Salem; Oregon, Friday, April 19, 1957 Till? PAPTTAT mTTPMAT" O T IT (ft h Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want Ads Dailv! ADDING MACHINES Buy ai you rent All makes ADV. SPECIALTIES" Grand openings k Anniversaries AWNINGS Awnings & Patio Covers Custom Made-20 Colors K eystone Aluminum EM 4-8582 CARPENTER BUILDING, remodeling, cabi- nets & repairing. EM 49788. Contractor. New. Remodel. Ad ditions & shop work. EM 3-3935. CEMENT WORK House raising leveling and foundations. EM 2-6280. roUNDATIONS.- patios."wa1ks retaining walls. EM 4-976B. CON STB UjOTlW NEW homes, remodel.. "Tree est. GRAVES CONSTRUC tion Co. EM 3-8393 or EM 2-2576. CRANE WORK EA-tnn Lorain moto crane Sa lem Send it Gravel. EM 2-2461 CORSET1ERE CHARIS corsettier. Lenora Whe Ian. 2380 Lansing, EM 2-9519. To Place Classified Ads Call JJM. 4-6811 450 Merchandise 470 Building Material .POSTS, new oak, 7'. 4" to 5", 50c. ca. Phone Silvcrton 3-4331. FOR SALE; Overhead garage door 8x7 Jt, with hardware, aner 0 p.m. em 4-2361, Seal-O-Matic life time roofing Colorbestos side wall shingles Ph. Mathis Bros. EM 4-6831. INLAID linoleum 11.79 per so yd. R. L. Elfstrom Co.. 2S0 S Liberty. EVERYTHING For The Builder . 300,000 Ft. Used Lumber ALL NO. 2 & BETTER -flooring Siding Sheathing. 2x4, 2x6. 4x4, 2x10, 2x12, 3x12 Bridge Timbers. $43 to $60 per M, Colonial Front doors with hard ware, 3'0"x6'8" $7.50 Screen Doors $2.50 to $4 Window screens 25c to $1 Used Window sash $1 & up Used brick $25 per M Used fire brick flc ea. Washbasins 17.50 k up Bathtubs $17.50 Washbasins $7.50 itTup Picnic Tables, 10' Jong y$20 Steel Fire Escape Stairways & Ladders. E. S. RIHER & CO. 6740 Portland Rd. Vj ml. j North of Totem Pole Open all day Saturday Salem EM 4-8311 I LUMBER 150 Units new lumber. $20. per M. and up. Del. in units or truck Ids. Salem vicinity. TED k LEO MULLER EM 4-0523 ELEC. heaters-waii-oaseboard-portahle. Reduced ors 52 gal. elec. wtr. hit., $59.50, 12-2 wire 3c ft. In rls., 3 pc. bath let, com p. $120. Built-in oven plus 4 bur. unit, $195. Outlet boxes, 25 cents, 14.2 wire, 2c It, in dls. 4" galv. gutter, 13c ft., 8" vent fan, $13.50. 21 x 32 kitchen sink, comp. $43.95. Apex Electric k Plumbing, 1410 Broadway, EM 2-1B68. Open Fri. eve, S00O FT. old lumber. Make offer. 610 N. Cottage. PLUMBING installations at lower prices. Guaranteed work. Call Judson's EM 3-4141 for estimate. P. L. Elfstrom Co 260 S Liberty . VINYL floor Ule. 10c each.. 476 Do it Yourself CHANGE YOUR OWN OIL Buy Bulk oil at wholesale Eastern mc ot H. D deter- f;ent lB'.ic qt. 2 gals, or more n your container. We have til weights. PEINE OIL COMPANY 320 S. Lancaster Dr. 480 For Sale Miscellaneous ASH wood, decaded sawdust, and top soil. 2375 ClaudcSt. SAMPSON I TE 2 suiter, like new Carpenter tools, lop quality, 2080 N. 17th. 4 p.m. to 9. WHITE gold wedding ring set. blue white .65K. EM 2-2937, after 6 or Sat., Sun. WANTED: Folding baby stroller k play pen. EM 4.2869. ' GEIGER COUNTERS trade. EM 2-6022. 100 GAL. oil tank. Keizcr roto tiller. Propane gas heater. EM 2-4290. PAINT rej. $5.95 gal. outside white $2. gal. 8 gal. $15. 793 K. Lancaster, Salem. SHOWCASE 6' long, 2'V deep, 4' high. $10. EM 2-8360. BEST IN TOP SOIL Keizer Sand & Gravel Co. Eve., Sat. & Sun. EM 2-1743 New Player Piano Rolls Wiltaey-Wealhers Music Capitol Shopping Center open"ridaynite Lowest prices In town. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. 4 "usED"700xfR in. 'truck tires. KM 2-21)43 eve. C.'iAK tentc oobt (rood quality Treated or untreaied Poles Ph EM 4-3001 GARDEN Hose 4 good cane bottom kitchen chairs, tuxedo, sportcnat size M.EMJMMT. FRIGID AIRE refrlg. $20. Alr" flight rsdlo-phono. comb.. $10. Les Paul model guitar, EM 2-;334. ANTIQUE side board w. mirror $150. Piano $05. Solid marble fireplace $75. Treadle sewing machine $12.50. Radios cheap. : Tleminrton noiseless typewrit- 1 er $45. Office swivel chair i2.30. Moaern a pc. amuns sc SI29.M. Glass showcase $12 50. Wood heaters $6.95. Oil circu lators $10. up- Shop the store vith the low prices and large selection. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. WANT a bargain? Good used sen-ice station equipment that will save you a lot of monev. Contact Shell bulk plant. 2630 Portland Road Salem. WTLL constructed trailer k else, fence polls k charger. EM 2-5156. TOR SALE: Hy pressure Jennv steam cleaner. mMt JM-I Krebs Advertising 1170 Vista m Ave. EM 4 32.".2. TYPEWRITTFS adding mi rhlnn. carh rersters. dupli es tori cmm Chun filet, sup puej, Roena, Hi Court. M Save. Time - Save tot the Best Professional srir. likil EXPER FLOOR COVERINGS NORRIS WALKER Paint Co" rioor-covenng Division Uuali. ny installations Linoleum, As phalt & Rubber Til Wall tile Tree s 1 1 mates. CM -7$. GRADING Grading; Roads. Flovd Davin. son. EM 4-7751, Stayton 3-1877. GRADING & DOZING BULLDOZING clearing roads. BULLDOZING. 15.50 per tir Ex int. lentir-s. etc fcnorh 1 Maerz. EM 4-3517 after S a.m. D. PANTOViCH riozinn loiin. and clering. EM 2-0952. INCOME TAX Lecii i EM 3-5285. Ftscus 1509 4 th St. PAINTING Painting, interior, exterior. Joe ustrom, EM 4-3180. ROTO-VATING Rotnvatnr Wnrlr WnntoH Vincent Kremer, 2150 Lansing. Custom roto-vating. Ford equip ment, jciiu o-iiio, LAWN mowing k roto tilling. Tryon. EM ' 2-0769 eve., ' days EM 3-7420. 450 Merchandise 480 For Sale Miscellaneous NOW 27 gal. garbage cans $4.41, Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. PIT RUN GRAVEL Top soil. EM 4-4747 LOWEST prices in 1ov7nf PalnT oil base, 2 gals, for $3.41. New 9x12 linoleums $4.41. New met al folding chairs $3.41. 