Salem, Oregon, Saturday, March 9, 1957 Page 4 Section 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL 3 V u s h H 01 81 t( n ai II: ol h: lb al n hi Pi tai U. So foi in 1 01 I iu wc ar Icr nil L ( ( t Timothy Carey Is Wildest and Strangest Actor of Them All By ALINE MOSRY United Press Hollywood Writer HOLLYWOOD IUP)- Anybody who thinks Hollywoodltcs are normal person!! like the folks next door should meet Timothy Carey, the strangest, wildest ac tor of them all. Carey played the role of the creepy killer in last year's "The Killing," one of the best whodun its of many a season. In person he is creepier and makes Marlon Brando and Jack Palance look proper as Sunday school teachers. A Mobile, Ala., theater man who saw the picture got so ex cited over Tim he produced his first movie, "Bayou," in order to star the 24-year-old actor. Tim gets special billing in his next picture, "Paths of Glory," Behavior Causes Trouble But before this success were years of troubles, apparently be cause of his behavior. Carey admittedly has been tossed out of every studio in town, He was asked to leave one pic ture because he got actress Phyl- HENRY By Carl Anderson f FREE t L BASEBALL C-f HAT WITH tl PURCHASE ,T I CAnu- p lis Kirk in hysterics. He was booted out of "The Wild One" be cause he made Brando nervous. To get auditions with movie pro ducers he three times broke into their offices, pulled out a gun and started shooting them and him self. The fact he used only blanks and was trying to show them he could act didn't make the produc ers any less, angry. They asked him to leave. House In, Poor Section He was expelled from five schools in his native Brooklyn, the Marine Corps and nearly every job he's tried while hitchhiking across the country. Despite the fact he works regularly in Holly, wood, he bought a four-room house 25 miles away in a poor section of the city. "People are finally beginning to understand me," barked Tim. "The trouble is, people in Holly wood never saw a guy like me before. They thmk I'm a man from another planet. "Why arc people afraid of me?" he asked. "One producer thought I was on narcotics. I don t even drink or smoke. I'm just enthu siastic. I don't need any stimu lation." Nelson Potter, former pitcher for the St. Louis Browns and Boston Braves, has 12 bowling alleys in Mt. Morris, III. DONALD DUC C By Walt Disney Ts, rrr D'On'1' cujseVItb fateTv; ' CTT-, SrBSsSsS T ALLTriE WAV.' y-THATS U'riAT? toEw-HANKveuT) fl II I (ffetfStfKy ouT) " WW PATE MAy itwvE.LovcHoraTnn 1 L 11 7170 livp WISHING WELL Rtgiitered U. S. P.lent Oflice. 735828473257 OIAERFDCOFAXI. 8 2 8 4 8 3 7 6 2 5 4 ? 