m ..-in 4 3 I 4 f Capital 'Journal, Salem, Ore., Tues., 'April 9, 1957 GI Picked Up For Woodburn Vehicle Theft A Fort Lewis soldier in a hurry to get back to his post was charged with auto theft early Tuesday when he was stopped in a car stolen a short while earlier from Woodburn, state police re ported. Officers said Kenneth Lcltoy Mathews was arrested in a 1948 Mercury that had been stolen from Everett McMillin, Woodburn. The arrest was made in Milwau kee by state police from that of fice. Stale police of the Salem office said they were called about 3:15 a.m. and notified of the theft, which occurred about 20 minutes earlier, according to the report. The information was relayed to other offices and the car was stopped a short lime later in Mil waukie. Mathews said he was on his way back to Fort Lewis and was afraid of being absent without leave so stole the car to make It back on time, officers said. He was taken to the Clackamas County jail at Oregon City and was returned to Salem shortly be fore noon Tuesday by Marion County officers to face the auto theft charge. UF Quarters Now in Use At Courthouse ' The Marion County United Fund, of which Judge Bex Hartley is president and T. Vernon Merrick executive director, is now estab lished in new, permanent quarters on the mezzanine floor of the Mari on County Courthouse. The Fund is beginning a year round program to develop co operation between agencies both with respect to their financial sup port and the most efficient plan ning and execution of the social service program within (he county. United Fund and Community Chests in Salem and other areas of Marion County will still maintain their local autonomy in the co ordinated program. Merrick is also executive direct or of the Polk County United Fund of which William R. Harland of Rlckreall Is president. Permanent Polk County headquarters will be maintained In a new second floor office in the Dallas City Hall, Budget Planning Becomes Arduous Job for Manager The preliminary work .for Sa lem's 1937-1958 city budget is a seven-day-a-week job, says City Manager Kent Mathewson. For some time now the manager has been meeting daily and nightly with department heads, and last week neither Saturday nor Sunday was skipped. Often the conferees are in session until midnight. Mathewson says the conferences with department heads are pos sibly one-third finished. The new budget for the fiscal year, beginning July 1, will come out in revised form. A different grouping of accounts will he adopted which, it is believed, will be more convenient than hereto fore. Many of the accounts will be broken down in more detail than formerly. Trips for Twoi Polio Victims Slated Here The twice-postponed ,return of Mrs. Harold Adamson from a polio respiratory center near Los An geles Is still scheduled for Wednes day, Glenn Bowman, chairman of the Marion County polio chaplor, said t.iday. Mrs. Adamson is to be returned in a special military plane from Brooks Air Force Rase, Tex., which is to arrive at McNary Field at 2 p.m. Wednesday. The piano is to return to Los Angeles Thursday taking Jerry Saddler, a recent infantile paraly sis victim, to the same center where Mrs. Adamson has been lor more than a year. Harley Bosler Rites Thursday Funeral services will be held at the Clough-Barrick Chapel Thurs day at 2 p.m. for Harley L. Bos ler, electrician in Salem for many years and native Orcgonian, who died Monday at a local hospital. Dr. Brooks H. Moore will offi ciate at the rites and interment is to be in Belcrcst Memorial Park. Bosler, a late resident of 5A50 Trail Ave., had been in ill health for some time, ftelircd for the past 111 years, he owned the Bus ier Electric Co. here for 10 years and installed Salem's first traffic lights and the lights on the old Swcelland Field at Willamette Uni versity. Born at Macleay, cast of Salem, Feb. 14, IBM, Bosler was the son of John and Amanda Bosler, Ore gon pioneers. He had spent his en tire life in the Salem and Macleay areas and started the electrical trade in Salem in liKlfl with the Citizens Light and Traction Co. Bosler was a member of Salem Lodge No. 4 AF ic AM, Salem Elks Lodge No. 336 and the Salem Rotary Club of which he had been made a honorary 50-ycar member. Survivors include his wife, the former Mae E. Rowe lo whom he was married 45 years ago; a daughter, Marjorie J. Bosler, Sac ramento, Calif.; two granddaugh ters, Mrs. Dona llercza, Sacra mento, and Mrs. Carol Eckley, Los Angeles; two great granddaugh ters, Shan Lee Eckley, Los An geles, and Cheryl Undone Den nis, Sacramento; a sister, Mrs. C. D. Smith, Ventura, Calif., and several iiiccca and (iephew. Erowler flGafe! Cash, Check A prowler stole a purse contain ing about sioo In cash and checks from the Wayne Schrunk home, 1215 Iccl Ct.. Monday night, it was reported to city police. Mrs. Schrunk told Investigating officers that they thought they heard a sound in the house during the night but could not find any one or anything wrong. Her purse was noted missing Tuesday morning when she went In get her car keys, she said. The purse contained about $10 In cash and a (92 check, she said. Engineers Get Contract Clark & tlrotf, Salem engineer ing firm, has been awarded a con tract to design a large sewer con struction project at Missoula. Mont., estimated to cost about $2.