Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 22, 1957, Page 15, Image 15

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    Salem, Oregon, Monday,
Edited by MARIAN
Wedding at i
June 5
WOODBURN (Special) An
nouncement has been made by Mr.
and Mrs. J. S. Cummings of Wood
burn of the engagement and ap
proaching marriage of their
daughter, Miss Dollie Cummings,
to Herbert Armstrong Jr., son of
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Arm
strong of Myrtle Point. The cere
mony will be performed by Rev.
Ormal B. Trick at the Woodburn
Methodist Church at 8 p.m.,
Wednesday, June 5.
The engagement was revealed
recently at the Delta Gamma and
Beta Theta Pi houses on Willam
ette University campus where both
young people are students.
A 1953 graduate of Woodburn
High School, Miss Cummings is a
senior physical education major
at Willamette. She is past presi
dent ot Associated Women Stu
dents, president of her physical
education class, student council
representative, secretary of the
senior class and member of this
year's May Day court, and is a
Delta Gamma. At present she is
practice teaching at North Salem
High School.
Mr. Armstrong, a graudate of
Ncwberg High School, is a senior
in psychology at Willamette. In
addition to membership in Beta
Theta Pi fraternity, he belongs to
Kappa Delta PL national educa
tion honorary, Psi Chi. and
president of the Future Teachers
of America. He recently received
a iz.ixio assistance scholarship at
Syracuse - University, New York.
The couple plans to leave for the
east in early fall.
Birthday Party for
Alan Johnson Friday
Alan Johnson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert R. Johnson, observed
his 12th birthday Friday. In cele
bration of the event, a group of
his school friends was entertained
at dinner at his home, then taken
to a theater.
Feting Alan were Jack and Jim
Price, Bill Haller, Steve Strong,
Richard Boniface, Charlene Tag
gert, Nancy Davis, Betsy Lee,
Mary Griffith, Paula Frederick,
and Carolyn King.
IN PORTLAND for Easier week
end was Mrs. Margaret Rosecrans
to visit her sister, Miss Frances
Today's Menu
Like a firm rice pudding that
is meringue-lopped? Here is your
recipe! ' ;
Meat Loaf Potatoes
Peas and Carrots Bread Tray
Cole Slaw
Meringue Rice Pudding
Ingredients: k cup regular rice,
3'b cups milk, 1 tablespoon butter
or margarine, y cup sugar, A tea
spoon salt, 2 eggs (separated), Vt
cup sugar, Hi teaspoons vanilla,
M cup moist shredded coconut.
Method: Put rice, milk and but
ter in greased lli-quart baking
dish. Bake uncovered in slow (325
degrees! oven for 1 hour: stir oc
casionally. Then stir in the 'A cuo
sugar and salt. Return to oven un
til milk is almost absorbed about
4I minutes stirring occasionally.
The rice should be creamy and
not dry. Remove pudding from
oven; turn oven to hot (425 de
grees.) Beat egg whites until
foamy. Beat in ,i cup sugar, 1 ta
blespoon at a time, beating thor
oughly after each addition; beat
in U teaspoon of the vanilla; fold
in coconut; reserve. Without wash
ing beater, beat egg yolks until
thick and lemon colored with re
maining 1 teaspoon of vanilla
Stir some of hot pudding into beat
en egg yolks. Stir back into Dud
ding in baking dish and. mix well.
Spread coconut meringue around
edges of pudding. Return to oven
just until browned 8 minutes or
so. Serve pudding warm. Makes 6
lo 8 servings.
The Romantic Era
At Lipman's
Beauty onn3rd floor
Tel. EM 3-3921 or 4-44;cJ
April 22, 1957
Christenings for
Two in St. Paul's
Christening ceremonies were
conducted for two children in St.
Paul's Episcopal Church, Easter
Sunday, the Rev. George H. Swift
Colene Darlene Baker, daugmer
of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Ba
ker, was one of those christened.
Godparents are Mr. and Mrs. Mil
ton Savage and Mrs. Hatty bmilh.
An informal reception for the-fam-ily
was at the Baker home later.
Ryan Donald Wickman, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wickman,
also was christened. His godpar
ents are Kenneth J. Nelson, Aber
deen, S.D., .and Mr. and' Mrs.
H. E. Marqueling, Portland. A
family dinner was served later at
the Wickman home.
As a sidelight on the christen
ing event, the two children were
born the same day in the same
hospital and the mothers were in
the same room at the time and
became acquainted. Neither knew
the other had arranged to have
her baby christened at the time,
Sunday, so it was a pleasant sur
prise when both showed up at the
same time for the christenings,
The babies will be three months
old next Saturday.
