'i Page ?, Section 1 PREDICTIONS VARY How Long Legislative Session Lasts, Considered $64 Question By JAMES D. OLSON , Capital Journal Political Editor How long will the present legis- lative session last? This is the $64 question heard on all sides of the state capital these flays. Predictions range from April 1 to May 17 or later. The longest legislative session ' in the history o( Orcgnn was In 1951 when adjournment did not ' come until the 116th day. Chairman Clarence Barton of the House Tax Committee has announced that his committee will not hegin formulation of its tax program until about April 1. It will likely take from 10 days to two weeks for this committee to complete its program. Will Go lo Senate If the program is accepted by the house, it will go lo the sen ate where the taxation commit tee will take a good look at the program. Should it not satisfy the senate committee, which in the past has usually been the case, the SCANDINAVIAN SMORGASBORD Dinner Entreat $2.50 Reservations Preferred OPKN SUNDAY ONLY Serving 1 P. M. to 8 P. M. Kari's Smorgasbord 840 Union Hope You'll Remember We're Serving Fabulous Sunday Dinners Now In Our Coffee Shop At a low, low price $2.00 Adults $1.00 Children Under 12 Remember In Salem It's Hie Hotel Marion for fine Food... Our Menu Is Matchless n- i hi I n y ACORNS FROM THE I ( I jV Tw - k I I II 1 w WITH DEL MILNE Prixe Winning HAM and Roast Oregon Tom TURKEY QC with all the trimmings just Tilt C A II CU AD Tna I Ht jAN dnUr Portland Road at For Orders to I Conducts POJtMVD SYMPJIOrW t i I Tuesday. Wlhrneft. ROSSINI . BARTOK . BRAHMS . house prosram will be revised and perhaps totally rewritten. All of this will take time. And taxation, while perhaps the most important problem facing the leg islature, is not the only one. There is certain to he a big hassle over unemployment insur ance rates and benefits. In the 1955 session a fight over work men's compensation bills held up adjournment for hours while num erous conlercnce committees at tempted to reach agreement on points of difference between the house and senate. 1,000 Bills to Consider There are approximately 1,000 bills in senate and house commit tee as the legislature goes into its ninth week next Monday. Of course, many of these bills wiil never sec the light of day, ex piring in committee, but many of them must be considered by mem bers of both houses. The house tax committee has nvrc than 90 bills, which must be considered, and the house judiciary committee has over 100 bills not yet reported out. Yet these committees are work in? with meetings three times a MAMburg N0mH CAPITOL AT MOO:.. WHCRC THC FOOD tS 60001 Saturday And Sunday Dinners Served 11:30 lo 8:00 p.m. Week Day Dinners 5.00 p, m. le 8:00 p. m, A' La' Carte 95c Child's Portion 60e Complete Dinners $1.25 Child's Portion EAT AT 75c SLOPPY JOE'S DRIVE-IN 12th and Center Streets Open 11 a. m. to Midnite Oregon Home of Sloppy Joe A Great Sandwich North City limits Go-Phone EM-26798 llJWk. I.. It a 10 m MP 7 o:i,) University New PROGRAM "" Ve,;u'. "I'l'al'ana in Alger," 'ConrrtA c- . Symphony No. 3 in F week, meetings that at times go into the night hours. Democrats Set Goal Setting of a goal of 265 million dollars for the general fund budget by the Democrats clears the air and may cause some speeding up of the legislative machinery. Whe ther this figure can be maintained, only time will tell. But, it serves lo give direction to both the taxa tion committees and the ways and means committee, where some hiavy cutting of budgets may be exnected during the coming weeks. With all the work ahead. Blos som Day in Salem will have come and gone when this session of the legislature ends, according to opinion of experienced legislators. 