3 EMTBA1D1EKMNN ' 4 3 7 2 6 5 8 3 7 ? B 2 ff LEUFCASFGIHItn 3 6 2 5 4738A2834 , A O O I K C. M A It M It O R 2 8 4 3 5 52 7 4 3 5 R 2 OEPUOAOKLSVCO 8 3 6 2 Ti S 3 5 (I 2 .1 " A F A D T I S tl I, C D T 10 "3 8 3 4 i 2 it 5 74 5 2 .'1 E H U S V E . R S S S E I) E TJERE Is t pleasant little tame that will five you a mcssaco every day. It is a numerical putilc dcsinned to spell out your fortune. Count the Utters in your first name. If the number of Ittters is 6 or more, subtract 4. If the number is less than 6, add 3. The result is " your key number. Start at the upper lett-hand corner of the rcc lanjle and check every one of your key numbers, left to right. Then read the messaie the letters under the checked figures give you. Q IMI. br Wlltlia J. Mlllfr. Dlmlbulnl b, Kins Trunin BjmllfiU. ?9 ACROSS L Party 6. Soft food t. Passing fashions HI Baccha nalian cry 29. Mongrel 30. Piece of. metal 31. Mature 32. Beverage 33. Spar 11 Night before 34. Burdened 14. sinrui 35. stitch 15. Look after 18. Manage 18. Insect 10. Doc's font 10. Walked in water ill. Prepare for a contest S3. Be the matter 24. Burning M. Witty person SO. Measure of length 36. So. Ameri can ungulate 37. Speedily 40. Repair 41. Taxi 43. Water bottle 45. Speechless 46. Mond 47. Shohoncnn Indian 4S. Drug plant 4H. Let it stand 50. River bottom 51. Saucy B ElTllG Lle.NMoS T a gTCIIr ail e a n It r. SqRjR f bUeUs c a N BHrIoip eBdIeisIfTr t ami i JdHuo lre SSH R l6jB ' E IDJB RIE Ab: I Njo iit!-BF'tE- aIrIsBn oir nVjElPjEIS TOEIViA DiE CSJn JaJs F.fs HaJcIeIs RiEiGI riM!tE MISjT Q mMaJsnoit A'mi Oin 5 i Jl ollc Lib &V T E teenUe bjN AE l f Solution of Yeltorday'l Puzxle DOWN 1. Bristle 2. Momentoul 3. Penitent 4. Spread to dry 5. Nut 6. Declare i s I4 li5 h I1 Ria h l' I" ; i ms i3 i4 ili is i6 n 21 2Z fptev m k IT g ji) if iih m 37 58 31 P 40 42 43 "44 P4' 46 ""S K4 4? fc1 It 7. Cage 8. Wild 9. ("irecdy 10 Plunge into water 11. Snow vrhicle 17. Small branch 19. Dessert 22. Skill 23. Swiss river 24. Wine vessel 25. Grow 26. Deride 27. Telephone girl 2fl. Lair 30. Greeting 31. Knock 33. Past parti, ciple of be 34. Negligent 35. Meager 36. Wearv 37. Puis with 38. Fuel 39. Ijind meaj. ure 40. Festival 42. Vegetable 44. Vat 43, Uiart Fnee-Savers! Need a helping face in Uie kitchen! These oven mitts will give plenty of protec tion; make gay conversation al the next bazaar! For lefties, rightics they're two-faced "people"! Kosy each Just 2 pieces! Pattern 7170: Trans fer for five gay "faco" oven mitts. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS In coins for this pattern add 6 cents I for each pattern tor lst-class mail ing. Sent to Capital Journal. Household Arts Dept., P O. box 168. Old Chelsea Station, New York 11, !' Y. Print i.i 'nly NAME, ADDRESS. ZONE, AND PATTERN NUMBER. Two FREE patterns printed in our ALICE BROOKS Needle- craft book shinning designs for you. our readers! Dozens of other designs to order all easy, tascinaling hand-workl Send 25 cents for your copy of this won derful book right awayt Week's Sewing Iluv-Ilnlf Sizers! Three wonderful ays you ran wear this style! An apron at clean up time a smart spoils jerkin a ten ycloth benchcont fur summer fun. F.nsy sewing it's perfectly proportioned (or the shorter, fuller figure. Opens flat for Jiffy Ironing too! Pattern iHWfl: Half Sires H4, 16'l, 18', 20', 22'. 