50' gar den hose $1.89. Trouble lites flflc. You reajly Rave when you buy at Glen Woodry's. 1605 N. Summer. USED toilets & fixtures $10. Used wflfh bowls & fixtures $5 EM 3-6805. Virgin Top Soil EM 2-1575 LOWEST prices In townl Paint, oil base, 2 gals, for $3.41. New 9x12 linoleums $4.41. New metal folding chairs $3.41. 50 garden hose $1.89. Trouble lites 99c. You really save when you buy at Glen Woodry rs. 1605 N. Summer. 4Si For Rent Miscellaneous Hospital Bed with Mattress. United Rent All's, 2565 Stale St. RENT cr lease Ige warehouse space cement rioor, nricK Dldg.. downtown Inq H. L- Stiff Furn. EM 3-9185. 482 Trade Miscellaneous FOR SALE or trade: Navy Spy uiass, in power, cost uovt. over $250 & Reg. Lab. Re. ;r, 1 yr. old", for power ;r. EM 4-3915 after 5. iriever, mower, 483 Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED Sterling Silver Coffee aerv. box iuz aiaiesman-journal. WANTED several thousand cordi of woea. all species Ph. 3-7721 3-7721 Nights EM 4-5633. CASH for Used Guns, and old comst an types, cascade Merc. 1230 Broadway. 484 Miscellaneous DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES tin HARRV S"TJ n.xH.t Adolph Bldg. State & Com ! Sts. anLhlVI fti E.IY1 1 486 Machinery & Tools McCULLOUGH 3-25 good con dition, Z4 bar. $100. KM 3-;t.iU5. SHOPSMITH with attachments, $195. EM 2-8360. 490 Fuel ANDERSON'S slab wood 2 cords $20. EM 2-7751. WANTED: Several thousand cords of bark-free wood, fir or hemlock. Ph EM k-7721; nights EM 4-5633 HIGHWAY FUEL CO. 3AWUI ST & WOOD EM 3-6444 FERN FUEL COMPANY 203 E. Salem Rd. Dallas Good 16 in. slabwood, 2 unit load $16. Prompt delivery. Fti. collect MA 3-2253. if no an swer Call MA 3-2445. SPRING SPECIAL SAWDUST FOR MULCHING Choice Block & Slabwood SASH & DOOR PLANER ENDS , WEST SALEM FUEL CO. 1525 Edgcwatcr EM 2-4031 DRY WOOD, slab wood. 112 cord O.K wood lb icngin 118 cord. EM 3H5na. OREGON FUEL CO. Dry and Green wood It sawdust. Sun UKfc, bi AMI'S EM 3-5533 CAPITOL FUEL CO. TRY OUR CHIP MIX Drv oik. isn & maple wood' Choice slib it block wood mixed dry or freen ury mm utiod H;n Broadway Pn EMJ-7m DRY OLD-GROWTH FIR $13 cord. EM 3-9598. 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loan $1500.00 Now you can borrow 11500 from us on furniture, autoi. trailer houses and equipment We are happy that after 28 'ears we srr able to extend this additional se-vict to yoil CORPORATION Phone EM 3-9161 137 So. ComT. Salem. Oregon LOANS $30 00 to $1.300 00 Buy Whit Vou Need Consolidate youi bills. Finance through WILLA MFTTE CREDIT COMPANY 183 8 thureh St KM 1-1411 cbTrsTAL investment Co Real propertv Loans. Contracts Pur chased M7 Court EM 4-223 RAWLINS Real Estate Co. Mortgage Lnans , ft 1 L nrl lt1tlrt 60S Chemeketa Pa. EM 4-8375, Mnngy 600 Employment 600 Employmfent 700 Rental 700 Rentals 1 800 Real Estate 1 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate ROTO-VATING Roto-vator "" (saiucus, lawns, field work. EM 2-2911 k EM SAND AND GRAVEL VALLEY SAND & GRAVEL CO Crurhed it round gravel sand SALEM SAND & GRAVEL CO. Ready mix concrete, crushed inuna gravel, sand k top soil. g rum, t.vj .Willi WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL 1625 McGtlchrlst Crushed quarry rocks and ' mi nc iui roaas. driveways and parking lots. READY MIXED CONCHETE. Garden sjnd. bull-dozing, shovel and dragline work. EM 3-9249. SEPTIC SERVICE HOWARDS Hoto-Rnoter sewer septic UnCi cleaned gM 3-i3T7 MIKE'S Septic service Tanks cieanea u rooter cleans sewers uiuia rnone BM a-WI Capitol Septic Service tanks sewers. EM 3-7404, EM S-5072. Ace Septic Tank Service EM 4 5112 DAY OR NIGHT TV REPAIR H. & H. TV KTTRVTTrc Guar. Repair, radio, TV k ant. 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loon UP TO $2,300 . Pick Your Payments 18 mo. Amt of 24 mo. Amt. of Paymfs Cash Paymt's. Cash $ B $142,50 ,...$ 0.-... $166.32 $17 $150 02 ....,$17 .S314.1S S4B7.08 S:i3 ...... $47 $653.72 $47 ...... $760.76 PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS 118 S. Liberty EM 4-2203 PRIVATE money to loan 6 Interest Ph EM 2-0794 CASH FOR CONTRACTS 'AND MTGS. Private money to loan. , B. M. Mason. W. B. Mlnier, 341 Chemeketa. EM 3-8Mi 515 Investments REAL ESTATE CONTRACT FOR SALE VERY LARGE DISCOUNT. PAYABLE AT $100 per Month inc. interest. No defaults. BROOKS REAL ESTATE REALTOR 130 Garfield St. WOODBURN PH. 8301 OR 2-6441 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted ESTABLISHED 'WATKINS route available. Full or part time. Average $2 to $2.50 per hr. Apply 8 to 9:30 a.m. only. 1135 So. Com'l. EM 3-5395. APPLICATIONS are now being taken for Statesman Di cycle routes Several routes will be open. Applicants must be ac companied by their parents or have their written permis sion. Apply at the Circulation Department of the Statesman- journal. CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Specialists in office personnel. Bids, adi Presbvterlan f'hnrrh 354 N. Winter EM 2-0638 your future is our Job. 604 Help Wanted, Men JOBS JOBS JOBS- We have more calls for trained omre nelp man we have girls to fill them, SEE our ad under Education, Merritt Davis School of Commerce. WANTED: Experienced roofing salesman, salary & commis sion. Box 701, Statesman-Journal. WANTED: Young, neat appear ing man 10 nenver aavenisine gifts. Call EM 4-6101 or EM 4-!622, fl-11 a.m., 5-7 p.m.- WANTED: Experienced body man. EM 3-9271. 