-1 .t- s V; i in .11. 3: f Page 2 Section 1 House Turns Down Urban Renewal Bill By PAUL W. HARVEY, JR. Associated Press Writer Legislation to give cities broad authority to carry on urban redevelopment projects went down to defeat Tuesday in Ore gon's House of Representatives. The vote was 42-17, with opponents objecting to the unlim ited power it would give to issue bonds and undermine zoning tlandards. The bill would have extended the cities' power to do away with blighted areas to 10 miles out of town. The Senate Labor and Industries Committee, obeying instruc tions from Hie Senate, voted to Vote Controls Shift Rejected By Committee The House Elections Committee voted Tuesday night to permit the secretary of state to continue to supervise elections. The committee turned down proposals lhat the supervision be placed in tne nands 01 an inde pendent officer who would be ap pointed by the governor or the Board of Control. The action came during a re view of the 160-page election re form bill. Another action of the committee was to accept amendments by the county clerks .that would remove a provision that the secretary of slate would have power to make rules and regulations that would be binding upon the county clerks. However, these amendments permit the secretary of state to Issue Instructions to the county clerks. The committee ' also deleted from the bill a section which would create a state board of elections, consisting of Ihc gov ernor, treasurer, attorney general and labor commissioner. This board would handle appeals from decisions of the secctary of slate. By this action, the committee decided to permit appeals to the circuit courts. The committee also deleted a provision that county clerks must mail sample ballots to every voter. Instead, the committee de cided that the sample ballots should be advertised in news papers. The bill was prepared by an Interim committco which studied the election laws. It represents the first attempt in more than 40 years to give the laws an over hauling, Quake Rocks Florence FLORENCE, Italy HI An earthquake rocked the Florence area Wednesday, causing slight damage to some houses In vll lages around the city. No casual ties were reported. (CORNS FROM THI If WilM Oft MLM THERE'S AN EASTER EGG FOR SUSIE... or Tommy, Jane or Joe. There's flowers by the Flower Box , , . music with Bob Carpenter playing the Hammond! In fact, there's o lot of fun in store for you ond your family ot our annual Easter Party in the Gold Room! EASTER BREAKFAST STARTS AT 7 EASTER DINNER STARTS AT NOON Reservations available Phone EM 34123 R.m.mb.r In Salam ll'l Ihi HOTEL MARION U7 provide separate threo-membcr commissions to administer tne unemployment compensation and industrial accident laws. The same commission now runs both agencies. . Senate Voted 15-15 This committee had voled to provide a single administrator for unemployment compensation, Din the Senate beat the proposal, 15- 15. Then the Senate sent tne Dill back to committee with instruc tions. The House completed legislative action on a bill to provide educa tional benefits to service men who served in the United States during Ihc Korean War. The bene fits now uro limited to veterans who actually went to Korea. The measure ulso gives benefits to those who served three months, the present requirement being six months of service. A memorial asking congress to provide pensions for needy veter ans ot world war 1 was approved 27-3 by the Senate. It already had been passed by the House. ' Hospital Cash Voted Planning of the second phase of the F. II. Dammasch State Hospital, on which construction will start this summer, was as sured by a House bill passed by (he Senate. It appropriates $170, 000. The hospital will cost 15 mil lion dollars and will serve 1,500 patients. ' , The House Taxation Committee resumes work Wednesday on its main job of preparing an income tax bill. It will spend the next few days talking over several ideas. On Tuesday, it heard Republi can proposals for a sales tax and to reduce the personal exemp tions, but they have no chance. The Democratic majority seems determined to repeal the 45 per cent surtax, boost the $500 exemp tions back to $1100, withhold vir tually all taxes from income, and revise the rales. The net cflect ot all this would be to raise the same amount n( money as now is, being collected by the state. 