Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 04, 1957, Page 6, Image 6

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I Capital Women I
Mrs. Field to
Nw officers (or Trinity chapter,
Order of Eastern Star, (or the next evening refreshments. Mrs. Harold
lmonth term were elected at the ! Lewis; examining, Mrs. Harry
meeting Friday evening. They are j Charlton. Mrs. Fred Gibson. Wd
Mrs. Clarence Field, worthy ma-j bam F.nsinj;er; finance. Lawrence
Iron: Frank Nettleten. worthy pa- M. rlatg. Hubert Forster. Harry
Iron; Mrs. Mary Fugh, associate Phillips; hostesses. Mrs. Ray Holt
matron; D. M, associate pa-! man. Mrs. R. C. Genre. Mrs. Rob
tron; Mrs. C. M. Hixson. secretary; ert Forster, Mrs. Harry Charlton.
Mrs. Wilfred Wilson, treasurer; I Mrs. D. M. Kby and Mrs. Kdwui
Mrs. Lloyd Vedder, conductress; Van Wyngardtn, chairman; m
and Mrs. Charles Ingraham, as-' struction. Mrs. Rjy Hoffman. Clar
suciate conductress. ience Field, Mrs. Robert Forster:
Appointive officers announced j relief. Mrs. Mary Fugh, Mrs. Lloyd
ar: Mrs. Albert Rasmussen. chap-1 Vedder. Mrs. Charles Ingraham;
lain; Mrs. Clair Aldersoa. marshal; i social club. Mrs. Richard Pedd;
Mrs. L. M. Flagg. organist; .Mrs i telephone, Mrs. A. E. Ellison. Mrs.
Frank Nettleton. adah: Mrs. Merle ' E. Guy Cook. Mrs. E. M Hoffman.
Phillips, ruth: Mrs. Rogers Webb, I Fublic installation of the newly
esther; Mrs. Theo Burns, niartha; elected and appointed officers will
Mrs. William Ensinjzer. electa : 1 be conducted on March H it I
Mrs. Harry Phillips, warder; Theo.
Burns, sentinel: and Mrs. R. C
Courtesy members will he VeJter br aftlia't'ion at the meetme
dames Howard Davenport, Richard
Dodd. Joseph Hoffstadt. ' Herman
Kortemeyer, Wilmer .Nelson and
Virgil Parkhurst.
Committee members for the term
Include: R u d . . 1 Emm.,'
Brown. Fred Gibson. Mrs. C. M.
Hixson: cheer. Mrs. E. T. Hart-1
it . . ir--i sister of .Mr. Dewev. Serving asiii,..n.w
Landalana Larnival Friday Night, p i Anders. w.u be' ",f'
a .,,i,-i, -- !. -.. d) 1 . l . I'.he babv's maternal grandparents.!
Agar Candalaru Carnival' is , Wjurice Blum, darts and. bal- VI j Vr, Lewis Weit vis
plannei by CandaJana school loons. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Sc he i- ,,' a."m r,5f ti-,! , CU.
parents (or Friday evening at the
school house. Funds from the
project wdi go toward the pur-;and
cnase or tape recoruers ami '
sound projection eijuapment for j
the schooL 1
Fouxteen booths will provide :
entertainment and no formal
program numoers are planned i
lor the utair, which starts at
T o clock.
General chairman for the event
Is Lynn F. Woods. The group :
assisting includes the folluwin ;
chairmen: H. Buxdette Owen, I cream and popcorn booth; Rich-i -N'e officers were installed at
prizes; Mrs. Charles Mills, check ard Kemper, clown. i the meeting of Ladies auxiliary to
room. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin D. Cooperating with the purents ! Patriarchs Militant last week at
Bauer, co-chairmen of publicity: : in plans for the carnival is Har- the IOOF hail.
William M. Smith, tickets; Mrs. i ry Moor, principal of Candalaria Ed C. Abbey, department corn
Robert White, donations: Mrs. I schovL ! mander of Patriarch Militants, of
Montgomerys Are
Anniversary Feted
Silver wedding anni
Silver wedding anniversary !
party (or Mr. and Mrs. Fred R.
