v v ? y ? ? f i r s r f r f jt ? ; ..-: ; Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, March 20, 1957 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section J Pag 9 Teamsters' Bigshot Hof fa Indicted on 3 Charges of Bribery WASHINGTON . James R. (Jimmy) Hoffa, bouncy little big shot of the Teamsters Union, to day faced an indictment accusing him of conspiring and bribing to get secrets of the Senate's racket probers. Named codefendant with the 44-year-old Hoffa is Hyman I. Fischbach, Miami attorney who in the past has served as counsel to congressional investigating committees. Chairman McClelian (D-Arlt) of the special Senate committee probing labor union activities said he was gratified at the prompt indictment. He expressed the hope Hoffa and Fischbach will be tried "at an early date." Fiscbback said in Miami that "when I am tried, 1 shall be ex onerated.". He said he had been retained . by Hoffa "but not for anything even remotely connect ed with the accusation." Hoffa himself rested on his statement after his arrest a week ago tonight in which he vowed he was innocent of wrongdoing and said he will "fight this case until 1 am cleared." The three-count indictment against Hoffa and Fischbach was returned late yesterday before Federal Dist. Judge Richmond B. heech. defendants to answer. In brief, here are the charges, with maximum penalties if convicted: 1. Conspiracy to bribe, con sniracv to obstruct operations of the McClcllan committee, and conspiracy to defraud the United States "of and concerning its leg islative and governmental func tions and rights;" five years in prison, a $10,000 fine, or both. 2. Bribery by giving John Cye Cheasty, a member of the com mittee staff, $2,000 "to influence and induce him to divulge" com mittee secrets and to turn over documents, papers and memoran da from its files; three years plus three times the amount of the bribe. The FBI says Cheasty re ported the alleges bribe and co operated fully in the investigation leading to Hoffa's arrest. 3. Obstructing and impeding the committee's "due and proper exercise of the power of in quiry;" five years, a $5,000 fine, or both. House Passes Vehicle Bill The House passed and sent to the Senate Tuesday b hill thrl No date was set for Hip : , " "vea mmor venlclB S. .... dent reports to inspection ov persons involved in an accident or members of the family f oersons killed or injured. Present law makes these rcnorts confidential. Rep. Robert Bennett R). Port land, said the proposal would re store in part a iv-h'-'-'. " " iriginal law enacted in 1925 quiring reports anj i. ed to permit public inspection, in IU4J, uie Legislature decided they should be confidential. Bennett said the proposal wouldn't give either party in an accident an unfair advantage in damage claim cases. But Rep. Guy Jonas (D), Salem, an insur ance executive, argued a report could be used to "bully or coerce" an accident victim into recanting his report or waiving damages Because of an inadvertent mis statement. Bennett replied that secrecy has hindered traffic safety studies. "What good are statistics if you can't obtain the basic facts in volved in an accident?" he asked. Don't Travel on a Question Mark Gig ..save half the cost of new tires. You depend on driving for business and pleasure, so don't take chances with Question mirk on the safety f your tires. . So simple and easy to' correct, too, if your tires ire quality tires to begin with. Just hve them retrdtdby a T.R.I. MASTER-Retreader there are 12 years of patient research be hind the standards of the Tire Re treading Institute and each Muter-Rttreidtr. He ts appointed after tnvKiigation proves his workmanship- j and plant fact hues measure up to T.R.I, standards. Look for this T.R.I, sign. It's your guarantee of quality retreads. Saucer for the Future DETROIT LoveU Lawrence, Jr., a Chrysler Corp. en gineer, said today this is what a flying saucer ef the future may look