600 Employment 612 Work Wonted. Men CUSTOM garden work done . with Tcrro Tillcr.EM 2-2348. TRACTOR ROTOVATING- fcM 2-6682 CUSTOM R0TO-T1LLING C. I. Cales EM 2-3783 AMBITIOUS married O.I. wants steady Job with future, willing to learn. HI sen. ed. 1050 6th PAINTING Free Estimates Reasonable. EM 2-9551 eves. ROTOTILLING EM 2-2518 Spraying, tree topping, removal. pruning. L. Caudle. EM 4-14H. TOR Howard Roto-vator work, call Bill Bevcns.EM 2-1743. SMALL carpenter Jobs, good work, reas. EM 4-1424. CARPENTER work. Any kind. Reas. 4240 Macleay Rd. EM 4-5981. EXP. Lawn mowing yard work. Odd Jobs. EM 3-5032. Custom rotovatlne-plowing. D. MARSHALL EM 2-1343. ROTO TILLING EM 3-8445 Eves. EM 4-284 1 PLOWING & discing. East Sa lem only. EM 2-2175 or 2-7092. Custom Plowing & Discing EM 4-9263 PLOWING & DISCING PH. EM 4-6372 HOWARD Rotovatlng EM 4-2623 or EM 2-3535. No calls Sat. please. LAWN mowing & tall grass cut' ting. Edging. EM 2-6055. Home building St remodeling. EM 4-7577 ACCOUNTANT: experienced public acct'g. Lumber & heavy construction, in. juai x-mo. 614 Work Wonted, Lady EM 4-4694 Ironing in my home. EXP. Dressmaking & Altera tions. 2011 S. Com'l. EM3-7U&4 CAN'T keep up with ironing? I'll iron $1 nr. EM 4-7934. MIMEOGRAPHING, typing Mr. Poe. 665 N. 16th. EM 3-3643. DRES S MAKING, alteration. draperies. Smith EM 3-8387. 6 15-A Babysitting BABY- sitting in my home, ex perienced, Clearlake It Kcizer dist. EM 2-6135. CHILD CARE my home days, HaysviUe vicinity. EM 2-5726. RELIABLE Babysitter, hr., day orni te, my home. EM 3-8856. LOVING, supervised child cars, my home. EM 2-0952. EXP. infant care, in my clean home days, EM 2-3508. 618 Education CAPITAL REAL ESTATE SCHOOL. For salesmen pre paring to sell and pass state examination or for anyone de siring to learn about real estate. Classes Tuesday St Thursday each week. 7 to 9:30. Tuition $25.00, course starts April 23rd. Enroll at Rov Todd Real Estate: 2.119 State St. Phone: EM 2-8591. ta HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME Finish your High School in your spare lime. Text books turn. Low tuition. Free Booklet. AMERICAN SCHOOL 6543 N. Interstate. Portland 17. ENROLLMENT limit. Reg. now! Salem Christian. Kindergarten & Grades 1-6. EM 2-9596. 620 Doy ond Contract fc. Kk, V yd. shovel, crane, ho drg. line. 25-ton mobile cranes. D-4, D-7 cats, .carry all clear ing blade. Rental contract or Unit prices. SALEM SAND & GRAVEL 1405 N Front St. EM J-1441 SCHARFF BROTHERS Installation Repair Sewers, Septic Tanks. Drain Fields. Power Ditching. Backfill. EM 1-5561. 700 Rentals 702 Sleep. Rooms, Boord CLOSE in, sml. lovely rm. lady, S16 non smoker. 765 Marion. DESTRABLE rm. 1, bile, from Post Office, 656 Ferry. MEN downtown, clean rm., TV, refrig. hot plate, 655 Union. TV. Clean nice furn. sleeping rm.. men. $4.75 wk. EM 2-7620. CLEAN, quiet. Nr. St. Bldg.. Shpg. Dist. kit, priv. E M 2-1448. MENS slecpirg rms. TV. Priv. ent. EM 4-6134. 1505 N. Capital. CLEAN, warm rms T V., close in 215 S Winter EM 2-1722 REAS. Nice lg. rms., close in, pvt. ent. EM 4-7867. 70S Apartments For Rent RIVIERA Apts. Available April 15. Lovely spacious 1 bedrm. apt. $60. Birch kitchen, tile bath. EM 3-. 632 or EM 2-0866. 2 BDRM. COURTS RE-DEC stove St rcf. furn., auto, wash St dryer. EM 2 3811 VERY nice close in Apartment. EM 3-8933 after 5:30. 1 RM. bsmt. apt. $30. Util. furn. 330J5 .1 4th. E M 4-7149. NEWLY dec. furn. 3 rms. St bath. Court apt. T.V., laundry. parking. Inq. after 5 p.m. or weekends 1348 S. 12th. apt. c ,M 4-' In. pvt. ont., $25. e; 7867. CLOSE in mod. unfurn. ground fir.. Apt. and small pullman Apt. EM 3-8490 except Sat. rFURN. rms.. priv. bath. t. V. Antenna, near State Bldg. & Mem. hJspilal. 94QliU. COLONIAL Manor. 2 rm. furn. 1225 Chemeketa. EM 3-7f)54. S RMS. refrig, SE. range. $45. 1 BDRM. furn. Cross St. apt. $35. 1123 FURN. $30. $45. apt., util. pd.. on bus. 125 Gerth. EM 4-5072. AMRASSADOR' APTS. NICELY FURN. APTS. B30 N. Summer EM2-92M 3 ROOM mod. apt. Nicely furn. L? "7 Ufi-!LSl-?- -14 - ntTn'M. Furn. Apts. Util. paid 597 N. Liberty. EM 3-7695. NEAR Capitol, furn. rms. A bath. 330 S. 14th. EM 4-7149. CLEAN, quiet, 1 rm. Apt. close in. lady-; 645 Fcrry4527. 1 OR 2 bedrm. Furnished or JunJshdl.M3-a723. FURN. apt. women only. $32 50 miLpU8Oak. EM 3-5834. S RM. pvt bath. util. furn., 535 mo. 1 rm. k kit. util. furn $20 mo. 790 N. Com 1. EM 2-1003. CLEAN furn. 1 and 2 rm. apts.. 633 Ferry St. 1 BDRM. aDt. util. partly furn. $45 mo. EM 4-8365. NICELY furn. 3 rm. apt., priv bath. $38 50. EM 4-4020 or EM 3-8341. LOVELY 3 rm. furn. apt. Pri vate bath, also 2 rm. furn. ground floor. Private bath and entrance. 4 blks. S. of Ladd Bush bank. 310 Bellevue, or callEM 3-9401 eves. fflCE 3 rm. furn. apt. Adults. 1207 S. Com'l. EM4:g760. ArAfL7ADrir 15th very attrac tive 3 rm. furn. ground fir. front apt. hdwd. fir, trp-9.. TV ant., auto, oil heat. 3 dik State bldg. It shpg. center. EM : 2.7FJO. UPSTAIRS apt. furn. clean, pvt. ent. 3310 Portland Rd. f URN. m. Jm, apt. pvt. bath. ML $35, 660 Union. EM 2-5318. 700 Rentals 705 Apartments For Rent 1 OR 2 bedrm., extra lrt newly I" !"Ent 'ocall- Off St. parking. a (.Lust in. mod. furn. 3 rm, r.m j-twiu except &at. LOVELY 3 rm. unfurn. apt., heat. reTrlg., ranse. TV ant., Jln? ,fiS wilh ut'l 1314 Plaza St, EM 3-8413. EXTRA nice, furn 3 rms. & unui, auiu. wasncr. iiiWU ralX- B round Rd. EM 3-8511. 2 BDRM. court apt unfurn. 