Montgomery was at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parks. Fri-
day night, March I. Co-hostesses
nk 1m D..rl., u,H VI U..I
Conover and Mrs. Adam Deibert. j
A silver tree was featured ,as a ',
fift for the Montgomery, table
decorations included a silver tea, !
and coffee service, silvee candles ! American Legion hall Thursday j 7 M o clock at the hall,
and a tiered anniversary cake. j evening, with Mrs. Lark D. Brown New members of the lucal auxil
The guest list included neighbors ' Presiding. VIrs. Paul M. Gemmell ( iary mustered in last week were
of the Montgomerys, Mr. and Mrs. j Presented a talk on Honduras as j Mrs. Edna Outer, warden of Salem
F. M. Wintermute. Mr. and Mrs,
Emery Wood. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0.
Widdows. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene
Darner. Mr. and VIrs. Robert
Gahlsdorf, Mr. and Mrs. Roy To
kerud. Dr. and Mrs. Philip Porter,
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Braucht,
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Penhorwood.
Mrs. William Struhmyer. Mr. and
Mr. C. J. Steingard. Mr. and i
Mrs. Hylen Conover, Mr. and Mrs.
A.Jm n..iKur Vf- ,.l ir
Robert Park, and the honored
guests, Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery.
SALEM INIT. National Parlia-
. ,
uicuioi laua Maui.iii.iuu ,m meek i - r " JUUrd
Wednesdav evening at the city- drama discussion. i ' ...
library at 7 30 o'clock. I Members of the chapter will as-
Douglas E. Heider will lead the:5'' ln tl1li ,Jrcn drive for the THE Cl'ILD of St. John's Luth
discaision of the parliamentary , bll,"d bank. Next meeting will be : ,.ran churcn will meet Thursday
study for the evening. " i u tn,! t,um of Vlrs- H- L. McDon-: March 7. at 8 p m. in the Fire-
Nominating committee for the . . side room with Mrs. L. Sliruke
new ofiicers will be appointed.
A NEW iroiip for young Single
adtiits m the First Preaoytenan ':
church has puinnni a second meet-
rag mr iniirsuuy evening ot una
week, at the c :i ,1 r c ii at 7 m
o'clock. The group is organizing
to provide social activities lur its
members, also ui carry on some
type, of service.
, THE BENEFIT curd oiuiy plan
ned by the Saiein Navy Mother s
ciub has been postponed from tlin
previously schi'diiled duia of M.ircti i
9. The ciub will aniiiiiuiL-e tliu unto
rm deodorant
! only pin tarn
regularly l
, 1W mmr iin n. UtHii
..... ""fc arfte iMMMtfy klM fM
i t- tmH taMur prwxtl
anvli alba dr, liwra
' aari aah. ft. urnimM
Head OES
i well, Mrs. Herman Kortemeyer;
p m ac the Scottish Rite temple
Mr. and Mrs. William Hansen j
The con'mittee in charge of deco- i
rations jnd refreshments included,0' MJ- cw? w:
Mrs. A. .. Ellison, chairman. Mrs.
Herman Kjrtemeyer. Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Ootid.
T1 ot the chapter
unit I VI ir..h II Plnu K.....
Imade for a farewell party with a
bin rt supper to follow the meeting.
!demann. wheel of fortune: Mrs.
Gordon C. York, fish pond: Mr.
Mrs. George Roth, ping-
pong toss: Mr. anil Mrs. Ai E. I
Wickert. Jr., basketball toss: .VIr. I
and Mrs. Richard Chambers,!
beanbag toss: Mr. and Mrs. Rob-
ert Corey, cumera corner; Mrs. j
Harold .lohnstn, Cakewalk; Mrs.
