Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 01, 1957, Page 11, Image 11

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    Saxons Show Power in Relays; 3 College Records Broken
Dellinger Finds Pace
Slow m 4:14.3 Mile
Benson Edged in
Hurdles; Rain
Wets All
Slow pace-setting by teammates
may have cost Bill Dellinger a
chance to break his record in the
Invitational Mile at the Willamette
Relays Saturday afternoon.
While the productive rain clouds
didn't help any, the biggest factor
In the slow 4:14.3 time was the
lagging schedule for the first two
laps. ...
This feature of the long after
noon found Jim Grelle stepping out
In 65, then Buck Knight, also of
University of Oregon, led the sec
ond lap most of the way, in 65,
until Dellinger, never one to push
himself, giving him a 2:10 half
I Seconds Too Slow
This was eight seconds slower
than the intended 2:02, according
to Bill Bowerman, Oregon coach,
and that spoiled Lt. Dellinger's
chance to beat the 4:10 of last
Third lap was in 62 and fourth in
62.3, both led by Dellinger, Ameri
can record holder in the 5000 me
ters who had hoped to run about
4:05 Saturday. He finished 50 yards
ahead of Mark Bobbins of Oregon.
Jim Bailey, Oregon ace who
pulled out earlier in the week,
wasn't in top condition yet and ran
660 yards of the sprint medley, won
by Washington in record time.
Bonson Edged at Tape
Another sentimental setback was
in the Invitational high hurdles.
Dean Benson, 10 months out of
Willamette, hit most of the last
seven hurdles and was edged by a
yard by Doug Basham of Oregon
in 15.3.
Benson, graduate student at San
Jose State, led over the 10th bar
rier but Basham had the kick
needed. Benson was trying for his
third straight Invitational victory,
In which he holds the record of
The Invitational 100-yard dash
proved again that Oregon's Steve
Anderson, gifted sophomore, is a
pressure runner. He was a surprise
winner last year as a freshman in
t.9, and this year upset Roy Dun
can of Seattle Pacific to win in
Norval Placet
Anderson led all the way and
Won by about three yards.
Jim Norval, former North Salem
racer and Oregon freshman, was
fourth. .
Larry Pulford, Washington soph
omore, now holds both novice and
senior shot put records. Last year
he did 52-2',-i as a sophomore, this
year 51-9 for another record in the
senior group.
Pulford. not satisfied, also set
senior discus record of 151-8.
Edslrom Wins Pair
Other double winners were An
derson, who took the broad jump
with 22-11 to upset Martin Pedigo,
Oregon's favored entry; and Dave
Edstrom, Oregon freshman from
Sherwood, won the novice high
jump with 5-8, and tied the novice
high hurdles mark of 15.7.
Fortune Gordicn, world discus
record holder with 194.6, threw 176
in a demonstration but also had
one about another dozen feet when
he fouled.
Capital Journal
The 1956 American Bowling Congress annual report and tournament
record book arrived recently, and a quick scanning of the 270-page
pocket-book sized volume proved interesting.
Bowlings booming growth is
clearly shown by a comparison of
the number of registered teams
over the past 20 years. In 1935-36
there were 52,411 bowling teams
registered with ABC. By 1938.19
the figure had reached the 100,
DO0 mark. And since then it has
multiplied over four times. 1955-66
figures were 438,424 bowling teams
operating in 47,252 organized lea
gues. And the 438.424 represent an
increase over the previous year of
42.000 teams.
Oregon boasted 3875 teams last
year. Manpowerwise, this is but
one-tenth of the teams of the huge
population centers. New York
state, for example, has 53,740;
teams: Ohio-49.S95; Illinois-49,794;
and Michigan-44,742.
Clodt One of 159
Looking at the league-sanctioned
S0O-299-298 games, one could well
expect most of the scores to come
from this heavy concentration of
bowling in the midwest and east.
Of the 270 perfect games thrown
in in 56. Alois Hakenwerth 01
Klamath Falls, Oregon was the Beaver State's sole entry.