828 . itin. 2 RMS. furn. apt., util. pd., priv. bath. $40. EM 4-2869. NICELY furn. Apt. Conv. loc. nip N. Capitol. EM 4-0063. UNFURN 1 bdrm., 1st fir., all. . car., stove, refrig., TV ant urn. . $47.50. EM 2-8771. CLOSE in Clean 3 rm. furrT, J bath. util.. 450 S. Capitol. DESIRABLE 2 rooms and bath. oriL-K Duiiainj?. waimnir dis tance. 730 N. Liberty. EM MADISON rniIRT ADTC NEWLY dec. 2 rm. furn. apt. sau. km 4-4754. 1065 Madison. & 1 RM. util. pd. newlv dec, No. $28 & $35. EM 4-2S89. U2 Rm. Furn. Apts. All util, paia. oee ai ayi h, Liberty, EM 3-7695. SEE THIS! Clean 3 rm. unfurn. ibu a. xain Eves, or wk. end. WEST SALEM furn. 1 bdrnv court rental, new furniture. tile bath, $58 a month. Low utilities. Kawnns Realty, EM 4-6875. Eves. EM 2-8743. New Court Apt's. 830 N. 14th.. furn or unfurn. Close In. EM 4-0088 after 5 or weekend. FURN. 2. 3 & ent., heated. ' CAVALIER APTS. 1177 Court St. Now avail. 3 rm. furn. apt. EM 4-4919 or EM 2-7909. , NEAT, clean. 3 rm. furn. Apt. 1853 Court. EM 3-8290. JANSSEN COURT Furn. apt. Shop. clr. & bus, S. 13th at E Rural. FURN. Courts, knotty pine in terior, small St cozv, $45, plus util 2455 Trade. EM 4-7472. roURT apt., range, refrig. furn. clean, tile bath, laundry, $51 a month. Rawlins Realty. EM ' 4-6375. Eves. EM 2-8743. FURN. 1 & 2 bdrm.. priv. bath. 771 S. 21st. EM 3-8358. Spacious Acacia Apartments FURNISHED 1140 South 13th St. EM 3-7009 3 RM. furn. apt. pvt. bath, walk am. sou mo. 4-uutu. ELAINE APTS. 3 rm. furn. 879 N. Lfberty. FURN. 3 rm. apt. St bath, clean. apt. nouse, mj inc. utilities. 280N1J8th. EM 2-6787. ATTRACTIVE corner Apt. Furn. aiaieai utn si. r.ivi j-ijiu. FURN. clean 3 rms' priv. bathT $65. Util. furn. Across from Highway Bldg 1133 Chemeketa COZY 3 rm. furn. apt. Car, Adults. Yard. 1855 N. Capitol, NICELY furn. 3 rm. apt. with am, ou. cm q-iouf. ATTRACTIVE close in clean furn. priv. entrance, plenty heat & water, also trailer for 1 person. 245 Union EM 4-1468, CLOSE, well furn.. 1st fir. 3 rm.. Dam. neat, esa uenter. VERY nice furn. small apt. priv. cm., J J 4 re. iapuai. Rm. apt. Util. furn. for man. sju. nu wasnington. BRAND new 1 bdnn. ant. elec. stove -k refrig. furn. wired for TV, all utilities furn.. except eiec, garage, bee at Z4U ttiv lera Dr. EM 3-9623. CLEAN furn. apt. 4 blks. No. of m. fit x. use oi nice yara, tm .I-DHB4. CLEAN 3 rm. furn. apt. utilities pa. J45. lifts s. inn. h;m a-t or EM 4-0483. 706 Duplexes CLEAN 1 bdrm. furn. duplex. Hollywood dist. t un nsmt. EM 3-8036 or EM 2-6644. NEW unfurn. 2 bdrm.. birch kit.. Ig. liv. rm.gar. EM 3-7841. MOD. unfurn. 4 rm., stove, re frig., laundrv, $45. Also 3 rm. furn. $35. 818 N. Com'l. NEW 2 bdrm. unfurn. duplex. Adults. liM 1 BDRM. furn., TV ant. Couple Only. lM 4-1407. h. otn. CUTEST, cleanest 1 bdrm. furn. duplex in town, k-m z-t o. 2 BDRM.. SOME FURNITURE, NICELY furn. modern duplex. s. ot town. jaw. uoupie oniy. EM 3-5765. - $52.50. Near Capitol bldg.. newly ace. unturn. z oarms. cm 4-1863. 2 NICE 1 bdrms., $40 to $45. on college ur. lm z-jzza. 707 Houses For Rent MOD. 2 bdrm., gas heat, frJ.. hriwd. Ilrs.. gar., saa. imv Peace St., EM 2-6511V 3 BEDRM. hse. close to stores At school, ln. i.M a-tuim. 580 S. 19th. 4 btlrms., garden spot. Inq. 1445 UaK. NELSONS" "RENTALS 2 bdrm. furn. hse. $"0 1 Small hse. S. unfurn $:t5 1 House unfurn. b. uicnn Duplex & Courts ... . $50 to $70 Furn. 3 bdrm. hse. $30 Unfurn. 2 bdrm. lirepl. Eola $60 CALL DOROTHY DEAL Eves. Ph. EM 486.12. NELSON & NELSON RLTRS. 1590 S. Com'l. Ph. EM 2-3669 4 RM. house, bath A- stationary tubsgar. EM 2 0337. NICE clean 2 bdrm. all modern house. Gar., lawn, water pd. $40. Labish VillaRC.EM 4-3975. 17P5 M A R K ET.' Nice Ig. bdrm.. elec. heat, garage. S65. 3 BDRM-hmise. lge. lot, $70. gar. EM3.6383.AvaH. 2 B D R M . K ou ; e , unfurn. e x c . washer & dryer, garage. 22flfl Hazel. EM 4-8W9 orEI 4-6:4 MOb7unfurn. 1 bdrm. cottage, util. rm., garaee. water furn. $45. 4305 Portland Rd. EM 3-6462. 2 BDRM. cottace. ranee, refrig . Youngstown kit., wall to wall carpet, $65, 633 Jason. Older tvpe house. 5 rms.. 2657 Port land Rd..$40EM 2-2707. j PARTLY furn. 1 bdrm.. firepl.. ! gar., oil heat, bsmt., no dogs. J55.EM2-9894! WEST SALEM Clean 2 bdrm. unfurn. $45. 3 bdrm. unfurn ! ater paid. $62.50. EM 3-7887. , nTce clean Modern 2 bdrm. 1 hnuse. 52 Aim ai.. cai fTDRM-irTCourt-stove & refrig $39.50. Inq. 1815 Lee after 6. VERY nice 1 bdrm.. court un furn. except stove & retrig EM 2-li5fi 2445 Market RENT Clean mod. 2 bdrm. hse.. reas.. Max Woods, Rt. 2. Box 419. 2 mi.East of Totem Pole. BEDRM. house for a deal. Lease or sell. EM 4:4216J 1 BDRM.. elec. heat. $50. No dog Inq. 4595 State. EM 4-2B62. FOR RENT. LEASE OR SALE Two bedroom home. Fenced in vard. garden spnt, fruit trt-eV 6'jO S l"th Street. Phnc EMplre 3-645-4. FHEE 12th month. Almost new 2 bdrm. houe. elec. ranite. auto. heat. hwd. firs., insu lated Auto wa'hcr & rirver available 2233 Maple Ave vEw 2 bdrm. house. East Pirk. rent or lease PL?-?!86 NEW 1 Mm, h"use. Irts ol c!oet ipace. stove, retrif. carace. i, utilities, Inq, 12 1905 & 19U St. 700 Rentals 707 Houses For Rent 1740 LEE. $55. Ramsey Realty. 2 BDRM. hse.. bsnVt., furnace, frpl. $57.50 mo. EM 3-7498. 1 BDRM.. stove, relrig., $55. inq. iat mantel, fcM 4-5059, 1 BDRM. hse., firepj. $30 mo. r.icc. range. 1134 37 tn at. LONG lease, $70 mo. (or will avin ! river noiiom ivener am. jz A. cultivated bal. woods. Comfortable. 2- bdrm. hse. Write Owner. 220 Hutton Bldg., Spokane 4, IN KEIZER DIST. MOD. 2 bdrm. house. $72.50 mo. cm j-jw or KM 3-61 tt. CLOSE in 2 bdrm. unfurn. cot tage, 685 N. Church. MODERN 1 bdrm. house, gar, all.. 1310 Baker. EM 3-8358. 