Page 6 Section 2 THE CAPITAL' JOURNAL' 3 Legislators Snipe at Fair Board Choices Gov. Robert D. Holmes' appoint ments to the State Fair Commis sion drew criticism today from Reps. Eddie Ahrens, Turner Re publican, and Herman minagrcn, llolalla Republican. Both representatives, who are engaged in agriculture, said they had no criticism of the individuals aDDOinted. but were "disappointed that no one directly engaged in agriculture or connected with live stock was appointed to the com mission." The two Republicans said "Gov Holmes a short while ago asked that management of the State Fair be returned to the Depart ment of Agriculture because he felt that recent fairs had not tressed agriculture enough. "In order to make the state fair more representative of Oregon's agriculture and livestock, it seems to us that the commission should have at least a few members who truly represent and are engaged In these great and important in dustries." Ahrens' brother was a member of the fair commission just .re signed. . Appointed to the fair posts were John H. Travis, Hood River Sun; Del Milne, manager of (he Marion hotel, Salem: V. A. Roush. Mvrtlc Point garage owner; Mrs. Elmer 0. Berg, club woman and educa tor, Salem; and Urscl C. Narvcr, manager of the Oregon State Grange Bulletin, Portland. MARKET QUOTATIONS Heber Pratt Dies at 74 Heber Clark Pratt, late resident of 1275. E, Chemawa Rd and a custodian for a number of years at Willamette University, died inursaay nignt at a local hospital. Pratt, who was born Jon. 27, 1883, at Filmore. Utah, and had resided In the Salem area since 1917, had been ill for some time. Surviving are his widow, Lorana Frail, SalCm; a daughter, Eudora Fryer, Salem; and a granddaugh ter, Shcrri Fryer, Salem. Funoral services will be held Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock in the Latter Day Saints chancl at Fifth and Madison streets under the direction of the W. T. Rigdon chapel. Interment will be in Bel crest Memorial park. Governor Proclaims Jewish Child's Day ' Sunday has been proclaimed hv Gov. Robert D. Holmes as World Jewish Child's Day In Oregon. The day Is designed to call attention to deep concern for the oppressed and homeless as result of fighting for freedom. The day is sponsored by Harfns sah, women's Zionist organization of America, which is the official American representative of Youth Allyah. The uovernor received a gavel, made by the children of Israel, as he signed the proclama' tion. , Chicago Livestock CHICAGO m Butchers were steady to mostly 25 ccpts lower I Friday. ' Several lots of mostly No. 1 and I 190-220 pound butchers brought $18.35 to $18.60, the practical top. Most sows sold at $15.50 to $16.75. A few lots of steers and heifers' were fully steady. Good to aver age choice 950 to 1,285 pound See rssold at $20.00 to $22.00, the1 best price. Good to prime woolcd Iambs weighing 90 to 102 pounds sold at sza.oo 10 $24.50. Receipts: 6.000 hogs, 1,0(10 cat tle, 1,000 sheep. PORTLAND m Butterfat i Tentative, subject to immediate chance Premium quality, deiiV' cred in Portland,- 62-64 cents per lb; first quality, 59-61; second mmlitv. 54-56. Butter Wholesale f. o. b. bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade AA 93 score, 60'i: A grade, 93 score, 5014 : B grade, 90 score, 58; C grade. 89 score, 57. cheese To wholesalers urcgon singles. 41-48 lb; Oregon 5-lb loaf, il'A-tthi. ... Eees - To retailers - tirade aa, large, 41-42; A large, 39-40; AA medium, 37-38; A medium, 36-37; A small, 30-31. Cartons, 1-3 cents additional. Eggs-To wholesalers - A large, 37-38Vi; A medium, 34-33'A", a mall, 28-2914. Live poultry-No. 1 quality, f.o.b. Portland-Fryers. Vk 4 lbs, 22; light hens, 11-13 at farm; heavy hens, 14-15 at larm; oiu musium, 7-9. Turkeys To producers L I v c weight fryers, 27-28. Rnhhits Avcraee. to growers Live whites. 3-4'A lbs, 23-26; col nrnH tie lis 4 COntS lCSS: Old dOCS. 10-12. lew nigncr. rrcsu mncu fryers to retailers, 59-64; cut up, 62-65. Wool Nominal, clean basis blood, 1.10-12; blood, 1.18-20; Vi blood, 1.35-38; fine, 1.40-43. Wholesale Dressed Meats Beef carcasses-Steers, choice, 500-700 lbs, 37.50-4040.00; good, 36.- 38.00; standard, 32.00-36.00; com mercial cows, 28.00-31.00; utility, 27.00-30.00; canncrs and cutters, 95 nn.9fl on. Beef cuts choice steers Hind ouartcrs. 46.00-50.00: rounds, 42.00- 47.00; full loins, trimmed, 62.00- 70.00: forcqunrters, 31.00-34.00 chucks. 33.00-36.00; ribs, 43.00- 50.00. Lambs-Choice, 45-55 lb, 44.00 48.00; good, all wis, 38.00-43.00; spring lambs, choice, 52.00-54.00, Pork carcasses-Shipper style, 120-170 lb. 30.00-31.50. Pork cuts-Loins, choice, 8-12 lb. 46.00-49.00: shoulders, 16 lb down, 30.00-3.1.00; spareribs, 44.00 46.00; fresh hams, 12-16 lb, 47.00 50. pO. Slab bacon-all wis, 43.00-50.00. Veal and calvcs-Good-choicc, nil wts, 39.00-47.00 standard, 31.00-45.-00. Fresh Produce Onions Ore. Dnnvers, mod, 1.75-2.00. few higher; Texas White 3.75-4.25; Ore. boilers, 1.25-75. Potatoes-Local Russets and Bur- banks, No. 1, 100 lb, 2.00-50; Cen tral Ore. Russets, 2.50-75; lgc, 6 14 oi. 3.00-50. some 3.75; Klamath Falls bakers. 3.50-75; Fla. round Reds, 50 lb, 2.50-3.00; Idaho, bales of 5 sks. 10 lb each. 2.00-25. Hoy No. 2 green annua, baled f.o.b. Portland, 31.00-32.00 a ton, some lots 2.00 lower. Apples Box, Oro-Wash red De licious, extra fancy, troy pack and wrapped, medium, 6.50-7.00 large 5.00-50; loose pack, small 4.00-25; standard Delicious, large. 