Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Tues., Feb. 26, 1957 Veteran Group - Gives Awards PORTLAND UH Freedom awards of the Portland chapter of tho American Veterans Commit tee went to two individuals and an organization Monday night. The winnerst The Oregon Committee for Hun garian Refugees, for helping re Ec'.tle thoso who fled from com nvjnism in Hungary. ' Dr. Mark A. Talney. executive s?cretary of the Oregon Council cf Churches, for "his demon strated personal concern and out standing activity in the fields of fair employment practices, intcr group understanding, refugee re lief and the problems of the aged, th? physically handicanped, the migrant workers and the Indian m'nority in Oregon." Paul B. Bender, executive vice president of the Portland Junior Chamber of Commerce, for "lead ership in initiating informative radio and TV discussion programs designed to give Portland citizens a better understanding of local public issues.'.' FliesbachDies Monday Night Roger W. Fliesbach, late resident of 1590 North 16th St. and jewelry sales manager for the Croton watch company, died Mon day evening at a local hospital after suffering a heart attack at his home earlier in the day. bach came to Salem from SpokanV ' " 1 1 loin- lrimmci $ 21 years ago. He was a member -V'; '"'V,' l .7, f iinc,..onh M f ih i-nir chucks, 31.00-34.00; ribs, 40.00- organization and one of the foun- MARKET QUOTATIONS PORTLAND ID Buttcrfat Tentative, subject t o immediate change Premium quality, deliv ered in Portland, 62-65 cents per lb; first quality, 59-62; second quality, 54-57. Butter Wholesale, f.o.b. bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, 93 score, 6.1 'As A grade, 92 score, (iO',4; B grade, 90 score, 59; C grade, 89 score, 57. Cheese To wholesalers Oregon singles, 41-48 lb; Oregon 5-lb loaf. Eggs To retailers Grade AA. large, 47-48; A large, 45-46; AA medium, 43-45; A medium, 42-44; A small, 35-38. Cartons, 1-3 cents additional. Eggs To wholesalers A large. 42-43'?; A medium, 40-4214; A small, 33-36',-i. Live poultry No. 1 quality, f.o.b. Portland Fryers, 2'i-4 lbs, 21; light hens, 10-12 at farm; heavy hens, 14-16 at farm; o 1 d roosters, 7-9. Turkeys To producers L 1 v c weight fryers, 27-28. Rabbits Average to growers- Live whites, 3-U-4 lbs, 23-26; col ored pells 4 cents less; old does, 10-12, few higher. Fresh killed fryers to retailers, 59-64; cut up, 62-65. Wool Nominal, clean basis, Va blood, 1.10-12: blood, 1.18-20; 'h blood. 1.35-38; fine. 1.40-43. Wholesale Dressed Meals Beef carcasses Steers, choice, 500-700 lbs, 33.00-37.00: good, 30.00 35.00; standard, 28.00-31. 00; com mercial cows, 27.00-29.00; utility, 25.00-28.00; canncrs and cutters, 22.00-25.00. Beef cuts (choice steers) Hind quarters, 38.00-43.00: rounds 37.00- dcrs of the salesmen's organiza tion, "Evergreen Ducks." Surviving are his wife, Thelma Fliesbach, Salem: a daughter, San dy Fliesbach, Salem: and his mother, Mrs. Glenn Fliesbach. Announcement of funeral serv ices will be made later by the Virgil T. Golden chapel. j 46.00. Lambs-Choice, 45-55 lb. 37.30 39.50; good, all wis. 33.00-37.00. Pork carcasses Shipper style, 120-170 lb, 28.00-30.00. Pork cuts Loins, choice, 8-12 lb, 43.00-47.00: shoulders, 16 lb down; fresh hams, 12-16 lb, 46.00 50.00. Slab bacon All wts, 45.00-51.00. Veal and calves Good-choice, all wts, 34.00-49.00; standard, 30.00-45.00. Fresh Produce Onions Ore. Dnnvers, med. 2.25-35; 3 in. 3.75-4.00: Spanish, 3 in, 4.03-50; Colo. White. 4.50-75. Potatoes Local Russets, No. 1 Awards Go lo 44 For Safe Driving At Dairy Banquet Stressing the importance of "dc-',oa ,bs jWo; Central Ore. lii fcnsive dnving and the value of,sc(s 2 85.3 2r). SCi 6.u oz 3 50. company safely programs, James Banks, executive sccrciary 01 inc Oregon Traffic Safety commission, addressed Mayflower Dairy driv ers and their wives at a banquet at Mayflower hall Monday night. "Anticipating what the other driver's actions might be is the key to accident prevention, even though you may have tho green light, Banks saio. At the annual safety banquet, drivers from Lebanon and Salem were eivon awards of tho com pany for not being involved In chargeable accidents for the past year. Capl. itaymond Howard 01 tne Oregon ataic i-oucc ami George Thomason of Teamsters Local No. 324 presented awards to 44 drivers. Recognition for 19 years of accident-free driving went to Don Kcllcy; 14 years, Dean Louder back; 13 years, Maurice Walker; 12 years, Vincent Kremer; 11 years, Waller Ncliton; 10 years, Orvillc Tucker, nine years, Wil liam Mitchell, and eight years, Henry Marcl. Several others received pins for shorter periods without accident. Pease Rites to Be Thursday Funeral services will be held at the Clough-Barrick chapel Thurs day afternoon at 1:30 o'clock for Mrs. Gladys Alzina Pease, 52, late resident of 1735 Baker St., who died Monday at a local hospital. Death followed a prolonged illness. Ritualistic services will be by the Salem Itcbckah Lodge No. 1 and interment is to be in Rest lawn Memory Gardens. Born Feb. 14, 1905, in Royal, Neb., Mrs. Pease came to Oregon from Nebraska in 1936 and settled at Lebanon. She came to Salem from Lehanon 11 years ago. Mrs. Pease was a member of the Rcbekah lodge, the Ladies En campment auxiliary and the Helin Kem circle of the Jason Lee Meth odist