Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 30, 1957, Page 6, Image 6

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I -
Parties Listed
For Legislators
Several affairs of interest are on the calendar
for legislative groups next week.
Tuesday Dinner
. Senator and Mrs. Lee jOhmart have invited a
group of legislative friends for a buffet dinner on
Tuesday night at their North 14lh street home.
About 30 will be in the group.
At Home Event
Mrs. Robert D. Holmes, wife of the governor,
will observe her usual at home afternoon, Tues
day. Friends are invited to call between 2 and
5 o'clock at the governor's home.
On Wednesday night Governor and Mrs. Holmes
will entertain at another in the series of buffets
they are giving for legislators and their wives.
The party will be at 7 o'clock at their home.
Timber Party
Big event of the week and one of the largest
parties of the session will he the Timber Party,
staged by delegations of all counties in the Fourth
Congressional District, on Thursday night, April
4, at the American Legion Club.
The social hour will be at 6:30 o'clock, the
buffet at 7:30 o'clock. Rep. W. 0. Kelsay. Rose
burg, Rep. Edwin Cone, Eugene, Rep. Robert Dun
can, Medford, Rep. Keith Skelton, Eugene. Senator
Warren GiU, Lebanon, Senator R. F. Chapman,
Coos Bay, are on the general committee in charge
with Irvin Luiten and Bruce Cowcn assisting. A
large group of committee members is assisting
with plans for the event.
Guests will include all legislators and their
wives or husbands; all state officials and their
wives, the legislative press and, other guests in
vited by legislators.
Alpha Xi Delta alumnae are to meet next
Wednesday night at the home of Mrs. M. E.
Knickerbocker, 4160 Hcrtcl Drive. Dessert will be
at 7:30 o'clock with Mrs. Ted Carlson and Mrs.
Russell Wittmer as co-hoslcsses.
Founders day (or the sorority will be observed.
Mrs. A. C. Newell, Mrs. Benjamin Kerns and Mrs.
Myron Poguc are in charge of the program.
Delta Zela alumnae are meeting on Tuesday
night at the home of Mrs. H. E. Smcdlcy with Mrs.
Orville Wensley as co-hostess. Bridge and other
games will be played, this to be a social evening.
Gamma Phi Bela alumnae are to be enter
tained at the home' of Mrs. James H. Nicholson,
Jr. next Tuesday night, the supper to be at 6:39
Co-hostesses will be Mrs. Harold M. Olingcr,
Mrs. Alton Brannnn and Miss Helen Stuntz.
Plans will be made for the group's benefit card
party to be given later in April.
Plans for a luncheon and card party to be
given on April 24 will be discussed at the meeting
of St. Vincent's Altar Society Wednesday evening,
April 3, at the Parish Hall at 6 o'clock. The party
will be at the Catholic Center and committees are
to be named to take charge of features of the
Of Interest to many Irlcnds Sunday, aflornnon
will be the inlormal open house In honor Mrs.
George M. King, former Snlem resident visiting
from Boise:
The parly will be at the home of Dr. and Mrs.
Leon E. Barrick, 641 Klngwood, between 4 and 7
Members of the Post Mntrnns Association,
Order of Eastern Slar, and friends of Mrs, King
are invited to call.
Hostessos for the party are Mrs. Barrick, Mrs.
George Edwards, Mrs, Arnold S. Johnson and Mrs.
Mem Pcarce.
Mrs. Paul H. Hauscr, Mrs. E. E. Wiper and
Mrs. Harry J. Mohr of Portland nre to pour.
Several other friends in the Slar will assist at
th party.
Several Salem folk will be In Portland next
Friday night for the annual Matrix Table banquet
of Portland Alumnae Chapter of Thcta Sigma Phi,
national journalism honorary.
The semi-formal affair will he in the grand
ballroom of Multnomah Hotel at 7 o'clock.
Dr. Anna L. Rose Hawkes. national president
of the American Association of University Women,
Is to be the guest speaker.
Five Oregon women, named as "women of
achievement" by the chapter, will be presented,
and announcement will he made of the winner of
the Edith Knight Hill award, this award being
kept a scjrot until the night of the banquet.
Chapter CQ of P.E.O. Sisterhood will he enter
tained at the home of Mrs. Lewis Wiltshire. 225
Boise, Tuesday, dessert to be at 1:15 pm. Mrs.
