Town-Gown Tea Annual spring musicale and tea of Town and Gown members will be next Thursday, April 23, the group to assemble in Music Hall on the Willamette University campus. The program con cludes the year (or the group. Mrs. A. Freeman Holmer, president, will pre side at the business meeting which is set at 2 p.m. The nominating committee, Mrs. P. H. Bry don, Miss Lorena Jack and Mrs. Carl Chambers, will present a panel of officers for Town and Gown for the 1957-58 term. Following the business meeting, Prof. Ralph Dobbs. of the music faculty of Willamette Univer sity will give a piano recital. The members will go to Lausanne Hall for the tea hour, with the girls of Lausanne acting as hostesses. Mr.' and Mrs. Ray J. Rice, Sr., are entertain ing with a family dinner at the Marion Hotel, Easter Sunday. Guests will be Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Rice, Jr., Wanda Lynn and Arthur Ray of Sa lem; Mr. and Mrs. Felix Wright, James and Da mon of Silverton: Miss Fern Hobhs and Mrs. C. W. Julien, sisters of Mrs, Rice, from Portland. Mayor and Mrs. Robert White have invited a group of friends to spend a weekend at their beach home, at Lincoln Beach, the group leaving next Friday. With Governor and Mrs. Robert D. Holmes for Easter weekend will be their son, John, Univer sity of Oregon student, and their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Holmes, Jr. and little daughter, Deborah, from Gearhart. State Representative and Mrs. Joe Rogers have invited a group for a supper Sunday night at their home in Independence. There will be 34 In the group, guests Including legislative friends from the House of Representatives. , Rotarian Women plan their April luncheon for Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock in the Meier & Frank's-Salem auditorium. Guest speaker is to be Richard Shaar, hair stylist and consultant. Further plans will be made by Ihe group for the annual party for husbands of members on the evening of May 1. Easter dinner gucsls of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Becko tomorrow will be their daughter, Miss Mnrjorie Becke, home from San Francisco for the Raster holiday: their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William R. Shinn, and children, Michael and Julie; Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Shinn, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carson, Jr. and children, Kit and Billy, of Silverton. Among those going from Salem to the stale and regional conferences of the American Asso ciation of University Women in Baker next week end will be Mrs. Russel Bcutlcr, president of Salem branch; Mrs. Robert Y. Thornton, past state presi dent' and a national committee member; Mrs. John Jelderks, Dr. Martha Springer and Mrs, Regina Ewalt. The state event opens Thursday and the regional meeting will be Friday and Saturday. Dr Anna L. Rose Hawkcs, national AAUW president, is to be a guest at the conferences, Sacred Heart Parents Club has postponed lis usual meeting for the fourth Monday of the month week due to the Easter observance and will tnet on April 29, '. Annual dinner for Kappa Alpha Thcla alumnae and their husbands will be at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. James G. Walls next Saturday night,- April 27. ' Mrs. Watts and Mrs. F. M. Scrcombe head the committee in charge of arrangements. An evening meeting Is planned by Chapter BC of P.E.O. Sisterhood Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Charles Layport at 7:30 o'clock. Mrs. Lester Wilcox is co-hostess. A musical program is to be presented. V Salem Chapter 162. Order of Eastern Star, will meet Saturday, April 27, for a program planned to honor charter members of the chapter. A pot luck dinner at 6:30 o'clock will precede the eve ning session at the Masonic Temple. Miss Darlene Rose Slanb, who Is to be married on May II to Gene Francis Wells, Is announcing plans for the wedding. The service will be al 11:30 o'clock that morn ing In St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church with the Rev. John Reedy officiating. Miss Donna Kirscher is to be maid of honor and the bridesmaids will be Mrs. James Hoenan and Mrs. Joseph LaBansky. Jack Wells Is to