Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 08, 1957, Page 16, Image 16

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Pajre 2 Section 3
Salem, Oregon, Monday, April 8, 1957
Church Women Start
Worfe on Fall Bazaar
STAYTON (Special) - An in
gathering of articles for the an
nual fall bazaar was made in
conjunction with the silver tea of
the Woman's Society of Christian
Service of First Methodist Church
last week. Mrs. Irvin Parbcrry
and Mrs. Charles Morgan poured.
The missionary lesson was pre
tented by the president, Mrs.
George Little. Mrs. Alez Harold
was awarded a prize in a guessing
game and Mrs. Kenneth Abbott
won the old-fashioned spelling bee
Mrs. Ray Nye, Mrs. Rose Broad-
ley. Mrs. Little and Mrs. Harold
were the committee for the
Mrs. Lawrence Licrman
ton was re-elected to serve her
third year as president of. Salem
district WSCS at the district meet
ing last week in Silvcrton, Mrs.
Alta Bodcker of Lyons was elected
to the Methodist Home corporation
board for a five-year term.
WEBFOOT (Special) The Web
foot Social Service Club met last
week at the home of Mrs. Ralph
Curfman and spent the afternoon
quilting. Mrs. Ella Branham,
mother of the hostess, was a guest.
The next meeting will be at the
home of Mrs. Henry trcshour.
A. Miss Dickman Wed Sunday
Ofher Mothmasttt Products
Metal Closet Vaporizer 95
Perfumed Closet Vaporizer 79
Moth Prooler Aerosol Bomb 51.49
Mothmasler Lifetime Vaporizer, complete unit -. (149
14 oz. refill.... 85t
9 f IB. TB2'4 LE
5 1BS.$289
SILVERTON (Special) The
wedding of Misr Patricia L. Dick
man and A2c Willaid F. Allman
was an event of Sunday afternoon
in the First Christian church at
Silverton. The bride is the daugh
ter of Mrs. Otto E. Dickman of
Silverton and Mr. Allman is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Willard All
man, also of Silverton
The riles were at 4 o'clock with
the Rev. Ceroid. Sawyer officiat
ing, the Rev. I. M. Nelson assist
ing. Potted palms, yellow gladiolus
es and white irises decorated the
church for the service. Lighting
the candles were Misses Nellie
Harrington and Wilms Paul. Both
wore pale green taffeta frocks.
Mrs. Robert Fry was soloist. Miss
Norma Chambers and Lee Wal
strom sang duets and Mrs. Lylc
Brcnnaman of Eugene played the
Given in marriage by her broth
er. Everett Dickman, the bride
wore a white Chantilly iace over
tulle and satin dress. J he bodice,
buttoned down the back, was
styled with square neckline and
long pointed sleeves. The skirt
was very full with panels of tulle
down the front and ruffles of
I lace and tulle in back extending
.into a chapel length train. The
fingertip veil of French tulle was
; arranged from a tiara of lace,
tulle and seed pearls The bride
carried a white lace and satin cov
cred Bible with a yellow throated
white orchid on top and stream
crs caught with lilies of the val
Mrs. Harold Dickman of Coeur
d Alcne Idaho, sister-in-law of the
bride, was honor attendant. SU
wore a forest green ballerina
length dress of taffeta with green
velvet cummerbund and a forest
green pearled veil. She carried a
nosegay of feathered yellow car
nations, white irises and ribbons.
Mrs. Jack Krater. sister nf the
bridegroom. Miss Marie Barker,
and Mrs. Thurman Krater were
the bridesmaids. They all wore
pale green taffeta dresses with
matching velvet cummerbunds,
and identical in style to the one
worn by the honor attendant. All
carried nosegays of yellow feath
ered carnations and white irises
with pale green streamers. All at
tendants wore pearl chokers.