In the 2M game class, Salem'l John T. Glodt. J'i Drive In
proprietor, and Loo Bellislmo, University of Oregon bowling In
structor, were. the two Oregon entrants out ot IS onr-pin-shy
games. No Oresonian scored 2S in sanctioned play of the 107
reported to the ABC.
And interesting to note, the odds seem to favor the 300 game rather
Itian the 299 or 298 game if a bowler strings II in a row and heaves
that crucial 12th ball. Each year since 192.1-24. 300 games have ex
tceed 299 games, and 299 games have topped 298. Either the bowler
tCcsjJievei M p' 2, columns 4 and 5) j
There were three records in the
college division: In the senior shot
put, senior discus, both by Pul
ford; the sprint medley, by Wash
ington in 2:29.3; and a tie in the
novice high hurdles, by Edstrom.
Statesman Invitational Mile: (1st)
Bill Dellinger. USAF; t2nd Bobbins.
Oregon: (3rd! Senko. U. Portland:
Uthl Mitchell. L C; 15th Moser,
unatached: time. 4:14.3.
Collese Invitation 120 Yd. HH: Mtl
Doug Basham, Oregon; (2nd) Dean
Benson, unattached; (3rd) Dean
ouiger, wasmngion; tn) uon ward,
L & C: Time, 15.3.
College Invitational 100 yd. dash:
(1st) Steve Anderson, Oregon: (2nd)
Duncan, Seattle Pacific: (3rd) Mapes.
Wash.: (4th) Norval. Oregon Frosh:
15th) Hall. OSC; (6th) Meal. L lc C;
Time, 10.1.
College Division
College 12a yd. HH: (1st) Glen
Small. Oregon; (2nd) McCuskey,
Washington; (3rd) Ralph Llllie, Clark
College; (4th) Carson, OSC; Time,
College Novice 125 yd. HH: (1st)
Dave Edstrom. Oregon Frosh; (2nd)
McCluskey, Washington: (3rd) Klett,
OSC; (4th) Forrester, Oregon Frosh;
(5th) Scott. Willamette, Time, 15.7.
(Ties record set in 1955 by Doug
Basham, Oregon.)
College senior High Jump: (1st)
Dean Singer. Washington; (tie for
2nd) Moss, OSC, Hollingsworth, SOC,
Grant. Oregon): (tie for 3rd) Tuttle,
OCE, Johnson. U. Port. Mark. 5' 10".
College Novice High Jump: (1st)
Dave Edstrom, Oregon Frosh; (2nd)
Barry, OSC; (3rd) Darby. Linflcld;
(4th! Stcinhauser, OSC; (5th) Martl
nattl. U. Port. Mark. 5' 8".
College senior Shot: (1st) Larry
ruuora, wasmngion, (na) uienn,
Llnfield: (3rd) Sheron, Wash.: 14th)
Moad, Oregon: (5th) Raid, Willam
ette; (6th) Bay, Pacific. Mark 51'
S'.V. (New record. Old record set
In 1951 by Duane Eby, OSC. 50' 10".)
College Novice Shot: (1st) Duane
Marshall. OSC: (2nd) Bender, Wash.:
(3rd) Henderson. Llnfield; (4th)
O'Connor, OSC: (5th) Alvarado. Ore
Bon; (6th) Fry, Centralla JC; Mark,
50' 1".
College Senior broad Jump: (1st)
Steve Anderson, Oregon: (2nd) Pedi
go. Oregon; (3rd) George. Oregon;
(4th) Adams, Pacific: (5th) Doma
golla. Willamette: (6th) LeMaster,
Llnfield: Mark. 22' 11".
CoUege Novice broad Jump: (1st)
Sam Taylor. Oregon: (2nd) Hall,
OSC; (3rd) Blake, OSC; (4th) Weller,
SOC: (5th) Schepman, Wash.: (6th)
Hampton, Clark; Mark. 21' 8".
college Sprint Medlay: Seattle Pa
cific (Relmer, Cannon, Ohler, Pugh).
Time. 2:41.9.