be best man (or his twin broth er and the ushers will be Fred Staab, brother of the bride, and Phil Washhurn. The reception following will be in Knights of Columbus hall. Miss Staab is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Staab of Salem and Mr. Wells is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wells of Woodburn. Junior Symphony Mary Linda Dnerfler, 17, will perform Ihe al legro movement of Ihe Mozart "Piano Concerto in A" major" with the Salem Junior Symphony Orchestra next Wednesday night, when the or chestra presents its final concert of the season at Leslie auditorium. . A senior at North Salem High School, where she maintains a 3.011 grade avernco. this versatile young musician plays flute in the Junior Svm phony and is piano accompanist lor the NSIIS orchestra. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. . J. J. Doerflcr, Silverton. Her piano teachers are Miss Margaret Hogg of Salem, with whom she has studied for 12 years, and Miss Lillian Pcttibonc of Portland. Miss Doerflcr gave her lirst solo piano recital at the age of nine and has since performed sov oral solo recitals and appeared in many group recllals. To her credit are Ihe winning of six consecutive superior ratings in the Stale Music Syllabus exam inations sponsored by Ihe Federated Musir Tench ers pf Oregon: an excellent rating in piano at Ihe Slate Music Festival in Portland; and the winning of the lva F. Turner contest in 1950. In her third year as accompanist for the North High orchestra. Miss Doerflcr is president of (hat organization. She is vice president and a three year member of life NSHS Crescendo Club, has played flute in the Salem Junior Symphony for three years, and was a member of the North High band for two years. During the April 24 concert, Miss Doerflcr and the orchestra will play the difficult first movement of the Mozart concerto. The program will open at 8:15 pm. under the baton of Dr. William Swettman, Tickets will be available at the door. All TEe Family Goes to : CKurch Easter EASTER SUNDAY, tomorrow, will find family groups at church as on no other occasion of the year. Here, Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Meier and their family are pictured at the steps of St. Joseph's Catholic Church. But in all churches, families will be attending services together. Dance Club Party Final parly of the season for Monday Night Dance Club will be next Monday night at the Marion Hotel. The formal dinner will be al 7 o'clock with dancing belween 8:30 and 11:30 o'clock. Fernc Craven's orchestra is to play. New officers will be announced. k Committee for the Monday parly includes Mr. and Mrs. Denver Ynung, chairmen; Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Wiscarson, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Fred HalvarsOn and Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Crabtree. Loren Mort. assistant principal at Leslie Junior High School, is to' be guest speaker for the Salem Zontn Club meeting next Thursday noon at the Golden Pheasant. He is to be accompanied to Ihe meeting by two students whn have participated in Ihe American Field Service progrnm for exchange students. The Zontn cluh has voted to nssisl in sponsor ing a foreign student to come ,lo Salem next fall for a year's study here. Wednesday Afternoon Literature group of the American Assncialinn of University Women will meet Wednesday afternoon al 1:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. L. A. Walworth. Route 1. Box 180. Mrs. E. A. Carleton will be assisting hostess and Mrs. Trevor Steele is to give the review. Installation of new officers, headed by Mrs. M. A. Titus as president, will feature the meeting of Sojourners Club next Thursday afternoon. Dos serfc will be at 1 p.m. in the Salem Woman's Club house, the installation event and cards following. Mrs. Lee Thomas, Mrs. Charles Livingston, Mrs. Glen Alford. Mrs. Maurice l.ornnce and Mrs. William II. Foster are Ihe committee for the day. Annual guest day of the club is set for May 0.. 