William Bender will be co-hostess and Mrs. John
M. Janssen will be in charge of the program.
Some Notations
One of the beautiful lens of the pre-Knster sen
son was the "welcome home" one for Mrs. Doug
las McKay, given Thursday alternnon by Mrs.
G. F. Chambers and Miss llornlhea Sleuslolf in
the Meier & Frank's-Solein OrcKnn mom A
large group was invited lo rail between 2:45 and
S:30 o'clock .... For many il was the first oppor
tunity to visit wilh Mrs. McKay since her return
from Washington. D C. Ibis past year .... The
McKays had been in the national r;ipilal more
than three years during his servirc as Secretary
of the Interior ....
Simple but elegant was the Ira table deinr.
accenting all while to give strikuiR contrast to the
aqua shades highlighting the attractive room ....
The centerpiece was a tall, tiered nrrnnrmnu of
crystal simulating an epergne, tbe lower level with
white camellias and hyacinths and gretMicry, the
center tier with hyacinths and stock, the top tier
with all hyacinths .... The ten l.-thle was set in
the small party room off the main dining room. . ,
It was a very friendly and visiling occasion .. .
Among those greeted during our rail Mri. Wil
liam C. Dyer. Sr., Mrs. William t:. Over. Jr.. Mrs.
ria.rbniirne Dyer, Mrs. W. I. Needhnm, Mrs. win
field Needhain. Mrs. Itllssell Hnnrslri'lr . Mrs.
E. F. Rntlrrmnn, Mrs. Frank I'rlmr. Mrs. Krrit
II. Thompson, Mrs. E. It. Vltsko. Mrs. .Umrs J.
Walton, Mrs. Stewart .Inhnsnn. Mrs. I'liamllrr
Brown, Mrs Stanley linker. Mrs. t'ntiurn rnhrn
horst, Dr. Helen I'enrre, Mrs. Itayinonil Walsh,
Mrs. Charles I). Wood, Mrs. Francis Zlrulrr of
Corvallis, here during the legislature with her hus
band, Senator Ziegler; Mrs. Edward Roth, Mrs.
Bruce Williams, Mrs. Earl C. I.alouretie. Mrs.
Harold J. Warner, here from Portland for the
party; Mrs. Halts. Lusk, Mrs. Charles A. Spragur,
Mrs. Karl Helnieln, Miss Alrne Phillips, Mrs. T. W.
Creech .
Mrs. Arthur A. Rogers, Mrs. Vernon Wlsrarson,
Mrs. Henry M. IlBnien, Mrs. B. F. Williams, Mrs.
Slgfrld B. Unandrr, Mrs. John R. MrCullounh.
Mrs. 8am R. Haley, Mrs, James II. Young, Miss
Beryl Holt, Mrs. Ross llogue, Mrs. P. D. Qulsrn
berry, Mrs. Dwlghl Qulsenberry, Mrs, Mollis W,
Huntington, Mrs. James T. Brand, Mrs, Maynird
ghlffer, Mrs. Charles Campbell, Mrs. Horace Me
Gee, Mrs. O. K. DfWIII, Mrs. Leon E. Barrick,
Mrs. David Bennett HIU, Mrs. Clark C, McCall,
Urt. ErrU r. Smith i
K A ST Kit MIl.l.tM.HY will be spotlighted at the annual benefit party of Junior
Woman's club next Wednesday night, April 3, in the VWCA, Hals for all occasions
will be shown. Proceeds from the benefit go to the YWCA swimming pool fund and
other club projects.
Easter Bonnet Bridge on Wednesday
1 A colorful nffnlr planned lor the coming week
will ho the annual Knsler Bonnet brldgo benefit
of Junior Womnn's Club on Wednesday night,
April 3, at the YWCA.
Highlight of the evening will he the parade of
spring hats for matrons and children. The Vogue
of Salem and Mnrgwen's are furnishing the
Mrs. Mnthiew Bronec of Monmouth, district fi
nalist In the Mrs. America Contest, sponsored by
Portland Gas and Coke Company, will be one of
the models for the bonnet parade.
Other models will he Mrs. William Hicks, Mrs.
