rq Page 6 Section' Capital, Edited by MARIAN Zonta Installs; Chairmen Of Comm i ttees Announced r Chairmen of committees for the new year were announced for Salem Club of Zonta International Thursday night by the president, Mrs. Tom Wolgamolt. The appointments followed in stallation of new officers. Dr. Helen Pearcc, past Zonta Interna tional president, officiated at the Installation event, assisted by Mrs. Kenneth Hamilton. The officers include: Mrs. Wolgamolt, presi dent; Mrs. Everett Poe, lirst vice president; Dr. Marlon Morangc, second vice president; Miss Betty Simmons, secretary; Miss Maria Dare, treasurer; Mrs. I. N. Ba con, Mrs. E. E. Woottcn, Miss June Emerson, Mrs. James W. Tindall, directors. The ceremony of "building the Zonta bouquet," in conjunction with Installation, was conducted by Miss Genevieve Morgan and Mrs. Karl Beckc. Initiation service was conducted for Miss Ermina Fisher, Mrs. Ma bel Clock in charge. Woman's Club of JEFFERSON (Special) Mem bers nominated to office at this week's meeting of the Jefferson Woman's Club were elected on an unanimous ballot. They arc: presi dent, Mrs. Walter Kropp; vice president, Mrs. Irving Miller; secretary treasurer, Mrs. Marvin Hutchings; assistant secretary treasurer, Mrs. Albert Powell; historian, Miss Marguerite Looney. The club voted to have the meeting date changed from the second Wednesday of the month to the fourth. A contribution was made to tile cancer fund. : Mrs. E. C. Fisher of Albany, guest speaker, reviewed prlma donna Nellie Melba's autobiogra phy, "Melodies and Memories." Naomi Chapter Selects Committees DALLAS (Special) Mrs. F. S. Klauss, worthy matron, and Lynn McCullcy, worthy patron, of Naomi Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, conducted their first meeting since their Installation last week, i Introduced, and escorted were Mrs. J. Paul Bollman, grand chaplain of the grand chapter of Oregon, from Naomi Chapter; Mrs. R. S. Krcason and Arthur Woods, junior past matron and patron of Naomi Chanter. October 30 was announced as Group Entertained ' Epsllon chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa was entertained this week at the home ot Mrs. ucssie ror sythe, Mrs. Lyle Suittcr assisting. Mrs. Vcrn Suko presiaca. Plans were made for the stale convention in Portland on May 11 and for the national convention in August at Kansas City. The norm. Dating committee made its report, i Mrs. Erscl Mundinger was named president and will bo In stalled with the staff of officers in May. PLE and F Club met Wednes day evening at the home of Mrs, George Thomas, with Mrs. Thomas Itomaine and Mrs. Clara J. Nor ton as co-hoslcsscs. In the absence of the president, Mrs. 0. C. Harris, secretary, pre sided. The resignation of Mrs. II. II. Gatts as treasurer was ac cepted and Mrs. It. P. Grobe was named as her successor. Cards were played following tho business meeting with prizes Roing to Mrs. Lennie Irvine, Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Scott Ebright, Mrs. Gatts, Mrs. Ora McKcnzio. The cluh will meet next on April 24 with Mrs. Leon L. Hansen. MR. AND MRS. Leonard lllxson left this week for an extended visit In Nashville, Tcnn. Mrs. Hixson was born in Nashville and this Is her first visit to her former home city in 41 years. The couple will visit family members there and will stop in other southern states on their return trip to Oregon. FROM Medford comes news of the birth of a son. Thursday, April 11, to Mr. and Mrs. James B. Shaw (Jane Carson). Also wel coming the baby is a sister, Susan. Grandparents are Mrs. John II. Carson of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Bricc Shaw of Aberdeen, Wash. Mrs. Carson plans to go to Med ford after Easter to see the new grandson. Today's Menu SUNDAY NIGHT SUPPER Using two kinds of split pens gives this soup good color. New Split