606 Hep Wonted, Lady RELIABLE Babysitter, come In a ays, iifliem. itei. t,M 4-3fiiD RELIABLE lady to live in. Ref erences, and call EM 3-6780 for interview. LADY with some Bkkp'g. know ledge, for part time 4 firs. day. a aaya wcck. s. r. v. credit Union. Interview at office 20.1 S. Front St. between 12 & 2 Thurs. Fri. A Sat. or by ap pointment Call Peter Pan krantz. EM 3-7838 . GIRL to care for 2 schl. chil dren in home with mod. con veniences. Board rm. & wages. EM 4-4605 after 3 p.m. NURSES, O.B. & General Duty. suverinn Hospuai. ininity 3-3221. WAITRESS. Sloppy Joe's Drive- in. izin a -emer. no pnone calls. CAR-HOP, Sloppy Joe's Drive- in. sc center, pio pnone calls. EXPERIENCED maid. part time. P.O. Box 427. Salem. EXPERIENCED waitress want ed. The Spa Restaurant, 382 State, WANTED, beautician at Love all Miller's EM 3-7870. EXPERIENCED waitress, nights. Sloppy Joe's Drive-In. 12th & Center, no phone calls. SALARY k comm. Telephone survey, our office. Give experi ence k phone numher. Write Box 606 Statesman-Journal. 609 Commission Work WOMEN k men of Salem ft vie. with car for position with out standing company. Phone for personal interview. EM 4-7404 from 8 tn nocn or write P.O. Bo-i 1R7 Salem. NATIONAL farmers co-op needs men full or part time as dem onstrators in local retail stores. No selling or soliciting. Experience secondary to per sonal qualification. Excellent income opportunity for select ed men. Ph, Mr. Burns EM 4-6845. 610 Soles Helo Wanted WANTED MEN AND WOMEN To go to work immediately either (ull or part time. Ex perience not essential. Apply directlv to Dan Robb. Mn. 22nd at 9 30 sharp 32 E T.Jfh nf S. Comm'l. Airway Branche?. $80 WEEKLY guarantee to start Fuller Brush Co. EM 3-8357. TO PLACE Al) PHONE EM 4-6811 610 Sale Help Wonted Retail Bakery Route $77.50 a week aalarv In start. Later comm. basis. Must have good character reference, pleasing personality. 25-37 yra. good opportunity tor advance, ment. 4 week training pro- ginm. niusi dc aoic to oDiain good T. panel after train, ing. Opening in Salem and -oriiana. rnone .ni j-asao be tween 12-6 p.m. EXPERIENCED salesman or woman. Kamsey Real Estate, 427 Ferry. EM 4-3381. 600 Employment 612 Work Wonted, Men LAWN mowing and lawn mak- YOUNG Vet. 20 yrs. old. willing .u .cam, buine experience wtm arm, dairy, gas station work. CUSTOM garden work done .'m Jerro liner. .M IMMEDIATE SERVICE Plowing & Discing. EM 3-93W IHAUIUK KUTUVATlNli EM 2-6682 custom RnTn.TTi.t.rar: C L. Cales EM 2-3783 PAINTING Free Estimates Reasonable. EM 2-9551 eves. rototilLTng EM 2-2518 Spraying, tree topping, removal. FOR Howard Roto-vator work, call Bill Sevens. EM 2-1743. SMALL carpenter jobs, good WANTED Job for short loireer. can naui 41 s. -n, mayiair CARPENTER work. Any kind. neas. hxw macieay ita. &m 4-5961. ' Custom rotovatinc-plowlng. D. MARSHALL EM 2-1343. EM 2-5662 24 in. Howard Roto-vator. gar- denlng & lawn preparing. Tractor Rotovating Gardens, lawns, orchards. FRITZ KIFF, EM 2-8876, EM 4-B013. BOOKKEEPER ACCOUNTT just retired wishes parttime or forty hour job. EM 2-5336. ROTO-tilling Anytime. EM 4-0558 1775 Chemawa Rd. LAWN, roto-tilling & garden work wanted. EM 4-6989. ROTOVATING lawns and gar dens. EM 2-9082 days, EM ' 4-4280 eves. DE ROSIA TREE SERVICE TREES Trimmed, Topped & Removed. Hedges k Shrub bery Trimmed. Guaranteed satisfactory, price fc work. Completely Insur. Ph. EM 3-B0B8 Eve. Anytime wk. ends. FREE Estimate, tree spraying. EM 4-5234. EM 2-7642. NEW LAWNS: Prepared t" seed ed. Free est. EM i-8127. WANTED TRACTOR WORK EM 4-1607 BUILDING, re-model, roofing, cabinets. Siding. EM 4-6340. PAPERHANGING k Painting. Sm1jobs accepted. EM 2-0778. PAINTING: Bdrms., low" as $19. Outside painting. EM 3-7552. CARPENTER work new k used cabinet k furniture made to order, also baby sitting my home, EM 2-8885, 815 S, Lan caster. FREE estimates on floor cover ings or dralnboards, R. L. Elf atrom Co. 260 S. Liberty LOU'S tree service, topping. prune, cabling. EM 4-8501 LIGHT crawler dozer leveling. trading. EM 3-T04S. L. Kurth Cement work, Prompt service. All kinds. E. Drake, EM 4-6339. INTERIOR PAINTING REAS. CHAS. McLEAN EM 3-3035 WILL do grass cutting k spad ing. EM 4-4020. Painting & Papcrhanging Any size lob Free Est. Terms. Ph. Nelson EM 3-8493 PLOWING & discing, East Sa lem only. EM 2-2773 or 2-7082. Custom Plowing & Discing EM4-9263 PLOWING &-DISCING PH. EM 4-6372 HOWARD Rotovating EM 4-2823 or EM 2-3535. No calls Sat. please. LAWN mowing k tall grass cut ting. Edging, EM 2-6055. ACCOUNTANT; experienced in public acct'g. Lumber k heavy construction. Ph. EM 2-7962. 614 Work Wonted, Lady CHILD Care, laundry k sewing, my nnme. cm 4-uoof. DRESSMAKING k alterations. belts k buttons md. EM 4-7156 IRONING in mv home, 75c. hr. Phone EM 4-3857. WORK wanted, house cleaning auc. nr., naoysiiung eve. cneap dishwashing. Phone EM 3-7743. 340 Union St. WANTED Evening work by young women, rn. cm it-ami EMl694 Ironing in my home. CAN'T keep up with ironing? I'll iron $1 hr. EM 4-7934. Poe. 665 N. 16th. EM 3-3643. 6 IS-A Babysitting BABYSITTING day or night. call EM 1-2372, CHILD CARE my home days. naysviiie vicinuy, cm zoub. RELIABLE Babysitter, hr.. day or nlte. my home, EM 3-8858. LOVfNG survhicd'cnird'ara my home. South. EM 2-0952. 618 Educotion AT MERRITT DAVIS School of Commerce We have a great number of inbi that we cannot fill for office trained people. Call Mrs. Shaw TODAY EM 2-1415, MERRITT DAVIS School of Commerce 158 So. Liberty NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Mechanically inclined reliable men to train for positions as oil burner service technicians. Top pay and excellent work ing conditions in a highly skilled technical trade. Free placement service. Contact: Oil-Heat InsUtute of Oregon 920 N E. 7th. Suite 204 Port land 14, Oregon. Phone BE 2-8148. CAPITAL REAL ESTATE SCHOOL. For salesmen pre paring to sell and pass state examination or for anyone de siring to learn atxiut real estate. Classes Tuesday k Thursday each week. 7 to S W. Tuition I2.V00. course itart-i April 2.1rd. Enroll at Roy Tovirt Real EMte: Stale St. Phone: EM 2-8591. , Salem Christian. Kindergarten it Grides 1-6. EM 2-9596. 