(100,(100. The project Includes a sewage collection system hy design and building of a trunk line, sewer con struction for portions of the city now without sewers and the con strurtion of a sewer treatment plant. SI Fishing License Bill Up to Governor The Senate passed and sent lo the Governor Monday a bill pro viding for $1 daily angling licenses trom Jan. 1, 1958 lo Dec. 31, 1959. Purpose of the hill is lo oltract tourists, but the bill applies also to residents. Chicago Grain CHICAGO Ul Export news boosted wheat futures prices more than a cent a bushel at times in late dealings on the Board of Trado Tuesday. Jugoslavia bought l'i million bushels of wheat and Greece is expected lo buy 700.000 bushels. Menmvhilo. the visible supply of wheat is decreasing and wheat is moving out of Chicago. Some buying also was influenced by announcement the CCC will resume limited redemptions of wheat export subsidy certificates in the Northwest. Wheal closed Pfc lo 2 cents higher, May 2.tll'.ii-U: corn to ' higher, May 1.30 1.30'j; oats to Vt lower. May 7l: ryo 2 to 2 higher, May 1.32-1 321; soy beans unchanged lo l' higher, May 2.44'i-i. and lard 10 to 15 cents a hundred pounds higher, May 14.90. Mid-Valley Births S.M.KM CENKRAI, HOSPITAL HAMPER - To Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Harper, 11.10 S. 15th St., a girl, April 8. SUDEKMAN-To Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Suderm.m, 4377 Cedar Ave., a girl, April 8. IIASI.KBAaiF.il - To Mr. and Mrs. William E. Haslebacher, lit. 1, Box 182. Brooks, a bov, April 8. WEATIIERS-To Mr, nnd Mrs. Carl Weathers, Rl. 2, Box 107, Salem, a boy, April 8. BRANT To Mr. and Mrs. Don ald A. Brant, 3R64 Center St., a girl. April 9. SA1.F.M MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Sl'RitOZ To Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. Surroz, 2170 Nebraska Ave., a girl, April 9. HEISINCKR-To Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. llcisinger, Rt. 5, Box 341, Salem, a boy, April 9. SANTIAM MEMORIAL HOSPITAL HUSTED-To Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Husted, Turner, a girl, April 4. BANNER To Mr. and Mrs. Ar den Banner, West Stayton, a boy, April 7. SPENNER - To Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Spenner, Rt. 1, Stayton, a girl, April 7. KEUDELL To Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Keudell, Rt. 1, Sla'on, a boy, April 8. Portland Grain PORTLAND IJi Conrse grains. 15-day shipment, hulk, coast deliv- i cry: Oats No. 2, 38 lb white 5t.50. Barley No. 2. 45 Ih 11. W. 47.50 48,00. Corn No. 2, E. Y. shipment 00,50 00. ! Wheat (bid) to arrive market. basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft White 2 61; Soft White (ex cluding Rex' 2.l: White flub 2 61. Hard Red Winter: Ordinary 2 49; 10 per cent 2 49: It per cent 2 49; 12 per cent 2.49. Hard white baarl: Ordinary 2 fit: 10 per cent 2.41 : 11 per cent 2. (it; 12 per cent 2. til. tar receipts: Wheat 49: ttarlev 26; Hour 13; corn 13; mill feed 8. MARKET QUOTATIONS PORTLAND m Bulterfat Tentative, subject t o immediate change Premium quality, dcliv- Cecil Creamer Rites April 10 TURNER (Special) Ion Creamer, 57, of Rt. Cecil Clif- Turner, ered in Portland 60-63 cents P"i dicd Saturday in Santiam Memorial lb; ,'lrs' ?uallty' 5M0: sccond!lloSpilal following a short illness. quality, 52-55. Butter Wholesale, f.o.b bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, 93 score, 59': A grade, 92 score, 57; 58'i; B grade, 90 score, U graae, m score. bo. i-neese JO wiiuiuaaicrf. yji vkuh singles, 41-48 lb; Oregon 5-lb loaf, 43U-53K. Eggs To retailers Grade AA, large, 41-42; A large, 39-40; AA medium, 37-38; A medium, 36-37 A mall, 30-31. Cartons, 1-3 cents additional. Eggs To wholesalers A large, 36K-38V&: A medium, 3414-36; A small, 28'i-30. Live poultry No. 1 quality. f.o.b. Portland Fryers, 214-4 lbs, 22; light hens, 11-13 at farm: heavy hens, 14-15 at farm; old roosters, 7-9. Turkeys To producers L l v e weight fryers, 27-28. Rabbits Average to growers- Live whites, 3'MA lbs, 23-26; col ored pells 4 cents less; old does, 10-12, few higher. Fresh killed fryers to retailers, 59-64; cut up, 62-65. Wool Nominal, clean basis. A blood, 1.10-12; blood, 1.18-20; V blood, 1.35-38; fine, 1.40-43. Wholesale Dressed Meats Beef carcasses Steers, choice, 50-700 lbs, 38.00-40.00; good, 36.00- 39.00; standard, 33.00-36.00; com mercial cows, 28.00-31.0; utility, 27.00-30.00; canncrs and cutters, 25.00-28.00. Beef cuts (choice steers) Hind quarters, 48.00-52.00; rounds, 42.00 47.00; full loins, trimmed. 62.00 67.00; forequarters, 31.00-34.00; chucks, 33.00-36.00; ribs, 43.00-50.00. Lambs Choice, 45-55 lb, 44.00- 48.00; good, all Wts, 38.00-43.00. Pork carcasses Shipper style. 