Pea Soup Crisp Toast Salad Fruit and Cheese Reverage NEW SPLIT PEA SOUP Ingredients: l'i cups quick cooking green split peas, 'i cup quick-cooking yellow split peas. 1 ham bone iwilh just a little meat left on), chicken gizzard and heart plus wing tips, 1 medium sized on ion (sliced), 1 cup chopped celery rib and leaves, 2 quarts water, 't teaspoon peppercorns, 2 whole cloves, 2 whole allspice, 1 bay leaf, salt, ground pepper. Method: Wash split peas and drain; put In soup kettle with ham bone, chicken, onion, celery, wa ter, peppercorns, cloves, allspice and bay leaf. Bring to a gentle boil; simmer l'i hours. Remove ham bono and chicken pieces; press the rest through a strainer, jtchcat, adding salt and pepper to taste. If soup is ton thin, simmer tn reduce; if too thick, add a little i lock. Soup usually thickens if e- j Women LOWRY FISCHER The new chairmen announced by Mrs. Wolgamott are; Attendance: Mrs. Phil Brown- ell, Mrs. J. Edgar Purdy. Fellowship: Mrs. Alice LcSoine. Finance: Mrs. W. G. Staccy. Intercity: Mrs. L. E. Showers, Miss Anna Peters. Membership: Mrs. Harry W. Scott. Program: Mrs. Everett Poe. Public information: Miss Jose phine Evans. Public affairs and status of women: Mrs. C. W. Slacey. International relations: Dr. Mar ion Morange. Bulletin: Mrs. Kenneth Hamil ton. Service: Mrs. J. M. Lamb. Directory: Mrs. William E. Smith. Hostesses for the meeting were Mrs. J. M. Lamb, Mrs. H. W. Winkler and Mrs. John B. Schmidt, the group entertaining at the home of Mrs. Lamb's son-in-law and daughter, the Warren Doolitllcs. Jefferson Elects Mrs. Leonard McCaw sang, with Mrs. Gilbert Looney as accompan ist. Following their annual custom, members of the Talbot Woman's Club were invited as special guests to the luncheon. They in cluded Mrs. John Zchncr, Mrs. Jake Gilmour, Mrs. Nelson Gil mour, Mrs. Gilbert Belknap, Mrs. George Marlatt, Mrs. Leo Wcddle, Mrs. Henry Turnidgc, Mrs. Gale Gilmour, Mrs. Ernest Freeman, Mrs. Albert Cole and Mrs. Bertha Bursell. , Jefferson club hostesses were Mrs. Paul Smith, Mrs. Henry Thiessen, Mrs. Guy Aupporle, Mrs. Walter Kropp, Mrs. C. J. Thurston. the evening for school of instruc tion for the chapter and Mrs. Daisy Thomson ot Hood River, grand conductress, will conduct the meet ing, i Mrs. Floyd Spooncr announced, as project chairman, a rummage sale in the near future to raise money for the carpet fund. Mrs. Klauss announced that the year books were dedicated this year to fifty-year members of Naomi chapter. They arc Mrs. Oscar Haytcr, Mrs. Conrad Staf- rin, Mrs. Grace Patterson, Mrs. Nan Richmond. Mrs. Kflie Mac Cuish, Wilson Webb, C. L. Starr and Mrs. Bollman. Committees announced for the coming term nro: Decorating. Mrs. George Kurro and Mrs. Louise Minty; dining room, Mrs. Everett Trent; examining and instruction, George Kurrc, Clifford Jones, and Mrs. Walter Muir; hospitality, past matrons ana courtesy girls: pub licity, Mrs. Earle Richardson; spe cial projects. Mrs. Spooncr. Mrs. Arthur Woods, Mrs. Paul Johnson, Mrs. Lucille Roosa, and Mrs. Maurico Dnlton; finance, Clurk Learner,. Waller Muir and Mrs. E. B. Hamilton: telephone. Mrs. Del Reincmcr, Mrs. James Hoover; visiting and cheer, Mrs. Spooncr, Mrs. Albert Burclbach: Rainbow advisory board, Charles Cochrane, Mrs. Edna McCleary, Mrs. W. J. Page, Mrs. Merrltl Hart, Hollis Smith, Arthur Woods, Airs. Walter Steele. Mother adviser is Mrs. H. M. Wait and associate mother adviser, Mrs. Robert Klecman. ... Decorations In the chapter rooms were daffodils, red carnations and Oregon grope. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. W. J. Jackson, chairman: Mrs. R. I. Van Den Bosch, Miss Dnrotha Young, Mrs. James Hoover, Mrs. Frieda Burgey and Mr. Jackson. 