Asn Lewelling, Mrs. John Wiles, Mrs. Darwin Cas
pell. Mrs. Howard Price, Mrs. Wallace Cowen,
Mrs. Orville Knnnicr, Jr., Mrs. Howard Elwood,
Delia Delta Delta alumnae are to meet Monday
night for dessert at 7:30 o'clock at the home of
Mrs. Wallace Honesteele.
Mrs. Robert Morrison from the Stale Library
stall Is to be guest speaker.
Co-hostesses (or the meeting are Mrs. Cal
Horsey, Mrs. Gordon Gilbertson and Mrs. Charles
South Snlem Lions Club Auxiliary Is In meet on
Mondnv night at the home of Mrs. Clayton Jones.
Co hosiesses will be Mrs. Henry Sprick and Mrs.
R. E. Emmons.
By M.L.F.
Mrs. II. I.. Stiff, Mrs. .lanr Stiff, Mrs. George
W. Crolsnn, Mrs. Albert C. t'.rngg. Mrs. Cnrl W.
Kinmnns, Mrs, Vern Shny. Mrs. Paul .Incquet,
Mrs. Oscar I. Piuilsnn. Mrs. Itnhrrt II. llamlltnn.
Mrs, Osrsr SpiM-ht. Mrs. Tom It. Diinhilm. Mrs.
lllrharil I., ( nolo), Mrs. A. It. Tartar, Mrs. Robert
M. Hrnwnell, Mrs. Sidney Schlcslngcr ....
Mrs. Keith Powell, Mrs. Chester M. Cox, Mrs.
Ralph K. I'llrvlnr, Mrs. Margaret Rosrrrnns, Miss
Nellie Srliuuh. Mrs. llonalil Wrlls. Mrs. Jnmrs
While. Mrs. William lluslik. Mrs. Sidney R. t.rnls,
Mrs. Hussrl K. I'rntl. Mrs. Richard A. Meyer,
Mrs. Robert M. Kltzmnurlrr, Mrs. Ituane (Risen,
Mrs. Hreyiuan Rolse. Mrs. Harold O. Schneider,
Mrs. George It. Ilollluun. Mrs. W'olrolt E.
Rilrrn, Mrs. Kenneth Wilson, .Mrs. C. Herbrrt
Smith, Mrs. Ilai-hnrn Cross, Mrs. Walter Rrown
liiw. Mrs. Logan C Rerrv, Mrs. I.. C. Mcl.end,
Mrs.' l.eo Page. Mrs. Sydney Kroim-r, Mrs. Roy
Houck. Mrs. Gururr KU-sher. Mrs. Donald C.
Roberts. Mrs. Frederick S. Lamport, Mrs. William
Smith. Ilr. Mary B. I'urvlne, Mrs. A. C. K. I'erry,
Mrs. F'rnnels T. Wnile here from Portland, Mrs.
Auhrry Rund o( Corvallis. Mrs. Oliver Huston . . .
4 .
A delightfully informal ami rhalty gathering of
Tuesday morning was the colfre for which Mrs.
Cnrl .Htrrlhnmmrr anil Mrs. Chute Follls enter
tained at the Stcelhaiiitner home to honor Mrs.
Ray Wehlier. uho with Mr. Wrhhrr and her moth
er. Mrs. F. F.dman, will lie leaving in May tor the
Philippines to be away (or two years Roth
Mrs Webber and Mrs Kdinan nre excitedly await
ing the trip and stay m Ihe islands .... They will
(ly. and plan a short stopover in Honolulu lo visit
friends there .... Mr. Webber Is to be supervising
highway maintenance engineer, workmg with the
Philippines government .... Tbe coffee table fea
tured a bright floral centerpiece of camellias and
other spring blooms In pink, blue and yellow ....
Guests mainly Included longtime friends o( Mrs.
Among Uiose chatting during our stop were
Mrs. R. D. Rlalrhlord, Mrs. George Slerlhammer,
Mrs. Paul Kllever. Mrs. Joy Slrlckladrn, Mrs,
Nerval Edwards, Mrs. John Strelhammrr, Mrs.
Grace Sllrk. Mrs. Pelrr Csrstensen. Mrs. W. D.
Thomas, Mrs. Don Freel. Mrs. Mollis Alger of
Tortland, Mrs. Paul W. Hsrrey, Jr., Mrs. E. A.