3 Month Term Given Marine By REM PRICE PARRIS ISLAND, S. C. ( - A five-man court-martial Saturday sentenced a Marine drill instruc tor, Cpl. William R. Walsh, of Lyndhurst, N. J., to three months at hard labor for illegally touch ing recruits. In addition, the court, headed by Maj. Glen W. Rodney of ,lop lin. Mo., ordered Walsh reduced to private and fined HO a month for three months. The stiff sentence caught the courtroom by surprise, since only I'nday the court had thrown out 20 of the 24 charges of hazing or maltreatment of recruits. Of the four remaining charges. the court reworded the accusa tions to reduce them in nature from the more serious charge of struck. The court substituted, tapping or touching" for the word "struck." Defense Attorney Fred W. Shields of Mount Vernon, Va., a civilian, said, "I think the sen tence is outrageous. I am going to fight it as long as I can." Man Drowns in ColumbiaRiver PORTLAND 11 The father of a former Portland poliee chief drowned in the Columbia River Friday night after he fell from a househoal walkwav The body of Mortimer I,. Mc Namara. 69, was recovered early Saturday. His son is Capt. Donald I. McNamara, who now is deputy police chief here. McNamara slipped from the walkway while taking goods to the houseboat of a friend. CHINESE TEA GARDEN ' Best Chinese Food Good American Food Too Special Parties, Large or Small, Call KSI-2-n023 Chinese Food lo Take Out la'.4 N. Commercial St. Open 5 p. m. lo 2 a. m. Saturday 3 a. ni. Closed Wed. take rest DID YOU KNOW COLE'S CHICKEN DINNERS . 4133 Portland Red Aia Opan Waaldayi 9 lo 10 P.M. Sunday. II Noon lo 9 P.M. t j SPECIAL DINNERS ' $1-00 Phana EM 4-5355 Foi Ordari 10 Tako Out Auditorium " ror urcheji,,- l', Opus 90" DENNIS THE MENACE 'If HE HITS THE BALL, If Hfc IT, nOLO Portland Police Chief Declares List Unfair PORTLAND W "An unfair appraisal," said Chief of Police William Hilbruncr. about the Sen ate' investigating committee's portrayal of vice conditions in Portland. Hilbruncr looked over the list of 35 establishments the commit tee said were operating illegally in Portland. The committee said they were gambling, and bootleg ging establishments or houses of ill fame. The committee made the list public Friday. "You could write a story and make it sound like I could go Egypt Moves Toward Steps for Removal of Final Canal Block CAIRO "Pi Egypt has started preliminary work toward removal of the last major obstructions in the Suez Canal, but U.N. salvage authorities still awaited a go ahead lor the final clearance. ra KW. Egyptian engineers began ope- Bonnet, sunk midway in the 10.1- mile waterway near lsmailia dur ing the British-French and Israeli invasion last fall. They said they had to remove explosives from the vessel before it could be raisel. Lt. Gen. Raymond A. Wheeler (U.S. Army, ret.), head of the U.N. salvage operation, said Egyptian authorities had not given him final permission to remove the Edgar Bonnet and the 1.461 ton Egyptian frigate Abukir. sunk four miles above the south ern end of the canal. He said his salvage crew was ready to start work on the Edgar Bonnet "right away" and predict ed it would take three or four weeks lo clear it from the chan nel. When the both ships are re moved, vessels up lo 10.000 tons will be able to sail the entire i it, r ih nni h,,i i.-vniiajDrew Lamb, Ashland, Ore., lum- I officials have made it clear this i berman accused of illcftal re-j i does not applv lo Israeli shippinq. 