Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 09, 1957, Page 4, Image 4

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    New officers will be elected at the meeting of
Chapter BQ of P.E.O. Sisterhood Monday night
at the home of Mrs. Maurice Brennen. Mrs. Harry
Swafford is co-hostess.
Mr. and Menno Dalke are to observe their 40th
wedding anniversary at an open house planned lor
the afternoon of Sunday. March 17, at the home
of their son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. bu
Singer. Guests are invited to call between 2 and 5
o'clock for the event. . .
The Dalkcs' children are Major C. n. Dawe,
U.S.A., Indianapolis; Mrs. Grover Welty John
Dalke, Richard Dalke and Mrs. Singer, all of this
It.Mat..-qp.-.M-. SWk,.viii 1,411 . M
. VA j,, i wjl .J Pi Beta Phi alumnae announce their meeting
r - H r VVf t if S ' - , , " r , , V..S P'anncd for next Thursday night has been post-
K , 1 "VUW ,-"T7ii' Al, n V f , , 4 poncd until March 21 because of spring vacation
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MRS. A. L JORGENSEN AND FAMILY , If fetr.' ,5 f . 1
NKWCOMKRS being greeted In Salmi arc Mr. and Mrs. A. I.. Jorgensen and family, who have come from
Longvicw, Mr. Jorgensen being the new manager of the Salem Montgomery Ward store. They have taken a
home on Doris avenue south of Salem. Mrs, Jorgensen and the children are pictured above. The boys are Gary
and Gregory, the little girl, Joni,
Parties Listed for Official Groups
Several parties are on the calendar for the
coming week to interest legislative groups.
At Home Day
Mrs. Robert D. Holmes, wife of the governor,
Is observing her regular weekly at home after
noon, Tuesday, friends being invited (0 cull be
tween 2 and 5 o'clock at the Holmes residence on
Alvarado Terrace.
Pouring will be Mrs. Thomas M. Campbell of
Portland, Mrs. Thomas G. Wright. Jr., Mrs. E. B.
MacNaughton. Portland, Miss Eleanor Stephens,
Mrs. Albert C. Gragg, Mrs. George Roasman. As
sisting will be Mrs. Gordon Allen, Mrs. John M.
Williamson, Misses Darlcne Rose, Gail Beyer, and
Laurel Blyc.
Dooleya Kntcrlnln
An event of interest to the legislative group
will be the open house for which Speaker of tho
House and Mrs. Pat Doolcy, Poillniid, will cnler
tain on Tuesday night in tho Gold room at tho
Marion hoi pi.
The affair is to be between 6:30 and 8:30
Mrs. Stella Dooley of Portland, molher of
Speaker Dooley, will stand in line with the hosts.
Assisting about the room will be Mrs. Charles K.
Low, chief clerk in the house of representatives,
Mrs. Robert Drager and Miss Almn Schroeder.
Parly Thursday
An event of next Thursday, March 14, will be
the bonnet show and brunch which is to lie given
In honor of women legislators and wives of legis
lators, state officials and supreme court justices
by members of the Women's auxiliary to the Ore
gon Association of Chiropractic Physicians.
The party will be in the Capitol room of the
Senator hotel, starting at 12:30 o'clock.
Mrs. Forrest Ii Goddard, Salem, Is general
chairman for the affair. Acting as mistress of
ceremonies will he Mrs. Paul G. Stnprnn, Salem.
A Saint Patrick's day themo will be carried out
in decorations and favors. Hats will he shown by
Upman's of Salem with Joan Ross as commenta
tor. Organ music will be presented by Mrs. Ted
Krancis, Newbcrg.
Greeting guests at the door will be Mrs. Roy
Reynolds and Mrs. Lloyd L. Ilockelt, both of Sa
lem. Mrs. Charles Williamson, Eugene, will have
charge of the guest book.
Assisting nhout the room will be Mrs. Don
Walker, Mrs. B. G. Spurlock, Mrs. Albert Frazicr,
Mrs. A. J. Johnson and Mrs. W. J. Gallagher, all
of Portland: and Mrs. Glenn Parrott, West Linn;
Mrs. D. E. Wilson. Ncwherg; Mrs. Robert Brinkcr,
Dallas; Mrs. Peter DcMarco. Salem; Mrs. Melvin
Bryson and Mrs. J. W. Cunningham, both of
Also on hand lo greet guests will be Mrs. R. F.