2,000 Marine Bombs Stolen EL TOftO, Calif. (fl-Tlie FBI says 2,000 miniature aircraft bombs some "extremely danger ous have been stolen from a praclico bombing range near the El Toro Marine Corps Air Base. An all-points bulletin was issued last night warning law officers throughout southern California to be on the alert for the bombs, I In introduce ReiWhllcM of how you shave .. .electrically, with Uiher, or bnishlcM...ihe new BULOVA PRECISION ELECTRIC RAZOR will give you closer, smoother shave than ever with the lightest shaving touch of nil lime! Sii hollow ground cutting blades, plus new Trimming Clipper-the I mil touch tor impeccable grooming . . . Built Kith the precision of a 23 'jewel Bulovi wjlch . . . Handsome, luxury styling. Ivory or CMrcoil Grey with Golden Decor $34.75 "77i? Diamond HAM AN BROS. r TATE AND LIBERTY CHARLESTON, VV. Va. Five workers were killed and six injured in a terrific explosion Tuesday at the Nltro plant of Mother and 2 Children Dead In N.Y. Blast BINOHAMPTON. N.Y. Ifl A mother and her two children were killed Wednesday when an ex plosion and fire ripped open their home. The father, Woodrow Matthews, about 40, suffered severe burns and critical injuries from flying fragments from Ihc explosion. Killed when Ihe blast blew their house apart were Mrs. Ella Mat thews, her daugher, Alma, 14, and son, Carl, 10. Two neighboring houses In the norlbsidc residential district were damaged extensively by Ihe carly- mormng lire. Police found Matthews, wearing only shorts, under a rear porch of his two-story, frame home. Dr. Judson Griffin said Mat thews, nn industrial painter, suf fered multiple puncture wounds in the chest and slomach from flying fragments. He said a three Inch piece of wire was removed from his neck. Mntlhews was burned badly about the legs and neck. The cause of Ihe explosion was unknown. Fire Toll Reaches 17 MONTREAL on Three more bodies have been found in the wreckage of a suburban home for the aged, raising the death toll in Saturday's fire to 17. shaving by BULOVA Store of Salem1 Chemical Plant Explosion Explosion Kills 5 In Chemical Plant NITRO, W.Va. IP) A thunder ous explosion at a big chemical plunt Into Tuesday killed five workmen, Injured four and turned throe-story building into rubble, Biff 3 Protest itarv Drill In East Berlin BONN, Germany ifl The West ern Big Three today protested to Russia against "provocative" mil itary activities in the Soviet sec tor ot Berlin. They said maneuvers by several thousand armed factory workers in East Berlin last Saturday were of a "dangerous nature" and con stituted an infringement of the four-power status of Berlin. In similar letters to Georgi M Pushkin, Soviet ambassador to East Germany, the Bonn ambas sadors of United States. France and' Britain said they did not re gard the maneuvers "as neces sary for the maintenance of pub- tic order. They added: "There can be no justification for such provocative measures, especially in a city with the four power status of Berlin." in Herlin, still occupied by the victor nations of World War II, postwar antimilitarism regula tions still apply. GREGORY PECK , . . his is a world of guys and dolls! M-G-M present ro taurine Wnlttn by KRORGK Directed by V1NCKSTE first Run Starts Sunday! I SHAPELY SHOW-GIRL,!, V I I "f 1 j) "fl I 1 former sweetheart of news- 4 ,g ' f I ' -fsl paper man, doesn't give up I i 1 wl I easily!. f I I a l mmmmmmimigwcmmim I II I PUNCHY PAL takes news- rj I II I paper man to hotel hideaway THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Monsanto Chemical Co., 15 miles west of Charleston. (AP WIrephoto) Mushrooming chemical vapors from fire ignited by the blast drifted over this highly industrial ized valley, bringing watery eyes and sore throats to scores of resi dents. No serious effects from the fumes, however, were reported. Cause of the explosion at the sprawling Monsanto Chemical Co. i plant has not been established. Un- official opinions placed the prob-; able cause on a chtorinator, a sealed vessel containing liquid chlorine. I The Monsanto plant manufac tures industrial chemicals in this ' Kanawha Valley town of 3.500 per- sons about 15 miles west ef Char leston. Dead were .lames R. (Jack) Vintroux. 43, Elmer Priddy, Sr., 56, Joseph Johnson, 3ft, Manford Quails, 34, and Lacy Gilbert, 47, all of whom lived nearby. Three of the 12 men in the build ing escaped without injury. MOTOR-VU DALLAS Gates Open 6:45, Show at Dusk Dean Martin, Jerrv Lewis in "HOLLYWOOD OR BUST" Vistavision SECOND FEATURE Fred McMurray, Charlton Heston in "THE FAR HORIZONS" CARTOONS Remember Wednesday Is $1.00 Night (II 1 to safeguard him from g II 1 mobsters! i J IS '1 2 A I ...hers is.a world cr7 I of DOLORES GRAY WRt.lA Auociate Producer . In CiawatSMP tad MINNKLU . Product by DORE SCHARY . STARTS EASTER SUNDAY! PHONE tM 4-4713 j Top Teamsters Support Beck, Snub Hearing WASHINGTON un - Teamsters Union moves to delay or talk their way out of a showdown on AFL-CIO corruption charges seemed likely today to run into a solid rebuff from the federation. Sources in the parent federation said trial procedures already set for Dave Beck, Teamsters Union president; and the huge trucking union itself are fair and "leave no room for negotiation." AFL-CIO President George Meany was out of the city and not immediately available for com ment. The embattled Teamsters' Exec utive