Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 15, 1957, Page 1, Image 1

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PARTLY CLOUDY bnifhti becom
ing mostly cloudy with showeri, lit
tle warmer, Tuesday, Low tonight,
14, with patches of light frost;
high Tuesday, 6i.
re-? Vs
69th Year, No. 89
Salem, Oregon, Mondky, April IS, 1957 AB
Nips Drop
Of Board
GOP Soloiis Head
, Off Abolition of
Associated Press Writer . .
Senate Republicans
blocked Monday organized
labor's move to abolish the
Unemployment Compen
sation Commission and re
place it wijh a single employment
security commissioner.
The 15-15 party line vote is an
indication that the Senate might
not go along with Democratic
Gov. Holmes' proposals to elimi
nate numerous boards and com
missions. Bitl Recommltteed
Alter the bill was defeated, it
was revived and sent back to the
Labor and Industries Committee
with instructions to bring out a
proposal under which the Indus
trial Accident and Unemployment
Compensation commissions each
would be governed by separate
three-man commissions.
Now,, the same three men con
stitute both commissions.
The first move in the hours-long
debate was a motion to re-refer
the bill to committee with -instructions
to have the separate com
missions. It was made by Sen.
Lee Ohmart (Rt, Salem.
This motion failed, 15-15. with
the Democrats refusing to go
Demos Go Along
However, after the bill was
defeated, the Democrats decided
to go along with the re-referral
move, since that was the best they
could get out of the bill. .
Sen. Dan Dimick (D), Rose
burg, opened the debate with the
argument that there is too much
work for the same three men to
run both commissions. '
He said that a single commis
sioner couldn't become arbitrary
to the courts.
Ohmart, declaring that the
work of tbe two agencies should
be placed under separate beads,
objected that a single administra
tor would be both judge and jury.
Says Work Outstanding
He said the present commission's
work has been' outstanding, and,
also ODjectea mat tne name em
ployment Security Commissioner"
has a connotation that the- pur
pose would be tor weuare.
Sen. Walter J. Pearson (D)
Portland, said that a separate
three-man commission would be
very costly. The trend is toward
abolishing many commissions, he
Then Sen. Ben Musa' (D),- The
Dalles, said that, in effect, the
Unemployment Commission had
one-man rule under T. Morris
Dunne, commission chairman for
many years, who was replaced
April 1 by Gov. Holmes.
Fire Consumes
Home in Dallas
DALLAS (Special) "All that
was saved was the deep freeze on
the back porch," Dallas Fire Chief
Walter Young reported- following
the Sunday morning fire at the
Don T. Cooper residence at
Fire broke out in the two-story
frame structure at 10:30 a.m.,
about an hour after the Coopers
with their two small sons left for
Firemen from Dallas and Falls
City responded but were unable
to do anything to control the blaze.
' Cooper is employed by the Wil
liamette Valley Lumber Co. in
Dallas and the family is staying
with his sister, Mrs. Walter Bow
den in Dallas.
Arsonist Slayer of 3 in Idaho
Draws 25-Year Maximum Term
MOSCOW, Idaho tf Paul D. Matovich was sentenced Mon
day to not more than 25 years in the State Penitentiary for a
University of Idaho dormitory fire that killed three fellow
A Journey
In Holy Land
How do scenes of Chrlsi'i
life look today?
Herod's Temple In Jeru
salemwhere the child Jesus
astonished learned doctors
with his wisdom - was de
stroyed nearly 2,000 yrs
ago. But the magnificent
structure, the "Dome of the
Rock,' stands en the spot
You can Tlslt this biitoric
location and others which
played important parts In the
life of Christ by following
"He Was Here," a Holy week
journey to five famous Bibli
cal scenes. The first story,
a sensitive study of the mod
ern appearance of the temple
site Christ t lilted as i boy of
12. appears Monday on pare
5, section 3. The other stories
will be carried daily this
week In The Capital Journal,
3ar complete newspaper.
Convict Flees in
State Jeep, Trail
Traced to Albany
Capital Journal Writer
A State Prison trusty stole
a State Forestry Department
jeep Sunday and fled in It,
later burglarizing two' homes '
in the Shedd-Peorla area south
of Albany and continuing en to
CorvaUis where he abandoned
the jeep.
Sale Edwin Alfred, 25, left a
trail to the grocery store park
ing lot in Corvailis where he
abandoned the jeep but no fur
ther .'trace ot Mm has been
found, --police said.