L. G. Hicks, cruzy hats; Mrs.
Samuel W. Robb. make-up: Miss A,',',,v ncfjse
Donna Stone, fortune teller: li.MUX"'arI '"SUIIi
and Mrs,
Man Dolezal, food sale:
Mrs. James Minty, ice j
Mr .imi
A D Al'GHTER. their first child.
was born Sunday, March S. at Sa-
lem Memorial hospital to Mr. and 1
Duu TT, '?-e 0J.? "7 1
parents are Mr. and Mrs. V. V.
Royse and Mr. and Mrs. Haruld
Carbrough, all of Salem.
PjSt Presidents Meet
Past presidents of Capital unit ,
No. :i. American Legisn auxiiarv. '
attended a potluck dinner at tlie i
pare ot me group j stuuy prugram.
The members continued their '
Wl,rlt in repunng puper flowers
to be used fur the decoration of
wheelchairs in the annual wheel
chair parade of the veterans at
the Veterans hospital in Portland
at Rose Festival time.
Guests were Mrs. Julien G. Fal-
r and Mrs. D. A. McCoy.
B . f
n.t .., di i i.'
. .t ' " , .' , T
at the home of Mrs. W.J. Beard,
with Mrs. N.J Moore assismi,!.:
Miss Grace White and Mrs. Wal--
.. ,
ST. AGNES guild ot St. Paul's
ITnisLMiDul emiri-n will meet Ties-
0:iv niont .11. ; 111 n clu.-lt fniTnvimiif
the" annual pancake supper in Uie'-ness
Fireplacu room 01 the church. The:
Rev w M. Rosoniiiul will sneak
mi "The SaiTamenis. "
(Lienj woman
Jlow Z)o
VSii. ,?0 yriirs (xr',r'.rM,ff in huh
f ishii'i! circles s m:r bevt ri.i;- intee of
clH.umnit, a mi'it t'nui' onii-ir! or a
dViiihrfiily natiiri!-!i-i'l;iii pernaiinit
ive. Reasonably pneai, h:oI
I "p y
A 5 ZrL ' A
Jf -fpr. - t '
Tells EniajKment Miss Mary
Helen Lamoertus, above, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Pal L.
Lambertus. recently announced
her engagement to Verrn Miller.
Jr . son of Mr. and Mrs. Ai
Verm Miller of Dallas.
Christening Event
Set for Next Sunday
L Christening services for Kimber-
Marie Dewey, infant daughter
Jr . will be conducted next
Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock in
St. Pauls Episcopal church, the
d .... -........ u c.o.r .T:,..
u'are eligible to study at Reid hail ',
Godparents are Mrs. Oscar H. !, p,., ir ,u.. .(,irf4 ,r
Specht of Salem and Mr. and Mrs.
Howard P. Anderson , '
the latter the brother in-law and
sister of Mr. Dewey. Serving ,
! Cm rom f eiey. caul. lie pa-;
VI" De7' ir' of Cur-1
" , ,
are Michael and Mitcnell Dewey,
Immediately following the chns-
teninu, Mr. and Mrs. West are
leaving for their home.
New COADS Of Officers
I Forest Gruve: George Howard,
member of the grand encamp.
ment, Canby: and Wilford Beard,
grand warden of the grand lodge.
" " ' , .,
Mrs. Merle Howard, international
president of the auxiliary. Willi
make her official visit to Oregon
on Saturday, March s, at Eugene
The Salem order has been asked :
i to be in charge of the mustering ,
ln ceremony tor the evening s pro-
gram. Practice has been set tor
Tliursday evening, March 7, atj
iteoeKan lodge, anu .urs. ueorge
Contributiuns were voted for the
cancer fund and the Cnited Na
tions pilgrimage fund.
Committees named were: Press.
Mrs. William J. Beard: finance.
Mrs. Grace Ogle. Miss Wilda
Siegmund. and Mrs. Edward A.
Kiidee: ways and means. Mrs.
Leuna Ballon. Mrs. Ivudene Hub
bard, and Mrs. Erma Cuuper,
............ j
will be friendship night witn a
rt bon JtatB a53,,atlon
,; M c, W. Ohisen.