24'i. Sue I6 take 2 yards 35-inch fabric. This easy-to-use pattern gives perlect fit. Complete, illustrated Sew Chart shows you every stop. Send 35? In coin inn stamps please) for Pattern with Name, Address. Style Number and sire. Address PATTERN BUREAU, Capital .inuranl. 42, OM Ck s.i Mntysa. Kv Yi II, T. Tor ttno etncw tnnA fntttute M 1 exttn toiu fur iNinenw iSilHSvl YLfflfffMoA 4" OBEgPEEN WiVil NEXT PAy...YsUE TWNt4 pTUH TBE jf IFTMW PAgKKOKE-l U KoNKJM OOAieWK, MEE5 cAt- fl g'-Ars--IU THE CLAW OP TU6 f m f WE AE6 5EHM-EINAL ZL niPMLL TEAM A MOOM 6AV5 SHE CANNOT COME i.!1 f OSEePEEK TI6 lEABliE TH VEAe! I' 'UMEE! MISEEAHS IN 6 DIVISION ? WITH IT CCWGieL T TO THE TELEPHONE BECAUSE 3 Ji FOB A PKIV6 IN UN WHAT OOT INTO f ROW PIP l'TOC-ETHEC, OF THE FOWTH COACIf CAN CET BV E SIOMPHEEL EES CLOSMIEff WS g , u ANP THERE'S THE 6UN.' Jw, THOSE AMNEKS ? COPPEE. fel STEVE.' f PISTEKT ELIMA NEWBEIWE TOOAV, R AONT EVE-VEE.'.. VVHATEVAIK. I Pi TUAPHILU WIWS JWL.. " HAPPEN TO y, wpi h INATIONS.j IT WILL FACE ITS -Sy-nJlM MeMSJjy(i 2 X'ijL, 52-49! , J?7 AUVSE THAT LET YOU Off-kwMtXJ fPf a-T-Jv gEAL TEST AGAINST VgTTtO H t KNOW O I'?' aW'POV??V'SIBL C0A'', Mi 2 ACAIN ? '"' K Ifch L T. W TONIC-HT.I M (B ALL AWAIBEE- wis mmm wm&m fm kfir ps vmgmm wm.-nmm ufmsxktm Ivasmau. fMw& csNnnc ill Gkt(lk nothin JlA Kgul hotel w jjmMm omacrazv ' 1 fi fJk 'wtfJmX I ozarv.. mtffh. m BCW, YEAH. HERE'S I I THIS WAS FROtt f WHAT'S THAT I THIS IS A BEUt I A KOlV THIS TOWN HAS BEEN V A RELIC OP THE I THAT EW6 BATTLE 1 ( LAKCiE ONE OVER I I I OP THE LAST I I KGW TWem IftH 4WAAIT TOUftH V eevOLUTIONAKy I ( UPI7F IM TUP. 1 V TUPEP -? A I V WOU? WAef r 1 1 KGOS U BATTLES IN rt- -ff V, WAR. j V CIVIL WAB, , '-T i" Ot- I I KSLM - THAT'S BIGHT, 6US ( SUES REALLY GOT HIM BLIND IS RIGHT.' 1 V EVEV MINUTE AWAY f BOM HIM SHE I 1 HEAR VWRE A WRITERA-ANQ WTTHTHE BIG PLAY L FLYING BUND -C - SPENDS WITH THAT CHARACTER IN ) , MR. ROPEROUT HERE TO yHES GIVING A CERTAIN V- 7 THE CORNER BOOTH.'-AND HE DONT 1mbm4? DO A PIECE ON -OOLLl MAY BE SHOOTING al VVl' - ACT LIKE A PASSING t5C5 r "THE KING' WEODINO PICTUBES.' tjm 5571 v ACQUAINTANCE WW&zi P til. 153 . IraHEr kclRL NOW THIS ftXV& TWATAMIUIONWWVyc5U'PHAVeW4a'' koin but if ws startepa jDtACTH you Won you et6irp; 'now,how many nowthen, uppos-s vtsui K!;!, CANAL. HSKB TO STEPLAeE ' ANP THAT'S 1 AV WlU-AlAKB A MILLION WOULP YoLf 41AVfi Weore JtO MOZB -2 thb sz3 we'p NEep ) where you ' Cievat mlcon if you wejotb hp veeeEsp) a ffUMDieep.' TMmofirr 4 i 5;s.Av A LOT OF MON6Vl COMEi IN-. AfiOLLAet-tHT -IN OTHee Woi?P3 OW X ALL AT A MILLION PEE EACHf . 1 koin S ' V ANPowMAwy i aioav iwff- JrT vvrSuirT-- O K1W 2 CZ-T'MH A Nl 60T? y nST"-wll2V:J b cZiS- tZ. 1 KSLM ' ' I 1 1 I W upv villi i l Nn I I nrtiwVni i pfi i a? chut i ip vrti 1 1 h.'-:!k KGON fc:- ( NOT THE Y WE GOT A NICE VH I I FIRST I THOUGHT M3U I MISTER U I NUTSERSOMETHIM'? 'J KSLM I . ELEVATOR. I QUIET SHORT CUT 1 A IJ WAS COPS-VOU STRIVE- 1.'