1-1 7 Tells Trnlh Miss Norma Lau rie Love, above, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orval C. Love, Turner, has announced her engagement to A 3c Junior Leon Curelon. son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Cure, ton of West Stavton. SEW AND SAVE FOR EASTER! WOOL YARDAGE For Coals, Suits and Skirts SO Inches Wide 95 $095 to Yd. Kay Woolen ' Mill Store 280 South 12th St. (tP4V S-ltSi ALL BAT Chapter Lists New Officers New officers were elected this week at the meeting of Beta Sig. ma Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Al pha sorority. Miss I d o n n a Shimanek was named president and serving with her will be Mrs. Ray Peerenboom vice president; Mrs. A. C. Dickin son, corresponding secretary; Mrs Richard Schacfcr, recording sec retary; Mrs. Gerald Test, treas urer. The installation event will take place in May. The meeting this week was at the home or Mrs. Schaefer with Mrs. John St. John, Mrs. John Howscr and Mrs. John Cook as co-hostcsses. i Beta Sigma Phi Chapters List News Chapters of Beta Sigma Phi, non-academic sorority, are report ing meetings of the week. Alpha Psl Chapter Mrs. Charles R. Shaw was named "member of the year" by Alpha Psi chapter, when t h e group met this week at the home of Mrs. Frank Marshall. New officers, headed by Mrs. Marvin McClain as president, were installed, Mrs. Lee Thomas,' past president, conducting the installa tion. The group made plans for its cancer campaign doll." discussed by-laws and made plans for favors to be given at convention time. Re freshments were served following me meeting, ine next meeting in two weeks will be at the home of Mrs. Howard Post. Eta Chapter News - hla chapter of Beta Sigma Phi met Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. John Jacobs. A "white elephant" sale was con ducted to finance the annual formal dinner dance to be on May 25 at Randall's Chuck Wagon. Selection of "girl of the year" will be announced at the dance follow ing the election at the April 24 meeting. Tho formal ritual of fewels will be Wednesday, April 17 at the Mayflower Hall. The traditional Mother's Tlnv breakfast is scheduled for May 12 at the Golden Pheasant. Mrs. John Hutto and Mrs. .lamp. Nolnnd presented colored slides in illustrating their program entitled natures Landscape." Bcfresh. mcnts for tho evenine were nrn. vided by .Mrs. Fabian Nelson and miss ueioris Joy. Jefferson Club Sets Evening Style Show JEFFERSON (Sneeinl) T h eagerly awaited style show, spon- emeu uy me ,ie crson Wnman'a Club, which will be given Wednes day, April 17. at II n.m.. in lh Hloh School Gymnasium was discussed at Wednesday's club meeting. Meier & Frank's-Salcm fashions ann moaeis will be presented. Mrs. Hal Reeves will have cnargc oi tne refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Proctor. Mary Martha McNallie and Terry Bailes are among tnose who have been asked to contribute additional local talent. " All proceeds are to be used for the Jefterson Public Library. AURORA (Sneclnl) New nf. ficers. or Ihc Aurora Woman's club are. Mrs. Willis Yodcr, re elected president; Mrs. Ming Kce and Mrs. Belle Snvder. first and second vice presidents; Mrs. 0. W. Linaquist, treasurer: Mrs. Rav Yergcn, corresponding secretary: Mrs. F. M. Ferguson, financial secretary; and Mrs. Albert Ehlen, recording secretary. i nose wishing to go to the Marlon County convention, April 30 at Salem are requested lo con tact Mrs. Yoder at Canbv 3921. The next regular meeling of the Aurora ciud will be on Wednesday, May 1. JEFFERSON (Special) The Talbot Woman's Club will meet at Iho home of Mrs. Dclmer Da vidson April 24. Mrs. Sarah Loflis will be co-hoslcss, Roll call will bo answered by giving tips on gardening. There will be a plant excuangc and a special feature. est 2J SATURDAY Baseball Game s U and other sports events shown on television TELEVISION DEPARTMENT, SECOND FLOOR . MEN'S DEPARTMENT, STREET FLOOR SPORTING GOODS DEPARTMENT, STREET FLOOR Camellia