'val, ' I'imher. has petitioned j which was barred even before the i fodfial court here for dismissal! i October-November fighting. Egypt, of t"o charge. His motion will be; maintains it is still technically at i "lied on March 12. war with Israel, despite the 1949 1 Lamb, president of the Magnolia Palestine armistice. I Motor and Logging Co.. was in- I Meanwhile, eight small vessels, dieted two weeks ago on charges all under 50O tons, transited the nf illegally taking $25,000 worth canal veslerdav. This was the first of timher from federal land in large movement ol shipping since Humboldt County. He contends in ilhe waterway was blocked more ' his dismissal petition that he 'than four months ato. i could not be charged with a fel- I With the end apparently in view : ony since anolher federal law 'to physical barriers in the canal, applying lo Ihc same rircum jthe West squared oil lor negolin-! stances provides only for a mis ' lions with President Nasser over demeanor. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL -By Ketchnm CLAP XJUfJ HANDS. YOUR BARS' around to these places and knock on the door saying, 'You are under arrest.' It isn't that simple," said the chief. Hilbruner said some arrests have been made. Other places are being watched. None is "oper ating under protection. We are checking these places constantly," he said. He asked public co-operation in getting evidence. "We can close them down in one place and they can open up again somewhere else. We have to have evidence," he said. how the canal will be operated. The Egyptian President ordered the nationalization of the water way last July 26 and Egypt set up its own Suez Canal Authority to direct its operation. Reports from Washington, said the State Department was prod ding Nasser cautiously- for an an swer to the last Western proposal for collecting canal tolls, which used to total 100 million dollars annually. Last month the United States, Britain, and France told U.N. Secretary General Dag Ham marskjold they favored letting the World Bank or some other neutral international agency collect the tolls. Under the plan, the agency de signated would give Egypt 50 per cent of the income for operating costs of the canal and retain .the remainder until the canal question is settled. permanently. Lumberman. Asks Charge Dismissal In Federal Court SACRAMENTO, Calif, ifl R. MAY ATTEND HEARING Proponents, Foes Saturday Bank Closure Bill By WILLIAM WARREN Untied Press Staff Correspondent A measure designed to bring about Saturday closing of Oregon banks drew considerable and spirited interest at a hearing here yesterday afternoon by the Senate Committee on Financial Affairs. Spokesmen for the U.S. National Bank of Portland and independent banks favored Saturday closing with a gusto that brought out breaks of applause from the listen ers, many of them bank employes. Spokesmen for the First Nation al Bank of Portland, the Farm Bureau Federation, the State Grange and small businessmen op posed the Saturday closing. John McNerney of the U. S. Na tional Bank, chairman of the com mittee of bank employes favoring Saturday closing, said Oregon law alreadv tells a bank to whom it may loan money, and at what in terest rate, and it would be no more discriminatory for Oregon law to designate Saturday a holi day as far as banks are con cerned. E. C. Sammons, president of U. S. National, said if Saturday closing is effected, branches of his : bank would remain open Friday j until 8 p.m. to accommodate weekend customers. Also urging the Saturday closing was Roger J. Bounds, president of ; the Inland Empire Bank of Uma tilla, representing Oregon inde pendent bankers.' j Opposes Closing I C. R. Stevenson, nresident nf the i First National Bank of Portland, ! said banking must be geared to accommodate retail businesses on , the days they are open, wage ; DANCE! TONITE! CRYSTAL GARDEN "Big Cash Prize" Ask For Your Free Ticket! DANCE TONITE! DAYTON LEGION HALL Music by LYLE and the WESTERNAIRES Every Sat. Night 9:30 to 12:30 Adm. 1.00 (Tax inc.) NtlJtl.lU HEY KIDDIES! We will start Sunday with "Cinderella" at 1 P.M. we will also run every day from 1 P.M. during your Spring Vacation. U Motion GATES OPEN 2 TOP HITS ON -1- Tfchnlcolor Cinr mjscope Junr Allyson - Jark I.rmmon "You Can't Run Away From it" Thf KunnifM Show In Twentv Yfars! f Plus Rod Cameren-"Yqui Drums" (V Also Cartoons Short Subjects News 'aswew ' " "'if v " Note-We Will We Closed Men.