4.50-75; Ncwlowns loose, extra fancy, 3.50-4.00; few, 4.25; combi nation 2.50-75: Wincsap, extra fancy, 5.50-6.00; loose 3.25-4.00 50; red Romcs, extra fancy, tray pack, 4.00-25. Celery California 2-zv, a o z 4.00-50 ; 3 doz e.75-4.00; hearts 1.75 loose, fair quality C grade, 2.15 2.25 doz. Portland Livestock Cattle, for week, salable, 450. Market uneven, fed steers and heifers steady to 25 higher, cows 50 to 1.00 lower, dairy type off most. Low to average choice fed steers to 1,168 lbs. 23.25 to 23.50' with about 4 loads to 23.75; good steers -42.00-23. 00, latter with some choice, standard 19.00 to 21.00; good and low choice heifers 19.50- 22.00, standard I7.50-i9.oo; ngni utility 13.00-14.50; canncr and cut ter cows late 9.00-11.00, shells down to 6.00, utility, 12.50-14.50, commercial to 15.00 and 16.00 ear ly; utility bulls 15.00-16.50, few to 17.00, one 2,400 ids. lo; lew medium and good stockcr and feeder steers 18.50-20.50. Calves, -for week, salable 365. Market closed 1.00 lower on veal- crs, steady on calves. Good and choice vealcrs late 23.00-29.00, early to 30.00, similar grade calves 18.50-23.00; few medium to choice stock steer and heifer calves 17.50-21.25. Hogs, for week, salable 1,450. Market recovered part of mid week 1.00 decline to close 50 to 75 lower. Few No. 1 and 2 around: 200-215 lb. average butchers 20 25- 20.50, mid-week sales mostly 20.00 down. Sows 330-500 lbs. mostly 15.- 00-17.50; few lighter 18.00-18.50. Feeder pigs lacking since Mon day. Sheen: For week, salable 1,000. Slaughter lambs closed mostly 1. 00 lower considering poorer qual ity, ewes nearly steady. No full test late but few good and choice woolcd lambs at mid-week 21.00- 21.50 with scattering mostly good, few choice shorn and woolcd lambs 19.50-20.50; Feeders scarce late. Cull to good slaughter ewes 4.00- 6.00, few choice 9.00. Two small lots 'good and choice 58 and 100 lb. Spring lambs 24.00-24.25 but no lull test in that section. Advertising Statesman-Journal '. Newspapers 289 N. Church St. PHONE EM 4-6811 LOCAL RATES WEEKDAYS Da vb 1 2 3 4 5 6 Linei .40 .40 .35 .32'z .30 .25 TOTAL CHARGES (MID. 2 Itnei) Weekday! "Sun. per line 1 time .40 .30 per line 3 times $1.05 .95 per line 6 times $1.50 $1.40 per line 1 mo. $5.50 (Incl. Sun.) Classified ads will be run in both papers to give adveitisers the advantages of the tremen dous combined circulations. When an ad Is ordered three or six times and a Sunday Issue is included (for examnle Fridjv. Saturday. Sunday) the lower! Sunday rates apply because only The Statesman publishes Sundays. Classified ads will start in the morn nn Orecon Statesman, con clude in ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED ... Too Late to Classify 50 CHEV. carry-all. Mechanical ly perf. Clean. Good rubber. J52S7 1438 N. Cottage. ROTO-T1LLERS. lawn mowers. Cheap. EM 4- 16' BOAT and trailer for sale. New last year. Also zan rvin- ruae, controls. . -naj. REPOSSESSED 21" T.V. New guarantee. 55 down. r.-& terms at "Your Down Town" Fire stone Sotre, 395 N. Liberty.1 EM 2-2491. 2 ONLYI 17" Console T.V.'s In excel, cona. lor only a nown & 55 per month. "Your Down Town Firestone Store, 395 N. Liberty. EM 2-2491. WILL trade 5285 equity in 21' zero- reeze lor ine oesi range offered. Bal. $265.50. $17.70 mo. EM 4-3709. REPOSSESSED J9',5 cu. ft freezer. SIO down. 24 mOS. tO pay. New guarantee. "Your Down Town Firestone store, 395 N. Liberty. EM 2-2491. REPOSSESSED dryer. Assume) low balance. lao moaei. new guarantee. $5 down at "Your Fi...n Tnion" Firo.tnne Store. 395 N. Liberty. EM 2-2491. Portland Grain PORTLAND un Coarse grains, 15-day shipment, bulk, coast de livery: Oals No. 2 - 38 lb. while 54.50. Barley No. 2 - 45 lb. B. W. 411.00. Corn No. 2 - E. Y, shipment Ii0.00-60.SO. Wheat (bid) to arrive market, basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft white 2.61: Soft while (no Rex) 2.61; White club 2.61; West ern Red . Hard red winter: ordinary 2.40; 10 per cent 2.49; 11 per cent 2.49: 12 per cent 2.49. Hard white baarl: ordinary 2.61; 10 per cent 2.61; 11 per cent 2.61; 12 per cent 2.61. Car receipts: Wheat 102; Barley 3; Flour 4; Corn S; Mill Feed 6. Chicago Onions By United Trrss Supplies lijht, demand moder ate, market about steady. Track sales (50s): None report ed. Street sales: Generally Rood quality lexas Uranex large 2 25 J.50, few 2.85: Grano lame 2.65 300; Yellow Bermudas mediums 1.65-2.75; Crystal Wax lnrge 2.75 3.00, few S.25; Idaho Oregon Span ish 3-lnch and larger 2.85; Yellow 3-inch minimum Minncsot 225: Michigan 2.00; Midwest Yellows mediums 1.50-2.00. Cabinet Swank Cut TOKYO Ul-Thc Japanese Cabi net agTccd today that its members from now on will drivo in Japn-jiese-built cars instead of the big American automobiles now In use. Economy appears to bo the object. Wall Street NEW YOftK Hi Mixed trends ruled in the stock market in Ihc early afternoon Friday with nvia tions showing independent strength. Volumo for Ihc day was esti mated at 1,(100.000 shores com-l pared with 1,820,000 Thursday, Demand for stocks of aviation companies, many of which are ac tive in the guided missile field, stemmed for Great Britain s an nouncemcnt of a future defense program concentrating on mis sues. Boeing led Ibis group higher with a gam n around 2 points Douglas and Lockheed rose more than a point. Steels mostly declined, reflect ing a drop in steel scrap prices on the West Const, but Youngslown was an exception. It moved up a couple ot points. Mid Willamette