Show AUDITORIUM-SCCOND FLOOR -- fT i f if , i ' ill) f ! m ! ' r -, I t 'if ' " 1 Wed at Lebanon Married recently at Lebanon were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Marcus Schmele (Hazel Patricia Bowman), above. She is the daughter of Walter Bowman and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Schmele, all of Lebanon. (Eggcn photo, Lebanon) all ,;CW ' Wed 50 Years Mr. and Mrs. Walter Olmstead, above, observed their golden wedding recently at a reception in Mill City. . David Loewens Feted on DALLAS (Special) Mr. and Mrs. David Loewcn were honored recently with an open house in observance of their golden wedding anniversary. Their five children and their families were the hosls with around 125 friends and rela tives calling during the afternoon. Baskets of daffodils, forsvlliin and flowering plum were arranged about the rooms. The buffet table featured a low arrangement of camellias flanked with golden tapers. A table in the living room held the decorated wedding cake and beside it was the wedding picture and several of the wedding gifts of Mr. and Mrs. Loewcn. Jimmy and Phyllis Loewcn, grandchildren of the honorees, passed Ihc guest book, Mrs. Her man Reddig served the coffee, and Mrs. Fred Reddig was in charge of the punch bowl. Sons of the honored couple served the cake with other members of the family assisting about the rooms. Mr. and Mrs. Loewen were married at Hillsboro, Kansas. March 29, 1907, and lived there until 1930. They moved to Texas and were there until coming to Dallas in 1934. He was a farmer all his life until his retirement. -APRIL 13 of the Week THE CAPITAL JOURNAL 50th Anniversary The Rev. David Wiens was in charge of the short religious serv ice for all the members of the family preceding the open house. All of the Loewen's children were present for the affair. They are Mr, and Mrs. Abe Voth, Mr.. and Mrs. Ernest Loewen, Lester Loe wen, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Loewen, and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Loewcn. There are nine grandchil dren. Guests from out of town included Mrs. Loewen's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Reddig of San Jose, Calif.: Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Loewen and son f Gardening Is Come in & Enjoy. Our Daffodil Display This Week-end DAHLIA TUBERS Oregon grown in many vorietiei. Pompoms, Cactus, Large Decorative, & Waterlily types. Pompom' each 30c All Others each 50c CHRYSANTHEMUMS Now on hand over 40 varieties individually named in cushion, mound, & upright hardy types. 35C each 3 for $1.00 CLIMBING ROSES POTTED AND GROWING nor waxed nor boxed CLIMBING PEACE: huge yellow & pink CLIMBING PINKIE: multitudes of pink blossoms CLIMBING HIGH NOON: the best yellow climber Regulor value $8.25 - tTT O C SPECIAL All Three for 3' rJLD BRYDON'S SPECIAL LAWN SEED IT PAYS TO BUY THE BEST IN LAWN SEED. Contains all fine leaved grasses includ- QA per ing the new Delta Blue Grass 7C lb. Azaleas, Rhododendrons, Pansies, Delphiniums, Dwarf Boxwood and a Full line of Insecticides, Fungicides, Ferilizers, and Garden Equipment. Brydon's Nursery & GARDEN STORE 41 5 S. High St., Salem Free Parking Free Delivery West Salem Club Lists Officers West Salem Woman's Club elect ed officers for the new year Thurs day evening at its meeting at the West Salem City Hall. Named were Mrs. Wayne A. Bradford, president; Mrs. Sam Emery, vice president; Mrs. Charles L. Wigle, recording secre tary; Mrs. Kenneth E. Hendricks, corresponding secretary; and Mrs. E. D. Effenberger, treasurer. Much interest was manifest in the talk and demonstration of flow er arrangements given by Don Johnson and Mrs. Alma Jarvis during the social portion of the evening's program. Hostesses were Mrs. George J. Brunelle, chairman; Mrs. Hend ricks, Mrs. Leonard Cross and