- I AIN'T MISTER f YOU'RE HIM-GIVE V'-A T KGAY W LrH MISTER STRIVE- ( BACK THIS WAY Kn AIN'T COPS i, fef-l I STRIVE-I'M i TH' KID TH' CLAIM v''l KN g n -t--i scffl tEsfe IW. jchkkwihwcbk-i:. , gSow ii. f turn. i ii &utn ffe'ss?sr' wv-i if irii -ikgon E 'WIll'S 3lSrHfen7I I I'VE TAKEN AN EVENING W I OH, FEARLESS, DEAR- k 1 I MV HEAD IS RIGHT-(- 1 I A KM AB1"mwatOC?2 Joe at the quackenbush 1 we can dime. our. 'JTm I Wpare tell, her I U jj;N wrii ictuc c UACM-T Tl I COLLEGE OF BRAIN SUKfcitKT. I I NUW IHI HJU Kt I ( I WELL, IF THE FORCE HASNT 111 A , . c.,CM1.u- rr J I i Kikir; vm in I PnAmS nsn&jr' I I M KS'..M - mtiwuuiNU lymi in t, .i;m:im 1 HPHSgJ rT I BflAIN SUKGRY.'.r-J I If KGO. s l tke meutj n1! ttc mmw ii ' 3 :: Jts ii k LKiuS i y a i vv i m ryou'Re so Y i can count 1 1 see vol) vou're not so smart f vmytwcA I ? fSf threethe J DUMB YoU FURTHER- I DUCK THE I YSVriUTJiB.?. R OFCOURSE.' J CV) ' PROS ONLY 1 LCANT EVEN J JACK, (A I ANSWER nkrVe lun iuB PVT7 " DECIDED To COUNT yM OUEEKl, f WITH ONL?r,ec SED TvR0MSj) -F.JJ JUMP BUT HE L ToTENtca KING' id 6IULV Pa?32 !MMK DIDNT J-rf HOUR "r-...- V V . . . T1 1 w,.., ft Mil C Pw I 60f0 FOC Ki I I MR.LCtKf JUST DONT TRWT HIM 1 TRTIN6 TO SX1 U I KMT THAT I I WHAT DO YCHI HAVE MARTHA JBA I - Al HE' 1RTIN( TO TAKE I THAT HE WANTS RleHT, MR 1 I fl . ACAIN'-T AAL WILLIAMS, 1 . -riS??r II MARTHA AWAY FROM ME.' TO .MARRY MARTHA V LOCK f i I lli 9 MR. LOCK f av JX7aCSSr I I 4-tt.Y ANO WU PON'T ANT IV 11 IUliiiLJLlXUML-,1 Ia US) tMtiw"X!15e I lirTAWIT5"llltt Mt fHOMTGIVt 1 ROURACOIf 6ILGC-WATCK 1 f .av 'V f JFNOr SSTITUTION -S ""-"i"" luni"! - UlAiw,T 4 'SSL, ) IVXXl COfKt INTHELlW.- V CXVZ&l I 7 i.i, mt .i,..iraria,iki. iiunrn 1.1 . . .Z : I r rTs V X X. 1 L . I uM'l I M N HUMAN HHICM AKLZSTJ ' W AW ' V. J N V ww Wtf 1 n.a- i 1 sy.,i kal I' w ill Kri.v;"4.0 v1 -"AI W V W a VN H iiiii iw.'-vccfTr art 1 1 v-wi i iv u - ',v v - i yx "nr tvn i .rt-.y ji . ix. xj "ab-j f j if . . tl I L A I a . A HI. . A .U'. ial .1 1 I I m Negro Denied 'U' Admission iriiiiuKWf Fin Ifl The lrtniiinw"i , Florida Supreme Court Friday in voked states' rights to deny Virgil Hawkins, Daytona Beach Negro, immediate admission to the Uni versity of Florida law school. Tht state tribunal's order came J..... ..Irnnct a t-par flftPr tllO U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Hawk ins was entitled to proiuin -mission to the all-white univer sity. In its 5-2 opinion, the state court said it could not conceive that the U.S. Supreme Court "would hold that the highest court of a sovereign state docs not have the right to control the effective date of its own discre tionary process." The State Supreme Court said that while it was refusing at this time to order Hawkins' admission to the University of Florida, the action was taken without prejudice in hlc richtc In rump hefnrp the court again "when he is prepared 10 present ii-simiuu auumiig Midi his admission can be "accom plished without doing 'public mis chief" Hawkins, 49-y e a r-old faculty mnrnhrn- at Rnthlini.fink man Pnl. lege at Daytona Beach, has been trying ior aooui eigni years 10 gain admission to the all-white RADIO PROGRAMS KSLM I390KOCoTl4M KGAY 1430 KOIN 91t KGW 620 KOON lsn" rali Mnatyciea-KOIN 101,1; KGW tU SATURDAt F.M. 