like from an engineering standpoint He has tened to add he doesn't believe current reports of saucers containing little green men from Mars, Lawrence said the ship is designed to fly about 25,000 miies per hour and would be SO feet In diameter. It wouid contain an atomic reactor for power or else use burning, high energy gas, The ship wouid whirl slowly and create a gravitation paii within the saucer. A trip of 4 million mites to Stars would require 9 to 12 weeks, Lawrence estimated. (AP Wire-photo) NewRocket Using Solid Fuel Unveiled GI, Japanese Girl Receive Death Penalty SENDAf, Japan W An Amer icas soldier and Ms Japanese girt friend today were sentenced . ts death by a Japanese court for robbing and Ktltiag t Japanese woman, tttea setting her home afire to hide their crime. The death peisaHy was the flat imposed m an American by Japa nese authorities since the eitg et World War it. Pvt. Orris L. C. Boone. - yaar-oid Gatvcstea, Test., Negro, and Shf seko Sasaki were sen tenced by Dist. Judge Mtas Yaisada to be hanged for Use triple crime last Sept. in Sendai, The prosecution had asked soty for life imprisonment. The conviction can he appealed first to Japan's appeal court and later to the Supreme Omrt. Boone already is under an Army court-martial life sesstessee for She btodseoa slaying ef i!S. Army Specialist Edward K. Sfaw akea. 3!, ef Honolulu, last July 31. His court-martial included testimony that Miss Sasaki would lure victims to ao isolated spot for Boone to rob them. By ELTON C. FAY WASHINGTON - A big new rocKtet engine, using solid instead of hard-to-handle liquid fuel for re. powering an intermediate- range oamsuc missuc, nas ascn aevei oped and put under test. This was disclosed today in a routine annual report to stock holders by the General Tire Co., which seemed to contain consid erably more information about some weapons than has been an nounced by the Defense Depart ment. The report said the new rocket motor went into its testing stage iast October. The motor was designed by the company's Aerojet-General Corp. and, said the report, is the larg est solid propellent power plant ever used m any ballistic mis sile." The motor was developed lor the Jupiter IRBM, the com pany reports. However. Army experts told a! newsmnn that Jupiter IRBM pro-1 gram does not now inclusfe use of a solid instead of liquid fuel. This! appeared to indicate the new1 rocket engine may be intended! tor use by the Navy in its Polaris IRBM. The Navy started out with ' the Army on joint development ef the Jupiter, but a few months ago announced plans to go ahead with its own project. For reasons of handling and stowage aboard ships at sea, the Navy favors a solid fuel instead of the fuming nitric acid and ox idizer used generally in Army and Air Force ballistic missiles. i Pilol Anitonttees Baity JEFFKRSON, OSsia, SR - When his wife gave birth ts a daughter. JeteBy Kritlesbrink, a flying farmer, climbed into his plane and flew low ever each home in the neighborhood. Painted on the ssm et the plane fuselsge were Cheryl Lynn. 9 Die in Elevator Plunge in Florida JACKSONVILLE, Ft, s cable snapped, aad elevator carrying it workmen plunged five floors to the gretmd yesterday, Five st the men were kilted and the rest injured. ft souBoea bm an expi when it hit then there were screams," said Bob Earsh. an m KrfsMsn ssperisfesdest at tfcs sew Duval Ceuitty courthouse the men were helping to bulla. Among the horrified witnesses were wemea waiting for their husbands to finish up for the day. The JS-fsot fall killed George Edward teach, II; Dewey Weeds, ; 6fesm B. isial, IS-, Jack Mss rse Themassen, St; Bas Atmsre, , All were white eseept At mare. The Injured were dWrisaled among five hospitab. Their esn dilisBs were reported serious or critical. The elevator was on the outride Blast Kills 3 In Drug Plant LINBBR, R.J. as-AB SXpiMtSU killed three men and injured at least (in tttff today at the Merck and