church in Salem. Surviving are her husband, Roy Pease, Salem; a daughter, Mrs. Marcclinc W i s t c a d, El Paso, Texas; mother, Mrs. Solomon Nod dings, Royal, Neb.; two brothers, Charles Noddings, Royal, Neb., and Lloyd Noddings, Topcka, Kan.; five sisters, Mrs. "Glenn Phillips, Lincoln, Neb., Mrs. Al fred Wallers, Clearwaler, Neb., Mrs. R. C. I'arrish and Mrs. 4.. W. Lengcn, Omaha, Neb., and Mrs. Bessie Lupo, North Piatt, Neb.; and two grandchildren, Ronnie and Joyce Wislead, El Paso, Tex. 4.00: No. 2s, 50 lbs, 1.00-25; Wash Russets, 100 lbs, 3.00-25. Hay No. 2 green alfalfa, baled f.o.b. Portland, 32.00-33.00 Ion. Apples Boxes Oregon-Washing ton Red Delicious, extra fancy, tray packed and wrapped, medi um, 6.50-7.00; large, 5.50-6.25: Loose pack, small, 4.00-25; stand ard Dolicious large, 4.50-75; Red R o m c s, extra fancy, 5.00-25 loose 4.50-75; Newlons, loose, cxlra fancy, 3.75-4.00; few 4.25; Winesaps, extra fancy, packed, 5.50-6.00; loose, 3.25-4.00. . Celery California. 2-2'4 doz, 4.50-5.00; hearts, 2.25-50 doz. Chicago Grain CHICAGO Ml The basic trend in grains was a little lower Tues day despite mild rallies which carried prices back to around the previous close. Price changes never went very for and dealings were not active. Wheat had tho best undertone while corn again was tho weakest cereal. In its weekly crop report the Weather Bureau noted, "rains boosted prospects in most of Okla homa and Texas and light precip itation furnished limited benefits in the remainder of tho Great Plains." Wheat closed 1 cent lower lo higher. March 2.32H-:!i: corn un changed to 7 lower, March 1.28 4i; oals '.j lower to M higher. March 7.V.: rye 5i lower lo U higher, March 1.35U-V&: soybeans 'i lower lo s, higher, March 2.43 i-'i: and lard 12 lo 30 cents n hundred pounds lower, March 11.75. Portland Livestock PORTLAND M1-(USDA)-Catllc salable 300: market active, fully steady; part load mostly choice 1,048 lb fed steers 20.50, (ruck lot good 1,016 lb 20.00, few other good slcers 19.00; load standard llol sleins averaging 747 & 1,094 lb 18.00 and 10.50: few good heifers 17.09-19.00: utility 10.50-12.00; din ner and cutler eovs mostly 8.50- 10.50; utility 11.50-13.50: commer cial 14.00-14.50; few utility bulls 14.50-15.00. Calves salable 50: market about steady: few low choice vcalers 27.00-28.00: good 24.00-26.00; utility ana stnnnnrfl 13 00 22. no. Hogs salable 250; market active, sleady-25 higher; U.S. No. 1-a butchers around 180-220 lb 19.50 19.75; mixed No. 1-3 lots 18.50 19.25; heavier butchers 18.00-18.50: sows 300-535 lb 14.50-17.00; feeder pigs scarce. Sheep salable 200: scattered lots about steady; one lot mostly choice 115 lb woolcd lambs 20.50, few head 120 lb 20.25; one lot choice No. I pelts 107 lb 111.50 Judson Smith Dies Today Judson Smith, late resident of 1780 Beach Ave., died early Tuesday morning at a local hos pital where he had been a pa tient for a month and a half. He had been ill since November, 1935. Born Aug. 30, 1873, in North Carolina, he came to Oregon from Tennessee about 20 years ago and resided In Aurora and Hubbard before moving to Salem in 1941. He was married in Athens, Tenn., in 1907, lo Mary Sue New man, who died Nov. 7, 1954. Surviving arc three daughters, Mrs. Ray (Inez) Moore, Salem; Mrs. John (Clara) Clark, LaPortc, Ind., and Mrs. Leslie (Norma) Ravcnscraft, South Bend, Ind.; five 'sons, Jewel S. Smith and Paul Smith, Coos Bay, Ore.; Roy A. Smith, Oklahoma City, Okla.; Herman C. Smith, Evans ville, Ind., and N. B. Smith, Clay' City, 111.; 12 grandchildren and 11 greal-grandchildrcn. Announcement of funeral serv ices will be made later by the Howell-Edwards chapel. Mid Willamette Obituaries John Edward Park MONMOUTH (Special) John Edward Park, 3 months of age. infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Park, Vets Village, Monmouth, died Monday morning at his home after a short illness. Survivors besides his parents arc a sister, -Anna Marie, Monmouth; and grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Cross, Eugene; and Mrs. Nina Park. Monmouth. Funeral services were held Tues day from St. Hilda's Episcopal church at 10 a.m. Interment was at Fir Crest cemetery under di rection of the Smith-Krueger Mor tuary. Deaths lift nun ChrlstrnSen: Late resident nf So. 12th. In this city, Feb. 2.rt, at the age of 65 yc.irs. Husband of Margaret. Chris tcn.sen, Los Angeles. Father o Mrs. Stanley Ilroncs, Osage, Iowa, Mrs. Clare Hoffman. Cedar Falls, Iowa, Orison Christcnscn. Shnrn, Ohio. Ciphc Chrislensrn. Waterloo, Iowa. Mrs. Dale llodson. Pnopi, Minn., Phyllis HoRReman, Los AnReles, Cal Lee Chrislenfrn. Los Angeles.. Cal.. Aldyce Chrtenseii, Waterloo. Iowa: brother of Frank Christensen, Or don, Iowa, Ernest Chrislr risen. Or don. Mrs. August Vaughn, Ogdon. Services will he held Wednesday, Fehrunry 2?th at 3:30 p m. m the Chapel of the W. T. Htgdnii Co. Rev. John Ctuiblc will officiate, Warren fl. Karmrr: Late resident of 1675 Saginaw St , Salem, at a local hospital, Keh. 3-tih. at the age of at) years. Survived bv wife. Kdyth M. Farmer. Salem; sons. f0W bis Rood mid Choice WOOlcd Kanncr. both of Portland:' step-son lnmhs lR.00-in.00;-RUOd fill 11) 1YH ( Thomas 11. Sluarl. U.SAF. Two rr Inmhc 1HK1- rnmmon r.n lh 1 '"".children and three great-grand- J common .n in vhlMrcn n,so Mirvivc. services urn 10.00; Utility nnd pood sliinqhlcr be held Wednesday, February 27th ewes -,.00-G.OO; one tot choice 147 V30 -p '"' 1,1 ''P' of ,hc lb 7.00. I j ( .h.hnnnfj il) ..'fUr-lal. " eluding services at Helcrcsl Memo tial Park. Cindy A. At a local Kebr.inrv 2."th. ( I7.1. Hakrr St.. i ...n.. , i.. ... .' ''"in. survived uy mmmna. Hov m.