0 SrJ MISS MARY LINDA DOERFLER SOLOIST with the Salem Junior Svmphnnv Orthera In Its program next Wednesday night ma I Mi Mary Linda Doerflcr, above. MR. AND MRS. ROBERT F. By MARIAN LOWRY FISCHER ' (Capital Journal Society Editor) PHIL dance of the "56" Dance Cluh is planned for next Friday night, April 26, in the American Legion Club, Stubby Mills orchestra to play inr oancing between 9:30 and 12:30 o'clock. Springtime is the theme for the party. On the committee for the evening are Mr. and Mrs. Rob Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Keilh Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Don Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Max Dolczal, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rocssler, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Solum. Chapter AB of P.E.O. Sisterhood is lo be enter tained Monday night at the home of Mrs. William E.. Smith with Miss Ann Boentje as co-hostcss. Miss Mnrjorie G. McRride, superintendent of llillcrest School of Oregon, will be guest speaker at the 12 noon luncheon meeting of Y-Teen Moth ers Club on Thursday, April 25. Members of the Hi-Y Mothers Club have been invited as guests. Those attending are to take their lunches and dessert nnd coffee will be furnished. The Y Teen Mothers will elect olficcrs following the program. New officers were announced today .at the luncheon given for Phi Mil Alumnae Club at the home of Mrs. Elmer O. Berg. The officers include: Mrs. Robert M. Fischer, Jr., president; Mrs. Chris Wheeler, vice president; Mrs. George A. Brown, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Wilmer II. Page. Panhcllcnic representative; Mrs. Alfred Larson, membership chairman; Mrs. Dwight Lear, national magazine reporter. Members if Bethel 59. Job's Daughters, will entertain their parents and members of Hanna Rosa Court. Order ol Amaranth, as special guests at the meeting Tuesday evening. April 23, at 7:30 o'clock, in West Salem City Hall. Mrs. Gideon Zimmerman of Gresham. grnnd royal matron of Amaranth, is expected for the evening's program.' Initiation and reports of Ihe grand session in Portland last week will be pro gram features. ' A goodly number of reservations already is in for the annual benefit card party planned by Salem club. Daughters of the Nile, on Tuesday, April 30. at Scoltish Kite .Temple. ', The parly will bo an nlternoon one. starting at 1:15 o'clock with dessert, cards following. Re servations may tie made with Mrs. Kenneth W. Morris, Mrs. Fred ( Klaus. Mrs. J. Karl Cook, Mrs. Robert T Bonis. Mrs. Knmiett F. Klcinkr. Among those already mnking reservations are Mrs. Adolph Itaiimheck, Mrs Cecil ('. Rlakley, Mrs. Ada Foster. Mrs. Kstill L. Brunk. Mrs. Hubert Driscoll. Mrs. D. X. Beechler. Mrs. Charles Vnruh. Mrs. Reuben Sinner, Mrs. Philip T. Rouf fleur. Mrs. Clark Carlton. Mrs George It K. Moorhend. Mrs Paul K Hicks. Mrs. Max Nettle ton. Mrs. II. Laurence Lister of Portland, Mrs. David H. Cnmeron, Mis. t). A Olson, Mrs. F.lnier Dane, Mrs. .1. F. Smart, Mrs. Russell Bright, Mrs. Raymond Olson. Mrs. Thomas Olson, Mrs. Kreta Dnhl. Mrs. George Todd. Mrs. K. H. Ken nedy, Mrs. Frank R Brown. Mrs H. M. Boesch, Mrs. Fred Lund. Mrs. Herman Poulin, Mrs. C. R. Elliott. Mrs. Kelly Peters, Mrs. M. A. Titus. Mrs. Valdcmar Johnson. Mrs. Paul Klievcr, Mrs. Harold Parsons. Mrs. Karl Andresen, Mrs. Car roll Robinson. Mrs. Maurice Guslafson. Mrs. Julius Licseth. Mrs. Ross Rickett. Mrs. Fred Klaus, Mrs. Lee Hunt, Mrs. George Landrith, Mrs. James Morgan, Mrs. Gordon Barker, Mrs. Her man. Johnston. Mrs. Beryl Ingram, Mrs. Paul Gricbenow, Mrs. Grace Arnold, Mrs. E. A. Williams. MEIER AND CHILDREN All togged out in their new Faster outfits, the Patrick, Richard, Suzanne, David, Stephen and there will be many family breakfast and dinner day of the year for Christians. N' OM1NATION and election of officers will feature the meeting of Salem Spinsters club next Monday night at the home of Miss Marcia Webb, 3275 Pringlc Rd. Miss Marcia Webb and Miss Joan Seamsler are co-hostesses for the meeting, set for 8 o'clock., St. Elizabeth's guild, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, plans ils luncheon for Tuesday afternoon, April 23, in Ihe parish Hall at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Jessie Bush Mickelson, Mrs. Wayne Gor don, Mrs. A. C. F. Perry and Mrs. 0. K. DeWitt are the committee. Dr. W. H. Shullz, head