618 Education HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME Finish vour Hicn School in voi spare time. Text books furn. Low tuition. Free Booklet, AMERICAN SCHOOL 6543 N. Interstate, Portland 17, 620 Doy and Contract A, M, s yd. shovel, crane, ttoe org. line, is-ion mooue cranes D-4. D-7 cats, carry all clear ing blade. Rental contract or unn prices. SALEM SAND & GRAVEL 1405 N Front at CM l-IUl SCHARFF BROTHERS Installation Repair Sewers, Septic Tanks. Drain Fields Power Ditching. Backfill EM 2-5561, 700 Rentals 702 Sleep. Rooms, Boa rd CLEAN light hsekpg. room. 735 w-wiurcn priv. cm. CLEAN, warm rma T.V close in 2ia a winter, cm CLOSE in. sml. lovely rm. lady, z. 0 smoKer, ioa ftianon. DESIRABLE rm. 1 blk. from Post Office, 656 Ferry. TV. Clean nice furn. sleeping rm., men, si.ia wk. cm j-iuu. CLEAN, quiet. Nr. St. Bldg., smpg. msi. Kit, priv, cm z-um, MENS slecoine rms. TV. Priv. eni. cm iws n. capital. 705 Apartments For Rent THE Century. 1961 Center St. new irg. aix. x Barm. Apts. $30. $45. 125 Gerth. EM 4-5072! CLEAN 3 room, private bath, rci, range, garage, cm a-owu. Open today. 1947 State, "DANDY" furn. 2 rm. k bath apt. Good neat nice in sum mcr. Close to Capitol. Just right for lone gal. $45. EM J-SJIU. FURN. clean 3 rms., priv. bath, 3. uiu. turn. Across irom Highway Bldg. 1133 Chemeketa 1 BDRM, furn. or unfurn.. reas. Rricea. re-ticc. era 2-6280, s. u. napp, Broker. CLEAN run. apt. Douglas Apt. 4-0483'. LOOK I Clean 4 rm.. furn., close in b. $3U. CM 4-7800. FURN. Apts. $30 4c up. 2 or 3 rm. newiy rc-aec. ciose in, util. lnc'l. Ph. EM 2-1879. 1 BDRM. furn. apt. $35. 1123 russ at. 1 BDRM furn. apt. $40. at 1370 incmeKeia. uaii aner a. UNDER new Mgm't: newly dec., jm.-i.-ij xurn. u rm. apt. wim bath. No objection to am. children. 770 S. Com'l. EM 4-1607. BRAND new 1 bdrm. apt., elec. siovo ec rerng. turn, wirea lor TV, all util. furn except elec. Gar age. $39.50. E M 3-9623. AMBASSADOR APTS. NICELY FURN. APTS. 550 N. Summer EM 2-9206 3 ROOM mod. apt. Nicely furn. CM J-1130 Or CM J -MM. 1 & 3 BM. Furn. Apts. Util. paid qui pi. jjioeriy. cm a-(yo, NEAR Capitol, furn. 3 rms. & Dfltn. a. litn. CM 4-7149. CLEAN, quiet, 1 rm. Ant. close in, laoy. oso jerry cm a-4oaY. CLEAN furn. 1 and 3 rm. apts., ooj x erry ai. 1 BDRM. apt. util. partly furn. 91a mo. cm i-o.iDO. NICELY furn. 3 rm. ant., nrlv. unui, foo.ou. Jra i-iuu or cm 1 OR 2 bedrm., extra lrg. newly iui iiiniieu, or uniurn. conven ient location. Off St, parking. A CLOSE in, mod. furn. 3 rm. P- cm except sat. LOVELY 3 rm. unfurn. apt., ncai, rcrrig., range, 1 v am,, fine gar., $65 with all util 1 3 14 Plaza St- EM 3-fl413- EXTRA nice, furn 3 rms. tt bath, auto, washer. 2290 Fair ground Rd. EM 8-B5U. 2 BDRM. court apt. unfurn. 828 . mn. 2 RMS, furn. apt,, utiU pd., priv. am, 1U. CM 4-MiBH. NICELY furn. Apt. Conv. loc. J(1U N. capilOl. fiMI-UUW, CLOSE in Clean 3 rm. furn., bath, util., 450 S. Capitol. DESIRABLE 2 rooms and bath. Brick building, walking dis tance. 730 N. Liberty. EM 3-7748. MADISON COURT APTS. NEWLY dec. 2 rm. furn. apt. 3u. cm luoa Manison, 2 k 1 RM. util. pd. newly dec. NO. $28 & $35. EM 4-2880. U3 Rm. Furn. Apts. All util. paid, fee at s'Ji n. cineny, EM 3-7695. SEE THISI Clean 3 rm. unfurn. 1 bo s. 19m Kves. or wk. end. WEST SALEM furn. 1 bdrm. court rental, new furniture, tile bath, $58 a month. Low utilities, Rawlins Realty, EM 4-6875. Eves. EM 2-8743. 3 FURN. rms., priv. bath. T. V. Antenna, near state mag. & Mem. hospital. 940 Mill. COLONIAL Manor. 2 rm. furn. 1223 Chemeketa. EM 3-7954. 3 RMS. in 4 jpley, SE. range, reirig., sip, cm a-02u, FURN. sm. 2 rm. apt. pvt. bath, eni. stKi union, cm z-onn. ATTRACTIVE close In clean turn. priv. entrance, plenty heat k water, also trailer for 1 person. 243 Union EM 4-1468. CLOSE, well furn.. 1st Mr. 3 rm., bath, heat, 658 Center. VERY nice furn. small apt. priv. Y ent-. 334 N. Capital. Rm . apt. Util. furn, for man. ou. ju c. wasningion. RIVIERA Apts. Available April la. coveiy spacious 1 Dearm. apt. $60. Birch kitchen, tile bath. EM 3-7632 or EM 2-0866. 2 BDRM. COURTS RE-DEC. ttove k 1 el turn.. EM 2 3641 auto, wasn a ar.ver NEWLY dec. furn. 3 nni. k bath. Court apt. T.v,, laundry, parking. Inq. after 9 p.m. or weekends 1348 S. 12th. CLOSE in mod. unfurn. ground nr.. Apt. anrl small pull man Apt. EM 3-8400 except Sat. New Court Aot'i. 830 N. 14th. furn or unfurn. FURN. 2, 3 & 4 rms. apt. pvt. em., heated. 1411 Court CAVALIER APTS. 1177 Court St. Now avail. 3 rm furn apt. EM 4-4919 or EM 2-7909. NEAT, clean, 3 rm. furn. Apt. iew uourt. cm a-uzyo. JANSSEN COURT Furn. apt. Shop. etr. k bus, S. law at - nurai. SMALL apt. 4 Corners area, 145 a. uancasicr, (rear). ;0URT apt., range, refrlg, furn. ciean, uta nam, ja unary, w a month. Rawlins Realty, EM 4-6873. Eves. EM 2-8743. fURN. 1 r 2 bdrm . priv. bath 771 5. 21st. EM j-83 58 Spacious Acacia Apartments FURNISHED 1149 Routh13th St. JEM J-7009 FURN. 3"rrn7ant. k bathcleVn, attractive, quint. 2nd nr. small apt, houe. $V) tn. utilities. 2A0 N. 18th. EM 2-8787 ATTRACTIVE corner Apt. furn. 705 Aportmentt For Rent FURN. Courts, knottv ntna tn- terlor, small & cozy. $45. plus uui. m iraae, cm 4-742. 