Obiluarics 1 "GALS riNAI. NflTirF Notice 1 hereby siven that T rtuve Med In the Circuit Court ot Marion County, Oregon. Probate Department. my verified final account as Adnitnl- A slit on Minaker SILVERTON (Special) Mnny local friends attended services and concluding rites for Ashton II Minaker, 85, of Portland, Thurs day afternoon with burial at Belle Pass, cemetery. Minaker lived many years In Gcrvais and Monitor, and later at the borne of a daughter, the late Mrs. Gordon VanCleave at Sitvcrton. Survivors include 10 grandchil dren, a half sister, Dorothy Ann Jones, of Portland, and a daugh ter, Dorothy McKinzic of San Diego. Benjamin Rav MILL CITY (Special) Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Satur day at the Weddle Funeral Chapel, Staylon, for Benjamin Lewis Kay, fi3. watchman at the Frank mill, who died at his home here Thursday. Itev. James Hardy will officiate and burial will follow in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery. Mr. Hny was born nt Ml. Pleas ant Sept. 15, 1(193 and lived most of his life there hefore coming to Mill City three years ago. Surviving are his wife, Winnie, Mill City; daughters, Mrs. Sylvia Biggs of Oyslcrvillc, Wash.; Mrs Venita Schultz and Mrs. Lelin Lef- flcr, hoth of Scio; sons, Lyle, AI vin and Alan, all of Mill City; 17 grandchildren, and five sisters and three brothers. Pauline Grigorirff WOODBDHN (Special) Serv ices for Mrs. Pauline Grigorieff, (ifl, will be at 10 a.m. Saturday in the Molokan Christian Society Church. Burial will follow in the Gcrvais Masonic Cemetery under direction of the ltingo-Cornwell Mineral ( hanel. Mrs, Grisorioff died at her home, Rt. 1, Box 255, Woodburn Thursday after a long illness. She wns born in Russia Sept. tl, .HUB ami came to the United States from Iran in l!)Sl and lived in Los Angeles until coming to Woodburn the evenlne Caoital Journal but ads win oe ac zepted (or Sunday Statesman only. The deadline for classified ads is 1:00 D.m. the day beior pub lication except (or Sunday when deadline Is 5:30 p.m Friday Emergency ads and small line aas receivea ner i:uu p.m weekdays and until 12 noon Saturday (or Sunday may be piacea in ins joo L.aie to nasa lly" column. Ads (or Monday Dbneri must be in by S p.m. Saturday.- I The Statesman-Journal News papers reserve the right to re fect questionable advertising: It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification. The Statesman-Journal News papers assume no financial re sponsibility for errors which may appear in advertisements published In its columns and in casus where this paper ts at fault will reprint that part of nn advertisement in which the typographical mistake occurs. A "Blind" Aa an ad contain ing a Statesman-Journal News nnnnrs box number for an ad drcsa Is for the protection of the advertisers ana must tnere- fnre be answered bv letter. 1 he Statesman - Journal Newspapers are not at liberty to divulge In formation as to tne identity oi nn auevrtiser using a anna ad. THIS NEWSPAPER STRIVES to protect Its readers against fraud, deception, or Injuries. Readers are cautioned to make NO PAYMENTS to Ot a DO- Hii-in arivprtisfri In the heln wanted columns. All help! wanted ads MUST SPECIFY THE NATURE OF THE WORK. Sales help wanted ads must state if the pay is in the form of salary commissions, guarantee, or include firm name. Bona fide offers of cm ployment with pay belong to tne neip wanica columns. Ads In other columns which re- nnlrft investment in stocks. samples, equipment or cash bond should be thoroughly In veslignted before paying out nnv monev. Advertisers re quiring a cash Investment for1 s.imples or merchandise, sales aids, etc., must so specify tn their ads. 1 Kindly report any exception to inis ruie 10 ine ciaismeu ad vertising manager. 400 Agriculture 400 Agriculture 425 Auction Silei 425 Auction Sale 451 HousoholdGoodi 4840 CENTER ST. . SALEM Sat., April 6, 10 a.m. & 7 p.m. COMMUNITY PUBLIC AUCTION OT FARM MISC. FURNITURE SHRUBS. POUL.TKY.' LIVLaiUK, SAV. rtllt B1U A TTOIIF AITPTinN. TRUCK LOAD FROM IDAHO OF CHINA, BRASS. CLOCKS. CHESTS, BRASS BED, CABINETS. LAMPS. RAILROAD LANTERNS. MARBLE TOP CHEST. SEC. BOOK CASE WALNUT FURN.. DISHES. OF ALL KINDS, PICTURE t-ramfc RflSFWnnn UPRITF. PIANO. CHOCOLATE CHINA SET FROM FRANCE. I SET FLORAL DINNER WARE. MANY FINE OLD ANTIQUES. PLUS POWER SPRAYER. EXTRA FINE STOCK ROAD TRAILER. CHICKEN BROODERS. AND FEEDERS. BURBANK SPUDDS, AND ONIONS, THIS IS AN OPEN PUBLIC AUCTION. NO SET PRICE. NO RE epnuv? FVF.nvTHINO SELLS TO HIGHEST BIDDER. ALSO FREE CHANCE TO WIN 1:10 CASH IN JACKPOT. PLUS MERCHANDISE AND GROCERIES. ILL SEE YOU AT SCOTTY'S. EVERYBODY WELCOME. AUCTIONEER :. COL. ERNEST E. SCOTT . ' PH. EM 4-6433 Complete House Full ot ttepossessea r urnuure To Be Sold! A hcantiftil Admiral reirigera tor. a 30 range in maicnuiR yellow color, 2 piece sectional, mahogany bedroom set, maple chest, vacuum cleaner, lamps. beds. Motorola iv sei muu other items. 2 ONLYI 1956 model ranges. 20 nff New euaramee. naiurauy. "Your Down Town" Firestone Stores, 395 N. Liberty. EM I 2-2491. I 405 Pets YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR! llSKn AND REPOSSESSED MERCHANDISE FOR THE NORTHWEST. "Your Down Town", Firestone Store, 395 N. Liberty, ol ?-zii REG, German Shepherd female, 3 mo., shots, loves cnuarcn, $30. EM 4-4618. FOR SALE: Reg. Pekingese pups. 707 Ash. Dallas. KENMORE Deluxe wringer washer with pump, cm z-iutu. MAYTAG wringer 'washer, ex cellent condition. Aves. wee ends EM 2-0B03. 