Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 22, 1957, Page 24, Image 24

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    Page 2 Section '4
Yankees, D odgers
Now Lead
Odd Happenings
Spice Easter
The Associated Press
When baseball historians grope
through the records of Sunday,
April 21, 1957, at some distant
date, they'll mark it down as the
day that:
1. A "day doubleheader at
Washington was called because of
power failure.
2. Don Newcombe tied a record
by throwing home run balls to
three successive Pittsburgh bat
ters. J. Don Hoak, a Cincinnati base
runner, "fielded" a grounder be-
W L Pel. W L Pft
Mllwauk 4 0 1.000 N. York 2 3 .400
Broklvn 4 ) J.00 2 3 .400
St. Lou 3 2 .Stti PitUbfh 2 3 00
ChiCatfo 2 2 .500 Cim-inn 0 4 .000
SjndaVi results: At Milwaukee 3.
Cincinnati 1: at Brooklyn 3-7. Pitts
burgh 6-4: i tSt. I.uuii 3-6. Chicago
5-3; at New York 2-5, PmladeJphm
W I. I'rt W L Pel.
Chlcafo 4 0 1 000 Washn 2 3 .400
N. York 3 1 .750 -Bltmr J 3 .400
Boston 2 2 fi('0 Detroit 2 3 .400
Kn. City 3 3 . 400 Clevelnd 1 3 .250
Sunday's results: At Boston 5. New
York 4: at Chlcaao I. Kansas City ft;
at Detroit 3, Cleveland 2: it Wash
ington 9-2. Baltimore 11-1 (second
fame called, fifth inning, power fall
lire I.
Dnri nnt Inrliirta irmnH urn
uhlch was called end of fifth Jnnlni
by power failure.
twpen second and third and tossed
It to Johnny Logan. Milwaukee
shortstop, thus, in effect, retiring
4. Jim Wilson pitched 6 2-3 per
fect innings for the Chicago White
Sox and didn't allow a Kansas
City hit until there was one out
in the' ninth.
5. Frank Lane gnashed his teeth
as a man he traded to Chicago
Saturday, Bobby Del Greco, came
through with a base hit that
helped beat the St. Louis Cardi
mis 5-3 and then nailed himsrlf
on ine nacK tor engineering me
deal that hrought Sam Jones, a
6-3 winner In the second game, to
' Et. Louis from the Cubs.
Two Unbentens Lose
All in all, Easter Sunday was
a day to be remembered if for no
other reason than that the New
York Yankees and Brooklyn Dodg
ers finally lost a game.
After one week of play, the Mil
waukee Braves and the Chiraen
White Sox are the only unbeaten sinRc runs in the seventh and S"mc Sunday in pitching t h e
teams and the Cincinnati Red- ci(,hl inigs. Dolan Nichols, who j Mountiej to shutout victories. 1-0
legs are. the only nonwinners. relieved starter Pete Mesa in the ""d 'O- Jo frazier hit a fourth
President Will Harridge has a f j rtti was the winning pitcher, . inning home run to win the open
problem on his hands alter the Anderson the loser. or ""d R0' 8 2 run round tripper
second gome at Washington was . .'. ,',' j ,'o(f Roger Oscnbaugh in the 3rd
called because of power failure ...'"SiST. .sa.n.! I inniiu of hie nightcap.
.(, .:,.
ni.ii c I);.-, nun ti.-llllln
Ion on lop 2-1.
Since American League rules do!
rot cover such a situation. Har-i
eels'lhe comnleie rpriirf from hit
1, 9 TZm Zi rV t...
w.1.''!. "It?,
hours and 50 minutes and wasn't
decided until the Oiioles came up
with two in the 10th inning. A to
tal of 39 players, including 13
pitchers, saw action with George
7-uberink getting the decision over
Dick Hyde.