College 100 yd. dash: (1st) Jack
Morris. Oregon: (2nd) Derby, Wash.:
(3rd) Hatton. Oregon; (4th) Walms
lev. U. Port.; (5th) Rolf, Pacific.
Time. 10.2.
College Distance Medley: (Senior)
Oregon (Arden Christianson. Buck
Knight. Jim Grelle. Mark Robblns):
Time. 10:48.4: (Novice) Oregon Frosh
(Harman, Winkle. Morris, Kelling
ton): Time. 11:48.4.
College Senior Javelin: (1st) John
Froum, Pac. Luth.; (2nd) Bingham.
Oregon: (3rd) Hittner, OSC; (4th)
Clayton, L St C; (5th) Boutin. LaC:
(Oth) Reynolds, Llnfield; Mark, 211'
College Novice Javelin: (1st) Don
Clay. OSC: (2nd) Mills. Oregon: (3rd)
Lewis, SOC: (4th) Hiland. Oregon;
(5th) Bernlck, Oregon; - (6th) Hill,
Pacific: Mark, 183' jr.
College 440 yd. Relay! (Senior)
Washington (Dick McKlnion. Dean
Derby, Terry Tobacco, Gary Mapes).
Time. 43.9.
College 440 yd. Relay: (Novice)
Seattle Pacific (Duncan, Perkins,
Hanka, Bruce). Time, 45.1.
colleie Senior Pole Vault: (tie 1st)
Don Worall, Seattle Pac. and Jack
Burg, Oregon, Mark 12' 6". (Novice)
Doug Ballen, OSC. Mark 11' 6".
College 2-mlle Relay: (1st heat)
Oregon (Ed Baldwin, Don Steen, Lee
Thorton. Jeff Wallous), Time: 8:22.2.
(2nd heat) SeatUe Pacific (Lloyd
Pugh, Forrest Walls, Harlyn Reiners,
Darold Tucker). Time. 8:39.9.
College Senior Discus: (1st) Larry
Pulford. Wash.: (2nd) Blackstone.
OSC: (3rd) Michelson. L r C: (4th)
Tuchardt, Oregon: (5Ui) Reynolds.
Llnfield. Mark. 151" 6". (New record.
Old record set in 1956 by Brown,
WSC. 148' 1".)
College Novice Discus: (1st) Bob
Amble. Oregon: 12nd) Estes. Oregon;
(3rdl Smart. OSC: 14111) Roy. Wil
lamette: (5th) Peterson, Pacific;
(6th) Hanson. OSC. Mark, 147' 10",
College 1-mile Relay: Washington
(Terrv Tobacco. Dick McKimson.
Carl Mahnkcn, Dave McCullough);
Time. 3:30.2.
college 2-mile Relay (Senior) Ore
gon (Ed Baldwin. Don Steen. Lee
Thorton. Jeff Wallous). Time. 8:22.2;
(Novice) Willamette 1 13111 1-alrDanKs.
Ralph Litchfield. Jack Berkcy, Gary
Holmes). Time, 9:23.
college 4S0 yd. shuttle Hurdles:
Seattle Pacific (Hedges. Volburg.
Worrall, , Klatt). Time, 1:05.4. .
Sports Writer
. Walt rides again
Lt. Dellinger, Sir, Wins
Bill Dellinger (left) blazes across the finish in the Invi
tational Mile with energy to spare to win in 4:141.3 in Sat
urday's Willamette Relays. In the distance at right is
Buck Knight, the pace setter for the last three laps. (Photo
by Jerry Claussen)
South Salem's anchor man, Jim Raw!
ings (right) crosses the finish line in a fast
45.7 to edge out Beavertbn's John King
(left) and North Salem's Dale Drake (cen
New Records
For Relays
Shot put (senior) Larry Pul
ford, Washington, 51-914 (old
mark of 50-10 by Eby, OSC, Jn
Dlsnit (senior) Larry Pulford.
Washington, 151-1 (old mark of
1487 by Brown. WSC, In 19.16).
Sprint medley Washington
(terry Tobacco. Dean Derby.
Dave McCulloch and Gary
Mapes), 2:29.3 (old mark 2:32.6.