8 PIECE blonde dining rm. aet, $36. EM 2 -bob alter a. FEW power 'mowers still avail sole at low i-niv-w Nothing down 2 years to Dav at "Your Down Town" Fire stone Stores, 395 N. Liberty. EM 2-2491. TINY 'black re. Chihuahua male, a mog em z-ioui. GERMAN short hair Pointer pups. Ph. 16F42 stayion. Fnn rat.f.- r.nnd kiddles horse. also 2 horses, ranaem wneei trailer. EM 3-B8P3. PA11PRVTEH BUILDING, remodeling,' cabl-i nets & repairing, bwi i-imob. PEM FWT WnltK FOUNDATIONS, patios, walks & retaining wans, aw i- 1955 CHEV. V-8 Clb. sdn., very clean & mecnanicany mp. only $1,199. Aynbce Motors, 540 Union, EM 2-07O3. i om ni.ns Suner flfl clb. sdn. mriin npntpr. nvorn,. wniiL- walls, new wax job, the nicest one in town. Aynnce motors, .AI TIntnn FM 2-0703. MY personal car. 1957 BUICK "RnoHai nnlv 1.650 miles, ra dio. heater, Se dynaflow. sub stantial discount, trade ft give terms. 465 Mission St. EM 3-6201. HUNTING CABIN 15 x 22 ft. i acre land, cabin Is furnished, nns eieciric hkhw and good veil, near La Pine, Ore., on Wickiup road near little Deschutes river. Good fishing & hunting. Will sell or trade lor car, noai '"' Salem property. Ph. EM 4-7205 eves. 1956 VOLKSWAGEN PANEL $1595 AUTOHAUS. 340 N. HIGH, EM 4-3353 300 Personal RELAX LOST: Woman's white billfold in ph. booth S. 12th. Tues. p.m. Reward EM 2-8046, Dar rel Parnell. LOST: Between Salem Airport & Independence, heavy Drown canvass. EM 2-7164. 316 Personal Order your ad for six days to qualify for the lowest rate! ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED . . . Too Late to Classify 424 Farm Equipment PLOWING and discing with A C. crawler tractor. J4.30 nr. or Dy acre, will rent. iAi z-kjut, SCHIPPERKE puppies , A K C Meg. inenaiy, easily iraincu, excellent child's pet. EM 3-8935. 450 Merchandise 451 Household Goods FOR SALp: German short hair pups, C weens oiu, rcgiMcii-u ready or training. W. E. Brown, Route 2, Box 103, Monmouth, Ore. FOLLOW the money wise buy ers 10 uien wooory s, idus rt, Summer and SAVE. KEITH'S PUIPY FARM 5460 Center EM z-7b Ptinnies all kinds. Buv & sell. Aft'noon & eves. No. Sun. Calls. USED 4 pc. wal. bedroom suite, 4a.ay. Jiogg jjros. zio oiaie UNFINISHED (urmtu.e H. L stiff turmtun.. 175 n IHRh HUNTERS Attention: German Shorthair reg. pointer St re- tricver pups. EM 4-6428. BIRDS. FISH, HAMSTERS 3180 Livingston EM 2-1842 410 Fruit & Farm Produce NEW Floor Lamps $4.95; step in oics Yi.aa, coiice inoies ?!.!.5. The lowest prices in own are at Glen Woodry's, 1605 N. Summer. USED custom maple bunk beds, nogg Bros, zio aiaic CLOVER hav, Marshall plants, 5060 Hoodview Rd. EM 4-1346, AT Canby 1st cutting alfalfa, EM 3-5128 eves. VACUUM CLEANERS All makes. $12,50 up. Dir. 1321 N. Capitol EM 3-7067 ONIONS: 50 cents for 50 lb. ban. For eating & planting. 5320 Portland Rd. SELL or trade: Grass Hay. string bales to 85c, wire 00c. Wheat Straw, wire bale 35c. 3475 Garden Rd. EM 3-1443. 1 TONS clover hay, 100. Phone EM 2-8119. USED wal. piano only , . . $59. nogg rsros. ai atate at. NEW Rollaway beds $12. (1ft; matts. $12.R8. Terms. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. BREAKFAST, dininc rm.. liv, rm. sets. desk. EM 4 -04 BO. 2325 Alameda Ave, DAHLIAS. panstes, fuchsias, geraniums. Wards Gardens 4380 Cherry Ave. APPLES. Winesaps $2.98, New- tons $2.75. Green Apple. Mkt. Portland Rd. 5005 Portland Rd. $15 per mo. buys complete nousenoin oi lurnnure ana appliances at SALEM S low overhead store. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. ' USED furniture & appliances. EM 4-6006 after 5:15 p.m. TOP quality plants for less at Middle Grove Nursery. 4020 Silv. ltd. We Give S&H Green Stamps. FOR RENT BEES EM 4-1908 Morn. & Eve. Mc Kcnney, 5720 Auburn Rd. 312 Lost ond Found ALFALFA hay 1st, 2nd, & 3rd ntitinff x:n.iTfrn lire ina Calif, grown Del. T or truck lots in J-ooo or in o-ooaa. 412 Market Basket GIFTS by Jary Florists Featur ing HAriuLn r mwerwaie, FOR FACTS about the Catholic Church, write F. u. box o.wj. Indianapolis. Indiana. Informa tion sent under plain cover. No personal follow-up. OPAL King, well known psychic reader. iimuea lime. mum 3-3161. HESTLAWN cemetery lot inter ment for 4. $125 earn. c. w. Parker. Box 712, DelakeOre. CHARIS foundation stylist, your home or mine. rm o-.wjo. RF.FLEX massage of the feet. For appointment can r.tvi 2-7220. Mrs. Vcsia Sargent, State Licensed. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group No. 1. 2011 N comi iMiaii PALMIST. Mary read your cortv ntotn HO rpnrftnc. Past, pres ent, future. $1. 3745 Portland Rd. NEW Mr. & Mrs. dresser Bdrm. sets with box spring and in ner sorinir matts. $120.50: charcoal sets complete with spring and matts. yes, Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. USED gas heater, 3 room sire j.iu.ou. nogg aros. do aiaic at. FOOD PRICES Garden fresh carrots 5c pkg. a n large eggs, j:ic out; t mediums 35c doz; pure ground beef 3 lbs. 7!)c. bulk sausage (pure pork) 3t)c lb., old fash ioned frankfurters 2!c lb., rice 2 lbs. 25c, Folgers coffee 96c lb., flake tuna, 2 large cans 25c, Nalley's champion salad dressing 30c qt. Hig one pound porter's frillettes 25c. frozen peas 10c package. Hundreds oi Dargains at QUALITY FOOD MARKET 17th & Center PASTEURIZED whok milk, B2c gnl. HomoEcnlzrd, mc, 'i Ral. 44c. Clcary Dairy. EM 2-3CKI5. 