The smallish AUred, who
had served about 18 months of
a six-year forgery sentence
from Coos County, walked
away from his job as cook In
tbe officers' dining room at
the prison Sunday morning,
' Steals Jeep
' He apparently slipped across
the street to the Stale Forestry
Department offices and shops
where he took the jeep, state
police of the Salem district of
fice said. He was noticed miss
ing by prisoB officials about
30 a.m, and police agencies
were alerted.
- First trace of Allred was at
Ike Pitches Baseball
Season Off to Start
WASHINGTON (yB President Eisenhower pitched a double-
header Monday to inaugurate
season on a sunny and slightly chilly afternoon at Washing
ton's old Griith Stadium. :
Following a tradition of presi
dents for almost half a century,
Eisenhower pitched from the first
base line box set-aside for chief
executives. Only instead of once.
the White House right hander lob
bed twice toward a mass - of
Washington and Baltimore play
ers. Don r. Ferrarese,1 . Baltimore
pitcher, caught the first ball.
Without a warmup, Eisenhower
then heaved another high siow one
and Neil Chrisley, a reserve
Washington outfielder, leaped up to
grab it.
Despite the fair weather, Eisen
hower, who has been fighting a
stubborn . cough since January,
was bundled in a tan camel hair
topcoat, ;
He shed it to throw out the balls,
then put it back on. His box was
in the shadows and it was quite
cool there.
Noon Service
Here Ushers
In Holy Week
The first of a series of Holy
Week noon-day services, sponsor
ed by the Religious Emphasis com
mittees of the YMCA and the
YWCA, was held Monday noon at
the First Methodist Church.
The speaker was the Rev.
C. W. H. Sauerwein, pastor of
Evangelical Bethany Bible Church.
Music was furnished by the North
Salem High School choir.
Other similar meetings will be
held from 12:30 to 12:55 p.m. each
day, Tuesday through Thursday,
at the same place.
Tuesday's meditation will be
given by the Rev. Robert Goertz,
pastor of Keizer Community
Church, with the Porrisb Junior
High School choir, directed by
Philip McHarness, providing spe
cial music.
freshmen last October 18.
District Judge Hugh A. Baker
also told the 21-ycar-old former
' journalism student he would'
recommend that the psychiatrist j
at the prison in Boise "watch you '
with care.
Matovich, accused of setting the
fire in Gault Hall on the campus,
,was convicted of second degree
murder Friday night,
j "This court is without right in
;a proceeding of this character to
'commit the defendant for psychi
iatric treatment even if convinced
I that such treatment is necessary,"
the judge said.
Matovich could have been sen
tenced to a life term. The jury
:in its verdict recommended he be
i given psychiatric treatment. His
attorneys during tbe trial last
week claimed the youth was in
sane at the time of the fire- and
is still insane.
I Matovich. dressed neatly in a
tan suit, stood without expression
as sentence was passed, then sat
down and listened intently as the
judsc explained his decision. His
mother, Mrs'. Anton Matovyh of
; Kellozg, Idaho, sat behind her son
,and wept quietly.
the Jack Aubrey home, abonf
mile west of Shedd oa the
Shedd-Feoria road. State police
of the Albany office reported
they found Alfred's prison
clothing there when they were
called to Investigate a bur
glary. .
Taken In the burglary were
a .22 caliber pistol, about $50
in cash, a pair of trousers, as
overcoat and shoes.
Burglary Reported
The trousers and shoes were
recovered a short while later
in investigating another bur
glary at the Clifford E. Smith
home about Hi miles north of
Peoria. Taken there were a
pair of overalls, another pair
of shoes, coat, shirt, wrist
watch and an army "duffel bag
full of army clothes, officers
said. i
The jeep was found shortly
after midnight in Corvailis. Of
ficers were checking Monday
to see If another vehicle was
missing from that city or if
Allred may have taken a boat
in his flight from there.
. Allred is described as 5 feet
1 Inches tall, 135 pounds,
brown hair.
the 1957 major league baseball
Langley Tries
To Keep Job in
Court Motions
PORTLAND, Ore. ! Dist.
Atty. William M. Langley, con
victed of failing to prosecute
gamblers, will go into court today
to try to hold on to his job.
Langley, onVof the focal points
in a yearlong vice investigation, in
Portland, was convicted by a State
Circuit Court jury Saturday.
The penalty is removal from of
fice and a possible $50 to $500
fine, but Langley s attorneys ob
tained an arrest of judgment.