,,. L- ,.
U1I1S1I.1.JU, aim m i. cj. uia i. uuuci ,
presiding. Circle chairmen will re-
port on work accomplished this
Inst month A snii an-
vuur n..r-.iil will fitiliiw Ihi. hum-
meeting. Hoslesses are: Mrs.
L. George. Mrs. H. Brown. Mrs.
j Gettman. Mrs. V. Petenon.
VIrs, A.
.mi. and Mrs. L,
neeth expert acliict
f-e ) ore
P.E.O. Sisterhood Plans
Program on Scholarships
Members of the several chap
ters of P.E.O. Sisterhood m Salem
are Interested m icew of the edu-
cation and scholarship program of
' th organisation-
originated as i col
'owa esleyan unr
U. is now a phi
Sisterhood, which
coliese sorority at
universicy $t years
' ao. is now a philanthropic, edu -
' eationa! organisation, which has a
major interest in education for ; students. This year there are nine
women. Among its educational j foreign students enrolled at Cottey
projects are its educational loan : giving the American girls an intro
tund, Coctey Junior college for i ducuoa to the customs and mores
Women, ar.d scholarships for; of many different countries,
women. j This spring, two $4.50 scholar-
Loans up to $'..'100 at 3 per cent Jhips and several $350 scholar
interest, to be used for a college I ships U) Cottey college will be
education at any recognised msti-; granted by the Oregon state coap
tation, are available to girls who!ter of P.E.O. They will also give
have satisfactorily completed one ; two Si scholarships to girls at
term or semester of college work, j Oregon schools who will be juniors
The principal of these loans need or seniors nest year. Applications
not be repaid until after the girl . for these scholarships must be in
has completed ber schooling. At the bands of the state scholarsmp
th present time. girls in the I committee by April 1. Anyone
Cnited States are holding loans, j wishing more information about
Cottey Junior college for women. ; the above opportunities may cun
which is located in Nevada. Mis-! tact Mrs. van Stewart at EM
soun. was established in ls4. is 1 3-3'j47.
owned and operated by the P.E.O; PE.O, works for world peace
Sisterhood, and ot'ers a program by giving international peace
m liberal and fine arts. Credits ' scholarships. This year it gave
from Cottey are transferable to : 538.HIO in scholarships to 75 girls
any institution of higher learning ; from other lands. They are attend
in the I'mted States. Graduates ing S3 different colleges in the
Rt?i5tr;lt;on at Cotte is limited I
to ISO girls and there is much
.m-h, n th pnihirt ra.i
UEiotLs side of life. The complete i
tuition is sl.ljfl a year'iege.
nower l-,ven
hOr MfS. Wirth
Mrs. Walter Wirth was honored
at a shower and party for which
Mrs. T. R. Hobart, Mrs. Erwin
W. Potter and Mrs. Floyd Waltz
entertained at the Hobart resi
dence Friday night. Spring flowers
decorated the home for the party.
Guests included Mrs. Wirtii,
Mrs. Arthur Ruff. Mrs. George
Nelson. Mrs. Vernon Barnhart.
Mrs. Don Crenshaw. Mrs. David
Duniway. Mrs. Mickey Reed.
Mrs. Rollin Baker. Mrs. Brooks H.
Moore. Mrs .Walter B. Mimer.
Mrs. W. A. Wilson, Miss Adeline
Wilson. Mrs. Don Fulton. Mrs.
Thad Moreland. Mrs. Harry Jacob-
Lloyd Hammel. Mrs. W. M. Smith.
Mrs. Eleanor Schramm, Mrs. Lee
10 Attend Banquet
Among the guests attending the j
; banquet for, the national command-
ant of the Marine Corns league.