Board, meeting in Galves ton, Tex., yesterday, asked the AFL-CIO for negotiations as to charges against Beck and a bill of particulars as to charges that the union itself is under corrupt domination. The board, contending tne charges were not specific, said it would attend no hearings until fundamentals of fair adju dication" are assured. Boiled down, the attitude of President Meany and other chiefs of the big labor combine seems to be this: either the Teamsters rid themselves of Beck and other leaders whose actions have been criticized, or the union is going to be kicked out of the federation. The Teamsters' board, acting unanimously, appeared to give Beck solid backing in his fight with the AFL-CIO. It said his "suspension was without authority and the filing of charges. was con trary" to the AFL-CIO constitu tion. It said the findings against the union also were made without authority. Woodburn Drive-In Open 6:45 Starts 7:15 Wed.-Thiirs.-Fri.-Sat. "JUB4L" Glenn Ford - E. Borgnine PLUS "ROCK AROUND THE CLOCK", The l'lattcrs - Kill Haley Tuesday Is Buck-aCar Night HEME NOW PLAYINGI THE BIG BEAT BILL HALE CO-HIT Robert Wagner Debra Paget "White Feather" Cinemascope and Color LAUREN BACALL gowns and glamorl UTTKOCOLOR An M-G-M Pielun firsf Run Sforfs Sunday! AWI HIS COMETS yxJl 9 Norton Appointment To Game Job Illegal PORTLND (UP) Marcus E. Norton of Phoenix may serve a record short term on the Oregon Game Commission, Staff members conversant with the state game code pointed out today that Norton's appointment by Gov. ' Robert Holmes Tuesday was probably illegal because of a requirement for wide geographical representation on the commission. The code requires two members to be appointed from east of the Cascades and two from west of the divide, with a fifth serving the state at large. Norton was appointed to suc ceed the late Elmer H. Balsigcr' of Klamath Falls but the appoint ment gave the bulk of commission seats to western Oregonians. Other members are J. H. Van Winkle of Oregon City; Don M, Mitchell of Taft, .Delbert Gilder sieeve of Baker, and Kenneth Denman of Medford. Gov. Holmes commented that he would take up the appointment AIRLINES NEED MEN and WOMEN i We need Reservation ists, Station AgenU, Passenger Agents, Stewards, Radio Op erators, Hostesses, Communications for public contact position. If you are 18 or. over, a High School Graduate or equiva lent and have a good personality, U S. Citizen, don't miss this opportunity. Good salaries, rapid promotion, free travel pas ses, security. Preliminary training: need not interfere with present employment. AIRLINE TRAINING DIVISION NORTHWESr AIR COLLEGE For Information Writo Box 698 Stataaman-Journal Newipapars, Saltm, Oragon I ntwipiptn, Name J Address City NEW SHOW TONITEI ALWAYS 50c CREATURE from the BUCK LAGOON Adolphe Menjou Tommy Noonan "THXHStCOLOR Jock Mahoney "SHOWDOWN AT ABILENE" Special For Silurdayl Big Easter Egg Hunt For the Kiddie 6:30 Priiet Donated by Owl Drug Store in the Capitol Shopping District Shop Til :0 P. M. RICHARD CARSON 111 1 ms Ii ...lo make the il 2.iciias KwuM'Unoifio ! I m fLsJ A UNIVERSAL INtERNATIONAl. FICIURC W vi7SfiSSff "'"rWi 7 1 Le 1 kaSqSaii NEW SHOW TONITE! C amoewio MICHEL RAY V f I TOMITP . ft 1000ffQfa0toll&i TONITE IS 'BUCK NITE' 1.00 Per Ca.' Full Fill 'Er Up And Only Pay A Buckl Eddie ) (Debbie Fisher Reynolds mm l I B NEW II iw sonosi m VI Salem, Oregon. Wednesday, April 17, 1957 with his legal slaff "and if there is anything wrong we will correct it at once." Martinis Host Collins ALBANY. N. Y. iJI-Tom Collins nf w Pain was the euest of I honor recentlv at Ihc home of Mr. land Mrs. H. E. Martini. It was a I cocktail party. Ask For Your Free Ticket DANCE! TONITE! CRYSTAL GARDENS .iwm, wrrgan ,. Age Phone No State STARTS 2 TOP HITS ENDS TONITEI "HEAVEN KNOWS MR. ALLISON" DEAN... OWNER (5)2) PRIZE i ! n ctnr nnrl n stnrv I m 1 I U-e-U Ntsots CINEMASCOPE uo METROCOLOR Imlic in hit first solo jtsrrinj nUt m m ALBERGHETTI PLUS fnHENREID JULES MUNSHIN'MARCEL OAUO M JUCaVTI aTTaTaTaTaTaTfi 4T mv...--- i - Alaska is an Aleut Indian word meaning "great land. BOX OFFICE WILLAMETTE' CONCERT SERIES Kovach & Rabovitcy Ballat Leonard Warran, Baritone Seymour lipkin, Pianiil Marian Anderson, Contralto SALEM SENATOR BASEBALL SEASON TICKETS OPENING NIGHT GAME APRIL 25th , Special Ticket! Now on Sale "KENTON AllSTARS" JAZZ CONCERT Thurt., April 25 t p.m. Tickati $1. 25 unratirvad BARBER SHOP QUARTET CONTEST Saturday, May 4th SALEM SADDLE CLUB HORSE SHOW May 4th and 5th Bor SCOUT EXPOSITION Saturday, May 11th PORTLAND SYMPHONY SEASON TICKETS 1957-58 SERIES Certified Gemologist JEWEURS-SILVERSMITHS Stort Houu 9:30 to 5:30 TONITE! TOGETHER! C CfnCxclMnaSloru of Back-Stage Shaw Bill I STARTS THURSDAY OF 10,000 BEDROOMS ""'v. Goes on a romantic, : song-filled Roman Holidayl ew BARTOK- knet MARTIN mm TICK-ETSfe, f NOW ON SALE Am