Salem, Oregon, Saturday, March" 80, 1957 Page 8 Section 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAE Pretty, But Watch Out When They Wilt V i Skunk cabbage, flowering in this bog near Neotsu, heralds the coming of spring for coastal inhabitants. This member of the arum family deserves Its name only when the flowers are wilted or the stems crushed. Its roots were an Item of food among the Indians. (Capital Journal Fhoto) Traditional Skunk Cabbage Ushers in Coastal Springtime By BEN MAXWELL Capital Journal Writer When the skunk cabbage blooms, those at the coast know that spring has come. Skunk cabbage, a member of the arum family and botanically known as lysichiton camlschatcense, belies its name. When the bright yellow flowers are fresh their odor is sweet, almost unpleasantly sweet. Only when the flowers have wilted or the stems are damaged does skunk cabbage become its name. The story is told of a Swedish girl, once employed at the old Agate Beach Hotel. She was unfamiliar with local flora and fauna. A small banquet for the very select was scheduled and the Swedish girl was told to decorate the room with flow , ers and then close the room to keep other patrons out. She placed bouquets of skunk cabbage on the tables and on the sideboard, admired her performance and closed the door just as she had been instructed to do. When the dining room was opened, the wilted skunk cabbage had maintained its reputation. Guests dined elsewhere and It took three days to air out the hotel. Lysichiton literally means the act of loosening of a chiton, which was a tunic in classical times. The plant is found from Japan o North America and flowers abun dantly from March until May in swales and swamps. Hoots of skunk cabbage are peppery and sought for by bear and elk as a food. Among coastal Indians the root was an item of diet, particularly in the spring when famine threatened. Cooking destroys much of the strong and unpleasant flavor of Iho root. FAT GIRLS' DIET Tesled prnrtlrnJ ways to take off tat, rushed by return mail In plain wrapper nt spcrlal prices. ) SPECIAL DIET FOR FAT J ( ) MOW TO OF.T HID OF A - STOMACHS AND THICK DOUBLE CHIN WAISTLINES If you have n douhlc chin you're If it's vour Mnmarh and wAlstllne that 'i bothering you, here's your diet JSc ( ) HIGH PROTEIN DIET FOR WOMEN PAST 35 Excellent henllhful dlel fur neooe of A LI AGES! Comhlnrjt plenty- o eat with rnnid weinhl in I verv populnr 2.l'c ( ) 'SECRETS' TO SPEED RE DUCING Important "little thing'" discov ered in IS years reducing thou tandi 2!k- ( ) THE FAMOUS RICE DIET Frequently proscribed bv physi cians fur Hypertension (High Hood Pressure) also excellent for people who want to lose a few doiiikIh F-A-S-TI 2flc ) SPECIAL DIET FOn FAT UN'S ANIJ THIGHS If your wrtiiht is below the waist, this dirt will Hrn youl 2.1c ( ) 2-DAY "JOLT-OFF-POUNDS" DIET If you need to lone a few pounds quickly, this diet will do ttl aImi recommended lor welght-stnnd-tMli . 25c ( ) one-dayai.lT liquid" .jir. i Geti appetite under control nnd telU you how to lose a few pound Mfelyl 2.V ( ) 7-DAY DETOXICATiON Bids your body of poisons. Helps you to a Inst start In losing L'uuiiux , 2w ) HOW TO STAY THIN A IT EH GrUlriR thin Is imw thing staying thought of what your weight. It I .. Get matter rid of 25c 1 FAMOUS RAN ANA DIET World renowned medical, hos'nltnl diet, very filling, sntlsfylng, easy to follow, takes weight off rapidly 25c ) POPULAR- "9-DAY MIRACLE If you have 9 pounds to lose, tills in uo til A lasi start (or Wt, afte I 18-DAY 18-POUND DIET this diet Insures the .vife loot of considerable pouminuc tn only 18 d;is 25c. ( ) POUND A DAY "MIRACLE DIET" An Inralllhle diet that Insures the lis4 it t least n omuui n it.ty! ('an be repeated II days each month. 25c ( 1 DK1J YDHATION DIET FOR THOSE WHO CRAVE SWEETS 'Die fa.iti'st nnd most plrasant of all! Helps light your vur.U enemy I . .. 