William Derdenan. Tuesday mailt
will be several officials from the L
Marine Corps League auxiliary.
riiey will be Mrs. Olive Eakins ,
of Cincinnati, president of the Mrs. Kenneth Hill last week with
national auxiliary: Mrs. Lucy : Mrs. William R. Habernicht pre
Sundstrom of Kirkland. Wash.", siding.
national vice president. Northwest1
district: Mrs. Phyllis Clayton, Os
wego, past national president: Mrs.
George Pro. department president.
The banquet will be at the Vet
erans of Foreign Wars hail. Tuesday.
CENTRALLV t e mp I t, Pythian , and I(,tter3 nr m m tjll,ir
Sisters, ,s meeting Wednesday at:,ast b
3 p.m. m the Beaver hail. riJlim
I Pruceeds from a benefit card
KE1ZER Sewing club is to meet : party were divided, with KSM for
at the home of Mrs. J. A. Card-: the puniic library to buy books
nor. V.Sl straw drive. Ihur-iday.
all day. a no-host luncheon to be
served at noon.
. .
MR. AND MRS. W. D. Conner
have returned frum Portland
wnere they attended the Fleet Su
pervisors annual banquet. Mr.
Donner is tratlic safety director
of Portland in the group.
CHAPTER CB of PE.0 Sister
hood is to meet at 7 JU p.m.
Thursday at the home of Mrs.
Rooert Howeils. Mrs. Helen Mo
Lend and Mrs. Charles D. Schmidt
are co-nostesses.
which includes board, room, all
private instruction in music, prac
tice rooms, infirmary, activities,
i artists series, and the college year
i nook. There are 11 men ana u
- women en the faculty. Classes are
small, makm2 individual mstruc-
tion and guidance possible. Young
men from neighboring scnools
snare in the social life of Cottey
L'mted States. Two of these are
mivoin m nr,.,.
Akiko Oshiro from Japan is'
tending the University of Orea
at-,,. s.nn akn frm i,, ,'.
majonng in music at Linfieid col-
Music Teschers to
Meet on Wednesday
Members of Salem district. Ore
gon Music Teachers association,
will meet Wednesday evening.
March . at 3 o'clock at the Stone
Piano company. A change in the
regular date of the monthly meet
ing has been made to permit the
group to hear Professor Stanley
Butler's discussion of the com
poser Bela Bartok whose "Concer
to for Orchestra" will be played
by the Portland Symphony Orches
tra at its Salem concert on March
L2. The original meeting dare aiso
was in conflict with the Willam
ette university chamber orchestra
following the talk of Professor
the Waiter P. Weathers' home for
a business session and social hour.
Final plans will be made for the
ctm'ennorarv music project sched
uled for March 17. Reports will
jiven on the annual choir festi-
Val and syllabus examinations.
auditions for which have been
announced for May.
XI LTSILON chapter of Beta
Sigma Phi met at the home of
-vlrs- Norman E. Vaughan and
Mrs. Richard McCoy presented the
current events program. Plans
were made for the sorority's rush
ing party to be given this spring.
LEBANON I Special " Senior
Woman's club members stuffed
for teenagers and tile oilier half
for the hospital tur the physical
therapy unit.
Hostesses were Mrs. C. R. Lantz.
Mrs. Lloyd Whitten and Mrs. Or
lin Yun.
Some Notations . .
By M. L. F.
An interesting gathering Sun
day afternoon, attended by a '
large group, was the reception,
given by the Rev. and Mrs. I
Geerge H. Swift at the new Epis- j
copai rectory on South High '
street . . . Preceding the recep-,
tion, given between 3 and 3
0 clock, the Rt. Rev. Benjamin D. !
Oagwell. Portland, bishop of the ,
diccese, blessed the rectory , . .1
With the Swifts for the occasion '
were two of their sons-in-law and
daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Roger
K. Putnam ot Portland and Mr. 1
1 and Mrs. Selh P. Smith ...
I la the receiving line with the .
! Swuts were Mrs. J. W. F. Car
man, wife of the bishop coadjo-j
tor, Portland, and Bishop Dag-i
i well . . . Mrs. Charles D. Wood
introduced to the line . . . The ;
Swifts returned Friday from a '
ten-day plane trip tr Hawaii and ;
, for the reception Mrs. Swift wore i
a lei of orchids ...
