Page 10 Section 3 Gerald Noah Elected President Stay ton Junior Chamber Group Installation to Be On Thursday Night STAYTON (Special) Gerald Noah, Stayton insurance man, was elected lo head the North Santiam Junior Chamber of Commerce elections held in Legion hall this week. Noah will succeed George R, Duncan Jr., who was elected state director. Elected to serve with Noah were: Roger Cornutt, vice-presi dent; Wayne Uerman, secretary Robert Hagcn, treasurer; Art Christiansen, Tom Tate and John Curtis, directors. Terms of office wiJI begin in April and run through the last meeting in March of 1958. Installation of officers will be held jointly with the Jaycottes and has been set tentatively for Ihurs day evening at the Gem cafe. Jerry Butler is chairman of ar rangements for the banquet. Egg Hunt Planned , The Jaycees arc planning an Easter egg hunt at the Stayton City Park on Easter Sunday. Jack Klundt and Art Christiansen are co-chairmen, and will he assisted by John Curtis and Elvin Barrow cliff. The committee will an nounce details at a later date. Tabled until the next meeting was the matter of entering a local girl in the Miss Oregon contest this year, when more information on entrance rules, and qualifications will be available. Sheridan City Official Quits SHERIDAN (Special) The Cily Recorder and Judge, It. I. Mcrri field, this week resigned his posi tion cf(ectivc April 1. The City Council has named Stanley B. Tatom as city super visor, but when in the special noon session this week, they added the Recorder and Judge jobs to the supervisor job, Tatom refused the additional jobs. The city is now looking (or someone to handle all three jobs. Cedar Trees Vltmted SHUHIDAN (Special) - About 3(10 Port Orlord cedar trees have been planted in the city park, end at the Chapman grade school. The Roy Scout troop here planted the trees as a public service. YESTERDAY'S CLOSE New York Stock Quotations By Tlie Associated Tress Admiral Corportaion Allied Chemical Allis Chalmers Aluminum Co. America American Airlines American Can American Cyanamido American Motors American Tel. tt Tel, American Tobacco Anaconda Copper Armco Steel Atchison Railroad Bethlehem Steel Boeing Airplane Co. Borg Warner Burroughs Adding Macli. California Packing Canadian Pacific Caterpillar Tractor Corporation Cities Service Consolidated Edison Crown Zellerbaeh Curtiss Wright Douglas Aircraft duPont de Nemours Kiistman Kodak Emerson Radio Ford Motor General Electric General Foods General Motors Georgia Pac Plywood Goodyear Tire International Harvester International Paper Johns Mnnville Kaiser Aluminum Kenneeott Copper Libby, McNeill SEE OUR SPECIAL CENTENNIAL SALE SECTION in this mpvr iotlmjl SECTION II, PACES 1 TO 24 Valley Dates PRINGLE A cast o( local talent will present the play, "Too Many Relatives," at the Pringlc school at 8:15 p.m. Saturday. MT. ANGKI, A sausage and ham dinner will be served to the public in the dicing rooms of St. Mary's school from 11:30 a. in. to 3 p.m. Sunday under sponsor ship o( St. Ann's Altar Society. l.KIIANON Choir of Middle Grove church near Salem will give a short concert at Evangelical United Brethren church here Sun day at 7:30 p.m. 'ihe Rev. Richard Tusant o( Middle Grove will preach at morning and night services, said the Rev. Charles H. Reep. DALLAS Election o( officers will come before members of the Elementary Parent-Teacher Assn. at their meeting Monday evening at 0 p.m. at Ihe Lylc school. Su perintendent Ellis Neal will be the guest speaker. Harold Meyers will conduct the meeting. MONMOUTH Monday is the dale of the regular monthly meet ing of the elementary PTA and a film "They Grow Up So Fast" will be shown by Mrs. Louise Krey, elementary physical edu cation director. Election of of ficers will be