Washington, 1956).
High hurdles (novice) Dave
Edstrom, Oregon frosh, 15.7 (tie
mark by Douj Basham, Oregon,
Jn 1955).
High School
Broad Jump (senior) Darrell
Horn, Pilot Rock, 21-10 (old mark
21-6"j bv Hoddy Schepman.
North Rend, 1955).
Distance medley Unattached
team from Lincoln (Tony Voor
hles, Mike Walker, Tilt Helnsno
and Ralph Strait), 11:07.0 (old
mark by Benson, 11:23.9 In 1956).
Sprint medley Parkrose (Doug
Leash, Gary Marchbank, Mike.
Waterman and Ron Dufresne)
2:43.3 (old mark of 2:45.7 by
Roosevelt in 1956).
Last Round Bowlers
Grab Salem Honors
Capital Journal Bowling Editor
Last round bowlers, knowing
what scores they had to shoot,
moved into a number of win posi
tions in the third and final week
end of the men's city bowling asso
ciation tournament at Cherry City
Smalley Oil captured the team
scratch trophy with 2780; Honey
Bee Drive Inn took the B scratch
trophy with 2517; Larry Smith
and Del Ruscher put together
enough pins for the top doubles
score with handicap-1320; and Bud
Noffsinger bowled his way to win
both scratch and handicap with
611 and 716.
Previous leaders whose scores
withstood the final onslaught were
Stan's Drive Inn, Handicap team
winners class A with 3063; Salem
Morse Sewing Center B class han
dicap winners with 2362; Scratch
doubles team Jeep Epping and
Dick Morris, 1185: and Herb Fauth.
handicap all events, 2037; and Ep
ping's scratch all events, 1782.
Noffsinger was the only scratch
and handicap winner while last
year in most events the scratch
winner was the handicap winner
Cherry City will host the city's
women bowlers for the next two!
weekends in the Salem women's
uuwinig association cnampionsnip. j
Eastern Oregon Top Grain-fed Beef
Half or Whole K":.... . 26c
Cube Steak
On Custom MllinK and Curing, Bacon Sliced Free
Salem Meat Co., 1325 S. 25th St., Salem
Relay Sprinters
.... ii iraarp : -
Section 9 Page 1
Paper Claims Williams Has
Spittin Spell Over
Orleans States said Monday Bos
ton Red Sox slugger Ted Williams
spat at the name of the late Sen.
Robert A. Taft (R-Ohio) because
the senator did not help him get
out of Marine service during the
Team Class A Smalley Oil 27H0
Team Class B Honey Bee Drive
Inn M17
Doubles Jeep Epplng-DIck Morris
Singles Bud NoffsinRer 611
All-Evenls Jeep EpplnR 1782
Team Class A
Stans Drive Inn 3063
Smalley Oil 3053
Mootry's Pharmacy 3042
Ladd's Market 3022
Mathls Brothers 2987
Team Class B
Salem Morse Sewing Center 2562
Honey Bee Drive Inn 2541
Paclllc Power and Light 2540
Capitol City Glass 2539
Dick Meyer Lumber 2510
Larry Smith-Del Ruscher 1320
Herb Faulh-Bill Larry 1.105
Jeep Epplng-DIrk Morris 1281
Del Huntsinger-Bob Clausen 1281
Ray Elllott-Lcs Moen 1272
Bud Noffsinger 716
Herb Fauth 656
Gil Schachtsl'k 6!)4
Sam Ramp 810
Max Allen 878
All Events
Herb Fauth 2037
Jeep Epping in:(5
Mike Ramp 1926
Vic Reno 1923
Larry Smith 1916
Ikes Plan Social
Entertainment and dancing will
follow the regular monthly pot
luck dinner meeting of the Salem
Chapter of lzaak Walton League
at 7 o clock tonight at the club
Music will be provided by the
Good ond
Tender . . .
, 55c
Doug Basham of Oregon (far right)
breasts the tape a yard ahead of Dean'
Benson for an upset In the Willamette
Relays Invitational high hurdles Saturday
in 15.3. Third, at left, is Dean Singer of
ter). This was one of South Salem's eight
first places in the Relays. (Jerry Claussen
Korean War.