Mrs. J. R. Taggart. ' , Talk on Africa Given SILVERTON (Special) - Miss Dorathca Steusloff of Salem was received with interest in her talk to the members of the Silverton Woman's Club this week lat the Trinity Lutheran Church. Her sis ter, Mrs. G. F. Chambers, and Mrs. Caroline Townsend and Mrs. R. E. Kleinsorge were special guests. Miss Steusloff's talk was on "From Cairo to Capetown," giv ing highlights of her travels in Africa. Tea hostesses included Mrs. Emma Coberly, Mrs. George Hubbs, Mrs. Floyd Fox and Mrs. R. R. Main. Mrs. Hubbs reported on the third district meeting at MacLaren School for Boys at Woodburn, when others from Silverton attending were Mrs. Earl Dcdrick, Mrs. R. R. Main and Mrs. George Christenson. Anniversary Observed SILVERTON (Special) The 59th anniversary of Ramona Chap ter, Order of Eastern Star, was celebrated this week with a no host dinner preceding the meeting. Entertainment included rectitations and musical numbers by the chil dren of members. The birthday cake was cut by Mrs. George Hubbs and Mrs. F. E. Sylvester gave an account of the history of the chapter. Committees for the evening were: Program, Mrs. Wayne Weeks and Mrs. Murl Anderson; kitchen, Mrs. Norman Nyhus and Mrs. Homer Rand; coffee, Ben Sprick; dining room, Mrs. Rex Mc Curdy, Mrs. Steve Enloe, Miss Marbeth Bollinger, Mrs. Kennetn Trimble and Mrs. Ben Eckley. WEST STAYTON (Special) The West Stayton Community Club met at the West Stayton School last week. A program was given bv the pupils of the first five grades, and their teachers, Mrs. Lois Barnick, Mrs. Mabel Jensen, Mrs. Vernie Cork and Mrs. Clara Amundsen, played the piano for the program. A short business meeting followed. Refreshments were served in the school cafe teria. WEST STAYTON (Special A pre-school mothers' tea will be given in the school catcteria Mon- day, April 15. The tea is for mothers who have children start ing to school next year. There will be a sneaker to discuss the things they should know before their chil dren start school. of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Penner, Portland; Mr. and sirs. Charles Klassen and Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Nickel all of Salem; and Mr. Loewen's brother, Herman C. Loewcn, Newton, Kansas. Our Business occ a Miss Webb Tells Betrothal Announcement is made by Mr. and Mrs. Willard Webb of the engagement of their daughter, Miss Carolyn Webb, to Frank Woelk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woelk. No date is Set for the wedding. Both young people are gradu ates of Salem schools. The bride elect is employed at Meier & Frank's-Salem and Mr. Webb is wtih the Navy, stationed in Salem. i Sojourners Election On Thursday Mrs. M. A. Titus was named president for the new term in Sojourners club when the group met and elected Thursday after noon. She succeeds Mrs. A. L. Leonaitis in the office. The meet ing was at Salem Woman's club house. Other officers named include: Mrs. Harold Parsons, vice-president; Mrs. Edmond Watson, sec retary; Mrs. Kelly Peters, treas urer. Installation will be on April 25. The dessert tables featured Easter in decorations with nests of eggs and miniature chickens. Daffodils, forsythia and other blooms decorated the rooms. Mrs. Ted Baker and Mrs. Her man Poulin Were welcomed as new members. Mrs. Olvar Severn was a second-time visitor. Mrs. Harold Parsons won the special prize and prizes at bridge went to Mrs. Parsons, Mrs. Don Hanna, Mrs. Charles Livingston and Mrs. E. H. Cowan. Mrs. V. C. Fletch er was chairman for the day, as sisting hostesses being Mrs. R. H. Vincent, Mrs. B. A. Stewart, Mrs. F. A. Lund, Mrs. Harold Proctor. n . m COME IN TODAY! BRING YOUR ROOM SIZES! Carpet sample, 4' 6" x 6' Hook Rugs, 46"x69" 4.9S Heavy loop Viscose, Carpet samples, 27"x54" 18x30 Fatigue Rugs, Reg. Salem, Oregon, New Corps Of Officers