Wind Ruins Yanks
The Yanks lost their first game
5-4 to Boston when a wind-blown
pop fly ffi'l for a single between '
pitcher Bob Grim and the first .
base line with catcher Yogi Berra'
in pursuit. Gene Mauch dashed
home from second while Sami
nnue j tly was tailing lor a game
winning single, giving Dave Sislrr
the verdict. Bill Skowron hit two'
homers. j
Wilson retired the lirst 20 Kan-,
sas City hatters. He finally walked j
(.us .ornial in the seventh Hcc
tor ly,no, hrol,. k,. .h .i.klrnl. lo,,lrr. in oo.
a single in the ninth and Harry j
Simpson also sincled.
Tom Morgan, who matched
son's three-hitler, gave up the
only run ol the 1-0 game in the
loth on Sherm 1-ollar's sacnlice
fly with the bases loaded.
Bearcats Lose
To Sacramento
Willamette's Bearcats were over- j 1 C.o to C. of I
whelmed by Sacramento .Mate Sat-' Tn ,k(,nd. Willamette will
urday. losing a dual tennis match (ace College of Idaho in two
on the Bearcats' courts. 8-0 , al Caldwell Saturday, and
Bud Mull, one ol Willamette's top will t.incle nh Whitman "in an
netters. won a long first set from, ether doubleheader at Walla Walla
Sacramento s Bill Reinhardt. 1210. Monday.
then folded as Reinhardt won the
second and third at love
Other singles results: Harry Cole-
"V". r. n,,M "'al. "'"'h.them alonr .ion ,h. conference
iwp, mi, b-6; lony tinmaima M
". .. .'."".'".'" : .
R-l: h,cn .Mcolai 'M defeated Don
Smith 1W1. 6-3. 6-0; Chuck Greene
1 S ' defeated Marshall Jelderks
(Wi, 6-0. 6-2; Garry Bowers 'S
defeated Don Gordon 1W1, 60, 6-0.
Doubles results: Damaima and
Bowers (Si defeated Keith and
Campbell 1W1. -2. 4-6, 6-3. and i
Greene and Nicolai ( S defeated
Jelderks and Smith IWI, 61, 6-1
ST. LOUIS (UP-Walker Coop
er, 42-year-old St. Louis Cardinals
coach, has been reinstated lo the
artiie nlav.r list Wan., nf an ',
injury suffered hy first
String i
catcher Hal Smith. Smith suf
fered a split index finger in Sun
day's first game with the Chicago
I t sit . '
Price of Seattle is tossed out of his C-class
racing hydroplane as the boat flips over
on a turn in a Seattle Outboard Assn.
sponsored race here Sunday. Price was
Beavers Sink Deeper Into
PCL Cellar; It's 9 of 11
rlppnor into the Pacif c Coast Vncver 2 jsno s. Ditto wo 3-1. ine AnEeis anvancea irom ; k-i, udu-nninnu, nci.
& ceL Sunday, losing a , J J ffiS" I ? fifth place in the standings with j Capps The losers dropped I to . the
doubleheader to San Diego, 8-5 sratiit s s MS Portland 2 B IB2 the help of two home runs by consolation flight with the pairings
and jj I Sunday, re.ulu: At facramtnto o- Sleve Bjlko and singe round-trip- calling for Lawrence-Kennedy.
Thev'also lost third baseman !'-. scarii"io-i?; at San DiI H ' pers each by Jin, Baxe.,. Wally ! Wiltse-Verbeck. Miller-Beugli, .and
rnr cm. inr a week He left
the second game in the second
inning when hit on the ankle with
his own foul tip. Freese suffered
a bad bruise.
The Beavers, who had dropped
9 ol 11 games, now are 6'4 games
out of first place and 1') behind
seventh-place Sacramento.
Portland had a 5-3 lead in the
,n.n.r mtl nn the slrenslil of
Vn.. r,..i,.v . ... in,
homer in
the (mirth inning. But ban Diego
tied It in the filth with two runs,
driving Portland starting pitcher
Johnny Bnggs, a ormer balcm
star, out of the box.
Iced In Seventh
' They went ahead in the sixtl
against reliever con Anderson on
a single, a sacrifice bunt, an
error by second baseman Bobby
McKce and a sacrifice fly.
The Padres iced the game with
inC IlCil ITS WCfC IHIIIlf-tl III llV
k.. i d,.j nt.. I
Icently sent to San Diego by' the :
- ,...;, 'j .... ..
h" u f h ' a
Ber ad anced farther than
iSCn,,.. "iL .. i , c.