2 BDRM. house, nr. bus. shop. ping center, $50. 4020 State. $85 PER MO. Fine home. 4 oarms. ana aen in a ocautuui setting. Rent includes lawn taken care of free. CALL MRS. RICHARDSON Eve. Ph. EM 4-8966 GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 180 S. Libertv St. Ph. EM 2-2471 3 BDRM East, nearly new. dbl car., oil furnace. NICE .... Sioo 2 BDRM Hollywood . S75 2 BDRM, furn., nr. Capitol .$50 1 BDRM, furn $45 1 BDRM Keizcr. V3 acre . $40 Office, gr. floor, 25x35, off street nnrkint? S65 Furn. apts. $35 to $60 CENTER ST. REALTY 1748 Center St. EM 4-6631 Eve. EM 2-7812 COZY quiet 2 bedrm., range, refrig. Breakfast set, water furn. $65. EM 4-6586. FOR RENT: Mod. 6 rm. house, reaec, lge. lot, em -uih. 2 BDRM. house. North of lem. 2580 2-6378. Myrtle Ave. em 3 BDRM., clean, close in, No. $50. 1463 N. 4th CM 4-.(H4U. 2 BDRM hse. Will wire for dryer SIB. M Z-MM, 1 1 JO s. iiznn. RM. house, 1 bdrm. All elec. Pets allowed. EM 2-6697. BDRM. house, nr. bus, shop Dine center. $50. 4029 State, NEW. 2 bedrm., F.A. heat, birch Kitchen, ins me uiuiiy, car port, unfurnished. $70. 430 Jefferson St. call urawiord, Al isaan uo. EM 4-3311. 707-o Furnished Houses AVAIL. Apr. 15th. 1 bdrm. Irg. yard, garden, South. Refer ences, EM 2-6247. 2 BDRM. hse. earn ee. W. Salem Couple only. $50. EM 2-1862 or 2 & 3 rm. furn., picket fence, from $30 to $50. EM 2-6618. Unfurn. 3 bedrm. home for rent. $65. EM 4-5139 or EM 2-4004. 1 BDRM. furn.. close in. very desirable, nouns, inq. 1011 . Liberty. EM 4 1673. CLEAN 1 bdrm., gar., adults, no pets. $45. 1915 Highway Ave. CLOSE in, 1 & 2 bdrm. furn. & partly. EM 3-4332 or E M 3-7495, LGE. 3 rm. house. All elec, water. Adults. EM 2-2786. SM. FURN. house. Close to store and bus. EM 2-55R8. Sat & Sun or after 6 eves. FURN. 1 bdrm. cottace. 2 blks. from town, $45. Furn. apt. $35. c,M z-4945 mornings. COZY 3 rm. hse., clean. Eves or Sat. & Sun. EM 4-4938. BEDRM. nicely furn. house, $35. 1135 E. Rural. BDRM. furn. house, ford. EM 2-0066. x uarm.mn cicc. w, oaiciii, nice for steady employed. EM 4-3648 or Stayton 8074. 709 Wanted to Rent WANT to rent garage by monlh, Vic. 1120 Columbia EM 3-6678, 714 Business Rentals SMAT.L husfness build inc. adi. residence available. 1274 N. Liberty, EM 2-4511. CAFE: Will lease or rent, excel. fully eqp t. on Hwy. 22, 10 ml. W. Detroit Dam. 14 stools, 4 booths. Ph. Gates 7328. OFFICE space for 2 offices and receptionist in wesi uaie Shopping Center. EM 37432. 780 Moving & Storoge Larmer Transfer k Storajo Complete moving service Also agents for dlkino nation Wide Mover. Ph EM 3-3131 LOW COS1 storage H L Stiff Furniture Co. &M 3-8 1 bo. 800 Real Estate 801 Business Opporrun. FOR LEASE RESTAURANT Fully equipped and reado to go. siuii per mo. al.ue.in JONES. REALTOR. 231 N. High. Ph. EM 3-5338 Eves: EM 2-9848. Very good location. Same owner over zu years warns io retire. In large payroll town. Clean stock, low rent. Priced to sell. For particulars ask for Phil Murray. Eve ; Dallai MA 3-2633. Oregon Development Compariy (Realtors) 318 N. CHURCH PH EM 3-9236 MOD ERN Texaco Sen-ice Sla tion for lease, oood income. Call Dclapoer. EM 4-5298 Eves. DOUGHNUT Bar: 15 stool, mod. equip. nown. terms, write Statesman-Journal Box 697. EXCEPTIONAL Service Station for !ea:c. Major un 10. can EM 2-4717. FLYING A Service Station for lease excel lent location in fast growing neighborhood. For information call EM 4-8338. SELL or lease licensed nursing home. 13 beds, operating full capacitv. Excellent opportu nity. Write Box 669 Statesman Journal. SERVICE 'Stati on on P. 12th"St. Inq. 2320 Fairgrounds Rd. 802 Bus. & Income Prop. INVESTMENT PROPERTY 'that will meet the approval of the most discriminating. 10 unit aot. court, new St in A-l loca tion. Verv fast growing area. Make your money pay you 10 per cent St let your valu in crease with area growth, THSI IS REALLY TOP VALUE. In come $700 plus per month. Call Mr. Sommers. Eves. EM 4-5234. DRIVE BY 1038 SPRUCE. Very nice 2 bdrm. home completely redecorated in St. Vincents dist. Elect, heat & hardwood firs. Only 0 yrs. old. $7,500. L- at the enrner of 5th A Pine. Excellent frr either hurinrs or home Call Mike Donahoe, Eves. EM 2-fPSfl. , WEST COAST REALTY ,1055 Poi-Jand Rd. EM 2-72 INCOME PROPERTY 13 D St. Independence, Ore. ... QUJ aupurpqn ACRES ith buildinl". 5115 Auburn Rd. Ph. EM 11217. 800 Real Estate 803 Suburban SPECULATORS DELIGHT BUY THIS 65x123 ft. comer lot on N. Church St. in R-3 Zone. Plus Urge home. EXCEL LENT INVESTMENT FOR $7950. LOOK IT OVER FOR FUTURE PROFITS. CROSIAN CREEK HIDEWAY Lovely large 2 bedroom home on ) acre In rustic setting with trees and creek runs Ihroush the back. Fireplace. hardwood floors. Garage. U shaped driveway. Price $11,750 UUUU 1LHIU3. SUPER STYLING AND WONDERFUL TO LIVE IN. Brand new 3 bedroom beauty with all the beautiful features. Fireplace double garage. Located south In new du do 1 vis ion. rriceo at io.bw. WE WANT YOUR OFFER FOR THIS 3 bedroom home with fireplace family room hardwd, floors carport. Lovely neighborhood and just right place to raise your fam ily. PRICE ? ? ? ? ? TERMS ? ? 7 7 YOU TELL US WHAT YUU'LL OFFER FOR THIS HOME IT'S LOCATED ON N. 25th in EASTMORELAND CALL MRS. WELLS or BEN COLBATH REAL ESTATE SALESMAN , . WANTED 517 Court St. DIAL EM 4-4494 EVJS. EM 2-3738 or EM -4-4B77 806 Houses For Sole FOR sale by owner. Nice older type nome. corner 101 on Aim Creek. Rental Income $100 per ma. Anxious to sell. Call a.m. EM 2-8381, after 5 EM 2-6787. LARGE SHADE TREES. 