Carlttoa. Mrs. Harold Elbert. . , . ,
', . V, Ar:, iSl vvv 'lift VI :
Mrs. Howard Girod. Mrs. Richard Allen, Mrs.
James II. Allonby, Mrs. Clifford Bowdcr, Miss
Idonna Shimanck.
The children modeling will be Diane Elwood,
Tracey Weber, Sharon Sullivan, Debhy Hocker,
Roxarme and Kay Shriver, Linda and Claudia Bal
Inntyne, Kevin and Darren Kannier, Michael and
Steven Benson, Michael Dewey.
Proceeds from the benefit go to the YWCA
swiming pool fund and to other special projects of
the club.
Tickets are on sale by any member of the club
and may be obtained by calling Mrs. Howard
Houck or Mrs. Warren Hocker; also at the Vogue,
and at Charlotte's Charm School.
Community Concert Association announces a
limited number of memberships are availahle at
Salem Record store, Stevens and Son, Stone Piano
company, Meier tt Frank's-Salem, and Will's
Music store, Monday through Friday of next week.
Workers nre out now on the membership cam
paign and as soon as this phase is over, selection
of programs for next season will be announced.
Annual dinner for workers Is set for April 9.
Mrs. Reynolds Allen, 3985 Creslview Drive, will
be hostess to members of Crown Guild of the First
Presbyterian Church on Monday afternoon, April
1, at 1 o'clock.
Mrs. Elmer R. Worth will present the subject
for discussion, "Geographical Influence on Old
Testament History."
Assisting hostesses will be Mrs. Glenn Stevens
and Mrs. Henry A. Simmons.
Mrs. John Slricklln will be hostess lor Ihe meet
ing o( the Young Matrons Club at her home at loss
N. 23rd Street. Thursday, April 4, at f p.m. Assist
ing will be Mrs. Warren It. Simpson.
Tbe business meeting will he conducted by the
recently elected officers, Mrs. Robert E. Hanberg,
president: Mrs. Jean Monsanto, vice president:
Mrs. John Stricklin, secretary; and Mrs. Harold
C. Lend, treasurer,
A social hour will follow the business session.
Much interest Is being shown In the Book and
Antique Show which the Salem Woman's Club has
planned (or Tuesday, April 9, between the hours
of 12 noon and 9 p.m., at the club bouse, 460 X.
Cottage St.
Roth old books of interest and current volumes
will be displayed, with the present day exhibit to
be provided by Hugh G. Morrow, librarian of the
Salem Public Library. Antiques will include a
collection of early-day dolls, milk glass lamps,
china, pewler articles, a 200 - year - old teapot,
clocks, a button collection. Bibles, magazines and
maps. Among the maps will be one of the city
of Snlem produced in 1861. For the protection of
those who will display articles, insurance will be
carried by Ihe club.
Sandwiches, cookies, coffee and tea will be
served throughout the allernoon and evening, with
the committee in charge of Mrs. Howard N. Hun
saker. Mrs. Floyd M. White is arranging a special
prosrnm of music during tbe hours of the event.
Mrs. Ralph A DaMeti is general chairman for
the show. Recording of articles will be handled
by Mrs. Frank II. Slruble and Mrs. Walter L.
Osborne will be In charge of the guest book. The
special display of Bibles is being arranged by
Mrs. W. C. Taylor. Telephone chairman is Mrs.
R. D Lvtle and publicity chairman is Mrs. Claude
H. Glenn.
Other club members assisting on committees
are Mrs. Harry Sappenlield, Mrs. Charles L. Mink,
Mrs. Frank P. Marshall, Mrs. A. E. 1'llman, Mrs.
Francis Speerstra, Mrs Kerbv E. Johnson, Mrs.
Nettie M. Smith, Mrs. Clark C. McCall. Mrs Roy
F. Smith, Mrs. Oscar I. Psulson. Mrs. O. E.
ralmsteer, Mrs. Clifton Mudd. Mrs Luke M. John
ston, Mrs. Henry M Hanien, Miss Dorothy Fred
den, Mrs. Mem Pearct and Mrs. W. M. Rosen
thai. .