414 Poultry & R.abbiti AL'S BAKERY LARGE bread 25c. Frown Chicken Pies $2.5n rt07. indi vidual Mixed Fruit Tics $1.20 do. Pin, Pies, Frozen. Larue 49c. 1040 Market St. EM 3-7372 ALCOHOLICS Anonymous, 988 S Com'l. EM 2-2108. EM 2-28M TURKEY Poults' available. Valley Farm store. STARTED WHITE Leghorn Eullcts. Wilson s Hatcnery vons. Ore.. Ph. Ulrlck 0-2533 FORTUNE Telling: know your present ft future. II. tH 2-byoi (or appointment. Chicago Grain CHICAGO wi Corn led a rnll' in most Rrnin futures on the Hoard of Trade l'riday but wheat turned somewlial weak in late Irnduio MreiiRlli in oals reflected Irndc reports that wet weather is delny in! nlanlins. May wheat dinned more than new crop months. Sonic trade au thorities helievc the smend he tween May and the distant con tracts which has been i running, 15 months ao. She was a mem a it. cents, is too high. jher of the Molokan Christian So- Wheat closed i higher lo , low-Uoiy 0f Ucrvnis er, May 5 !.23'.-5 124, corn i lo in Survivors include her husband, higher, May !...,. oats V, to ,!, Woodburn; four sons, Stc- v ntgwr. may ,,,., rye hon Gricorieff. Brooks: Mnisev FLYING A Srrvice Station for lease excel lent location in fast growing neighborhood. For information call rM 4 tKwa. 400 Agriculture PIT RUN GUAVKL Top soiLEM 4-7474. "HlClf BLACK" LOAM KM 4-.i7a;i. Itratrlx of the rstate nt Al.lfF Court House at Salem, in Marion chanRcd lo 7 cents a hundred nrv Kanmlm lirmAc anri timmilr runti.K mm ......... Biratnx or me r state or alilt, i, i 1 t . - i'1"" muuivn, nnnvj :: HILLS THOMAS. Deceived, md ssirt J,8hor .,0 lftwp" lir.Roricff. Woodburn; John Grip 2 &,5W Brook,; Isny GriRorieff, Circuit Court Room of the Cmmty1 ' . ,V , ' 7" and Lnrd ,,n' Wnodbum: and one dmisMer. Mrs. BARY chicks hatched vr. round. New Hamp. & wane mock pullets 17c. straight run chicks itc. vancy f arm store. BABY Chlcki for meat or t(fl Srrtd for free to aer w ton i Hatcnery, Lyon. Or. PH. ULrick 9-25U. 402 Livestock For Sate GENTLE Shetland pony, 4462 Market, em z-sp.i. NO DOWN PAYMENT O.A.C. 1R47 INDIAN 74 S 9 mo, 1H511 HAH LEY 125 $10 mo. him USA $11 ino, SHItOCK'S CYCLE & MAH1NF, 1375 HtRhliHUi KM OPBN 'TIL H Kill. 13 ALJOA fnctory built trailer luuisr, sleeps very cican. ;t20 So. aard. I nilOWN quarter horse. Ph. KM 4-U48U. Mzo Aiamcun. mil cniit nr trade I trio Dure bred Nutria. Also a maies & H females. EM 2-01164. Sr-lontific Horse Shoeintf Tex" EM 3-4605 7-9 am (t 7 pm 403 Livestock Wanted WANTED: 2 fresh milk cows. EM 2-IH168. County. Orecon. as the time place for hearing said final account ana an objections thereto. Dated March 28lh. 1!7. LEONE T. BLACK MORE. Administratrix, Estate nf ALICE HILLS THOMAS, De ceased. HOWARD KAFFUN, Attorney, Eilem. Oregon. (March 29, April S, It 19) ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICK NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JOSEPH H. LANE haa, by order of the Circuit Court of the State of orecon. for Marlon county, been an- pointed aa admtnlitrator of the estate of Archie Lane. Deceased, Clerk's Registry No. 17222. All persona having rlalmi against ia atisie are requirea 10 present them, duly verified, with proper vouchers, to said administrator at 210 Masonic Building. Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of urn notice. Hated this 5th day t April, 1957. JOSEPH H. LANE Administrator of the Estate of Archie Lan, deceased. JONES AND ALLEN 10 Masonic Building lm, Oregon Salem Markets from reports of JUItm Deaths Ellen Andean Ktsher April 4th in a local hospital. Late resident of 10,45 N. 20th St., Salem. Survived by a daughter. Mrs. Joseph n. uiiiiri tiarvry jr., roriiann; 2 crandch Idren. Joseoh Charles Mar- and Joyce Ellen Harvey, both of Portland: brother. Paul Anderson, aho Portland. Services will be held Monday, April 8th at 4;00 p.m. In the chnnel of the Vlrell T. Colrlen ( o. Private conclndlnc service will oe ai nru-rest Memorial ptrK. ram lly requests that, In lieu of flowers. contrmminns oe made to the hnlva lion Army, FULL race 270 GMC engine. Sell o riTaae.xAv inwi nnrin-K Coronet 4 door se dan. Gyromatic trans. Deluxe nemer. raoio, nrn. have to sell this week-end. EM 3-WR4. TrCHF.V. 4 dr.. pood condition, Phone EM 2-0450. FOR SALE 2 bdrm. house, clean. good condition, scnooi ,v puv Small down payment. Imme diate possession. EM 2-6874. nv niVNEH: a acre nancho 3 miles fcasi. arnv iw n liome m beautiful secluded setting with spacious lawns. A ime place;, for horse lovers. KM 2-5988. Complied dealers for the ziiirianre of Capital Journal Readers (Revised dally), reedsi Rabbit Pellets - $3.55 (10-lb. bag): 14.70 (100 lb. bag). Egf Maih-44,13 (M-lb.)j 4 80 (100 Dairy feed S3.0S13 (M.ih. hi. 13.70 (100-lb. bag). Poultry; Buyins? nrlces Colored frvr. 53f old roosters, 8c: colored fowl, 15c; leghorn fowl, 12c. Buying Prices AA. aoc Urea A, 30s: medium A. 28c: small A. 20c I II r her riirk Pratt wholesale prices: A Jumho. 53c: Iwit rrsident of 1275 rhemaw.i large A. 3Jic: medium AA. 37r; A.lluband of Lorana Pratt. SOrm; , 3 PMS. turn. .1st fir . bat . ntll . EM TOP cash prices at your place Kay uozci. -JiDBcoiiec. BUYER Claud Edwards. RL 3, Box 809E. EM 4-1113. CATTLE buyer. A. T Sommer 1290 Harmony ur. bj CATTLE. 4297 State. E 1. & R. Snethen, em z-1345. em a-wot CATTLE, horse, at your farm E. C Mcuanansn i.xi a-omw 420 Seeds & Plants FOR SALE Blueberry plants 11.50 ea. or 10 for Simuhirrv olants North west, Marshall. Shasta S3 per IW. nun sireanuiiivr oiri bearing strawberry plants $4 Cer 100. tneiiem Diarmwrry. oysenberry & Nectar berry plants 2ic. ea.. 5 tor i. mellia plants budded) V5C. u tfi. rnnned roses 5!C. ea. AT Fruit Stand Just North of Woodburn on Hi-way 99E. Woodburn Ph. 2-7806. 