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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1957)
Capital jt Journal THE WEATHER INCREASING CLOUDINESS to night, mostly cloud; Saturday, Sat urday night, chance ol few ihowert . Saturday evening. Low tonight, 40; high Saturday, 68. . 2 SECTIONS 20 Paget Xntartd u tecond elajg matter at Salem 69th Year, No. 98 Salem, Oregon, Friday, April 26, 1957 aO "2tt3 State Senate Kills Saturday B losing Bill Hot Issue Settled by 21-8 Vote ft irst National of ortland Alone Opposed A'V By PAUL W. HARVEY JR. Associated Press Writer ? Legislation t o compel -.. banks to close Saturdays ' was killed 21 to 8 Friday fyy the Oregon Senate. x The action, following an hour's debate, was on the Senate Financial Affairs Committee's 6-3 recommendation that the. bill be defeated. r Supporters argued that bank employes deserve to have Satur days off, but the opponents said it would inconvenience customers and be an unwarranted interfer ence with the bank business. . -.' The bill probably has been the most hotly controversial item be- , iore the Legislature, judging from the mail the lawmakers have re- ' ceived. First National Fought It The First National Bank of Port land, the state's largest banking ' chain, stood alone among the -, banks in fighting the bill. On the ; other side were the U. S. National Bank of Portland and the inde ; pendent banks, as well as the ? bank employes association, j, Opening the debate, Sen. An- drew J. Naterlin (D), Newport, ! supported the bill, accusing First National of "trying to tell every body else what to do." He said that the committee re ; fused the proponents' offer of amendments that would limit the Saturday closure to two years, or lust to the summer months. Sen. Howard C. Belton (R), Can- by, chairman of the committee, said the amendments would be lust a "foot in the door." . "This hill," Belton" said, "strikes at the very heart of the purposes of government." He pointed out that present law lets banks close on Saturdays if they wish. No Business In Session Belton continued that "you can't tell the First National that it can t do business on Saturdays because the U. S. National doesn't want it to. This restrictive legislation . has no business in the Legisla ture. Sen. R. F. Chapman (R), Coos Bay, supporting the bill, said that "small banks can't afford to do business on Saturdays so they have to sell out to the big chains. We can't let the First National i dictate the rules and regulations of the state of Oregon. Sen. Walter J. Pearson D), Portland, suggested that the leg islation could lead to demands (Continued on Page 5, Column 3) Home-Garden Show Starts v Tonight at 6 The annual Salem Lions Club Home and Garden show, featur ing some 80 booths, will get under way tonight at 6 o'clock in the Oregon State Fairgrounds grand stand building. The show runs through Sunday at 10:30 p.m. Doors will open at 1 p.m. on both Saturday and Sun day. Feature attraction will be the Sing Lee Sing family which will ting, dance and do acrobatics in a free show. Performances will be tonight, and Saturday and Sunday afternoons at 3 o'clock. - Entrance is the 17th street gate. Visitors will see everything in garden and home modernization In the 80 booths which have been prepared by 50 Salem merchants. Merchandise . certificates, will be awarded during the show and the first 200 to attend tonight will be given an opportunity to win a spe cial prize. Auto Crashes Fire Station PORTLAND (A A loud crash awakened firemen at engine house 34 in northeast Portland early Friday. An automobile had crashed through the front doors of the fire station. The driver. Jane A. Mobley, 25, Portland, was too excited to tell them what had caused her to veer into the station. She was taken to a hospital with a broken arm and lip cuts. Graham to Be on TV NEW YORK Evangelist Billy Graham's New York cru sade will be televised from Madi son Square Garden one hour week ly starting June 1, ABC network announced yesterday. The cru sade will open May 1$ In Groundbreaking Ceremony. Standing beneath the dipper of a big i power shovel Friday these three broke ground for the new regional office head quarters building of. State Farm Mutual Insurance Company north of Salem. From - N. P. GOELZER BREAKS GROUND Ceremony Oii$760,000Iiisurance Building Ground "W a s . broken Friday morning on a 26--acre site, north of Salem to signal the start of the new $760,000 State Farm Mutual northwest