Page 2 Section 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon, Saturday, April 20, 1957 65 Persons Injured in Brooklyn Subway Crash 'Man Failure' Blamed for Accident NEW YORK ifl A subway train rumbled around a sharp curve in a Brooklyn tunnel last night and smashed into the rear of a stalled train. Sixty-live persons were injured, one seriously. A city transit official said later he felt "man failure" caused the accident. Several Hundred Passenger! Both trains were en route from Brooklyn to Queens with several hundred passengers whenv the first train stalled with a jammed brake. Molorman Victor P. 0 Britis. 41. of Queens climbed out, released the brake and headed back to the controls of his eight car train. He was just entering the cab when the second tram struck "There was a crash," O'Brilis said. "Some people were knocked to the floor and some of the in jured goL panicky and began screaming. 1 said to them, 'take it easy.' "f had to calm llicm down. They used the emergency exils them selves and a lot of them walked out." Moforman Pinned Mororman William A. Hoke, 46. of Queens was pinned in the cab of the second train for an hour and a half before firemen using axes and wrecking bars couid free him He was in serious condition in Kings County Mospilnl with a crushed right leg and possible in ternal Injuries. The crash knocked out the lights and shattered windows in the four car second train. There was a mo ment of confusion before the con ductor switched on emergency lights. Stalled Train Hit Aid to Israel Will Resume WASHINGTON (IB U.S. officials disclosed today that Amer ican economic and technical aid to Israel "is being resumed." The United States cut off aid to Israel last Oct. 2P,1956, when Israeli forces attacked Egypt. About SO American personnel assigned to the aid programs were withdrawn from Israel. Only six remained behind in a caretaker status. The State Department March 14t announced that talks, on resuming aid would begin soon. Spokesmen for the State De partment and the foreign aid agency told the United Press that now "the American aid program to Israel is being resumed. The State Department spokes NKW YORK, April 19 This is the rear of a stalled train which was smashed info here today by another train which was rounding a curve. A moment of panic swept the 200 persons aboard the two trains.. About 40-60 persons were injured but none seriously. Both trains were locals bound from Brooklyn to Queens. (AP Wlrephoto Conductor Hospitalized The conductor, Daniel Ilotundn, 30, of New Hyde Pork, N. v., had been knocked unconscious for a few minutes by the impact. He also was hospitalized, Asst. Dist. Atty. Elliott Golden said molorman Hoke told him he had seen two flashing red lights and one yellow one and that that meant "proceed at your own cau tion." , Hoke said he was moving slowly when he suddenly collided with the stalled train. Thomas ,1. McLernon, general manager of the Transit Authority, said: "After checking at the scene of the accident, we feel that it was due to man failure." The crash scene was in the Bed- ford-Stuyvesant section of Brook lyn, behind the Navy Yard and not far from the Williamsburg Bridge. The trains were between the Bedford-Nostrad Ave. station and the Myrtlo-Willoughby Ave. station on the IND (Independent) line. 2)i0 Out Jkid Sadler Open faster Sunday 12 Noon lo 8 P.M. Unique Food and Service at a Price Everyone Can Afford! Hot Entree for Sunday: ROAST "BUTTERBALL" TURKEY and SWIFT'S PREMIUM HAM m - mmmmm Treat Tour Family III Relish Dish cilNDAtOy v Complete Dinner Soup Choice of Salads Entrees $ooo Cocktail ROAST YOUNO TURKEY ROAST PRIME RIB OF BEEF AU JUS PAN-FRIED CHICKEN VIRGINIA BAKED HAM Baked Potatoes Buttered Asparagus Chive Sauce Assorted Desserts . . . Hot Cross Buns Beveroge v CHILDREN'S SPECIAL Individual Chicken Pot Pie With Fresh Vegetables Milk 90c Ice Cream Special taster Breakfast Starting 7 A.M. at the HOTEL SENATOR Coffee Shop Corner of Court and High ICORNS FROM THE WITH DEL MILNC NOW'S THE TIME , TO DON THAT BONNET nd parade with all your neighbors at our annual Gold Room Easter party) ' EASTER BREAKFAST STARTS AT 7 . . . EASTER DINNER STARTS AT NOONI Free tggt Floral displays Hammond organ music Remember In Salrm it'i the HOTEL MARION Nopp's Golden Pheasant OPEN Easter SUNDAY 12 Noon 'Til B.