held. Dallas PTA Elects Staff DALLAS (Special) The an nual election of officers was held recently at the regular meeting of the senior high school Parent teacher Assn. Mrs. Jacob Kner, retiring president, conducted the election of officers and business. Elected were Kim Roberts, pres ident; Ncal Povey, vice-president; Mrs. Garry Hanson, secretary; and Terry Murray, treasurer. Guests of the evening were ninth grade students and their parents. Following the meeting students presented a square dance exhibi tion under the direction of Miss Joanne Sletllor, Girls Physical Ed ucation instructor. Installation of officers will take place al the next meeting in April. DRIVE HEAD PICKED MONMOUTH (Special) Mrs. Raymond Ranch is chairman of the Monmouth unit for the forth coming American Cancer Society drive. 1 1 Vt Lockheed Aircraft 45 'M 80 Locw's Incorporated 18 I Montgomery Ward .17 'A ' ' New York Central 29 91) !i Northern Pacific 42 H , If Pacific American Fish 14 ! 42 Pacific Gas tc Electric 4n '.4 j 7B Pacific Tel. & Tel. 135 7 Mi Penney (J. C) Co. 82 177 4 Pennsylvania Railroad 20 'Mi 75 lii Pepsi Cola Co. 21 A C'-'l 14 Philco Radio 14 55 Ti Puget Sound P & L 211 '' 24 Ik Radio Corporation 35 -Hi 42 U Rayonicr Incorporated 28 ! 47 Republic Steel 52 41 ' Reynolds Metals 52 40 Vi Richfield Oil 39 14 Safeway Stores Inc. 65 v, 83 St. Regis 39 14 94 Scott Paper Company 58 14 16 Sears Rochuck & Co. 27 ! 61 Shell Oil Co. 82 44 i, Sinclair Oil 61 m 50 -1 Soeony-Mubil Oil 54 1 42 1 Southern Pacific 43 'n 711 ' Standard Oil California 47 Ik 179 , Standard Oil N. .1. 57 85 Sludebaker Packard 7 ',4 5 ! Sunshine Mining 7 I 511 14 Swift Company 35 i 58 1-4 Transnmeriea Corporation 311 43 'i Twentieth Century Fox 25 ! 311 1 Union Oil Company 5.1 28 Union Pacific 28 : 75 i United Airlines 28 i 36 ' United Aircraft 7fi , 97 ' United Stales Steel 59 -I, ; 47 t Warner Pictures 24 40 ' Western Union Tel. IB v, 112 Wcslinghnuse Electric 33 ij 11 -1! Woolworth Company 43 a, Legion Forms Jr. Ball Club SILVERTON (Special) -Jack Gordon of Salem, American Legion district chairman of "Boys State", was featured speaker at this week's evening program at Legion Hall, with John Dcmas, Post No. 7 commander, in charge. A Junior Legion baseball organi zation was formed with Harry Hagcdorn, coach, explaining the work, announcing that Norman Eastman would be manager. Line up of members and practice rules will be announced later. Delbert Jlecves post No. 7 is plannnig a Silvcrlon ambulance, sponsored by the members of the Junior Chamber of Commerce with Hal Roth directing. A benefit dance will be given under the chairmanship of Art GoLtcnberg, the date to be announced soon. A benefit fund ham dinner for the public, is to be given from 5 to 8:30 p.m. April 9, at Legion Hall, the public is invited. Lester Oehler is program chair man for the April 8 meeting. Dallas Planning Grou p Terms Set DALLAS (Special) Members of the Dallas City Planning Commis sion elected officers and drew lots for office terms at a meeting in the Cily Hall this week. Hollis Smith was elected presi dent and Waller Craven vice presdent. The City Supervisor acts as secretary. Terms of office will be Smith, one year: Ray Boydston and Howard Fleming two years; Ralph Howe and Craven, three years; and Clinton Ruiter and Frank Ncu feld, four years. Webfoot Grange Will Entertain WEBFOOT (Special) The Web foot Grange Home Economics Club met at their hall this week with a potluck lunch at noon to cut and piece blocks for a quilt for the Fnirvicw home. Plans were made for entertain ing Cove Orchard Grange when it brings the traveling gavel on April 13. Mrs. Henry I' reshour was hon ored with a birthday cake pre sented by Mrs. Clifford Gibbon. 