Announced New officers were named at the meeting of the Willamette Valley Chapter of B'nai B'rith Women, No. 136. at Temple Beth Sholom this week. Mrs. Louis Epstein will head the group as president. Other officers chosen were Mrs. Jerry Blum, first vice president; Mrs. David Flaks. second vice president; Mrs. Les Burke, treas urer; Mrs. Daniel Gassner, re cording secretary; Mrs. Fan Sam uels, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Alex Cohen, sentinel; Mrs. Abraham Volchok, guard; Mrs. Sam Muchnick, Mrs. Robert Gold en, Mrs. Philip Steinbock. trust ees; Mrs. Sydney P. Levene, coun selor. The retiring president, Mrs. Le vene, announced a gift of vocation guidance equipment for North Sa lem High School., Members of the B'nai B'rith joined the women for the program at wnicn unanes A. Sprague. for mer governor and publisher of the Oregon Statesman, spoke on "The United States Stand in World Af fairs," stressing the purpose of this country to lend a helping hand to nations around the world and not as a basis for colonization. Mrs. David Flaks and Mrs. San dy Cowan, were hostesses for the evening. . Shower Given At the meeting of Accent Chap ter, Cosmopolitan Associates, Inc., Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Edward J. Hallinan, a show er was given for Mrs. James Hol ferd, member of the group. A spe cial, guest was Mrs. Royl Holferd. Next meeling of the group on May 9 will be at the home of Mrs. Ralph Whisman in Corvallis, with Mrs. Loren Hicks of Turner as as sistant hostess. iii'liiniM1fW'tfiiriiil'-'rPTrif and more on each square w t tilt of quality inlaid savings. Hurry, K ;-v..-- mi ouy at Sears, now. V- BARGAIN COUNTER -70 7.95 24"x45" ..2.99 188 2.98 2.29 :550N.CaBi,o.,EM3. Friday, April 12, 1957 Regional Contest Interest to Club Plans for participation in the re gional meeting and speech contest of Toastmistress clubs in Eugcna .May 4 and 5 were made by Che meketa Toastmistress i-iud at its dinner meeting at the Golden Pheasant, Thursday evening. Both clubs in Salem will assist in tha regional meeting and will handle decorating of convention rooms. The region includes the northwest ' states and British Columbia. Special guests at the dinner,! were Mrs. Dalvina Robinson of In dependence, Miss Jean Lowman, Mrs. Faye Baulaz and. Miss Doris Lipshutz. Welcomed as a new member was Mrs. William Harris. Speakers were Mrs. James Hart ley, Miss Constance Weinman and Mrs. Louis Neuman. During tha impromptu portion of the program,. Miss Caroline Matter, as table , topics mistress, assigned such titles as "Wait Until You See the , Whites of Their Eyes" and "All That Glistens Is Not Gold" as dis cussion subjects. Toastmistress was Mrs. Elmer Rue and evaluator. Dr. Eleanor Gutman. Mrs. R. H. Vincent was hostess for the evening. Mrs. Casteel Elected AMITY (Special)-Mrs. Orville Kurtz was hostess recently to members of the Valley Woman'i Club. Election Of officers was con-. ducted with Mrs. Iril Casteelk re-, tiring president, in charge. The newly-elected president ii Mrs. Joe Panek, to be assisted by Mrs. Walter Nelson, vice presi dent, and Mrs. Beulah Dickinson, secretary and treasurer. Installa- tion of the officers-elect will take , place at the annual Valley Worn--an's Club dinner on May 2, at the Oriental Gardens in McMinn villc. .. -i . Plans were discussed for the club sponsored kitchen unit, soon to be under construction in the City Park. yard!, I -jt -M fmrry Square Yard 6-Ft. Width nip (ooj Choice of Modern Geometric Designs - Marbles - Textures Spatters FAMOUS MANUFACTURERS PATTERNS '; California Original Sea Drift Onyx Tone Florentine Sequin Enjoy the beauty, convenience and economy linoleum at special purchase don't miss this outstanding SPECIALS! WOOL REMNANTS 18"x27" . 1.4S 24"x36" . 2.49 2"x4S" 3.98 Reg. 7.95 Hi-tow loop Viscose, 30x54 4.95 I..B!H:H'li