Schmidt. Sllveilon, stale president of the auxil
iary; Mrs. Waller B. Rich, Portland, first vice
president of the National Chiropractic auxiliary;
and Mrs. Gordon V. Pefley, Portland, Immedinle
past president of the National Chiropractic auxil
iary. Several auxiliary members from over the state
are expected lo he in Salem for the parly.
Hnlnieses Hosts Thursday
On Thursday evening, Governor and Mrs.
Holmes will be hosts for another of the informal
buffets they are giving at their homo for legisla
tors and stale clficials. Eighteen couples have,
been bidden for (lie affair, the buffet at 7 o'clock.
Friday l.itnrlieon
Mrs. B. 0. Schucking is lo be hostess on Fri
day for a luncheon at her home to honor Mrs.
Paul Buck of Klamath Falls, who is visiting in the
capital witli her brother-in-law and Sister, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Drager, and taking- in the legislative
activities. A group of legislative friends has been
invited for the luncheon. Miss Helene Schucking
will assist her mother.
(Capital Journal Society Editor)
0 ALEM Art association is scheduling several
interesting events in the near future with
v-' Salem and Willamette valley residents in
vited to participate.
This coming Monday evening, March It, Miss
Elizabeth Lord will give an illustrated talk on her
travels in Spain under (he sponsorship of the Art
association with the public invited. The talk will
be given in the auditorium of the Slate Blind
school, starling at 8 o'clock. A silver offering will
be taken to lurlher the work at the art museum.
At the conclusion of Miss Lord's talk refresh
ments will be served. Miss Edith Schryver and
Mrs. Keith Powell will arrange the serving tabic
with handsome decorations brought by them from
Spain. Mrs. Lester F. Barr has been asked to
Jack Mecalf of Silvcrlon, well-known Oregon
artist, will have his paintings hanging in the upper
gallery at Salem Art museum, Bush House, start
ing March 12.
In his honor the Art association will entertain
with an informal reception Sunday afternoon,
March 17, from 3 lo 6 o'clock, with the public in
vited to meet the artist. Mrs. Larry Goss and
Mrs. Robert Anderson, both of Stayton. are in
charge of the arrangements for the affair. Alter
nating at the serving table will be Mrs. Otto F,
Kraushaar, Mrs. Bruce F. Pickett and Mrs.
Robert Spruguc.
(Jesten-Miller studio picture)
AMONG recent newcomers to Hie capital arc Mr. and Mrs. E. George Ottum, com
ing from St. Maries, Idaho. Mr. Ottum is assistant cashier of the Commercial State
bank of Salem. Mrs. Ottum and the children are pictured above at their Alberts
street home, The children arc Adcllc and Philip.
Women of the mission of St." Paul's Episcopal
church are to meet on Monday night at 7:30
o'clock at the home of Mrs. Charles Hefty. Mrs.
Gordon Shattuck is to present the program.
Formal initiation and inspection will be con
ducted by bethel 43. Job's Daughters, at the Scot
tish Kite temple Monday evening, March 11,
Salem Memorial Hospital auxiliary plans Its
regular meeting for Monday morning at the hos
pital at 10 o'clock.
Further plans will be made lor the spring silver
tea to he given on April 9 nl the home of Mrs.
Robert W. Gormsen.
Regulnr meeting for Chapter CI! of P.E.O.
Sisterhood comes next Thursday evening at 7:30
o'clock at the home of Mrs. Robert llowells. Co
hostesses are lo be Mrs. Helen McLeod and Mrs.
Charles D. Schmidt.
Salem club of Zonla International plans its
evening meeting and program for next Thursday
night at the home of Mrs. Karl Becke.
Dessert will he at 7:30 o'clock will) Mrs. Allien
Bowes, Miss Mabel Savage, Miss Lena Belle Tar
tar and Mrs James W. Tindnl! as ro-hoslesses.
Nomination of officers will be reported. Elec
tion comes March 28.
Entertaining her study club on Tuesday alle
noon will bi Mrs. Leon Brown.
Delia Gamma alumnae and collegiate members
from Willamette university are galhrnui: at the
Marion hotel Sunday ninhl for their annual Imimt
ers day event. Tho formal dinner will he al 11 .30
Mrs. Stuart Smith, president of the alumnae;
Miss Ann Barber, president of the campus chap
ter of the sorority; and Mrs. Robert I), ttrcfcg
are the speakers.