1 lie next meeting will be al the hall April 10 when work on the quilt will be continued. GUEST FROM BAY CITY MONMOUTH (Special) Harry Davis of San Francisco is visiting his mother. Mrs. Anna Davis and relatives at Airlie. NEW!-$24,000 IN ALL SUNDAY, MAM 31 ONE DAY ONLY! FOR BENEFIT OF CREDITORS Easy Credit Terms SALES AT 1:30 P.M. AND 7:00 P.M. EVERYTHING GOES - NOTHING RESERVED! Living Room, Bedroom, Bedding, Dinettes, Occas ional Tables, Lamps, Chairs, Appliances, Radios. TRUST OFFICER For Defunct White House a Furniture Future Business Leaders Week Dated sib JutMjiM Jtv, JLISJ Oregon State Future Business Leaders of America Week, April 8-13, was proclaim ed by Oregon's Gov. Robert D. Holmes this week. Shown with the Governor from left to right, arc Dr. Theodore Ycrian, Ore gon Stale College, state consultant; Mrs. Willamette Valley News Population 5339 In Dallas Census DALLAS (Special) Population of Dallas has been fixed al 5,339 by a census taken by women of St. Philips Catholic Church who received $500 for tiio task. The slate had estimated the pop ulation at 5,160, while Dallas offi cials estimated the population to be 5.050. The City of Dallas will receive approximately $7 per person of its population from state liquor and road revenues. Grange Has Project SCOTTS MILLS (Spccial)-The Scotts Mills Grange Home Eco nomics Club had a regular meet ing at Ihe home or Mrs. Almond Rich where they assembled a quilt ready for quilting. This quilt will be used for fund raising for the Grange. Present were Mrs. Har old Woolsey, Mrs. Oscar Kilborn, Mrs. George Newell, Mrs. Arthur Iticli, Mrs. Maude Matins, Mrs. Henry Shilts, Mrs. Ronald Stevens, Mrs. Willis Nelson, Mrs. Louis Vctter and the hostess, Mrs. Al mond Rich. New York Giant Football Coach Jim Lee Howell was president of the student council during his col lege days at Arkansas. CI A.K. BENSON 735 EDGEWATER THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Youth Problem Told WOODBURN (Special) "Youth and its Problems" was the topic of Frank P. Docrflcr, superintend' cnt of the Woodburn public schools at the meeting of the Woodburn Progressive Club recently at Pa vey's Coffee shop. Other speakers were Ralph B a u r e r and Don Ihompson, who with Doerllcr talked on organization and proce dure of civic organizations. Doer fler and L. L. Porter are new members of Ihe club. Hospital Beds Ready WOODBURN (Special) An nouncement has been made by the Woodburn Volunteer Fire Depart ment of the arrival of a new hos pital bed for use in Woodburn and the Rural Fire Protection District. Officers arc: Floyd Mariclc. chief; Cecil Omans, assistant chief; Clarence Hagcnauer, presi dent; Robert Wellman, vice-president; W. C. Radke, secretary. De partment captains arc Hngenauer, Albert Wellman, Harold Livesay and Don Plumb. HOBBY FAIR SET SILVERTON (Special) The three-day and evening annual hob by fair and display of business wares of local residents will begin Thursday afternoon, April 4, and continue through Saturday at the Silvcrlon Armory. NEW FURNITURE-NEW! I.aVoy, Stayton, state advisor; Rosalie Zwcifcl, Tillamook, stale F.B.L.A. presi dent; Louann Schlics, Stayton, western regional F.B.L.A., vice-president; and Gov. Holmes. Rebekahs Elect State Delegates STAYTON (Special) Eva Re bekah lodge this week elected del egates to the state Rcbekah Con vention and recommnded Mrs. Ben Cole as the new district dep uty president. Mrs. Paul Kirsch and Mrs. Cole were the delegates elected, with Mrs. D. George Cole and Mrs. Clara Lau, the alternates. Beardslee FFA Head SHERIDAN (Special) Steve Beardslee has been elected by the F.F.A. chapter at the high school, as president of the group for the coming year. Paul Elliott was re elected vice-president; Philip Beardslee was elected secretary; Oscar" Gutbrod, treasurer; Doug las