120-170 lb, 30.00-31.50. Pork cuts Loins, choice. 8-12 lb, 40.00-50.00: shoulders. 16 lb down, 30.0O-.13.O0; sparcribs, 44.00 46.00; fresh hams, 12-16 lb, 46.00-49.00. Slab bacon All wis. 43.00-50.00. Veal and calves Good-choice. all wts, 39.00-47.00; standard. 31.00-45.00. Fresh Produce Onions Ore. Danvcrs. m c d. 1.75-2.00, few higher; Texas White 3.75-4.25; Ore. boilers, 1.25-75. Potatoes Local Russets and Burbanks, No. -1, 100 lb, 2.00-50: Central Ore. Russets. 2.50-75: Ige, 6-14 oz, 3.00-50. few 2.75; Klamath Falls bakers, 3.50-Ti; Idaho, bales of 5 sks. 10 lb each. 2.00-25. Hoy No. 2 green alfalfa, baled r.o.b. Portland, 31.00-32.00 a ton, soma lots 1.00-2.00 lower. Apples Box, Ore-Wash red De licious, extra' fnhov trnv nnnlr nna wrnnncd. meuium. 8.50-7.00: largo 5.00-50; loose, pack, small 4.0O-25J standard Delicious, large 4.50-75; Newtowna loose, extra fancy, 3.50-4.00, row 4.25; combi nation 2.50-75; Wincsnp, extra fancy, 5.00-6.00: loose 3.25-4.00: loose, fair quality C grade. 2.25- .10; rca Homes, extra fancy, tray pack, 4.00-25. Celery California 2-24 d 0 z 4.25-50; 3 doz c.75-4.00; hearts 1.75 2.25 doz. Portland Livestock PORTLAND ffl (IISDA) Cntlle salable 350, Includes four loads fed steers and few fed heifers; mar- kci active, fully steady on nl classes; four loads choice 058- 1,02 lb fed steers 2.1.50: truck lot good 1.059 lb 22.50; few standard slcers 18.50-20.00; truck lot choice 958 lb fed heifers 2.1.00: few util ity and standard heifers 14.00- 15; canner and cutter cows mostly 9.00-11.00; few shells down to 5.00; utility cows 12.50-14.00: utility bulls 15.00-16.75; few light cutters 12.50 14.00. Calves salable 50; market weak to 1.00 lower; good and choice venters 24.00-28.50. Hogs salable 200; market most ly steady; U. S. No. 1-2 butchers 1110-235 lbs mostly 20.73-21.00: sev enteen head 21.25 and 10 head 21.35; sows scarce. Sheep -nlablc 100: scattered sales steady; small lot good and choico 110 lb wooled lambs 21.50; (ourty-loiir head good and choice wooled ewes 125 lbs 9.00, with 20 , ifO-IU LUIIA ill O.W, Born Aug. 1, 1899 at Portis, Kan., where he engaged in general farming. Creamer came to Oregon in 1950. Two sons preceded him in death: Clifton and Duanc. Creamer was a farmer all his life, having raised beans in the Willamette Valley for the past four years. He was married to Ida Brown Belts in 1950. Survivors besides the widow in clude his children by a former marriage; daughters, Mrs. Mary June Knieling, Topcka, Kan.; Mrs. Patricia Frydcndail, Smith Center, Kan., and a son, Robert Creamer of Colby, Kan.; ' one brother, Laurence Creamer, Smith Center, Kan.; four sisters, Mrs. Pearl Sibley, Cawkcr City, Kan.; Mrs. Jessie Killinger, Mrs. Hazel Gifford and Mrs. Gladys Hayes, all of Aumsville, and 13 grandchildren. Funeral . will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Weddle Chapel in Stayton. Life Ends for Linda Murphy FALLS CITY (Special)-Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Thurs day for Mrs. Linda Cora Murphy, 58, of Falls City at the Bollman Funeral Chapel here. Mrs. Mur phy died at the Dallas Hospital Sunday as Ihe result of a stroke suffered two weeks ago. She had been an invalid for several years. Mrs. Murphy was born in Ver mont Feb. 13, 1898. She married Thomas Joseph Murphy Feb. 17, 1927 at San Mateo, Calif, and came to Falls City in 1937. She was a member of the Falls City Seventh Day Advent 1st church. She leaves her husband. Falls, Cily; two sons, Leslie Murphy. Dallas, Ore.; and Francis Hansen; her mother, Mrs. Alvin Woodruff, Lakeside, Calif.; two sisters and one grandson. Burial will be in Dallas Ceme tery. Monmouth Boy Hurt in Wreck DALLAS (Special) Ralph Well- man, a student, Rt. 2, Monmouth, is in the Dallas Hospital with a broken collar bone as a result of an automobile accident Monday night. Meager reports slalcd that Well- man was riding in a car with two other youths and three girls when it skidded on a soft shoulder on Smlthficld road and rolled over. Reforestation Ends Reforestation on Bureau of Land Management timber sale contract areas scheduled for the 1956-57 re forestation season has been completed. A total of 687,000 Douglas-fir seedlings has been planted on 21 areas totaling 1,582 acres. In ad dition to the young trees planted. 1.10 pounds of Douglas-fir seed was seeded on three contract areas totaling 162 acres. Dallas Hoy Wounded DALLAS (Special) Ray Richter. Jr.. a student, was treated at Bar- tell's Hospital Monday for a slight bullet wound in the right leg. He told hospital attaches that a re volver dischrarged accidentally when he drew it from a holster. The youth was released after treatment. Mid Willamette Obituaries llerlram Tlinrnt' LEBANON (Special) Funeral services for Bertram Othmcr Thorne of Rt. 3. who died Sunday in the Lebanon Community Hospit al, will bo Wednesday at 2 p.m. at Jest's Funeral Home with the Rev. , O. White officiating. A retired farmer, he lived in the Lebanon area since 1905. Ow . lie was norn .inrcn o. ihici. a. UCagO Livestock Atlantic City. Wyo.. and married CHICAGO t.