3 RM. furn. or unfurn. upstairs pi.a l-n. CM d-iMJ3. EXTRA large 2 bdrm. apt. new nicely furn. with new furni ture. Birch kit., tile bath, lots of builtins, $80. EM 3-7632 or 2 BDRM. furn. apt., utilities pam. 43 c. Meyers. , FURN. 2 rms. 4: kitchenette, jieat water turn, saa saginaw, NICE 3 rm. furn. apt. Adults' 1207 S. Com'l. EM 4-9760. HOLLYWOOD dist. 3 rm. furn Apt. liar. Adults, Yard. EM Z-IH54. 1 BEDRM. Apt. completely re- dbc. nawo. tirs. me Datn. siove, rerrig. ft t.v. Ant., turn, attch. gar. EM 2-8771. 1 EXCEPTIONALLY nice 3 rm. turn. grna. fir., front apt. auto, oil heat, fir on., hwri firs.. TV. 3 blks. East State ttingS. CM Z-7H30. 1 BEDRM. furn. Ant. Auto wasner aryer, re-aec. JtM DEVEREAUX Apts. Nice uuim., 1 urn. or uniurn., n8 state, CM 2-2534 CLEAN 3 rm. furn. ant. util (Hp iju. a. jao a, i4in. cm j-otwa or CM 4-0483. , 706 Duplexes 3 BEDRM. furn. or Unfurn. Du plex, iw n, trout. 2 BDRM. unfurn. side-side re- aec. gar., TV ant. EM 4-3233. 3 FURN. rms. side entrance $38. Adults, 2441 State St. EM 4-4351. NEW nice 2 bdrm. unfurn. $65, lias t-or nana na, NICELY furn. dup. apt. 3 rms oaui. auto wasner. nrver. ni shpg. center, cmp. cpl. 845 CLEAN 4 rms. Near shops, hosp. aiaiB OitlRS. CM NEW unfurn. 2 bdrm,, birch kit., ig. iiv. rm., gar. cm .a-7BH. NEW 2 bdrm, unfurn. duplex. AO.UU5. CM J-0232. 1 BDRM. furn.. TV ant, Couple omy, cm 4-i4Uf. zoyo n, otn. CUTEST, cleanest 1 bdrm. furn. duplex in town. EM 2-6775. NICELY furn. modern duplex. 1. oi town. $50. couple only, EM 3-5765. $52.50. Near Capitol bldg., newly ueu uniurn. a oarmi. cm 4-1863. 2 NICE 1 bdrms., $40 to $45, college ur, cm 707 Homet for Rent NEW 2 bdrm. house. East Park. rent or tease ids. cm 2-JlBt). 3 BEDRMS. Suburban, large lot. jietu ciean ana. cm a-aovo morn, or eve. 2 BDRM. redec, sub. home, wooded setting with creek, 10 minutes to town. EM 2-1315, NEWLY redec. 1 bdrm. hse., conveniently located at 320 S. 15th. Inq. at 1520 Trade. NICE 2 bdrm. farm house with 2V2 acres, newiy decorated, new 4 Corners, $65 mo, EM 4-9455. RENT or lease, nice 2 bdrm. nome. ranee, not water ioat. er, refrig. with house, lots of shade trees, fenced yard, South close to Liberty. Good deal by the year. Call Ben Griffith, Office Ph. EM 4.6873. Rawlins iteaity. RENTALS South. 3 Bdrms. 2 Baths. LT1 wnn fireplace, uk, kit. & Nook, Utility. Oil F. Air Fur nace, Gar.. Lawn, Shrubs & Small Greenhouse. Available April 22nd, Rent $110 Per Mo. Abrams & Skinner 411 Masonic Buildinp; REAL ESTATE INSURANCE MORTGAGE LOANS PH. EM 3-9217 EVES: EM 3-7366 Or EM3-3077 MOD. 2 bdrm,, gag heat, frpl., nawa, urs., gar., i)t). jzoo Peace St., EM 2-651B, 1740 LEE, $55. Hamsey Realty. BDRM.. Inq. 1420 Market, LONG lease, $70 mo. (or will neiii si a. river bottom dist. 12 A. cultivated, bat. woods. Comfortable, 2 hdrm. hse. Write Owner. 220 Hutton Bldg., Spokane 4, Wash. IN KEIZER DIST. MOD. 2 bdrm. house. $72.50 mo. CM or CM 3-tllllB, CLOSE In 2 bdrm. unfurn. cot tage, 6B5 n. church. 2 BDRM. house, nr. bus. shop ping center, hum aiaic. FOR RENT: Mod, fi rm. house, redec. Jgc. loLEM4-1318. BDRM.. clean, close tn. No. $50. 1468 N. 4th EM 4-3840. 2 BDRM hae. Will wire for dryer 4tt. cm a-at.ia, a. 22nd. 3 RM. house, 1 bdrm. All elec. feia anowea. cm d-WJt. 2 BDRM. house, nr, bus, shop ping center, $u. 4uzu siaio. 1795 MARKET. Nice Jr. bdrm., cicc. neat, garage, sod. 3 BDRM. house, Ige. lot, $70, gar, cm j-oH.i. Avail. MOD. unfurn. 1 bdrm. cottage, util. rm., garage, water furn. $45. 4305 Portland Rd. EM 3-6482. 2 BDflM. cottage, range, refrlg., xoungaiown kk., wan to wan carpet, $65, 633 Jatnn. Older type house, 5 rms., 2657 Port land Rd., $40, EM 2-2707. PARTLY furn. 1 bdrm., flrepl., gar., 011 neat, Dsrnt., no dogs, $35. EM 2-9894. WEST SALEM Clean 3 bdrm. unfurn.. water paid, $52.50. EM 3-7987; NICE clean Modern 2 bdrm. nouse. &U2 Mill St,, EM 3-941.1. 1 BDRM in Court-stove k refrlg inq. mia aner e. VERY nice 1 bdrm., court tin- furn. except stove Ac reirig EM 2-l!l58 2443 Market "nnnM.y'eNfc." heat;" $!. No does. Inq. 4505 Slate. EM 4-2862. FOR RENT, LEASE OH SALE: 1 wo hcflroom home, renccd In yard, garden spot, Irutt trees. 690 S 17th Street. Phone KMpire 3-R4&4. FREE 12th month. Almost new 2 bdrm. house, elec. range, auto, heat, hwd. firs., insu lated, Auto, waither & dryer available. 2Z38Mupl Ave. 6 RM.mod hse. citv water, $40. Ph. Silvcrton 3-4.XJ1. VERY neat Z "bedrm. home aT 343 S. 16th St. Call Salem Properties EM 4-3482 RHr. 2 BEDRM. hse. near bus. Mar ket and School, Englewood dist. EM 3-6327. 948 NORWAY. 1 bedrm, hse. Fireplace, gar., good loc. Aval April 26. $60. SELL or least: Nice 2 bdrm. hse- full bsm't. EM 2237. VERY attractive modern 4 bed" room house located at 3MI Dunlap Avenue. Albany, Ore- fon. 2 bath, studln.rien and (replace $100 00 per month. Contact W. H. Haikm. Prop, erty Mgr.. State Highway Dept., Salem. EM 4-2171, Kxi, 717. NEAT 2 bdrm. home. $62 M per mo Contact Colhath Land Co. EM 4-4494. NEW"l" bdrm. hmme, lots o( cloiet space, stive, refrif. garage, some utilities, inq 707 Houtet For Rent 2 BEDRM, house, unfurn. exc. washer k dryer, garage, 2286 Hazel, EM 4-8909 or 4-6304. CLEAN I BR. rental home, 3 yrs. old. $75 per mo. Immed. Pass, Call Edna Morgan, EM ijju. ai isaaK at 10. nnors. FOR RENT: 2 bdrm., on quiet street, beautiful yard only $65. Olaf Thonstad, Realtor. EM 3-7903 or CM 4 -1)020. 7 07 -a Furnished Housei FURN. 1 bdrm. cottage. 2 blks, from town. $45. i urn. ant.. $35. Inq. 440 Water St., EM 2-4143 mornings. 3 RM. Close In. Adults. 147 N 18th. CLEAN 1 bdrm. mod. oil heat. bsmt., nrepi., gar. south. $65, No dogs. EM 2-0894. 