-. mh'.-.iij .M.m m tin v ur i t'llis P e a s e, Salem: dnuRhler. Marceline hitlhcr. iWinstead. El Paso. Tex : mother. llutchers scaling 200 lo :?o ;"''"n it-nai Nrb. , I, i . . 2 RitinddauRhtrrs also survive. Scrv- pnuiKls sold ninthly at $lti,7. to k'cs w,u tn. rhuid,v. Krbni- $17.10. Buyers paid $U '' to $lt.7. ;'r;v nh 1,1 1 P " lntrrment. nnnirn. liltuai Satem Rrbekah Chicago Livestock CHICACO U1 - rrodorors nil hack hoR mnrkelinqs TufmIuv and!'"1," rcu,'l,, 01 It tne ntncllv k l I ct K- i n.-' ' S'llrnl- Survived Cliiraaro Onions Itv TlnlUft Pre CtititOinc ni n rl A P n I P! HollinnH ' ff Wil tn' Tift limi-H ti I V. .. " '"M ' a w " ' Ir:m; market nun. Track sales do lbs.) V. S. 1 unless slated: Yellow Globe me diums Minnesota 1.00; Spanish fl inch and lnrncr Idaho 2.80. Street sales: Colorado Spanish 3-inch and larger 2.7.V3.00: Idaho Oregon Spanish 3-inch and larger 2 85-3.25, few 3.50: Texas Crystal Wax 3-inch and larger 3.25, 2 to 3-inch 3.25; Midwestern Yellows 3-inch and larger 2.00-2.2j. me diums 65 per cent 10-ounce 125-1.50. while sows went at $15 no in n; an. Loose No. l Prime steers Inpprd at $25 ivi . .. Most hlh Choice and pl l Itu-Mlld I -it rr.Mdent of 1070 C.arnet St at $21.50 to $24 25 and mvt to K :-' 111 ,,u '"' Survived b .,.nPkfi.i ..Ii.ti..i t.l it -n t. .-it .1.1 f'-'llbter. Mrs. Owenna M. Krnt ' h . ' , "ifi-norntT : RrnortdauRlitrr. Minj mijns uiiiiiuu-ti to mmi riaine Kent. Monniouih choice heifers for $17.00 to $20 iw. i KJ'bv,V75 Vll' 1htl'1, w'-ctav Cood to prime WOOled lamhs 'rb.peV lntrment. " Vlcrest tlm. went at $1000 to $2100. A short ru,' vr- Rv. Robnt c. Dncn load of choice and prime reached Mil ofiui.ite. Port hind Grain rOHTl.ANl) Ifi Coarse grains. IVdav thipinrnt. bulk, coasl delivery: Oals, No J, M lb while 51.50 Barley, No.J. 45 lb B.W. 50.00 Corn. No E.Y. ship't 0 00-6050 Wheat: No bids or oilers. Tuesday's car receipls: Wheal 8; (lour S; corn 4. Wall Strcrt NEW YORK Hi Prices Im proved to about llieir host of a dull stock market session lale Tuesday aflernoon. Volume (or (he day was esti mated at around l.WO.OOO shares compared with 1,710.000 Monday. pivotal Issues were up from fractions lo around a point. A few typocialitics msJo bigger gatns. I $21.25. Salable receipls were 7.000 lions. 0.5011 cuttle, 300 calves and 3.0'H) sheep. S;il'in Markets llrn Krlllr Mm In Ihn ntv l,ruarv !S I alf rf uril of t,.irnrli. Knn . al Ihp a.r nf ."'n Lire mu Cifouf ...... it,tuiiif MiiP'm-n! i i'- 'rnrli, Km . lor rr f", l bv the w. T HlK.loil Ci. Ciime'lrd ttiim rrenrl. ot Salem dealer, for the (Ulilanee nt .'ipilal Journal Headert .Kevl.rd da'lr) reed.: llabnlt Pellel. - 13 Sa ISO-lb t)l); 14.44 on lOO-lb n Mash - It IS M-Ih I. Dalrt (red-t.l M-I.l M) ISO-lb bad: $ SH-S4 20 1100-lb bagl rnllllrv: lluyinit prices Colored frver.. ?Oc: old roosters. Br: rolorrd lowl, 16i-; lechorn tot, !2o. UuylnK prlrea -AA. So: tarre A. Vic: niritliim A, .Tftr; .mall A. ?H- Wtiolesale nrtre: A nimho, .Vfli-: extra larRe AA. .!-: larite AA. 47iv larro A. 4.Vr; inedlinn AA, 41c; A .ninll. SRr. On "artons. 3r additional Hiilterfati Huvinir prlre. Premium, SSp: hrtt srade. i&-63c: trad a, A3e. Ilutler: Retail-AA i.v: quarie.-i 74c Wholttale Solid AA, 11c; quir lers, 73c. . Hocer W. 1 Mle it. Salem, nt !i Sun Klle.l'.u'i. lene Fli l'lte.l,a,h i.linl ,.( yw n lp:h si liH-al Feoruarv ivrd y mfe, Thelma .iiciii- motner. Mr.. Ar. lljl.'ll 11...., a ment.. of m. ,..,n i,. "S'i i. i. omen in. Jud.on Smith l.alr te.idenl ot 1110 Keaeh St.. Sa lem l a li.npilal rchruarv J at tne a?e of a,i ir.i,.. Kthrr of .urn. .nr. -nivire. Mit-n. Anmmnrr menl n( M'in,r. win he o.ide later uy inw noci.r.uwarus I liapel. ThrmiKh the mil ot the Hockotrl- ler 1-iHiiKlntinn, the malarial nuts- nuito has bern nhmit nimvt phi in the major island ot Sardinia. 120 mites west 01 tne foot el ihe Italian boot. Unman emperors once sent enemies there to the (torn malarial (c cr. T 0 T ID PLACE fill m Mi 300 Persona 312 Lost and Found LOST: Reg.' snble Collie, female, utute collar, EM 2-2918, EM 2-21)75. 316 Personal TOO MANY BILLS? Don't let your bills get you in trouble. If you're oehind In Eay merits, we can help you. o security or co-signers neeaca. une place 10 pay an bills. Pay only what you can afordl (Bonded and licensed for your protection !i C(tEDIT CONSULTANTS Dial Salem EM 2-8844 for information. WOULD you like to discuss your weight problem with someone who understands and can help you. Call EM 4-28'M or KM 4-5734. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. 984 S Com'l. EM 2-2108. EM 2-2850 CATTLE buyer A. F Summer. 1260 Harmony or. EM 4-Ml. .JARY'S FLORIST - GIFTS Capilol Shop Clr. EM 4-3391 ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group No. 1. 