-n Hoes receinls ! Sadie Elizabeth Hak-liff at Leban- were higher than expected Tues-1 on July 20, 1S09. day nnd butchers generally werej He is survived hy his wife. Mrs. weak to 5 cents lower. 1 Sadie Thorne: by a daughter. Mrs. Several lots of No. 1 and 2 190: Mildred Carey of Reno, Nov., and lo 225 pound butchers sorted for, by a son, Robert F. Thorne of grade brought $18.50 to $18.75. the Lebanon. tup, which compared with a top Theodore Seim SILVERTON (Special' Theo dore Seim. 82. died at Silverton Chicago Onions By t'nlled Press Supplies light, demand moder ate, market slightly weaker. Track sales I50s: None report ed Street sales: Generally good quality Texas grano large 2.50 2.75, few 2.85; Granex mediums 2 .50-2.65. few 2 75: Yellow Bermu das medium 2 60 2.75; Crystal Wax large 2.75; Yellow 3-inch minimum Michigan 1 85-2.25; Wisconsin 2 00; Midwest Yellows mediums 1.65-1.85. ol $18 85 Monday Slaughter steers were slow and unevenly steady to 50 cents lower. a .,-,.( f ,,.-..r.,A .......... I itnnrui Bi..rc , i'-- Nursing Home Tuesday morning Heifers 'were fairlv aclive. and1.1'' is s"''. b-v s""' 0,, fullv steadv ;Seim. of the Evergreen district, ifmul in n'rin,,. wi (,, iiw ,,n,,.r Funeral arrangements will he wooled lambs sold at . $23.00 lo ,mull b' S25 OO the Inn , Home. Salable receipts were 9,500 bogs. 8.000 cattle, 300 calves and 2,000 sheep. Wall Street NEW YORK Ifl-The stock mar ket staged a general advance Tues day. extending it gains late in the afternoon in fairly active trading. Volume for the day was esli- maten hi Annum .-..:i.m."i snares . compared with 1.9j0,W0 Monday, j tci. tjc Salem Markets the Ekinan Funeral DcatI is .Mytl Waltrr FowlYr Utte resident of 1 307 Clfiirview Ave, Salfm, In this city, April ith. .it the n&c or AO vc.ir. Mirvived bv inntniled from rrnnrt or S1rm 2 u.iushtctj. Marian Jean lone nemers litr Ihe nil dartre or Cant HI lem ana Mss .Norma June Fowlrr, rnal Headers (tteled dillvt. Kretli. ItftbbM IVIlrtt - 3$i ISO-lb bat); I70 (too lb. bam. V.&t Mh-4.13 Mtb .): 40 U00- lb. i. n.iiry feed $3 03-$3 50 ( 80-lb. ba: $.170 (100-lb. b). I'oiiltrv : Buyme price Colored frven, ??c; old roosters, 8-; colored (owl. 15c; leghorn (owl, 12c. Kris: Buying prices AA. 33c; lame A. 30v medium A. Jflc; small A. 20c. Wholesale prices: A Jumbo, J3c; extra large AA. AM", large AA. 41c; large A, 39c; medium AA. 37r; A small. SOc, On caitoni, 3c additional. Iliitlerlatt Buying prices Premium. 3c; first grade. 6lV; trade 1. 53c. .s.ilem. 4 stn. Myrle Waller Jr.. R.ib ert 1.. tlary l.ee and t.arry I ec rowler. all of S.ilem: 2 "isters Lucille ll.irtin.in and Mrs. Vivian Cvhran of MuscnUne. Iowa, ntuincement later by How ell-Ed' wauls Funeral Home. llarlry lloOer l.at retirient o( 5V Trail Ave Salrm. at a local hospital April H Survived by wite. Mrs. M.ie A. Ho' Irr. Salem. Vaufi!itcr, Marlone Boi ler, Sacramento. Calif. Sister. Mm C. T.. Smith. Ventura. Calif Grand daughters, Mrs. tnna Herein. Sac ramento. Calif : Mr. Carol rklev l.os Angeles. Calif Creat-erand daughter .Chervl Hirlfne Den-v and Stiart lee Kcklev S?ver, nieces and nephew s also survt e I Services wilt be he'd Thursday mer April II al 3 pm. in ine i ol Retail A A gr id. "IV: Quarters, i t'e Cloiich-Bai rick Funeral Home V holeiale Solid. AA. lie; quar-lPr. Brooks H Moore will officiate liuermeuH xtcicicai Memorial rn. T J 0 ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED . . . Too Late to Classify MOVING Furniture for sale. Sc misc. EM 2-7anfl after 5. OBDER a rabbit fryer for your Easter dinner. EM , ROTO-tiiler. terms, lawn mow ers. EM 4-6'ja9. EXPERIENCED wattressni3hts. Sloppy Joe's Drive-in. 12th & Center, no phone calls. 47""haRLEY " 74." just "rebuilt, $265 4375Rickman. Keizcr. 56 MERC. 4 dr black" & "white lo-tone paint, low mileage, original owner, cxc. care. 2035 University. WALNUT-" dining rm. table, chairs, $.15. 0x12 ru?. $5. Cab- inet radjo, $5. EM 2-7514. 3 BDRMS. on Prfnjtle Rd. Own er moving. Must sacrifice equity. Make offer. EM 4-8268. Z BDRMS. Sub. 37.50. Ohmart 2 Fb1tM"A"LSripinki7e7"l2. $10. 1 yellow, size 14, $1. EM 4-7339. 400 Agriculture 405 Pels FOR SALE or Trade: AKC reg istered litter Weimaraner pups. EM2-i4DX DOG OWNERS: Train your dog. Next obedience training class starts Apr. 17. For informa tion call Ray Hoffman eves. KM 2 0G04. ORANGE and pink apricot ca naries. 1340 Chemcketa. LM 3-4.W5. FOR SALE: Reg. Pekingese pups. 707 Ash. Dallas. KEITH'S PUPPY FARM 54G0 Center EM 2-7:89 Puppies ail kinds. Buy & sell. Aft'noon & eves. No. Sun. Galls. HUNTERS Attention: German Shorthair reg. pointer & re triever pups. EM 4-64S8. !TRi3s7FrSH, HAMSTERS 3180 Livingston EM 2-1842 410 Frui) & Farm Produce 2 BDRM. East., gar., nr. bus, schJ&store$60.EM 3-5837. BUS. 37 passenger, $365. EM 3-9057. Sec ai 1232 N. Com'. 