3 RM. furn. yard fenced, 1965 Miway Ave, cm z-bbih. CLEAN 3 rm. furn. hse. with f arage, close to store k sen 1. 860 Silverton Rd. SMALL furn., clean, carport. 2- nuus. iu23 intra ai. NICELY furn. 1 brm. hse. in fouri, irpi. ciose in. cm j-(4hi. AVAIL. Apr. 15th. 1 bdrm. lrg. yarn, garaen, aouin. eier ences. EM 2-6247, 2 BDRM. hse; garage. W. Salem. eoupie oniy. sau, cm a-ioa or EM 2-2392. Unfurn. 3 bedrm, home for Tent. $60. CM 4 -SI 3a or CM 2-4UQ4. CLEAN 1 bdrm.. gar., adults, no pets, $-ta. mis Hignway Ave. 1 BDRM. furn. house. 1740 Ox. lord, CM 2-00B6. $50 1 bdrm. all elec. W. Salem. nice for steady employed. CM 4-3648 or Stayton 8074. 708 Farms For Rent FOR Rent: 4 acres cultivated f! rnuna (no oiag'sj worm ha em, old Hwy. 99. on Kappa ban ltd. Write Malena (Carey) Alhers. 1031 S.W. Gaines, Portland, Ore. 710 Wanted to Rent Hset LADY wishes extremely pleas ant Manunn uaraens nome. Will give good care and good rent. EM 4-1840, 714 Business Rentals ISflflO BEST BUyS FOR RENT OR LEASE Office or service work space. Apprx. 25x50. Ground floor. Close to shopping center, bus. bank, etc. Good parking facilities. In excellent condition. Call N. G. "Dan" Iaaak, eve, phi EM 3-6297. V AL ISAAK & CO.. REALTORS 322 N. Church St. Ph. EM 4.3311 or EM 3.7-20 SMALL business building, adj. residence svailSDie, iz7f N. Liberty, EM 2-Ml. OFFICE space for 2 offices and receptionist in west uate Shopping Center. EM 3-7432, 780 Moving & Storage MAYFLOWER Moving & Storage FUEL OILS CAPITOL CITY TRANSFER Larmer Transfer k Storm Complete moving service Also iKcms lor utLKins nation. wine Movers, pn. em a-suq LOW COS1 itor.gc H. L. Stiff Furniture uo. KM 3-HJH3. 800 Real Estate 801 Business Opportun. SERVICE Station located tn Sa lem on main thoroughfare. Free Rent. Small .investment required. Phone EM 2-4160. BOWLING - Billiards Lunch. established is yrs. Must sell account of health. Wonderful opportunity. 2 young men or man k wife. Look It over make offer by May 1st. Tom Wood. 3085 Portland Rd. HEAVY coating paint business. ituck laaoers pump fit hose- Saeger Compressor. Tom Wood, 1845 Lana Ave. FOR Sale or trade: 13 Stool unie at Bldg. Heady to open, center of Taft, Oregon, good f round, lease terms or rades? See or write "Mike Cherry". Y, mile N. of Swif tides, Wecoma Reach, Ore. SERVICE Station on S. 12th St. inq, Z3za Fairgrounds ltd. DOUGHNUT Bar: lfi atooi, mod. equip. $iunu nown. terms, write Statesman-Journal Box 697. EXCEPTIONAL Service Station ror lease. Major Oil Co. Call EM 2-4717, FOR SALE: 2 shares In Santlam golf course (Stayton) $350. each. Phone Stayton 5-664. MODERN Texaco Service Sta tmn for lentso. unod Income. Call Delapoer, EM 4-6298 Eves. FLYING A- Service Station for lease excel lent location in fast growing neighborhood, For Information call EM 4-B858. 802 But. & Income Prop. SELF OPERATING APTS. NEW well planned. No vacancy. low operating expense, oa rages. Handy quiet location. EM 3-8347. INCOME PROPERTY 183 D St. Independence, On. 803 Suburban $9r.0fl. HALF ACRE EAST ON CENTER ST. attractive home with a beautiful lawn, shrubs, trees and a white fence. 3 nice bed rms, Ig, Iiv. rm., din ing rm., fireplace, work shop or play rm., urn nil greenhouse, chicken hoimr. GEO. A. WALTERS, REALTOR llOfl S, Com'l. Ph. JCM 2-6714 or EM 4 6385 $0.V)0- HALF ACRE SUmiltflAN SOUTH. Very neat 2 bed rm. modern home In excellent con dition, small barn or work shop. Ig, garden spot, fenced, plenty water, extra pasture available if you have a horse. GEO. A. WALTERS. REALTOR Dftfl S, Com'l. Ph. KM 2-1714 or EM4-6.163 NEAR Salem- 5 Acres, excel. 2 bedrm. hse. good out btrigs, k well, family fruit, nlrt location. Consider some trade. Ph. EM 4-7428. 2Vi ACRES with buildings. 5115 Auburn Rd- Ph. EM 3-3217. 806 Houses For Sale 3 BDRM. with family room. Na tural wood finish, elec. heat, double garage. New district. Aopraiied at $12,500 for onlv SI 1.000, $1,000 down. EM 3-196 1 3 BDRM, frpl , bsm't,, wiIMake trade or sm. down paym't. Can Ff t an vtlrne. 1560 Msdl son. $VH. EM 4-8381. CLEAN 1 bedrm.. furn. hntuei flut lot on paved Ureal, 1 230. Small down paym't. 7iS MrNary. W. Salem. CLOSE in Turner, modern's bT room he. on i 2-3 erre for Or cheaper with leu land. P.O. Box 233, Turner, Ore. 806 Houtet For Sate GENTLEMAN'S FARM NOT A FARMHOUSE but a lovely home with wall to wall carpeting, full basement with Karty room, two fireplaces, uge cheerful kitchen. NOT A FARM, as such, but a duck pond out in front, a view to be envied for, and a hillside set ting of oak and fir trees with fine grazing for stock. Rolling countryside, close In. $19,1)00. Call EM 4-6766. Visit our 'Picture Gallery of Homes' Ted Morrison, Realtor 260 N. HIGH PH. EM 4-6766 BY Owner: 3 Bedrm. home, patio, $,i3o. Transferred and must sell. 1710 S. 22nd St. EM 2-8480. BY OWNER: 3 bdrm., 1 yr. old. ui approved loan, u take over my loan. Iow dn. pym't., low mo. pym'ts. Exc. lawn, patio St shrubs. EM 2-2574. bdrm. starter house, $3,600. Keizer Dlst. EM 3-4970. BY OWNER: 2 bedrm. home. Enajiewood Dist, EM 2-7498. BY OWNER: 2 bdrm. home. lrg. lot. exc. location, priced right, furn. or unfurn. EM 2-4921. $4050 or $5950. BY OWNER: 2 bdrm. hse., TV ant., fenced yd.; garage. Apple trees, grapes, berries te gar den. Close to Highland St St. Vincent Sch. EM 3-7897. BY Owner Mod. 2 bdrms., many uut-ins, gooa aisi. km z-7aiu. NEED CLOSET SPACE? SEE our well built 3U Bdrm. home in Englewood Dlst. for $15,750. EM 3-4274, BY Owner: New 3 bdrm. home. ig. iiv. rm., amiiy rm., 2 full baths. 