2088 N Com I CM 4-234t. Advertising Statesman-Journal Newspapers 280 N. Church St. PHONE EM 4-6811 LOCAL RATES (Mln. 2 lines) 'Weekdays .Sun. per line 1 time Jib per line 3 times .00 M per line 6 times f 1.30 $l.i!0 per line 1 mo. S5.0U unci. Sun.) Classified ads wtll De run in both papers to give adveitisers the advantages of the tremen dous combined circulations wnen an ad is ordered three or six times and a Sunday issue Is included (for example Friday, Saturday. Sunday) the lower Sunday rates apply because only The Statesman publishes Sun days. Classified ads will start In the morning Oregon Statesman, con clude in the evening Capital Journal but ads will be ac cepted for Sunday Statesman only. The deadline tor classified ads is 1:00 p.m. the day before pub lication exceot for Sundav when deadline is 5:30 p.m. Friday. Emergency ads and small line ads received pfter 1:00 p.m. weekdays and until 12 noon Saturday for Sunday may be piacea in tne 100 Late to uiass ify" column. Ads for Monday papers must be in by S p.m. Saturday. The Statesman-Journal News papers reserve the right to re ject questionable advertising; it further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification. The 'Statesman-Journal News papers nssume no financial re sponsibility for errors which may appear in advertisements published in lis columns and in cases where this paper fs at fnult will rennnt that Dart of an advertisement in which the typographical mistake occurs. A "Blind" A a an ad contain ing a Statesman-Journal News papers box number for an ad dress is for the protection of me aavertisers ana must mere fore be answered bv letter. The Statesman Journal Newspapers are not at liberty to divulge In formation as to the Identity of nn aaevrtiser using a Huncr ad. THIS NEWSPAPER STRIVES to protect lis readers against . fraud, deception, or Injuries. Readers are cautioned to make NO PAYMENTS lo get a po sition advertised in th help wanted columns, ah neip wanted ads MUST SPECIFY THE NATURE OF THE WORK. Sales help wanted ads must state tr tne pay is in tne form of salary commissions, guarantee, or Include firm name. Bona fide offers ot em ployment with pay belong to the "Help Wanted" columns. Ads in other columns which re quire investment tn stocks, samples, equipment or cash bond should be thoroughly In vestigated before paying out any money. Advertisers re quiring a caah Investment for samples or merchandise, sales aids, etc., must so specify in their ads. Kindly report any exception to inis ruie 10 inc ciassuica aa vcrtlslng manager. Classified Index "Kor Your Convenience" 300 PERSONAL 310 Meeting Notices 312 Lost and Found 314 Transportation 31fi Personal 318 St a lisps and Coins 400 AGRICULTURE 402 Livestock For Sale 403 Livestock Wanted 40S Pets 410 Fruits & Farm Produce 412 Market Basket 414 Poultry A Rabbits 416 Sea Foods 418 Lawn & Harden 420 Seeds & Plan la 4J2 Fertilizer 424 Farm Kqulpment . 425 Auction Sales 4j0 MERCHANDISE 451 Household Goods 432 Appliances 4j4 Sewing Machtnei 46 T. V. & Radio 458 Musical Instruments 462 Wanted Household Goods 464 Sports Equipment 46 Ricvcles 470 Building Materials 472 Plumbing. Heating 474 Floor Covering 47fi Do It Yourself 4SO For Sale Miscellaneous 481 For Rent Miscellaneous 482 Trade Miscellaneous 483 Wanted Miscellaneous 484 Miscellaneous 8fi Machinery At Tools 4P8 Wanted Machinery 4i Toolt 4!0 Fuel 500 BUSINESS AND FINANCE MO Money to Loan 512 Loans Wanted MS Investments KW EMPLOYMENT 602 Help Wanted 604 Help Wanted, Man tiOi, Help Wanted. Lady fios Pickers Wanted filO Sales Help R12 Work Wanted, Man 614 Work Wanted, Lady l!i Child Care 613-A Babysitting tYour Home 617 Job Information 618 Education 620 Dav or Contract 700 RENTALS 702 Sleeping Rooms, Boari 703 Wanted Rooms. Board, 703 Apirtnients For Rent 706 Duplexes 707 Houses For Rent 707-A FuniKhrd 708 Farm For Rent 709 Wanted to Rent 710 Wanted to Rent Houses 712 Wanted to Rent Apts. 714 Husines. Rentals 716 Resort Rentals 718 Convalescent Homes 780 Moving and Storage 800 REAL ESTATE 801 Business Opportunities1 802 Business Property 3 Suburban 0 Houses For Sale Ot Apia.. Courts For Salt 606 Lots For Salt 810 F.ums For Salt 612 Exchange Real Estatt 8t3 Coast Proprrty 816 Report Property 618 Wanlrrt Real Estat W2i Insurance 5. Vi AUTOMOTIVE :1M Nrw Cais P.V! Used Can lot K;t Auto Parts and Repair KM Trucks. Trailer? for Salt Motorcycles 6. Mt Wanted Car. Trurt r0 Auto M-st'ellnnemis 62 HMut Trailers 664 Heavy Fuipnitnt 600 Aircraft 400 Agriculture 402 livestock For Sale GUERNSEY Jersey cow. Heavy springer, iiaa. yn. 1302, miii City. MILK GOATS EM 2-5824 Scientific Horse Shoeing For early service Ph. "'Teit" K M 3-4605 7 to 0 a.m. Ic 7 p.m. SALEM Meat Co locker neef. 26c. Custom killing, cutting and wrapping Baron rJicca fres & trailer loaned. 400 Agriculture 422 Fertilizer ROTTED or Fresh Manure, by sack or cubic yd. del. Dreas lawns now. Your soil needs humus. Phillips Bros. Rt. 5. Box 660. EM 4-3081. Closed Sun. Fertilizer. Well Rotted manure We del, anywhere. EM 2-4077 CHICKEN Fertilizer Del. $10. truck load. EM 4-2089. 403 Livestock Wanted BUYER Claud Edwards, Rt. 3, Box 6!I0E. EM 4-1113. CATTLE. 4297 State. E 1. & H. Snetheil, EM 2-1345. EM 2-4380. CATTLE, horses, at your farm. x.. u. Aicuanansn, um 3-biB9. DAVID Brarily garden tractor. with attachments, f 10. cm 4-4332. 405 Pets Guaranteed Color-bred Canaries 1340 Chomeketa EM 3-4385. KEITH'S PUPPY FARM 5460 Center EM 2-7D89 PuDnies all kinds. Buv A sell Aft'noon & eves. No Sun. Calls. 1 JOHN Deere grain drill, 1 j-ora spring-ioom mi. 1 mi 1. Harvester tractor. 