Student Recital Set
This Monday Evening
Students of members of Oregon
Music Teachers Association will
be presented in recital Monday
night at 7:45 o clock in Music Hall,
Willamette University campus,
The following students wilt play:
Dale Robertson, Elizabeth Trultin-
ger, Danny Solomon, Judy Boone,
Susan Parker, Susan Hill, Nona
Ellis, Cecilia Larson, John Wesely,
Julie Mommsen, Valerie Jcssop,
Patty Johnson, Nina Crothers,
Kathy Wyatt, Sandra Stewart, Son
dra Kupcr, Joan Culbcrtson, Eliza
beth Kcyser, Nancy Teague.
The counsellors are: Ruth Bed
ford, Irene Byers, Violet Burling-
ham, Feme Craven, Charles Har-
grave, Margaret Hogg, Lcla Lee,
Margaret Rawlins, Jean Hobson
Rich, Lois P. Schmidt, Catherine
Spaghetti. Dinner
Planned by Group
Committees are busy on plans
for the benefit spaghetti dinner and
card party of Barracks Auxiliary
No. 113, Veterans ot World War I,
at the VFW Hall, Wednesday eve
ning. April 24. Dinner will be
served at 6:30 o'clock with an eve
ning of cards scheduled at
Mrs. Frank W. Young is general
chairman for the fund-raising af
fair, with Mrs. Walter White as
' In charge of decorations and ta
bles is Mrs. E. A. Raboin and han
dling tickets is Mrs. Merrill W,
Emery. Assisting the two chair
men are Mrs. William McKinney,
Mrs. W..H. Strohmeyer, Mrs. John
M. Jardine, Mrs. Roy Hagedorn,
Mrs. David Ferguson and Mrs,
Cecil Hunsakcr.
WOODBURN (Special) Twenty
five members and guests were
present for luncheon and golf last
week at the Woodburn Golf course.
Guests were Mrs. Lyman Shorey
of Santa Barbara, Cam., Mrs,
Waller Scarborough Jr., Mrs,
Harold Austin. Mrs. Elvin Pitney,
Mrs. Roy Glick and Mrs. Letha
Hostesses were Mrs. Dean Bish
oprick and Mrs. Edward Coman.
Next Thursday Mrs. Clarence Ah
rens and Mrs. Robert Hurst will
Mrs. Ralph Pickering was win
ner in the play lor the day.
HUBBARD (Special) Next
meeting of the Hubbard Woman's
C ub will be Wednesday, May
beginning with a dessert at the
home of Mrs. C. L. Welch, with
Mrs. Hannah Hunt and Mrs. tl
mer Nelson as co-hostesses. A tour
of an Oregon City paper mill has
been planned following the lunch
At the April meeting the follow
ing officers were elected: Mrs. El
mer Stauffer, president: Mrs. Glen
Purdom, vice - president; Mrs.
Wavnfc Bridge, secretary, and
Mrs. R. A. Gale, treasurer. Mrs.
Bridge served as secretary last
year. Installation is scheduled
June 5.
W'a claim a unique tech-
A nique in creating the
I magic charm of attractive-
Black and White for Little
mm: ... . 'in.' U -i, . - '- BtUWAwWl I"-jmp-p
a--ia'.hAvw-fifft C,.-.j'.v..-,j- , ly,iirii3 -f T ' i rM
Black and White Swank Left, shirtwaist dress in white drip-and-dry fabric with full skirt, black
lace ruffle trim on the shirt top, black velvet tie and belt; right, ensemble of .polished cotton
dress in black and beige, polka dots of white, with duster of beige rayon linen with black velvet
collar, new shirred sleeve, designed by Voila," ' .
Women State Employes Are
Invited to Tuesday Coffee
An invitation to a coffee during
regular "coffee break" time has
been extended all women state
employes by the Young Adult com
mittee of the Salem YWCA on
Tuesday morning, April 23, 9 to
11 o'clock. :
Purpose of the coffee is to ac
quaint the working girl with the
program in recreation, physical
education and classes now offered
by the Y and to find out what
type of program expansion would
particularly interest them snack
bar, luncheon program, special
class schedule, or a plunge dur
ing the noon hour or after work
in the proposed swimming pool,
. i ;
VISITORS here over Friday
were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Har
ris of Vancouver, B.C., guests at
the home of Dr. Helen and Miss
Dorothy Pearce. They are en route
to California on vacation and upon
their return north will stop in Cor
vallis to pick up their daughter.
Miss Susan Harris, visitor there
this week. '
Mrs. Harris is known to several
In Salem. She is now second vice
president of Zonta International,
women's classified service club.
having served previously as dis
trict governor lor the group.
Square Dante Event
In the language for square dan
cers there are some new members
for the "Idiot's Club." To attain
such membership a group drops in
at the home of a caller at any
hour suiting their fancy and asks
him to call for dancing.