Miss Etta While will be hostess for the meeting
of chapter AB of P.E.O. Sisterhood at her apart
ment at the Capitol Plaza, 1165 Chemcketa street,
Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock.
Assistant hostesses will be Mrs. George Davis
and Miss Lillian Davis.
Hostess to her bridge club on Thursday night
will be Mrs. William Beard.
Alpha Psi chapter of Beta Sigma Phi is meet
ing next Wednesday night at the home of Mrs.
Charles It. Shaw with Mrs. Lee Thomas as the
hostess. This is to be a guest night for the group.
Kappa Delta alumnae of Salem will meet on
Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. William Ashhy
at 8 o'clock. Plans will be made for state day,
to be in Salem in the early spring.
Members of Chapter CQ of P.E.O. Sisterhood
entertained at one of their B.I.L. dinners Friday
evening as a surprise for Dr. and Mrs. I. T. Kvalc,
who are moving to Minnesota. The party was
given at the home of Justice and Mrs. William C.
Salem Sojourners cluh Is meeting next
day afternoon for dessert nnd cards al
Woman's cluh house. Dessert will be at 1 o'clock.
-The committee for the day includes Mis Sian
ley Watson, Mrs. Fred Gustatson. Mrs. Robert
Parks, Mrs. Lewis Wiltshire, Mrs. J. A. Anderson.
Members of Beta Sigma chapter of Epsilnn
Sigma Alpha arc giving a mad haller parly next
Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Howard Ell-wood.
Chemekota chapter, DeMnlay Mothers cluh,
meets at the Masonic temple for a 12 pm. lunch
eon on Thursday, March 14. Hostesses will be Mrs.
Herman Feitelson, Mrs. Ernest A. Finch nnd Mis.
H. D. McGec.
Plans will be discussed for the participation of
Hi chapter in tho (u-rBnBnvitn for tb rlhw.
conclave of peMoloy Bw v Waj
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Symphony Event
Portland Symphony orchestra, wilh Theodore
Bloomficld conducting, will play its last concert
in Salem for the 1056-57 season, next Tuesday,
March 12, at 8:15 p.m. in the new Fine Arts audi
torium of Willamette university. Salem Symphony
society, local sponsors of these concerts, is ready
ing plans for their 1957-58 season, with concert
dates and soloist to be announced later.
Tuesday's program is as follows:
Overture. "L'ltaliana in
Algcri" Rossini
Concerto for Orchestra Bela Bartok
Symphony No. 3 in
F Major Johannes Brahms
The Rossini music is the prelude to "The Itali
an Woman in Algiers." a clever comic opera.
Rossinian elegance and bubbling comedy blend in
this overture. It was first performed in 1813, in
The showpiece of the evening, Bartok's "Con
certo for Orchestra," is, in the composer's own
words." .... a gradual transition from the stern
ness of the first movement and the lugubrious
death-song of the third to the life-assertion of the
last one." Commissioned by the Boston Symphony
orchestra towards the end of Bartok's life, it was
created with the condition that it would be dedi
cated to the conductor's wife, Mrs. Natalie Kous
sevitsky, and was assured of a first performance
by tho Boston Symphony orchestra. Born in Hun
gary in 1881. Bartok was living in New York at the
time of his death in 1945. He is considered one of
the greatcsl composers of contemporary music.
The extreme technical complexity of a great deal
of his "Concerto for Orchestra" demands that all
the principal nrdiestral players should be virtuosi
in their own rights.
Closing the evening is Brahms' Third Sym
phony, which has remained throughout the years
the least frequently performed of Brahms' four
works in this form. Reasons for this are difficult
to ascertain, although perhaps its quiet, peaceful
conclusion in contrast to the rousing codas of
Brahms' other symphonies is a contributing fac
tor. Vet the extraordinary beauty and sensitivity
of this F Major Symphony are without parallel in
Brahms' entire orchestral output.
Tickets are still on sale at Stevens & Son or at
the door at 7:30 the night of the concert.
The youth conservation department will be In
charge of the program for the meeting of the Sa
lem Junior Woman's club Monday evening at the
Salem Woman's club house. Miss Hattie J. Bratzel,
district attorney, will be the speaker.
