Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 20, 1957, Page 1, Image 1

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MOSTLY CLEAR tonight and Sun
day. Little change In temperature.
Low tonight, 32s Ugh Sunday. 62.
24 Pages
69th Year, No. 94
Salem, Oregon, Saturday, April 20, 1957
Entered as second class
matter at Salem, Oregon
Blackmail Try
On DAY Wife
Told at Trial
Accusation Made in Trial of
:Jim Elkins, R.F. Clark on
Wiretapping Charges
PORTLAND (AP) - Gambler Big Jim Elkins, 55,
, or his enmlove. Raymond F. Clark, 33, used wire
tapped recordings to try to blackmail $10,000 from
- the Portland district attorney's wife in 1955, a feder-
al prosecutor said. Saturday,
' U. S. Dist. Atty. C. E. Luckcj
made the accusation in opening
statements in a federal district
- court trial in which the two men
are accused of wiretapping.
Five Spools Seized
tuckey says the government has
five spools- of recorded telephone
conversations, seized by sheriff's
' deputies in a raid on Clark s home
last year. He has not disclosed
the nature of the conversations or
the participants.
i?'0ne afternoon one of these men
pushed his way into the home of
Mrs. Langley, a mother of four
children who was expecting a
fifth. He brought with him a re
cording device and played the con
versations to her, demanding $10,
000 for them," Luckcy said.
.T-" Life ol D. A.
"' Mrs. Langley Is the wife of Port
land's district attorney, William
M. Langley, who subsequently or
dered the raid on Clark's home.
A state court has ruled the raid
Langley was convicted in state
court last week ot failing to prose
cute gamblers. The penalty is re
moval from oitice, Dut sentence
has not yet been imposed.
Allen Agency
Will rroduce
If '57 Fair Revue
(Earlier Story Sec.V Pago 1)
I The 1957 Oregon State Fair
I Night Revue will be staged this
v year by the Larry Allen Agency of
San Francisco it was announced
Saturday by Jack Travis, chair-
';' man of the Oregon State Fair
i Commission.
. ' The agency, one of the leading
! entertainment groups on the
West Coast, has promised a "well
rounded spectacular show," Travis
Free entertainment is also being
' scheduled for the bandstand show
on the grounds, he said. Monte
Brooks orchestra from Portland
: has been asked to return to pro
: vide the band concerts and the Eu
gene Highlanders, bagpipe band
has been signed for the fair week.
Johnny Walker of Portland will
..' be in charge of the free entertain
ment show, Travis said.
A special attraction, which the
- commission hopes to get for the
: fair, is the famed "Dancing
, Waters." It consists of geysers of
water rising and falling to musical
accompainmcnt and under chang
ing colored KglitS.
The show has appeared twice at
the Portland Rose Festival and
has been at the Radio City Music
Hall three times, the only show
ever to appear there more than
once, Travis stated. It will be
staged in a tent.
Widening of
Portland Road
i Capital Journal Associate Editor
; Widening of Portland road by
v adding eight feet on the west side
for a short distance immediately
7 north of the underpass is the pur
pose of an ordinance bill on the
City Council agenda for s e c o n d
reading Monday night.
The length of the widening pro
posed is between 150 and 200 feet
; and it will give car parking space
In front of several businesses that
do not have it now. It is not con-,
troversinl and the bill authorizes
the city to accept deeds for the
purpose. The movement was start
ed about three years ago.
Deed Bill on Agenda
Another bill up for second read
ing authorizes acceptance of deeds
for the extension of Bieber street.
Other street improvement meas
ures will be resolutions approving
plans for the pavement of North
' Church street from Johnson to Lo
cust, and Johnson from Presnall
and Smith Addition to Church: also
the pavement of Locust from 5th
to Maple.
Petitions will be received for
the improvement of McCoy from
. Jefferson to Madison, and 15th
" street from Mines to Waller.
Relative to McCoy, the engi
neer's report indicates that the
signatures represent 50.28 per cent
" of the assessable area, and he
recommends the Improvement, in
tCon turned on Page 5, Column 5)
Others to Face
New Charges
Conspiracy Charged in
Illegal Raid to
Copy Wiretaps
PORTLAND (UP) Eight new
criminal indictments were served
on four persons here late Friday
after the Multnomah County grand
jury returned 21 secret indict
ments in a marathon vice investi
gation. Booked on the latest batch of
true bills were District Attorney
William Langley, Deputy District
Attorney Oscar D. Howlett, Dep
uty County. S h e t i f f George D.