'You think Sen. Taft was a
great man?" the States said Wil
liams asked executive sports edi
tor Crozct Duplantier. "Well,
here's what I think of him." Du
plantier said Williams then spat
on the floor of the lobby at
Moisant Airport, shortly before he
departed for Sarasota, Fla.
"He was afraid to even try to
do anything for me. But he would
n't mind going to bat for some
other guy. Hut not me. 1 was too
important, Williams was quoted.
The player was in New Orleans
with the lied Sox Sunday for an
exhibition baseball game with the
class AA New Orleans Pelicans.
Duplantier asked Williams if he
had any resentment toward the
Marine Corps, which interrupted
his baseball career twice, calling
him up for service during World
War Two and the Korean War.
"You're damned right I do,"
the States said Williams answered.
"Resentment against the Marine
Corps and the whole damned gov
ernment." After spitting at the name of
Glodt Bowls
Capitol 290
John (ilodt and Walt Gardner
teamed Sunday to break the
Capitol t'.O handicap doubles
jackpot on the t r e n g t h of
Olodls three 200 games, the
final one a 290 on a spare and
II straight strikes.
(ilodt last year had one of two
Oregon 299 games. He also broke
the same jackpot two weeks ago
with a different partner.
Benson, Then
mm m i -
Sonth's Weightman
Jim Robinson, above, placed second in the high school
senior shot put but his best performance came in taking
the senior discus for South Salem in the Willamette Relays
Saturday. . (Capital Journal Photo)
Tafi3 War
Taft, the States said Williams then
'And the same goes for Harry
Truman. And the whole United
States government. The whole
damned thing is phony."
Duplantier asked If Williams was
still in .the Marine reserves.
''Boy, you know I'm not," the
States said Williams . answered.
"When 1 got out this last time and
they gave me a chance to pick up
that paper
grabbed it."
(his discharge) . 1
Celtics Even
With Hawks;
Week to Drill
BOSTON (UP) The Boston
Celtics began a week of practice
today alter reluming to form with
a steamrollering win over the St.
Louis Hawks Sunday, tying their
National Basketball Association
championship playoff scries at
one game apiece.
Boston played the brand of ball
in posting a 119-99 victory at the
Garden as it did most of the regu
lar season when it ran away wilh
the Kastcrn Division laurels. The
completely one-sided triumph was
a reversal o( Saturday's game
when the Celtics bowed, 125-12.1,
in a double overtime to the fircd'j
up Hawks in the first of their best
of seven series.
The third and fourth games are
slated for Saturday and Sunday at
St. Louis.
Bob Cousy and Frank Hamsey
emerged wilh Celtic scoring hon
ors Sunday with 22 points apieco.
have a young family, our Family. Income Benefit
provides maximum protection at low cost.
See the Man from Manufacturer.
A. Cooch Supervisor Salem
Telephone Silent EM 3-3314
University of Washington. Benson is for
mer Willamette star competing unattached,
relays record holder at 14.6. (Capital
Journal Photo)
Cascade High
Due to Tangle
Witli Academy
CASCADE HIGH (Special) -
Coach Bob Stewart will have eight
lettcrmen available for duty with
the Cascade High school basoball
team, which was duo to open its
season this afternoon.
The Cougars wero slated to make
up a ruined-out Friday game with
North Salem today on Salem's
field. Tuesday, Cascade is sched
uled to entertain Salem Academy
in still another nonconference clash
at 3:30 p.m.
While Stewart has eight letter-
men, only three of them are regu
lars from lost year. They arc
pitcher Jim Uhrhammcr, catcher
Gene Speer and first baseman
Gary Downer.
Other lettcrmen are outfielder
Wayne Wilkerson, third basemen
Keith . Hankel and Fred Radio,
shortstop Roger Harris and sec
ond baseman Marion Schollian.