Diego's runs. Starter Dick Fiedler
took the loss.
Attend Funeral
The tram traveled to Arcadia,
WU Nine to Face 2
Non-Lcjiime Teams .
., ..... ,,,
llCilt'CcltS 111 I WO
From Pioneers
6-2 and t-1
Willamette University's Rear-
frrcner baseball piav. step into aif'"r.k .L Willamette 6-4: l.infield
pair of nnn-learne -this i ?-'0' "hllm .M ,socond amc
Wil-lweek before reluming to confer-1
rnce action with a tough week-
end road trip. i
The Rearrau who n,a,ntainH !
their undefeated status with a pair
of victories over Lewis and Clark
at Portland Saturday, will meet
Portland University at Portland
Tuesday, and will go against Ore
gon College o( Education Wed
nesday al YlrCulloch field. That
clash will start al 2 30 p m.
Victonrs over Lewis and Clark.
6-2 ami 4-1. save the Rearc.its a
40 conference record and left
standings. ,
.. John PreHerirb. ..... ... ....f
- . . . "'
',,c "'n," h'.'! '
1 ii uiamciic nur
in the second
un. iwirieti a neat li e-lultcr.
Willamette go! oft to a 20 Irad
in the second Innine o( lh. lip.l
Jf m G2i B"rdR snd Tom
Moore sincled to drue in the run.
hv Hem-in !n.e anil VI,
w........ ....
anu a uouuie uy n. o.h.muiiu gave
the 'Cats three more runs in the
filth inning, and from there the
Bearcats coasted to victory
The winners scored all lour ol
their second game runs in the
sism inning ann ro.i. i
.ewis and I larx piicner on
Stempel had hooked tip in a tight
duel !
, . ,. ,. c .... r""ri ai-.a nackiuna. aiMnpei ana
In that wild sixth, Spoer wasiRonne.
as Boat Does Flip-Flop
"r"'na. r' : " noll-v
Calif., Monday to attend the fun
eral of their late manager. Bill
Sweeney, who died last Thursday.
Portland will open a seven-game
series with Hollywood at Holly
wood Tuesday night. Frank Cars
ranK tars-
well, acting ; manager, has named
ef hnnder Marly Garber to pitch
,h fir,t contest i
vnuvir. I'i eames ahead in
.. ... .... . ..'kowski with two males on base
;tne fa(,uc and Sacramento will
j , al Sacramento in the only ;
Monday night game.
The Mountios will try out Mor-
He Martin against either Cloyd
Roycr or Marshall Bridges in the
hope of having the same super
lative pitching that took both ends
of a doubleheader against the So-
lons Sunday.
Mel Held and Art- Ceccarelli
hold Sacramento to 3 hits in each
Tuesday. Vancouver opens
. , ..
aSainsl cc"nd, Pla San "n'
leisco. The Seals lost ground Sun
'toy hy splitting a doubleheader.
""n.'!ll! ''! -fL"1
'in which the s,de batted around i
San Francisco to
with the help of
n.i tu.,,."j3
four-hit pitching and his double
and single, which batted in three i
Northwest Conference
t'ollege of Idaho
Lewis and Clark
4 0 l.ono
2 1
... 2 2
1 I
1 4
'UrO.V gatHM! 1.CW1S
Saturday games
L,1 ''ngsi: lollcge ol Idaho vs.
' ac"'f' P"MPonpd. rain.
nit by the pitcher. Bncklund sin-
gled and Hurdg singled on an un
fielded bunt. Dick Rohrer tried
a squeeze bunt which L-C catcher
Art limine dropped at the plate
as Speer scored.
Collision on Runt
Rncklund scored on Fowler's
hunt which went unlielded when
Steinpi'l and his catcher collided
trying to pick up the ball Burdg
tallied on a fielder's choice and
Ithorer came home on Eddie
Grossenhacher's squeeze bunt.
Johnson singled home Bill Ack
er in the bottom hall of the sixth
inning to give Lewis and Clark
its sole run.
