Page 8 Section 2 THF, .CAPITAL', JOURNAE Salem, Oregon, TKurs'day, March' 14, 1957 Anita inDenmark, Denies 'Runaway9 COPENHAGEN, Denmark tav Anita Ekberg, the Swedish movie actress, flew into Copenhagen Thursday and denied that she was running away from her British husband. Actor Anthony Steel. "There is no truth to it at all," said the shapely actress. "There Is absolutely no ritt between the two ot us. I have come lor rest and (or nothing else." .Miss Ekberg left Ilio de Jancl- ros film festival unexpectedly Wednesday. Her departure from Dulles Clears Any Doubt on Chinese Policy U. S. Won't Recognize Reds, Will Keep Up Tight in UN By CHARLES M. McCANN United Press Staff Correspondent Secretary of Stole John Foster Dulles has left no room lor doubt about United States policy toward Communist China. There has been speculation, off and on, for a long time on the possibility that the United Slates might soften its attitude toward the fled government of Pcipmg. But Dulles, In a statement lo members of the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, now meeting In Australia, said emphatically The United States means to con tinue its recognition of the Chinese Nationalist government in For mosa. It will not recognize the Com' munist government. It will continue lo oppose the admittance of the Chinese Red regime to the United Nations. Dulles' statement seemed to be a carefully considered pronounce ment of a policy which will con tinue for the foreseeable future. The Reason Why One reason for the statement probably was that Bed China shares the embarrassment of So viet Russia over the way the de motion of Josef Stalin from Com munist sainthood got out of hand. Dulles apparently felt that this Was no lime to do any fnvnrs In one ot the two great Communist ! powers. But his blast against the Chinese Beds marked a definite harden ing of policy. 11 has been more than seven years since the Communists over ran China and sent Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek to seek refuge in Formosa. With each passing year, there Is less possibility that Chiang ever can achieve his dream of Invading inc mainland and throwing out the Jiens. The Commiinlsls represent about 500 million people. The pop ulation of Formosa totals about H million, most of whom would be happy if Chiang and his nrmy weni 10 cninn or anywhere else. The Peiping government has been trying lo find some means of getting the United Stales inlo a direct conference, in which Dulles would meet Chinese Communist Premier Chou Also Ask Peace Talks The Communists also have been broadcasting messages about Ihe desirability of pence talks to high officials of Ihe Chinese Nationalist regime, including I.I. Gen. Chiang Ching-Kuii, the generalissimo's eldest son and possible political heir. There also has been talk of an International ngreemenl under which there m i g It I be "two Chinas." This somewhat nebulous idea would imply that both Na tionalist China and Communist China might be recognized nnd thai hnlh might he members of the U. N. In addition, Ihcre Is the (ues lion nl Japan's future relations with lied Chinn. Japan so far, un der successive premiers, has ad hered to a pro-American policy, and has refused to recognize the Peiping government. But China, offering unlimited possibilities of trade, is Japan's next door neigh bor, and Japan needs foreign trade. The day musl come when Japanese-Chinese relations are closer. But there hardly can be much effective criticism of Dulles' state ment of pulley. The colli war is on again. The Moscow and Pei ping governments are encmiet of everything Ihe I'niled Slates elands fur. the Brazilian capital was so hur ried that she had no time to pack suitcases and arrived at the air port carrying some clothes over her arm. Steel said his wife was leaving because of sickness in the family. but Ihis was a surprise to Anita's family in Mnlmoe, Sweden, just across the sound from Copen hagen. Her mother said the only member of the family who is ill is Anita's grandmother who has been suffering from heart di sease for six months. Steel told reporters in Rio de Janeiro Thursday that "living out of suitcases is enough to give any body neurosis." He said he was returning to Los Angeles to close their house, and had a Scandina vian Airlines reservation on its polar flight for Saturday night, lie said he expected lo rejoin his wife in Stockholm Sunday. I Budapest Reds Guard Against Heroic Revolt BUDAPEST, Hungary f-Com munist police mounted guard Thursday at the monument of a Hungarian poet-hero to forestall any outbreak on