Among models, are: Upper left, Mrs. Robert Stevens, in navy blue and white pill
box. Upper right: Mrs. Orville Kannler, Jr. in an orchid nylon chiffon. Inset at loner
left, Miss Idonna Shimanck in pink straw with nylon crushed 'pom pon. Lower right
Inset, Mrs. Asa Lcwelllng In white linen bowler with perky ornament.
(Capital Journal Society Editor)
PRIf, luncheon for Salem Women's Army
and Navy League is scheduled for next
Tuesday at 12:30 o'clock at Shattuc's
Chaleau, Silverton Road.
Mrs. Elmer O. Berg is to be guest speaker to
talk on her trip to Europe last year. She has pre
pared some special material for the league talk.
The nominating committee announced by- Mrs.
Wallace S, Wharton, president, Includes: Mrs,
George Bagnall, chairman; Mrs. William Schaefcr,
Mrs. George Sirnio, Mrs. Maylon E. Scott, Mrs.
Ted Morrison.
Members of St. Agnes Guild of St. Paul's Epis
copal Church will meet in the Guild Room of the
church for a potluck dinner Tuesday evening,
April 2, at 6:30 o'clock.
Mrs. Palmer R. Sather will show pictures on
the Holy Land.
Hostesses will be Mrs. David G. Gilmore, Mrs.
Emma Bywater, Mrs. Oliver Fursman and Mrs.
Lola Fursman.
Monthly meeting for Salem General Hospital
Auxiliary will be next Tuesday morning at the
hospital at 10 o'clock.
Hostess to her bridge club for dinner and eve
ning of cards on Tuesday will be Mrs. Walter Kirk.
Of interest to a large group this Sunday after
noon will be Ihe program to be presented by Stone
Piano Septet at Silverton Union High School audi
torium at 3 o'clock, the group sponsored by the
Silverton Music Teachers Group.
Norman Reynolds Is director of the group.
Playing the seven pianos will he Doris George
Hale, Frances Palmason. Mary Johnson, Marjorie
Bass Muntz, Marjorie Chumblcy, Dorothy Lee,
Jean Morrison.
The teachers sponsoring the program include
Mrs. William Iron, Mrs. John Bronson, Edwin
Hepner. George Gillis.
More than 1200 cards were sent out announcing
the program and inviting- friends to attend.
Members of Bethel 48. Job's Daughters, will
celebrate their (ourth birthday anniversary as well
as sponsor their annual daughters and dads ban
quet on Thursday evening, April 4. at 6 o'clock,
at (he Scottish Rite Temple.
A feature of the annual dinner for lathers is
the weighing of the lathers so that the cost ol their
individual dinner payments may be estimated. The
dads pay a cent a pound for the privilege of dining
with their daughters at the birthday event.
Miss Barbara Davis is chairman for the dinner
wilh Miss Nancy Colburn and Miss Linda Lcckcrt
as assistants.
Chadwick Chapter. Order ol Eastern Slar.
meets Tuesday evening. April 2. at the Masonic
Temple, with the newly installed olficcrs. Mrs.
Arnold S. Johnson and Dr. Leon E. Rarrick. pre
siding as worthy matron and patron. The dining
room will be in charge of the retiring officers.
School legislation will be discussed by Professor
A. Freeman Holmer of the Willamette University
faculty at the meeting of the McKinley School
Mothers and Dads Club Monday evening at
o'clock in the Choral Room of the school.
Room mothers who will serve as hostesses lor
the meeting will be Mrs. James W. Keefe and
Mrs. Richard D. McFarlin of Mrs. Joseph Cham
bers' room, and Mrs. Nelson M. Hickok and Mrs.
George H. Windcdahl of Mrs. Clay Egclston s
City Council of Beta Sigma Phi sorority is meet
ing next Wednesday night at the home of Mrs.
Lea Thomas.
A." A
t for
L t Mir! ifz-ih
(CapltSl Journal olcturei)
Salem Writers Club plans Its meeting for next
Tuesday night at 7:30 o'clock at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Lynn F. Cronemiller, 1760 S, Winter.
An April shower theme will bring out decor
ated umbrellas at the friendship night program of
Bethel 35, Job's Daughters, Monday, April 1, at
7:30 p.m. at the Scottish Rite Temple. Members
of the bethel and of visiting bethels have been
asked to bring their umbrellas to add fun and
color to the evening's program.