About 2 a.m. Friday a group
called at the home of Keith Rabe
and asked him to call dances.
the group of square dancers were
Mr. and Mrs. Gib McCullough, Mr.
and Mrs. William Wyler, Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Schulz, Mr. and Mrs
Dale Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Sceva, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gas-
kill and the Rabes. An official
"Idiot's Club" pin goes to each.
AFRICAN Violet Society was
entertained at the home of Mrs.
Charles Warren, last week.
Mrs. Charles Forrctte conducted
the business meeting after which
Mrs. A. C. Hcrsch presented the
program on "Grooming Plants for
The May meeting will be at
Mayflower Hall. Guests will be
17 '
? " i ' M
fcj Fashion Modeling 7
s s
if I ' 12:15-1:30 P.M.
n .
according to Mrs. M. H. Saffron,
chairman of the Young Adult com
mittee. Co-chairmen for1 the affair,
which it Is hoped can be sched
uled monthly, and expanded to in
clude other employed women in
the downtown area, are Mrs.
James Armpriest and Mrs. E. W.
Rector, assisted by Miss Joanne
Moron, representing the state em
ployes, and Mrs. Harold Elbert,
Mrs. Del Milne, Mrs. Kcnt-Math-ewson.
Mrs. Sidney Schlesinger,
Mrs. Harold Hutchinson and Mrs.
Carolyn Cocking.
"Jitney" service will be pro
vided from the Capitol Building
steps to the Y in case of rain.
Miss Sawyer Named
By Linfield Group
ville (Special) Miss Jeanne
Sawyer, daughter of Mrs. J. h.
Sawyer, 1445 State St., Salem, is
first vice president of the Linfield
College chapter of Spurs, national
sophomore women's service honor
ary, for the next college year.
Election was conducted recently at
the McMinnville college.
Miss Sawyer, a freshman. Is
now a pledge of Spurs and will
become an official member at
May Day ceremonies, May 11. She
is one of 21 outstanding freshmen
coeds chosen for Spur membership
at Linfield.
HOSTS for a dinner for a group
of legislative friends on Thursday
night will be Mr. and Mrs. Robert
R. Johnson, entertaining at their
home. The parly Is one ot a series
they are giving. They entertained
last week and plan another later
BAPTISMAL services for Brian
Dean McCabe, little son of Mr.
and Mrs. Blair McCabe, were con
ducted Sunday at First Presbyter
ian Church. The rites followed the
regular 11 o'clock service in the
church, Dr. Paul N. Poling offi
WOODBURN (Special) Mem-
.hers of Evergreen Assembly No.
12. Ordor of the Rainbow for
Girls, will conduct a cancer drive
in Woodburn Wednesday, April 24.
The girls will canvass the city be
tween 6 and 7 p.m. Mothers and
Eastern Slar members will trans
port the girls.
Sister . . .
Past Officers Are
Honored by Group
At the meeting, of Trinity Chap
ter, Order of the Eastern Star,
Friday night, the junior past ma
tron, Airs. Raymond Hoffman, and
the junior past patron, Clarence
Field, were especially honored
Mrs. Hoffman read the account of
her year which has just closed
and expressed appreciation for as
sistance given her.
Birthdays celebrated were those
of the worthy matron, Mrs. Clar
ence Field, and the organist, Mrs
Larry Flagg.
Plans were made for a friend
ship night May 3 with guests to
be invited from Adah Chapter,
Independence; Victoria Chapter,
Turner: and Ramona Chapter,
Silverton. Cherry Assembly, Order
of Rainbow for Girls, will present
the program.
An Easter story and meditation
were given by Mrs. J. E. Van-
A buffet supper in charge of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Phillips and
social hour closed the evening.
Roberts has returned from a 15
day trip with her sister, Mrs. A
Jacobs of Harrlsburg, to California
and Mexico. They visited with
Mrs. Jacobs' daughter, Mrs. John
Sullivan, and her family in San
Diego and after a trip to Mexico,
stopped in Los Angeles and San
Francisco en route home.
MRS. W. D. CONNER relumed
to Salem the end of the week from
a week's visit in Portland.
Hera Is the Face Powder that Is a Beauty Treatment
Alexandra de Markoff presents a face powder with extract
of Elixir, the exceptional treatment that gives your skin a
sensational lift,, moisturizing, lubricating and conditioning.
Beyond its velvet finish and translucent texture, this powder
protects your skin against dryness . . . filming it in a bloom
,of breathtaking beauty. 5 ozs., J 5.00. In pressed powder
compact, $5.00. All prices plus lax.
Capital Drug Store
0 405 State St., Cor. of Liberty
' Wt Gin Z."C reen 2omp
Set Party,
Plans for the bridge benefit of
the Co-Active Club, announced pre-
iously for May 1 at the YWCA,
ere completed at a meeting of the
club last week at the home of Mrs.