Backlund. with 3 for P. and
H"ds. with .1 for
led the
Iteau-als in hittins
l.ewis and
Claik's Jie Johnson had 4 for f
, the to games
rlt. 141 1, a. Tt.rk
n n u n D w
v.-re -u 1 0 1 s.-iiiant 1
zieVn-anj i 0 2 Ward! V
I'Ji'uioJ 4 0 1 Mc-ore.c
Burdi I 4 1
? '' t 3 0 0 Jo.-.n.on.2 i 0
nedruk p 4 0'2 s-.eohe
i. n 3 (t 0
Mill.ritn o 0 0 0
Williams p 0 0 0
Me f n.l 0 0 e ;
Cairiet.p 10 0
Ntubrvx I 0 c
T.ii.l Jl HO
3 ;
' Died out 1,
Mi:!",!!'' In flh.
eo f.w 0:o 10 J
ono ooi escv 3 a 4 ;
Milan. elle
Le n A, Clark
w.:u!,''.t''e m am 0-4 s 1 1
t.evii.. Clark 000 ftni lJ 3 2
Suffer First
! 1 i i" 'a!- A . . ."j!
'" n"-. ; f'i-t
thrown about 100 feet across the water.
His boat did a complete flip, landing on
Its bottom. Price was unhurt. (AP Wire-photo)
inird place LOS Angeles ClOD-
Hfilywood twice. 15-5 and
Lamners and Vic Marasco in the ;
Stuart Homers
Rookie rightfielder Dick Stuart
of Hollywood also hit a home run
in the first game but the Angels
won the scheduled seven-inning
ihl, hlc :lh Kh.
b, h d (
. . . ... , ? , .
ra mnings lieu . di.u i.
. ..j t- u:. I
noss ,0 make, the throw, let It
Ret away. Two runs scored.
(Continued from page 1, section 4)
500 series, two 200 games and a 199. Other high averages were
Denny Frank 138: Jerry Spellmeyer 137; Dick Wilt 131 and Don Bomber
ger, 128; Kd Peters, 126, and Torrr Crabtree, 125.
V-Botvl Plans Summer Bowling
The University Bowl's summer schedule includes one league
planned for each day of the week: Monday, a 3-man 545 pin limit
tram league. Tuesday and Thursday are mixed league days,
one a 600 pin limit, the other a 650 pin limit. Wednesday Is a
6R0 pin limit. Wednesday Is a 6S0 limit 4-man team league, and
Friday Is a junior league 4-member team league for bowlers
18 and under. All except (he Monday league will be handicap.
6 High in Cherry City Classic
Six Salem bowlers are nn the
tna.r.'1 runni"S A"l:us,
Hartman ann wnonv Mvnrs nr
Larry Smilh is 7th with 1204: Roy
". h' ,-,' "" '""'
1 :'',;., . .,. . -
The tournament is a 70V of difference from 200 handicapped tour
ney, and entrants can bowl anytime squads of four or more are
Evelyn Fagg and Lucille Crandell have been weekly winners of
the Cherry City Pol O Gold bowling Inducement. Evelyn has won
free bowling lines and $12.50 and
Cherry City manager Dick Phipps is still under the weather from
kidney infection. Continuing disabilty could lead to surgery.
Leagues Approaching Finish ,
The two Stale House leagues at Cherry Ctv bowl mark the im
pending finish ni the league seasons. They wind up next Wednes-
day with their playoffs for official
Right of Way and Veterans Affairs shoot it out for 1 and 2 spots
while Pt'C and Highway Shops shoot for 3 and 4 spots for State House
League No. 1.
Stale House League No. 2 pits construction and Tax Commission
bowling for first and second: Accounting 3rd: and Motor Vehicles and
Fairview Home vicing for 4th spot. Other leagues will be finishing
in the next two weeks.
The Red Crown League Bonnevlle Power Gang punched out an
1130 for a new team high in the Cherry City league.
Highs Around the Alleys
Men: John Nuber led the league scoring the past week with a
(176 series and a high game of 235. Other 600't were Tony Vittone,
649: L. Krueger, 626; and Wall Gardner, tit.