3 Ddrms., wardrobe closet. 2 baths, lots of ceramic tile, entry with lge. bookcase . it planter, lge. liv. rm., valance boards, 2 firepl., din. rm.. family rm. with paneling St paper & beamed ceiling. Sen wood kitchen. Patio with large shade trees. Lge. dbl. garage with storage in attic. Lots of cabinets in garage. House constructed of best materials and workmanship on a very nice completely improved lot with city sewer, water, curbs & n a vc m ent. 16.950. EM 4-1&M. 2 BDRM. mod. home in Turner. Lot 66x193. reie Fry, Box 196 Turner. JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR Let us solve your him needs 10 uuy. sen or Rent can Ph. EM 4-S743 1211 Edgewalet Ph HM 4-7874 2710 So Comm'l. SURPRISE inside! Older home, low on. pym 1. 1- misn worK on outside left. $8,750. 1B10 S. Capitol. EM 4-0813. BY BUILDER New 3 bdrm. custom built home cnoice location fcM 2-71171. Open House Daily bdrm., frpl., birch kit., 2 baths, dbl. garage with stor age above and foldinir stair. way. FHA appraised. 1032 Red wood St. li mi vi i. out Wallace Rd. EM' 4-5868. TRANSFERRED PORTLAND Must sell Immediately. 6 Mo. om i nearoom ran en tvpe home. About 1400 Sq. feet. I1.', baths. Dining room, Nook. Large utility. Double garage. Lawn and flowers are all in. Morninffside District on Mari lyn St, Fenced yard for children. CALL JIM W. BRASHER Eves. EM 4-7386 320 Court Ph. EM 4-8484 Don DouokioH ? BUY A NEW HOME ON FOLLOWING TERMS: Price of Down Monthly Payments home Payment 15, BOO 14,500 14.000 1.1.000 12,000 800 125 700 050 600 04.24 Sfl.63 55.05 Above payments plus taxes and insurance. WATCH THIS SPACE FOR FURTHER DETAILS EXCELLENT INVESTMENT Older home In C-3 zone (General business district) near shop pine center. Lot size Ml X t f0. Price 110,500. Terms available. CALL H. K. LAYMON Eves. EM 45507 320 Court Ph. EM 4-8484 Don Dounldon ISftfiKS BEST BUyS NEW CANDALARIA HOME Out of state owner anxious to sell. 14x25 living rm. & frpl.. separate dining rm.. kitchen & nook, 3 larse bdrms., lovely wall-to-wall carpeting, att. ga rage and located clnse to school, shopping It hur, A wonderful home for $12,500. Call Eva Stuart, eve. ph. EM 4-5866. AL ISAAK & CO., Realtors 322 North Church St. Ph. EM 4-3311 or EM 3-7(120 V Y LOOK V V EXTRA NICE i ACRE VITH very neat and clean small honie, large para re, 'i ull trees, plenty of shrubs V flow ers. Price J6.500. Worth more. ALMOST 2 ACRES Well located South, good view, nice 2 bedroom home. Fruit it nut trees. Would make 5 good view lots, 18.900 $1000 down THESE ARE GOOD BUYS SALEM PROPERTIES JOHN J. DANN, REALTOR 379 N. High St. EM 4-3482 Eve. EM 4-3220. EM 2-9723. EM 2-7401, EM 4-0626. EM 4-2670 NEAR HOOVER SCHOOL I i yr. old 3 BR home worth the asking price of III.O00. What cn you pav dn? Bal anre like refit. Call Geo. Patrny for appt. NEAR PARK fc MARKET Onlv iyl dn. and 15 per mo. for this 6 yr. old 2 BR plas tered home. Fireplace, wall to wall rug tn L.R. Why rent fn thee termn and fnr only 1 7 r W ? ALLEN C . JONES. REALTOR. Ill N Hieh Ph EM 3-Mnfl Evei: EM 2-S848 or EM 4-1683. 800 Real Estate 806 Houses F01 Sol $500 DOWN EXCELLENT 1 Bdrm. home with basement. 50x111 lot on paved st. Good garage with shan apace. It does nees paint BUT Is as sound as a Silver dollar. Sacrifice for S5950. Phone CLIFF BOWDER. Ofc. EM 4 3394, Home EM 3-9945. KB 1890 Fairgrounds Rd. 500 cash down and $50 a month will purchase 2 bedroom cot tage within easy walking dis tance of State Hospital. Total price $5,450. Electric range, refrigerator. washing machine and overstuffed living room furniture Included. 60x120 lot. Very low taxes. Interior com pletely redecorated. An excel lent opportunity, to dispense with a landlord. CLYDE PRALL, Realtor. 154 S. High St. EM 4-8443 Home EM 3-7250 Tight Money Trades It Four Bdrm. family type home city sewer, water, paved street close to schools St bus. $8500. Owner wants Small Acreage wim 3 or 4 bdrm, home North or East. : Dandy 2 bdrm. home will G.I. of FHA in city. Owners increasing family needs a 3 bdrm. with basement. What nave xoui 3: Very low down payment, or ianc in car. or joi on tniS good 2 bdrm. home with full base- men i in me ttngiewood Dist, Why pay rent? 4: 2 bdrm. With H rr Pact rivn- productive sou. will qual ify for G.I. or FHA. Owner uccas larger noma in Lily, What have you? Joe Bourne, Realtor EM 3-8216, EVE. EM 3-7217 1140 N. CAPITOL INCOME . PROPERTY 4 houses on 1 good sized lot, cavil unii nas j Dearoom. nin ette, tiled kitchen, nice living room, full basement, oil fur nace, 4 garages, good location North. Income $280 per month, easy to rent. Total price $27,500. $10,000 cash, balance can be financed. Call Lucas. SHORT ON CASH? ONLY $750 Dn. nvmts. buvs this verv rf. biraoic j. neorm. grey snsKe nome. uaiem iieignts Dist, Spacious wardrobe closets. Plastered. Hardwood firs. Oil furn. Attractive kitch. At tached garage. Lge. lot well landscaped. Patio. Dble. con crete drive. Immerf. nnsRissinn A very nice home for only $8E)75. No loan costs. Ask for jonnson. Jive. em 3-3858. REAL ESTATE Mil S, High St. KING SIZE BARGAIN WE HAVE SEEN this floor plan for sale anywhere, Irom $16,00(1 to as high as $22,500 . . . now we have one. at the low price of only $15.0501 ON A HILL in aoum naiem, mis inree oca room home has a full entrance hall, large family room, big double carngc. lots of floor space. Call EM 4-6766. Visit our "Picture Gallery of Homes" Ted Morrison, Realtor 260 N. HIGH PH EM 4-67fi6 OWNER ANXIOUS TO LEAVE Will take good contract or small trade ior nis equity ot s434. on this 30 acre farm 10 miles S.E. on paved road. Nice view, live creek, 2 acres in good cherries, 10 acres in cul tivation, balance in pasture. 