-30 P. M. j ! Hypnosis Fails To Brine New Clues in Case Police After Identity . Of Driver in SF Hit and Run SAN FRANCISCO First attempts by a psychiatrist to question witnesses under hypnosis have failed to yield any new clues to the brutal hit-run slaying of a ban francisco man. The doctor, who insisted he re main unnamed as a condition for doing the work, Friday told po lice further efforts "might pro duce befter results." '' Lloyd V. Stephens, 62, was struck down at a San Francisco : intersection and dragged 1,200 feet by a car. The car's path was traced in blood as the driver sought to dislodge the body by alternately speeding up and slam ming on the brakes. home fifty horrified persons saw the grisly episode. One witness, Bonifacio bilverio. gave police a partial license num ber. He was one of four persons questioned under hypnosis by the doctor, who sought to discover the entire number -from Silverio's sub conscious mind. Cornelius Lynch, a city fireman. who chased the car in vain, also was questioned. Police Lt. Ldward Moody said the questioning revealed "no sig-; nificant new information." j Dr. Wilson Van Duesen, chief psychologist at Mendocino State Hospital, suggested the use of hypnosis in a letter to Lt. Moody, j He said he thought witnesses saw1 everything but focused their at tention on the dying man. Hut it Is a matter of atten tion," he said. "They centered on what was happening to the man. They also registered other facts of what was going on, but they were probably rather vague. Hyp nosis would aid in the complete recall of what happened." Dr. Wilson said that because "the scene is so vivid and so im portant" to witnesses the ques tioning is likely to be successful. Iran Not to Permit Any Foreign Bases TEHRAN, Iran W The Iran ian government has promised Russia that Iran will not permit the United States or any other foreign country to establish mili tary bases in Iran, though it will continue to accept American mili tary aid. A Foreign Ministry spokesman confirmed Saturday the assurance was gien to a Soviet delegation headed by Deputy Foreign Min ister Vassily V. huzneisov. Kuznetsov said Friday on his return to Moscow that Iran had promised not to take part "in any movement which is aimed against Soviet security." ' , The Foreign Ministry spokes man said "Iran has assured the Soviet delegation that no milhanj or atomic base will be given lii Irani to any foreign country clnHine the United Slal He added that neither RunYl Ilniftwl Cli,.,.. 1 iiui u,c vinn-M uiaica nas asked Iran for permission to set up such a base, "but Iran undoubted, will continue to receive militant aid from the United Stain. " ' man said the foasic decision to re sume aid had been made, and that American and Israeli offi cials are discussing details here and at Tel Aviv. Returu Authorized The foreign aid spokesman said American aid personnel" have been authorized to return to Is rael." He estimated that more than six Americans already are i back at their jobs on agriculture, health, sanitation, education, com munications and other aid projects. Aid to Jordan and Lebanon was cut off in October. There was no ndication of resumption of aid to those countries. Officials said the amount of Is raeli aid for this year has not been finally decided. But the Unit ed States before the October in vasion had earmarked about 23 million dollars for aid to Israel during the current fiscal year ending June 30. Only $400,000 of this had been allocated to Israeli aid projects. PHONE EM 4713 ENDS TONITE Bill Haley's Comets DON'T KNOCK THE ROCK Robert Wagner, Debrj Pig WHITE FEATHER Crosby Files New Libel Suit PORTLAND tfi Clyde C. Crosby, international representa tive of the Teamsters Union in Oregon, Friday filed his fifth libel suit against The Oregonian Pub lishing Co., reporters Wallace Turner and William Lambert, and Portland gambler Big Jim Elkins. He asks 5300,000 damages be cause of an article the newspaper printed last spring. KISIII TO VISIT INDIA TOKYO iFi Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi said today he will ', visit India and Nationalist China before his trip to the United States 1 in June. Woodburn Drive-In Open 6:45, Starts 7:15 ENDS SATURDAY "JUB41" Plus "BOCK AROUND THE CLOCK" STARTS SUNDAY "MAN IN GRAY FLANNEL SUII" Plus "THE LIVING SWAMP" STARTS TOMORROW - FIRST RUN! M- .V.