Jack Olney's 255 tied the week's high game, and Rex Shelton's
254 was close. Olher above 220 games were Mary Benj-244: Claude
Case-239: Omar Halvorsen-235: Dave Ringland-235; Faye Webb-229:
L. Krueger-2;i8; and Tinky llartwell-236.
Women: Myrt Dunn and Alice Kauflman tallied 200 s. Myrt's was
a 204; Ahces a 213.
George Miller at Cherry City pushed the 8 pin into the 10 pin for
a 1-in-a-million split conversion at Cherry City.
Year's First Women's 300
Mary Pashoff of Granite City. Illinois, bowled the first 300
series of (he 157 season. Her 3O0 came It the second game be
tween a lC and a 195. Series a big 671. Mrs. Pashoff has
howled for IS years and participated In 4 leagues carrying a com
bined average of 178.
if 'trwa
Earl A.
- O
Robin Claims He's
i i of Careless
1 Thrower
1 NEW YORK iJ-Robin Roberts
rirwtcn'l anrmi with Mavn Smith
that his numerous home run don't, one tning l do Know, now
pitches are the result of "just ever. It's not because I'm care
plain carelessness." but the star less. They're just bad pitches,
Philadelphia right-hander has no that's all. Why alibi?"
desire to become involved in a Sauer s home run. hit in the
.;k h; mn4. second innine. was the fourth
I "1"!,, nm niirh it i ill
with me,1' Robbie admitted rue-
Barker Leads
Duck Pin Play
Paul Barker heads a list of eight
men who will vie Monday or Tues
day in the second round of the
championship flight of the City
Handicap Duok Pins singles cham
pionship being held at B it B Bowl.
Barker rolled a 504 to oust Rusty
Lawrence, who had 383. Mel Noack
had the second high. 484. as he
defeated George Wiltse with 380
Other first round results Includ
ed: Bill Bearse 364 def. Roy Ken
nedy 360. Jerrv Davis 438 det.
Jerry Verbeck 360, Les Capps 9
def. Ira Short 404. Ed Hensel 43a
def. Dan Zahn 378. Frank Crail
435 def. Fancis Miller 379, Al Ken
field 409 def. Roy Beucli.
aecona rounu ciiaiuuwi9iui
'pairings are Barker-Bearse No-
Capital Racing Assn
To Lay Final Plans
Final meeting of the Capital
Auto Racing Association before
the opening card of the season will
be held Tuesday night at 3890 Sil
ver ton Road. President Red Weit
man said today.
The association is to provide the
(lrst racmg carcj f in(. SPaSon
next Sunday at Hollywood Bowl
just north of Salem.
Cherry City Jrtooo singles classic
.31'. D"n. Har?er ??..,2s!..ta
knntttvi lor 4th anfl sin U'ltn l'ATl?
Luke is 8th with
1172: and Del
K"u" " n'""" s ul"-r
u ....
Lucille has won tree bowling.
top four places. Half winners i
DID YOU KNOW life Insuronce costs less when
you ore younger eoch yeor means higher
rates so plan NOW for a secure future.
Call the Man from Manufacturers
Gooch-Supermor Salem District
Tclcphone-Salcm EM 3-3314
Defeats in MajorAction
fully today, referring to the one
he threw to Hank Sauer that
helped the New York Giants win
the first game of yesterday's
double-header from Philadelphia
2-1. The Phils took the nightcap
Just Bad Pitches
I wish I knew the reason." the
30-year-old Roberts added, "but I
! "coDher ball" yielded by Roberts
in two starts this season. He threw
three in losing a 7-6, 12-inning
game to Brooklyn last Tuesday.
It was after that game that the
usually mild-mannered Smith
hurled his "careless" charge.
"I am pitching no differently
today than I did When I was win
ning 20 games each yea r,"
Roberts said with a trace of an
noyance, "and I've never before
been accused of being careless. I
guess that's something you have
to expect when you're losing. You
never hear such things when
you're 'winning.'
Roberts was a losing pitcher for
the second straight time yesterday
but he deserved a better fate It
was one of his better games. The
Giants made six hits off him, only
one after the fourth inning.