4 bdrm. home, small barn, good hen house. 2-car garage. Picked $500 of wild blackber ries on creek last year. More wont to waste. This is a won derful deal to make some money with a little paint St repair work. 8 ACRES IN CULTIVATION Close in on State St. with new large 3 bdrm. home, ranch style. Fireplace, attached ga rage, good subdivision prop erty. Why say more? Price $17,500. down or TRADE for smaller suburban pronerty Call Mr. Anderson on these "Special" deals. Eves. Ph. EM COLBATH LAND Co. 517 Court St. EM 4-4404 MAYBEE less, if your credit rating is good. 4 bedroom home Ideal for big family. Basement. Big lot. . Fruit. Ramscv Realty. EM 4.1181, Eve. EM 3-7735; EM 4-006?.. IT COSTS SO LITTLE SURELY YOU CAN AFFORD this little home for your own. $1000 down or even less, gels you started. There are two of the nicest bdrms. you ever saw. a bath to thrill anyone (beautifully decorated and trimmed with wrought Iron), a licht and cheerful kitchen, large utility room, big yard with lot, of possibilities. Only 17.400. This home In immacu late! Call EM 4-6766. Visit our "Picture Gallery of Homes" Ted Morrison, Realtor 260 N. HIGH PH EM 4-6766 COMPARE Other new 3 bedroom homes for S10.&50 with this quality built home on the South Side. Only 2 blocks to school. Large lot. Best of workmanship St ma terials. Might sell on easy terms. CALL RON CI.KARY Eves. EM 3-WI3J) Don Dounktoit a20 Court PH. Eat 41U4 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Salt Englewood Very nice S bdrm. home with room for 1 up, very nice sized rooms, lots of closets, fireplace with bookshelves, lots of builtins in kitchen .lovely back yard, in a i desirable neighborhood, olny ? 10.500. Call Ron. Kraus, Eve. ph. EM 3-5668. Dayllte basement home, with view of river Ac city, thru lots of big picture windows, 3 bdrms., large family dining rm., bath & utility, large beautiful birch kitchen with built-in oven St range, central hall plan, plus parly room, bdrm., full bath plumbed in & f.-amed in basement, v-'w carpeting & drapes, I fireplaces, patio, for more details tall now. low price, low dn. pymt. Call Gene Pedwell. Eve. ph. EM 3-5868. M acre. east, god soli St well, 2 bdrm. home In good condition, large living rm. Just listed and a lot of good living for only 15.850. with $750 dn. St bal. like rent, this won't last, see to day. Call Bill Fidler, Eve. ph. EM 4-7448. Just right for the kids, pony & a cow for .mom to milk, 7 acres with barn, chicken hse. & pump hse. Excellent garden spot with room for a couple of acres of strawberries, some trees, and of course a small older 2 bdrm. home. Priced only $8,500.00 with terms. Call Eastrldge, Eve. ph. EM 3-6522. 80 acre stock farm, JO A. in cult, 2 stock barn fl new) good home, creek, some nice ash timber for shade, 30 acres fine seeded perm, past, 30 acres rented for '57, '3 grain crop goes with place, this rich wapato St viola soil grows fine past. If you want a small stock farm about 13 miles S. E. of Salem, don't fell to see this place first, just listed & priced right at $16,000. Terms. Call Geo. Kraus. 316 N. CHURCH ST. REALTOR PH. EM 4-6871 GIVE THE BUDGET A LIFT. Vi garage. Partly iurnished house en ec Dearoom, low taxes, Call Mrs. Graham. BARGAIN. 700 sn. ft. floor snace. garage, partly iurniFnea,ige. Mr, 10QQ, OWN YOUR OWN HOME. Paying tne aram. Here is an excellent cnance to start your savings acct. by building up an equity In a nice 3 bdrm. home, close to Baker sch., walking distance to Leslie St So. Salem Hi. . Full basement with li bath. Only $8,500, low dn. paynent. can itir .vanftieier. SACRIFICE 2 BDRM. HOME. Owner lust boufiht farm, was ask ing si o.j 50. now stt.soo for dead-end St. Extra lge. living xne very nest conauion. must see io appreciate, cau .mr. Hicks. . ROY TODD REAL IS'WVTE 2319 State St. Phone! EM 2-8501 Eve.: Mrs. Graham EM 4-4748; VanMeter EM 4-8500; Hlcka EM 4-4930; Todd EM 2-1731. ED LUKINBEAL REALTOR TRAILER COURT SITE Now sioe-Dy-aiac units eacn nas water heaters, Utility work 'CREEK lot. just outside city ny ooor, real tair vaiue ai su.ouu. WtfKT SAT.TCM Villi hcml . nil Large living room laxiz, separate aining room, nam nnn nait. St. paving in. This is a real good semi-Engliah' style home on a quiet St., and nice setting, $.2,uou. 20 ACRES 6 acres producing fruit benrlng Hoval Anne cnerries, l acre cane Derries, nai. good well drained strawberry land, a good modern 10-ycar- oia z-Darm. nome, macn. snca wtin iuu ik ui in otn, Large poultry house, cement floor. 500 good laying hens, North on paved roiid. Good fair value at $22,500. Hnu.vwnnn district sossn hniTiA with mil Hn . Xr cnivfliHi mm. ureniice. nininK room St nook. Nice lot with trees orr MarKct si. on iwctoy. GET THE CROP 2 acres first hlniilriinmoa (in till Wirt acre of wheat, good building wilt handle $6950 full price. BRICK HOME 3 bdrms. St bsmt., oil furn. You will flnd real value nere in mis clean souna nome kh-hicu mi uciuun.n. c inci nft 9ict st Rnvisn lot. 110.050 is the nrlce and $1000 down will handle. You wnerc you iook. OFFICE PH. EM 5-66B0 , . JJ; ?IH Home Ph. STEARNS CUSHING EM 2-5048. ED EM 4-2805 MRS. WOOTTEN EM 3-8066 Lea Ohmart First time listed, 3-bdrm. home Ica sawdust neal, cxira large lot. uwuc ... terms with 5 per cent Int. Duy wltn low cost neai can SUBURBAN HOJ1E Spring has sprung. The sap has tlx l I II tell you this much, E. Ewald with a fenced DacK yarn, jusi ,ouw .uu i See Adrlcnne Scrcombc. Eve. EM 4-1)082, NKKD MORE ROOM?? This excellent suburban home rooms (V den, plus recreation room in basement should fill the bill. Large living-room, separate dining-room. 2 baths, lovely nook in kitchen. 