2 BDRM. unfurn., ffcle by side., reaec, gar., i v. js.yi NICE small 2 bdrm. house, $55 majiibo Lynn Ave. ifiM3-ti94t. FO R RE NT- 22 A cash o r shares. Rt, 5, Box 155, Salem. LG. new 2 bdrm., inside util. . F. A. heat, attach, gar., kit., siove & water iurn. n. c.. $75. EM 4-5H33. GRAY oats. $50. T. deliv. Straw. 35c balc.EM2-2925. CLOVER "hav. Marshall plants. 5060 Hoodview ltd. EM 4-1349. DAHLIAS, pansies. fuchsias, geraniums. Wards Garden 4380 Cherry Ave. CLEAN 4 rm. bsm't apt., util., TV connection, rcas. 195 S 24th. BACHELOR APT. Close in, util. furn., pvt. nath. more. dus. f.JU to $40. lmh u St. EM 3-6470 or EM 2-7674. HOUSEKEEPER wanted. Lfve in.Salary. Inq. 360 Vaters. Custom Plowing & Discing EM 4-92C3 SMALL 1 hedrm. house In So. Salem, $35. EM 3-3J23. PLOWING fli dlVclnir."Saiem on ly!EM2-2775 or 2-70J2. ALL steel 2-whcel bed trailer, $35,EM4-871!I. NICELY furn. Apt. Con v. loc. 1 7 1 0 N.Ca pi to I. EM 4-0083. ROTOVATING lawns and gar dens. EM 2-9082 days, EM 4-4280 eves. '57 FORD Victoria Hardtop, Fordomatfc, Radio A- Heater, power steering, white walls, Jnilcd glass. $2,700. EM 2-1129. '51 VOLKSWAGEN,"by owner. Radio, windshield washer, ex cellent cond. EM 4-2171, Ext. 602 daysEM 3-4942 eves. 2 BDRM. hom"ewith2"rA. Closejn. $65 mo. EM 4-9455. '52 BSA Motorcycle. Low mile age, clean, good cond. Gets 90 mi. per gal. EM 2-0127. W I L tTTe TT$" Lfl 00e qulty '57 De Soto, Firodome 4 dr. sdn. Power steering & brakes, lu tone blue, only 875 mi. WA 8-7068 Albany. BENT mod. 2 bdrm. home. See at2178 N.Church St. " FOR SALE: Very good "cond. "i late model Zenith elect, range, 2 sets natural wood bunks with box springs & inner spring mattrcssas, like new. 4 glass pane doors, assorted Sizes. EM 4-S99S or EM 2-4579. 4 BEDROOMS 2 Baths Ono floor. Good kitch en. Largo utility room. Large lot. Nice back yard. Fruit irees, Homo anout 7 years om, Washington School District. Listed Prica $12,950. Call Jim W. Branher, Eves. EM 4-7388 DON DOUGHTON 320 Court St. EM 4-8484 3 BDRM. hou.se in Kefzer, nr, shopping center, bus. Lge. garden, fruit trees. TV ant. EM 3-6536. WANT to baby sit nights & week-ends. Your home. EM 3-3386. CRAFTSMAN band saw. 8" At las table saw. David Bradley garden tractor. 16 II. Neptune outboard motor. Also shotguns & rifles. EM 3-8566 after 4 p.m. 698 Illinois. 300 Personal 312 Lost and Found LOST: Ladies yellow gold watch Frl. p.m. or Sat. a.m. Reward. EM 2-1630 or 2-2497. . LOST: Fox Terrier, vie. Cascade Merc. Reward KM 2-3216. LOST: Man's brown canvas ovcrnite bag on Highway be tween Salem A: Stayton, Sat. afternoon. Reward. EM 2-8017. 316 Personal TOO MANY BILLS? Don't let your bills get you In trouble. If you'ro behind in payments, wo can help you. No security or co-sisncrs neoded. One place to pay all bills Pay only -.v h a I you c a n afford! i Bonded nnd licensed for vour protection!! CUEDIT CONSULTANTS Dial Salem EM 2-8844 for infor mation. I, WILL not bo responsible for any a ems other man my own. Elmer E. McGraw. GIFTS hv Jarv Florists Featur ing IIAEGER Flowerware. OPAL King, well known psychic reader. Limited time. EM 3-3161. ( HA It lb foundation stylist, your nome or mine. j-jo.w. ALFALFA hay 1st. 2nd. & 3rd culling f-asrern ure iaa.. Calif, grown el. T or truck lots TR 3-5857 or TR 3-5855. 412 Market Basket PASTEURIZED whole milk, 82c gal. Homogetmca, Btic, ',2 gal. 44c. Cleary Dairy, EM 2-3035. 414 Poultry & Rabbits 4 DECK chicken or Chinchilla Bntterv, size zmab, spec. au. George Dilts, 625 9th St. W. Salem. 186 WHITE Leghorn pullets, 2 mos. oia. uu. i-jj.ia. TUKKEYx Poults' available. Valley Farm Store. STARTED WHITE Leghorn Eullets. Wilson's Hatchery, yons. Ore.. Ph Utrick B-2S:. BABY chicks hatched yr. round. New llamp. fit wime hock pullets 17e. straight run chicks Hie. Valiv Farm Store. BABY Chicksfor meal or efgi. Sena for free roiaer wiison Hatcnery. Lyons, Ore. PH. ULrick 9-2533. 420 Seeds & Plants PANSIES, 50c. a doz. 3835 Mid- way Dr. EM 4-1221. PANSIES. delphinium. & prim roses for sale. 4 ml. oil center. Kccfers. 938 Iva lane. DAHLIA bulbs $2. doz. Primrose 51 5 rioz. Mum plants 5 for $1. Merrills Greenhouse, Brooks. LGE. grafted, weeping green. & variegated nony trees, peren nials. 2107 N. Commercial, eves. Si wkends. Steincr's Nursery. Dwarf trees, onruns, iianis. toens. uaraen supplies, 3160 Mkt. EM2-1946. JARY Florist Floral Supplies featuring Haegcr Flowerware. AZALEAS 10-50 OFF Drive So. on 12th St., '3 ml. past Morningside School. Turn right at Oakhill Ave. NORTHWEST strawberry plants, new paicn. cm 4-iuuu. 422 Fertilizer FERTILIZER, weed free, sack 50c; truckload $10 del. Harold Jones, EM 4-2089 & 4-85!)2. Rotted Manure, $1 a sack EM 2-2281 CHICKEN manure rich, rotted, 50c sack, $4 yd. EM 2-7371. FERTILIZER Mushroom manure, no weeds. Del. anywhere. EM 2-0331. ROTTED or fresh Manure, by sacK or cunic ya. aei. inu lips Bros. Rt. 5. Box 860. EM i-juai. nosea sun. MULCHSAVDUST" 51 Per Yd. EM 2-40:il Fertilizer. Well Rotted manure We del. anywhere. LM 2-4077 424 Farm Equipment NEARLY new 880 Ford tractor, plow & disc. KM 4-3148. 1!M4 Minn. Moline "Z" inndel iracior, good cond.. on rubber, $200. 