Nominating committee for the coming year's
officers will be elected during the business session.
Co-chairmen for the program are Mrs. Forrest
Walker and Mrs. Clifford Bowder. Assisting them
wilt be Mesdames Donald Richardson. Ward A.
Paldnmus, Fred Olson and Frank M. Combs and
Miss Hetty Jean Bergner.
On the refreshment committee are Mrs. How
ard E. Elwood. chairman, and Mesdames Bernard
O. Grindle. Fred Olson, Robert Stevens. Robert
Wallace. Robert C. Engle. Merlin B. Marsh. Rich
ard S. Fry, Gordon B. Domogalla and Janet Tin
dall. and Miss Idonna Shimanek.
Clubs Set Dances
Three itancing clubs have scheduled their parties
for next weekend, Bonheur group and Carousel
Friday Party
The Bonheur club dance will be in Veterans of
Foreign Wars hall, Friday night, dancing starting
at 9 o'clock.
On the committee are Mr. and Mrs. R. E.
Boling, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lucas, Mr. and Mrs,
Byron McElhaney, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gulick,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sinz, Mr. and Mrs. David
Carousel Party
Carousel club's dance is planned for next Sat
urday night, the semi-formal affair to be in Izaak
Walton league club house at 9 o'clock with Urs
Wolfer's orchestra playing.
Mr. and Mrs. George Patterson, Mr. and Mrs,
Richard Denton, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Howser, Mr,
and Mrs. Lcs Beard. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hansen
and Mr. and Mrs. William Bass are on the com
mittee. KD Club
KD dance club has planned a Saint Patrick's
dance lor Saturday evening, March 16. at Four
Corners community hall. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil New
berry and Mi. and Mrs. Ray Gotchall are com
mittee members in charge of arrangements.
Mrs. C. D. Cameron, Grants Pass, who Is in
Salem with her husband, Senator Cameron, during
the legislative session, was hostess to the wives
of senators Thursday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. K. D. Lvlle on West Lincoln where the Cam
erons are domiciled during their months in Salem,
A St. Patrick's decorative theme was used with
daffodils and pussy willows in green crystal vase
mirrored on the lace-covered serving table and
flanked by green candles in white holders. Irish
figurines and chenille shamrocks were added table
Mrs. Robert D. Holmes, wife of the governor,
poured, and assisting were Mrs. F. I. Bristol, wife
of the representative from Grants Pass, and Mrs.
Floyd A. Query.
Three guilds of St. Paul's Episcopal church
have meetings listed for next week.
St. Mary's guild is meeting Monday at 1 p.m.
at the home of Mrs. Vern Shay with Mrs. Jack
Price and Mrs. George Grabenhorst, Jr., as co
hostesses. Members of Junior guild are meeting for lunch
ton at 1 p.m. Tuesday in the Guild room.
St. Cecelia's guild is meeting at 8 p.m. in the
downstairs fireplace room, Tuesday. Hostesses are
Mrs. A. L. Chamberlain, Mrs. Earl Croghan and
Mrs. Louis DcLorctto.
Meeting next Tuesday afternoon is chapter BC
of P.E.O. Sisterhood at the home of Mrs. Bjarne
Ericksen at 1:15 o'clock. Mrs. Ellon H. Thompson
is co-hostess.
Bush School Mothers club has postponed its
meeting usually set for the second Tuesday in
each month due to spring vacation in the Salem
schools. The club will meet on Tuesday, March 19.
Alpha Phi alumnae arc to be entertained Mon
day night at the home of Mrs. Evan Boise for
their regular monthly meeting.
The Drama class is to meet next Tuesday for
luncheon and program at the home of Mrs. J. E.
Miss Margaret Hogg is presenting students
from her piano studio in a recital featuring con
temporary music. Monday evening at 7:45 o'clock,
in the Will's Music store auditorium. Music by the
following twentieth century composers will be
played: Kabalevsky, Crist, Bartok, Bloch, Mopper,
Douglas Moore, John Ireland, Gershwin, Korngold,
Hindemith, Milhaud, Poulenc, Villa-Lobos, Turina,
Cyril Scott and Kachaturian. ,
The students who will play are Warren Reid,
Frances Reid, Ronald Burr, Martin Steinbock,
Doran Katka, Warren Kellicut, Mary RcMine,
John Wescly, Jane Elliott, Marilyn Burr, John
Schneider, Gordon Birrell, Ronald Potts, Loree
King, Joan Culbertson and Mary Linda Doerfler.