I Beautiful spring flowers decor-1
jated the home for the occasion!
j. . . Noteworthy among themj
I was the large spray arrangement. I
j flat against the wall over the,
fireplace, of pink snapdragons!
land blue Dutch irises with a few)
yellow carnations tucked in at;
the base for accent . , . The tea
table in the dining rrara was
covered with a floor length white
damask cloth ... At the back
of the table was a large fan ar
rangement of snapdragons in va
rying shades of pink and white
set on a round mounted mirror,
a few deep red roses at the base
of the bouquet ... At either side
were tapers in candelabrums
witn crystal reflectors ... j
Among those greeted at our
call Mr. and Mrs. Lynn F. Crone-1
miller. Judge and Mrs. F. L. !
Phipps, here from The Dalles
during the legislative session;
Rep. and Mrs. E. A. Uttrell of
Mediord. Mrs. William H. Bar-1
ghardt. Mr. and Mrs. John A. !
Ueltzei. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. i
Heltzel. and tne tatter's mother, i
Mrs. W. W. Gabiel of Portland: I
Mr. and Mrs. Homer L. Goulet, !
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth .Power.!
Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCargar.l
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Watts, I
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Gibson, Mr. I
and Mrs. Douglas Hay, Dr. and
Mrs. Dean K. Brouks. Mr. and
Mrs. L. W. Gleason. Clifford
Gleasoo. Mr. and Mrs. George W. ,
' Dewey, Jr., Judge and Mrs. Jo- j
iseph B. Felton, Dr. and Mrs. S.I
D. Wiles. Mr. and Mrs. Albert
C. Gragg. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. :
Coolev. Miss Elizabeth Lard. Miss
Edith Schryver. Mr. and Mrs.:
Bruce Crandall, Mr. and Mrs. E.
j W. Rector, Mrs. Helen Lewis. Mr. j
and Mrs. Hubert L. Williamson.!
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Loder. Mr.
: and Mrs. James J. Walton. Miss
Irene deLisie. Mrs. Susan de-
Lisle. Mrs. Prince W. Bvrd. Miss!
I Betty Bvrd. Mrs. Frank H.
Snears. Mrs. Austin H. Wilson, j
! Mrs. A. C. F. Perry. Mr. amf Mrs. I
Howard Grimm. Mr. and Mrs.1
Kenneth Sherman. Mrs. E. H.
Kennedy. Mrs. George W. Nel-j
son, Mrs. Carl Porter and daugh-l
I ter, Cheryl, of Albany; Mr. and
t Mrs. Carl Armstrong ...
Invitations were received this
' weekend for tile annual Matrix 1
j Table banquet of L'niversity of !
I Oregon chapter c-f Theta Sigma!
j Phi, national journalism profes-:
1 sional society, on March Z'.i . . . 1
Sneaker is to be Mrs. David
j Shaw, wife of the professor of
I criminal law at the university!
j and until recently editor and
I publisher of the Curry County;
Reporter ... I
I ' ' I
i And along the journalism lines
I comes the program for the an- j
nuai spring conference of Oregon
Press Women at University of:
Oregon. Mareh 30 and 31 . . .1
Early arrivals have been invited 1
to take in the Matrix Table event
-!!I ( I fit5!
Miss Barry
WOODBl'RV 'Special' Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley Kolousek of Wood
burn are announcing the engage
ment of their daughter. Miss Jo
anne Barry, to Lt. Paul Michael
McDermott of tne marine corps,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mc
Dermott, former Woodburn resi
dents now living in Salem. Lt.
McDermott is visiting here for a
few days enroute to Camp Pendle
ton. Calif., for duty with t h e
marines. He recently was gradu
ated from marine officers training
school at Quantico. Va.. and has
one year to serv to complete his
lour years ot amy.