Other top prospects include .lack
Brilcs, shortstop; Louie Atkinson.
second base; Jim Lyons, outfield;
Al Younger, catcher; and Gary
Schmidt, John Hatch. Jim Wav
and Wayne Crumc, pitchers.
capital Conference action opens
for the Cougars April 11 with a
3 p.m. game slated at Stayton,
Cascade schedule:
Anrll 2 Salem Academy at Cas
cade (3:30)
Anrll s South Salem at Cascade
Aorit 11 South Salem at Smith St..
lem (3:30)
April 11 stayton at Slavlon (3:90)
Anril 16 North Mnrlon At Cntpurin
Anrll IS Silverton at Silverton
April 26 Gervais at Gervais (2:30)
Anrll 30 Silverton at Cascade
May 2 Wnodburn at Cascade (3:00)
May 3 Wnodbrun at Wondhurn
May 7 Stayton at Cascade (7:09)
May 0 Jefferson at Cascade (7:00)
May 10 Scrra at Cascade i2:3()l
May 14 Ml. Angel at Cascade
(3:00) '
COHVAU.IS (UP) Texliin. a
setter owned and handled by Mar
ion Thomas of San Francisco, won
the open all-ace stake at the Wil
lamette Amateur Field Trial
Club's annual sorinc trial yester
day at the Wilson game manage
ment area.
Soutli Salem TaKes
8 Firsts,
Vikings Win Trio
Of Events; 3
Marks Set
Capital Journal Sports Editor
There's power in that South Sa
lem high school track team.
Coach Lee Gustatson's soeedv
cinder-crunchers proved to be
quality timber In Saturday's sev
enth annual Willamette Relays by
winning eight firsts and two sec
onds in respective heats or divi
sions. North Salem won three firsts
in the crammed program run off
in a damp environment rain, rain
and more rain with 1130 chilled
athletes from 69 high schools.
Saxons Near t Records
When the last race was run In
the saturated cinders at evening
iime mere naa oeen area prep
records broken two in relays and
one in the broad jump. None was
by either Salem school but Saxons
came near in two events.
Darrell Horn, Pilot Rock, who
won two events in the state Class
B meet last spring, broad jumped
21-10 for one mark; a distance
medley team from Lincoln, run
ning unattached, ran the i, 440,
880 and mile requirements in 11:07;
and f arkrose s sprint medley team
(330, 110. 660 and 220) set the third
record of 2:43.3.
Jack Scott of South Salem won
the 15th heat of the 100-yard dash
in io.4, just two-tenths above the
mark of 10.2 set In 1953 by Fred
Hall of Frineville.
Gales Shares I Firsts
Scott also ran anchor on the 440-
yard relay team which ran 45.7,
only a half-second from North Sa
lem s 1955 record of 45.2, and Scott
also ran on the 880 relay team
which had the best time of 1:37.
Bob Gates had a bucket full of
honors, too, by winning the 14th
heat in the century in 10.7; doing
hitch on the 880 relay crew
which won and on the 440 relay
Other Saxon winners:
Jim Robinson, discus (senior' di
vision), 129 feet.
Two-mile relay, second heat.
9:06.9 by Loren Blaco. Dave Bers-
iuna, ucrnara uannger and Larry
rvicuargcr. '
880 relay, 1:37 by Scott, Dan
Moore, Gates and Doug Nelson
Sprint medley, filth heat. 2:48.2
by Ken Coons,- Art Krueger, Bob
sjierret and i,arry Thompson.
Dan Woore,-'120-yard high hurd
les,' junta neat in 17.6.
: North Salem Wins 1
From North Salem were the fol
lowing winners:
Clarence Miller, in novice Jave
lin, 118-3.
Colin Morse, in senior pole vault.
in four-way tie for first at 10-8.
In 480-yard shuttle hurdle rclav.
third heat, Gory Hogan, Larry
Kanz, Dale Drake and Don Harris,
1:09.2, best time of the day.. '
North Salem coach is Herb
From elsewhere around the val
Dallas Hurdler First
Claude McLean, Dallas, had the
second best time In the high hurd
les, 17.1, in the filth heat; Elmer
Keck, Albany, won the seventh
heat in 18.2; Leon Oaks, Canby,
the first heat in 18.3; Woyne Fick
cn, Sherwood, the second in 17.4;
and Jim Canncll, Canby, the fourth
in 17.4.