1 Rotary hoe, 1 10' E-Z flow fertilizer spreader, 1 Int'l. Cub tractor 8c attach, 1 5' Towner Cover Crop disk, 1 Bvberg duster with motor. 1 Ford plow & Lanty Coulters. Mrs. Pearl Gould, Ph. Salem EM 4-8984, Rt. 1, Box 76. Gervais. 450 Merchandise . BIRDS, FISH, HAMSTERS 3180 Livingston EM 2-1842 GERMAN Shepherd puppies, pure bred. EM 3-8S04. BOXER Pups. AKC reg., $30. rn. snverion TR 3-4222. FOR SALE Cocker mixed pup- 2-3450. PUPPIES TO GIVE EM 2-0750. 6 MO. Toy Terrier 15. EM 3-4883. PUPPY LAND PEKE.. Toy Fox. Toy Breeds. 410 Fruit & Farm Produce 'Try Our Bees" CHEPRIES crimson - clover. vcicn. wm. Aiarsn, 3215 s. 12111. EM 3-6030. GOOD quality eraln hay. $20 T. ai uarn, no rain. Jftl FOR SALE: Northwest Straw. berry plants. Marshall Christ, offerson EM 2-2169. FOR SALE: Clover hay or will trade for acetylene welding outfit. EM 2-2147. EASTERN Oreeon Alfalfa. Ph. days EM 46432. After 6 p.m. ALFALFA hay 1st. 2nd, Ic 3rd tuning eastern ure loa., Calif, grown Del. T or truck lots TR 3-5857 or TR 3-5S55. 412 Market Basket APPLES Delicious, Roman Beauty, New- .own, nuooara sausage bacon. Green Apple Market, 5005 Portland Rd. 414 Poultry & Rabbits LIVE FRYERS 25c LB. Valley Farm Store LEGHORN & Parmenter Pullets, ready lo lay. Valley Farm Store. EM 4-4624. We dress poultry buy rabbits Wing's 3985 State. EM 4-3018. BABY Chicksfor meat or eggi. Send (or free (older. Wilson's Hatcnery, Lyons, Ore. PH. ULrlck 9-2533. CUSTOM DRESSING Plant 5310 Center. EM 3-7360 union Jones co. 4323 Market, BABY Chicks hatched yr. round Special Red Roosters 5c ea. Valley Farm Store, EM 4-J4. STARTED WHITE Leghorn Euneis. wnsons naicnery, yons. Ore., Ph. Ulrick 8-2533. 418 Lawn & Garden USED power mower, self pow ered, Reo. $89.95. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty EM 4-6371 422 Fertilixer GOOD Manure for flowers, gar den, win aei. ,m X'Oiiiv. ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED . . . Too Late to Classify OAK wood, $15 cord. Freeman, mi. w. ucrvais. CLEAN 2 bdrm. house. Cir. oil heat. N. E. EM 2-1523. OFFICE space for rent or lease. SKAL point Siamese kittens for sajp, in jra ai., lnacpena ence, ure. SLIGHTLY used Conlon elcc. Ironcr. Verv rcas. 1197 Donna Ave. EM 3-6017 eve, after 5:30. POTATOES $1.00 and $1.50 per 100 lbs., while they last. 1' miles East, j mile North of Kcizer Sch. No sales Fri. after Sat. Ed Sproed. RDRM. hse.. close In. bus. $47.50. Ph. Aft. EM 2-5557. WRINGER washer. Rood condi tion, si?. Also laundry uio & stand. Kiti a-Hia. $20. TOP cash prices at your place, KOy UOZCl. fcM 4-3168. LOVELY roomy 1 bdrm. duplex ci. on Dann oi mhi ureeK. walk, rtist. to state Bide HaiiRc, rrfrig., laundry fac. ft garbage (urn. $60. Day EM 4-730Z, after 4:30 EM 4-0284. FOR SALE: 2 Quarter horses. one .1 yr. oia sorrei geiaing, one 8 yr. old gelding. 2325 Alameda. FM 4-0480. 20 Yr. Sawdust, $2 yd. del. EM 4-1900 424 Farm Equipment 451 Household Goods $154.50 NEW bedroom group Inc. Mr. ec mrs. aresser, iming mirror, bookcase bed, box springs, in nerspring mattress. Terms. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer SMALL gas stove $7, mohair davenport ct cnair fzu, iziu Center. NEW 5 pc. dinettes $39.50 up. jien wooary, iwa rt. aummcr USED 5 piece dinette set. $11.50 usea Mase. Man. 2u a. erty. EM 4-6371. SCHILLER upright piano or trade for tape recorder win haul. EM 4-0084. NEW solid maple bunk beds or irunaie Dens w-mauresses $79.50. Terms. IF YOU need a single Item or a complete nousenoia or new or used furniture or a ppl lancer Buy nuw on our asy terms. Woodry'i Thrifty Used Furniture 515 S. Com'l. Ph. EM 4-3319 1 block So. of Paper Mill PIANO Bargain. Completely re conditioned, new guarantee. : mo. Tallman PianoWhse., 395 S. 12th, nr. S.P. Depot. Open Mon., Fri. eves. NEW 9 x 12 rug pads $8.88. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. bummer NEW 3 piece blond bdrm. set wnn dox spring maiiref.5. $159.95. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-6371. HIGH Grade Spinet Piano. Re- sponsioie party may nave Dy assuming mo. py't contract. Tallman Piano Whse., 395 S. 12th, nr. S.P. Depot. Open Mon., Fri. eves. FABULOUS YES, a terrific selection ot new davenos, davenports, ana sec tionals and at the price you've been dreaming of sets from $139.50; 3 pc. curved foam rub ber sectionals $239.50. Terms. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer 75 SPINETS. Rental returns $389 up. Studios, bungalow piano $195. Save at Tallman Piano Whse., 395 S. 12th, nr. S.P. Depot. Open Mon., Fri. eves. COMP. house of furnishings, G. tL., eicc. range, ct irig.. eic. Only 3 mo. old. 2145 Univer sity St. NEW 9 x 12 Linoleums $4.98. Glen woodry, ib05 n. bummer NEW Duncan Phyfe dining room set. yy.Du. useu mase. man, 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-6371. 4000 W. Heater $33.50; Spark oil circulator $5U.&u; la nearly new Norge circulator $59.50. others from $10, Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. NEW unfinished 5 drawer chests $6.95 and up. Hammett s New and Used Furniture. 1580 N. Pac. Hwy., Woodburn. Ph. 2-6296. USED davenport sets $25. Glen wooary, iwio in. bummer. Alaple Liv. Room Furn. EM 4-4161 NEW Biltwell Roto-Rockers $39.50. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. SELL: Table, 4 chairs, baby basket, rocker, reas. EM4-7812. springs and inncrsDrine mat tress sets $68.88; Foam rub ber (Firestone sets 599.50: other sets from $46.66. Glen woodry, 1605 N. Summer. G. E. Cleaner $7.50. Dir. 1321 N. Capitol. EM 3-7067. $15 PER MONTH buys complete nousenoia oi iurnuure ana ap pliances. You're best bet is Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer EUREKA Cleaner $19.95 up. Dir. ijj x. apuoi, am i-iwi'. HOOVER Cleaner, $12.50. Dir. 13Z1 N. Capitol, EM 3-7067. UNFINISHED furniture. H. L. Stiff Furniture. 175 N. High BE THRIFTY Buy used furn iture i appliances. The THRIFTY WAY on Easy terms ai WOODRY'S THRIFTY USED FURN. 515 S. Com'l. Ph. EM 4-3319 L. & H. range $40; chrome din ette gooa cona. jsm 4-aeai 452 Appliances AUTOMATIC Mavtae washer. c.c. cona ii ion, j-yab aiier p.m. EASY spin dryer, washer, excel. conn. .ni z sjij. USED refrieerators. 119.25 & uo. a i iauc. rtpp.. urn iiaie bi. GUARANTEED Reconditioned automatic wash ers, dryers, ranges & refngs $31.30 St up. YEATEU APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa St. KIRBY Cleaner $19.95 Guar. Dir. 1321 N. Capitol. EM 3-7067 ELECTROLUX $19 95 Guar. Dir. 1321 N. Capitol, EM 3-7007. KENMORE Auto. Washer with suds saver. 514 Memo Dr. F R IG IDA! RE s 1 ov e & refrig. good cond. rcas. EM 3-7703. GOOD used Frigidaire appl, Stove, refrig., auto, washer. ww ucrin Ave. REPOSSESSED 20 cu. ft. Un- right freezer, like new. Take over pavmts.. $20 50 per mo. Master Service Stations, 365 N. Com 1. Want A4 Bring About Return of Anothrt Money laa. Librtal V. , LOSr-B.tiioW I nmlrd for Imhm la. A Uassified Ad pticcd in t Bit tic Creek newspaper by Raymond Dark after tie lose hit billfold with $700 in it he'd laved for his income tax paid off (or Mrs. Mary E. Mines in Mead. Someone phoned Gark anonymously about two chit dren who had suddenly be cane affluent ith spending money. Police found the chil drenand $100.37 of the $210 which Mrs. Hint had lost in a store! PVU4. IHt ml II k fWat HtttW iffklkw mvmpm Om M taturlami nmk tMrr t wiifC. Unit tui. tt in. xv if. ti, ru. 450 MerchanilJse 490 Fuel OREGON FUEL CO. Dry and Green wood and iavf dust. S & H GREEN STAMPS EM 3-5533 DRV OLD GROWTH FIR $13 cord. EM 3-9598. WKST SALEM FUEL Dry green wood Tube or pusnout aawduat 1525 Edgewater Ph. EM 2-4031, DRY 16" FIR WOOD EM 4-3081 CAPITOL FUEL CO. TRY OUR CHIP MIX Dry oak, ash St maple wood. Choice slab ic block wooc mixed, dry or green. Dry mil wood. 1420 Broadway Ph. EM 3-772; WANTED: Several tt-wsanc cords of bark-free wooo, fir oi hemlock. Ph. EM 3-7721; nishti EM 4-5633. 450 Merchandise 458 Musical Instruments COMPLETE display steel kitch en Dase camneis $.uo. inci. 66" deluxe double sink with dralnboards, corner spinner, assorted base cabinets to fit "L" shaped kitchen, plus bar and formica tops, Judson's, 279 N. Com'i. KROEGER grand piano, S foot. LESTER Betsy Ross spinet. manogany timsn. uniy vfs. ZOBEL'S Ph. EM 4-8252 498 N. Church BALDWIN Spinet. Va Price, EZ terms, laumans, jvd q. nm, nr. S.P. Depot. ACCORDION or Piano Lessons. Free use of accordion. EM 2-3255. Duane Hunsaker, 462 Wanted Hshld Goods WE NEED FURNITURE Valley Furn. Co. EM 2-7472 CASH FOR FURNITURE Valley Furn. Co. Ph. EM 2-747? MISC. furniture wanted. Cour teous service. Ph EM 3-6038. HONEST, fair, cash price paid for good, clean, used furniture and appliances. EM 3-5110. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer 464 Sports Equipment 16 FT. Day-Cruiser, twin '56. 15 n.p. outooara motor, auai con trols, lots of extras. Used I season. 410 E. Judson St. A-l utility & camping trailer. bee xo appreciate. tAi z-wi after 6 p.m. WE can save you money better ooats, oeuer irauers, excel lent service. SALEM BOAT HOUSE 100 Chemeketa EM. 3-0303 450 Merchandise 470 Building Materials "IT'S" HERE SOMEWHERE! OODLES OF PLYWOOD. 4x8 sheets or cut to your size FREE! 1 Hundreds U 4 x 8 sanded fir plywood only $3.99 sheet 1 1 LOTS AND LOTS or tc V pes. SALE Sc. ft. and 10c. ft. (Cover that floor or wall at real savings!) NEW LOAD PINE PANELING 12',ac. ft. Pine shelving ic. Insulation SL20 sack, WHITE PAINT fl.99 gal. (Reg. $2.50) BIRCH PLYWOOD V 4x8 shop ONLY 18c ft! I Cleanup odd sizes 15c, '.i 20c, 3, 27c! I Vk 3x6 Mahogany A; Birch ply SI. 89 and S3.15 sheet SEE THEM1 1 COME IN FOLKS AND VISIT items too numerous to men tion OPEN ALL DAY SAT URDAY for your convenience! REMODELING? No down pay ment, 36 mos. on approved credit at PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER YARD 3545 Portland Road EM 4-4433 ALL WINDOWS NEW Odds Be Ends 25 pet. to 60 pet. discounts at all times. SASH L DOOR MILLWORK OF DISTINCTION 1185 Lancaster Salem, Ore. EM 4-8453 R. L. Elf strom Co. 260 S Liberty. VINYL floor tile. 10c each.. INLAID linoleum S1.79 per sq yd. R. L. Elfstrom Co 260 S Liberty. 480 For Sale Miscellaneous OFFICE desk $49.50; Safe rttw). oien woodry, 1605 ci. Summer. REDUCED silverware "Maderia by Towle $20 per setting. EM FOR SALE: or trade snappy looking 8' speed boat, 98-10 horse power outboard motor and insurance included. EM 4-0084. HERE'S PROOF THAT SALEM BOAT HOUSE SELLS FOR LESS THE WORLD'S best buy In a glass boat. 15" long, 70" wide. .10" deep. A terrific performer for skiing, fishing, or "over the bar" fishing. Try It to day on the river. A demon strator ready any hour. 495.00 BUCKS SALEM BOAT HOUSE 100 Chemeketa St. EM 3-9303 DOORS, window sash, dresser. roll-away bed. fur coat size 10. reingeraior, ouo-merm neater. EM 4-9705. 