'a HP Chor tractor, 5x12 tires, 450 Merchandise 450 Merchandise 450 Merchandise 470 -B'B Mf rials 470 Building Mate riitt 270 S. Liberty EM 4-6.171 NEW SK12 rue nads SB.8S: aoor mirrors u.w: w xnewj sarden hose S1.M3: 27 eal. Kar bage cans $4.75; new 9X121 linoleums $4.98; folding chairs! $3.49; trouble lites 99c; air tite wood heaters $6.95; used bX12 rugs $19.50; and a 1.000 omer oien wooary pargdins 1605 N. Summer. SOLID MAPLE FURNITURK is priced lower at Glen Woodry s. ssew sieo ena-iaoies, ceffee tables $14.95. You save wnen you snop at iwa r Summer. If REDUCED 25c per day until sold 70 doors 24x6-8x1 HC Mahog Grade A STARTING PRICE FRIDAY MAR. 29TH, $5.50 FRIDAY'S PRICE $4.00 buy 1 or take them all. Try our easy budget, nothing down and easy payment. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD 235 North Front m EM 3-91U " We Give S&H Green Stamps NEW Large Chrome or wr. Iron i pc. nineties shu.uu. uicn Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. SALEM'S Lowest nrices on used oeas, ma tresses, springs, aa veno's, dinettes, chairs, odd tables, refrifierators, ranfes, wash, machines ' we over loaded. ALL PRICES SLASH ED! 1 Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. OPEN TONITE Clen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer YOU'LL save $l6b"To$500 when you buy a complete household of furniture and aDDliances. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer Keith Brown Specials. PLYWOOD FIR 40 pes. 4 x JO x V Sanded Blows 34 pes. 4 x 9 x 3 Sanded Blows 229 pes. 4 x 8 x Sanded Blows 70 pes. 4 x 7 x 'a Sanded Blows 71 pes. 4 x 8 x i Sanded Blows 171 pes. 4 x 8 x Sanded Blows :. 100 pes. 4 x 8 x i Sanded Blows 10 pea. 4 x 8 x 516 Sheathing Blows 73 pes. 4 x 8x?i Sheathing Blows 1? nfs. A v 8-!!, Sheathine Blows - . 40 pes. 4 x 8 x fc Sheathing Blows 50 nes. 4 x fl x 3i Sheathing Blows . OAK PLYWOOD 16 pes. 4 x 8 x bnop , 10 pes. 4 x 6 x 3i Shop . 5 pes. 4 x 7 x 3 Shop 26 nes. 4 x B X Shop .. PANELING 1X6 8 ' ID X nLi U Oi Bi' nem . 1x8 R-L Knot Alaskan Cedar 1 X 6 & 1 x 8 Tite Knot White Pine 1x8 Tite Knot Spruce - ',2 x 6 & i x 8 Clear Cedar 1X6 me inoi ceaar 452 Appliances MONTGOMERY Ward $25. EM ff-7761. USED Thor washer, eood cond. porcelain iud, omy sia. jlsvi 4-5852 or EM 4-2665. 16 SIZES unfinished chests. Hogg Bros. 24S state St. GUARANTEED Reconditioned automatlo wash. ert. dryeri, range, & refnga Ml. SO & up. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 319 Chemeketa St. USED Appliances.. Good selec tion, easy terms, tree nenv erv. S&H Green Stamps Master Service Station, 365 N Commercial. BUILT-IN range equip. Deluxe auto, oven w.giass ooor, 4 burner cook top, 3 pc. group $211.75 total. Judson's, 279 N. com'l. . 2.80 ea. 3.24 ea. 2.88 ea. .- 2.94 ea. a.atca, 4.00 ea, .. 4.16 ea. . 1.76 ea. 1.92 ea. ... 2.72 ca. 3.20 ca, ... 3.32 ea. ... lO.BS ea, 10.R0 ea. .. 12.60 ea. 15.68 ea. . 200.00 M 185.00 M 185.00M ..150.00 M .iOO.OO M ...165.00 M ER 235 North Front We give S&H Green Stamps ELECTRIC range and TV set, 2442 Lee St. r.M 4-5178. REPOSSESSED 1958 dryer In excel, cona.. ?a aown. xour Down Town" Firestone Store. 305 N. Liberty. EM 2-2491. Used Washers. $15 up. Modern Appliance Center 1141 S. Com! EM 4-9353 FRIGIDAIRE ironer, I Re. cabi net model, good cond. Cost $225 sell $75. EM 4-3628. ELECTROLUX cleaner 19.50. 1321 N. Capitol, Dir. EM 3-7067. USED BATHTUBS $17.50 Washbasins $8.50 8t up 20x18" china Sinks .... $4 ea. 1" blk. pipe, 15c; 1 IV. 20c; 2", 35c. 4" blk. perf, drainage pipe, 25c. ft. 1 mod. Montage used oil burn ing Furnace, comp. with all controls, fan, filter chamber, oil tank & duct work. Will heat 8 rm. hse. $325. Used Fir Flooring $45 pfu M usea no. 2 & Dir. aimension . lumber Sheathing & bridge timbers $45 to $oa per ai Many Other Bldg. Bargains E. S. RITTER & CO. 740 Portland Hd. mi. North of Totem Pole Open alt day Saturday Salem EM 4-8311 454 Sewing Machine SINGER slant rteedle-dcsk mod. sewing machine at chair. Com- Eiete with all acces. 1006 Tile d. EM 3-7008. 455 Clothing DELUXE folding stroller, like new, cncsi-rouc & smgic oect NEW Daveno's $68.08, studio couches $77.77. 5AVK AT tiien! Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. USED Quaker oil heater, forced air burner, tan ana wan iner mostat. Hogg Bros. 248 State St. BANKRUPTCY sale on sealed bids; appro. 2000 pairs new lady's shoes. Bankrupt . stock of Raemars Corp. Bids will be opened April iu. uoniaci i, v. Churchill, trustee in bank ruptcy, 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Salem, Ore. UNFIN. 5-drawer chests $8.95- $8.95 A: up Hammetts I5R0 N. Pac. Hwy. Ph. 2-6296 Wood burn, Ore. USED daveno bed only $19.50. Hogg Bros. 248 state si. 8 PC. modern dining set $129.50, other sets from 5;(u.&u. uien Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. KIRBY Vacuum Cleaner new '57 Md). $8.90 mo. Price $B9. Dir. 1321 N. Capitol. EM3-7G67. CARLOAD MATTRESS SALE New box spring and Innerspring mans, sets .su: orin-rcsuve sets $5R.88; reg. $99 sets (310 coili i6fl.Ra: ret? $119. 1510 coil 10 yr. guarantee! $78.88; also! foam rubber sets $99.50 and the finest of all Beaulyrest sets. Terms and Trades. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. bummer. USED 2 pc. sectional davenport 450 Merchandise 480 For Sale Miscellaneous TYPEWRITERS adding ma chines, cash registers, dupli cators desks, chairs, files, sup. plies. Roen's, 456 Court. EM BLACK TOP SOIL FILL DIRT Excavating. Delivered Including Sundays. EM 4-1507 or EM 4-2463. OFFICE Equip. like new. i 2 dr. file case, with storage unit; 1 post index file: 7 tray St typewriter stand. EM 4-5139. 