Clicmawa's distance medley won
the first heat in 11:41.3 (Charlie
Kcc, Peter Sam, Sam Martin and
Jasper Ahkcr),
Sherwood won tho first heat of
the shuttle hurdle relay in 1:12.3.
Albany s Jim Wade won the nov
ice broad jump with 18-10.
Terry Coleman, Norlh Marion,
tied for first in the pole vault.
Don Hairy
To get acquainted with the people of Salem and the surround
ing area, the new manager and staff at Coburn Cameras are
having a, full week of values, bargains, and prizes galore.
There's something special every day. Frankly, the former
folks bought far too much of certain types of merchandise and
This is the opportunity of a lifetime. There arc slide projec
tors, box cameras, movie cameras and projectors, fine 35mm
cameras, reflex cameras, and all kinds of small accessories
such as telcphoto lenses for movie cameras, movie reels and
cans, cable releases, yes, even some flash bulbs and film.
as many pictures as you want. The contest is open only to
amateur photographers. Both black and white and color snaps
arc eligible. Prints will be accepted from 8.30 a.m. Monday,
April 1st, to 5:30 p.m. Saturday, April 6th. Tho winner will
be announced Saturday, April 13th.
1st Prize Brownie Movie Camera
2nd Prize Brownie Hullseye Flash Camera Outfit
3rd Prize 1 Full Year's Supply of Black and White or
Kodacolor Roll Film
T74 kfoath CommcKiol
2 Seconds
High Schools
. Blch School 121 Tr. HH: flat heat)
Leon Oaks, Canyonville '18.3; (2nd
heat) Wayne Ficken, Sherwood, 17.4;
(3rd heat) Jono Lance. ..Rainier, 17.S1
(4th heat) Jim. Canjiel. Canby.
1 5th heat) Claude McLean. Dallas,
17.1; (8th heat) Dennis Swanjon,
Centralla. 16.7: (7m hut) Elmer
Keck, Albany, II 2; (Sth heat) a lev
Pauly, Beaverton, HJ; (Oth hlat)
Dan Moore, S. Salem. 17..
Hlfh School lot yd. dash: (1st hat)
Jim Puckett, Cove, 10.6: (and hut)
Bandy Adama, Cove, 1J.0; (3rd hut)
Herb Forbes, Redmond, 11.S; , (4th
heat) Don Osborne, CobirrsT, 11.3: (Sth
heat) Kojr Cantrell. Coburs, 11 Ji letti
heat) Amoa Marsh. Wallowa, 10.S:
(7th heat) Don McCree, Bedmond,
11.2: - (Sth heat) Hubert Spelshta.
Redmond, 10.6: (Sth heat) Steve Plc-Srd:.Seisl1-
", (10th heat) Fran
Smith, Powers. 10.6; (llth heat) Geo.
Taylor. Beaverton, 10.8; (12th heat)
Ken Cox. Oeweso. 10.8: (13th heat)
T. Bycock. Beaverton,' 10.8; (14Ui
heat) Bob Gates, S. Salem, 10.7; 13th
heat) Jack Scott, s. Salem, 10.4; (16th
heat, Larry Mahalfy. Albany, 11J.
i. H'h School Distance Medley: (lit
heat) Chemawa (Charley Kee, Peter
Sam, Sam Martin end Jasper Ahker)
Time 11.41.3: (2nd heat) Unattached
(Tony Voorheea, Mike Walker, Tilt
Heinaco, Ralph Strelt) Time 11:07.0.
(New record, old record let in IMS
by Benson of Portland (Bulton. Bar
ris. Dixon, Moon), 11:23.9.)
t H'h ,'chooi sprint medlay: (lis
heat) Sisters, (Len Lansllers, Mike
Smith, Cece Graham end Ron Phil
lips, Time, 2:59.4; (2nd beat) Ralneer
(Henry Keith, Vlnce Coney, Don
Pfadle end Bob Bowers, Time, 3:46 J
(3rd heat) Sherman (G. Cantrell, K.