Drag Racer
Goes 145.6
At Aurora
AURORA (Special I The first
Northwest Timing Assn. drag race
of the season here, Sunday, drew
approximately 200 cars and 2,300
spectators as the car owned by
Agnes and Graves won the feature
Class A drag in 145.63 m p h.
The time was just shy of the
track record of 148.86.
The list of other top speeds in
the 32 different classes included:
A-B 85.62, B-A 105.78, C-A 98-75,
B-Sr 85.96, B-competition 105.52,
B-OG 124.79, A-A 111.61, A G 86.21,
B-G 93.11. C-G 94.76, D-G 93.63.
A-Sp 104.17. E-G 82.28. S-S 94.28.
A-S 89.13, B-S 89.87, 'C-S 82.19, D-S
78.33, B-S 68.43. D-S 81.57.
In the stock car class, the 1957
Chevrolet captured first in every
class. A supercharged Ford T
Btrd won the sport division.
Next drag action at the Aurora
strip is Sunday, April 28.
Senators Bill
Drills at Home
(Continued from page 1)
The Senators pushed their
"Grapefruit League" record to
seven victories in ten games Sun
day with a.- 5-2 triumph over the
Redding Tigers at Redding.
Good pitching by veteran Vern
Kindsfather and Willie Neal helped
Salem to the victory. Kindsfather
went the first five innings and
gave up only five hits and two
runs. Neal was even more terrific
as he pitched no-hit ball for the
last four innings. He walked none ;
and struck out five.
Salem scored in the fourth inn
ing on singles by Bob Campbell
and Ted Rhodes, but Redding
came back with a single run in the
same inning on a pair of singles.
Ron Mancasola homered for the
Tigers in the fifth to give Redding
a 2-1 lead.
'In the seventh frame, Salem's
Karl Kuehl doubled and Don
Hanggie reached first when he
was hit by the pitcher. Then a
wild throw on Willie Neal's ground
ball, a double by Gene Laursen
and a single by Ray Steele pro
vided two more runs to sew up
the triumph for Salem.
The Senators added an insur
ance run in the ninth.
Senators (3) (!) Titers
Lursen.s 4 13 0 Mncsl.m 4 110
Stcele.2 5 0 2 0 Rice.2 .1110
Knrzr.m 5 0 0 0 Swarts.s 4 0 3 1
Durtlo.r 5 0 0 0 Cauble.l 4 0 0 0
Cmpbl.1 3 12 0 Brewr.l 3 0 0 0
Kuehl. I 4 110 Mursn.c 4 0 0 0
Rhodes.l 4 1 2 Hofl.3 4 0 0 0
Koepf.c 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0
Hantle e 1 0 0 0 Tench. p 3 0 0 1
Kdflhr.p 2 0 10
N'.al.p 2 110
Total 37"i 12 0 Total J22S2
Salem MM 100 .1015 12 0
Reddlnl 000 110 00C 2 5 5
Pitcher ip ah h r er so bb
KindsfaUier 5 20 5 1 2 3 1
Neal 4 " 12 0 0 0 5 0
Tem-h 37 12 5 2 S 1
Home runs: Mancasola Two-base
hits: Laursen. Kuehl. Runs batted in:
L-aursen. Steele. Rhodes. Mancasola.
OauMe Time: 2:10 Umpires: Vounf
and Kosti:. Att.: S20.
STOCKTON. Calif, in Stock
ton of the California League beat
the Eugene Emeralds of the
Northwest League. 3-1. in an ex
hibition baseball game Sunday.
Chicago White Sox hurl
er Jim Wilson, above, didn't
allow a hit until one man
was out in the ninth inning
and beat Kansas City 1-0
Sunday on a three-hitter.
OCE Sweeps
Pair; WU Next
On Wednesday
Games Narrowly Won
From SOCE3-2,
2-1 Saturday
MONMOUTH (Special)-Llte-in-ning
scores helped Oregon College
of Education sweep a doublehead
er from. Southern Oregon in Ore
gon Collegiate Conference base
ball play Saturday, 3-2 and 2-1.
The victories left Oregon Col
lege with a conference record of
four wins against a single loss.