district office building which will employ over 300 people when completed in December of this year. ONLY 9 OPPOSED House Okays Capitol Mall Extension Plan By JAMES D. OLSON Capital Journal Writer With onlv nine negative votes, the House Friday passed and sent to the Senate a bill extending the Capitol Mall from Court to "D" street. In 1951 the Legislature adopted a resolution designating the mall area to go northward to "D" street dui tnai legislature anu suc ceeding ones failed to appropriate any funds for purchase of. property north of Union street. Appropriation Approved Previously the House passed a bill appropriating $250,000 for pur chase of property in the mall. This money can be used for pur chase of property located as lar north as "D" street, if the Senate, approves the bill. Rep. Eddie Ahrens, one of the sponsors, told the House that prop- Portland Girl Says s Abductor Tortured Her PORTLAND (UP) A 17-ycar- old girl, who had two blackened eyes and bruises about the face, told police today she was abduct ed by a man at gunpoint ana neiu captive in her father's car Thurs day. She told Detective Rudy Bouw man that she was bound and tortured with a lighted cigarette. She said her captor attempted to criminally assault her. The girl's account to Bouwman said the man pressed a gun in her side as she got in the family car. She said she was driven west of Portland where her wrists were bound with fishing line and then to a logging road near Hood Riv er. She said that she was struck, that her blouse was torn and that a lighted cigarette was touched to her back, arms and legs when she resisted him. After dark, she said, the man returned her to Portland and sot out downtown. She described him as about 25 or 30 years of age Nasser at Mosque , CAIRO, Egypt I President Nasser, making his first appear ance in public since January, prayed in the ancient Al Azahar mosque Friday the Moslem Good Friday in the holy month of Ramadan. Signals Start of Work N. P. Goelzer, vice president and manager of the State Farm Western Branch office at Berkeley, Calif., turned the first spadeful of dirt before a group of city, county and state officials and members of the Salem Chamber of Com merce. erty owners in the mall area be tween Union and "D" street were unable to sell their property, and because of zoning restrictions could not convert property into business channels. Designating the area between Union and "D" street as "No Man's Land," Rep. Duncan said he was first opposed to the bill, but after hearing testimony be fore the Ways and Means commit tee he had decided to support the extension. "Marble Palaces" Opposed "I don't want to sec a series of marble palaces built the entire length of the streets in the mall area, but in fairness to the prop erty owners in the extended area I think this Legislature should pass this bill," he said. Rep. Grace Peck told the assem bly that she had lived in homes between Union and "D" streets and knew personally of the plight of the home owners in that area. "The seal of doom has been placed on these homes by designa tion by the Legislature that the area as far north as "D" street was within the Capitol Mall area," Mrs. Feck said. Voting against the bill were Reps. Fayette Bristol (R). Grants ss; Ben Evick ID), Madras Wayne Giesy (R), Monroe; R. E. Goad (Dl, Pendleton: Edwin Johnson (R), Eugene; Thomas R. McClellan D), Neotsu; John D Mosser D), Portland; Katherine Musa (D), The Dalles, and Joe Rogers (D), Independence. Ham and Man Off S.F. Bridge Cable SAN FRANCISCO (UP) An unemployed dancer stood clutch ing a yellow rose on a Golden Gate Bridge cable 3nn feet above the water for 15 minutes early to day threatening to jump. He was finally coaxed down by Bridge Manager James Adam who offered to buy him ham and eggs. The would-be jumper, Billy Cros by. 25. Negro, stepped to the side walk near the middle of the span and handed Adam the rose. He commented. "I've been badly mis understood. Crosby, who described himself as an interpretive ballet dancer lirst appeared at the toll plaza at -I I left, E. B. Nelson, regional manager who will be in charge of the! Salem office; Mayor Robert F. White, and N. P. Goelzer, of Berkeley, vice-president for the west ern operations. (Capital Journal Photo) Full scale construction will start Monday, according to officials of Vicsko and Post, general contrac tors, The building, located off Claxtar Road, will contain over 70,000 square feet and will have a glazed brick