Minielly,' and Oregon Journal re
porter Arthur Bradley Williams.
Langley Posts Ball
Langley posted bail on one in
dictment accusing him ot conspir-
ins with executives and reporters
of The Oregon Journal, Multno
mah County Sheriff Terry
Srhrnnk. now mavor of Portland,
and others to stage an illegal raid
to obtain and illegally copy tape
recorded telecommunications to
which none of them was a par
licioant. Howlett was indicted on two
counts of perjury, accusing him
of falsely swearing in connection
with arrests of two prostitutes
who allegedly burglarized the
same home where the Langley-
authonzed raid was conducted.
. Minielly Accused
Minielly was accused of con
spiracy in staging the raid and
with larceny from a dwelling for
taking the tape recordings during
the raid without giving a receipt.
Wi hams faced two indictments
rlaimintr that he conspired with
.. .. . . j. ,l :J 1
L,angiey 10 conauci uie raiu auu
that he procured maliciously a
search warrant and encouraged
Langley in issuing the search war
The raid referred to in each of
the indictments was staged at the
home of Raymond Clark, hench
man of racketeer James Elkins,
both of whom are now under trial
in a federal district court on wire
tapping charges.
Vice indictments now outstand
ing in Portland were believed to
total in excess of 110, although
even the attorney general office
was uncertain as to the exact
Ilermiston School
Bonds Defeated
HERMISTON WI An addition
al $100,000 bond issue for con
struction of an elementary school
on Hermiston's cast side was
turned down by voters this week,
510 to 407.
The original $550,000 bond issue
was approved last fall. The addi
tional election was held after a
low bid of $613,000 was submitted
last month.
Legislators Believe Session s
MayConcludeinFour Weeks
Associated Press Writer
p Now that the House Taxation
Commillec has announced its pro
gram, the Legislature thinks it can
adjourn in about four more weeks.
This program which keeps per
sonal income taxes at about the
current level and boosts the taxes
on corporations is expected to
get through the House with little
Senate Stumbling Block
The stumbling block will be the
Senate, where Republicans are
taking pot shots at it. Some Dem
ocrats, especially those who want
a 50 per cent increase in the basic
school fund, are objecting that it
won't raise enough money.
Of the 26 planks in Gov. Holmes'
program, only two have been
passed by both houses. They ask
Congress to build John Day Dam.
and set up a conciliation service
to mediate labor disputes.
Four other planks have died In
the Senate. They would have ask-
ed Congress to build Hells Canyon
". . . And very early in the morning the first day of
the week, they came unto the sepulchre at the rising of
the sun . . . They saw a young man . . . and he saith
unto them, be not affrighted: ye seek Jesus of Nazareth,
which was crucified: He is risen . . ." The story of The
Sunrise Service to
Easter Observances Sunday
Capital Journal Writer
Mr. and Mrs. Average Citizen will
celebrate the end of Lent and the
anniversary of the Risen Lord
Sunday in many-fold observances.
For those communicants who
are not afraid of getting out.of bed
a bit earlier' than usual there is
the Easter sunrise service that will
be held at McCulloch Stadium at
5:45 Sunday.
Raiir or Shine
This event, sponsored by the
Salem Ministerial Assn., will be
presented regardless of weather
conditions, since several thousand
seats under cover are available.
The Rev. Harley H. Zicgter, D.D.,
Ike Approves
Savings Bond
Interest Hike
AUGUSTA. Ga. Ml President
Eisenhower Saturday signed a bill
authorizing an increase in the
interest rate on government sav
ings bonds from the current 3 per
cent to 3vi per cent.
'I invite every citizen to take
advantage of the opportunity of
investing in the now bottor-than-
ever United states savings Donas
the President said in a statement
issued at bis vacation headquart
ers. In urging wider purchase of
the bonds covered by the bill,
Eisenhower said they will "pro
vide even greater financial pro
tection for our people in the years
ahead and, at the same time, help
assure the financial stability of
our country."
The bill authorizes-the treasury
department to put the higher
interest rate in effect on series E
and H bonds. The department is
expected to act promptly. The
treasury has indicated it will make
the higher rate effective on all
bonds sold on or after Feb. 1.
Dam, repealed the anti-picketing
law, repealed the relative respon
sibility law. and abolished the
Stale Fair Commission.
Eight others have been passed
by one House. And 12 haven't been
acted upon by either house.