Peggy Madras, niece of the
Would You Like To Be
Lovelier To Look At?
lricli of Ifjew orlz
Beauty Salon at Lipman's of Salem
T.I. EM 3-3921 EM 4-4481
bridegroom, was flower girl, wear
ing a white embroidered frock
with pale green cummerbund.
Alan Dickman, nephew of f'e
bride, was ring bearer.
Jack Krater was best man for
his brother-in-law. Ushers were
Russell Allman, Henry Madras,
Thurman Krater, Robert Vettcr
and Dale Moore.
For her daughter's wedding,
Mrs. Dickman wore a rose pink
crepe dress with lace panels,
white accessories and a green
cymbidium orchid corsage.
Guests were invited to the
church parlors for the reception.
Cutting the cake were Mrs. Louie
Adams, sister of the bridegroom,
Mrs. Eugene Goerlzen and Mrs.
Ivan Hcrshberger. Mrs. Robert
Dickman, sister-in-law of the
bride, and Mrs. John Biddwell,
sister of the bridegroom, assisted
by Mrs. Glen Hodges, poured. As
sisting were Miss Ailene Loewen,
Mrs. Duane Hugg, Misses Trudy
and Cheryl Dickman. Mrs. Olaf
Paulson, Misses Sharon MeCoul-
lough, Ivadeen Evans. Dorothy
Mitchell, Phyllis Tidwell, Phyllis
Patterson, Marylou Foster. Alda
Meek, Maryline Swafford and
Vcrnice Thackery.
For traveling the bride wore
beige linen sheath dress embroi
dered in shades of brown and
trimmed with brown velvet, a
dark brdwn velvet cane, bciee
accessories and orchid corsage.
rouowing a inp to the coast
the couple will be at home in
Amarilio, Texas, the bridegroom
being stationed at the Amarilio
Air Jborce Base.
Carl Johnsons Feted
On 50th Anniversary
SILVERTON (Special) - Mr.
and Mrs. Carl E. R. Johnson ob
served their golden wedding an
niversary at an open house Sun
day afternoon, April 7. with
families of their eight children ar
ranging the affair at the Johnson
Amanda Berenson and Carl
Johnson were married in Omaha.
Neb., April 6, 1907, on the arrival
of the bride from her birthplace
in Norway. They have been resi
dents of Silverton for many years.
Their children are Mrs. Clara
Peterson, Lucas, S. Dakota; Arn
old, Milwaukie; Mrs. LaVerne
Charsian, Portland: Russell, Sil
verton; Mrs. Maureen Dumas,
Hillsboro: Marcus, Silverton; Mrs.
Dorothy 'Jones. Milwaukie; Dean,
Bellevue, Wash.
The immediate family members
number 32 including grandchil
dren and great-grandchildren.
WOODBURN (Special) "How
to Grow Beautiful Roses" will be
discussed at the meeting ot the
Woodburn Garden Club Tuesday,
April 9, at 8 p.m. at the library
club rooms. C. E. Harmon of the
California Spray corporation will
speak and show pictures. Roy
Kuns and C. W. Conyne are pro
gram chairmen.
Hostesses will be Mrs. Mark
Thompson, Mrs. H. F. Bulterficld
and Mrs. Kuns.
1 f 19 A. M.. .. cor.
I I j fully dreued I of
I kowohold chorei,
! U la
1 'S i 1 Mogi-loce wofcing
k Fv.
II ". Choose Now
for Easter
keeps your legs correctly dressed
for every time of day ... everywhere you go!
ft Af 'H n A
ii :i t if b
4 if f 1 . 1
t . 1 a a . .. , u t i tf
it V
Bride Sunday Mrs. Willard F. Allman (Patricia L. Dickman),
above, was wed Sunday afternoon in Silverton. (Artz studio picture)
Theta Rho Club Meets
FALLS CITY (Special) Gamma
Iota Chapter, Theta Rho, of Falls
City, met last week. At its meet
ing in May, the group will ballot
on new members and will initiate
three Rebekah members as "sis
ters." They are Mrs. Bruce Eddie,
adviser to the chapter; Mrs. Lyle
Gilmore, assistant adviser; and
Mrs. A. C. Travis, chairman of
the magnolia youth committee.