Hill, reporter; and Jan Wep ster, sentinel. Pamphlet Printed SILVERTON Special) The Kcv. Gerald A. Amundson. new pastor of Immanucl Lutheran church, with the assistance of the church secretary, Mrs. Ann Schwab, is publishing a mid-week, four paged, pamphlet of announce ments and instructions that is sent to each adult member of the church and numerous friends who are interested. PURITAN MKT, BLDG. Salem, Ore. EM 4-9310 J. Commerford Funeral Held SHERIDAN (Special) Funeral services were held Thursday at Pershall's Sheridan Funeral home, for Stephen James Commerford, 42, late resident of Grand Rondc, who died in Portland after a short illness. Interment was in Green Crest Memorial park in Sheridan. Stephen Commerford was born April 6, 1914, at Alamosa, Colo., where he aiso attended school. On June 4, 1943, he married Eliza beth Tiedman, and they moved to Grand Ronde in 1945. He was em ployed by the Littlejohn Logging company, and was a member of the Sheridan Masonic lodge. He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth; and four children, Ern est, Sandra, James and Laura, all of Grand Rondc. Vaccine Given At Mill City MILL CITY (Special) - Mass polio shots were given this week to school children of the Mill City-Gates-Detroit area at the High school recreation room. Dr. Wil lard Stone of the Marion County Health Department and Dr. John Reid of Mill City were assisted by nurses, Mrs. Effic Cole and Mrs. Willis of the Health Depart ment. Other nurses helping were Miss Agnes Kirsch and Mrs. Mabel Ovcrholls of Stayton; Mrs. Nell Swift, Mrs. Kenneth Baines and Mrs. Tom Morris of Mill City. Volunteer helpers included Mrs. Edsel Croan, who is health chair man for this area; Mrs. Richard Parker, health chairman for the Gates district; Mrs. Thclma Storey, health chairman for De troit: Mrs. Geneva Logan. Mrs. O. K. DeWitt, Mrs. Lora Mason, Mrs. Lucille Bailey, Mrs. Maxinc Thorpe, Mrs. Marie Stewart, Mrs. Fred Moore, Mrs. Gene Gregory, Mrs. Bonnie Whitsett, Mrs. Wini fred Brown. Mrs. Vera Hathaway, Mrs. Al Yankus, Mrs. Dorothy Vail and Mrs. Goldie Storey. Three hundred fifty-five received the free shots. LODGE LEADER VISITS DALLAS (Special) Aimira Rebekah Lodge No. 26 met recent ly for its regular business meet ing with Noble Grand, Mrs. Har vey Wall, presiding, to meet Lady Mary Smith, secretary, and Lady Clara Beuscater, chaplain of Can ton Noll LAPN on their official visit. THESE STORES ARE OPEN SUNDAY SAFEWAY OPEN 126S 2120 2575 Center Fairgrounds Rrl. S. Com'l. 8-10 9-6 9-9 SAME LOW PRICES AS ALWAYS Wiles Drug Store Corner Court & High Sts. Phone Em-3-8792 Open 8 A. M. to 1 P. M. and 4 P. M. to 10 P. M. Prescriptions Film "MOVE YOl'RSEI.F" RENT A TRUCK jrom CENTRAL U-DRIVE 1095 S. Commercial Phone KM 2-9062 Vans Slakes P.V.s (iet Your FRF.F. Weekly Copy of TV INFO. Given with Serv. Station Purchases RALPH'S MOBIL STATION 1095 S. Commercial at Owens The Tiller Shop 1198 S. Com'l. Ph. EM 2-1009 Home of the BOLENS M-E ROTARY TILLER tompleli ( Power Garden Supplies 1 Moweri Open: 8 A.M. to 4 P.M. Salem, Oregon, Saturday, March' SO, 1957 Ralph Huntley Sheridan Days Beard Chairman SHERIDAN (Special) Ralph Hunlley has been named chairman of the beard growing contest for the Phil Sheridan Days celebralion, by chairman Jack Mailland. ' Mrs. Evelyn Camp has been named official chapcronc for the Phil Sheridan Days queen and her court; and Bob Wells will assist the park program for the children, on Saturday, June 22. A contract with Browning Brothers Amusement Co. in Salem has been signed. They will operate their carnival here from June Is through June 22. Students Gain After Wreck MOLALLA (Spccial)-J a n i c e Parnell arrived home from Silver ton hospital this week. She is one of the, four high school students injured in