Anyone interested is invited to attend.
Guests of Senator and Mrs. C. p. Cameron
over the weekend are their granddaughter. Miss
Kay Kienstra, and Miss Patty McCloud. The two
girls are high school freshmen at Grants Pass.
A reception honoring Miss Judy Mohr has been
announced by Chadwick assembly. Order of Rain
bow for Girls, at the Masonic temple Sunday aft
ernoon at 2:30 o'clock.
Miss Mohr, a member of the assembly, holds
the appointive office of grand representative of
Ohio. Her mother, Mrs. Harry Mohr. and Mrs.
S. A. Wheatlcy, mother adviser of the assembly,
will pour.
Committee chairmen are: Entertainment. Miss
Beverly Wagers: degree. Miss Anna Case: re
freshments, Miss Karen Pedcrson: clean-up, Miss
Judy Baker; decorations, Misses Pamela Lindholm
and Barbara Henken.
Pi Beta Phi Mothers club of Willamette univer
sity will meet at the chapter-house Tuesday after
noon. March 12. at 2 o'clock.
Mrs. A. A. Schramm will review the musical
comedy. "Most Happv Fella." Hostesses will be
Mrs. Charles E. Stricklin and Mrs. Clifton Ross.
March unit meetings for League of Women
Voters of Salem are announced as follows:
Wednesday morning. March 13, 9:30 o'clock, at
the home of Mrs. Clarence Byrd 296 North 14th
street. '
Wednesday evening. March 13. 8 o'clock, at the
home of Mrs. Thomas Hansen. 155 Alice street.
Thursday evening. March 14. 8 o'clock, al the
home of Miss Eleanor Stephens, 275 North 20th
Topic for discussion is "Individual Liberties:
Evaluation of the Federal Loyalty-Security Pro
gram, with Recognition of the Need for Sale
guarding National Security and Protecting Indi
vidual Liberties."
The interested public is invited to any of the
Soroptimist Style Show Wednesday
I Jejlpn-Millf r itudlo rtctiirr )
GUTTING ready tor their annual "Shamrock Hrue" benefit llc hn In he stated next Wrdncsdav nisht t
the Marlon hotel are members of Salem Snroplimit fluh. In the picture, lefl In rlsht. are Mrs. Nels Tonnine.
rmuutltn nrmhn for tin sfcmi: tlr. Berber! Adlf, stuwisj sow M IIh si tat to b prrseawd; Mice lirit
KfcM tQiw iM tUwd, v rfUnut9 ibiog oa tlx evsriit fbun
An event awaited by a large group of friends
on next Wednesday evening. March 13. is the an
nual "Shamrock Revue" benefit style show spon
sored by Soroptimist International of Salem.
The fashion show will be at 8 o'clock in the
Gold room of the Marion hotel.
This is the third annual Shamrock Revue and
proceeds will be used for the club's projects which
include playground equipment for Rush Pasture
Pork, duplicating equipment lor the Haven school,
testing aids (or the Mental Hygiene society, nnd
emersency calls for aid from the juvenile court
and other sources.
Mrs Terese E. Hanks is general chairman and
the following committees have been at work: Pub
licity. Mrs Donald Reinke; tickets. Mrs Ethel
Lau. Mr$. Marie Ling, and Mrs. Sidney L. Ste
vens; program. Miss Lena Blum: hostesses. Mrs.
Hery Millie and Miss Mary Bradv; refreshments,
Mrs. George Prier: models, Mrs! Nels Tonning;
decorations. Mrs. Paul Heath and Miss Betty
Marsh. Among the models will be two club mem
bers. Miss Lena Blum and Miss Grace White.
Mrs. William C. Dyer. Jr.. will be the com
mentator and Russ Morrell will present organ
music during the evening.
Refreshments will be served and presiding at
the punch bowls will he Mrs. Kent Mathewson
and Mrs. Charles A. Barclav. fashions will be presented by Kay's,
Adler's. and the Towne Shifp, with shoes and bags
by Arbuckle's.
Tickets may be purchased from any member o(
the club and from Stevens and Son.