Public installation of officers of Salem Chapter
No. 162, Order of Eastern Star, Is scheduled to
night at 8 o'clock at the Scottish Rite Temple.
Mrs. George Edwards and Ronald Rossner will be
inducted as worthy matron and worthy patron of
the chapter.
Past matron, Mrs. George King, and past pa
tron, James C. Darby, will be installing officers,
assisted by Mrs. Mona Yoder, past matron, as
marshal; Miss Helen Fletcher, p-st matron as
chaplain: and Mrs. Clare Rasmussen as musicians.
The installation ceremony will be opened by Ihe
retiring matron and patron, Mrs. Harry Hiday
and Kenneth 1. Dodge.
In Portland Sunday to take in the Home Show
there and other events will be Governor and Mrs.
Robert D. Holmes.
Mrs. N. F. Anderson is to entertain for Theatre
Arts group at luncheon next Tuesday, April 2.
Miss Kate Dickson is to review "Television Plays"
by Paddy Chayefsky.
Chapter G of P.E.O. Sisterhood will mrel next
Thursday afternoon at 1:15 o'clock at the home of
Mrs. Robert Sprague with Mrs. Charles A.
Sprague as co-hostess.
t' studio Dleturt)
ANNOUNCED the first ol the week was the
engagement of Miss Joyce Gorton, ibove, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Gorton, to Harold
Coek. son of Mr. and Mrs. Darnell Cook of
Baker, Ore.
( us"-"?! i
Plans for Wedding
Plans for her April 14 wedding are being an
nounced by Miss Betty Larwood, who Is to b
married on that date to Raymond R. Raaf.
The ceremony will be at 3 o'clock in the after
noon in the First Methodist church, Dr. Brooks
H. Moore officiating.
Attendants for the bride will be Miss Janica
Prentiss, Mrs. Bryce Thalman, a cousin, and Lin
da Lee Thalman as junior bridesmaid.
Erwin E. Raaf is to be best man for his
brother: Ushers will be Donald Curry, Orville Hat
field, Harry Hanschar, William Zunck.
For the music, Paul G. Trueblood is to sing
and Prof. Josef Schnelker will be organist.
The reception following will be in the Carrier
room of the church.
The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mrs. John
Larwood and Mr. Raaf is the son of Mrs. Emilia
R. Fischer.
With the Salem series of concerts of the Port
land Symphony Orchestra completed for this sea
son, interest is being manifest by many Salem
music lovers in the "pops" concert of the orchestra
to be given in McMinnville on Sunday afternoon,
April 14. at 2:30 o'clock.
Since the program is slated for "Blossom Sun
day" in Salem, some of those who will tour blos
som areas will continue on to McMinnville for the
afternoon concert which Is to be given at the Lin
field College gymnasium.
The so-called popular type of concert receives
that designation both from Ihe inclusion of num
bers of more universal appeal and from the lower
admission charge.
Selections announced for the McMinnville pro
gram follow:
Overture, "L'ltaliana in Algeri" Rossini
Mcnuetto and Finale from "Symphony
No. 40 in G Minor, K550" Mozart
"Slavonic Dance No. 8
in G Minor" Dvorak
Suite from "Carmen" .. Bizet
"Marche Joyeuse" Chalvier
Waltzes from "Dcr
Rosenkavalier" Strauss
Symphonic Scenario from
"My Fair Lady" arranged by
Robert Russell Bennett ... Lemer-Laune
"An American in Paris" .. Gershwin
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jennison are announcing
the engagement of their daughter, Miss Ruby Jen
nison, to Charles E. Webb, Jr., son of .Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. Webb. All are of Dallas.
No date is set for the wedding.
Mrs. William D. Evans was honored by mora
than 50 of her associates in the Division of Motor
Vehicles at a dinner party at the Marion Hotel
this week. The affair marked the retirement of
Mrs. Evans after 14 years of service with th
state, and she was presented with a gift of silver
and china.
Decorations of pink plum blossoms and yellow
daffodils were used on the tables and about the
Mrs. Evans plans some extensive trips follow
ing her retirement.
Willamette Shrine, While Shrine of Jerusalem,
has arranged a potluck dinner for 6:30 p.m. on
Saturday, April 6, at the Masonic Temple. A pro
gram of entertainment will follow.