466 Bicycles BOY'S 26' bicycle. $25. G. E. naury. m. z. uox am bcnciton Salem, Hiway. 470 Building Materials flEtlil CAMP ADAIR IRONING. Will do ruffled cur tains, dollies. EM 39310. 2 BDRM. house. South, nr. Sen ior. Jr. & graue acni. i.M 4-9408 or EM 3-tSRB7. BLUEBERRY plants, Wc to $' M nr will trade tor call. EM 4-745L LAUNDRY tubs, new table lamp. new 42 to cnev. grill. EM 4-7457. FURN. 1 bdrm., prtv. bath, gr. 7.1 S. ZlSt. EM 3-S3NJ. FURN. Courts knotty pine In terior, STiau & cozy. s. plus mil. 2455Trade.M4-7t721 KLEENEX. 400 24c, box limit 4". Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. PAINTreR $: 95 gal T$n. Woodry, 1603 N. Summer, rVg. !6S5 l.inoruB5.- It 98. Woodry, Ifito N. Summer. REG. !8 95 Lamps 7 i9. Glen Woodry. tW3J(. Summer. Have Party Who Needs At Once: A Lite built home of four bed rooms, family room A ultlltv on first floor. Of course thev like a good neighborhood, nice setting and a little elbow room. Convenient to school ttni is a must. They would trade their two-year-old Uirre bedroom home, clear, value $13 5O0PO. add a little rash and asume or obtain a 50rr norteape for tie difference, i Realtor! Statesman-Journal, Box M5 I-rU.MR barbrf " htnfofMre or rent. Box W;, Statrcmn- J m;i ml. rVRN 3 or" 3 Rednivhsewlth nr p.rt, girtim space & pa tK. EM 2-S(;3 after 3. L'NFl'RN. 1 bdrm. Ar-L Grr-und Vr , attch er . stove A- re (r f furnishfd. EM 1-1771. iYOVNG dachihund, $15. PARTS, repairs Ar service on all make of sewing machines. Good selection of used ma chines. Meier j Frank's-Salem White Sewing Center Second Floor. 30' ' KENMORE efec. stove, prnoticallv new. J125. GE TV 21" $1)5. EM 2-5TO7. APPLICANCES are cheaper at Glen Woodry's. 1605 N. Summer. 454 Sewing Machines SINGER DRESSMAKER Sewing machine, beautiful Queen Anne Cabinet. Sold new for i:R4 50. NOW $189 50 AND a FREE $79.95. Singer Vacuum. 1 onlv. SIM'.KR SEWING CKNTER 1.10 NCnm'L EM 3-.TS1J LIKE NEW CABINET-ELEC Complctt vilh butlonholer. Onlv SINGER EWINO CENTER. 130 N. Com'l. EM CABINET EI.EC. I995 S1NGKH SKW1NU CKNTKR 1M N. Com'l. EM 3-3512 All Materials For Sale At Our Salem Yd. Or At Camp Site NO. 1 USED DRY LUMBER Sheathing Sidinjr Flooring ZM zxe zxiu iKIZ. Manv S2C5 Brldue Tlmhprs S45-J55 per M 1 thousand Windows & Frames Complete .... $7.50 ea. 500 Doors & Frames complete $7.50 ea. 30M Plasterboard Pipes Fittings Valves Elec. Wiring Hex Boxes Conduit Light Fixtures USED' WASH BASINS E. S. RITTER & CO 6740 Pnrlland Rd. 4 ml. North tn saiem. i mi. Norm ot Totem Pole Open all riav Saturday Salem EM A-83U Corvalll PLaza 2-2672. 456 T.V. & Radio TV CONSOLE TRADE-IN SPFCIAIJi AU Reconditioned All Guaranteed Sale Orlflnally Pnce Motorola .t2!" 95 S 9 95 Admiral WS $12J 5 RCA Victor . $.Ut.M $H9 AIo 17" Hoffm.m table model K-v Trrn All at tractive seta. Miller Depart ment Store. ZV WFSTINC.nOUSF, TrT, Console model. At. ILW.M. Xrd Mrtf. Mart. 270 S. Lib erty. EM 4 IU7K 21" CONSOLE TV $Si SO. Glen Woodry. IH03 N.Summer. 31 INCH. FmfMon console T 7. Valley Turn. Co., 219 N ELEC. heaters-wau-hasebnani. portable. Reduced prices. 52 jcat. eiec. wir, ntr, iu suar., ss. 12-2 wire. 4 cents ft. in ru. J tc. bath let. comp., $120. Built - tn oven, plus 4 bur. unit. $195. Out let boxes, 25 cents. 14-2 wire. o cenis u. in ris, j Ratv cutter, LI cents tt. 42" hood, iOfl !)5. 21 X 32 kitchen link comp. $43 35 Apex tfleclrlc A- f'Himmng, mo u roadway, EM NEW LUMBER Speclaltrtnc tn complete house jods, oenvcrra m saiem area, alun truck or unit loads. Ex cellent quality, utility grade, Specified lenelh 2ft. to 2x12. 8 to 34 lengths. $50 M. Includ- tne shlplaD. economy trade specified leneth. 2 lo 2x12 8 lo 34 It. irngtn 25 M. aNn shlnlap 2x4 R-L $20 $15 $00 $50. delivered unit toads. TKD MH.I.KR LKO MVLI.KR Ph. ft 4-P523 REAL NICE Thayer babv buff. (?y ?; ni-cnair .3u; Dam inette $6.fl5, baby car seat $2.50. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. aummer. Z FORMA LS, size 12, Chicago roiier snaies ec case, gin s sue PAINT $1.89 gal. PAINT oien woodry, 1605 N. Summer. PLYWOOD piano boxes. $1 Tail- man s, ja :o. iam. USED windows 36" x 50" $2 used doors 5.00. Glen Woodry, iDus h. summer. DELTA 14" band saw stand A: motor iiKc new. u.e. o sh washer. Eve. Sc Sun. EM 2- 1007, days EM 2-3663. FOR SALE: Electric computer gaauunu pumps: i ixiioarco; 2 - Bowser: 2 - Wavne: 2 - Martin-Schwartr. Prices range from $60 to SI 50. a 30 enl. oil Hi boy's Sc other misc. SS cauiDment. (535 S. 15th St. EM 4-4458 1952 TIME-MASTER Dictaphone oc iimc Piaster iranscrioinc; iiidLume. uscti very mile. $500. EM 4-8214. DRY WOOD, slab wood. , $ cord. Oak wood 16" length $1B cord. Jum iJ-aaau. 5UU Bus. & Finance 510 Money to toon LOANS To Clean Up Bills Get cash here to pay otf left over bins, or tor any otnei good purpose. You'll like oui prompt service. 1-TRIP SERVICE -Phone flnl then come in Dy appoint mem for loan. Beneficial tikes ' u say "Yes!" to loan request Phone or come in. LOAN'S UP TO $1500 BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO. (PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Phone EM 2-2464 105 S. HIGH Home owned Home operated Loans to consolidate bills -New Purchases Personal Needs. See us at 19B0 Fairgrounds Rd. Salem, Ore. Tree Parking lot Ph. EM 2-7032. RAWLINS Real Estate Co. Mortgage - Loans b'i DCt. Interest 605 Chemeketa Ph. EM 4-6875. CASH FOR MORTGAGES AND contracts. Private money to loan. B. M. Mason or W. B. Mtnier, Rtls. 341 Chemeketa. COLONIAL Investment Co. Real property Loans, Contracts Pur chased. 