12 x 28 covered patio nnd a beautiful setting of huge oaks. Call Henry Torvend for full Int. Eve. EM 3-3632. THIS IS FOR YOU! Bsmt.. fully finUhed party room, uatn, 2 nig Dorms, on mam num. en trance lull, beautiful living A- dining room with excellent view. This fine home Is located South In the city. Call Louis Lorenz today for appointment. Priced to sell at J2I.C00. STF.P FORWARD AND ESTAB LISH AN fctiuriY in a nouse ynu'll he proud In call home. Near new, 3 bdrm. Just re decorated and located on 50 x loo lot South. A home you would expect to pay much more for. Price at $8,950. For appointment to see call LcRoy Laack. Eve. Dh. EM 4-3244. VIEW LOT, Very good neighbor- noou, in city, acwer unci pav ing in and paid.. Price $3,500. See this choice building site and make an offer. Call Dean Klarr Home ph. EM 2-700O. $750 down, BALANCE LIKE Hfc,rri. x norm, ann oasemcni home with nice yard. Auto matic oil heat, living room, with fireplace, kitchen with breakfast nook, excellent loca tion near Englewood Srhool. Price Itl.oon. Call Dean Klarr Home phone EM 2-7090. RAWLINS W)5 CHEMEKETA ST. WELDING SHOP with stock tV equipment. 2 bdrm. home next doir. Also. ,1 room unfin ished house back of shop. Lot 7RX3O0. CALL WALT SOCOLOFSKY Eve. Ph. EM 3-R8.15 EAST SALEM Large family home. 3 bdrms. on first floor. Living, dining rooms, 2 fire placed, birch kitchen, l'.'i baths. 3 more bdrms. In basmt.. If you need them. Sawdust furnace, large lot. $16,500. CALL RON HUDKINS Eve. Ph. EM 3-8712 7 ACRES CLOSE IN EAST and large 4 bdrm., 2 bath home for $13,950. $1950 down or own er will take house in town that will make good rental, as owners are leaving the state. Also 5 Acres for $4500. 7 Acres ffr 17850, CALL MRS RICHARDSON Eve. Ph. EM 4-8!8fl AW GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 1(10 S. LIBKRTY ST. PH. EM 2-2471 To Place Ad PHONE EM 4-6811 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sale 1 acre In Keirer with treei, lge. with lge. living, dining, kitch fi.aou, on terms or r,ouu casn. 2 bedrooms, breakfast nook. att. imi, ah mis ior oniy .fw. can rent Is Just like money down qutcK saie. Lge. lot, garaen spoi. rm. Oil heat, this nouse is in his good 7-year-old Duplex with d arms, r uu omm mnu cicu shop and 2-car gar. 132x316 limits South on paved. St., bus nlnurt fur. I?vl2 and 14x2fl bdrms. young filberts, 2 acres young buva this clean, sound 2-bdrm St garden space, located just year strawberries. 5 acres thorn- I IA&I VPflf CfOD H IOI13 J I site on paved road, north, $2000 can't do any better no matter 477 COURT STREET, SALEM. OltB. PHONE EM 2-4116, EM 2-4116 LISTINGS NEEDED QUALIFIED SALESMEN TO SERVE YOU J995O.0O ' In the Englewood "jst., econlm- II you're looking lor a real go nupn wnuu auw.. . rlz. Call m; to find out where it's a newish 2-bdrm. home on with 4 bed bdrm. A Rudj Calabft IT ALMOST ONE ACRE wilh a compact 2 bdrm. home located N.E. Has drilled well, chicken house and large garage. Has 3 nice building lots or lots ot f'ood garden space. This home s near 16 completely fur nished for only $7,050. Will take 40' or longer trailer house in trade. For appt. to see call LcRoy Laack, eves, ph. EM 4-3244. LOOKING FOR SOMETHING DIFFERENT? This new 3 bdrm. home has everything for better living. Large living room, family room, kitchen that's extra special. 2 baths, dbl. garage. Located near school, lovely setting. Full price $16,300. To see call Dale Ray burn. Eves. Ph. EM 2-2045. JIKAITY OFFICE PH. EM 4-0875 LOVELY FAMILY HOME on Nob Hill. From Its gracious liv. rm. and din. rm. to Its E radical activity rm. In the asmt., this home Is Ideal. 3 bdrms., 2'i baths, auto, oil forced air heat, dble. garage. Convenient to all schools. $16,950. CALL J. E. LAW Eve. Ph. EM 3-5113 200 ACHES Approx. 10 miles from Salem. About half In cul tivation. Large house, also tenant house. 34 x 76 dairy barn. Creek. Price $.16,000 In cludes machinery and equip ment. Terms. CALL O. V. HUME Eve. Ph. EM 2-5208 NORTH LIBERTY ST. ROOM Immediate Possession. New storeroom 22 x 80 ft., dble. lavatories, accoustical celling, floor covering and lighting to he Installed. Paved parking for 10 cars. For leane terms CALL C. L. GRABENHORST BY BUILDER NEW CUSTOM BUII.T GUARANTEED HOMES SALES-TRADE! EM 2 7071 EI Si Capital 800 Real Estate 806 Houiei For Sale SACRIFICE Forced to tell Deluxe I bedroom home. EM 3-9939. XtTENTION BUILDERS WE HAVE a good selection of choice lota in these popular locations NEELON ACRES 'DUFFIELD HEIGHTS WEBER ADDITION HILLTOP" HAYESVILLE PARK We suggest you make your se lection now for summer build ing. Call EM 4 (766. Visit our "Picture Gallery of Homes'- Ted Morrison, Realtor 260 N. HIGH PH EM 4-6766 IMMACULATE 3 bedroom Ranch stvle home. completely lanascapea. uost I yr. ago $16,000. Transferred owner will sacrifice for $14,500. Jacobsen Keene REALTORS PH. EM 4.2293 1255 State 3. Af!RF. Large 3 bdfm. house S yrs. old, t,v3v. omaii aown payment, Owner, 1760 Dixon St. EM x-ibia. BY OWNER 2 bedrm, home. medium size. 3 lots, lge. See eves., efter 4 p,m. except Fri. St Sat. 330 Orchard St. Kelzer Dist. BY OWNER: 3 bdrm.. 1 yr. old, ui approved loan, u take over my loan. Low dn. pym't., low mo. pym'ts. Exc. lawn, patio SOLD! SOLD! Property Listincs Needed 13, S. Liberty. EM 4-447R, Eves. EM 2-S010, EM 2 5122. REALTORS BY OWNER: Lovely 3 bdrm., Manbrln Garden home, 2 frpls, lg. bsm't.. beautiful garden, very desirable neighborhood. 