Page 6 Section 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, March 20, 19b . Capital Women Edited by MARIAN LOWRT FISCHER 'Miss Wilson Wed Sunday !At Service in St. John's Officers Listed by Chapter New officers are being an nounced for Chapter CB of P.E.O S'sterhood. Mrs. Dean F. Klarr is president of the group again, and serving with her will be Mrs. P. L. Cal vert, vice president: Mrs. D. R, Harvey, recording secretary: Mrs F. L. Guy of Dallas, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Jack Greenwood of Dallas, treasurer; Mrs, Evelyn B. Sleep, chaplain; Miss Maxine Hennger, guard. Mrs. Klarr and Mrs. Calvert will be delegate and alternate to the state convention to be in Salem this spring. Lions Auxiliary Mrs. Robert T. Arthur was wel comed as a new member at the meeting of Keizer Lions Auxiliary, Tuesday evening, at the home of Mrs. Otis A. Anderson. Mrs. Lloyd A. Treat assisted the hostess. Work was completed on favors for the spring board meeting of Lions Auxiliaries which will be conducted in Salem April 2. Next meeting of the group will be April 16 at the home of Mrs. Walter J. Kechler with Mrs. John J. Payton assisting. NEW MEMBERS Initialed by Willamette Ladies Auxiliary No. 2081, Fraternal Order of Eagles, Tuesday evening were Miss Myr- na Jo Robinson, Miss Donna Dean, Mrs. Iva Foulks, Mrs. Lil lian Davis and Mrs. Ruth Gill. A social hour followed the ceremony. oiai tum ROYAL JELLY 1X3 JtM' 91 it "4iW Ik Qmttn B0, $lft$ bat 40 Hmtt tkt ktMitt rfrtJ viutity tlhtt but. St llittsllj kibn im Now you can bith jntn tltln hi timout Royit Bat Crnm itb Some Notations . . By M. L. F. Further details about the 1957 convention of Oregon Federation or Women s Clubs in balem on May 7 and 8 are being an nounced . , , Secretary of State Mark O. Hat' field is announced as the banquet sneaker for the convention Mrs. D, 0. Arnold of Concord, N. H., recording secretary of the Gen eral Federation of Women s Cluns, will be honor guest at the meet ing, It is reported by Mrs. George Rossman, prciildcnt of the state group ... All convention sessions are to be in the First Presbyterian church, except the banquet, slated for the Marion hotel . . . Mn, Clark C. McCall Is general chairman . . , Salem friends have been inter ested to seo a former resident, Mrs, Eugene Walper, appear as one ol the models for the TV show of queen for a day . . . The Wal pers moved to southern California the past year . . . sirs, waiper also is commentator on another show , . . Visitors at the annual meeting of Salem League of Women Voters on March 28 will he Mrs. It. K, Campbell, stale president of the LWV, and a past slate president, Mrs. A. V. Logan , . . Both are from Corvallis . . . The annual meeting Is to be a dinner gather ing In Knight Memorial Congre gational church . . , Reservations for the dinner may be made by calling Mrs. E. R, Daugherly , , . nil im glow. prlllait Prtnrb Inpofli it ROYAL 1F.LLY . SPICIAl m en uptrb domtirlf m nM CAPITAL DRUG STORE 405 Stale Street Salem Group to Go To Portland Event A group from Salem will attend the Western International Refrig eration convention in Portland on March 21) to 31 according to plans developed at the meeting of Cherry - ettes Chapter, Refrigera tion' Service Engineers Society Auxiliary, Tuesday evening at May flower Hall. About a dozen cou ples will bo present at the Port land meeting. A new project has been adopted by tho auxiliary in the preparation of scrapbooks for the children at Fairvlcw Home. Work will be done on tho books at the next meeting April IB. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C Lane and Mr. and Mrs. Lowell W. llnnn will be hosts for the meet ing. At Tuesday night's program, Mrs. Richard D. Slater gave hand writing annlyses. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clnus and Mr. and Mrs. L, DcJardo served as hosts. A SPECIAL fund-raising lunch eon has been announced by the Y-Teens Mothers Club for Thurs day, March 28, at the V'WCA, all 12 o'clock. Committees arc work ing on features for the affair which will bo a benefit for cluh projects. I Wed Sunday evening, March 17, at a pretty service in the St. John's Lutheran church were Miss Maud rey Zoe Wilson and Richard Edwin Reitzenstein. The bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. William J. Wilson, Sr. and Mr. Reitzenstein is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Reitzen stein, all of Salem. Daffodils, white snapdragons, and acacia carried out yellow, green and white theme. The cere mony was a candlelight one with the Rev. Walter G. Boss offici ating. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a dress of slipper satin and Chantilly lace, fashioned In unique style and designed and made by her mother. Tne finger tip illusion veil was arranged from a crown of net lace matching that of the dress and trimmed with pearls. Tho bride wore mitts matching the dress lace and car ried a bouquet of yellow rosebuds and stcphanotis with a white orchid in the center. Sister Attends , Miss Janene Jo Wilson was maid of honor for her sister. She wore a pale green brocaded taffeta dress in Empire style with a pleated insert. Her matching hat was designed with an open crown and a large brim of pleated il lusion veiling. Bridesmaids were Mrs. George Allen, classmate of the bride, and Miss Joan Harrison. Their frocks wore of pale yellow brocaded taf feta fashioned like that of the maid of honor's and both wore matching hats. All the attendants carried ivy baskets of yellow daf fodils and acacia. Gavlc Thompson, daughter of the Harold Thompsons, longtime friends of the Wilson family, was flower girl. She woro a dress identical to that worn by the at tendant and carried a basket of yellow rose petals. Bruce Wilson, brother of the bride, was the ring bearer. Candlelightcrs were Miss Sharon Durbin, cousin of the bride, and Miss Merrily Thompson, sister of the flower girl. Their dresses were identical to those of the bridesmaids'. All attendants wore white gloves, gifts of the bride. Allen Reitzenstein was best man for his brother. Ushers were George Lewis and Norman Mc Donald. The bride's mother wore a bro caded faille dress, styled with a pearl and rhinestone neckline, pink accessories and a corsage of pink rosebuds. Mrs. Reitzenstein wore a blue lace over taffeta dress with matching jacket, white accessories and a corsage of yellow roses. For the music, Jane iricKson, cousin of the bride, was soloist, Wiliam Fischer playing the organ. Reception Follows The reception following tne cere mony was in the church parlors. The bride's table was covered with a white satin cloth and the double tiered cake was topped with yellow bells. Mrs. George Pepcr Sr. cut the cake, assisted by Mrs. Harold Thompson and Miss Norma John ston, cousin of the bride. Mrs.. Elgon Wilson, aunt of the bride, presided at the coffee urn, and Mrs. Annabclle Durbin, aunt of the bride, was at the punch bowl. In charge of the guest book was Mrs. George Lewis. Miss Sandra Wil son, cousin of the bride, passed the dream cake. Mrs. Mel Horst, sister of the bridegroom, and Mrs. Ralph Cavens, cousin of the bride, were in charge of the gifts. For traveling the bride wore a tan sheath dress with matching coat, brown accessories and a cor sage of white orchids. The couple will be at home at 1350 Peace street, Salem. Out-of-twon guests were the Elgon Wilson family of Yakima, Wash., Miss Norma Johnston of Spokane, Mrs. Bill Hefcncider of Portland, and the bride's brother, William J. Wilson, Jr., who came from the naval base at San Diego as a surprise. ' CASCADE Chapter, National Sec retaries association, met Tuesday evening at the Golden Pheasant with a lesson on business admin istration providing the program. Leaders of the discussion were Miss Lois Manning and Mrs. How ard Wlcklund. " Next meeting of the chapter will be April 2, HOSTESS to her bridge club for' luncheon and the afternoon, Thurs day, will be Mrs. John A, Heltzel. Talks to Club WILLAMINA (Special) Mrs. Nellie Michael, Yamhill county chairman of the women's advisory committee for civil defense, was guest speaker at the March meet ing ot the Business and Protcsslon- al Woman's club. There