Miss Barry is a senior it Wood
bum high school and her fiance
is a l'Jiii graduate of St. Martins'
college in Olympia. A summer
wedding is planned.
College Staff
Is Entertained
Fellow members of the; cast and
staff of the play '"Shadow and
Substance" shown at Oregon Col
lege of Education at Monmouth
Friday evening, and several ad
ditional friends, were entertained
by Darrei Lunda at the home of
h:s parents. Mr. and Mrs. 0. H.
Lunda. on Bn Lomond drive.
Those attending were Alan
Robb. director of the play, and
Mrs. Robb, Dr. and Mrs. J. E.
Beflamy, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Keaton. Deanne Baurnan. George
E. Davidson. Wanda Lap'pen. Don
Filler. Leslie Green. Kay Salter,
Samuel Macintosh, Robert Krebs,
Barbara Anderson, Colleen Peder
sen. Mickey Rogers, Kay Brady,
Susanne Ladd. Sally Duckworth.
Jim Beck. Pohn E. Jensen. Ron
Lamb. Deloris Myers. Barbara El
liott, Jo Anne Anderson. Ray Bart
ley. Don Ford. Nancy Bong. Vir
ginia Lnapman. Joanna Clemen
son. Marilyn Isaac. John Olson.
Bruce Goldblatt and Gary Lunda.
From Washington. D.C. comes
account of Lie wedding of Miss
Joan Marguerite Lucker, formerly
of Saiem, and Howard Randolph
Trittipae, Jr.
The wedding was February 22.
The bnde is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Thomas Lucker of
Silver Spring, Md.. and tne bride
groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Tritapoe of Adelphi. Md.
The service was in the Episcopal
Cliurca of the Ascension in Silver
The bride attended Willamette
university in Salem and was grad
uated frum L'niversity of Mary
land. The couple will make their home
at 4705 Bradley boulevard. Chevy
Chase. Md.
listed above . . . Among the
speakers are Thomas G. Wright,
Jr., Salem, administrative assist
ant to Governor Robert D.
Holmes: Dan Sellard. city editor
of the Eugene Register-ii u a r d;
Bernaid L. Freemesser. nhiitoura-
pher; Prof. Glenn Starlin. ban
quet speaker to discuss televt-
sion; Nan Phillips at Portland.
Portland wnter and free-lance
producer for TV and radio; Miss
Alene (Peg) Phillips, now with
the Capital Journal woman's de
partment, to tell of her experi
ences in Washington, D.C. where
she served as executive assistant
to former Secretary of the In
terior Douglas McKay . . . Dean
Charles Duncan of tne L'O school
of journalism is to give the wel
come to the group, sessions to be
in the journalism building un the
campus ...
Salem, Oregon,
Here Tuesday George Hop
kins, above, professor of piano
at L'niversity of Oregon, is to
be here Tuesday to present the
lecture-musicale, sponsored by
Mu Phi Epsilon Alumnae chap
ter, at Salem Woman's club at
9: 30 o'clock. It is a benefit pro
gram. Mrs. Moorhead Is
Honored by Group
The Daughters of the Nile club.
honored its outgoing president,
Mrs. George R. K. Moorhead. at
a dinner Friday evening at the
Senator hotel. Mrs. William R.
N'ewmyer served as toastmistress
and the newly elected president.
Mrs. Ear! T. Andresen. spoke in
appreciation of Mrs. Moorhead's
leadership of the group. A gift was
presented to Mrs. Moorhead by
Mrs. 0. R. Eckersley on behalf
of the club. I
Albert W. Morris, president of
the Salem Shrine club, and John
T. Graybill. rajah, spoke briefly:
on the work for the Shriners bos-!
ipital for Crippled Children.
I Mrs. Virgil T. Golden gave the
j invocation and musical numbers
included .duets by Mr. and Mrs.
I William Bush, accompanied by
j Mrs. P. H. Brydon ; organ solos
and background music by Mrs.