Stains ot "Bills
Here is the status of the major
Basic school fund Increase
No action, but the Democrats are
expected to vote to boost the fund
from S180 per child to $90. The
Governor wants $120.
Key district plan to redistribute
the basic school fund Passed
by th Senate. The House Educa
tion Committee expects to act on
it early next week.
School bnlldlng aid Still in
School district reorganization
Passed by the House, now in the
Senate Education Committee.
Teacher minimum salary In
creasela the Houm Education
Service to Mark Easter Observance
-0 -
Willamette University chaplain,
will be the speaker.
Young people of many churches
will sponsor Easter breakfasts fol
lowing the stadium program.
Virtually every church in the
city and surrounding territory has
Price Cut for
Berries Seen
In California
SAN JOSE, Calif. WI Straw
berry growers appear to be rec
onciled that this year's prices for
harvested beiries will be lower
than last, and that some marginal
and older fields will have to be
taken out of production after the
spring crop.
Malcolm Douglas, executive
secrctany of the California Straw
berry Advisory Board, said Fri
day that growers in the Santa
Clara Valley one ot the largest
producing areas imthe world are
confronted with the problem of
overproduction. I
The oversupply of berries has
resulted from too much planting,
not only here, but in all the berry
producing sections of the nation,
he said. As a result, growers are
generally agreed that prices
paid for picked berries will be
Growers, processors and ship
pers have been holding meetings
for discussion of the problem,
Douglas said, but have come up
with no solution.
Youth Rescued
From Columbia
18-year-old Portland boy was res
cued Friday after he had drifted
two miles down- the Columbia
River, clinging to his small, over
turned boat.
Clark County sheriff's deputies
said Larry Thomsen told them the
boat overturned while he was
testing an outboard motor.
Committee '
after the Senate
passed it.
Interim committee to nludy gov
ernment reorganization Passed
h.Vthe House, now in Senate com
mittee. Creating lieutenant governor
Passed by the House, should reach
the Senate floor next week.
Abolishing Board of Control and
Liquor Commission No action.
Abolishing Unemployment Com
pensation Commission The Sen
ate defeated it. It will vote next
week on a subsUtute bill to pro
vide separate commissions for the
Unemployment Compensation and
Industrial Accident commissions,
which now are run by a single
Bnildinr ororram Totaling 20
million dollars, this probably will
-be considered after tbe rest of the
department budgets are approved. ,
Unemployment eompen s a 1 1 o n
benefits Increase No action, but garb a high black hat, black
the Senate Labor and Industries belted costume and black shoes
(Continued on Tig , Column l)witlj gleaming silver buckles.
First Easter will be repeated Sunday morning in Salem
and all over the world as Easter, 1957, is observed. This
passage from St. Mark and the other gospels is reprinted
in today's Capital Journal, Page 6. (Capital Journal
Photo by Jerry Clausscn)
made preparations to take care of
overflow audiences. Some will
present three identical services,
others two in order to accommo
date those who would gain admis
sion to the sanctuaries.
Altars will be attractively dec
orated i with -Easter lilies and
spring flowers, vhile special music
will navo a part in every service.
Some Will Baptize
In a few instances babies will
be baptized at the church altars.
However, in recent years, it has
been the custom to hold this ev
ent on Palm Sunday.
Good Friday services at the
First Methodist Church, also ar
ranged by the Salem Ministerial
Assn., attracted many communi
cants. Some remained throughout
the three-hour service, others
came and went at the conclusion
of one of the various periods.
Recall Launched "
ROSEBURG WI A movement
has been launched to recall two
members of the Camas Valley
School Board. The community is
located about 25 miles southwest
of here on Highway 42.
Mayflower Starts Voyage
Duplicate of
1620 Trip
PLYMOUTH, England WI The
Mayflower II left Plymouth Har
bor at 3:59 p. m. (7:59 a. m. PST)
Saturday to sail for the new world
or. a voyage duplicating the Pil
grim fathers' trip in 1620.
The little wooden vessel, 180
tons, was towed into the English
channel by a tug belching black
smoke, and there were wild
cheers from thousands of spec
tators. Sails Furled
Sails of the Mayflower II were
still furled to the rigging, but the
crew was to spread from outside
Plymouth Harbor.
Cmdr. Alan Villicrs, the Austra
lian skipper, hoped to be under
way before nightfall in the little
wooden ship patterned after the
first Mayflower. But the weather
on which the vessel's sails de
pend is unprnliclnble on Ibis
English channel coast. Clouds
and a light rain developed during
the morning. Villicrs said Ihe ship
would sail as soon as the wind
gives the sails half a chance.