1 TON chain hoist $25. 6 in. mall elec. hand saw, 2 blades $20. EM 3-8594. CHROME Dinette, 2 chairs, din ette wood table, piano bench. 2 chairs, gal. Oil bbl. Misc. items. 675 S. Church after S p.m. EM 2-1053. USED dining table. Lawn mow er. KM 3-B528. FREE dirt. Vicinity West Sa iem. cm -a:i2B. 456 T.V. & Radio 2 A-l TV's blond 21" all channel $129.50: 27 console Kea $273. 00, cost $745.00 new. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. 17" TV set, table model. EM 2-47CB. CLEARANCE. All T. V. Sets. priced at cost, plus lc. wnne they last. Modern Appl. Cen ter. 1141 S. eum'l. EM 4-9353. HEAR THIS !! LONG'S ARE BACK IN BUS INESS WITH LARGE STOCK OF QUALITY PRODUCTS AT LOWEST PRICES Galv. wide bottom gutter 13c. Plasterboard $1.40, $1.65, $1.90. Permanent asbestos siding $13.95. Cedar shakes w-u.c. CHEAP. 15 lb. felt Bldg. paper $2.45. uaiv. iron rooting sq. Nn. 2 .cedar shingles $5.75 sq. No. 1 cedar shingles $11.00 sq. 3 tab 215 lb. comp roof CHEAP Weatherstrip gar. doors CHEAP Windows, Ig. stock CHEAP. Glass doors, mah. doors Bargain Nails, per keg. $9.95. C. G. LONG & SONS i Ml. N. of Kefzer EM 4-5051 Open 8 to 6. Closed Sundays STRICTLY CASH U-HAUL Used TV sets for sale. Modern Appliance Center 1 1 41 S. Com'l. EM 4-9353 nprnisiniTinNED TV 90 dav warranty, $79.95 and up. S&H Green stamps, e-asy terms. Master Service Station, 365 N. Commercial. 458 Musical Instrument LOVELY Queen Ann Wurlilzer spinet. Antique ivory finish like new. Stone Piano Co. 1280 State EM 2-5281. BE THRIFTY I BUY GOOD USED FURNITURE And SAVE $$$ $30 down will buy a complete household of furniture including appliances. Dinette sets As Low As ..$8 STEEL Guitar with amplifier. 'a prtre. Also western gimar, :i5. EM 2-0162. FOAM RUBBER - 60c LB. SHREDDED 50c LB. 'l IN. FLAT 68c SQ. FT. 21'." Xt 1t'." Ideal for boat cushions, patio k urcpiace paas. Salem Uph. Co. 154 FERRY - EM 3-4724 BRAND New International trail er neater. J43. 160 Portland Rd. Dir. LUMBER 250 Units new lumber. $20. per m. aim up. uei. in units or truck Ids. Salem vicinity. TED & LEO MULLER EM 4-0523 TORPEDO well pump. 150 gal. tank, all complete $85. Alta'S Worm Gardens Gates, Ore. Daveno and club chair. Needs slip cover As Low As ..$19 Washing machines As Low As $5, Reconditioned & guaranteed ranges refrigerators .As Low As $39.50! WHITE CORNET, $5.50 EM 8-4881 EVES. 462 Wanted Hshld Goods WE NEED FURNITURE Vallev Furn. Co.. EM 2-7472 MISC. furniture wanted. Cour tcous service. Ph km APRIL SPECIALS 52 Gal. elec. water heater t62 142 Loomex ..3 cents foot 122 Loomex 4 cents foot Switch boxes witn clamps .23 ea. B" blo-fan $17.50 ea. Toilet $23.50 Built-in ranee complete with 4 burners $195 G.E. Undcrcnunter dishwash er kcr. $2iy.5 Now $183 FARMERS UNION CO-OP 3615 Silver! on Road Salem, Ore. EM 4-3766 for good, clean, used furniture ana appliances. -. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer 464 Sports Equipment Gas ranges As Low As . $15 3 piece bedroom set As Low HOSES: Last chance for bare- root plants, renuren prices. Middle Grove Nursery, 4!20 Stlvcrton Rd. GLAD bulbs 50 for $1, Middle urove nursery, u nuvenon Steiner's Nursery. Dwarf trees. Shruns, i-ianis, aeens. uarnen supplies. 3160 Mkt. EM 3-HM6-LGfiTltntfted. wecptn green, ft variegated holly trees, percn nials. 2107 N. Commercial, eves. & wkends. 405 Pets Male. Beauties. Boxer n Fawn, black mask. Silverton TR 3 4222. DOG OWNERS: Train your dog.f JARY Florist Floral Supplies Featuring Hac0?r Flowcrware. i BARGAIN dwarf boxwood, el- woodi Cypress, etc. iia nign way Ave. 4-CORNKRS, 3 bedrm. by own er, hdw a. Iirs.. nrrpiai-r, lovelv yd. near schoot. store, & bus at door, lowered price $11,500. 5A5 S. Elma. EM 3-5869. BY OWNER: 3 bdrm.. 1 yr. old, c;i annrovea loan, u wircv-. inn i jw rin. nvm L low mi), pvm'ts. Exc. lawn, patio & shrubs EM 3-3574. BATTERY SHOP FOR SALE. All equip, for rebuildlnit Ac re DAlrinR batterits, Business es- tnliMed over n vr?. nr.n.v n Mr. Currier. 211 E. Browmni ORANGE and pink apricot ca- tries. 2340 L:nemeKeia. jlai Miiall. 30c On cartons, 3c additional ! iiunerrai! Buying prlrei Premium, 8.1c; first iradt. Oc: gradt 1, tic. Butter: , JttUll AA rrd, ?Be: ejuirtert. rta. Wh&lailft-4oiid AA. flei ur- iwt, tie, llher of Kudora Frver, pJtlem: rtandfalher of Shrrrl Frver, Silein.j Servtcei will be held Tuesday. April! t st 1;30 pm. In the letter Oav SalnU Chapel at Fifth and Madmon SU.. Mem. Interment, Belerat Me morial Park. Servlcet will b under tht dlncUoo of the W. T. Iligdon Co. AZALEAS lO-SO'f' OFF Next obedience training classDrfve So. on 12th St., i mi. pai Morningstoe cnooi. iui tarts Aor. 17. For Informa tion call Ray Hoffman eves. EM 2-0604. right at Oakhill Ave. Gloxinias & African violets. Oppen s ureennousc. .mu au- Durn no. iiu -.iw. INCOME tax preparation. EXP. Lawn mowing yard work, Odd tons, km a-wv. Ois torn rotovtlnf-plowint. D. MARSHALL EM -4i - FOR SALE: Beg. German Short- hair do inters b wks. oia. neas- onable. Carl PranU, Gervats 3313,- PRETTY Golden toy Pomer anian Keg. puppies amp ping. EM 7W. 23 PUPPIES: Classy Wire Fox- ters. Toy conies, cockers. Toy Airedales. Pedtereed. Reas. price;. Always open. OoucUs Kennels, Scott s Mills, Hiw av 313 to Silverton, cont. 3 mi. signs. LOST Sunday. Vic. Liberty Schl.. verv a ert Drown at wmte me dium sired mala dog. "Skip per." Well trained. Retcmbles colUt colon. Beware. Ph. Gcr VAlf 1533 Ot EM 4-14H. NORTHWEST strawberry plants. new paicn. x.m vim 422 Fertilizer As ... .