25c thin another! This tells how ( ) 7-DAY. 7-POUND DIET Follow this, lose 7 lbs. in 1 Week 25c MJ i),., Ynlt WANT. SEND FOR PROMPT DELIVERY. EN CLOSE COIN, MONEY ORDER nr CHECK. Any 5 mailed to you fur only l, postpaid. Any in for only $2, postpaid. ALL. 16 for iinly J. postpaid. No orders under l. , MONEY HACK GUARANTEE .m.,9,X!5N..yil,,w "nrt HrlKhl rhrt PLUS Meaiurrmenl Chart nUTH PFAH1JER, Dept. 111202, Decatur. III. I am enclosing If I have checked FIVE item, please lend them to me for 1. If I have rnecked TEN Hems, please send them to me for only 2. If I have checked ALL SIXTEEN items, please end them to me for only Name Addreu SEE OUR SPECIAL CENTENNIAL SALE SECTION In this paper totlaijl SKTION II, PAGES 1 TO J4 OSC Says Dairy Merger Plan Will Strengthen, Not Abandon Two Charged On Lewd Count David Countryman, 52, of Bea ver Creek, and Mrs. Jean C. Doyle, 34, of Eagle Creek, pleaded innocent when arraigned in Dis trict Court Friday on a charge of lewd cohabitation. Judge E. O. Stadtcr set April 5 as time for trial. Mrs. Doyle was released on her own recognizance and Countryman's bail was con tinued at $250. The complaint against the two was signed by the woman's hus Spring Music To Highlight North Concert Music in the springtime mood will highlight the concert of the North balem High School band Monday night. The admission-free program will start at 8 o'clock in the auditorium. Under the baton of Russell Witt- mcr, the 61-picce uniformed band will play a variety of marches and concert selections, ranging from one of the world's favorite old overtures to a bit of modern boogie-woogie. The Viking rally girls will appear wun tnc pep band, performm some of the 'dance steps which al traded statewide publicity at the recent basketball tournament in Eugene. Coached bv Mrs. Douglas Kieft the dancers are Doris Hein, Dottyc Jones, Mary Wood, Judy Seamstcr, tsein Horn and Kathy Archer. Singing in close harmonv will be the North High HarmoneUcs, stu dents of Howard Miller. The vocal trio includes Helen Monke. Mar- jorie Bolt and Darlcne Goodman, accompanied ay uary f rame. "Three Cardinals" features Garv iNopp, nay Kreuger and Dick West, ying a trumpet trio with the Dand. Den Mother Training To Begin Here Tuesday Handicraft display and practice of den mother programming will be among subjects covered in the den mother training course which is to begin here Tuesday. The sessions will be on Tuesdavs for five or six weeks from 9:30 until 11:30 a.m. in the Meier & Frank auditorium under the di rection of Mrs. Vera Shidlcr. The classes arc sponsored bv the Cherry City District of the Cascade Area Boy Scout Council. It is planned to make them a yearly event. Assisting Mrs. Shidler will be Mrs. Robert Corev. Mrs. Sam Samuels and Mrs. Otto Yunker. OREGON STATE COLLEGE (SpecinD A proposal tinder con sideration at Oregon Stale College to merge the dairy department with two other departments would strengthen dairy research and leaching, not abandon or weak en the program, V. E. Price, dean of agriculture, said today. The plan, still in the discussion stage, would combine dairy pro duction work wilh animal husband ry, Price reported. The joint oper ation would be designated as the department of dairy and animal husbandry, with no major changes in functions or make-up of exist ing research and teaching work Dairy manufacturing work now conducted in the dairy department would no transferred to the food technology department. Economy And Efficiency Price said the consolidation pro- grum was being considered for reasons of "economy and effi ciency." It is not a new venture, lie noted. Sixteen other land-grant colleges, including Cornell, Cali fornia and Iowa Stale, have their dairy and animal husbandry work combined. Reports and rumors that the new program would subordinate dairy husbandry to animal husbandry are false and misleading, the dean insisted. The proposal came in for special attention at lliis lime, he said, be cause the headships of both the dairy husbandry and animal hus bandry departments will be vacant July 1: P. M. Brandt, head of dairy, will retire this year and John Landers, acting head of ani mal husbandry since Fred F. Mc Kcnzie left in September for a for eign assignment, plans to take leave next year for advanced study. Would Save $15,000 The two departments share the same building, Wilhycomhc Hall, built in 1032. Price said the consolidation would reduce administrative costs by $15,000 annually. These funds could be used to employ badly needed research workers. He pointed to the "great simi larity of scientific training and technical knowledge for the con duct of the research and teaching work in dairy husbandry and ani mal husbandry. Basic animal nu trition is the