They are scheduled to argue for
further delay and also to make a
motion for a new trial.
They said they plan to appeal
if their motions are dented,
Atty. Gen. Robert Y. Thornton
of Oregon said, however, that Cir
cuit Court Judge Frank J. Loner
gan could remove Langley from
office at once, despite Bay 3ppe3l.
mormon said it then would be
up to Gov. Robert D. Holmes to
appoint a successor.
Langley, insisting he is the vic
tim of a frameup by Portland
racketeer Big Jim ESkins, has
fought to retain office. The 4f-
year-oid Democrat faces six
er indictments, returned by vice-
New Jordan
J V. $
Maj. Gen. AH Hajari, above, wan named hy King Hus
sein of Jordan as new chief of staff of his army, itayari
supported ihe king in driving out pro-Egyptian elements
in the Jordanian army and government. Hajari succeeds
Maj. Gen. All Abu N'awar, who as deported to Syria in
the ouster. (AP Wircphoto)
King Wins
Rule Test
In Jordan
Pr6-West Premier
i Takes Over in
War Crisis
United Press Staff Correspondent
Pro - Western Hussein
Khalidi succeeded in fornix
ing a new government in
Jordan today. It included
ousted leftist former Premier
SuleimBn Nabuisi.
The ouster of Nabuisi by young
King Hussein last Wednesday set
off a domestic crisis in. Jordan
that threatened to erupt into a new
Mideast ' war.
But Khalidi's success in estab
lishing a -new government ap
peared to be the result of a com
promise between the pro-Western
policies of King Hussein and the
pro-Soviet ana pro-i-gyptian poli
cies ot fMaoulsi.
Apparently it eased the domest
ic crisis in Jordan, although the
ultimate outcome of that struggle
for power still was not clear.
Warning To Israel
Shortly before this development,
there were these other events in
the Mideast:
Hussein ordered the withdraw-i
al of Syrian troops from Jordan
they entered that country to bolsi-j
er its defense at the time of the I
Israeli invasion of Egypt. - I
A Damascus radio report saidi
Jordan warned Israel that ."anv
act of provocation or aggression"
would be met by force; Israel long
has coveted tne Duige ot Jordan i
territory, west of Jordan River and
north of Jerusalem suited in the
1348 war, and it was feared any
Syrian militarv aft inn aoatncl title '
sein's regime might prompt Israel
to move. ,
The Jerusalem, Israel, radio:
reported' that the Iraqi govern-;
ment had warned Syria it would
lake "strict military measures" if
Syria intervened in Jordan; King
Hussein and Iraq's i King 'Feisal
are cousins and allied as members
of the Hasiiemite dynasty with a
natural fear of aggression from
pro-Soviet Syria. . . ,
Understands Problems
In forming the new Jordian
government, Khalidi was faced
with the task of reconciling the
diverting interests of East and
West for the best deal for his own
A Palestinian, he is a former
foreign minister well acquainted
with the devious workings of Mid
dle East diplomacy. He comes
from the same general area as
does Nabuisi and Maj. Gen. AH
Aba Nuwar, the former army chief
of staff, who was booted out by
Hussein in solidifying his position
Sunday. But be also is regarded
as somewhat closer to the King
and more moderate in his views.
Khalidi formed a Cabinet in his
second attempt of the present
crisis. lie was the first person
Hussein asked to try last week
after he demanded and received
Nabalsi's resignation.
The whole picture, however, still
was clouded in uncertainty. Jordan
is held in a tight grip of censor
ship. Even Nabulsi's whereabouts
were hot definitely known. Some
reports said Be was still in house
arrest in Amman, others said he
j had gone to Damascus
Army Chief
' .3',
Gales Up to 73 MPH Belt
NW. Peril. Manv in Boats:
Mail Sacks Pile Up at Tax Office
FI 1
if - t --7 i;
A deluge ot vail, caused by weekend
pileups t the post office and She Aprfi
15 filing deadline, hit Oregon Tax Com
mission offices Monday. Here Mrs. Roy.
A. Kotks, in charge of processing the 1956
Faces Taxpayers
Procrastinating taxpayers the time has come to cough up
that money you owe.
Either you get your state and federal income tax returns
in the mails by midnight tonight or your tax bill will be larger
because of penalty and interest payments.
It is generally assumed that reosH
persons who expect a refund nave
already sent in their returns. Ac
cording to word from the Internal
Hevenue Office in Portland, some
of Utose expecting refunds WiH :
have to WBit for two or three
months. .