1585 Barnes Ave. EM 4- 7R06. DAVID Bradley garden tractor wim aiiacn. $izu. 3-4U2H. FOR sale Cockshutt 40 tractor, new cond.. Ph. EM 4-3251. PLOWING and discine with A.C. crawler tractor. $4.50 br. or by acre, mil rem. t,M z-ojuj, 425 Auction Sales AUCTION OP FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S T0N1TE 4MI1 CENTER SALEM 430 Merchandise 451 Household Goods Save Tine -Save Money' For the Best Professional Services CAE II EMIT 1 Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want Ads Daily ADDING MACHINES Buy as you rent. A Roen-1 ynewriterj a EM 3-4772. ADV. SPECIALTIES Grand openings & Anniversaries uenerai ct saies. coi i-uso-i. Awnings k Patio Covers Custom Made-20 Colors Keystone Aluminum EM 4-8582 CARPKNTER BUILDING, remodeling, cabi- nets & repairing. t,M -h;hh. CEMENT WORK House raising leveling Snd foundations. EM a-to2au. FOUNDATIONS, patios, walks retaining wans, fcfli i-yiuu. CONSTRUCTION NEW homes, remodel., free est. GRAVES CONSTRUC tion Co. EM 3-83U3 or EM 2-257C. CRANE WORK 25-ton Lorain moto crane Si- Jem Send Bt Gravel, EM Z-Z4S1 CORSETIERB CHARIS corsettfer. Lenora Whe- lan, 2380 Lansing, KM z-imu. To Place Classified Ads Call EM. 4-6811 To Place Classified Ads Call EM. 4-6311 K LOO It COVER I N G 8 NO RR I S WALKER Paint Co . Floor-covering Division Quali Ity installations Linoleum. As phalt & Rubber Tile Wall tile Free Estimate!. U i-VTt. I GRADING & DOZING . BULLDOZING clearing roads, ponds D-4 D-6 carryall. V Hu.'ikey EM 3-3146. Bui.LuuZiNG. $560 per fir Ex cavaung. trrnt-iuiic, seoi cs eic tile Macrz. EM 4-3517 alter 9 a m D. PANTOVICH jkizlng. leveling and clering. EM 2 0952. INCOMF. TAX Leci A. Flscus EM 3-5235. 1509 4 In St. Painting & Paperhanging. Free Est. EM 3-U513. 1160 Snipping. ROTO-VATIN'G , . R'oUMilling & lawn work nr. EM 2-0769. 526 Tryon Ave. 24 in. Howard Roto-vator, gar dening & lawn preparing. EM 2-5662 am. or3-S6057tfO PJ- 60; Roto-vator; gardens. lawns. Held work. EM 2-2911 It EM 2-9796. SAND AND GRAVEL VALLEY SAND & GRAVEL CO. Crujhed ft round' gravel sand Ik con, mix. CM SALEM SAND & GRAVEL CO. Ready mix concrete, crushed inund gravel, sand & top toll. 1405 N. Front. EM 2-2461 WALLING SAND AND GRAVEU 1625 McGilchnst ,C r u s h 0 d quarry rocks and gravel. All size for roads, driveways and parking lots. READY MIXED CONCRETE. Garden sand, bull-dnzing, shovel and dragUn work. EMJ-S249. t SEPTIC SERVICE HOWARDS ttoto-Rooter sewer. sep:ic tanm cleaned. EM 3-13TT MIKE'S Septic service Tank cleaned D'rooter clean? sewers drains Phon e EM i-W. Capitol Septic Service tanks cleaned. Sparton rooter cleans sewers. EM 3-7404. EM 3-5072. Ace Septic Tank Service Tanks Cleaned & Repaired EM 4-5112 DAY OR NIGHT? TV REPAIR . H. & II. TV SERVICE Guar. Repair, radio, TV & ant. ZAUL ANYTIME EM 2-9710 U1MIOL3TERING Professional Uphol. All work guar. Free. est. Pickup tt del. Van Hess Uphol. EM 2-4290. 450 Merchandise 451 Household Goods BAR Stools. $3.95. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. l-ioeriy. .fli 4-6371. LIMED Oak dining rm. set. Bullet, tame ana 0 cnairs wun plastic seats. $75. EM 2-7850. 41ST ANNIVERSARY SALE. New i) x 12 lino.. 51.10, savk, Glen Woodry,lC05 N. Summer. SAVE on Glen Woodry s 41sl Birthday sale, new 5011a maple bunk beds with mat tresses, 574.41, 1605 N. Sum ELECTROLUX vacuum cleaner. $14.95. 1321 N. Capitol. Jfll 3-70C7. dir. NEW step end tables during Woodry.-s hihthuay salc, $7.41. Coffee tables; 4' door mirrors. $3.41; new rollaway beds, $12.41: mattresses $12.41; paint (oil base) 2 gal's, $3.41; new floor lamps, $5.41: table lamps, $2.41. Every item on SALE. . Ever item a great bargain. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. LOOK- 10.000 Rolls of Wall paper, close out zac. per single. McGILCHRIST & SONS 255 N. Commercial COME to the great BIRTHDAY SALt at lwi3 n. summer. New box springs with inner spring mattress sets, $39.41. Glen Woodry' s furn. mkt. MODERN 5 pc. dining set, lge. table. A'l. $69.51. save. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. REG. $7.95 Table Lamps $2.41 During Great Sale. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. DURING Glen Woodry's great 41ST ANNIVERSARY SALE, NEW Biltwcll daveno sets, $139.41. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. TWIN size mattress, $6. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty, EM 4-6371. 452 Appliances GUARANTEED Reconditioned automatle wash ers, dryers, ranges & refrtgs. $31.50 & up. YE ATE R APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa SL TAKE over pym'ts. of 25 ft. Amana Freezer. 2 yrs. old, good cond. EM 4-607J. USED appliances. Good selec tion, easy terms, irco acuv ery. S k H Green Stamps. Master Service Station, 365 N. Commercial. BUILT-IN range equip. Deluxe auio. oven w-giass aoor, 1 burner cook top, 3 pc. group $211.75 total. Judson's, 279 N. torn 1. Used Washers, $15 up. Modern Appliance Center 1141 S. ConVL EM 4-9353 GOOD Coldspot refrig., reas. 450 Merchandise 462 Wanted Hshld Goods wanted. Cour Ph KM .1-60118 HONEST, fair, cash price paid for gooa, clean, usen lurnuure and appliances. EM 3-5110. Glun Woodry. 