Cornelius Bateson.
The party with its theme of "May
Day" will start at t p.m. All pro
ceeds will go for summer camp
scholarships. Mrs. Uwight Qulsen-
berry is general chairman for the
Mrs. Don E. Phillips as chairman
of the nominating committee pre
sented the following slate of of
ficers for the new term: President,
Mrs, Cornelius Bateson; vice-president,
Mrs. Morris R. Hunsaker:
ecretary, Mrs. Harry E. Sum
mers: treasurer. Mrs. David Ber-
ger; board members, Mrs. Charles
Johnson and Mrs. Johan E. Wold
Mrs. Dale Pence was co-hostess
with Mrs. Bateson.
Next meeting of the club, last
for the season will be a potluck
dinner at the home of Mrs. Wilfred
Thomas on May 15.
Past Matrons Club
Installs Officers
Last meeting of the year for
the Past Matrons Club, Order of
Eastern Star, Friday evening was
devoted to installation of officers
and initiation of new members.
Installed for the new term were
Mrs. Herman M. Johnston presi
dent; Mrs. Paul Griebenow, vice
president; Mrs. 0. R. Eckersly,
Mrs. Johnston announced as
committee members Mrs. W. E,
Knowcr and Mrs. Gerald A.
Recher, cheer; Mrs. J. , Edgar
Reay, Mrs. J. E. Van Wyngardcn
and Mrs. Edward Williams, stand
by committee.
New members initiated were the
junior past matrons of the four
Salem chapters,, Mrs. Edward wit-
Hams. Mrs. Harry I. Hiday. Mrs.
Fred G. Koken and Mrs. Raymond
W. Hoffman.
Mrs. D. M. Eby was In charge
of initiation rites assisted by Miss
Helen Fletcher, Mrs. Harry H.
Charlton, Mrs. Gerald A. Recher
and Mrs. Robert Stutzman.
The program introduced by Mrs.
Earl E. Wiper, outgoing president
of the club, centered on an master
message with Mrs, E. E, Bergman
speaking on the saered days of the
Easter season.
Federation Honored
On Monday Program
Oregon Federation ot Women's
clubs was honored on Monday
morning on the television program,
Home. The tree planting and con
servation of Oregon resources pro
jects were featured.
This Is the first time Oregon has
been mentioned on this television
program. It has been a program
of the Oregon group to have school
children plant seedling trees in the
Tillamook Burn.
Neighbors of America, will jneet
Thursday evening, April 25, at the
home of Mrs. Axel Donnelly, 655
N. Cottago St.
Heads Group Mrs. W, M. Strohmeyer, above, is president of
Salem Barracks Auxiliary, No. lis, Veterans of World War I.
with the purchase of
any nMfll
NOW AT 1HIS V-- - X-tpj2
tow, tow pic . Jr y-
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Se'ctloff 3 Page 1
Set Event J
Dr. and Mrs. Burton A. Myers
have invited friends to call at their
country home next Sunday afterv
noon, April 28. Callers are asked
to come at 3, 4 or 5 o'clock. Each -year,
Dr. and Mrs. Myers Invite
friends to "drop In" while their
spring flowers are in bloom. Usu
ally, the afternoon has come th(
first Sunday in May, but the ad
vanced blooming season for tha
flowers and shrubs this year has
brought the occasion a week ear
lier. '
Miss Hae? Given
Shower at Stay ton
STAYTON (Special) -Miss Col-
Ieen Hales was honored at a bridal ,
shower for which Mrs. Julian D .
Jardin and her daughter, Mrs. Ted
Highbcrgtr were hostesses last
week at tha De Jardin home. Miss
Hales will wed Robert Fallett at
Tenino, Wash., Saturday, April XI.
Games were played with prize
won by Mrs. Stan Smith and Mis '
Sally Ashby. Flowers were used
throughout tha rooms. The gifta
were presented from a round table :
in the living room. Tha hostesses
served refreshments. ,
Bidden were Mrs. Roy Fallen,
Mrs. Louise Beauchamp, Mr.
George Brown, Mrs. Smith, Mrs!
Dick Downer, Mrs. Joe Peters,
Mrs. Robert Norton, Mrs. Shirley
Bates, Mrs. George Peters, Mrs.
Elmer Klutke. Mrs. Dorothy ForiK
ter and Mrs. Merle Boedigheimer;
Miss Ashby. i
ALTAR Society of St. Vincent de
Paul Catholic Church has planned
a luncheon for Thursday of this
week at 12 o'clock in Catholic
Center. ..
On the committee are Mrs.
James M a h u 1 a, Mrs, William
Trumm, Mrs. Clarence Williams,
Mrs. George Gruchalla, Mrs. Ed
Approximately 20" overall, this
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