Doubt Voiced
"There Is some doubt that we
are going to get across, and I
scorn it," Villiers said at a fare
well ceremony at the quayside.
"What the heck, the great lands
overseas and our mighty distant
commonwealths were built by
little ships like my Mayflower. Of
course they can go to the ends
of the earth.
"We will start and we will get
Villiers stepped ashore from
long boat rowed by four members
of his crew. He wore Pilgrim's
Good Weather
In Prospect
For Easter
The joyous spirit of Easter "hit"
the weather bureau, it seems, and
the new forecast calls for mostly
clear conditions tonight and Sun
day, meaning some sunshine to go
along with the bright new holiday
attire. -
Of course, further analysis re
veals that the threatened disturb
ances are just delayed, that they
arc still lurking around out on the
ocean, and may move in late Sun
day night.
Nippy temperatures will prevail
for the early risers out for the
dawn services Sunday morning, the
low reading being forecast at the
treczing mark, 32.
Saturday morning's minimum
also was at 32 and some local
frost was reported in some areas.
But Saturday brought considerable
sunshine and valley folk welcome
report there will be warmer day
time temperatures, Sunday.
Weather Details
Maximum vrstrrdav. 5ft: minimum
today, 22, Total 24-hour precipitation,
0; (or month. 1.91; normal, l.M. Rea
son precipitation, 28.9) ; normal,
35.19. River hMght, 1.9 feet. (Report
by U. 8. Weather Bureau.)
The .Mayflower II, modern version of the
famous Pilgrim ship Is shown as It left
England today on Its journey retracing the
route of It namesake In 1020. Tbe thlp,
Jortftin Faces New
Political Crisis,
Arpiy Chief Quits
Uoiise Plan Would
Yield $281 Million
The State Tax Commission
that the House Taxation Committee's tax program would
raise $281,546,408. ,
This is $19,500,0(10 more than was proposed in the budget-
submitted by former Gov. Elmo
revenue laws would nave oeen
. Source of Cash
The additional $19,500,000 would
be raised as follows:
Personal income taxes, $6,000,
000. '
Withholding taxes, $3,000,000.
Corporation excise tax, $6,000,
Inheritance tnxes, $2,000,000.
Increased utilities tax, $2,500,-
Tlitire A. Lindstrom, head of
the commission's research divi
sion, emphasized that the esti
mates aro preliminary, since the
tax committee hasn't decided yet
on the details of some of the
Safety Margin Seen
If the program produces around
261 millions, and if the Ways and
Means Committee achieves its ob
jective of holding the budget to
270 millions, there should be an
adequate margin of safety in the
state's financial operations in the
next two years, the committee be
lieves. '
Teen Driving
In Early Hours
ST. PAUL, Minn. WI Juve
niles under 17 are prohibited from
driving cars between midnight
and 5 a.m. under a new Minne
sota law. ,
The law .became effective Sat
urday when Gov. Orville L. Free
man signed a bill passed by the
current Minnesota Legislature
forcing young drivers off high
ways in early hours.
In a statement accompanying
the signing, Freeman said he was
convinced a majorily of young
people "conduct themselves in ac
cordance with the dictates of
common sense," but added that
crimes and accidenls after mid
night call for a trial of tho law
to protect both young and o 1 d
from the "irresponsibility of a
small minority."
Saturday tentatively estimated
Smith, under which the state
Maribel Starr
Winner of Rose
Float Contest
'Cherry Pink and Apple
Blossom White
Theme Picked
Capital Journal Writer
There may not bo any cherries
on the Salem float entered in the
Portland Rose Festival Parade,
but the foat will remind those who
see it of the "Cherry City" and
the Salem Cherrlans. The song
title around which it will be de
signed is "Cherry Pink and Apple
Blossom White."
Submitting tho winning design
for the float in the contest, con
ducted by the Salem Cherrlans,
was Maribel Starr, 745 N. Lancas
ter Dr., a senior at the North
Salem High School.
The float will have a background
of green. -It will bo topped -with
cherry trees under which will be
a couple and at the four corners
of the float will be girls seated
in a largo blossom.
Receives Bond
For her design Maribel wlll re
ceive a $25 bond.
Receiving a cash award of $10
for her second place entry, "Marl
annc," was Margie Milne, a stu
dent at Leslie Junior High School,
"Somewhere Over the Rainbow,"
submitted by Janet Anderson and
Tern McGlinn, Leslie Junior High
School, won the third place award
of $5 in cash.