Southern Oregon's Ned Landers
had a no-hitter going until the
sixth inning of the first game with
his team ahead, 2-0. Then Dwain
Brandt singled for the Wolves with
two men aboard to score one run.
The men aboard were Dean Soren
son and Roan McKichan who had
walked. -
Clutch Single Wins
Barry Adams followed with an
other single to score McKichan
and later Wayne Osborn drove in
the third run with another single.
Southern Oregon s Red Raiders
tallied one in the third on a
double steal and again in the sixth
on singles by Ron Owings, Larry
Maurer and Dick Nix.
In the second game, with two
out in the last half of the last
inning, Adams came through with
another clutch single to drive
home Dean Sorcnson with the win
ning run.
The Raiders had scored in the
first inning, but the Wolves tied
it up in the -fourth when Ed Zur
flueh drove McKichan home.
Then in the seventh Sorcnson
singled, was pushed to second on
a walk and scored on Adams'
Wednesday the Wolves will meet
Willamette at Salem in a non
conference game.
B 1
T.Landrs.3 4
N Landrs.p 4
McAvee.l 2
(3) OCE
2 0 0
Brandt. m
Ramsey .r
Owens. p
Woolsev 2
owlngs.2 2
King.r 3
Maurtr.l 3
Nix.m 3
Jones .1 3
Seymour.c 3
Thoreiun.2 2
1 1 ai
Total 29 2 7 Total SO 3 3
x Walked for Buss in Sth.
SOCE 001 001 02 7 1
OCE -000 0O.1 '3 3 4
Second game i
SOCE v. 100 000 01 4 0;
OCE . 000 100 12 7 1 :
Theis. Sides (3 and Sword; Weeks j
LAWRENCE. Kan. Univer
sity of Texas mile relay team bet-1
tered its own world record for the
440-yard baton event with a :39 6
clocking in the Kansas Relays. j
. only 10 a copy.
Q,nce for a year to get
ularly for only 10 a copy.
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It'i your one chance for a year to get
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It's your one chance for a year to get
LIFE regularly for only 10e a copy.
It "s your one chance for a year to get
LIFE regularly for only 10c a copy.
It's your one chance for a year to get
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It's vour one'-hsnee 'or a ,fii to
UFE regularly for only lv( a cop. I
Salem, Oregon,
Ducks Top U.W.,
WSC Defeats
The University of Oregon and
Washington Stale College, were
wnners in Northern uini
track meet Saturday in a non-
conference meet Eastern wasning
ton scored a surprise victory over
Oregon posted an B4-47 victory
over Washington at cugrne.
defeated Oregon State 82 l-J
48 2-3 at Corvallis and Eastern
Washington downed Idaho, 8UI2-
Five records were made in me
Oregon-Washington meet, three by
Oregon and two Dy wasningion.
Oreeon's Steve Anderson set a
record of 9.5 seconds in the 100-
vard dash: teammate Doug Bash
am covered the 120-yara nign
hurdles in 14.4 seconds and Ed
Bingham threw the javelin 226
feet, 9'i incnes.
Pulford Puts 52-4'S
Meet records set by Washington
were Larry Pulford's 52 feet. 4'i
OSC. 6 feet 7J inches: and shot-
put, Steve Frye, WSC, 53 feet,
24 inches.
Leading Eastern Washington in
the victory over Idaho was fresh
man Gary Fuller of C 0 e u r
d'Alene. Idaho. He won both hur
dles races and the broad jump.
Winner of the 2-mile race was
Ray Hatton. an English exchange
student at Idaho, who went 'the
distance in 9:24.7. This was 12 sec
onds under the Evergreen Con
ference record, but the record
will stand.
inches in the shot put and the mile
Rocky Stone,
Reinke Take
Boat Firsts
Rocky Stone, Willamina. cap
tured four first places and one
second at Saturday and Sunday's
outboard races held at Lake Sam-
mamish. Wash., and sponsored by
the Seattle Outboard Assn.
Stone won the DU runabout. C
service runabout. C racing run
about, and CU runabout classes,
while .finishing runnerup in the C
service hydro division.
Salem's Harvey Reinke won the
BU runabout class, and placed
third in the B stock hydro ranks.