1605 N Summer 464 Sports Equipment 7i A. MERC, .quick Silver & std. units. Matte oner, zi 2-5149. 16 FT. Rinell boat & 4Va H.P. Wisconsin in-Doara, $juu casn. 655 Morgan Ave. BUILD YOUR BOAT For this sumner from kiLi or plans unner expert supervision & Save 50 pet. at Inland Ma rine Works. 1670 S. I61h just So. of Paulus Bros. Cannery, EM 2-7518. COMPLETELY glassed 12 ft. boa'. & metal trailer. Aieiai Ice box $5. EM 3-&U4. 470 Building Materials USED BATHTUBS J17.50 Washbasins $8.50 Sc up 20xlfl" china Sinks ... $4 ea. 1" blk. pipe, 15c; , zuc; 2". 35c. 4" blk. perf. drainage pipe, 25c. It. 1 mod. Montage used oil burn ing t urnace, comp. wim an controls, fan, filter chamber, oil tank & duct work. Will heat 8 rm. hse. $325. Used Ffr. Flooring $45 per M Used No. 2 St otr. dimension lumber Sheathing & bridge timbers $45 to $65 per M Many Other BIdg. Bargains E. S. RIHER & CO. 6740 Portland Rd. 'a ml. North of Totem Pole Open all day Saturday Salem EM 4-83U 450 Merchandise 480 For Sale Miscellaneous NEW 27 gal. garbage cans, $4.41' Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer, TWO 6.70 x 15 Fisk Interurban tires, lubes & wheels, less than 700 mi. 4350 Dallas Hwy. DECAYED sawdust 4t ash wood" EM 2-0549. FOR1 Sale saddle. Good cond, Cockatiel male bird, IV2 yr. Se cage. Eves. EM 4-9470. PIT RUN GRAVEU Top soil. EM 4-4747 RICH BLACK LOAM EM 4-3793. Now Player Piano Rolls Wiltsey-Weathers Music Capilol Shopping Center TOISoTl St fill dirt, order early $ Save $. EM 2-8553 anytime. DAVID-BRADLEY tractor, $50. J5M 4-2334 after 7 p.m. 2 BABY buggies, one $5, one $15. EM 4-7456. PAINT: Real good outside whita $2. gal. 8 gal. $15. 793 N. Lancaster Dr. FREE dirt. Vicinity West Sa- icm. JMvi i-ovza. FRIGIDAIRE ironer. lge. cabl net model, good cond. Cost $225tsell $75. EM 4-3628. ELECTROLUX cleaner $lfl.50. 1321 N. Capitol. Dir. EM 37067. ELECTRIC ranee and TV set" 2442 Lee St. EM 4-5179. 454 Sewing Machines SINGER slant needle-desk mod. sewing machine & chair. Com plete with nil acccs. 1006 Tile Rd. EM 3-7008. 456 T V. & Radio LONG'S ARE BACK IN BUS INESS WITH LARGE STOCK OF QUALITY PRODUCTS AT LOWEST PRICES Galv. wide bottom gutter 13c. Plasterboard $1.30. $1.60. $1,115. Permanent asbestos siding $13.95. Cedar shakes w-u.e. CHEAP. 15 lb. felt Bide, naoer S2.45. " Galv. iron roofing $10.70 sq. No. 2 cedar shingles $5.75 sq. No. 1 cedac shineles SH OO sa. 3 tab 215 lb. comp roof CHEAP Weatherstrip gar. doors CHEAP winnows, ig. siock ciir..'M. Glass doors, man. doors Bargain Nails, per keg. $9.95. C. G. LONG & SONS 1 Mi. N. of Keir.er EM 4-5051 Open 8 to 6. Closed Sundavs STRICTLY CASH U-HAUL Steel garage doors, with hard ware. $43.50. Installed. (53.50. Built-in oven & ramc, $1:15. M -t.it cave trousli. I.'te. Free Blueprint service. Monthly payments. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group no. 1. zuoo pi com 1 b,m t-s. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous." 988 a Loni 1. fc.M z-aiuB. r.Ai a-SBau FORTUNE-Telling": know your present .V- future. $l.KM2-ti61 for appointment. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock For Sale FOR SALE: Good kiddies horse, al-o 2 horses T.indem wheel lr.iilcr. EM3-88ti3. Scientific Horse Shoeing "Tex" KM 3-4005 7-9 am & 7 pm 403 Livestock Wanted CATTLE. 4297 State. E. I. r H. Sncttien. KM 2-1345,KM 2-4380. CATTLE, horses, at your farm. E. C. McCandlish. EM 3-6189. LEAVING town . must sell GE full size range, like new $150. Philco Fridee. SI 25. Blond TV, $80. New Wrought iron uin. lame. 2 cnairs. s-iu. Blond Desk with std. Under- wood typewr. & lamp. $50. new matching sofas for $70. Sicp St end tables. 1040 N. Church St. after 6 p.m. KIRBY vacuum clnr. $19.95 1321 W . C.-lpltof EM 3-70t7 t Dir. . 41st Anniversary Sale. Save at i-,ien woonry, 1003 . summer. UN FINISHED rurni'tu7cH. " L Stiff Furniture. 175 N High 3 PIECE bedroom set. $40. Used .Mdse. Man. ZiU i. L.iceny. EM 4-6:171. KIRBY vacuum cleaner. $30. 1321 N. Capitol. EM-Toe'.dlr NEW modern bedroom sets (Mr. V Mrs. dressers, tilting mirror, biwkcase. bed. box spring and inner spring mattreis. $144.41 during our 41st ANNIVERSA RY SALE. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. 5 PIECE dinette set-$t l7Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-6371. RADIO-phono combination, table model. $15. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-6371. cTiEARANCE. AH T. V. Sets. priced at cost, plus lc. while ! 3740 Silverton Rd, tncy 1.1st. iwoacrn Appi. uen tcr. 1141 S. Com! E M 4-0353. Used TV sets for sale. Modern Appliance Center 1141 S. Com'l. EM 4-9353 CATTLE buyer. A. F Sommer. iS50 Harmony Dr. EMJ-SMT TOP cash prices t your pla RayJoielFl 4-3168 collect. BUYER Claud Edwards. RL 3. Box 899E. EM 4-U1X 405 Pets GIVE ntt-.iv. Part Collie male dog. 4 mo.old.EM 4-6071. FREE 2-5 mo. old part Springer Spaniel pups. EM 3-93iW. GERMAN'" short-hair Pointer, fl tmis . beautiful, wonderful dis- posmonre.iJi. EM 2-01.13. SELL or trade reg German Shepherd pups. KNl3-8ifcM. BOXER pup mo. old. Fawn color $1V 48;M Fir Dell Dr. EM 4-J&S. WF.LCII Terriers, A K.C. Utter reg. EM 4-1437. ri-IOXE EM 4-6S11 JO PLACE AD. EASY terms on complete house hold of furniture and applian ces. Save $100 to $500 during Glen Woodry's 41st ANNIVER- SARYSALE. 