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 News Top 100 News Weather Dreier News News-Monitor iCountry Style Top 100 lU.N. Record Club 620 Monitor iJack Klzzlah Top 100 Harmon Spts iRed Foley iMonitor Jack Klzzlah IKGAY News Frank Goss (Red Foley IMonitor Hawaii Calls Top 100 Entertainment Circle 8 News-Monitor iHawait Calls Sign Off (Entertainment Circle 8 'Monitor iWestern Ser. Wstern Ser. Indictment Circle 8 'Grand Ol Opry I (Indictment luircie 8 iGrand Ol Opry Word of Life FBI Jazz Concert News-Monitor Word of Life IFBI Jazz Concert IMonitor iWest. Serenade CBS Feature I Jazz Concert Monitor West. Serenadt (LBS reaturt Jazz Concert Monitor KSLM West. Serenade IWest. Serenade IWest. Serenade IWest. Serenadt KOIN O.S.C.-U. of O. io.S.C.-U.of O. O.S.C.-U. of O. jO.S.C.-U. of O. KGW Jazz Concert iJazz Concert Jazz Concert Uazz Concert KGON News-Monitor IMonitor IMonitor IMonitor KSLM West. Serenade Wcst. Serenade IWest. Serenade IWest. Serenadt ' KOIN O.S.C.-U. of O. O.S.C.-U. of O. (Gil Henry Gil Henry KGW Jazz Concert IJazz Concert IDance Time Dance Timt KGON News-Music (Mostly Music iMostly Music Mostly Music KSLM Dance Party KOIN 5 Star Final KGW Dance Time KGON News-Music IDance Party IDance Party IDance Party ISpnrts Dosk Good Evening (Good Evening 'Dance Time IDance Time iDance Time IMostly Music Mostly Music Mostly Music 1KSLM Dance Party KOIN News KGW Dance Tim J KGON Mostly Music Dance Party IDance Party iDance Party (Music Music Music IDanceland iDance Time pance Time Mostly Music Mostly Music Mostly Music 00:00 SUNDAY 00:15 00:30 00:45 KGW :3 Negro College Choir KOIN 6:30 Church el tht Alt KSLM Melody Joum'yl Melody Journ'yl Music (Church Bells KOIN E. Power Biggsl E. Power Biggsl Church of Air (Church of All KGW Christophers j Where We Live Israel (Israel' KGON Foun. of lift (Foun. of Life lEternal Light Eternal Light Cons'v Baptist KGAY News Inv. to Learn Revival Hour Light & Life Salem Acad. Glenn Smith Inv. to Learn Revival Hour I Light Sc Life Bible Class Roberts Organ Jewish Faith Scandinav, Hr. Back to Bible Bible Class Roberts Organ St. Francis Scandinav. Hr. Christ. Friend News Glenn Smith Story Master Music for Sun. Bible Bdcst. Back to God IBack to God China-Asia Blessing Salt Lake Tab. Salt Lake Tab. Revival Hour Revival Hour Bible Study Bible Study Voice of Proph.l Voice of Proph. Glenn Smith KGAY News Foreign Affairs! Sunday Newi Scandinav. Hr. 