694 Wayne Drive. BY OWNER 3 bdrm., nice location. 1H.73U. tim 47577. BY OWNER: 2 bedrm. home, sngiewood Dist. EM 2-7408. . $1,000 DOWN No red tape, new 3 bdrm. Bath at vi, nircn mi., aoi. gar. sud urban. So. EM 47800. MR. OWNER! Glen Woodry will pay top pnee ior your turn i appliance EM 3-5110. RIVER FRONTAGE 170' frontacc. unlnue home In neautuui setting ovcriooKing river. i mi. no. am z-izau. FOR SALE or trade 2 bdrm home, arm lot. nice shade trees. N.E. Suburban. Take cood car or trailer house. EM 4-6165. 2 BDRM. hse. sm. lot, walking Distance io an sens., anopping center, hui and state bids. Will consider trade. 600 N. 17th. EM 3-7834. ANOTHER TEMPTING BUY FOR $12,950 ... as much house as you will ever find for the money anywhere. With lots of attractive brickwork In front and natural paneling inside, this new 3 bedroom home is a winner. Among other new homes, SOUTH, with I Vi baths, double garage, paved direct. We suggest ynur seeing this at your earnest convenience. Call EM 4-6766, Visit our "Picture Gallery of Homes" ted Morrison, Realtor 2B0 N. HIGH PH EM 4-67M T SELL SACRIFICE , 5 mo. old 3 bedrm. home on S. lztn, near school ft church, built-in oven St range, sliding glass doors, corner frpl., $1500 equity for $1,000 St throw In custom drapes, TV antenna St anack bar. $12,500. EM4-8644. FOR sale by owner: 3 bdrm., sun Ken am. rm., nrpi. covered Ratio, fruit. Furn. or unfurn. Fake offer on down pym't. EM 3-.1473. FOR SALE by owner; 2 bedrm. home, good district. EM 2-7610. OWNER transferred. Sell equity in nome ior suau, uaiance 4','j pet. int. like rent. Corner lot, nice neighborhood. EM 4-5645 Sat. St Sun, or after 8:30 week days. BY OWNER Mod. 3 bdrm. home, englewood. call Dean Pfouts, KM 2-2447 week days, otherwise EM 2-3964. NORTH EAST SUBURBAN . BEDRM., tile hath. lge. din ing area, 1st time offered for sale. 2170 Byron. EM 2-3270. BY OWNER: 2 bdrm. home. Irg. lot. exc. location, priced right, turn, or unfurn. EM 2-4021. DOES YOUR WIFE SAY "OH!" MORE ROOM Here la a 8 bedroom home tn the best of locations near St. Vincents St It's really a gorvi old home for onlv $6950, $1000 down or make an offer. Call EM 4 0966 or EM 4-5986. RIGHT NOW a new 3 bedroom home la being nunt just ior tuu on a large lot In good district. Onlv $10, 500 with $800 down ft $79 per month. See us at REALTY 4020 N. River Rd. EM 4-0 OWNER transferred sell $1,600 equity in 4 Dearm. nome. taec. heat, 2 yr. old, Irg. corner lot. No loan cosL 616 Thorndale Circle. BY OWNER $10,500 BEST buy in town. 3 norm, nome, no. naiem. near shopping ctr.. bus, school, hdwd. Mrs., F.A. oi) heal, frpl.. birch kit. tt trim throughout. Crramlr tile bath, firnitca on drain hoards. Separate din rtn . attach, gar., all painted walls, with Miller's paint. If vou want a bargain this Is It. Ready to move in. EM 2 3488. TRADE Your old home for a new home Aprauea valuta, u i-wii. fa Journal, Salem, Ore., 800 Real Estate 808 Lots For Sale BUILDERS . INVESTORS Land for about 400 choice view nome sues aajacent Salem. Ideal for large development. Write or phone W. O. Maione, Realtor. 323 S. E. hnrlnn Av Pendleton, Oregon. Ph 4828 or CANDALARIA. best lot lelt, with that wonderful East view. Asking $8.500. EM 2-8818. TWO LOTS. NUMBERS 21 & 22 OP HAMMOND ADDITION. LOCATED ON DETROIT LAKE. $2500 for both. WRITE TO ROUTE 2. BOX 180 AV. or CALL LEBANON, ALpine LOT for sale. 80x110. on West way Dr., l,250, EM 2-1513. LG bldg. Lots In Kelzer 650. St Up. Jiftl 4-U313. GRIER ADD. ATOP KINGWOOD HGTS. LOWEN AVE. St WEST HILLS WAY. PAVED ST3.. CITY SERVICES RESTRIC TS una. iiM 2-4799. 812 Exch, Real Utaf FOR sale or trade 200 acres 4 miles from Bend. 36 water. 72 cultivated. 2 houses, $11,500 i rane ao.uvu equity ior vanev residence or acreage. 846 N. Monmouth Ave., Monmouth, Ore. 815 Coast Pi operly OCEANLAKE Beach lot. All utii. avail., inc. tv cane & city sewer. $18.75 mo, EM 2-8848. 19 LOTS at Gleneden, sell cr iraae ior saiem acreage, em 3-5565 after 6. BY OWNER 50x100 Ocean view lot in uceaniake, on East Broadway. 3 mln, walk to P.O. $650. 1280 D St. 816 Reiprt Property TRADE all or part ot $2,300 cquuy in a yr. oia a Dearm. Salem horn, for summer beach house. Box 685 States man.Journal. 850 Automotive 852 Used Can For Sol Used Cars Wanted 1S52 Through 1056 EQUITIES BOUGHT TOP PRICES VALLEY MOTOR CO. Liberty at Center EM 4.0206 No Down Payment On ADDroved Credit '50 CHEV 2-DR $495 Bndlo ft heater. 2 yrs. to pay. The Working MaiVs Friend BUZ'S USED CARS 1248 Broadway EM 2-7572 S3 Rambler Station Wagon. Ra dio, fresh air heater, hydra mntlc, one local owner and only 7,100 actual miles, over 11,000 off new price. ONLY $865 down. '52 Chev. Styllne Deluxe 4 Dr., Radio, heater, complete mo tor overhaul, new paint and new tires, very clean inside St out, here's 40 to 50,000 mues oi ensi tree transpor tation ior uhux i.ua aown, '52 Merc Hardtop. Fully cau Deed Dlus overdrive, new paint, dual exhaust, clean ft ready to go. ONLY $295 down '53 Chev I. Ton Panel. Orlffinal finish, new brakes, like new all the way thru, 4 Bpeed transmission, retractable uciiwii ounia ior q id iu pas aengcrs ONLY $205 down. " Bnv' With Confldenp"" ' Bank Finance Up to 100 Pet. uuaraniee Western Motors 128.1 Broadway EM 3-0622 '50 BUICK 4-dr. Radio. AiTto. trans, uood cond. EM 4-5232. 