3 frpls., So. EM 4-1248 except Sat. LIBERTY GARDENS South, avca. new i on,, aoi. gar., irch kit., $10,300,' low dn. pymt. EM 2-0108. OWNER transferred: Will sell or consider trade for Eugene Property. Lovely 3 bdrm. ome, dbl. gnrnge, inside util. 2170 Byram. EM 2-3270. IT'S A STEAL. 3 yr. 3 bdrm. home, large kitchen with din ing area, tile bath. FA fur nace. Attached gnrngc, Worth $10,000 for only $6,000. EM 3-7961. Jacobsen & Keene S BEDROOM HOME. I sets of plumbing, double garage, 66 x 200 ft. lot house has large living room, dining room built in 1949. Owner says, "Sell It for $0500." MAKE AN OFFER, Small older type nome, corner lot, on bus line. Due to illness owner needs cash. Would make good rental, Asking $,i06Q. $300 DOWN. Don't pay another moiHi. s rent, nee mis nargain. 2 hedrooms, hardwood floors, plastered, has living room and dining room and it Is neat and clean, Price $7300. REALTORS OFFICE EM 4-2293 1255 STATE ST. Home ph. EM 2-B824, EM 4-3404, r..M a-twi-a or i!.M t-iittan. SMALL DOWN PAYMENT WILL put you in New 3 bdrm. balh k Birch kit. home. Suburban. So. EM 4-7800. HOUSE to be moved. 2313 Broadway, approx. 13 yrs., 3 Diirms, civi a-ozbo. a. u. jvnapp NICE comfortable 2 Bdrm home, lrg. lot. North. $8,600 ivuuraa io af.niiv, i.i pci. F.H.A. loan at $54 mo. Incl'd. everything. Consider late mod el for equity. EM 2-6764. PRIVATE owner 2 bdrm. Home, natural flrepl., oak firs., large lot, mod., gar,, fruit trees, secluded yard. $8,500. No realtors. EM 4-0389. ACHES LOVELY 3 bedrm hse., lr,e spnclDus rms. Work shop, Close lit Fast. C. W. Reeve, Renltor, IbOO Mission St. Ph. KM 3-49110, Eve. EM 3-DS39 or EM 2-0808. TRADE 2 bdrm. house, (f7,200 gooa location in corvauis tor nouse In Snlent. EM 4-1283. ItlVEn FRONTAGE 70' frontage, unique home In beautiful setting overlooking river. 3 ml. No. EM 2-42RI)! JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR Let us solve your mm. needs To Buy. Sell or Rent - Csl! Ph. EM 4-9143 1211 Cdfewalei Ph FTM 4-1814 2710 So CnmnVI. SERENITY, COMFORT, STABILITY In this attractive 3 bedroom home loc-nlcd on larRe corner lot on Candalarla Blvd. Day. lfle basement, aten out on the nice lawn and enjoy the view of the snow-capped mountains. CALL ,IIM W. BRASHER Eves, EM 4-7388. Dok DouoldoH 120 Court PH. EM 4-8484 FAIRMONT DIST. BY OWNER 3 bdrm. $2500 dn. EM 4-7800 FOn sale by owner. Nice older type nome, corner lot on miii Creek. Rental income $100 per mo. Anxious lo sell. Call a.m. EM 2-8381, after 3 EM 2-6787. "ACRES fruit, nuts. abdrm" house, close In, East on pvd. jrriKM 2-2382 after B p.m. BY OWN Kit A graduating engineer ll selling ni mime in move to a inn nu tria! area. Here Is your npp. to move into his ntre 2 bdrm. sub. home for only $7950, Itchl down nymt. will be accepted. Bal. $70 mo. Hse. 0 yrs. old. Hdwd. floors, Elec. ht., plenty storage space, atl, gar., patio, out door frpl, No dealers please. EM 2-7545. NEAR HOOVER SCHOOL IV) yr. old 3 HR home worth (he aswng price or $11,000. what ran you nay dn? Balance like rent. Call Geo. Patrny for appt. NEAR PARK & MARKET Only $500 dn. and $45 per mo. mr mis a yr. 01a 2 an plas tered home. Fireplace, wall to wall rug in L.R, Why rent on theie terms and for only $79507 ALLEN C JONES, REALTOR, 231 N. Hlih. Ph. EM 3-5838 Eves: EM 2-9848 or EM 4-1689. NEW HOMES Ready, or build to suit. KM 2-6757 EVES. MR OWNER! Glen Woodry vni paw top fot your furn A inpfianc EM .1-5110 FOR sale by owner: 3 bdrm.. sunKen o:in. rm-, lirpl. revered paiio, fruit. Make offer on down pym't. EM 3-3473. BY OWNER Mod. 3 bdrm. home. Engiew-vwi. Call Dean Pfout. EM 2-2447 week days, otherwise EM 3-3964. 806 Houses For Sate W3 Le. Ohmarl READY TO Life can be simple and easy if nome witmn warning distance oi aown town, t-iean ana easy ot maintain, good wood furnace in bsmt. Also oil cir culator upstairs. Only $8000. Ask lor Adrlenne Sercombe Eve. EM 4-9082. FARMS FOR SALE SEE HENRY TORVEND , 1. 84 acres all cultivated and at $21,000. H5 n-rrK rlo tn full lt OftO. 3. 31 acres Willamette aoll, nearly new 2-bedroom home, barfl ana cmctten nouse. : 214 ACRES Excellent property located on cioverieaf. very nice nome witn Dorms., Darn ana omer buildings. Fine setting in trees. Very good speculation her because ot bif development in this area. Price $24,500 and good terms. Call Louis Lorcnz, Eve. EM 3-3390. , BUILT BY JERRY A very modern type home, all extra large garage, big family room with fireplace, built-in oven and range, large patio, 3 bdrma. and separate dining room. Jtrry says giv Immediate post. ; Call Ralph Maddy. Eve. EM 2-348B. ISAAK'S BEST BUYS 322 N. CHURCH ST. Open Sat. 3-5 4704 FIR DELL (Liberty Garden uisi. i new snnciuus o onrm home with a D.R. too. Lovely kit. with nk,, 11, baths, dble. f;ar. Many extras. Nice corner ot. Edna Morgan will show. Eve. Ph. EM 4-6038. WHAT'S NEW? You'll find the answer in tnis new home in Bush School Dlst, 3 Bdrms, FA olt heat, dble gar., city improvements. It's value for you dollar at $10,950. Call Gor don Crawford, ve. , Ph. EM 4-5020. LICENSED ALSO IN WASHINGTON & IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO., REALTORS ICE CREAM DRIVE - IN k snack shop Booths and stools 2 can handle. On hwy. and next to large high school. Completely equipped. No close competition, CALL O. V. HUME Eve. Ph. EM 2-3206. SPLIT SHAKE P.OOF 3 bdrms. 