-Twet.-Wed. Next Thurs.-"7th Cavitary" and "Anatk" earners and farmers. Tom Harper, Junction City farrr er and spokesman for the Oregon Farm Bureau Federation, said a majoritv ol the state's 30 farm bureaus had expressed op- position to "this type of govern men' regulation. Elmer McClure, master of the Oregon Slate Grange, said his group also was opposed to bank closing on Saturday, which is "the farmer's day in town." .Minor Brady, who operates a grocery store at The Dalles, said Saturday closing would work a hardship on. small businessmen because the merchants would have to have considerable more cash over the long weekend lo cash paychecks for customers. He said it would be a lure to holdup men. and also would give the bo- In Saiems' Easiest Dning Room FRIED CHICKEN $100 (A Regular Menu Item at) SLOPPY JOE'S DRIVE-IN 12th I Center Stt. Try Our Speedy Car Service Hours: 11 a.m. to Midnite A Free Public Service of BOX OFFICE O TICKETS NOW ON SALE PORTLAND SYMPHONY Tuesday, March 12, 8:15 P. M. A-I Basketball Tournament South Salem High School March 11-12-13 SHAMROCK REVUE Soroptimist Club Benefit March 13, Wed., 8 P. M. For Reservations Dial EM 4-?2"4 JEWKU'.ltSSlLVhHS.illTHS Certified Gcmologist Amcrican'Gcm Society ENDS TONIGHT "GUN FOR A COWARD" "TEN TALI, MEN" pictuHX AteSl 6:30 SHOW AT 1:00 THE SAME PROGRAM -2- Trrhnicolor Guv Madison "REPRISAL" Thf Town Wrnt Hunting with Roar Smnc nsr Salem, Oregon, Discuss gus check artist a iwo-oay start I for parts unknown, , Rep. Emil Stum of Nyssa said the principle of telling the banks I to close Saturday would be as WITH $jjpj Larry ahu Cascade Range Riders Joe lJne now being featured The Northwest's Finest 8-Piece Western Band" Aumsville Pavilion Every Sat. Nite EVERY SATURDAY NITE STUBBY MILLS t MUSIC 9:30 $ Inc. to 12:30 Admission I Tax' FREE DANCING LESSONS Juit pay SI admiiiion-No charga for th. full hour Inilruclion In Madam Ballroom, undar tha wall-known Imtructon, Mr. and Mn. Van. Jim Da an hand at i o'clock avary DICKSON'S I PHONE EM ENDS JENNIFER JONES JOHN G1ELGUD H-nUVERS -VIRGINIA M.KEOU .THE BARRETTS WIMPOLE STREET STARTS TOMORROW AT 1:45 H Vli 1 CltimmScepe technicolor FAt&lfc&hfi it ZAUDIE MURPHY l .WPi -Tfc. ANNE BANCROFT. PAT rnnwr vy f":'W CBARIJnilAm.inniua.iBiana A UIOTWHLWEMHnWAl picIURf TH! OFf-BEAT 1DVENTURI THAT HATS THIM All! HELD OVER This Picture Has Been Nominated To Receive 4 Academy Awards -Robert Stack-3-Rock Hudson Dorothy Malone-4-Best Song Love that Fought to ILivc Against VstWff ' a Family's Hushed frSYfY Q& Rock HUDSON Lauren Dorothy r Where the passions of y me easi meet the sins S of the west. GOOD NEWS-! We are Re-Opening The Grand Theatre Friday March 15th WATCH FOR THE BIG SURPRISE ?????? ?? Saturday, March 9, 1957 wrong as telling the farmer "he can't milk his cows on Sunday." MOTOR-VU DALLAS Gates Open 6:45 Show at 1:00 June Allyson, Joan Collins, Jeff Richards in "The Opposite Sex" Cinemascope r-SECOND FEATURE Robert Ryan, Anita Ekberg In "Back From Eternity" SAMBA RHUMBA MAMBO TANGO SWING WALTZ Saturday night. BALL ROOM 4-4713 ) TONITEI HERBERT J. YATES 'RESENTS n LISBON " A REPUBLIC HOOUCTIOfl AND- -w SNEAK PREVUE SUNDAY NIGHT! HERE IS A COMING HIT YOU'LL RAVE ABOUT IT'S TOPS! V -r- . BACALL Robert STACK MA LONE 'i.tt I vfe awe i. -