Members of t ie chapter attend
ed the convention of District 9,
Theta Rho, in Corvallis recently.
he three Rebekah members pro
vided transportation for the girls.
Miss l.laine Eddie of Falls City
was elected to the office of page
to the presiding chairman for the
19;8 convention which will be in
Salem, and Miss Donna Shoe
maker, also of Falls City, was
elected page to the vice chairman.
DAYTON (Special) The Kill
Kare Club met last week with
the Tayjor sisters for an all-day
iiieeiuiK. i-umui:k was ai cuun wiiii
a birthday cake honoring Mrs
George Olson, and was followed
by a shower of cards and hand
kerchiefs for her. The group spent
the day quitting for Mrs. William
Roskop The next meeting will be
with Mrs. Arne Willson in two
LYONS (Special) Mrs. Lottie
Grosso was hostess for the Wed
nesday Afternoon Card Club at her
home last Week. Several tables of
500 followed a dessert. High score
was held by Mrs. Eulalia Lyons,
sec-ond high by Mrs. Bertha Al
len and low by Mrs. Alice Huber.
5 Named on
MT. ANGEL (Special) A
nominating committee was named
at the April meeting of the Mothers
Club of St. Mary's Parochial
School last week. Named on the
committee are Mrs. C. J. Ebner,
chairman, Mrs. Allie Schmitt, Mrs.
Vincent Smith, Mrs. Robert Farns
worth and Mrs. Walter Kruse.
Mothers of children who will be
gin school next September will be
invited as sDecial guests at the
next meeting slated for Tuesday,
May 7. Hostesses for the meeting
will he Mrs. Norbert Butsch, Mrs.
Adoloh Etzel. Mrs. Paul Wachter
and Mrs. George Schmidt.
Mrs. Allie Schmidt, well child
chairman, gave a report. The
membership voted a cash donation
to the Benedictine Rjsters Nursing
Home. Articles thSt are being
made for the annual fall festival
6re to be completed and returned
before the end of the school term.
Mrs. George Schmidt, chairman,
Mrs. Paul Wachter-and Mrs. Gor
don Aman were appointed on
committee to consider changing
the date for the annual first com
munion day, which is always on
Mother's Day in May.
Committees were appointed for
the first Friday breakfasts. The
April committee is Mrs. Robert
Farnsworth, Mrs. Ray Bielemeier,
Mrs. John GrosJacques, Mrs. Ivo
Bauman, Mrs. Paul Wachter, Mrs.
George Vachtcr. Serving on the
May committee will be Mrs. Glen
Grussmon, Mrs. Allie Schmitt,
Mrs. Vincent Smith, Mrs. W. C.
Severin, Mrs. Norbert Butsch, Mrs.
George Vachter, and. Mrs. Alvin
The Rev. Cyril Lebold, O.S.B.,
was guest speaker. The attendance
award was given to Sister Mar
erne's room.
WEBFOOT (Special) The Web-
foot Friendly Neighbors Club met
at the home of Mrs. Marion Sisco
last week with .Mrs. Dewey Unruh
as co-hostess.
A letter was read from a woman
in Germany thanking Mrs. William
Paulsen for clothing she had sent.
The club helped Mrs. Paulsen with
the postage.
Entertainment in the form ot
games was lurnisned Dy Mrs.
George Doud and prize winners
were Mrs. Jim Watts, Mrs. Ray
McManimie, Mrs. Ella Branham
and Mrs. Archie Shafcr. Refresh
ments were served by the hostess
es. The next meeting will be at the
home of Mrs.
Bruce Millam, May
1 $ I OXFORD Sil
I Y'' Tft'V'V-- i EnBoQemenl Hint ilJO.OO
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Moke your hip
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mt may lore ltstor too re.
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