It seems that a new accounting
system has been placed in effect
there and some of the retunds
might not he paid ursfii Jaiy IS.
Automatic tabulation machines
have been installed there for the
first time and .refunds will come
mllllUVil UM HL'Al JCSl .- MIC
I new system is perfected.
jj In order io accommodate last-
I minute' taxpayers, the State Tax
' i Commission will keep Its oltices in
lifhe old State Office Building open
I I until 9 p.m. Th internal lievenuo
( Office in the post office closes at
h As usual, the lobby of fhe post
ii office will be open until midnight
i i Monday and mail deposited by that
Si lime will be stamped as of April
jil5. Postmaster Albert C.'Gragg
1 ! reports. This is the deadline fixed
j by the state and federal income
1:tax Bgencies.
i; :
i w earner uetaus
Maximum yIrdy, 53; mfnfnmat
Hon, .Sfi; tat mnnth, t ,53; nrmi
1.29. Smuon pmrMiitatfon, naf
mii, M K, stwf hlht 3 trl, (Bt
porl hy U. thtt Bmo.J
Senate Votes
On Government
WASHINGTON if The Senate Monday passed after eniv
10 Biintiies debate the bill increasing the interest ceifing on
j government savings bonds io 3t per cent.'
i The biii zoes back io ihe House
; which passed the measure in a
jform permitting a 3'i per cent
i ceifing. President ,iseisSioer
! originally asked for a 4'i per cent
I limit on (he Series and ii
.bonds. That would permit raising
jthe return on savings bonds to the
same limit set for other govern
ment obligations.
The Senate's vote came alter
brief expianafion of the bili by
Sen. Byrd D-Vf,
ed tMI h lw
sored ibe measure with "a cer-lmaximam vaiac in years and perior Court later Monday io make
iain amount ol regret" because S it months instead ef the former 9i formal request for ibe grasd
of the burdeBsom effect of bigblycBrj ssd mooibs, jjury call.
Postmen Tote
Big Loads, But
Not Swamped
AH Jirst dass maUer and daily
newspapers which Bf . dciivcri
hy maii, were faeiflg dislrifetcd to
Sakm homes and niral rarirs
Monday without umiae hardship tm
carriers according io S3icm post
master Mbert C Gfgg.
However, most carriers
irtBvier toads ihsn usual This was
thie U Ihs shutdswfi qI customary
Saturday services, erdcred by the
Post Office Ieparfinent.
Beck Financial Probe
SEAM The Board of:
Governors of the Washington State
Bar Assn. called Monday for a
"sweeping" county grand jury in
vestigation of "a55tged miscon
duct, corruption and misase of
funds by tenor anion officials'
the board said was indicated in
testimony helare the recent Sen-
i ate rackets committee iwSfiiig.
Higher Interest
Savings Bonds
j interest rates on many sectors of
tne economy. ,
But he said that it appears some
increase is rates is necessary on
the savisgs eB":l wise, made by unions to public of-
dempiions have been exceeding .... to determine whether
. " , ' .Z. V
IO apply .4 per .T;m laic
all Series K and H bonds id'u!" " , . ..
aiter Feb. i, 59SJ. Martin and Beresford said they
vr T.airv' niiB ihx slBBoed to confer with the presid
.iV. tmafc trill reafh maiitritv !!li
reitiras, eptm tip sne of 49 mail seciis
which came Monday. Forty exir peoji
are needed io open the reiarns, w3siti
should lap 158 sacks hy Wednesday (Cap
iisi Journsi Pboio)
Navy to Grant
Early Releases
WASiilKGTOS Tise Kavy
annsunced Monday it ws8 grant
early releases to some men
il drafted daring lale 3SSS and
Mards, J936.
Men drafted in November and
December, 1955, will be released
after serving 21 Kisnths of ffee reg
ular fs-year draft time. AKassgh
no formal anBOiincemcBt was
made .about the March, , 3S56,
draftees, a Navy searce said these
men may be released with less
than 21 months service.
For the first time since World
War 55, the Kavy was forced to
take draftees during the months
cf November and BeeejBber. 3855,
and March, 1S5S. It did sat ase
the draft after that.
The Navy iasd the releases are
being made "to remain veUhia
bfidgeiary and persisse! ceifeigs
ana laxe Bovamage i optimum
return tn recruiting foar-year cn
hsfees of high caliber."