Edward C. P'irvine: vocal solos by
, Mrs. David H. Cameron, accom
panied by Mrs. Purvme: and ac-
i cordion numbers by Dale Spoel-
East Salem Dates
j EAST SALEM 'Special) - Sev
eral East Salem social group
! meetings are scheduled for this
j Swegle Woman's club will ob
serve its birthday anniversary with
a pot-luck dinner at the home of
Mrs. Mary Swingle at 12:10 p.m.'
j on Tuesday. Members are asked
to bring their table service. ,
I Swegle Road Garden club meets
Tuesday night at the home of Mrs.
I Robert Fryrear an Swegle road.
Lansing Neighbors Garden ciuD
meets an Thursday at 1:30 p.m.
, at the home of Mrs. Glenn Lar
; kins on Park avenue,
i Merry Minglers will meet on
! Friday at I p.m. at the home of
Mrs. Haroid H. Jenkins. 33B5 View
! avenue. This is a change of meet-
ing date.
"Thai Oldent Jftwlry Stor ;n
Siiri Unriir th Sums
Watch Repairing
We Fix Them When
Others Can't
Many other
Monday, March 4, 1957
For Club
New officers were chosen at (ha
meeting of Englewood Woman'i
club Friday at the home of Mrs.
John Barker. Those who will head
club activitiecs for the new term
are Mrs. E. F. Crail, president;
Mrs. E. W. Cooley, vice president;
Mrs. Verna B. Yates, secretary;
Mrs. Arthur J. Flint, treasurer.
An interesting account of how
surrounding communities were
named was given by Mrs. M. M.
Magee, who was introduced by the
program chairman, Mrs. Lloyd L.
Mrs. Cummins
Feted at Party
Mrs. Donaid Cummins, wht
moved recently from Salem tr,
Portland, was the honored guesl
at a shower at the home of Mrs. '
Lee E. Olson. Saturday evenin?.
A group of 23 of the honoree'i
Salem friends gathered for the oc
casion. Mrs. Cummins will be Ieavin
shortly for Tulare. Calif., to jon
her husband who has been trans
ferred there from Portland.
HOSTESS to her bridge club ea
Thursday evening will be M r i.
Homer Brobst.
Portland Organiit ,1
Moves to Salem
i MkWkaaHkMkaHHMMH
Mr. Leon F. Drews, veteraa
radio organist of Portland, Ore
gon, recently moved to Salem. H
is affiliated with the Wiltsey
Weathers Music store and stu
dios, located in the Capitol Shop
ping Center, where he will be
working in sheet musie and or
gans. Mr. Drew's 23 years of teach
ing piano and organ puts him in
command of a wide knowledge of
music and teaching materials. la
his. work in the music depart
ment he hopes to share this ex
perience with teachers and musi
cians. The organ melodies of Mr.
Leon F. Drews are best known
to radio listeners throughout the
Northwest. He completed over
3000 consecutive organ broad
casts on Radio Station KOIN.
played on the Heathman Hotel
organ in Portland. During most
of his 15 years at the Heathman
Hotel. Mr. Drews was teaching
and ensafed in theater and con
cert work throughout the North
west. Mr. Drews recently returned
from the Lowrey organ dealers
convention in Chicago, and he
has musical new3 that concerns
any person looking, wishing or
thinking about owning an organ.
gour femthertreight
It'i to right kni rrm p... and
with whanrer jon war! 0 rkh rayoa
faille in a wonderful comfort weight
for Spring, with rayon taffeta lining
Gently flared. Black, ni-y, beige,
or turquoise. 10 to 18.
spring dress
Here' a delectable Tittle rayon and
acetate with ascot, tlial'a jml one of out
excitiny Sprinp selrclioit! l ull gored
skirt viih empire aUl, niiirr front.
Navy, black or tuittiuie. 10 to 18.
aiaea, rulora, at) leal
lut 5a. Cr.arge. tl" oa
Sear Revolving l'iit
iouU Mm Okaiaa
Lipmcin s of Salem
Drug Store .
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