Co. pharmaceufiea! plant. , Alt the casnaitiea were working in Building ti, where the Wart occurred. - Fire broke est but was esdin guished by company fire esjutp issegt, AB the tajared were feetag treated at the plant dispensary. A.sf fhs new eserihstse, a story teBdstg iseisg esasfascte! atetg tee St. Johaa River is downtown Jacksonville. Arthur W. Avert, vie president of George D. Auchfer Co., gen eral contractor for the project, said he esuki not explain what ffca accident. Safety de t the elesaiar were fsot te said," "hot for som reason they dt&t hold when Ur caste broke. J. W, Waters, crane eueraisr who was running the elevator from the sreund. said ft had been lifting marble slabs mast of th aftersoas, He sass fes threw Us brakes when he saw tt falltaf hsi fbey weald not catch. He waa Bsspaaliied for shock, Cowpoke a Father HOLLYWOOD H'a bay for actress Hope Lange and Ess Murray, the fassfefisg or, poke of the movie "Bus Sssb. Fondas in Hollywood HOLLYWOOD Ms-Actor Henry Fonda. Si, ts in twon with his 2-ycar-old Italian bride. Baroness Afdera FrBncbeiM. They were married H days ago in New York. tor your protection, this ttat it molded into each StASTER-Rttreaded tire. MASTER j.-i'ji.iA.-kf.iii.i.'i.-aiJUK 365 N. Commercial 'Court and Capitol Marion and Liberty Center am Liberty Kclicr District Broadwiy and Belmont 17th and Center ALSO AVAILABLE AT Gorman's Shell 1103 S. Commercial J&0 Auto Service 2655 S. Commercial Reding & Purdy Chevron 12th and State St. Krssch't Flying A 41S0 N. River. Rd. Don's Flying A Service I 2595 S. Commercial Eost Side Shell Center nd Lancaster Van Bean's Capitol Shell 1205 X. Capitol Shreck's Lone Ook Mobil "W NEW LOOK" I IN sOLUTION DYED CARPET See It First at Hogg Bros. A new high and low textured loop pile with the new spot and toil resistant solution dyed carpet yarn, A casual bark texture plus tweed colon moke j this a tough.wearing and immensely practical carpet for your home. Your II choice of colon in 12 ond 15-ft. widths, I A Large 12'xl5' Size Only $159.00 ONLY No Money Down on Approved Credit C m I Only $7.98 Per Month i cay white glove special NEW 1957 LAUNDROMATS as low as J7995 CLOTHES DRYERS as low as. ?149 vfl S. j" " : WSjh40.S3 fXlfcX lf'.'KV Ifa. . Soap 'N Wafer rt'VO Vfa - Saver ax in- Butt ' ifV - -J Laundroguide f ' "'.' CLEANS ITSELF llfew - 1 Automatic Ifl &41 j. l WHITE GLOVE CLEAN! EgF?r t. I Transm,ss-or 'rrtt-nm r ill 0ontdoltt(tiRdan!&slf fcjjS f&&)blt&&a ?$mw$t WzlJZJMtuM:, ? I J T THI TV JAMB TEST OH "TtJ010 St"l V. S. Marine Sergeant sho-s Betty Furnesg his white gloves, still upotiess after he rublied them iff side laundromat to see if machine t'leana itself , slter washing heavy soil out of clothes revolving agitator laundromat washes cleaner rinses better, cleans itself! Revolving ASUtof It Bait mattitt CUf)rl iftf Kfvofvmg Ait istor htffc hUs , , , wanhpjt stt ihfl Him ttt Kiptiti i hwl filial. fUvwIvme Afttr lif citrff' hi!? fitrty ff rH 4mm from thm. thn rJW it-JoffliUriliy, V-it Here's the whopping buy in washers! A great Westbighotise Laun dromat loaded with deluxe features! Just compare. In no other washer will you find so much for so little. This great Laundromat gives you a cleaner wash with less work. Completely automatic operation saves you so much time and toil. You don't even have to clean the machine. After washing a load, you can rub the Laundro mat inside with a white glove and the glove comes out absolutely spotless. No other washer can pass this White Glove Test . . . your proof positive that the Laundromat does a more thorough job! TIP (f ' T ST- L 1 mini MtH i..iM ft O.iM Wkh 'X Off USMfraMtt you can be sure.o.if iT'sstinhouse NO DOWN PAYMENT FREE PARKING FREE DELIVERY. SHOP MON.&FRI. 'TIL 9 I iiiuKim i him ttunt Atmmi t mm fiiwutis 1 1 SALEM ORIOON CITY J 2505 Portland Raid tobinten't Shall i SS0 Centei St. it.w... .... SALEM - OREGON CITY J Tll 9 P. M. 260 Stat St. Phone fM 3-9H l 260 State St. Phone EM 3-9148