A statement signed by CesrgeiBB boar. MosaiejB, ajsioe sse aaf'
W. MBrtio, bar assaciaiioa presi
deni, and fiobert Q. Beresford,
member of She issard, arged the
caiiing of tbe grand jury.
H was issued after King Ceiiniyi
ProseeuSor Charies O. Carroli said j
his office was making a close;:
study of 'iesfijBOijy before ibe.:
commiitee by Dave Beck, inter-j;
national Teamsters Union presi-i
dent, and Frank Brewster, head
of tbe western Conference of
Teamsters. i
Carroli said ibe testimony was ;
ander scrutiny So deSertninei
"wbeiher one or more of the;
TeasnsSers officials had coasaiiiSed
. . , violations of tbe erimiaai
Jaws of (bis staff." i
The bar association statement
S3id Bsy graod jary probe also ;
should cover "alleged conspiracies j
of unions and employers and of
.,;,,,;. nmLiL - iW.
,..!crimes ba been commiSSed fori:
which She parties shouid be Hi
, ' ...-.-j
: iflg fad Of the Kiag Omtf Sa-
Seattle Man Only Casualty as
Anglers Flee for Shelter; ,
2 Ships Ram Bridge
A sports angler lost Ms Me, a commercis! fiiliermaR
was rescued horn Ms sinking beat at sea and two dert '
Hct ships rammed a bridge at Portiand in Sartday
violent Pacific Northwest 'windstorm, .
Several score persons on small pleasure boats wer
reported missing eyeraight as .
hey took refuge ashore, bat alii
were accounted for Mosday.
Wma lusts bp to 73 miles an
ihsiir were recorded al Portland
and isp to & iKifcs nt TBiaosh is
jfand, off the csrih Washiagtoa
Seattle Mas Bro nt
drswsed In Lake Cavasaugh ia
(Skagit County-shea his snsaii boat
IsverUirned ta wind-whipped waves,
?He was a' casualty of the first
iday of the Jswland lakes fishing
The storm also sispaKsUy was
a eostribailBg futisr ia tbe death
of Jack Presceii. 43, ef Qiym-
jpis. He was failing s tree st Ms
i borne vfest ef the city when ihe
wand split it. He was casgtst be
neaih it ss' it fei1.
Overnight sesrehes issere con
dscied for hsaiBij: parties in the
Tacsfsa-GiyiJipia sector of Ptsget
iisaaa and ea ins JSqsSBiassg Ses
ervoir in ihe Grswi Coaiee of
Ensiera Washington, bat. ail
toned up safeiy. They blamed
their plight ets rosh water or en
Sins tronbles, .. .
Freighters Tom l.artfe
At Portiand, the wind tore too
condemned freishters irons iheir
graveyard fiBd sent them with
crashing impact against She Haw-
laarsse St. Boaga aver tbe Wii
laasette River. Mo ose was iuiared.
The dereiicis were puiied free
Monday and th bridge was re-;
opened to westbound traffic only,:
The impact tore oat 59 feet of:
raiSng aad erampied 7i feet of:
sidewaik, . . 1 ;
The ships had befit nsosred at:
a wrecKBie vara !s Be a into
scrap meiaf. Two firahsais re
sponded quickly to the emergency,
slowed the ships down assd turned
ibem sideways is redace the blow
io iba bridge.
Portland area was bar-
rassed by wiiKHspped trees, jere
wre asoat 25 fewer Mm breaks
is ihe city area. The Pacific Pow
er and Light Co, reported trouble:
ail tne way from Tiiiamsok oa:
ihe esast is Powell Baito in Con-:
irai Oregoa.
- Plane Flipped
A Sight plane landed at Troh's
airpsrt east of Portiand and then:
was flipped over by ihe wind.
Heavy raias accompanied tbe-
wisd ia most parts ef toe North-;
Off ihe eairaace io Srays Har-;
sr. John W. Jfevil! ef Seattle, a;
commercial fisherman was res-:
caed moments before Ms fishing:
ihe i3iia W., saak in the
wind-whipped Pacific. -
eviiS was me nsses BSSsnere
wten his 6-fi5Si oae-aiaa tastier:
was wrecked by two heavy waves:
aad started io sink, Tbe sbjp weat:
asder so ojikSiiy Neviii didn't:
have time is radio for help or in
flate a iiferaii. An air babbie
kept the bow afloat for a time,
and Seviii eiiios there for 5 mis
sies ssatii resese cbibs. 3ie satd
fee wcaid sat have beea able to
hold oa another five msisates.