'Scandinav. Hr. Vce. Prophecy iVce. of Proph. iChristian Scl. (Frank & Ern'stl Music Glenn Smith Ulenn smitn KUAY newt Farm Scene Farm Scene Art Museum Music for Sun. i Music for Sun. (Music for Sun. Rev. Mueller, Mt. Hluminat'nlMt. Illuminat'n Join Navy Calvary Baptist! bympnoneite Church Service Baptist Church (Concert Mtn'tr iFirst Methodist First Methodist ;Calvary Baptist Calvary BaptlstjCalvary Baptist Symphonett N.Y. Philarm. N. Y. Philharm. Church Service Church Service (Church Service (Baptist Church Baptist Church IBaptist Church News KGAY News N. Y. Philharm News-Dreier Monitor I Music Man On Go N. Y. Philharm. Music Monitor Heart Beat Heart Beat Neubergcr (KGAY Newi N. Y. Philarm. N. Y. Philharm. Music Met. Opera Monitor (Monitor Sun. Serenade Hi-Fi Var. Met. Opera Percy Faith Hr. News-Monitor Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade ISun. Serenade Hi-Fi Var. (Hi-Fi Var. KGAY News -Met. Opera iMet. Opera (Met. Opera IPercy Faith Hr.Percy Faith Hr.Percy Faith Hr. IMonitor IMonitor IMonitor Sun. Serenade Hi-Fi Var. Phila. Orch. Met. Opera ' Monitor Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade I Youth Forum IHi-Fi Var. Hi-FI Var. KGAY Newi jPhila. Orch. IPhila. Orch. Phila. Orch. Met. Opera (Met. Opera (Met. Opera Monitor Monitor IMonitor Sun. Serenade Hi-Fi Var. News Met. Opera f News-Monitor Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenadt IHi-Fi Var. Hi-Fi Var. KGAY Newt lUniv. Exp. Last Word I Last Word Met Opera IMet. Opera IMet. Opera (Considine Meet the Press IMeet the Prest Grt. Decisions Hi-Fi Var. Last Word Met. Opera wews-Monuor Grt. Decisions IMennonites IMennonites IHi-Fi Var. Hi-Fi Var. IKGAY Newi (Last Word Radio W'rkshoplRadio Workshop IMet. Opera Serenade Serenade IMonitor Monitor Monitor News Hi-Fi Var. Music Hall News News-Monitor Walt Wlnchell urt. Decisions Miss Brooks Paul Harvey 1 News-Monitor Sun. Matinee (Hi-FI Var. Music Hall (Overseas IMonitor iFront Pase ISign Off (Miss Brookt Sokolsky Monitor (Lutheran HourlLutheran Hour Hi-Fi Var. IGrt. Decisions CBS Newsrooml"BS Newsroom ICollege Conf. College Conf. IMonitor IMonitor (News I IJack Bennv Fulton Sheen 'Monitor INews uacit Benny (Fulton Sheen Monitor Marion Theater Jimmy Wakely Old Dustv I News-Monitor iMarion TheatcrlDrew Pearson (Jimmy Wakely Gunsmoke Old Duity lOld Dusty IMonitor lYouth KSLM Music (Music Music iMusic KOIN SusDense ISiimprm Mlih MMlr jMii.h UllUr KGW Music Festival IMusic Festival Music Festival Msuic Festival KGON News-Monitor Monitor IMonitor iMonitor KSLM News KOIN Mitch Miller KGW Hi. There KGON Family Altar Dave Hons Mitch Miller IHi. There Family Altar World Tonight 'World ToniRht 170.000 Children Sen. Neuberger, IHr. of DecisiomHr. of Decision k!li Hr. or uectstonlHr. of Dccision'Music sun mie t in. Mnsir Ml1 Mfmnr. Sri Ar1TAnliipa Ifltiamt Clar KGW Canham Vi Nui a. Wm n r,..i Talki r KGON Rich. Reporter Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade Sun Serenade KSLM KOIN News-Music KGW News KGON Cattiolic Hr. Music City Council ICatholic Hr. Music Music City Council City Council Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade MONDAY 00:00 00: IS 00:30 00:45 , KSLMVal. Farmcast KCAFarm News I KOIN News America KGW News KGON Rise Ac Shine Val. Farmcast Rollie Smith KOIN Klock Vanderhoof