$29 GElGER COUNTERS Sell or trade. E M a-toat. iR- rAT.KlNS Craft cabin mdl. 25 H. tvinrune moior wun controls & trailer. ee at iai N. Winter. 515 S. COM'L PH. EM 4-3319 EXCLUSIVE! t Repeat of a sellout Lovely new Hiltueil Hoio-uocKcrs Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. USED platform rockers $14.50. LOOK- 10.000 Rolls of Wall paper, close out 25c. per stngie McGlLCHRIST & SONS 2i5 N. Conjmercial We're Open All Day SATURDAY ! ! THOUSANDS of sheets of ply wood i or vour selection, vour choice! YEPI We'll even cut it your size t keei HUN DREDS of V & ' pes. Clean uu Sale 4c. & 10c. ft. NEW LOAD Birch Doors $7.20 up. A tirade Mahogany u up. ..nrt; Vvnert aunCfV IsU.n l 1 MlfcLVIWU I2i,C. It. Ins. $1.20 sack. OS White Paint $2.50 gal. Beautiful Olympic stains lor Stdg. Fences. Priced Richt! I HARDWOOD PANEL1NGS 2' woods. 67 patterns all dis- NEW" PLAN BOOKS for modern homes, rcmodctlnii and fences. NO DOWN PAYMENT, 31 BUY where you get service. Salem's oldest Marine Store, SALEM BOAT HOUSE 100 Chemeketa EM 3-9303 BUILD YOUR BOAT bit. i- $1.70 UP. nnriPr supervision PINK SHELVING ISiic. & Save 50 pet. at Inland Ma rine Works. 1870 S. 16th just So. of Paulus Bros. Cannery, EM 2-7518. BOAT & Trailer 12'x52" screwed & glassed, a goon ouhm-iiu junk. $300 for both. 1025 N. 21st EM 2-2598. r-i-irm.K"rK"T.V lated 12 ft. boat & metal trailer. Metal Ice box $o. t.M j-aoin. 465 Photography Virgin Top Soil EM 2-1575 CEUAK (ence post good quality i reaft-u or unireaiea. roies. Ph. EM 4-3081. AUTO sump pump, $30. Boyt once $ui. wasning machine $15. Lawn mower. $5. EM 2-8674. MEN'S Sampsonite 2 suiter. Like new. EM 2-0313. GEIGER COUNTERS trade. EM 2-6022. Sell or REGULATION Brunswick pool table, late model, like new. with 8 cues & new set of balls. Sell for half price. EM 2-9937. mos. to nav on approved cred it. See Your Building Supply PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER YARD 3545 Portland Road EM 4-4433 WRECKING Tearing down one of the older Homes, also sawdust furnace. 266 N. Capitol. 35 MM. "Conteflex. No. 1 Tessar 2 8 L. Polar screen, u. filter & adopter. E. R. case. This equipment like new, $135. EM 4-8118. t OPEN TONIGHT Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. USED davenports your choice $29. Hogg Bros. 343 State St. CHICKEN tnanuro rich, rotted. 50c sacK. n ya. cm ROTTED or fresh Manure, r-v sack or CUOIC yn. net rni ltn Bros. Rl. 5. Box 80. F.M 4-3081. Closed Sun. oldMulch sawdust $1 Per Yd. EM 2-4031 cond. Very Reas. DUNK beds with matts. $34.50, GlenWoodry. 1605 N. Summer. wood bed, wood heater. EM 4-5330. NEW modern" deks $32 50. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. 3 f REAL clenn late mdel. dcet- fre'es - n cu. n si'" ?2 cu. ft rih'c 'r S3t5 Terni5 Trxde?. Glen Wood rv. 1605 N. Summer. 466 Bicycles 472 Plumbing & Heating WRECKING HOUSE Best offer will take. FA oil fur nace. HW heater. Must be sold this week. EM 4-7583. SALE These Items Must Be Sold TELEVISION SETS BEDS TABLES DINETTE SETS REFRIGERATORS STOVES ANTENNAS WASHERS DRYERS CARS Friday, April 5, 12-9 p.m. Saturday, April 6. 9-4 p.m. WAREHOUSE Tn Alley Behind ZELLERBACH PAPER CO. 444 FERRY ST. Financing avallablejf necessary. BRAND NEW 15vfifn 1,,h.!..; iires. and 8 whole wheels com glele. 1100. 160 Portland Rd 481 For Rent Micllinoui Hospital Bed With Mattreti Her rural tun Co. Ju w. 10.000 Rolls of Wall paper clou out 25c. per single roll. McGlLCHRIST & SON 255 N. Commercial RosDltal bri u-ffh M ..... United Rent All's. 2Sd Slate St. BOY'S Enrtllsh bicycle. 1 yr. old, excel, cond. $35. EM MOM. BOY'S 26" Schwtnn bicycle. Ex. cond. tM ZUIB. 470 Building Mitrill R. 1. rlfjtrora Co M0 S UhertJ VINX noor Ule. 10c ch GOOD Manur lor flower, gar- qen. WIU cel. a-Ji.. rarlUlm. WtU Rotted manure i Wo dtl. unrmn, EM HffU MUST sacrifice 55 sq. yd. Rtae low carpet. Like new. Mahor anr Twin bed bdrm. suite, chain, lamps rd drnrl. ! ZSl Mtsa or tU H114. heaters-watl-Daseboard. portable Reduced prices 52 cal elec ir htr 10 rr fuar 5(i5 12-J wire. cent, t In rls 3 pc batn set comp 1120 Built in oven bur unu ii:'3 uui es 25 cenl. H Z wire cr-its 11 in r. ' cal fuller n cent ft il hood M 95 21 X 32 aitcnen tins comp. 13 95 Apex Electric Plumbing. H10 Broadway. EM MM plus lei oie 476 Do It Younelf CHANGE TOUR OWN Oft. Buy Bulk oil at vholeaala. Eastern lic cn. n. o. deter- f:est qt. 3 gala, or mora n your container. W have all weights. PR1NE OH. COMPANY 320 S. Lancaster Dr. 480 For Sale Mitctllanoout New Plaver Piaflo Rolls WllUey Weathers Music Capitol Shopping Center INLAID linoleum ILT per eq yd. R. U Utrom Co, M0 L Ubarry, TOP Soli fill dirt, order early I save I EM 2-R353 anytime TOP dirt. Till river nlL Ph. EM 2-8075. RENT cr lease Ige warehouse cemeni itoor. Drlca bldg . downtown. Inq H L Stiff rum. EM 1-9115. 483 Wanted MitceDaneeui SLIP Trailer dolly, like new, HI sioo r-oruanq no. uir. rlK ronnaLB7)on. vra i, aar Attention Farmers TORN VOUR WOOD LOTS INTO CASH We are tn the market for logs in 8' lengths down to " di ameter at lis per cord ako saw logs tn 1. M and 40 ft. lengths as well as stsnding timber at top market prices. ALSO SOW MTYING WHITE FIR CHECK WITH US TOR PRICE. Burkland Lumber Co. TURNER, ORE. Vict YTK'bS-S.uA 'Z: FH. SALEM KM MMl G3 0 I