5S5 Radioed
Farian3ieiy, BBOiher toiier. She
Jaiia Aaa, saw the ieesa W. start
io sink and radioed aa SOS, Tbrss
i!be Jaiis Abb lost Bgfet of ihe
Strkkea fishbeai and ihe fiose
Marie raced ia the scene ta save
s Winds in ihe Wesipsrt area, ai
iibe entrance Ss Crays Siarbnr.
iwere reported as sigh as S9 ssiies
bar, reported gusts So S8,
The 9 mph was recorded af
Tatoosb island, Tbe wiads reached
SS rapb at Seaiiie,
Notice to
Effective May !, the
prices wiii go into effect
liy Carrier:
Daily per msnih
By Staii: (in advance)
Is Oregon; per sseath.
Three moistiss
Six months
One Year
la US, outside Oregon:
This is the first increase is CapiM Journal sakscrip
tios prices since J852. CsriiiauBUy isscreasiag casts it 1
jsewspriei, labor, asBfcrials aas! services bav rssa'ted
Is expesdsturfs beysnd reveaiies,
This new rate schedule wis? stilt fcs Sower fisaa may
newspapers of wmparabis siie, especially ia tne west.
But it wiii nasi tss to meei issiisg ct3sts tni eesstina
to give yea s better sad betier Capiiai Jounsa! for your
evening reading, - '
E, A. Brown, PuMisfcrf,
Wind Batters
Trees, Spoils
x-apnai j oarn at writer
There were plesty of Sewers for
: r. . ,, : .
lEBsst severe wiad ef ihe sring Bad
aeavy saswers ef rass XBase isavoe
with ibe biasssais, sreisards sad':
siher trees, .
Wind ap io S ss&s per hasr1
velocity is peak gasts whipped
Shreiiish the valley area from
eariy moroisg BBta nsid-afteraoea
Saaday. The average wind was
Si miles veiseiiy. Tim wind start- -ed
aboat 3;3S a.m, Sunday,- eoa-.
iinaiag aasa 3-.S8 p.m. with the. .
In its wake were SsSSered streets.;
lawns ai?d ershards; sfesrt oat ages -in
sewer servks saaS a aansbsr CV
' ; Biossam Utter Ground.
la matsy areas. She blossoms
covered She around instead of tb
big liiBbs,i brascbes and- otiser,.
deiris spaaed ba Sunday appear '
laaee ef iawta,gBrdeBs isi parksv
Eais ascesipaayiag the wtef
aHioaaied ia 9 oi bb isseh ia' ;
Saiem for the 24-hsBr period ejai-'
mg at sb;38 a.m. Monday. Throat
Saiarday night and eariy Suaday,
Jt of an inch feii, bringing th
grasd foist to M of; sa tech for
She weekesd ttorrs.
As ssaal tsSswins si sSsrm. Mrm.
day was raSher calm, bat lioaSy
skies sad nwe showers are iff '
sight for Jtosay, aadsiiHiiar03' '
ditisas are hooked for tbe five
day period.
A few hardy tsais difai.
israved tbe wind aad rain to makt;;'
iCBBiiaaed on Page i. Colaitai ti 1
ews in Brief I
F Mttnday, Aprii i5, ST' g
Senate Approves Higher Inter- i t
est ot US. Bonds ..Sec. 1, P. X ;
ae Pitches First Bait as -.
Major Season Opens Sec. I, ?, I .
icAi, ;
Twa More Toil Plan to - y..t
Qua Saie Fair ..Ses. J, P. i,;
g Bie in Weekeisd Oregos
AcciaesSB ....,sec l, p.-t
Subcommittee Approves High. .' '
er jdueBttoB tsb ..Sec 3, Fil
Hew Cabte Takes Over ia
Tease Jordan See. i P.-'i,
. mify
Major Leagues Begin - -r
Acsion sec , P.-S
Saarl's Slugging , ' -
Siienced Sec. i, P. t
AmusemeaSs Sec. J, P. t
Editorials Sec, 1, P. 4
Lscais See. 5, P. S
Sec, 3, P. 1
Society See. S, P. i-S .
... See. 3, P.
See. 3. P. T
See. 4, P. S-f ,
See. 3, P. .7 '
Waat Ads .
Markets .......
JSorslby Oil ...
... Sec. 2, P4
Crossword Psrale .... Sec. 3, P.
foiiowing tsew sabscriptios
1st The CapHaj Journal;
Per msnis.