10 x 20 den. Hot water radiant heat, plus elec. heat In llv, rm. and bath. Quiet street in Salem Heights District. Own er leaving Salem. Prict rt nucea to iiu.c-uo. CALL WALT SOCOLOFSKY Eve. Ph. EM 3-8830, EAST SALEM Nice clean 4 rm. home with 2 bdrms., hdwd. firs., attached garage and forced air oil furnace. Nice sized lot. A good home for $8950. Will trade for acre age home. CALL G. H. GRABENHORST, JR. GRABENHORST 180 S. LIBERTY ST. REALTORS SOUTH 3 bedrms. k den on one floor. Ig. llv. & din. rms,, nice fireplace, birch kitchen, lots of built Ins all through house, Hi sets of plumhtng, 1430 sq. ft, floor space, dble. garage, Ig, lot, sprinkling sys tem front yard. All for $13,500. - $2,000 down. Call H, Peck Eve. EM 3-5413, YOU KNOW THE PLAN before you go in on most homes but not this one, Brand new, beam ceiling cork floor, brick entry hall, large family room, se cluded llv. rm., 3 bedrms, You'll love it. Call todiy $13,030, Roy Ferris Eve, EM 2-8010. 134 SOUTH LIBERTY $950 DOWN BUYS 4-bedroom home (2 down, 2 up). Big llvlng-dlnlng room. Fireplace. Utility. Douhle plumbing, FA oil heat. Insu lated. Garage, Lot B0 x 160. $11,700. North. Trade (or south. STATE GI LOAN SHOULD be possible on this f:ood 2-bedroom home In High and and St. Vincent school area. Insulated. Hardwood floors. Forced air heat. Bus at door. Utility. $6,000. Terms. 427 Ferry (Open Sat.) Eve.: Oswalt EM 3-7735; OWNER LEAVING TRANSFERRED, must sell love ly rUHtom built 2 bdrm. home, 8 vrs. old. Many attrnctlve feniures. Far below FHA a p. frnlBiil. nil rms. extra large. ,iv. rm. 15x22', frpl. bookcase, spacious nilrmSi, dbl. closets, bath k vanity completely cer amic tiled, mirrored with many built-lns, Ig. kit. with cheery dm. area, util. rm., 20 ft, rovered patio. Iot 73'xni)', beautifully landscaped. Lowdn. (ym't. Exc. financing. Price i 1,200. 230 Delmar. EM 2-1395 $350 DOWN Lent 2 left 3 Rdrm. large liv ing rm., dining rm., garage. Paved Streets k Curhs. city water. 4i'; INTEREST Phone EM 3-8082 Bldr. FAIRMONT HILL Nicely arranged 3 bdrm. home 12 down, 1 up). Large living rm., fireplace, dining rm.. kit chen with dishwasher. Base ment, nil furnace, Prict $10. 4.10. Call Voorhees, Eves. EM 2-4007, Denton EM 3-0660. Denton & Denton REALTORS 344 Slats St. EMJ-3M3 Buys this nice 2 bdrm. home. Lots of built Inn k closets. Oar. k carport. Rig lot, good well. Terms? SURF,! Call Mrs. Leavens. Eves. EM 3-4735. WEST" COAST REALTY 3053 Portland Rd. EM 2-7642 806 Houses For Sato 477 COURT STREET, SALEM, ORE. PHONE EM 2-4115, EM 2-4116 LISTINGS NEEDED QUALIFIED SALESMEN TO SERVE YOU - RETIRE you buy this well kept 2-bdrrru lirigated, pump and pipes lncL NORTH Portland Rd., south of Haysvllln white with PH. EM 4-3311 OR EM 3-7820 Open Sat. 3-5 HOME ON STANLEY LANE. (Out Liberty Rd. to Ewald - turn right to Stanley .Lanefc Brand new home. Functional floor plan. Fam. rm., 3 bdrms. built-in oven k range, l's baths, dble. garage. See this today. $14,930. Victor Sword will show. Eve, Ph. EM 3-804S. YOU CAN'T OUTSHOP This nevf listing. 3 Bdrms, sep. DR, at tractive flagstone frpl., FA ' heat, att. gar., patio, redwood paneling k drapes are Incl. in price of $15,230. Call Eva Stuart, Eve. Ph. EM 4-9868. NICE OLDER 4 BDRM. HOME immediate Possession, recent ly redecorated Inside and out. Full basement with sawdust heat. Convenient to schools and transportation. CALL J. E, LAW Eve. Ph. EM 3-5113. , 40 BEAUTIFUL ACRES mllea Irom Salem. Alt in perm, pas ture, except Ufa acres wooded with year round spring. 30x40 barn with storage for 70 ton of hay. Chicken house for 800 chickens. Plastered house wttll 2 bdrms. i floored attic, basmt., 13 head Hereford available. Will trade for house In town tn $15,000. CALL MRS. RICHARDSON Eve. Ph. EM 4-8986. , RENTAL INCOME - 4 apt. bldg. near Memorial Hospital. Fur nished, ' brings $200, a month Large yard, room for expan sion, 4 garages. Only $14,300. Terms. CALL RON HUDKINS . Ev. Ph. EM 3-8712. BROS., REALTORS PH. EM 2-2471 LOCATION EAST . Nice com , fortable .1 bedrm. home 6 yrs. old, newly decorated, In stria utility. Choice of gas or elec tric heat, clnse to school, bug bv door, Will sell on contract, grica $11,800. Call Murl Franks ve. EM 2-6943. DUPLEX LESLIE SCHOOL DIST. 3 yrs. old $110 a month income. Ig. llv, rm birch kit. with nook nic hedrm. with good closet space, extra large utility auto oil furnace, ciose tn bus k schools. Only $11,750 - good terms. Call Andy Halvorsen Eve. EM 3-7163. Hi F PHONE EM 4-4478 WEST SALEM FINE 3 bedroom home on 101x116 lot. Fireplace. Utility. FA furnace. Plastered. Over 1,000 square feet. $11,450. Take over Federal GI loan. Or Stata GI loan possible. GOOD FURNITURE GOES with this 2-bedroom horn on 100x183 lot. Utility with automatic washer. Wall-to-wall carpet, Young fruit trees. Block to bus. Near school. $7,350. Soma terms. Office EM 4-3381 Ramsey EM 4-0089 BY Owner: new 3 bdrm. hom. Family rm. with frpl.. com picie mailt, paneled front rm. with Ig. frpl., k brick work, l'it hRthK, din. rm.. kit. ft mok tn birch, ulil., 2 car gar age, llnuvc (s on corner lot in the Carl Add. So. All sts.. curbs, sidewalks In. Tola! price $14,430. $2,000 dn., $8(1 per mo. Inci, print. , Interest, taxes. I mind. poss. Loan Is on home. See anytime at 383 Gor lock St. or ph. EM 2 0933. 3 A. beautiful home with full basmt. Barn, chick hse. work: simp, tractor k equip. N. East $15,500. 1-3 dn, This Is real nice. C. W. Reeve Realtor, I860 MIlKlon St. Ph. EM 3-43M, Eve. EM 2-0808 or EM 3-9336. RUB YOUR EYES! IT'S HARD TO RELIEVE you can buy a BRAND NEW home for only $11,930 with all these) features. Built.ln oven Built-in range Doubt, gi- rage l'i Baths 3 Bedrooms Full dining room Good floor nlan Morningslde loca tion. This Is a steal, just being finished. Call EM 4-8766. Visit our "Pfclur Gallery of Homes" Ted Morrison, Realtor 2M N. HlfiH PH. EM 4-676S I BY OWNER 3 bdrm., nil, location. 8,730. EM 4.7917. 0