Heckman. S. Geehneuer. D. Archer), .
Time, 2:38.3; (4th heat) Parkro.e
(Dour; Leash, Gary Marchbank, Mike
Waterman, Ron Durreine, Time,
2:43.3: (Sth heat) S. Salem (Coons,
Krueger, Steret. Thompson), Time
2:48.1. (New record. Old record set
In 1956 by Roosevelt of Portland.
2:45.7.) '
Hlfh School broad Jump; (1st) Dare
roll Horn. Pilot Rock; (2nd) Van
Dyke. Milwaukie: (3rd) Toote, Cen
tralla; (4lh) Moore, S .Salem; (Sth)
GtIII, Albany and Puckett, Cove;
Mark. 21' 10", (New record. Old
record set in 1995 by Schepman,
North Bend, 211 8U".)
High School Noice broad Jump:
(1st) Jim Wade, Albany; (2nd) Lund,
Sbelton. Wash.; (3rd) Dixon, Beaver
ton: (4th) Corby, Beaverton; (4th(
Beaverton: (5th) Kawamato, tsta
cada: (6th) Young, Tillamook. Mark,
18' 10",
High School 440 yd. Relay: (1st
heat) Sisters (Winkle. Graham, Phil
lips. Langellus). Time. 49.6; (2nd
heat) Coburg, (Egge. Osborne, Can
trell. Howland). Time, 47.8; (3rd
heat) Ralneer (Otis, Bowers, Can
ning, Keith). Time, 48.1; (4th heat)
Parkrose (Leash, Long, Marchbank,
Lovelace). Time. 48.2. (5th heat)
South Salem (Jim Rawllngs, Jack
Scott, Phil Stelnbock. Bob Gates).
Time 45.7.
High School senior high Jump: (1st)
Jack Van Dyke, Milwaukie. 5' 8";
(tie for 2nd) John Hunter. Corvallls,
Darrel Horn, Pilot Rock. 5( 6". (Nov
ice) Don McCrea, Redmond. 5' 4".
Illth School 880 vd. Relay: flat
heat) Sherwood (Wayne Ficken. Karl
uouRinss, mist, neenan, asruce
ciarKe); Time, 1:43.3; (2nd . heat)
Lake Oswego '(Stuart Fors, Ernie
Schwarz, Scot Haines, Ron Schwann
Time, 1:39.2; (3rd heat) S. Salem
(Jack Scott, Dan Moore, bod Gates,
uaui nnianu -lime, l.A'.v. -
High School Discus: (Senior) Jim
Robinson, S. Salem; Mark, 129 0":
(Novice) Bob Loughun, . Gresham;
Mark. 120' 0".
Hign school z-miie neiay: tin
heat) Waldport (Fredericks, Newton.
Fodge, Robinson). Time, 9:04.3; (2nd
heat) S. Salem (Loren Blaco, Dave
Berglund, Bernard Gerlnger, Larry
McGregor); Time. 8:06.9. '
High school javelin: (Senior) Jim
Scott, Milwaukie. Mark, 162' 2'i";
(Novice) Clarence Miller, N. Salem,
Mark. 148' .1".
lllrh School Pole Vault: (Senior)
Tie for first between Terry Cole
man, N. Marion, Colin Morse, N. Sa
lem; Gene Dumber. Shelton. Wash-
Art Moreland. unattached; Mark, 10'
8": (Novice) Bill Hansen, Redmondi
Mark. 10' 4'-.
lllrh School Shot: fSenlnr) (1st)
Buzz Foote, Centralla: (2nd) Robin
son, S, Salem. Mark. 49' 9"; (Novice)
Larrv Worrall. Centralla. Wash.:
Mark, 4J' n".
Illth school ISO vd. Shuttle
Hurdles): (1st heat) Sherwood. 1:12.3;
(2nd heat) Beaverton, 1:10.0;. (3rd '
heat) N. 8s!em, 1:09.2.
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