- SHAPELY SHOW-GIRL,L ( fjT former sweetheart of news-J f -t ;l paper man, doesn't give up I II I easily! I II l ,im I II I PUNCHY PAL takes news. I II I paper man to hotel hideaway ' I II 1 i .of,.J k: r 1 II I jnobstrrs! J II I i mmmmmmmmmtima I ll l GREGORY PECK . . . his is a world 1 of guys and dolls! J M-G-M presents LAUREN BACALL . . . hers is.a world of gowns and glamorl DOLORES GRAY Plus April in Portugal - In Beauutiful Cinemascope and Color Nofttn cimm. at moo: . WHCHi TH FOOD IS 60001 St SPECIAL Saturday end Sunday Dinners S.,vJ 11:30 la 1:00 P.M. Wk Diy Dinn,i J 00 P.M. 00 P.M. 95 $1.25 A' LA' CARTE Child'! Portton-0c Complete Dinners Child'! Portin-75 EAT AT SLOPPY JOE'S DRIVE-IN JT- r-an inn Center Streets Open il m. 10 a ,11 Ml Ml II- Shot Through Church 'Pane' Murders Girl COVE, Ark. Wl Moments aft er pretty Helen Griffith left a choir and went to a pew in a church here last night, six pistol shots blasted the Holy Week serv ice and -the 20-year-old girl fell fatally wounded in the aisle. The shots were fired through a window of the Hilltop Holiness Church in this west Arkansas mountain town. Another member of the congregation, a 61-year-old, man. was wounded in the left leg during the firing. Flees in Truck Several persons rushed to the door in time to see a man leap into a pickup truck and flee. Little more than an hour later, officers here were notified that Haskell Sullivan, 25, a rejected suitor of the dead girl, had killed himself in front of his brother's house at Nano Chito. Okla., 20 miles from Cove. Sheriff's officers of McCurtain County. Okla.. said Sullivan's body was found in his pickup truck out side the home of J. L. Sullivan. He had been shot between the eyes with a .22 pistol, apparently the same weapon which killed Miss Griffith, officers reported. Sullivan left a note. It said: "1 killed Helen and I'm going with her." OKicers said the blonde, blue eyed girl was shot twice in the face and twice in the back. v. ,i " ' nr s fi ilk ENDS TONITEI "CREATURE FROM BLACK LAGOON" "CURUCU" ViL 1 Dine With Vs On Jailer Priii-Winning HAM and ROAST OREGON TOM TURKEY with .11 th. QP Irimntinai. iutt iJ TUt CAM CUAD Th 0'9n Homt of InC JAN JflUr Sloppy Jo., a Sandwich Portland Road at North City limiti For Ord.r to Go-Phono EM 2-6798 MOTOR-VU DALLAS Gates Open 6:45, Show at Dusk KNDS TONIGHT! "HOLLYWOOD OR Bl'ST" "THK KAR HORIZONS" STARTS TOmiRROW: Dan Dailev. CvdCharisse "MKF.T MK IN LAS VKGAS" Cinemascope SKCOND FEATl'RE Jeff Chandler, Tire Harvey in "TOY TIGER" Technicolor CHINESE TEA GARDEN Rest Chinese Food Good American Food Too Special Parties, large or Small, Call EM-2-90IS Chinese Food to Take Out l2'i N. Commercial St. Open S p. m. to t a. m. Saturday 3 a. m. Cloted Wad. m rrit iiiii. J!1' j) SUNDAY 1 r-m VMJ Mi . 3 V .V.WT21 ttJKVH "Srfkf.VSi T oV ! S 1 I ENDS TONITE "BRAVE ONE" "KELLY I ME" HELD OVER FOR EASTER! CONT. SHOW EASTER Sl'NDAY 1 P M. FILMED IN ROME...wbere the nights made for love-songs ami the dolls lor M G-M prtitnfl Dean MARTIN tn nu Tii mJo slitrinj role in 'TEN THOUSAND BEDROOMS' CINEMASCOPE and METR0C010R Anna Maria ALBERGHETTH Eva BARTOK Dewey MARTIN WalterSLEZAK - Paul HENREfD win Jules MUNSHIN-MirtH DAtIO A SPECIAL "EASTER" SHOW! CONT. SUNDAY FROM 1 P. M. JAMES Swam roaring out of the roaring 20'$ x as 'Lucky V- linrlwM it' II il 1 1 tHE Spirit OF sxiouis" Warner Bros. Cinemascope warnercolor . 01 IVHIIinfA uirunr,, Wi iiui aiiuuui titutu iaim AND A Cinemascope Featurette To Make This a Perfect Eaiter Program "DEEP ADVENTURE" BEAUTIFUL COLOR wen I Ti)NITE mm i "BUNDLE OF JOY" "SHOWDOWN AT ABILENE" STARTS SUNDAY AT DUSK W art) proud to announce the installation of the most advanced motion picture equipment to bring you the clearest picture available. 1 Plus High Adventure in the South Pacific temoii car or coeiiilljui GEORGE MONTGOMERY M0NA FREEMAN CARL BENTON REID KATAUt tVOOO- A UKIVtEAl WlEJWAnOHAL PKTUK PLUS FOR ACTION ANTHONY QUINN MAN FROM DEL RIO .tg- ,,,, . J