1605 N. Summer. USED furniture St appliances. F.M4-6006 after 5:15 p.m. 4 1ST. ANNfVE R SA R Y S A LE. New step end tables, $14 41. Matching coffee table. $14.41. A large selection fine furni ture. Glen Woodry. 105 N. Summer. NEW 5 pc. wrought iron dinetter $33.41. New metal foldir.g chairs, $3 41: used one $2 ea. S.i e during Gien Woodrv 4Ut ANNIVERSARY SALE. I6i5 N. Summer. NEW'highchatr '"$99$. ' Uted Mde. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 46371. REG. $119. new box spring and inner pnng rn.ttress. Sets during our great 41st AN N I -vrrsary sale. $64 4!. Glen Woodry, 115 N. Summer. LOVELY Simmor-Tt'tudto livn, fl-ir.l pjttern. 34 bed. box spntif .v in.ttre. wc-il 9 X 12 rug. EM :-W3 after 8 p m NEW biltwVl! rpti-'rvkerj $4l"4T 41ST ANNIVERSARY SALE, GIca Wtjcdxy, 15 N. Summer, RECONDITIONED TV 90 day warranty. $ 93 anrl up. S A H Green Stamps. Easv terms. Master Service Station, 365 N. Commercial, 458 Musical Instruments ACCORDION OR PIANO les- sons, Dunne Hunsaker, EM 2-8355 . 829 Ratcliff Dr. OLDS. Super Trumpet, excellent condition, izju Market tl. Ph. EM 3-8821. 462 Wanted Hshld Goods WE NEED FURNITURE Valley Furn. Co., EM 2 7472 EPPING LUMBER CO. F.M 4-6123 ELEC. heaters-waii-Oaseboard-portable. Reduced prices. 52 gal. elec. wtr. htr. 10 vr guar.. $6.-1 12-2 wire. 4 cents n in ris. 3 pc. bath set. comp . $120. Built - in oven plus 4 bur. unit. $195. Out let Poxes. 25 cents. H-2 wire 3 cents ft. in rls. 4" gaiv gutter, 13 cents ft. 42" hood $.13 95. . 21 X 32 kitchen sink, comp. $43.95. Apex Electric A Plumbing. 1410 Broadway. EM 2-1886. LUMBER 250 Units new lumber. $:o. per M. and up. Del. in units or trucK ias. aaiem vicinity. TED & LEO MULLER EM 4-0523 i.laiu nnoieum si 79 per sq yd R. L. Elistrom Co, 260 S Liherty. R L. El fstrom Co 2fio s Liberty VINYL floor tile. 10c each.. Want Ad Enablst . -4. Fellow Worker T. J. u.. r 10 irias nomas Tired ol hiin id tnvel diilr from D1II11 to Fort Worth. here he'd been tram (erred, Jima Phtllipt.of Brio iff Airm iyv pliced 1 Qwitied Ad in l Dilli nrMupcr of f trine to vmp hit home lor one in Fort Worth. Fintollftma Kirry Bctx, ilw 1 Briniif em ployct, ho for 5 yen hid been commuitnjt from Fort Worth to Dillu! They r ip- a 1 !. rain 1-4 ViT TAxtf tttrrtf ttfitu; TOP dirt. Fill St river fUt. Ph. CAl Z-DUi3. TYPEWRITERS adding ma chines, cash registers, dupli cators desks, chairs, files, sup plies Roen's. 456 Court. EM i GAL. Taylor Ice Cream Re conditioned. $500. EM 4-5441. BLACK TOP SOIL FIT.I. DIRT Excavating. Delivered Including unaays. X.HL i-iwi or .01 4.246.1. Virgin Top Soil EM 2-1575 CEUAK fence post good quality. iie.iru or muraaieo.. Ol.l. Ph. EM 4-30J1. 481 For Rent Miscellanaoui Hospital Bed With Mattress Valley Furniture Co. . 21S N. Com'l. 10.000 Rolls of Wall paper closa out 25c. per single roll. McGILCHRIST oj SON 255 N. Commercial Hospital bed with Mattress United Rent All's. 2565 Slate St. RENT rr lease lge. warehous. space cement floor, brick bldg., downtown. Inq. H. u Stiff Furn. EM 3-9185. 483 Wanted Miscellaneous CASH tor Used Guns. coins, nil types. 1230 Broadway. and old WANTED several thousand eordl of wood, all species. Ph. S-7721 3-7721 Nights EM 4-5633. 484 Miscellaneous DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES .IiR. ?ARV SEMLER, Dentist Adolph Bldg. State & Com'l St. SALEM PH. EM 3-3311 486 Machinery & Tools NEW k USKD WEt.DEt(S See at 6!l Illinois. EM 3.56S. ar.v F.R A L used welders See at 90 Stewart St. Ph. EM 4-7544. 490 Fuel OREGON FUEL CO. Dry and Green wood gc sawdust. S & 11-GREEN STAMPS EM 3-5533 CAPITOL FTJELCO TRY OUR CHIP MIX ' Dry oak. ash Sc maple wood. ' Chuire slab Jt block wood! mixed dry or green. Dry mill wood m;o Broadway Ph. EM 3-7721 WANTED: Several thousand enrds of oark-free wood, fir or E4-5S.i3Ph' 3',72': ""Ih" ANDERSON'S slab wood units S23. EM 2-7751. DRY OLD GROWTH FIR $13 cord. EM 3-9598. 2U HIGHWAY FUEL CO. ' SAtVm si a.WOOD EM 3-S444 DRY WOOD, slab wood. Slj cord. Oak wood 16" length. JiaorrlJdjyiOTs. FERN FUEL COMPANY " rJS3 ,f ' .Salem Rd- Dallas , j ln- s'ahwood. 2 unll load $16. Prompt delivery Ph JM AaS. " spring"special SAWDUST FOR MULCHING Choice Block 4 Slabwood SASH A DOOR PLANER ENDS. WEST SALEM FUEL CO 1525 Edgewater EM 2-4031 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loon LOANS 150 00 to SI. 500 00 Buy What You Need Consolidate your bills. Finance throueh WILLAMETTE CREDIT , . COMPANY in s Church st oi i-nn Cpr?nTtI-,InV",n"n( C0' rtJ".' cnl"cti Pur. ehued. 6S7 Court EM 4-22&3. RAWLINS Real Estate Co Mortgage . Loans n. r. ', pcu """est wis Chemeketa Ph. EM 4-W75. CAMS-r?.C0KTRACTS AND n t' money to loan. 3U Chetnekeu. EM J-55lt.