40 FORD 2 dr., radio, heater, Konn conn. u,ivi a-.iitia. 1950 OLDS A8 convertible, Ra oio, neater ana nvdrami e. New full view top. Bell for or irane. ioui ivowen eves. 56 CHEV. Bel Air V-8. 4 dr. r uny equipped Line new. 11885. 1887 N. Winter. 1956 DODGE Station wagon Si- ci i a, ijuw. giittB irani. pow. steering, now. brakes, radio, healer, etc. Like new. Call Earl Malm EM 4-7127, 4030 Si I vert mi Rd. '52 NASI! Statesman, 4 Dr., radio, heater, overdrive, bed. Vejy nice. 1598. 15.15 Norway. 1H50 NASH Ambass. 4 dr. hydra. rntno, neater, mtr. o'haui. 1300, no trades. EM 3-4307. '49 MERCURY Club Cne. leaded in, radio, nearer, extras, liood cond. 1259, 1327 3rd St. 51 PONTIAC sdn. for equity in dcbi car orterea. km 4 -bum or see at 3085 Edward Dr. 7 FORD Fairlane500. Town sdn. BIB rils. Lists, $3,800 Will take offers. EM 2-8848. 47 CADILLAC 4 Dr. Fleetwood II. St M, $190. 165 Holder Lane. EM4-2617. . 1941 DODGE sedan, radio, healer, 4! new Urea, new brakes, new rinas. F.xlra clean IIOO. EM 3-5974 or 240 Hickory. '47 CHKV. 4 dr., good condition or trade for pick-up. 3820 Thorndale Rd. CHOPPED '31 Model A cpe. 3435 rt, iwver no. 900 Display Class. Capitol Chevrolet 1956 Ford V-8 '..$2565 Falrlane Hardtop Victoria se dan, radio, heater, power steering, thunderblrd motor, only 6200 miles. 1956 Mercury .$2265 Medalist Hardtop cne. Heater and defrosters, back up lltes. white wall tires, only 11,000 miles, 1956 Ford V-8 .$2595 4 door. 8 passenger Country sedan Station Wagon, radio, heater, power steering, Ford-O-Matlc, Thunderblrd motor, only 17,000 miles. 1956 Chev. V-8 .$2495 4 door Station Wagon, radio, heater, power oack, power glide, only 15,000 miles. UNION 4 COM'L EM 1-3175 ml lip 1L Chevrolet Cadillac Tues., April 16, 1957 850 Automotive 852 Uted Cara For Sal HAVE - National Bonded USED CARS 100 Parts, 100 Labor, any. wnere in tne U.S. and Can ada. '56 OLDS 88 ...$2995 Holiday cpe. radio, heat er, power steering, power brakes, sharp. '55 OLDS 88 ...$2545 Holiday cpe. radio, heater, power brakes, whitewallf. '55 OLDS 88 ...$2595, super 4 dr. radio, heater, power steering, power brakes, power seat, clean. '55 OLDS 88 ...$2245 2 dr. radio, heater, power brakes, tu-tona paint, on owner, Loder Bros. Co. Used Car DeDt. 461 No. High EM 2-797S 1850 FORD 4 dr., ovardrlve, . mu. ncaicr. r.m a7SU7. 1955 CADILLAC coupe, fully power equipped, EM 4-Wlt eves. .m f-Mza aays. 1850 NASH 1 Dr. Statesman, '40 PLYMOUTH 4 door IT EM 4-4328. TOR SALE: Immaculate 1855 red wnne urown Victoria, white walls, pw. steering, ra dio, etc. EM 2-3927. '56 SPECIAL Riviera Hardtop, sold . aw, nt-cii ujr us BIIICC FlOW, tri-tone Beige and Maderoa Red, this is truly t (tne car for only 2405, WILSON'S Chemeketa at Commercial Ph. EM 4-5711 1852 CHEVROLET IT panel, .itu.ui, iuuun oc pain, good. Body has 2" Insulation. 1679. Call EM 4-2253, Mr. Lewll before 5 p.m. 55 PONTIAC hardtop, food cond., 35,000 miles. 4 new tires. $1,995. EM 4-2674 after I p.m. 853 Auto Porti a Rcpain PAR PlTPATT? . Tune-up work, brakes, mufflers I Innlnllntlnn trm D.,. 1... Oil Co., 1810 S. 12th. EM 4-5041. WRECKING '47 Ply. EM 4-9248. '81 BUICK motor. Doors, rear cim, transmission, raaio. at3 Tryon Ave. 854 Truck, Trail, for saU LIGHT tilting bed trailer, Imp. 35. EM 4-5449. 1056 FORD i T pickup, 10,000 ml. $1,203. EM 2-4728. 1950 WILLYS delivery, goo? cond.. $395. EM 2-4728. '4B CHEV. sedan delivery tot sale. Radio, heater, good con dition. EM 4-7153, 2310- Wal- . lace Rd. 57 FORD Ranchero pickup. EM 4-1557.. eve. only. 856 Wanted, Cm, Trucki WANTED to buy clean used cam, moen motors. .M TRADE pick-up for Crosley. 708 mapie, uauas, ure. MA a-4u, 858 Mororcyclet O.A.C. '41 INDIAN 45 ISO M me. Mechanic ipecial. 41) DOUGLASS 21" Twin I1T m. 81 HAHLEY 74 OHV 133 mo. Wilh side car. SimOCKS CYCLE It MARINE 1370 Highland Ave EM 2-1423 OPEN FRI. TIL 9 1047 INDIAN Chief, ,ell or trad. mr pickup- Also Raraga door Ior sale. EM 4-7298. B60 Auto Miscelloneoui '59 CHEV. V-8 parts. ISM Trad St. EM 4-7509. 862 House Trailer, TRAVEL Trailer, all sizes Aiona, KensKiu, santa Ft. Earl Malm Trailer Sales. 4030 Sllverton Rd. EM 4-7127. Ron's Trailer Sales 5 Years to Pay WITH INSURED PAYMENT PLAN. Famous name brands, Blltmore, Highway Cruiser, 1 Town St Country, and the Cadil. ibc oi momie-nomes "The VENT OURA." will take car, furniture, or what have you tn trade, long est trades tn town. 404 X. Church. - Downtown Salem Across from Meier St Frank a, EM 2-A808. MOBILEHOMES 42, 46 and SO-Ioot lenjths , America's Best Coach :. Terms to 5 Years ;J "Salem's Oldest Dealer" Jayhawk Trailer Sales " 2S40 Portland Rd, EM 3-B043 TRAILER TOWING Ore. Wash Cal. JAYHAWK TRAILER CONVOY 2940 Portland Rd EM 4-SSS4 TRADE My equity In 2 bedrm. homt for in. nse. irauer or auto, valua to 12,000. Home Is 2.5 ml. E. of State Capitol bldls. Hdwd. floors, elec. hi. plenty storas space, att. far., patio, out-door ftp., nice yd. Close to frada schools St shopping centers. EM 2-7541 . TEAR Drop Camp trailer with tunane stove, cm a.7tun. 27 Ft. Exc. Cond. EM 4-7843 Reas. SMALL trailer house. Sleeps 9, cuoKinR facilities, ava, i.ia N. 18th. '5 42 IT. 1 bdrm. trailer, fir. heat. comp. equlpt. win sen equity for $930 or trade for food used car. EM 4-064t ear Sal 4 071. i Irs- I' J