Rise At Shine KSLM Hemingway I KGAY Local News 1 KOIN KOIN Klock KGW News Val. Farmcast iNews China-Asia KGAY Newt KOIN Klock KOIN Klock Vanderhoof Vanderhoof World News Rise St Shine Bible Inst. (Bible Inst. Boh Morse KGAY Newt Shellcv Seren IShelley Seren. f) Vanderhoof IVanderhoof Rise & Shine Rise & Shlnt (Breakfast Gang' Breakfast GangiNews St Weath, IRolhe Smith (Lawrence Welk IKGAY News I Headline Newt IGoss News Babbitt Show I VandPrhnnf IVnnHarhnnf Vanrlcrhnnf KGON Rise St Shine lRise St Shint IRise St Shine IMorning RepL KSLM Cliff En file IFamllv ili.r KGAY Bob Morse Bnb Morse FKOIN Con mm. Newt I Vail Nfw I KGW News Vanderhoof t KGON Rise St Shine I Rise &t Shine KSLM News I W u - b .A. i . VVTT KGAY Rolllr Smith Tltnllir Smith lnn. c'...i.i. i vn a v Mufi ! i"lS n'naJi '"i.? !Mowarrt Ml I'lPn Trent IMid-Morn Newi J. ii.irnrvirtsi ciuo inreaKiflM club BreaKiasi CU1 Kl.ON Recordings Ret-ording Ilccordings Rcctirdingt KSL.M News Tclln TcM W(ng nf SontWlne of S"ig KG AY Rll,e Smith Iciarrv Dyer R1U' Smith IKGAV New." t Vv ,nr? J?r"k" JM Pkin inr. Malnnt I Hnad m Life Kd Lhef Glno to Anderson ir.irl Mimn WhUncrlne Sts. KGiiNNBL Bandst nd NBCBandt ndNHC Bandst nd:NBC Bandst nrt is.!'.H Xr? fiwn f-or Day QueefnTDayTQueciTfor Day- umner Winner 'Larrv Ross ljrrv Ross Mrs. Burton Strike It Rich ;Pat Buttram "rue Story Konnie Worth iKonnle Worth NBC Bandsfnd NBCBandst nd NBC Bandst nd News isVti BlkTshowl Vail Forecast Larry Rnss , I Town Crier ;KGAY Newt Lome Get it House Party House Party Paul Harvey IMerry Go Rnd.l Merrv-Go-Rnd. i i iuiic. 'wwi Top TunesiTop Tunes iMattnee oin.. Ti.tTu KGAY Larry Ross LarryRoss I Larrv Rnu IKGAY News Kga Dinner Winner KOIN Hanolne-ti 1KGW True Stor? KGON NBC Bandsfnd! KSLM News KGAY KGAY Newt KOIN News Weather ConYt Get tt i t,n Miicneu Hptt, . KGON Top Tunei KSLM Matinee KOIN Godfrey Timt IGodfrey Time iGodfrv ti. ,".Hfr-v Time r.?5. . IMerry-Go-Rnd Merrv-Go-Rnd Merrv-Go-Rnd KGON Bill Goodwin i Bill Goodwin , Bill Goodwin Rill Woodwin I KSLM Matinee (Matinee I News" Matinee K.A ?u" Florlp Buir Florip iBuii Florin IKGAY News ' t0,r, Tlmt S'iodrrey Tlm Ruth Ashton INews-Weather . kdH News Merrv-Gn.Rrut D u.....r...n " ki:i; Tpn. i Tin. r- i ... - f:"u .... -l'1'tw- 1 womin in Hie. Dr. ucniry KSLM Wilam. Mat IWtllam Mit. KGAY Nifty-Fifty Nifty-Fiftv KOIN Backstage Wife Gal Sunday I Kt.n News ' K ; 3-Star Mat. KSL.M Fulton Lewis IK(i Y Mftv-Fiftv KOIN Art Kirkham KGW Vanderhoof J Barg'n Counter iTello Test Nifty-Fiftv KGAY Newt MVtr.f;;Rnd Merry.Go-rtnd 'Merry-Go-Bnd rtiiuop me. pepper ouni Hemingway i."inv.r in NHty-FlftV America Sings 1 Newspaper Vanderhoof Vanderhoof 'Here's Answer Sam Havel t NKty-Fifty IKGAY NfS Newspaper KtJON Ftth Rhythm Fash Rnvlhm Tomor Cttlrens 'Man OnJIo a K M.M HOD flf my BOO fi RST . fifth JL, B.. V.nA rnnrrt . KG Y Niftv.Ftf tv INiftv-Fifly INiftv.rif.v I Vfi-iV Newt II. i1"""? Nw-wther ,Jnm Harmtm Frank Gtm 'KGON Melody Maflt Mtlodr Mai Uliiodj Maat jainfe Bw" o O J