Committee members lor the evening are Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Vincent, Mrs. Kate Elgin and
Mrs. Eva Ellen Fern.
Committee chairmen have been announced for
the reception Sunday afternoon, April 7, honoring
Miss Janice Wood, grand representative to Ten
nessee in the Order of Rainbow for Girls. Cherry
Assembly is sponsoring Ihe party at the Scottish
Rite Temple at 2 p.m., with members of all Rain
bow Girls assemblies, all Masonic orders and the
general public invited to attend.
Miss Cleta McMorris, worthy adviser of Cherry
Assembly, is general chairman for the reception.
Other chairmen are Miss Elizabeth Alderson, re
freshments; Miss Jerry Sue Deem, entertainment;
Miss Jeanne Schultz, invitations: Miss Judy Bren
dle, decorations; Miss Carol George, serving equip
ment; and Miss Marianna Cornie, clean-up.
Miss Wood is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Emery F. Wood. Her appointment to the position
for which she is being honored is made hy the
grand assembly of the Rainbow organization.
A piano recital for her pupils has been ar
ranged by Mrs. Henry Lee at the Slone Music
Company store Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Participating will be Eileen and Shirley Wright,
Kathy Wyatt, Sandra Stewart, Donna Clark. Karen
Kent, Donna Wright, Linda Schiller, Alice Olivers,
Shirley Pierpont, Elaine and Joan Penniman.
Dr. Paul Davies of Portland, superintendent ol
the Congregational Conference of 'Oregon, will
speak at the Wednesday afternoon meeting of the
Women's Guild of the First Congregational Church
in the Mayflower Room of the church.
Mrs. Davies will be a special guest, as will also
the members of the Women's Fellowship of Knight
Memorial Congregational Church.
Devotional services will bo led by Mrs. E. F.
Carleton. Circle 2 members, under the leadership
of Mrs. P. L. Calvert, will be hostesses for the tea
Of special interest to mothers of high school
students in view of the current stress on careers
in the field of science will be the talk by Dr. Frank
Parks on the science staff of Oregon State College
at the meeting of the Hi-Y Mothers Club at the
YMCA Tuesday. April 2. Members ol the Y-Teen
Mothers Club have been invited also to the 11:4S
dessert and program.
Speakers for the meeting of Chemeketa Toast
mistress Club on Thursday evening, April 4. will
be Mrs. C. E. Jaqua. Mrs. Jean Howe and Mrs.
A. B. Thomas. The group will meet for dinner at
the Golden Pheasant at 6 o'clock.
Guilds of the First Presbyterian Church have
the following meetings scheduled for Wednesday,
April 3:
Adah. Condit room of the church. 1:15 p. m.
dessert; Mrs. James L. Jefferson, leader.
Deborah, with Mrs. Carl W. Emmons. 410 Fawk
St.. 1:15 p.m. dessert: assisting. Mrs. Page Ste
venson: leader, Mrs. W. B Robinson.
Esther, wilh Mrs. Ahner K. Kline. 1IWS N. 5th
St.. 1 p.m. dessert, assistina, Mrs. F. E. Mc
Cracken; leader. Mrs. R. A. Wilson.
Leah, with Mrs. George A. Rhnten. IR45 S.
Church. 1:15 p.m. dessert; assisting Mrs. W. E.
Meade and Mfss Georgia Shane; leader. Mrs.
Lydia. with Mrs. Gerald G. Emerson. 845
Chemeketa: 9:30 a.m. coffee; with Westminster
Guild members as guests: assisting Mrs. Gordon
Hall. Mrs. Harry A. Preckwinkle. Mrs. Wendell
C. Jensen. Mrs. Robert F. Wulf; leader, Mrs. R.
W. Robertson.
Martha, with Mrs. Malcolm MacDonald, 420
N. 20th St.. 1:15 p m. dessert: assisting, Mrs. Earl
Bennett; leader, Mrs. Silas Gaiser.
Ruth, with Mrs. A. E. .Nelson. 1770 N. Capitol,
1 p.m. dessert: assisting. Mrs. Elinor Bundy;
leader. Mrs. Fred B. Wright.
Sarah, with Mrs.- L. C. McLeod. 36S No. 13th
St.. 1:15 p.m. dessert: assisting. Mrs. Paul A.
Ficif; leader, Mrs. E. W. Lawrencj,