wore 28 present, including several guests, The district convention will be March 30 in Newberg. The April meeting will he a din ner one, at Gillespie's. The group win men go to tne home of Mrs. Blanche Yoast for a work meeting. Is Bride-Elect The engagement of Miss Bertha Becklcy, Portland, daughter of Mrs. Nina Bcckley of Salem and the late Wesley B. Bcckley, to Jer ry Lccder of Portland was an nounced recently. No date is set for the wedding. AN OVERNIGHT ski trip to Ma- zamja Lodge Is planned by Bethel 43, Job's Daughters, for this week end. More than 20 girls are in cluded in the group which will meet at the Scottish Rite temple. Saturday morning at 7 o'clock, to proceed by private cars to the lodge. Accompanying the members will be Mrs. Ray Stringham, bethel ouardian. Mrs. Don R. Judson Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Keudcll and Warren R. Baker. VISITOR here from Cheyenne, Wvoming. Is James A. McAllister, guest of his brother-in-law and sister, Judge and Mrs. Joseph B Felton. Sportswear Clearance Sale 3-Day Bargain Event SALE Tagged to Save You V3-V2 Up to 60 From Reg. Price SKIRTS-BLOUSES-SWEATERS Lightweight Wools, Wools & Orion A Fine Brand Namet Colors Galore Pink, Green, Red, Grey, Blue, Beige and olher colors Designed to Really Fit Over 150 Skirts in 3 Sale Price Groups 7.99-$9.99 $10.99 Reg. sold $1 2.95 to J 17.95 BUY NOW AND SAVE Small Deposit Will Hold In lay-away Clearaway Sale on Cotton Blouses One low Sale Price Only$2.99 Take Your Choice of Values up to $995 CLEARAWAY SALE ON Cotton Skirts Just3.99-4.99 and 6.99 Reg. Values up to $14.95 Imported Wools Australian Lambs Wool Clearaway Sale on Sweaters ' Cashmeres 7.95 Val. 4.99 9.95 Val. 5.99 10.95 Val. 6.99 14.95 Val. 8.99 $17.95 Cashmeres-Sale M1.99 '22.95 Cashmeres-Sale 13.99 '24,95 Cashmeres-Sale 14.99 SPECIAL Sale Group Reg. Sold $5.95 to $22.95 Sale Tagged 2.99 to 9.99 Pedal PushersandJackets Jacket Sale - All Wool -Sale $6.99 and $8.99 Pedal Pushers Sale Only 7.99 lightweight Wool - $12.95 Value Cotton Pedal Pushers-Sale 2.99 and $4.99 Values to 9.95 Nurses' While Washable Leather Oxford Original Genuine Kleenette by Goli $8.95 Value Sale$5 Sportswear Sale Thursday-Friday-Saturday The VOGUE -OF -SALEM 441 ITATI ITMIT - DOWNTOWN SALIM Sail for Mediterranean Navy Lieutenant Robert V. Schmidt, Mrs. Schmidt and their five-year-old son, Randy, are shown above getting a bit of Atlantic sun on the deck of the military sea trans portation service transport USNS Gocthals, en route to the Medi terranean sea. Lt. Schmidt is being transferred from the U.S. Naval Auxiliary Air Station at Corpus Christi to Malta for duty in the Fleet Air Squadron 201. Lt. Schmidt is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Schmidt of Salem. (Navy Information Office picture) Officers Hosts To Star Group Mrs. Edward Williams and Vir gil T. Golden, retiring worthy ma tron and patron of Chadwick Chap ter, Order of Eastern Star, enter tained at a party at the Masonic temple, Tuesday evening, honoring Chadwick members and a number of friends. The affair marked the close of their term in office. Providing entertainment for the social hours were the Capital City barbershop quartet in a group of songs and humor, John Lewis with sleight of hand acts, and Professor Ralph Dobbs with a piano solo. During the ceremonial, Mrs. Ar nold Johnson, worthy matron elect, presented an addenda for the re tiring officers and Mrs. Earl E. Wiper sang, accompanied by Mrs. Jessie Bush Mickelson. In a brief business session an nouncements were made of the ac ceptance of invitations to attend public installation of the new of ficers of Ainsworth chapter on March 22 and Trinity chapter on March 29, both rites to be at the bcouisn idle temple. Also an nounced was the Chadwick chap ter rummage sale on April 12 and I 13. Refreshments were served by Mr. and Mrs. Williams and their son, Buzz, and daughter, Jean; and Mr. and Mrs. Golden and their sons, Tom and Lee. A DAUGHTER, their fifth, was born Monday, March 18, at Salem General hospital to Dr. and Mrs. Austin W. Eivers. The new arrival has been named Gcnelle Marie. The four sisters welcoming the baby are Judith Ann, Denise, Marilee, and Kathleen. Mrs. A. N. Steigerwald of Port land is the grandmother. Miss Rentz Bride-elect Announcement Is made by Mx. and Mrs. Anton Rentz of the en gagement of their daughter, Miss Eileen Rentz, to Pvt. William J. Given, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Pratt. No date is set for the wedding. The bride-elect was graduated from Sacred Heart academy and is now employed here. Pvt. Given attended North Salem High School and is now stationed with the army at Fort Ord. 