exterior and colonial en trance, according to Goelzer. It will be constructed to allow for ex pansion in the future. i Others taking part in the cere mony were E. B. Nelson, regional manager for the northwest district; Myron Smith, State Farm Mutual's director for Oregon; County Judge Rex Hartley, Secretary of State Mark Hatfield, and Mayor Robert F. White. Witnessing the groundbreaking were members of the Salem Cham ber of Commerce, including Elton Thompson, chairman of the Indus trial Division, and a number of State Farm Mutual agents from various places in western Oregon. Architect, Contractor Other interested observers in cluded James A Payne, architect of the building, and Ed Viesko and Claude Post of the firm of Viesko & Post, contractors who will build it. For the groundbreaking cere mony three shovels with burnished heads and polished handles were used. Salk Vaccine Nears Ample WASHINGTON UTi The Public Health Service said Friday sup plies of Salk polio vaccine have been building up again. They in creased from about 4,700,000 doses available on April 5 to about 8,- 200,000 does on April 19. Surgeon General Leroy E. Burn ey added that 3,918,240 doses of new vaccine were released by manufacturers this week, raising April releases thus far to 12,283, 785. The Health Service also reported that only 32 new polio cases were reported over the nation last week, as compared with 79 in the com parable 1956 week. Eggs Offer Coaxes 2:30 a.m. and said he wanted to walk across the bridge to Marin City to pick up his car. Highway Patrolman Charles Woodworth explained there was a bridge rule against pedestrians crossing after dark, and offered to drive him to Marin City. Crosby accepted. About two hours later a motor ist reported at the plaza that a man was on the cable. Woodworth went out and saw Crosby. He or dered him to come down. "No! Under no circumstances will I come down," Crosby shout- j ed. At the same time, he threw Floods, 4 Twisters Hit Texas 300 Unhurt When Wind Smashes .2 Schools By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Tornadoes ripped through east Texas Friday, injuring five persons at Ty ler, as cloudbursts dumped up to more than 5 inches of rain to bring new floods to many sections of the state. Nearly 300 children escaped in jury when a twister ripped into two elementary schools and de stroyed or damaged 25 homes at Tyler. Tornadoes were also sight ed in the vicinity, of Kilgore and Longviow, Another twister did minor damage at New Braunfels in central Texas. Winds Lash Missouri In southeastern Missouri, swirl ing winds described as a twister that probably didn't quite touch ground damaged two roofs, felled trees and television aerials and tossed lawn furniture at Frederick town, 90 miles south of St. Louis. The Weather Bureau at Kansas City forecast damaging thunder storms for parts of Texas, Okla homa, Missouri and Arkansas dur ing the day. Thunderstorms were expected to move across the Ohio and Tennessee valleys Friday night. The twisting, high winds moved on a broad front across the mid continent as cooler air pushed eastward. Hundreds of Tcxans left their homes or were evacuated when flood waters swirled over sections of San Antonio, Abilene, Dallas, and Fort Worth. Flash flood warn-1 ings were issued for the Trinity River. . t ,. ..-.v. 3 More Flood Victims . At least three more deaths in Texas were attributed to the flood. An unidentified man was swept into the surging waters of Rock Creek at Mineral Wells. Sam Jones 22, of Richmond drowned while trying to herd cattle out of the Brazos lowlands. Howard Lewis, 20, of Hillsboro was killed when his car ran into a washed out bridge at West. Gov. Price Daniel said he would ask President Eisenhower to des ignate the worst flood areas of Texas for federal disaster relief. .A 76-year-old man was killed and 18 other persons were hurt, none seriously, and from 75 to 100 homes were damaged in a tornado that hit Milford, Neb., a town of 950 population some 20 miles west of Lincoln in the eastern part of the state. Tornadic winds swept the prairie lands in southeast Nebraska but no injuries were re ported. Heavy rain and hail hit some areas. Cutoff Suits Tried; $9,500 Initial Award DALLAS (Special) Trial of 10 condemnation suits for land used by the State Highway Department for the Dolph Corner - Rickrcall Coast Highway cutoff moved into its second stage here Friday. The second suit, being heard by Circuit Judge William W. Wells of