-4 1 5 i 'I Salem, Oregon, Monday, March' 18, 193? ' THE CAPITA!) JOURNAL Section 1 Page 11 Revolt of Artists Against Admen Shown in TV Awards By JAMES BACON HOLLYWOOD Ml - If you were e of Uie millions who watch the tmrny show Saturday niaht, will surprise you to hear that i watched a revolution of the lists against the admen. IKor Madison Avenue wanted esar buried, not praised. The hard-sell boys from the ad encics admit that Sid. the comic icsar, is a very funny man. But production costs come hich. iat, trade sources disclose, is he has had a little sponsor hublo recently. But the Television Academv one TV group where artists outnumber salesmen awarded aid and his show five Emmies. Ho was one of two sweepstakes winners-. The other was Play house 90. another expensive ex ponent of high-quality TV. , Absent, even among .the nomi nees, were the quiz shows, which cost little and are the sponsor's delight. He likes them because he can hang his billboard behind each contestant and commercials come faster than plateaus. Caesar won an Emmy for best comedian, his show for the best hour series, and Carl Reiner and Pat Carroll of his cast as best supporting players, and then, as a U1D TUESDAY, MARCH 19 Fashion Modeling OREGON ROOM, STREET FLOOR 12:15 1:30 P.M. Marche Hat Event INFORMAL MODELING MILLINERY DEPARTMENT STREET FLOOR . Camp Fire Girl Exhibit AUDITORIUM-STREET FLOOR crushing crease in the Ivy League suits, the academy voted Nanette Fabray best comedienne for her work with Caesar, She hasn't been Caesar's wife since last season. Playhouse 90, a scries that had early sponsor trouble which al most turned it into Playhouse 60, earned Jack Palanco an Emmy for best single performance. He was the punchy fighter of "Re quiem for a Heavyweight." That show also won awards for best writing, best direction, best art direction and best single pro gram. The hour-and-a-half drama se ries also was voted the best new program of the year. Other Emmies went to a trio of movie pros Claire Trevor (Dods worth), best single performance by an actress; Loretta Young (Loretta Young Show), best actor in a series. Two of television's most relaxed performers Dinah Shore and Perry Como were named the medium's most outstanding per sonalities. Edward R. Murrow added three more Emmies to his collection. He won for best public service series, best coverage of a newsworthy event and best news commenta tor. For the first time in recent tele vision memory, no new comedians scored. What Caesar didn't win in comedy Phil Silvers did. Phil's writers won for the best half-hour series and the Silvers show was adjudged the best half-hour pro gram. , Composer conductor Leonard Bernstein won an Emmy for his commentary on Omnibus as the best musical contribution to TV. Moslems Kill 5 Crewmates ORAN, Algeria M Three Mos lem crewmen on a small French trawler have admitted slaying their five European crewmates. Spanish police informed French officials the Moslems wanted to seize the 42-ton trawler to smug gle arms for the Algerian rebels, The Spanish gave this account: After killing the Europeans at sea, the Moslems could not steer the vessel. The trawler was found adrift off the Moroccan coast and Barmaid Tells Of Refusal to Wait on Duke LONDON m A barmaid told today how she refused to serve the Duke of Kent and some of his army friends, Mrs. Vera Smith, ' a silver haired woman in her 40s, works in the cocktail lounge of the Im perial Hotel in Darlington, near the camp where the 21-year-old duke is stationed. "A few days ago," she said, "the duke and some other army officers came into the bar. "They were all acting very silly when they came in. One of them was trying to eat a glass. I told them they would not be served. They began throwing olives about. "But I had to tell them all off properly when they tried to catch hold of me and get me to dance. The duke joined in the antics but he was the quietest of the bunch. "If it had been anyone else, 1 would have sent for the police: "But they calmed down and left when a man who had been watch ing from outside the door spoke to them. I think he was someone to do with the duke." The duke, whose antics have often shocked royal court circles, is a second lieutenant in a Royal Scots Greys regiment at nearby Cattcrick. IN FATHER'S FOOTSTEPS C. D. Cameron Serves in Senate 56 Years After He Was a Page By GORMAN HOGAX , Associated Press Writer Charles Donald Cameron of '"ranis Pass, vho served as a Senate page when he was an 8-year-old schoolboy, is back in the Legislature today as a full fledged Senator. "It only took me 56 years," says Cameron, with a hearty laugh. The son of a state senator, and named for two other senators. Cameron didn't have much trouble getting elected. He had both the Republican and Democratic nomi nations. He won the Republican desig nation in the primary election. and, since there was no regular Democratic candidates, he got enough write-in votes to get that nomination, too. This doesn't make his job in the Legislature any easier though, he says. "I get pulled first one way by my Republican constituents, and then the other by my Democratic supporters," he points out. But Cameron, a robust man with a weathered face and heavy horn' rimmed spectacles, solves this by letting his conscience show him the way to what he believes to be the right decisions. Viscounts Go Back Into Air LONDON 11 British European Airways today placed eight of its model 701 Viscount turboprop air liners back into service after they passed minute, all-night inspec tion. The Viscounts were grounded as a precautionary measure after one crashed at Manchester Thurs day with the loss of 22 lives. The investigation centered on the plane's flap mechanisms. A different model of the Vis count, modified to meet American and Canadian specifications, has been delivered to Capital Airlines in the United States and Trans Canada Airlines. Both said they had no plans to ground the planes. towed by a Costa Rican freighter to Malaga, Spain. Police found the three Moslems hiding in the hold, their clothing covered wnn Diooa. 