687 Court. EM 4-2283, $25 to $2500 PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS 118 S. Liberty Ph. EM 4-2203 LOANS $50.00 to $1,500.00 Buy What You Need Consolidate your bills. Finance through WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY 182 S Church St. EM 1-1417 PRIVATE money to loan. t interest. Ph. em 2-0794. 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted COMMERCIAL Placement Agency Since 1948 Specialists to Office Placements 494 State St. 1411 Ore. Eldf.) Phone EM 4-3351 APPLICATIONS are now betnf taken for Statesman bicycle, routes. Several routes will b open. Applicants must be ac companied by their parent! or have thetr written permis sion. Apply at the Circulation Department ot the Statesman-Journal. MRS. EDNA MONROE WISHES to announce the open ing of the MONROE EMPLOY MENT OFFICE. We cater to nil kinds of employment. Men & Women. Hiring & Employ ing, hotel, reataurant, stenog raphers, bookkeeping, garden ing, mechanics & domestic help. Please call us at EM 4-7II32. CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Specialists in office personnel. Bldg. adj. Presbyterian Church 354 N. Winter EM 2-0638 Your future Is our job. 606 Help Wonted, Lody GETTING poor gas mileage? uci us nine your motor, jg nition. Carburetion specialists. 20 yrs. exp. Riverside Union Station. 1091 Edgewater. EM 4-0955. MIDDLE aged widow, house work in exchange for good home. 470 S. Hlh. TYPEWRITERS adding ma- chines, cash registers, dupli cators desks, chairs, files, sup plies. Roen's, 455 Court. EM PIT RUN GRAVEL EM 4-2463 CEUaK tence oost goad quality i or unircaica. fates Ph EM 4-3081. TOP Soil St fill dirt, order early 9 advr . en ji-odsj anytime. USED FLOOR FURNACE, $35 EM 4-2934 0x12 Linoleum rugs 3.95 Valley Furn. Co., 219 ti. Com'l. 481 For Rent Miscellaneous Hospital Bed With Mattress Valley rurnttur Co. 319 N, Com'l. Hospital bed with mattress United Rent All's. 2565 Slate St. RENT rr lea.e lEe. warehouse space cement floor, brick bids, . downtown. !nq. H. L. stiff Furn. EM 3-9US. 483 Wanted Miscellaneous Old Cars Bounht for Junk Also Scrap Iron VAUS AUTO. WRKS. 4fW5 SILVERTON RD. IV East o( Lancaster Ph. EM 4-0008 WANTED several thoutand eordi oi woom. an species. Ph. 3-T7J1 3-7721 Nights EM 4-5633. CASH for Used Guns, and old coins, au ivpes. cascade Merc, . 1?30 Broadway. 484 Miscellaneou DENTAL PLATE REPAIR , J-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASF.S DR HARRY SF.Ntl FR, DentUt Adotph Bid. SUte St Com'l St SALJI PH. EM 486 Machinery A Tools VSEO lumber. 2x6. 2. 2tl2. bruise timber, trusjes. 2" tonjrue and jtroove. Reason ably priced or vfial dn ou h.neJo trade? EM 4fi7l,' WK"NS1AIJu plastic wairtue. Tormica tounter tops. Fir A Birch cabinets us rru a fre ntlmate en vur re- rLOW for Super A. 150. Etc. cw!. Ph. Silverton TR 3-4793, 24" DELTA Jtg saw. iff hC ACEU'LENE Welder, exe. cond cheap. EM 3-7IM7 eves. SKVFRAL used Wflrtrri See at . dirwiri rn. tJrl 490 Fuel DRY 16M OAK WOOD F. VM-43M SHAVINGS: 1kOveR PH. EM 26171 HIGHWAY FTTCL COT RELIABLE babysitter our home ao. oaiema aa. vk. EM 4-6Q31 WANTED: Experienced accounts receivaDie DookKecper. Good, salary and employee benefits. Write to Box 583, Statesman-Journal. DENTAL NURSE GRADUATE of The Dental Nurses Training School of San Francisco wanted for Salem office. Please give dale of graduation from above named school in replv to Box Ml, Statesman-Journal. RELIABLE older lady to care motherless home. 5 da. wk.t call after 5. EM 4-1897, EXP. waitress, apply after 11 a.m. at Nopp's Golden Pheasant. 248 N. Liberty. IF YOU LIKE nice children. It. ii.-c. wk. wm live in. jsm 2-7075 after 5:30. Temp, or perm., some wages. 610 Soles Help Wonted MAN With Car For Outside aaies wor. Eieclrolux Corp., 1073 Broadway. WANTED experienced real es- hub salesman, nawitni neal Estate, 605 Chemeketa. EM' 4-6875. WOMAN WANTED: who Is ambitious, energetic, has re snurcefulncjs & Initiative, to train for Chlldcraft. Must like children, enjoy working with people, have good, personality, be refined, well groomed Ik have use of car. Must be In terested in career that hat earning potential above $4,000 a year. Earn while training, $150 first mo., $200 second mo $250 third mo. Two part ttm position! open. Best references required. Do not apply unless available immd. Mrs. Anhoury will conduct Interviews Wed. Feb. 27th at 10 A.M. A II 1 A.M. 1665 Olive St.. Salem. EXPERIENCED" Sftle'sman or woman. Ramsey Real Estate. 427 Ferry. EM 4 3381. 612 Work Wonted Men SMALL carpenter Jobt, good work reai. EM 4-1424. INTERIOR PAINTING REAS. CHAS. McLEAN EM 3-3933 SCHARFT BROTHERS Installation Repair Sewers, Septic Tanks. Dram Field. Power Ditching. Backfill. EM CUSTOM work wanted with Roto tiller. $4 50 per nr. F.M 3 6507 days. EM -499 vu LHIHT crawler dorer. leveling" grading. EM 1-7041 U Kurth. WANTED W O R K: Pruning; Berrv wrapping h. removal. tM3S03 1 r r SHFrr'hOCK, machine taped, expertly brocsded. E.M 3-B34T, UAitt is C fi. Sit iiAWttUI WUOU tUi 1-4444 ' fMUfl UcluiM iMiL 0