Pendleton, Is against Joe Har lan, Rickreall farmer, and seeks to establish the purchase price of land used for the highway. Thursday a suit against Mr and Mrs. Ross Simpson resulted in a verdict awarding them $9,500 plus interest at 6 per cent from May 10, 1956. They originally asked for $19,000 and $2,900 at torney's fees while the State had offered Simpson $4,200. As the court trials begin to es tablish a pattern of payment awards, it is believed that several of the suits may be settled with out trial. The trials are being heard by a jury. down a bouquet ol wnanowers woven into basket form. Woodworth called for reinforce ments. They included a San Fran cisco police car with a loudspoaK ci through which Adam talked to Crosby. Adam pointed out that Crosby was probably pretty chilly on his perch 80 feet above the bridge deck, "and wouldn't you like a rice platter of ham and eggs? "Yes I would," Crosby said, and came down. He was taken to the San Fran cisco Hospital psychopathic ward for observation. King Hussein Wins Army U. S. Moves All Nations in Middle East Cautioned By DONALD J. GONZALES United Press Staff Correspondent WASHINGTON (UP) -The United States has cau tioned Israel, Egypt, Syria and other Middle Eastern countries to avoid any ac tion that would worsen the situa tion in Jordan, it was disclosed today. State Department Press Officer Lincoln White said the U.S. posi tion that Jordan's independence and integrity arc vital has been made "abundantly clear" to coun tries in the Middle East area, Situation Better White also told a news confer ence that: The situation in Jordan "if anything, is perhaps a little bettor (today) than yesterday. King Hussein of Jordan has not asked the U.S. for assistance during the present emergency in his country. White said the U.S. is in "daily contact with Middle East coun tries. He said this government's posi tion is "publicly stated" by Presi dent Elsenhower has been made "abundantly clear to them." Eisenhower said at Augusta, Ga. Wednesday thatJthe "independence and integrity ot Jordan are vi tal" to tho U.S. and world peace The State Department Thursday said the independence and integri ty of Jordan are threatened "by international communism. Threefold Strategy The American strategy as now unfolding shows three main parts: 1. ine Presidents declaration. 2. The State Department's follow up, cautioning the Middle Eastern countries against taking action to worsen the situation. 3. Sending the U.S. Sixth fleet into the Eastern Mediterranean as a ' show of force. . Freighter and Ferry Collide In B.C. Strait VANCOUVER. B.C. Ufi A col lision of the ferry steamship i-rincess Joan and the Japanese freighter Tatekawa Maru Friday in the Strait of Georgia tossed passengers and crew members of the ferry from their berths, but both vessels suffered only minor damage and proceeded to port. Two Chinese cooks wero also trapped briefly in their forward cabin when the 8,150-lon Seattle- bound freighter struck the Prin cess Joan near the bow and raked 50 feet along the vessel's side, a Canadian Pacific Steamships spokesman said. The Princess Joan arrived here at 7 a.m. The collision occurred at 2 a.m just off Sidney, B.C., In a light fog. The 5,250-ton ferry ship, with 200 passengers left Victoria at midnight for tho mainland. The Tatekawa Maru reached Seattle in mid-forenoon Friday. J. R. Trowbridge, manager of the Kerr Steamship Co., agents for the owners, said damage was re ported "negligible." The Tatekawa Maru had radioed its agents in Vancouver It had "touched" the ferry. Less Rain in 5-Day Outlook It just could be there will be an other nice Sunday. Meanwhile the weather forecast is for increasing cloudiness tonight with prospect ot a lew snowers Saturday eve ning in Salem. Five-day outlook Is for tempera tures to average above normal and rain to be less than normal. mostly occurring the first of the week. No rain fell in the 24-hour pe riod to Saturday morning. The Willamette river continues to register lower marks, the local reading being -.2 of a foot Friday morning. Weallier Details Maximum yfttcrday, 59: minimum today. M. Total 24-hour precipitation: 0: for month: 1.95: normal, 2 07. Sea son precipitation. 