of Ihe food technology department at Oregon State College, will be the speaker at the dinner meeting of the Salem Busi ness and Professional Women's Club Tuesday eve ning. April 23, at 6:30 o'clock at the Golden Pheasant. The food technician's subject will be "Foods for Modern Living." The program is in charge of Mrs. E. E. Wootten, chairman of the health and safety committee. Mrs. H. Roy Rickard is arranging the musical program. A special program for members and guests wiH feature the meeting of the Social Cluh of Chadwick Chapter. Order of Eastern Star, Tues day. April 23. at the Masonic Temple. A dessert wiil be served at 1:15 p.m. with a sewing machine demonstration to follow. Each member of the club is to bring a guest for the occasion. Mrs. O. E. Palmateer Is chairman of the com mittee and she will be assisted by Mrs. I. M. Doughtnn, Mrs. Elmer Dorr. Mrs. A. H. Fish. Mrs. Clarence L. Webber. Sr.. Mrs. Gordon A. Barker. Mrs. William 11. Will. Mrs. Flo- D. Kihbc, Mrs. John 11. Hann. Mrs. O. P. Driggs, Mrs. Lucy McDowell, Miss Ulva Derby. Tuxedo Club's dance is slated for next Friday night. Ihe formal affair lo be at Ihe Marion Hotel. The social hour will be al 7:30 o'clock, the dinner at 8:30 o'clock with dancing following. Mr. and Mrs. Sam C. Campbell are on the com mittee for the evening. A father-daughter politick dinner will precede the evening meeting of Cherry Assembly. Order of Rainbow for Girls, on Thursday. April 25. The dinner will be served at 6 o'clock at the Scottish Rite Temple. Initiation rites will be conducted during the meeting. Featured at Ihe benefit luncheon and card party of St. Vincent's Altar Society on Thursday. April 25. will be a hot chicken dish for' which Mrs. James Mahula is famous. The affair. .starting at 12 noon, will bp given in Ihe Catholic Center of Ihe Knights of Columbus Hall. Cards will be played during the afternoon. Family picnics and conducted tours of Girl Scouts summer camp at Camp Smith Creek will be featured on Sunday afternoon. May 5. the camp's annual open house slated from 12:30 to 4 p.m. that day. Coffee and punch will be served throughout the afternoon by the junior camp committee, the group aiso to conduct parties on tour of the camp. In case of rain, there is plenty of room in the lodge for eating. Camp Smith Creek opens June 30. to continue through August 24, and is open to al girls, from those who have completed the second grade on up through the age of 17. More than 2j0 (amp registrations are in. Sunday (Capital Journal Picture) little Meiers are, left to right: Sally, Shirley. Following church services gatherings to mark the most joyous Dabblers Club meets Thursday evening, April 25. at 8 o'clock with Mrs. Wilbur Tripp, 666 N. 15th St. Easier Day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Geiscr and family will be his mother, Mrs. Peter Geiser, and the hostess' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar T. Pierce. Late April and early May bring a rush of springtime entertaining, especially among the leg islative group And each day this department is called to keep dates straight. ... On the calendar next week is the regular at home afternoon of Mrs. Robert D. Holmes, wife of Oregon's governor, Tuesday, friends being invited to call between 2 and 5 o'clock that afternoon at the Holmes residence .... Special guests will in clude members of Jane Jefferson Clubs for Demo cratic women from around the state, the members conducting a "legislative day" in the capital on Tuesday y Next Thursday morning brings the coffee party (or which Mrs. Thomas G. Wright. Jr. is to enter tain in honor of Mrs. Holmes .... The party will be at 9:30 o'clock in Meier & Frank's-Salem Oregon room .... Mrs. Wright has invited wives of staff members of all newspapers in the valley area as special guests .... In the usual course of events wives of editors and publishers and wives of mem bers of the "working press at the legislature" often meet the state's First Lady at social affairs given in official circles, but for this occasion wives of other staff members are given oppor tunity to meet the governor's wife .... Also invited are Salem members of Theta Sig ma Phi, national journalism honorary .... Pouring will be Mrs. Charles A. Sprague and Mrs. Dewey Rand . . . Assisting will be Mrs. Rob ert E. Gangware, Miss Vlnita Howard, Mrs. A. C. Jones. Mrs. Jerry Stone, Mrs. Conrad Prange, Mrs. J. Wesley Sullivan, Mrs. John Eriekten. . . , Early May. especially May Day, will be marked by much entertaining this 'season, both by town and legislative groups . . . Mrs. Fred Meek, wife of Stale Representative Meek of Portland, will be hostess for a brunch that morning at the Marion Hotel, among the special guests to be several women active in the state auxiliary of the Pharma ceutical Society, as well as wives of legislative officials and other legislative friends . . . In the afternoon of May day will be the coffee for which Mrs. Fayette Bristol of Grants Pass, Mrs. C. A. Tom of Rufus. Mrs. Walter l.eth of Monmouth and Mrs. E. A. I.lllrell of Medtord. all wives of legislators, will be hostesses in the Meier k Frank's-Salem Oregon room ... On the evening of May 1. State Representative and Mrs. Arthur P. Ireland of Forest Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Oral l.r-miunn will entertain a group at dinner at the Lemmnn home Among parlies planned by Salem women for May Day will be a tea for which Mrs. Mavlnn E. Sroll and Mrs. I.ocan C. Rerry will entertain that afternoon at the Scott residence on North Summer street, invitations to be out the first of next week for the event On May 2 and 3. Mrs. Robert Y. Thornton, wife of the state attorney general, is to be hostess at brunches to honor legislative wives and wives of state officials, both affairs to be at the Candalaria Heights home of the Thorntons. . . . Mrs. Boyd Overhulse. Madras, wife of the Sen ate president, has invitations out tor a coffee the morning of May 2. at 9:30 o'clock, in Meier & Frank's-Salem Oregon room . . . Friends from Forest Grove and Oregon 'Dancing Class -Party on Friday Gala event for a large group of young people will be the semi-formal dance party . planned by Ihe dancing class of St. Paul's Episcopal church ..i EVia.,u Mioht Anril 9fi at thn Ron.,. u.. The affair is for members and guests. Dancing will be between 8:30 and 12 o'clock, Harry Wesely's orchestra playing. Party cottons are in order" for the girls, coals and ties for 'the boys. A late buffet supper is to be served. - v The class committee arranging the dance In cludes: Misses Sue dinger and Conie Collins, co chairmen; Misses Sue Jochimsen, Shannon Djer and Alice Berglund. Arthur Erickson, Pat and' Mike Kelley; Tom Dunham and Woody Bennett, On the decorating committee are Mike Kellcy Tom Dunham, Bill Rector, Bill Crandall, Tom Hcltzel, Ken Catlctt, Dan Watts, Bill and Max Rcaney, Ben Kellcy, Misses Nancy Miller, Martha Minto, Dorothy Mocn, Kathy and Mary Campbell, Arthur Erickson is to be master of ceremonies,' Members of the sponsoring committee arc Dr! and Mrs. Arthur 'A. Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Don Kelley, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Berglund. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Erickson, Mr. and Mrs. Homer L, Goulet, Mr. and Mrs. James G. Watts. Dr. and Mrs. Ralph. E. Purvine, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mc Cargar. Mr. and Mrs, Carl G. Collins, Dr. and Mrs. Tom H. Dunham. Assisting, the young people with the party are the Senator hotel, donating the Capitol room, and the musicians' union in furnishing the orchestra. Chapter BQ of P.E.O. Sisterhood will celebrate its 16th anniversary at the meeting Monday night at the home of Mrs. C. D. Maus. Mrs. W. B, Jones is to be assisting hostess and Mrs. J. Wesley Sullivan is chairman of the evening's program. Charter members of BQ to be honored are Mrs. H. L. Braden, Mrs. Charles H. Huggins, Mrs, Frank James, Mrs. Kenneth Potts, Mrs. Ralph e! Purvine. . Chapter CB of P.E.O. Sisterhood plans its next meeting for Thursday night at the home of Mrs. P. L. Calvert, dessert to be at 7:30 o'clock. Xi Lambda Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi, inter-, national sorority, will meet next Wednesday night at the home of Mrs, Gus Hewitt. - Monthly coffee for, Willamette Valley Panhel lenic, Salem alumnae group, will be next Friday morning at '10 o'clock at the