same in both. Animal physiology, animal reproduction and many of the animal disease problems arc much the same. North Salt in PTA To Hear Brooks Dr. Dean K. Brooks, superinten dent of (lie Oregon Stale Hospital, will speak on the subject, "The Schools and Mental Health' at the Parent -Teacher meeting of North Salem High School Tuesday at 8 p m. Tins is the last meeting of the year for the North Salem PTA. Newly-elcclrd officers for 1957-." will he installed hy Mrs. l.ula Mnrschal, a junior vice-president of the Oreson Council of Farents and Teachers. Delegates to the state convention in Pendleton on April 9, 10 and It, wilt be elected at the meeting. In the "Know Vour School" se ries. Mrs. Hope Edwards will pre sent the program of the Home Eco nomics Department. I Let's Decorate RADIANT GLASSUEAT "Tha Sunshine Heil" For Free Estimate PHONE EM 46263 CLEAN SAFE - MODERN 1M0 Fairgrounds Rend SALK.M, ORKC.ON Oh, the good clean smell of Spring in the air! The tickling, vigor and crispness of it! A daphne fragrance drifts across the garden, occasionally mingled with the heady perfume of hya cinths. They catch our eye in doorway plantings of rose, white and a blue like none other. ... In (he studio our hands travel across fabric samples and we find a Spring-like ecstasy in seeing the new chintzes, the floral cottons of rose and blue on clean white backgrounds,, and the new tex tures whose colors arc clean and fresh. . . . We think of the drab room which we had visited late lya dining room through an arch from a living room little used now since the addition of a family room had toccn made at the other side of the kitchen. . . . What a transformation could be wrought here! We could paint the walls hyacinth blue to go wilh the lighter blue of the ad joining living room and the dark er blue of Ike wall-to-wall car pet. The woodwork should be painted white. . . . The wide ex panse nt plain wall which we see from the living room could be opened to reveal a ten-foot bay window in which we could place a curved sofa covered in our beautiful, quilted floral cotton which shows rose and blue flow ers on a while ground. ... At the window our silky, crisp, white chintz made Into ruffled curtains at the sides and held back very nign, under a ruttlcd valance, would be fresh and pretty. . . . To flank the sofa let's use cherry tables holding crystal lamps with bright rose shades and in front of it our oval Victorian coffee table with the white marble top. . . . We could break through the kitchen wall at our left to use the old chimney flue for a small fireplace which we'll paint white. At cither side Degas floral prints in white frames could be hung against the blue wall. . . . Let's place the old spinet piano, sprayed w hite wilh a glaze of gold against Hie opposite wall from the fireplace, using a light hya cinth hluo on the bench scat. . . . At either side of the arch and drawn into comfortable angles to the room let's place two wing back chairs of the bright rose of our lamp shades and behind them i on the wall hang large wall brackets of crystal with white satin shades to bring a sparkle across the room. , . . Now, Spring has invaded the drab, little room so that we might enjoy its fresh ness through long months to come. 'Bye till later, KM Lipman's Interior Decorator 285 N. liberty Si, V Siltm, Oregon IMPORT Al NOT CE TO Mil FRANK'S REVOLVING CHARGE cnKRS DON'T let your present Shopping Limit stop you from taking full advantage of the GREAT VALUES in our CENTENNIAL SALE! this is all 1 ece Wjjher Shopping limit you require, up to '400 you do... I g0 njd an(i purchase right up to that higher Shopping Limit IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO NOTIFY THE CREDIT OFFICE THIS CHART WILL SHOW YOU WHAT YOUR HIGHER MONTHLY PAYMENTS WILL BE SHOPPING LIMIT 150 '200 '250 '300 '350 '400 MONTHLY PAYMENTS '15 '20' "25 '30 '35 '40 tor example: your present shopping limit is ..-. . .'150 and you want to purchase in the Centennial Sale up to '200 your new monthly payment will be '20 TIHIAT'S ALL TMEME I T IT! 1MVT HAVE A MKVOIVl.X; ft 1'IIAIUiiE f ACCOUNT or anything higher, pieast contact Credit Ojfict Our Credit Office will process your application WHILE YOU WAIT W"" llail.lll....IIUUIlIU.iLUI.IU,...l,lll.mi...... ;l OPEN MONDAY . YSi 1 9:30 a.m. to p.m. P;;.!;;JX