7 mm83 J He didn't have to worry so much about making decisions when he was here before. He was appointed a page through the in fluence of his father, a prominent Jackson County senator who came to the Oregon country over the plains by covered wagon in 1832. His daddy, name of Thco doric Cameron, first got elected to the Oregon Legislature as a representative in 1885. He served again in 1891 and became a Senator in '93, the year Charles Donald was born. In 1901 he brought his son with him to become a page. That was the year that Henry Corbett lost his bid for election as U.S. Senator to John H. Mitch ell. In those days the Legislature chose members of Congress and Cameron remembers reporting to Corbett in his hotel room the results of the voting. "He already knew the outcome, Cameron says, but he was mighty nice and thanked me for coming. Corbett had served as a U.S. Senator in 1867 and '73. He had been elected again by the 1897 Legislature, but the U.S. Senate had refused to seat him. Cameron remembers, too, how he helped the newsboys sell papers in the Marion Hotel, he believes it was, where he lived with his mother and father during the legislative session. The newsboys weren't permitted to bother the patrons inside the hotel. But as a guest, he was able to take the papers inside, sell them and take the money back to tne newsboys. As a page, possibly the youngest in the history of the Legislature, Cameron earned $120, an amount he believes was more than his father was paid for serving senator. Cameron was named for Charles Fulton, a state senator, who was elected a U.S. Senator in 1903. and for Donald Mackay, another veteran state senator. "Of course Donald is a good scotch name." Cameron says, "and my father may have had it in mind, anyhow." His father was interested in placer mining and farming and owned a general store at the now extinct town of Unionville, where he also was postmaster. He was part owner of the Simmons, Cameron and Logan placer mine at Waldo, one of the largest in Josephine County. Cameron became an engineer, attending the Polytechnic College of Engineering at Oakland, Calif. He followed mining for a time and had farming interests in Josephine County with his brother-in-law, Later he joined the Forest Service, working first as a ranger and later as an engineer, becom ing superintendent of construction with headquarters at Grants Pass. After his retirement two years ago, his friends began urging him to run for the state Senate. He decided it would be a good way to serve his state and filed for office. He and his wife, here with him, have two daughters and five grandchildren. Cameron is a member of the Roads and Highways, Agriculture, Game and Public Health commit tees and continues his interest in mining legislation. Today he finds the Legislature even more interesting than he did as an 8-year-old. And he's giving the best he has to the job before him. NAME TROUBLE MILWAUKEE (UP)-Aftcr Ger ry Hopfenspcrgcr had appeared in 19 Marquette basketball games this season, his name had ap peared in the box score spelled in 14 different ways, Marquette of ficials have inquired, without an swer, as to what will happen to freshman eager Al Wierciszewski next year? LEGALS NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE CANBY BUILDERS SUPPLY. Plalntlffe, JOHN E.' LEE, Defendant. CASE NO. 43481 STATE or OREGON I County of Marlon ) Pursuant to an Order of Sale, upon execution, Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marlon, dated Febru ary is, 1037, I will sell all t',o rlihc. title and Interest of the above named defendants, in and to the following described real property, to-wit: BEGINNING at an iron Dine which , Is South 0' 17' West, 234.10 feet and North 78- If West 421.0 feet from the Northwest corner of the Joseph Churchill Donation Land Claim in Township 4 South, Range 1 West of the Willamette Meridian In Marlon County. Oregon; thence North 73 11' West 723.42 feet to an iron pipe: thence North 12' 38' East 336.41 feet; thence South 73 40' East 32 feet: thence North 12' 38' East 420.0 feet to the center line of tli Hubbard-Broadacres Road: thenc South 73' 40' East along the Center line of said road 402.17 feet to an Iron rivet: thence South 19' 48' West 737.83 feet to the place of begin ning. EXCEPT from the above de scribed tract of land a right-of-way for road purpogea being a strip of land 20 feet wide, adlacent to and along the North boundary ol said tract. Said sale to he held at the West Door of the Marlon County Court House at Salem, Oregon, at 10:0O o'clock a.m., on 'the 10th day of April, 1037. Said real property will be sold at public auction to the high est bidder tor cash. Dated this 8th day of March, 19ST, at Salem, Oregon. DENVER YOUNG Sheriff of Marlon County By: A. I. Malstrom Deputy Dated on first publication: March 11, 1037. Dated on last publication: April 1, 1937 March 11.11, 25, April I odern ! Pick the Pack that Suits You Best ! v t A CTION STARTED right from J the day people first saw our price in print. They looked-and hurried in-and what they found was a marvelous car at a marvelous price. For we didn't stop with creating fresh new body 6tyling and wide, wide vision-and a new look all over. We put plenty of millions into making this Special fun to drive as well as a beauty to look at. We started with a dazzling new performance team a brand-new V8 and a brilliant new Dynaflow. We built a brand-new nested ride chassis that gives you plenty oi room insidc-yct keeps road clearance the same. Ard for good measure, we made handling easier and stopping more level with a new suspension system. So if you want the dream car to drive-ihis is it. See your Buick dealer and find that out-today. j . j l'-),l. Pi(r Drniellow nv!" '' builJl "nVlu'&S! Sm .. Cn,r-.p.l . mod-it tztra ceil e I' SrKlAL. 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