Friday's anniver sary of his appeal lor freedom from foreign rule. A small open truck, flying the Red fanner and a Hungarian flag, was patrolling around the statue of Sandor Pelocfi on the banks of the Danube. It was on March 15, 1848, that his revolt against Austria started, only to be put down with Russian aid. Hungarian troops and police were patrolling the city heavily. rciniorccd by the - newly formed "workers guards." Wednesday Russian troops began to take Dub- lic part in the security arrange ments. Special Envoy Reaches Beirui BEIRUT, Lebanon (fl James P. Richards, President, Eisenhow er's special ambassador, arrived in Beirut Thursday on the first leg of an extensive Middle East tour. His mission is lo explain Eisen hower's plan for economic and military aid to block Communist expansion in the Middle 'East. His recommendations to the President and Secretary of State Dulles are expected to guide the administra tion's application of the program. Hospital to Carry Name of Dainmasch Gov. Holmes signed into law Wednesday a bill to name the pro posed slate hospital at Wilsonville after the late State .Rep. F. II. uammascn, Portland. Dr. Dainmasch tried for 25 years to get the hospital ap proved. Construction will start next summer. Envoys Huddle For 66th Time GENEVA m Ambassadors U Alexis Johnson of the United States and Wang Ping-nan of Communist China held their 66th meeting here Thursday and agreed to meet again April 11. The 20-month-old secret talks have been deadlocked since last summer. The ambassadors - now meet only once a month, mainly to restate their positions. Johnson is trying to negotiate the release of nine Americans im prisoned in China and to get Red China to renounce the use of force against Nationalist-held Formosa. CONCRETE PROPOSAL LOS ANGELES (P)-Council man Ransom M. Calllcott com plaining that a "keep off the grass" edict prevented . persons from enjoying a downtown park, proposed to the city, council that the grass lawns be replaced by concrete painted green. Wholesale Prices of Food Advance NEW VORK W After more than a month of declining, whole sale food prices turned higher this week, Dun & Qradstrect re ported Thursday. The firm's food index stood at $6.12 compared with. (6.09 last week and was 2.7 per cent higher than $5.96 in the similar 1956 week. The index represents the total cost at wholesale of one pound each of 31 foods In general use. Weapons Into Scrap BALTIMORE tf) An assort ment of 350 guns, 200 knives and collection of jimmies, chisels and axes collected by Baltimore plliccmen were on their way to the steel industry today. Formerly used for crime, they will be melt ed into scrap by the Bethlehem Steel Co. here. Liedcrkranz cheese, discovered in New York in 1892, was named for a singing society. Wreck Kills Oregon Youth In California LONG BEACH, Calif. W A young Oregon sports car enthusi ast died instantly last night in a collision with a tank truck and trailer. He was Ralph E. Moser, 21, of Forest Grove. Police said Moser was crushed under the rear wheels of the truck driven by Ray E. Oates, 23, Long Beach. Oates was not held. Three other occupants in the sports car, including the driver, Donald W Byrne, 20, Lancaster, Calif.; Mariann Knowland, 18, South Pasadena, Calif.; and Anita Sehimke, 18, of Forest Grove, suf fered minor injuries. California has the largest state membership in the Parents and Teachers Association in the Unit ed States with 1,529,756. Ohio is second with 657,829. Court Appoints Defense Lawyer For Wachsmuth EUGENE W District Judge Edward Leavy appointed attorney Sidney E. Thwing Wednesday to represent Albert Lewis wacns muth, 65, in his first degree mur der trial. Wachsmuth is accused In the fatal shooting of state policeman Charles C. Sanders in a gun battle at the Wachsmuth home in the River Road district Feb. 22. The court named the attorney after Wachsmuth said he had been unable to obtain counsel. Wachsmuth, who had been In the hospital for treatment of wounds suffered in the gunflght, was transferred to the city jail Tuesday. Celebrate Treaty Eml AMMAN, Jordan B Twenty thousand demonstrators marched through Amman Thursday, cele brating termination of the British- Jordan treaty and the coming withdrawal of British servicemen. Texan to Hunt Snow Monster KATMANDU, Nepal Ut Texal oil man Tom Slick left Thursday for the wild Himalayan area of eastern Nepal to launch a natur al history expedition that will in clude a hunt (or the Abominable Snowman. Slick and his party were flying to Biratnagar and will push off from there Friday with seven Sherpa guides and 65 porters on an eight-day trek to Iswa Khola. Nepalese living in the area be lieve the snowman is a huge, -hairy two-footed monster that in habits the slopes of the world's highest mountains. The only pur ported evidence of its existence ever found has been bear-like footprints in the snow. 624 LICENSES SUSPENDED T.icPnsPR nf (194 (Vpcrnn Hi-Ii.opb were silsnenripH during Fphruaru Including 256 for drunken driving, the state Traffic Safety Commis sion said Wednesday. 