Another Salem racer. Paul Wood
roff, finished second in the D stock
hydro, and third in both the C
racing runabout and CU runabout
Cliff Plagmann. Albany, was
third in the A racing hydro, while
Ted Nova, also of Albany, picked
up a third in the D stock hydro di
vision. Wrestlers to Be
For Triple Tag Mix Tuesday
Three of the roughest meanies
will go up aginst three of the
best cleanies Tuesday night in one
of those rare events, a triple tag
team match, slated as the top fea
ture of matchmaker Elton Owen's
wrestling card at the Salem Ar
mory. The cleanies. Luther Lindsey,
Luigi Macera and Herbie Free
man, will battle Wild Bill Savage,
Gentleman td francis and Joltin' I
Jack Bence for' two out of three!
falls or to a 45 minute time limit, j
Two referees will be called into '
action to handle this special
match, which grew out of a beef
Francis and Savage had last week
with r reeman and Lindsey
a ye l
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LIFE reguJrTiy for only I0e a c
It's your one chance for a year t
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LIFE regularly for only 1
It's your one chance for a t
LIFE regularly for only 10f f
ii vour one chance for a year to gTT
i-ir l regularly lor only 10 a copy,
Monday, April 22, 1957-
Runs 9.5
for Oregon
relav team's time of 3:18.4.
Washington State took first
place in 9 of 15 events in its vic
tory over Oregon State. Individual
high scorer of the meet was
Duane Derenan of WSC with 18
points. He won both hurdles races
and the broad jump and was sec
ond in the high jump.
Four meet records were set: the
j 8o0-yard run C 1 , if ft Cordy. OSC,
1:54.8; discus, Ron Smart, OSC,
156 feet; high jump, Wayne Moss,
Wolves Seize
Track Victory
Against Pilots
MONMOUTH (Special) Oregon
College of Education's Wolves
swept the shotput and javelin
events in a dual track meet with
Portland University here Satur
day to earn a 76-55 victory. Th
Wolves' lead was narrow until
these events were reported.
Individual star of the meet was
Portland's George Hinkhouse, who
captured both hurdle races and the
100- and 220-yard dashes to score
20 points.
John Carpenter of OCE won five
second places in the 100, 220, high
and low hurdles and broad jump
to tally 15 points.
Church Softball
League to Open
Action Tonight
The Salem Church Softball
League opens action tonight with
six games scheduled three in
each the A and B divisions of the
Junior competition.
Tonight's schedule: A Division
Salem Heights Baptist - Central
Lutheran at dinger NW, Morning
side Methodist - Englewood E.U.B.
at Olinger SW, Middlegrove
E.U.B. - St. Mark's Lutheran at
Olinger NE.
K. C. Will Honor
Senators, Club
Officials Tonight
A public meeting will follow
a Salem Knights of Columbus
dinner for the Salem Senators
baseball team, Its board of di
rectors and managerial staff
tonight at 6 o'clock.
The meeting will be open to
the public following dinner, about
7:30 o'clock, at the K. of C. hall. '
Wednesday night the Senators
will be guests of the Salem
Breakfast club at the Senator
Hotel and will be honored at a
"welcome home" public lunch
eon at the Senator Thursday
in Bunches
In the semi-final. Bull Montana
will battle Tito Carreon. Montana
lost last week to John Witte on a
foul, and wanted a return match
with a "no disqualification"
clause, but the Salem Wrestling
Commission turned thumbs down
because of Witte's limited experi
ence. Chances are. Montana will have
enough trouble with speedy Tito
Carreon. who has improved stead
ily since first arriving on the local
In the opener. Pierre DeGlane
will battle Reg Parks. Both are
the scientific types and should
have an interesting match.
Owen said Witte wouldn't be
back into action until April 30.
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I LIFE recniBrlv. iff ..1v lOi a ennv.
j lfs-your o chai e for a year to gel
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19 FE :Vf .arl for nnlv 10a a eoDV.
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It's you Anne chai for a year to get
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LTJf roralV v f A nnlv 10 a eoDV.
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i LIFE regularly for only 10f a cqMk