face of many diffi culties. The subcommittee also recom mended that the $72 tuition charge per term be cut to $65. It also instructed Purvine to in crease faculty salaries $140,000 a biennium, and do it within the proposed new budget. Berry Growers Study Prices FOREST GROVE I Some 206 Washington County berry growers met here Friday to dis cuss the possible drop In the prices which producers will pay (or berries this year. Last year the producers paid 14-15 cents a pound. But there havo been rumors that this year's pay will be only 610 cents pound. The growers heard a report that ot Gresham recently another group of growers discussed plans for reducing pay to Dickers, fine plan called for payment by the carrier instead ol hy the pound. The other called for pickers' pay to be reduced from 5 cents a pound to 4 cents. Baseball Scores 9 NATIONAV I.FAOUE Brooklyn ...... DM 110020 14 0 Plmbursh WK) 0OI 010 2 ! 1 Nr-wcomh urifl Camnanrlln: Kline, lAW iS. King 17), Arrovo (SI. Church 10) and FVH,s, Krnvllz ill). AMBnitAV I.KAM'E Wnshlnclfin 01)0 nno (Itfl 0 4 !1 nittllmnre Oln 0:10 fwlx 4 S 0 Slnhhs, Bvr-rlv (fll and Cmirtnes : rnrnlr-lea and Ginaberg. Home ruin: Nleman, Baltlmora. River Bad Weather Continues In State DALLAS, Tex. (UP); The rampaging Trinity River rolled into the homes of 2,500 persons in Dallas todav. but the U. S. Armv engineers said the flood will fall four feet short of the worst that had been feared. , Nine days of almost unparalleled bad weather continued without a break as a tornado destroyed a barn and ripped down half a mile of power lines at Robstown, Tex., west of Corpus Christi on the coast. , At Least 10 Die Thunderstorms, floods and tor- . nadoes have killed at least 10 per- s in Texas In the last nine days and have done unestlmated millions of dollars worth of dam age. Agriculture Commissioner John White estimated that agri cultural damage alone was $25 million. A new flood appeared to be de- . veloping in Central Texas between Belton and Cameron, but the ' worst current situation was in Dallas, on the Trinity River. , Twenty- five hundred persons, . most of them Negroes from an area called the Roosevelt Addition . which is not protected by levees, hod been helped from their homes -by police, firemen and deputy sheriffs. Area Covered Water covered nearly all of tha , Roosevelt Addition. The Negroea . who lived there were out ud in , dormitories at the state fair '". - stay during cattle . shows. Wh (,, iiouu auiierera were pui up in ya- , cant apartments . in a hourm project. '' ' ;;":';v viy. The US Engineers said-vfhe " Trinity River, in Dallas, normally a placid stream that a man ban ' wade across, was at 40 feet and would remain there most of the ' day and begin to fall. A crest of 44 feet had been expected. - - . Man Rescued After Tumble In Excavation An elderly Myrtle Point man was rescued from an excavation at the site of a new church under construction about 9:45 Saturday morning when he fell and became wedged between an earthen bank and a construction form. Martin Knutson, 70, apparently fell about four feet from a catwalk onto a pile of dirt and then rolled a few feet down an embankment to become wedged against the forms for a wall, city police said. Tho incident occurred at the sit of construction of a new St. Mark's Lutheran church at Marlon and Winter Streets. City first aidmen said Knutson -was apparently unhurt. He was taken to Cottage Rest Home where he was destined when he arrived in town by bus. He apparently was looking around the area when he began looking over the con?, si ruction and fell. It was not known just how long he had lain there before discovery by a worker at the church but he had been seen at the bus depot earlier In the morning, officers said, Mews in Brief For Saturday, April 27, 1957 NATIONAL Scnlllc Grand Jury to Study Teamsters . Sec.l, P. ' LOCAL Stnte DoMolays to Host Convention ... Sec. 2, P. 1 Fishermen Flock To Hills Sec. 1, P. 1 STATE Ways, Means Approve Higher Education Budget ..Sec. 1, P. 3 FOREIGN Kremlin Acts With Restraint Toward Jordan ...Sec. 1, P. 3 SPORTS Yak's McGhee Stops Senators Cold Sec. 2, P. i Oakridge Wins Annual Central Relays Sec. 2, P. 3 Bayer Blows after 17 on Par 4 Hole Sec. 2, P. 3 REGULAR FEATURES Amusements Sec. 1, P. 2 Editorials Sec. 1, P. 6 Locals Sec. 1, P, 7 Sec. 2, P. I ' Society Sec. 1, P, 4-5-8 Comics Sec. 2, P. i Television Sec. 2, P. 5 Want Ads Sec. 2, P. 5-S-7 Dorothy f)ix Sec. 2, P. 8 Crossword Puzzle See. 2, P. 4 Church Sec. 2, P. I o