28.95: normal, 35.41. nlver hHrht. - 2 of a foot. mnort by u. . inrr m,iu i Rounds FALLS SHORT, SAYS U.S. Accepts Suez Plan for a Tryout UNITED NATIONS, N. Y W) The United States agreed Friday to accept Egypt's Suez reserved its final acceptance trial. ' The U.S. position was laid be fore the U.N. Security Council by Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge, who said the plan announced by the Egyptian government earlier this week left much to be desired. Lodge announced that, pending final settlement, U.S. vessels will be authorized to pay tolls to Egypt only under protest, as has been the case since President Nas ser nationalized the 103-mile wa terway last July. French delegate uumaume Georgcs-Plcot blasted the Egypt ian plan as "a unilateral act." He said it provides no guarantees on freedom of shipping, no .guaran tees for the cooperation of Egypt and the users and no guarantees for improvement of the canal. New England Jarred By Quake; PORTLAND, Maine un A "strong local" eartnquake shook sections of New England Friday most heavily along its rocky coastline but there were no The tremor was recorded on the Weston (Mass.) observatory at 6:40:34 a. m. The Rev. Daniel Linchan. seismologist, placed the disturbance about 105 miles north east of Boston probably 15 to 20 miles at sea, off Portland. A Harvard seismologist said, however, he believed the quake occurred on land. Prof. L. Don Leet at the Har vard seismograph station in Har vard, Mass., said his instruments indicated the quake originated in generally northerly direction about 100 miles distant. He said he was inclined to dis agree with Father Llnchan's opin ion that it occurred under the sea. He said his preliminary evidence caused him to conclude it oc curred on land. Dr. Lcct expressed the opinion that New England is entering a period of increasingly frequent earthquakes. Last Tuesday night, earth shocks were felt in St. Johnsbury, Vt. There were thousands of roports of rattling windows and dishes in Greater Portland, Greater Boston, as far south as Braintrce, on the Massachusetts south shore and even inland to western Mnssacliu- ctts. Fire Destroys Cheese Plant LANGLOIS, Ore. MV-Fire early Friday destroyed the Langlols Cheese Co. factory here. H. H. Hansen, tho firm's owner, placed the loss at more than $150,000. The fire apparently began in a boiler room, and quickly spread tc the production and storage buildings. The firm had employed about 20 men. Firemen wero able to save office records. HOPES TO CHEAT 3rd Russ Guilty in NEW YORK m - Jacob Albam. accused member of a Soviet spy ring, Friday pleaded guilty to con spiring with Russians to obtain U.S. defense data for transmission to Russia. Albam, 64, was the third mem ber of an espionage ring seized by the FBI early this year to confess his guilt. His action came 16 days after two cohorts in the plot, Jack Soblc, 53. and Soble's wife, Myra, 52, entered similar pleas, and threw themselves on the mercy of the court. By so doing, they apparently sought to escape a death penallv. Federal Judge Richard II. Level, who received the pleas from al three, set next Friday for sen tencing them. Each could get up to 10 years in prison and a fine or $10,000 or both. The trio, all three of Ihcm ref ugees from the Iron Curtain, . . were charged on nx count In Up Rebels; Calm LODGE plan on a provisional basis, but until the plan has been put to The only way to make the Suez plan binding, he said, is for the operation to be provided for on a contractual basis. "Only In this way," he said, "can the rights of the users be assured." The U.S. delegate said the Egyptian plan, set forth in a memorandum to the U.N., falls short of the six requirements adopted by the Security Council last October 13 as a basis for a settlement. He noted especially the lack of any provision for "organized co operation" in the operation and control of the canal, which Egypt had promised last November in a letter to Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold. No Losses reports of damage or injury, Sec. Humphrey Strongly Hints Treasury Exit WASHINGTON (UP)-Treasury Secretary George M. Humphrey hinted strongly today that he in tends to resign soon from Presi dent Eisenhower s Cabinet. Rumors of Humphrey's possible resignation have been increasing since shortly after the first of the year when he invited Congress to make drastic cuts in the Presi dent's $71,800,000,000 budget for fiscal 1958. Previously, Humphrey has de nied such reports or remained silent. Today he Issued a statement to answer published reports that he will become president of the Na tional Steel Corp. at Pittsburgh. It is wen known, he said, "that I have been in the Cabinet much longer than I originally planned. But as long as 1 am secretary of the treasury, I will have no other interest. "When the time comes for my resignation, it will be presented first to tho President." The secretary's aides interpreted the statement for newsmen to mean that Humphrey expects to quit his government post "in the not too distant future. Humphery's statement was Ihc strongest he hns made to date In dicating his plans to quit the Cab inet. When ho became treasury secretary Jan. 21. 