home of Mrs, John , Ficklin, Mrs. Joseph Franko is co-hostess. Mrs. Robert Sprague is to entertain for her bridge club at luncheon and afternoon on Thursday, An event interesting a large group next Thurs day night will be the founders day banquet planned by Salem alumnae of Pi Beta Phi sorority. The dinner will be at 6:30 o'clock at China City. Speaker will be Dr: G. Herbert Smith, president of Willamette University. Others on the program will include Mrs. Ralph Keyser, president- of tha local alumnae; Mrs. Edwin Keech, Miss Adeli Egan, Miss Barbara Anderson, the latter to sing, Mrs. Cornelius Bateson is to be toastmistress,. Zenith Woman's Club will meet with Mrs. Earl Hampton, 3330 Sunnyview Ave., on Wednesday, April 24, at 8 p.m. Members will provide materials to work on dur ing the evening for the club's projects ior the ' Chemawa Indian School. The program for the school is under the supervision of Mrs. Ralph W, Atwood, philanthropic chairman. A plant sale will be a feature of the evening. The program is being arranged by Mrs. Norman G. Johnson and Mrs. L. G. Falk. Co-hostess will be Mrs. George C. Huggins, Jr. .By M.L.F. were entertained this week at a legislative visit and luncheon by Mrs. Arthur P. Ireland, wife of State Representative Ireland of Forest Grove. . . . In the group were Mrs, Louis Schultz, Mrs. Elmer Hamilton, Mrs. Fred Miller, and Mrs. Ellis Mo Graw, all of Forest Grove, and Mrs. Kenneth Hanson of Oregon City, niece of Representative Ireland .... In the afternoon, the group called at , the at home of Mrs. Robert D. Holmes, wife of the governor .... Mrs. Holmes and Mrs. Hanson were school friends in Portland " A delightful prelude to EasTet was the charm ingly arranged tea for which Mrs. Harry V. Col- North 14th street residence, the affair compliment ing her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Bradford Collins ol Fairfax, Calif The junior Mrs. Collins and young daughter, Robin, have been here this week. . . . .Guests included longtime friends of the hon-' orce from the days when she lived in Salem, and young daughters of several of them were invited to call with their mothers, Robin receiving the vn no o lesic in ho nnn al i ntiin airic- ipo nartv . . . .Colorful spring flowers decorated the home for the tea .... At the little girls' gathering, the Easter cakes were topped with bunnies and little chicks in observance of the coming holiday. , . . The tea table for the grownups was a picture one, set with a handsome embroidered white cloth . . . .The centerpiece featured crystal swans. large one and two smaller ones, filled with white camellias and lilacs; wide pink and orchid velvet ribbons looped about the flowers and around the silver candelabrums with pink tapers at either side. ... In Ihe group assisting the hostess were Mrs. Charles A. Sprague. Mrs. George Alexander, Mrs. A. A. Schramm, Mrs. R. C. Hunter, Mrs. W. 1. Needham, Mrs. Robert M. Needham, Mrs. Rey nolds Allen, Mrs. Bruce F. Pickett. Mrs. William L. Udberk, Mrs. Frank G. Myers, Mrs. Edward O. Stadter. Jr., Mrs. Harris Llelz, Mrs. Wlntlcld Needham, Mrs. Kimball Page of Portland. Beth Needham and Nancy -Hurley, visitor from El Ccr- rito. Calif., and guest of her grandparents, the Charles A. Spragues. Among those greeted during our call Mrs. C. R. Simms. Miss Margaret Simms. Mrs. Carl G. Col lins, Mrs. Joan Poole, Mrs. Stewart Johnson and Kalrlnka. Mrs. Ralph E. Purvlnr and Becky. Mrs. Guy Raymond. Mrs. Kenneth Carl. Mrs. John I). Minto. Mrs. J. M. Lamb. Mrs. Warren Don liltle, Mrs. Vern Shay. Mrs. Harold Robertson, Mrs. Del Milne. Mrs. Leon Perry. Mrs. A. T. King. Miss Nellie Schwab, Mrs. Robert Sprague and daughters, Kathy and Ann; Mrs. Richard Taggesell ' ,'. ' An informal "regular coffee break" gathering is planned for all women state employes by the .Young Adult Committee of the Salem YWCA for next Tuesday morning .... The very informal "come as you are. as if on your regular coffee break" affair will be between 9 and 11 o'clock The coffee is arranged to acquaint the working women with the program of recreation, physical education and classes offered by the YWCA. also to learn the type of program of particular interest io me working women. . . mST