1 1111 B reg. 22.98-$69.95 DESIGNER DRESSES $9.99 to $24.99 You know Ihe names of these top sports shop designs . . . and you may have even been eyeing these marvelous dresses. Cot Ions, linens, silks, wools in shirtwaist, flared and sheath designs. Now, come down early and grab your favorite. Sizes 10 lo 18 but not in every design-so come early. ' , reg. 25.98-49.98 DESIGNER COATS 10V20 Coats you can wear right now and keep on wearing through) spring and summer evenings. Good selection in corduroy, pop lin, wools-in checks, stripes and solid shades, some with match ing hats. Many all-wealher' type in group. Sizes 8 to 1 8 but once again, not in every design. Mail and phone orders' SPORTS SHOP STREET FLOOR 'plus shipping cost to areas outside our regular truck delivery routes. DRESSES $ Hood Hivrr Raises 'JYnrlirr Pay 8200 HOOD IIIVKIt i 1 Diminrs of Ihe lliind Itivrr school ilislrii't have approved a Km annual base Increase in teacher salaries. In oilier nclion. the board took ft stand against any slate legisla tion that would add lo the ex penses of local taxing districts. Wa.wic Foil er. superintendent. Said Ihis was In reference to measures concerning public em ployes retirement, clvura-s in working hours, and incicasin;; I school services. reg. 9.98-24.98 FAMOUS You can save up lo $18.99! Col lection includes easy-care rayon ciopcs, miracle blends and novelty fabrics, year around cottons. Styles for business, casual and home wear. Regular and half sizes in the group. Almost any color you could wanl-bul not every style in every size. reg. M0.98-M7.98 SPRING DRESSES Choose liom rayon, cupioni cotlons, rayon prints, novelties and even fine silks 5.99 reg. $5.98-$7.98 collection CLASSIC SKIRTS '2.41 Final clearance of a wonderful group of skirts. Take your choice of wools, woolnylons combinations in basic solid tones, in gay plaids. Lots of heavenly styles from which to choose. It's the time of year to add to your wardrobe at mere pennies. We don't believe that you can beat this price! Sizes 8 to 16 hut, of course, not in every style so why not come early to get the pick of the groupl Mail and phone orders' OREGONIAN SHOP STREET FLOOR a 8.99 reg. 19.98-24.98 LABEL DRESSES You II know the labels! Some actually less than ',i price. Dacron prints, oi Ions and rayon crepes. Lots of business style $11 dresses in both regi.'iar and half sizes I .fin7 and phone orders' BUDGET DRESSES STREET FLOOR reg. 149.95 handsome IMPORTED TWEED COATS Year around beauties! Coals that could star in your ward robe for years . . . and now yours at a most unusual Dividend Day special. We show only one from our col lection of several styles one styled just for you. Each bears a most famous label. Choose from combinations of black, red, brown or gray with while. Sizes B lo 16 but not in every coal style. Mad and phone orders' WOMEN'S COATS-STREET FLOO. DAYTIME DRESS Assorted group of better dresses choose from wools, crepes, rayons In dressy and casual style. You'll find prints and plains and you reap dollar savings on eachl Wom en's and misses' sizesl ES $8 nil in oting nt I.nd NKW DELHI W - India's sec ond national election moved into its final and 19th day Thursday with Prime Minister Nehru's Con pfess Parly again by far the na tion's slrongest political force. iOnlv in Kerala Slate, nn Ihe Malabar coasl nf smith- rcn India, was Hie Congress Par-1 V trailing. There it was running sePond to Ihe Communists in the face for Slate Assembly seals. reg. $16.98-22.98 BETTER DRESSES With labels you know and love . . , rayon prints, solid tone crepes and even favorite 2-pc. suit-dress. Regular and half sizes reg. 22.98-25.98 LABEL DRESSES Includes brocades, laces, pure silks, rayon prints and crepes. Casual and after-five dresses in regular and half sizes . Mail mirj iiioric orders LOWNSDALE SHOP STREET FLOOR 15 IS J A STORE HOURS: MONDAYi 12 NOON TO 9 P.M. FRIDAY: 10 A.M. TO 9 P.M. OTHER DAYS: 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. IDEE CTADC CIHC i v . . v .' i JTMVHSf ' "5 JT FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS W'HHJ, WJFjypSWI $17 J' o o