1953, it was well known that he intended lo stay I only two years. DEATH Spy Pleads N.Y. Court dictment, detailing spy activities here and abroad. Their pleas of guilty were to one count only, concerning con spiracy with Russian agents to obtain defense documents, photo graphs and other data, knowing it would be sent to Russia The gravest of the remaining counts the one which could have brought them death If they were convicted on trial charged conspiracy actually to transmit the secret papers and Informs tion. It Is customary when a defend- ant pleads guilty to part of an indictment for tho defense to move for dismissal of the other counts on Ihc day of sentencing. The government has not in dicated if it will concur in such a move. The three spies are being held without bail. They were arrested I Feb. 25. Crisis Ousted Nabulsi Being Hunted As Fugitive By WALTER LOGAN . United Press Staff Correspondent Kinc Hussein emerged ' from 48 hours of crisis to day, the clear victor in tho latest ro.und or his battle to steer Tordan from Com munism into a path of modera- . tion. His army held the nation in the Iron grip of martial law and was reported rounding up hundreds of leftist dissidents. busted former Premier Sulel- man Nabulsi was declared to ba a "fugitive" and was being hunted by security forces. "We are looking for Nabulsi," Jordanian government spokes man .said. Reports reaching Beirut, Leban on, said Nabulsi already was un der arrest along with a number ot other leftist leaders and dissident army officers. The reports said "several hundred" persons wer arrested. -. - Arab World Calm - However, the general., outlook appeared to be Improving inside, and outside of Jordan where, thingt wek-e. calm on this Moslem sab bath. v.. Government officials in Animaij were reported expressing more confidence that the present crisia Is just about over. The feeling in government and diplomatic cir cles was that the harsh propagan da of the past few days from other Arab countries, notably from Cai ro's Voice of the Arabs, is now on the wane. The decision by the United States to speed the Sixth Flee into the Eastern Mediterranean m a forceful show of the flag ap parently has had a calming effect on the entire Mideast. Fleet units rendezvoused off the Italian coast for their move to , the far end of the Mediterranean, and their arrival in the Jordan area was awaited with confidence. A hurried trip to Riyadh, diplo matic capital of Saudi Arabia, by top. Syrian and Egyptian officials for talks with King Saud was in terpreted by competent sources in Amman to mean the Arab world now believes that no radical changes will be made in Jordan. Use of U.S. Planes These sources said that this feel ing in the Arab world is expected to be solidified when King Saud visits Jordan some time next month. Since Jordan has no coastline on the Mediterranean, the most ef fective way for the fleet to make a political demonstration when it arrives is to fly planes over Israeli territory to reach Jordan's air space. Israeli spokesmen refused to comment on reports the U.S. had asked permission to make such a flyover. Meanwhile, earlier reports that Americans had been ordered out of the Jordanian sector of Jcrusa l Continued on Page 5, Column 4) JNews in Brief For Friday, April 26, 1957 NATIONAL Floods, Twisters Harass Texas Sec. 1, P. 1 3rd Russian Spy Pleads Guilty . 5cc. I, P. 1 LOCAL School Board to Wait on Annexations Sec. 2, P. 1 Wallace Chapel Dedication Sunday . Sec. 1, P. S STATE Lebanon High Tax Levy Up - Sec. 1, P. 8 Saturday Bank Closing Bill Defeated Sec. 1, P. I FOREIGN Jordan Crisis Calms Sec. 1, P. t SPORTS ' Senators Win Opener ' From Yakima See. 2, P. a Chisox Off to Flying Start In American League Sec. 2, P, 3 REGULAR FEATURES Amusements Sec.l , P. 2 Editorials Sec. 1, P. 4 Locals Sec. 1, P. 5 Society . Sec. 1, P. 6. 7,8 Comics Sec. 2, P. 4 Television Sec. 2, P. 5 Want Ads Sec. 2, P. 6, 7. 8, 9 Sec. 2, P. 6 Markets Dorothy Dix I .Sec. 2, P. 5 Sec. 2, P. 4 ..Sec. 1, P. 9 Crossword Purtle. School