Designs receiving honorable
mention and those submitting them
were "Ebb Tide," Carolyn Klein;
'Banana Boat Song," Errol Lock
er; "Rock Around the Clock," Lee
Holland; "Calypso." Lois Smith;
and "Poor Butterfly," Julio Lar
ios. All but Carolyn Klein were
(Continued on Page G Column 6)
gjggSfie; i in. .-J
a 'duplicate of the carly-riny craft, left
Plymouth, England, for Plymouth, Mass.
(AP Wlrephoto)
General Asks
Ror Asylum
In Syria
AMMAN, Jordan (AP)-
Maj. Gen, Ali Hayari re
signed Saturday via tele
phone call trom Syria as
the hew chief of staff for
Jordan's army. The politi
cal crisis King Hussein had
battled for a week took a, new
turn, perhaps for the worse.
Hayari, described by his friends
as a career soldier with little in
terest in politics, took over the
top army job only Thursday, and
apparently firmed up Hussein's
control over the restive kingdom.
He replaced Maj. Gen. Ali Abu
Nuwar, a pro-Egyptian soldier
politician who was driven from
the country to Syria last week.
Several high officers accompanied
Visits Damascus
Friday the new chief of staff
was sent to Damascus to ask
Syrian authorities to extradite a
group of the Jordanian dissidents.
But an official spokesman report
ed that, on arrival, Hayari tele
phoned his father-in-law, Scdky El
Kasscm, to present his resignation '
to the government.
Reports from Damascus said
Hayari had asked political asy
lum in Syria, which gets arms
from Soviet Russia, and that a
number of other "free officers" of
the Jordanian army had joined
him in the Syrian capital.
Deputy to Get Job
Usually reliable Informants said
Hayari's Job probably will go to
Gen, Habes Majali or Gen. Sndek
Sharch, both now deputy chiefs of
staff. .
(The Damascus newspaper At
Rally said Hayari quit in protest
against tho new Jordan govern
ment's policies. It predicted sev
eral cabinet ministers in the gov
ernment formed Monday by Pre
mier Hussein Fakhrl Khalidl
would quit soon, too.
( Informed' sources in Damascus
said Gen. Hayari has arrived in
Syria and that tho Syrian cabinet
was called into special session to
consider the events. Gen. Hayart
conferred with high Syrian offi
cials soon after his arrival, these"
informants said.)
Earlier, King Hussein appointed
five-officer council to revamp
Jordan's military organization so
as to diminish Egyptian influence
in the army.
Salem Boy, 7
Hit by Auto,
Hospitalized .
A 7-vcar-old Salem boy was hos
pitalized after being struck by a
car while ho was riding his bicy
cle Saturday morning.
Darrcll Dimbnt, Rt. 4, Box 128,
suffered facial lacerations and a
possible broken leg in tho 11 a.m.
accident, cily first aidmcn re
ported. He was taken to Snkm
Memorial Hospital for treatment
of the injuries.
The accident occurred about a
half-mile south of Prinslc School
on Battle Creek road, it was re
ported. State police Investigated the ac
cident. Name of the car rtrivcr
involved was not available.
Mows in Brief
For Saturday, April 20, 1937
65 Injured in Brooklyn
Subway Crash . . See. 1. P. 2
Christians All Over World
Observe Easter . Sec. 2, t'. 3
Oregon Fnir Ad, Publicity
Posts Filled hcc. 2, f. I
Stores' Flood Damage M.'iy
Run to $5,000 sec. 2, r, I
Ways, Means Group Gives
Okay lo Hospitals
Hudcels Sec. 2, P. 1
Veteran Unit 'Rushed' by
Loan Seekers . hec. 2, r. I
Iran Not lo Permit Any
Foreign Bases Sec. 1, r. 2
Burdette Answers 'Spitter'
. Charto Sec. 2, p. 2
Beavers Snap Losing Streak
sec. 2, p. 2
Boston Celtics to Play In
Corvallis Tonight ...Sec. 2, P. 3
Sec. 1, P, 2
Comics .
... Sec. 1, P. 6
.. Sec. 1, P. 7
Sec. 2, P. t
. Sec. 1, P. 4-5
... Sec. 2, P. R
.. Sec. 2. P. 7
. Sec. 2, P. A-10
... Sec. 2, P. 7
... Sec. 2, P. S
. Sec. 2, P. 4-9
Want Ads
Dorthy Dix
Crossword Puzzlo