an automobile accident that occurred while they were re turning home from basketball games at Salem March 14. She had a fractured skull and numer ous facial cuts and bruises. The other three in Ihe accident still are hospitalized. Willy Olds is recovering from a fractured skull and shock; Janet Olsen, driver of the car, has a fractured pelvis and some puncture to her stomach and a broken wrist, but all are on the mend; Gary Burghardt, most se riously injured, underwent im mediate brain surgery that saved his life. He also had a pelvic in jury. Gary was brought home by his parents Tuesday afternoon. Cancer Drive Set In Ml. Angel Area MT. ANGEL (Special) Mrs. Gladys Turnbul of the Amer ican Cancer Society showed two films on cancer prevention at the Legion Hall Tuesday evening, in preparation for the opening of the drive for funds April 1. The Legion Auxiliary will sponsor the drive in Mt. Angel, with Mrs. Peter Gores general chairman. The Auxiliary members will sponsor a food sale on Easter Sat urday, April 20. at the Stiff's Furn iture Store. Mrs. Norbert Annen and Mrs. Gores donated em broidered pillow slips to help raise funds to finance the installation of a kitchen fan in the Legion Hall kitchen. SUNDAYS QUISENBERRY'S PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY ' AT 150 SOUTH LIBERTY IS OPEN SUNDAYS 12 Noon to 2 P. M.-4 P. M. to 9 P. M. Weekday!! 9 A. M. to 11 P. M. (Other Hours, Call EM-39123 or EM-43336) ibold,siHmemadei ICE CREAM 1272 State Street We Feature High Quality Low Prices Everdav V2 Gallon, 85c 2 for $1.65 All Flavors for Your Favor A',$o Diahctirs Froien Dessert Sperial Orders for All Occasions Phone rm J MSO Stroke Takes Arthur Taylor AMITY (Special) Funeral ser vices for Arthur C. Taylor, 66, a resident of Goucher Street in Amity, were held in the Chapel of Macy and Son in McMinnville Sat" urday morning. Rev. O. A. Frank lyn, pastor of the Assembly of God church of Amity officiated Taylor was taken lo a McMinn ville hospital early Wednesday morning, after suffering a stroke at his home. He succumbed in the hospital Wednesday evening. Tay lor was born Nov. 6, 1890 at Po chantas. Ark., moving to Kelso, Wash., in 1931 where he was en ployed by the Long Bell Lumber Co., until his retirement in 1954, when he moved to Amity, Arthur Taylor is survived by his wife, Gertrude May of Amity; daughters, Mrs. Feme Erickson of Carlton and Mrs. Lucinda Highes of Yakima. Wash.; sons, James Taylor, Kelso, Wash., and Merle Taylor of Carlton. Interment will be in the Cowlitz View Memorial Gardens at Kelso, Wash. Club Appoints Committees AMITY (Special) Mrs. Cordia Morrison, newly installed president of the Three Links club, presided over a recent evening meeting at the home of Mrs. Orpha Glandon, assisted by Mrs. Velma Wood, co hostess. Committee appointments an nounced by Mrs. Morrison for the ensuing year were: visiting com mittee, Hazle Gibbs, Ethel Law son and Hazel Burch; project committee, John Gibbs, Art Glan don and Russell Lawson; ways and means committee, Ralph Wood, Lloyd Cochran and Glen Weston; entertainment committee, Phoebe Osborne, Edythe Wcnlcss and Ella Weston. A surprise gift shower was given during the meeting for Mrs. Edythe Wanless, honoring her birthday. Elona Wood was recip ient of the prize. At the April 24 meeting at the home of Mrs. Ella Weston, plans will be made for the Mother's Day program. Crab Feed May 18 MT. ANGEL (Special) - The American Legion voted this week to sponsor the annual crab feed on Saturday, May 18, and com plete details will be outlined at the next meeting. GOLDEN PHEASANT OPEN 12 Noon Til 8:30 SUNDAY SUNDAY DINNERS OUR SPECIALTY 248 North Liberty Phone EM-38733 Howser Bros. Equipment Sales S Rental Service 1185 S. 12th Phone EM-33646 Salem, Ore. I 1