'Hobo Dinner' Set For Next Saturday A "hobo dinner" for which mem bers will come it) appropriate costumes ihas been arranged by the Independent Order of Forest ers for Saturday evening, March 23, at the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall. Members have been advised to bring their own tin plates, tin cups or tin cans for the 7:30 o'clock dinner. Chairman for the evening will be Mrs. Bruce Peterson. Assisting on the committee arc Mr. and Mrs. Emil W. Otjen, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Rickman, Mr, and Mrs. Wil liam Craycroft, Mrs. Jay Lee and Mrs. Ruth Baker. Mrs. Otjen will serve also on the entertainment committee assisted by Mrs. Ray mond Werbowski. Hostess at Parties Mrs. A. D. Woodmansee is en tertaining at her South High street home at a series of bridge and luncheon parties. On Thursday and Friday of this week she is entertaining at two of these affairs, i Last week, Mrs. Woodmansee en inviting a group of 12 each day. I tertained for a group of eight. (3 I- IHID THURSDAY - MARCH 21 "Coffee And" Time with informal modelina of & deytime and sport clothes-A "come as you are" hour for women with cotfee and light snacks available. OREGON ROOM, STREET FLOOR 9:30 10:30 A. M. FASHION MODELING OREGON ROOM, STREET FLOOR 12:15.1:30 P.M. DMC Cotton Dress Yarn Demonstration ART NEEDLEWORK DEPARTMENT SECOND FLOOR MARCHE HAT EVENT INFORMAL MODELING-MILLINERY DEPARTMENT STREET FLOOR CAMP FIRE GIRL EXHIBIT AUDITORIUM SECOND FLOOR "PIN-IT" skirt marker ? only $1.98 Easy, accurate, quickl Use Pin-It Skirt Marker for yo.ur fashion-right hemlines. Pins lace through fabric four times won't fall out. Used by millions of satisfied home sewers and professionals. Pin-It deluxe model. $2.98 Mail and phone orders' NOTIONS STREET FLOOR Tins shipping: cost to areas outside cur regular truck delivery routes. I Monday: 12 Noon to 9 P.M. I W Friday: 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. 1 B Other Days: I 3 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. jj NO MEND SALE $1.50-$1.95 if perfect IRREGULAR i ,.;. iiiminMi,i .i i i i in' I'm mmm 'StvTM iyJ " s'V-Act V. U vV ct' y ir rmiwiml n . mim,a 1' pair 6 pain 5.75 You who wear NoMend hosiery know their perfectly pro portioned beauty ... and if you don't, you'll want to become acquainted with it right awayl Stock up now and save dollars. ' full fashioned stockings: high twist sheer, $1.95 if perf. Leg typet 1, 2, 3, 4, S. high twist walking sheer, $1.65 if perf. Leg types 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. service weight 70 denier, $1.65 if perf. Cotton foot; types 2, 4, 5. seamless styles: dress sheer; demi -toe, nude heel, $1.65 If perf. leg types 1, 2, 3. dress sheer, reinforced heel, toe, $1.50 if perf. Leg types 1, 2, 3. KoMentTi new srping colors: "F flattering taupe, natural beige, light beige, sunny beige. Mail and phone orders' HOSIERY STREET FLOOR XoMcmrs 'Famous- 5" leg, tyiws-one is exactly yours: type 1 small 8W-10 type 2 average 8j-U type 3 tall 9'-ll type 4 average 911 lsrger above knee type 5 tall P'j-llH larger above knee Mail and phone orders' Meier tt Frank s Salem Salem, Oregon l'" enri mc the following: NnMend Irregular Item Quan. ShTe Color Total I ! Name i 1 Address City.... ' Zone State Charge C.O.D. Remit, End. Plus shipping cost to areas outside , truck delivery routes. our regtdar STORE HOURS MONDAY: 12 NOON TO 9 P.M. FRIDAY: 10 A.M. TO 9 P.M. OTHER DAYS: 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P M l4fcr4'iWl